Pressure Relief Valve Critical Inspection PDF

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The key takeaways are that critical inspection is important for quality and economic decisions in pressure relief valve repair and maintenance. Critical inspection evaluates parts for wear, damage, dimensions and other factors.

Stem or spindle concentricity, seat integrity, guide and holder alignment, and springs are identified as critical parts requiring special attention during inspection.

Factors like wear, damage, dimensions, corrosion, and cost and time of refurbishing versus replacing determine whether parts can be refurbished or need to be replaced.

Pressure Relief Valve Critical Inspection


Critical Inspection is the Key to the Repair Process. All decisions affecting the Quality and
Economics of Pressure Relief Valve (PRV) Repair are based on the Results of Critical
Inspection. The purpose of a PRV is to protect the public from the Catastrophic Failure of a
Pressurized System. Periodic Preventive Maintenance is the best method of ensuring proper
operation of a PRV. Therefore, it is imperative that the PRV function properly. Quality Decisions
regarding the acceptance or rejection of PRV Parts are determined on the basis of the Results of
Critical Inspection. Similarly, the decision to use or replace a Critical PRV Part is an Economic
Decision based on the results of Critical Inspection. If multiple parts in a PRV require extensive
machining, welding or replacement, at some point it becomes more economical to replace the
entire PRV. Sometimes the decision is an issue of down time for the Operating System be
protected by the PRV. The economic issue is not the cost of the part, but the amount time
required to machine the part as opposed to simply replacing it with a new part. National Board
Inspection Code, Part 3, Sec. S7.5, a), defines Critical Parts, “Critical parts are those that may affect
the valve flow passage, capacity, function, or pressure-retaining integrity.”

The Inspector who performs PRV Critical Inspection needs to be Familiar with PRV Inspection
Criteria and Skilled in the Use of Inspection Tools. The Inspector needs access to the Latest
Applicable PRV Maintenance Manuals, Spring Charts and Specifications. Many PRV Manufacturers
have PRV Maintenance Manuals available on their Websites. The Inspector must have
Dimensional Measurement & Test Equipment (M&TE) calibrated traceable to a Nationally
Recognized Standard (typically NIST). Typical Critical Inspection Tools include Dial or Digital
Calipers, Depth Micrometers, Dial Test Indicator and Combination Square. Often a Measuring
Magnifier and Surface Finish Comparator are necessary.

Typical PRV Critical Inspection methods include Visual, Micrometer and Surface Finish
Comparison. All three methods have some degree of subjectivity. Visual Inspection is an accepted
method of evaluating PRV Parts based on Hands-On Experience. Dimensional Inspection is a
more exact, but still subjective evaluation method. PRV Dimensions, by necessity, have tolerances
involved. Therefore, there is some subjectivity in the practice. Again, experience is helpful. For
instance, an experienced Inspector may know that for a given PRV Model Number, even though
the Manufacturer’s PRV Disc Inside Step has a 0.005” Minimum, the PRV has much better
performance with 0.010” or more on the Disc Inside Step. Surface Finish Comparison is also
acceptable method of PRV Inspection. Typical PRV Parts (Guide, Disc Holder, Stem/Spindle) have
a Shaped/Turned Machined finished. The PRV Seats (Disc & Nozzle) have a Lapped Finish. These
finishes need to be evaluated during Critical Inspection. The Results of Critical Inspection should
be documented on the PRV Traveler required by NBIC.


The following PRV Critical Parts require special attention during Critical Inspection.

Stem or Spindle Concentricity:

Concentricity refers to the relationship of outside diameters to a theoretical centerline. A more

commonly used term is "Run Out." Stem or Spindle Concentricity is important because it affects
PRV Alignment. Alignment is critical to PRV Performance. A bent stem or spindle can result in
misalignment. Misalignment may cause a PRV to malfunction. This could result in the PRV failing
to meet one or more ASME Requirements. For example, Misalignment may cause Seat Leakage,
Inconsistent Operation or incorrect PRV Set Pressure.

A bent spindle induces lateral binding that may also result Increased Simmer, Long Blowdown or
Mechanical Hang-Up.

Seating Surfaces

PRV Nozzles require Inspection to determine the Bore Diameter. An undersized Bore will not flow
the required Capacity. In addition, the Nozzle Steps must be checked to ensure proper action
when the PRV is required to lift. If the Outside Steps is too low, this may induce Simmer resulting
in higher Set Pressure. Likewise, the PRV Disc must be inspected to determine that it meets
minimum thickness requirements. The Inside and Outside Diameters of the Disc and Nozzle are
important for preventing excess simmer and proper operation. The Seating Surfaces are examined
for damage or wear. Steam Cuts or Grit Blasting will cause leakage. Both Seating Surfaces must be
reworked to restore the proper finish. The condition of the Seating Surfaces affects the economics
of PRV repair. A decision must be made by weighing the time required to machine and lap versus
the cost of a replacement part. The Inspector must determine the proper disposition of the Disc &
Nozzle, Lap (no serious damage), Machine & Lap (seriously damaged, but repairable) or Scrap
(replacement required).
Guide & Holder

The Primary Function of the Guide & Disc Holder is to provide PRV Alignment. The Guide
provides the Fixed Portion of Guidance System and the Disc Holder provides the Movable
Portion. ASME Code requires that these Critical Parts be made of Corrosion Resistant
Material. The Adjacent Sliding Surfaces, the Inside Diameter (ID) of the Guide and the Outside
Diameter (O.D.) of the Disc Holder keep the Disc aligned with the Nozzle to provide PRV Set
Tightness and Consistent Operation. As mentioned above regarding Stem/Spindle Runout, the
Guide and Holder provide Alignment which affects PRV Performance. Seat Integrity, Set Pressure,
Blowdown, and Consistent Operation are all adversely affected by excessive Guide and Disc
Holder Clearance. During Critical Inspection, the Adjacent Sliding Surfaces must be checked for
wear or galling. Wear indicates Piping Stress or System Vibration while Galling indicates
Chatter. Both conditions indicate Replacement Parts are needed. Wear or galling of the Guide and
Disc Holder indicate an Operating System problem that requires Troubleshooting.

Spring (The HEART of the PRV)

Critical Inspection of the PRV Spring is necessary for several reasons. The Spring range is
important because a Spring that is too high range will inhibit lift thereby preventing the PRV from
flowing its rated capacity. This could result in a catastrophic overpressure. On the other hand, a
low range spring can be dangerous as well. If the spring is too weak, it may be compressed solid
during an overpressure event. ASME Code requires the spring never be compressed or deflected
beyond 80% of solid height. This 20% safety margin allows the spring to absorb energy without
being damaged. If the Spring Coils are compressed to solid height, there is no more room for
storing energy. That excess energy has to go somewhere, so other parts take the impact. Spindles
can be broken when a spring is compressed solid.

Other spring issues that require inspection include, Pitting due to Corrosion (Springs are required
to be made of Corrosion Resistant Material or have a Corrosion Resistant Coating), Uneven Coil
Spacing, Squareness, Free Height and Footprint. Spring Identification is addressed specifically by
ASME and NBIC. The Spring range is determined by the PRV Manufacturer and indicated by the
Spring Number.

Flanges, Threads & Landings

PRV Flanges must be inspected for corrosion that may adversely affect the sealing of Inlet and
Outlet Connection Gaskets. PRV Flanges must meet the ASME Specifications. Inspection criteria
includes Minimum Thickness. If flanges are under the minimum, the “VR” cannot be applied. PRV
Threads are critical. The Compression Screw should be inspected for wear or galling as it is
necessary for adjusting the Set Pressure. Adjusting Ring threads are important for Simmer, Lift
and Blowdown. Similarly, Adjusting Ring Pin threads are important for retaining the correct Ring
Settings. PRV Landings keep mating surfaces flush, thereby maintaining alignment of the moving
parts. Damage to Landing Surfaces may result in misalignment.

Based on the Results of Critical Inspection, Quality Decisions are made. Are the parts
serviceable? Can the Parts be refurbished? Likewise, Economic Decisions are made. Is
reconditioning cost effective? Is there time to recondition parts? Are Replacement Parts
available? If so, what is the Price and Delivery? Critical Inspection is the Key to the Repair Process.

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