UAF WTC7 Draft Report 09-03-2019
UAF WTC7 Draft Report 09-03-2019
UAF WTC7 Draft Report 09-03-2019
J. Leroy Hulsey, Ph.D., P.E., S.E.,
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Prepared for:
September 2019
A Structural Reevaluation of the Collapse of World Trade Center 7
J. Leroy Hulsey, Ph.D., P.E., S.E.,
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Zhili Quan, Ph.D., Bridge Engineer
South Carolina Department of Transportation
Feng Xiao, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Nanjing University of Science and Technology
Department of Civil Engineering
This report presents the findings and conclusions of a four-year study of the collapse of
World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC 7) — a 47-story building that suffered a total collapse at
5:20 PM on September 11, 2001, following the horrible events of that morning.
The objective of the study was threefold: (1) Examine the structural response of WTC 7
to fire loads that may have occurred on September 11, 2001; (2) Rule out scenarios that could not
have caused the observed collapse; and (3) Identify types of failures and their locations that may
have caused the total collapse to occur as observed.
The UAF research team utilized three approaches for examining the structural response
of WTC 7 to the conditions that may have occurred on September 11, 2001. First, we simulated
the local structural response to fire loading that may have occurred below Floor 13, where most
of the fires in WTC 7 are reported to have occurred. Second, we supplemented our own
simulation by examining the collapse initiation hypothesis developed by the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST). Third, we simulated a number of scenarios within the overall
structural system in order to determine what types of local failures and their locations may have
caused the total collapse to occur as observed.
The principal conclusion of our study is that fire did not cause the collapse of WTC 7 on
9/11, contrary to the conclusions of NIST and private engineering firms that studied the collapse.
The secondary conclusion of our study is that the collapse of WTC 7 was a global failure
involving the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building.
All input data, results data, and simulations that were used or generated during this study
are available at
We would like to thank Dr. Larry Hinzman, Vice Chancellor for Research, University of
Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), for his encouragement and support and Marmian Grimes, Senior Public
Information Officer, for her efforts to bring our research findings to the public.
We would also like to thank the College of Engineering and Mines, the Department of
Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), and the Institute of Northern Engineering (INE) at
the University of Alaska Fairbanks. In particular, we would like to thank the school for providing
the graduate student support that was instrumental in conducting this research.
We would also like to thank the personnel at INE for their help and encouragement. We
especially want to thank Sandra Boatwright (Proposals and Publications Manager); Kathy
Peterson (Grant Manager); Joan Welc-LePain (Proposal Coordinator); Joel Bailey (Research
Professional) for his IT support; and Melanie Rohr (Web Designer) for her posting the work on
the INE website.
In addition to the university and its personnel, we would like to thank Architects &
Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth) for providing the funding to conduct this research. We
also want to thank John Thiel for approaching Dr. Hulsey to conduct this research as well as the
independent, external reviewers who will review this report during the forthcoming public
comment period.
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................................ ii
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................ v
LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................................... xi
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................ 1
CHAPTER 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 8
1.1 Background ......................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Objective ........................................................................................................................... 13
1.3 Literature Review and Interpretation of Drawings ........................................................... 13
1.4 Previous Studies of WTC 7’s Collapse............................................................................. 16
1.4.1 Federal Emergency Management Agency, May 2002 ........................................... 16
1.4.2 National Institute of Standards and Technology, November 2008 ........................ 17
1.4.3 Arup and Nordenson, April 2010 ........................................................................... 20
1.4.4 Weidlinger, October 2010 ...................................................................................... 21
1.5 The UAF Team’s Approach to Examining the Structural Response of WTC 7 ............... 21
1.5.1 Approach 1: Structural Response to Fire Loading ................................................. 21
1.5.2 Approach 2: Evaluation of NIST’s Collapse Initiation Hypothesis ....................... 22
1.5.3 Approach 3: Simulating the Collapse of WTC 7 ................................................... 22
CHAPTER 2.0 STRUCTURAL RESPONSE TO FIRE LOADING ........................................... 23
2.1 Process Overview.............................................................................................................. 23
2.1.1 Software Tools and Uses ........................................................................................ 23
2.1.2 General Outline of the Study.................................................................................. 23
2.1.3 Background Studies ............................................................................................... 25
2.2 SolidWorks Modeling ....................................................................................................... 31
2.3 Column 79 Buckling Analysis .......................................................................................... 36
2.4 SAP2000 Modeling........................................................................................................... 38
2.5 ABAQUS Modeling.......................................................................................................... 48
2.5.1 Floors 12 and 13 ABAQUS Model ........................................................................ 49
2.5.2 Structural Steel Connections Using ABAQUS ...................................................... 51
2.6 WTC 7 Structural Response to Fire Loading .................................................................... 62
2.6.1 SAP2000 Thermal Deformation Analysis ............................................................. 63
2.6.2 ABAQUS Analysis ................................................................................................ 67
2.7 Summary and Conclusion ................................................................................................. 72
3.1 Methodology and Modeling Assumptions ........................................................................ 74
3.1.1 NIST’s Modeling Assumptions Used by UAF Team ............................................ 74
3.2 Evaluation and Discussion of NIST’s Collapse Initiation Hypothesis ............................. 76
3.2.1 Girder A2001 Trapped by Side Plate ..................................................................... 76
3.2.2 Girder A2001 Web Stiffeners Prevent Flange Failure and Girder Walk-off ......... 79
3.2.3 Lateral Support Beams Prevent Beam Buckling.................................................... 82
3.3 Evaluation of the Arup and Nordenson Collapse Initiation Hypothesis ........................... 86
3.3.1 Discussion of Arup and Nordenson’s Analysis ..................................................... 86
3.4 Evaluation of the Weidlinger Collapse Initiation Hypothesis .......................................... 89
3.4.1 Discussion of Weidlinger’s Collapse Initiation Hypothesis .................................. 90
CHAPTER 4.0 SIMULATING THE COLLAPSE OF WTC 7 ................................................... 91
4.1 Key Features of the Collapse ............................................................................................ 91
4.1.1 Discussion of NIST’s Progressive Collapse Simulation ........................................ 91
4.2 The UAF Research Team’s Approach .............................................................................. 93
4.2.1 Hypothetical Failure Mechanisms for the East Penthouse Collapse...................... 93
4.2.2 Hypothetical Failure Mechanisms for West Penthouse and North Face Roofline
Collapse .................................................................................................................. 93
4.3 Results of the East Penthouse Collapse Analyses............................................................. 94
4.4 Results from Analysis of NIST’s Horizontal Core Column Failure Scenario .................. 98
4.5 Results of Simultaneous Core Column Failure Analysis ................................................ 103
4.6 Results of Core Column/Exterior Column Failure Analysis .......................................... 106
4.7 Summary and Conclusion ............................................................................................... 111
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................... 113
Figure 1.1 A three-dimensional depiction of the World Center complex (FEMA, 2002). ..............8
Figure 1.2 A plan view of the World Trade Center complex (FEMA, 2002)..................................9
Figure 1.3 WTC 7 seen from the north on September 11, 2001 (NYPD). ......................................9
Figure 1.4 WTC 7 tenants on September 11, 2001 (FEMA, 2002). ..............................................10
Figure 1.6 WTC 7 was in free fall for approximately 2.25 seconds over a distance of
approximately 8 stories or 32.0 meters (NIST, 2008, NCSTAR 1A).........................12
Figure 1.9 WTC 7 steel frame building geometry prior to its collapse (FEMA, 2002).................14
Figure 1.10 Whole framing plan view of Floors 12 and 13. ..........................................................15
Figure 1.12 Part of the drawing for Column 79 of Floor 13. .........................................................16
Figure 1.14 Magnified portion of the northeast corner at Floor 13. ..............................................18
Figure 2.2 Approach used to model buckled beams in LS-DYNA model (NIST, 2008,
NCSTAR 1-9, Vol. 2). ................................................................................................27
Figure 2.3 Shear connection damage; LS-DYNA model (NIST, 2008, NCSTAR 1-9, Vol.
2). ................................................................................................................................28
Figure 2.4 Area of floor where connection failure was modeled by NIST....................................29
Figure 2.6 Concrete with voids for welded wire fabric as reinforcement. ....................................32
Figure 2.10 Equivalent floor slab and unassembled reinforced concrete slab of WTC 7. ............34
Figure 2.11 Equivalent floor slab and assembled reinforced concrete slab of WTC 7. ................34
Figure 2.13 Small section of floor slab supported by a girder without insulation. ........................35
Figure 2.14 Small section of floor slab supported by a girder with insulation. .............................36
Figure 2.17 Load capacity of Column 79 versus effective length at different temperatures. ........38
Figure 2.19 SAP2000 model for Floors 22 to 24 with bracing and released joints. ......................39
Figure 2.23 Column number layout of Floor 13 (NIST, 2008, NCSTAR 1A). .............................42
Figure 2.25 Small section of typical floor slab of WTC 7 with finer meshing..............................45
Figure 2.26 An example of the mesh used to study convergence performance for a WTC 7
floor slab. ....................................................................................................................46
Figure 2.28 Plan View: Model of floor slabs in strong direction (parallel to flutes). ....................47
Figure 2.29. Plan View: Model of floor slabs in weak direction (perpendicular to flutes). ..........48
Figure 2.33 Three beam decks with different numbers of links. ...................................................50
Figure 2.34 The error between ABAQUS and hand calculation for three models. .......................51
Figure 2.35 Modeling process for a beam to girder shear connector, “STC.” ...............................52
Figure 2.42 Seated top plate connection sample ABAQUS model. ..............................................57
Figure 2.43 Seated top clip connection to column ABAQUS model. ...........................................57
Figure 2.44 Seated web clip connection to interior girder ABAQUS model. ...............................58
Figure 2.45 Seated moment connection of girders to exterior columns ABAQUS model. ...........58
Figure 2.49 Seated top plate connection (STP): a. moment-rotation, b. shear-displacement. .......60
Figure 2.50 Seated top clip connection (STC): a. moment-rotation, b. shear-displacement. ........61
Figure 2.51 Seated web clip connection (SWC): a. moment-rotation, b. shear-displacement. .....61
Figure 2.53 a. Floor 12, b. Floor 13 (NIST, 2008, NCSTAR 1-9, Vol. 2, Figures 10-36 to
10-39). .........................................................................................................................63
Figure 2.54 Beams on Floors 12 and 13 that had shear studs (NIST assumption). .......................64
Figure 2.58 Displacement (inches) of the floor system surrounding Column 79. .........................67
Figure 2.63 The part of the Floor 13 frame we examined is shown in red. ...................................70
Figure 2.65 Transverse displacement at the end of A2001 using the NIST assumptions. ............72
Figure 3.1 Member identification for the finite element analyses discussed below. .....................75
Figure 3.2 ABAQUS Solid model at northeast corner of Floor 13. ..............................................76
Figure 3.3 Column 79 section showing side plates welded to a W14x730. ..................................77
Figure 3.4 Plan view showing girder A2001 trapped by the Column 79 side plate. .....................77
Figure 3.5 Plan View for Floor 13 at Column 79 and girder A2001 seat connection (Data
from Frankel Steel Limited, 1985, Drawing 9114; figure prepared by
Brookman, 2012). .......................................................................................................78
Figure 3.6 Plan view shows girder A2001 being pushed laterally past notched western side
Figure 3.7 Analysis showing girder web A2001 pushed laterally past the bearing seat at
Column 79. The column is removed for clarity. .........................................................80
Figure 3.8 Drawing of Column 79 and girder A2001 seated beam connection shown in
Figure 8-21 of the NIST report. ..................................................................................81
Figure 3.9 Figure 8-23 of the NIST report showing NIST’s finite element analysis of the
Column 79 and girder A2001 seated beam connection. .............................................81
Figure 3.10 Section view at Floor 13 of Column 79 and girder A2001 seated beam
connection, which shows stiffener plates on girder A2001 (Data from Frankel
Steel Limited, 1985, Drawing 9114; figure prepared by Brookman, 2012). ..............82
Figure 3.11 UAF ABAQUS analysis shows beam G3005 does not buckle when braced by
lateral support beams S3007, G3007 and K3007 (Frankel Steel Limited, 1985). ......83
Figure 3.12 Figure 8-22 in the NIST report shows analysis results for G3005 with no
lateral bracing condition (NIST, 2008, NCSTAR 1-9, Vol. 1, Page 350). .................84
Figure 3.13 Figure 8-27 of the NIST report shows results of a finite element analysis where
lateral support beams connecting to G3005 were not included (NIST, 2008,
NCSTAR 1-9, Vol. 1, Page 354). ...............................................................................84
Figure 3.14 UAF analysis of the W21x44 G3005 with no lateral support beams included. .........85
Figure 3.15 The relevant 0.52 Hz mode of the falling beam and girder assembly. .......................88
Figure 4.2: Columns 79, 80, and 81 are removed from Floor 6 to Floor 13. The building
tilts to the east almost 10 inches. The penthouse does not collapse. ..........................95
Figure 4.3: Columns 79, 80, and 81 are removed from Floor 13 to Floor 21. The building
tilts to the east 7.2 inches. The penthouse does not collapse. .....................................95
Figure 4.4: Columns 79, 80, and 81 are removed from Floor 21 to Floor 29. The building
tilts to the east 5.4 inches. The penthouse does not collapse, though penthouse
deflection increases. ....................................................................................................96
Figure 4.6: Columns 79, 80, and 81 are removed from Floor 37 to Floor 45. Tilting of the
building is now negligible, whereas the deflection of the penthouse is now
much greater. ..............................................................................................................97
Figure 4.7: Columns 79, 80, and 81 are removed from Floor 45 to the penthouse. Tilting of
the building is now negligible. The penthouse now collapses, as demonstrated
from the significant amount of deflection given in the figure. ...................................97
Figure 4.8: Linear static analysis of Columns 79 to 81 (circled in green) being removed. ...........99
Figure 4.9: Linear static analysis of Columns 76 to 81 (circled in green) being removed. ...........99
Figure 4.10: Linear static analysis results show that the failure of Columns 76 to 81
overloads 10 exterior columns (circled in red) around the southeast corner, but
not the next row of core columns to the west (not circled in red). ...........................100
Figure 4.11: Linear static analysis results show that the failure of 10 exterior columns
around the southeast corner leads to numerous core and exterior columns
(circled in red) being overloaded and failing. A progressive collapse triggered
by the hypothetical failure of Columns 76 to 81 is underway. .................................100
Figure 4.12: Linear static analysis results show that the failure of additional columns
(shown in Figure 4.11 above) leads to the failure of the remaining core
columns and many exterior columns (circled in red). The columns with blue
values are in tension rather than compression, indicating the building is tipping
away from those columns. ........................................................................................101
Figure 4.13: Linear static analysis results show that the failure of additional columns
(shown in Figure 4.12 above) leads to the failure of nearly every remaining
column (circled in red)..............................................................................................101
Figure 4.14: Visualization of linear static analysis, from the southeast, showing the
building tipping to the southeast after the hypothetical failure of Columns 76 to
81. .............................................................................................................................102
Figure 4.15: Visualization of linear static analysis, from the southwest, showing the
building tipping to the southeast after the hypothetical failure of Columns 76 to
81. .............................................................................................................................102
Figure 4.16: Dynamic analysis results showing the building tipping to the southeast after
the hypothetical failure of Columns 76 to 81. ..........................................................103
Figure 4.17: Linear static analysis results show that the simultaneous failure of all core
columns leads to the failure of most exterior columns, causing the building to
tip to the southwest. Only columns at the northwest corner and eastern side are
not overloaded. .........................................................................................................104
Figure 4.18: Linear static analysis results show the failure of nearly all remaining columns.
The northeast column with blue values is in tension as the building tips away
to the southwest. .......................................................................................................105
Figure 4.19: Visualization of linear static analysis, from the southwest, showing the
building tipping to the southwest after the hypothetical simultaneous failure of
all core columns. .......................................................................................................105
Figure 4.20: Dynamic analysis results showing the building tipping to the southwest after
the hypothetical simultaneous failure of all core columns. ......................................106
Figure 4.23: Velocity comparison between Chandler measurement (green plotted line) and
UAF simulation (red plotted line). Bold green trend line illustrates free fall...........108
Table 2.1 Column loading for the Floor 12 and 13 assembly. .......................................................43
This report presents the findings and conclusions of a four-year study of the collapse of
World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC 7) — a 47-story building that suffered a total collapse at
5:20 PM on September 11, 2001, following the horrible events of that morning. This study was
conducted by a three-person team of researchers at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF)
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering with funding provided by Architects &
Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose purpose is to conduct
research and educate the public about the World Trade Center building collapses on 9/11.
According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) — an agency of
the U.S. Department of Commerce that investigated the three building failures on 9/11 — the
collapse of WTC 7 was the first known instance of the total collapse of a tall building primarily
due to fires. However, many independent researchers have studied the collapse of WTC 7 and
assembled a body of evidence that raises questions about the validity of NIST’s conclusions.
The objective of this study, therefore, was threefold: (1) Examine the structural response
of WTC 7 to fire loads that may have occurred on September 11, 2001; (2) Rule out scenarios
that could not have caused the observed collapse; and (3) Identify types of failures and their
locations that may have caused the total collapse to occur as observed.
The UAF research team utilized three approaches for examining the structural response
of WTC 7 to the conditions that may have occurred on September 11, 2001. First, we simulated
the local structural response to fire loading that may have occurred below Floor 13, where most
of the fires in WTC 7 are reported to have occurred. Second, we supplemented our own
simulation by examining the collapse initiation hypothesis developed by NIST. We also
reviewed the collapse initiation hypotheses advanced by private engineering firms whose studies
were commissioned as part of litigation related to the collapse of WTC 7. Third, we simulated a
number of scenarios within the overall structural system in order to determine what types of local
failures and their locations may have caused the total collapse to occur as observed.
This conclusion is based upon a number of findings from our different analyses.
Together, they show that fires could not have caused weakening or displacement of structural
members capable of initiating any of the hypothetical local failures alleged to have triggered the
total collapse of the building, nor could any local failures, even if they had occurred, have
triggered a sequence of failures that would have resulted in the observed total collapse.
Key Findings Upon Which the UAF Team’s Conclusions Are Based
Approach 1 Findings
• During our nonlinear connection study (Section, we discovered that NIST over-
estimated the rigidity of the outside frame by not modeling its connections, essentially
treating the exterior steel framing as thermally fixed, which caused all thermally-induced
floor expansion to move away from the exterior. The exterior steel framing was actually
flexible, while the stiffest area resistant to thermal movements, i.e., the point of zero
thermal movement, was near the elevator shafts.
• Therefore, during our analysis of WTC 7’s response to fire loading (Section 2.6), we
found the overall thermal movements at the A2001 base plate support near Column 79
were not sufficient to displace girder A2001 to the point that it walked off its seat (the
initiating failure alleged by NIST). Whereas NIST asserted that the differential westward
displacement of girder A2001 relative to Column 79 was 5.5 inches and later revised its
calculation to 6.25 inches, we found that the westward displacement of girder A2001
relative to Column 79 would have been less than 1 inch under the fire conditions reported
by NIST.
Approach 2 Findings
Under our second approach, we used a solid element model to evaluate the validity of
NIST’s collapse initiation hypothesis, introducing a number of assumptions made by NIST that
we considered to be invalid or, at best, questionable (Section 3.1). These assumptions included
assuming the east exterior wall to be rigid and thermally fixed, assuming shear studs on several
beams were broken due to differential thermal movement, assuming no shear studs were installed
on girder A2001, and assuming that the bolts fastening girder A2001 to its seats at Columns 44
and 79 were broken (Section 3.1.1). Allowing for these overly generous assumptions, we found
the following:
• When girder A2001 is heated to the temperatures assumed by NIST, it expands such that
it becomes trapped behind the side plate on the western side of Column 79 as it is pushed
to the west by thermally expanding floor beams. This prevents the girder’s web from
traveling beyond the bearing seat, thus preventing the girder from walking off its seat
(Section 3.2.1).
• NIST, by its own admission, did not include the partial height web stiffeners known to be
on girder A2001. In addition to stiffening the web, these stiffeners significantly increase
the bending resistance of the flange. In a subsequent analysis where we removed the side
plate described in the previous analysis in order to allow for further westward travel of
girder A2001, we found that the stresses in the girder flange and stiffener would not be
sufficient to cause the flange to fail, thus preventing the girder from walking off its seat
(Section 3.2.2).
• In a preliminary collapse initiation hypothesis, NIST posited that beam G3005 buckled
because its thermal expansion was restrained by girder A2001. We found that this can
happen only when the three lateral support beams S3007, G3007, and K3007 spanning
from beam G3005 to the north exterior wall are not included in the model. While these
short beams are observed in some of the figures in the NIST report, they are missing from
the model(s) used in the thermal and structural analysis shown in the report (Section
Separate from the NIST investigation, two studies of WTC 7’s collapse were
commissioned by opposing sides in the lawsuit “Aegis Insurance Services, Inc. v. 7 World Trade
Center Company, L.P.” Experts working in connection with engineering firms Ove Arup &
Partners (Arup) and Guy Nordenson and Associates (Nordenson) were retained by the plaintiffs.
The engineering firm Weidlinger Associates Inc. (Weidlinger) was retained by the defendants.
After evaluating NIST’s collapse initiation hypothesis, we reviewed the Arup, Nordenson, and
Weidlinger reports and found the following:
• Arup’s finite element analysis corroborates our finding that girder A2001 would become
trapped behind the western side plate of Column 79. However, Arup’s analysis then goes
on to contend that the five beams to the east of girder A2001 were heated enough to sag
and pull the girder to the east and off of its seats. Putting aside whether this initiating
mechanism is valid, we found that Nordenson incorrectly calculated the impact force of
the falling girder by considering it as a point load, thus implying an infinite stiffness and
no deflection. Calculating the impact force correctly, we found that it is only 34% of the
632,000 lb. force required to shear the girder bearing seat support welds at Floor 12.
Therefore, the northeast corner of Floor 12 would not have collapsed if the Floor 13
girder came off its seat at Column 79, and a cascade of floor failures would not ensue.
• The Weidlinger report was prepared as a rebuttal to the Arup and Nordenson reports.
Among its points of rebuttal, it corroborates our finding that the falling Floor 13 beam
and girder assembly could not break through Floor 12. The Weidlinger report contends
instead that Floors 9 and 10 were simultaneously heated to between 750° and 800°C in
the exact same area of each floor, eventually causing those floors to fail and triggering a
cascade of floor failures down to Floor 5. However, the details of the thermal analysis are
not shown in the Weidlinger report, and the thermal analysis has not been made public. It
is important to understand that steel structural members reaching temperatures of 750°C
due to office fires can be considered extraordinary. Without any analysis provided to
substantiate such temperatures, Weidlinger’s collapse initiation hypothesis must be
viewed skeptically and can be assumed to have a very low probability of occurrence
(Section 3.4.1).
Approach 3 Findings
Under our third approach, we simulated a number of hypothetical scenarios in order to
determine what types of local failures and their locations may have caused the total collapse to
occur as observed. Based upon a series of analyses, we found the following:
• Columns 79, 80, and 81 did not fail at the lower floors of the building, as asserted by
NIST. In order to allow for the observed collapse of the east penthouse approximately 7
seconds prior to the collapse of the rest of the structure, these columns needed to have
failed at the upper floors of the building all the way to the penthouse. Yet there were no
documented fires above Floor 30. Therefore, fire did not cause the collapse of Columns
79, 80, and 81 nor the collapse of the east penthouse (Section 4.3).
• The hypothetical failure of Columns 79, 80, and 81 — the three easternmost core
columns — would not trigger a horizontal progression of core column failures. Therefore,
the hypotheses of NIST, Arup/Nordenson, and Weidlinger that the buckling of Column
79 could trigger a progressive collapse of the entire building are invalid, and the collapse
of Columns 79, 80, and 81 high in the building was a separate and distinct event (Section
• Even if we assume the failure of Columns 79, 80, and 81 could lead to the failure of the
next row of core columns, the hypothetical failure of Columns 76 to 81 would overload
the exterior columns around the southeast of the building, rather than overloading the
next row of core columns to the west, which would result in the building tipping to the
southeast and not in a straight-down collapse (Section 4.4).
• The hypothetical simultaneous failure of all core columns (but not exterior columns)
would cause the building to tip to the southwest rather than causing a straight-down
collapse (Section 4.5).
• The simultaneous failure of all core columns over 8 stories followed 1.3 seconds later by
the simultaneous failure of all exterior columns over 8 stories produces almost exactly the
behavior observed in videos of the collapse. The collapse could have started at Floor 16
and below and produced the same behavior (Section 4.6).
It is our conclusion based upon these findings that the collapse of WTC 7 was a global
failure involving the near-simultaneous failure of all columns in the building and not a
progressive collapse involving the sequential failure of columns throughout the building.
Figure 1 Finite element model of WTC 7 in SAP2000.
1.1 Background
Three structural failures of unprecedented magnitude took place on September 11, 2001,
when World Trade Center (WTC) Buildings 1, 2, and 7 each suffered total collapse at 10:28 AM,
9:59 AM, and 5:20 PM, respectively. Unlike the taller WTC 1 and WTC 2, WTC 7 was not
struck by an airplane. The cause of WTC 7’s total collapse is the subject of the present study.
Completed in 1986, WTC 7 was a 47-story building with a steel frame and reinforced
concrete floors. It was built over a pre-existing electrical substation, with its first three floors
connected to the substation. Several functional alterations were made to WTC 7 over its lifetime,
although these alterations were in the upper floors only and therefore not in the areas of the
building that experienced sustained fires on September 11, 2001.
Figure 1.1 A three-dimensional depiction of the World Center complex (FEMA, 2002).
Unfortunately, efforts to investigate the collapse of WTC 7 were hampered by the swift
removal and destruction of debris from the WTC site. This type of evidence is typically
preserved and available during any forensic investigation.
Figure 1.2 A plan view of the World Trade Center complex (FEMA, 2002).
Figure 1.3 WTC 7 seen from the north on September 11, 2001 (NYPD).
Figure 1.4 WTC 7 tenants on September 11, 2001 (FEMA, 2002).
Following the disaster, many in the engineering community hypothesized that the
collapse of WTC 7 was caused by some combination of debris impact damage from the collapse
of WTC 1 and the fires that subsequently burned in WTC 7 until its collapse. Different variations
of this hypothesis were advanced by two federal investigations: the first by the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which issued its final report in May 2002, and the
second by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), which issued its final
report in November 2008. NIST ultimately concluded that the collapse of WTC 7 was the first
known instance of the total collapse of a tall building primarily due to fires.
Concurrent to and since the NIST investigation, many independent researchers have also
studied the collapse of WTC 7 and assembled a body of evidence that raises questions about the
validity of NIST’s conclusions. That evidence includes the following:
1. WTC 7 experienced between 2.25 and 2.5 seconds of free fall (i.e., gravitational
acceleration) during its collapse. This fact was first identified by independent researcher
David Chandler and later corroborated by NIST (Figure 1.6). WTC 7’s free fall is
noteworthy because, in a typical building collapse, WTC 7 would be expected to
experience a combination of axial rotation and bending of members, resulting in a
disjointed, asymmetrical collapse. Asymmetrical, tipping behavior is especially likely
because WTC 7 did not have planar symmetry.
2. The debris pile of WTC 7 was contained mostly inside the building’s footprint.
Furthermore, it did not have large pieces of concrete flooring or intact structural framing
that would be expected in a building collapse (see Figure 1.7).
3. According to Appendix C of FEMA’s May 2002 report, a steel member recovered from
WTC 7 was found to have experienced corrosion due to a combination of oxidation and
sulfidation at 1,000°C, resulting in the formation of a liquid eutectic (see Figure 1.8).
Researchers have hypothesized that the presence of thermate, which is a form of thermite
incendiary that includes sulfur, would explain the sulfidation and formation of a liquid
eutectic (Jones, 2006 and 2007).
These anomalies combined with the fact that there is no prior instance of a tall building
undergoing total collapse due to fire led us to reevaluate the hypothesis of fire-induced failure for
the collapse of WTC 7.
Figure 1.6 WTC 7 was in free fall for approximately 2.25 seconds over a distance of
approximately 8 stories or 32.0 meters (NIST, 2008, NCSTAR 1A).
Figure 1.7 WTC 7 debris pile (NOAA, Figure 1.8 Steel from WTC 7 that
September 23, 2001). experienced oxidation and sulfidation
(FEMA, 2002).
1.2 Objective
The objective of this study was threefold: (1) Examine the structural response of WTC 7
to fire loads that may have occurred on September 11, 2001; (2) Rule out scenarios that could not
have caused the observed collapse; and (3) Identify types of failures and their locations that may
have caused the total collapse to occur as observed.
The UAF research team conducted a wide-ranging literature review in order to gather the
existing condition data for WTC 7. Documents assembled included information related to the
foundation, structural steel members, construction methods, and various built-up columns used in
the building. In addition, we familiarized ourselves with the building design, alterations to the
building design, the design of floor loads (dead and live), and the building’s lateral loads, such as
wind and seismic. An extensive number of documents were made available by experienced
researchers of WTC 7’s collapse.
Figure 1.9 WTC 7 steel frame building geometry prior to its collapse (FEMA, 2002).
The UAF research team reviewed the steel erection drawings of WTC 7 in order to
develop our simulation of the building prior to its collapse. These drawings included plan views
showing the framing for 47 stories as well as numerous details related to the construction
methods used for each floor.
We then carefully prepared the geometry of the virtual structure two floors at a time
using AutoCAD. The digital drawings were checked against the steel erection drawings by all
members of the research team to ensure quality control. The quality control-checked digital
AutoCAD geometry was then imported into the latest versions of both SAP2000 and ABAQUS,
which are finite element programs. The two finite element programs were used to simulate and
study the building’s structural response to various load conditions. Each program was used by a
different researcher and the results were compared.
Figure 1.10 shows the framing plan view for Floors 12 and 13. The drawings are difficult
to read because of the number of framing members shown on the drawing. Figure 1.11 shows a
zoomed-in view of the drawing in Figure 1.10. The view is of the core area for Floors 12 and 13.
Figure 1.12 shows the details of Column 79 at Floor 13, which illustrate that Column 79 was a
built-up column.
Figure 1.12 Part of the drawing for Column 79 of Floor 13.
2002). In May 2002, FEMA published the World Trade Center Building Performance Study
(FEMA, 2002). The purpose of the study was “to examine the damage caused by the events,
collect data, develop an understanding of the response of each affected building, identify causes
of observed behavior, and suggest studies that should be performed.”
The FEMA Report was inconclusive as to the cause of WTC 7’s collapse, but it proposed
a number of scenarios for further investigation. Based on the fact that the east penthouse fell
approximately 7 seconds before the rest of the building fell, the FEMA Report suggested that the
collapse initiated on the east side of the building on the interior, most likely at the transfer trusses
between floors 5 and 7. FEMA also suggested that there were not enough combustibles on these
floors to sufficiently weaken the structural members. Thus, FEMA hypothesized that diesel fuel
stored in the lower levels of the building was somehow pumped and discharged through severed
pipes and this somehow fed fires for several hours. The report noted that its best hypothesis had
“only a low probability of occurrence” and that further investigation was needed. NIST would
later rule out the diesel fuel hypothesis.
Figure 1.13 Floor plan for 12th and 13th floors.
18 Girder A2001 failure due to beam expansion
NIST claims that five beams (K3004, A3004, B3004, C3004, and G3005) to the east of
girder A2001 between Columns 44 and 79 at Floor 13 had their shear studs broken due to
thermal expansion. NIST claims that thermal expansion then allowed these beams to expand in
an unrestrained way against the girder, causing the beams to push the girder to the point where
its web was past its seat at Column 79. NIST also claims that because of excessive movement of
the girder with respect to the support seat at Column 79, the load was then transferred to the
girder’s flange, which could not withstand that load in flexure. NIST claims that the girder flange
subsequently folded upward, causing the girder and the beams it supported to fall onto the next
floor down. Eight (8) floor cascade of girder failures causing Column 79 to lose lateral support
and buckle
Column 79 had girders framing into it from the north, south, and west. NIST claims that
girder A2001 from the north walked off its bearing seat at Floor 13 and fell one story, along with
the beams and the floor slab it supported at Floor 13. Although there is no described or apparent
mechanism, NIST simply claims that this initial north girder failure at Floor 13 precipitated a
collapse of the south girder framing into Column 79 at Floor 13, which NIST claims had
previously buckled due to thermal expansion. This collapse of the south girder at Floor 13 is then
alleged to have caused a cascade of floor failures on the south side of Column 79 down to the 5th
floor. The west girders are said to have had their connections to Column 79 broken by thermal
expansion earlier and then also collapsed at this time. There was no fire on the 10th floor, which
means that heating could not have caused the west girder under the 11th floor to have lost its
connection to Column 79. In this case, NIST claimed that the same girder under Floor 13 pushed
Column 79 to the east enough to break the knife connection to Column 79 two stories below on
the girder under the 11th floor. It is then alleged that this series of failures left Column 79
laterally unsupported from the south and west for 9 stories, causing it to buckle.
Nordenson report instead put forth the idea that the welds of these girder connections failed due
to stress raisers (cracking) caused by repeated heating and cooling cycles.
1.5 The UAF Team’s Approach to Examining the Structural Response of WTC 7
The UAF research team utilized three approaches for examining the structural response
of WTC 7 to the conditions that may have occurred on September 11, 2001. The findings and
conclusions of each approach are described in Chapters 3, 4, and 5, respectively.
a. WTC 7 was not symmetrical. Therefore, during collapse it would naturally sway
towards the mass centroid for the floors. The floor mass centroids were initially
evaluated and then used to examine the building’s response during collapse.
b. The lack of combustibles was critically examined, as was the idea that primary
damage by fires could occur on floors where financial centers were located. The
questions we addressed were: Would this type of business have paper lying around or
would privacy be most important and therefore paper stock locked in a fireproof safe?
Why was a fire in this building so significant?
c. We simulated fires in the building. The heat transfer characteristics for the steel
framing with and without fireproofing was examined. We also studied how fire may
have interacted with the concrete floors (in the flutes) and between flutes. We
examined the steel frame response where the drop down ceilings (acoustical tile) were
hung below the floor system. We also studied the thermal conductivity of the concrete
floors and their interaction with the steel beams and girders that made up the floor
d. We prepared a detailed simulation of the connections between beams and girders, the
connections between girders and columns, and the connections between beams and
columns. These connection details are important as the connectivity significantly
affects the structural response during fire and the deformation response due to self
weight and dynamic forces that occur during collapse.
Finally, we simulated various scenarios within the overall structural system to determine
what types of local failures and their locations may have caused the total collapse to occur as
This chapter presents the analysis and findings of the UAF research team based on its
finite element modeling and simulation of WTC 7’s structural response to fire loads.
subjected to logic tests based on “what-if(s).” The research plan we formulated is presented
Step 1: Formulate a Quality Control Plan;
Step 2: Gather all available technical data;
Step 3: Prepare a constructed building simulation using AUTOCAD in three dimensions;
Step 4: Determine the centroid for Floors 12 and 13;
Step 5: Import the building geometry (AUTOCAD data) into ABAQUS and SAP2000;
Step 6: Examine the mechanical and thermal properties of the building materials, including:
a. The mechanical properties of the steel at moderate and high temperatures,
b. The steel thermal properties,
c. The probable aggregate type for concrete floors at the building site, and
d. The thermal properties of the concrete, once the aggregate type was established;
Step 7: Examine the influence of structural steel installation details on structural response,
a. The connections for beams and girders as well as girders and columns, using
b. The thermal expansion of the floor system, using ABAQUS,
c. A non-composite floor system with no interface friction between the concrete floor
and supporting members;
d. A non-composite floor system with friction between the concrete floor and
supporting members;
e. A partially composite floor system;
f. A composite floor system; and
g. The effectiveness of the installed shear connectors at girders and beams as well as
the resistance of girders and beams without shear connectors when subjected to a
fire load.
Step 8: Prepare a 3-dimensional SAP2000 computer model to simulate the erected steel building.
Prior to evaluating possible modes of failure that could lead to the collapse of this
building, we conducted quality control checks by simulating progressive collapses for
steel building systems using both ABAQUS and SAP2000.
2.1.3 Background Studies
During this investigation, the research team studied several topics related to the collapse
of WTC 7, including progressive collapse, nonlinear connection response, and heat transfer
analysis through the concrete and steel floor system. The findings of these studies are briefly
described in the following sections.
Figure 2.1 Rotational Nonlinear Springs
In the NIST investigation, ANSYS was used to model local failures and LS-DYNA was
used to model large-scale collapse. When column buckling appeared to be imminent in ANSYS,
the analyses were continued in the LS-DYNA 47-story model (NIST, 2008, NCSTAR 1-9, Vol.
2). The damage was applied in LS-DYNA as a sudden removal of damaged or failed elements as
calculated in the ANSYS analysis. Buckled beams were modeled by removing flange and web
elements, such that the beam would lose its axial and flexural strength, but the weight of the
beam would remain in the calculation (see Figure 2.2). The connection damage data from
ANSYS was transferred to the LS-DYNA global model using a damage index. Horizontal
support and vertical support were specified separately (see Figure 2.3 and Figure 2.4).
Figure 2.2 Approach used to model buckled beams in LS-DYNA model (NIST, 2008, NCSTAR
1-9, Vol. 2).
Figure 2.3 Shear connection damage; LS-DYNA model (NIST, 2008, NCSTAR 1-9, Vol. 2).
cracking of the concrete slab — was modeled over the entire floor, but connection failures were
not modeled over the entire floor. Connections were also not modeled in the exterior moment
frame, as no failures were observed there prior to the onset of global collapse (NIST, 2008,
Figure 2.4 Area of floor where connection failure was modeled by NIST
First, by not modeling connections in the outside frame, NIST overestimated the rigidity
of the outside frame. That assumption and inconsistent modeling for the framing connections
resulted in the stiffness of the east side of the building being different than that of the west side.
This resulted in the stiffness being compromised across the plan of the building.
The NIST simulation of the collapse illustrated that the west side of the building acted
differently from the east side. The structural response to failure would more closely resemble the
actual collapse if the connections had been accounted for throughout the structural frame. By not
modeling the connection failures outside the selected area shown in Figure 2.4 above, NIST
appears to have reduced the stiffness in the area outside the selected area and separated its
progressive collapse simulation into two parts (see Figure 2.5).
Figure 2.5 Progressive collapse separated into two parts.
The UAF team used a consistent method for modeling the connections in all floor story
modeling and included nonlinear deformation and failure behavior in the connections. To reduce
calculation time, the semi-rigid connections were modeled separately. The calculated nonlinear
connections were defined in our building model by using rotational nonlinear springs.
determine the temperature distribution of the structural elements — such as the girders and the
concrete slabs — by analyzing the heat transfer from the fire to the structural elements.
The steel used for all beams and interior columns in WTC 7 was ASTM A572 Grade 50,
and the steel used for exterior moment frames was ASTM A36. The thermal conductivity was 35
BTU / (hr-ft-F). The thermal expansion is reported to be the same for all typical structural steels
(Rahman et al., 2004). The CTE of steel is assumed to be constant, so that the thermal expansion
strain is given by 14 microstrain/°C (7.78 microstrain/°F) (Wang, 2002).
Figure 2.6 Concrete with voids for welded wire fabric as reinforcement.
Figure 2.9 Temperature distribution of the unit floor slab.
Next, a model was created in SolidWorks to simulate the floor slab. The geometry of the
floor slab was the same, but the floor slab was modeled as a homogeneous material. Figure 2.10
shows the equivalent homogeneous floor slab with the unassembled reinforced concrete slab of
WTC 7, and Figure 2.11 shows the equivalent floor slab with the assembled reinforced concrete
slab of WTC 7. Both models were assigned the same high temperature on the top surface and
low temperature on the bottom surface. The steady-state heat flux was then analyzed in
SolidWorks (Figure 2.12). The thermal conductivity of the equivalent homogeneous floor slab
was modified to make the heat flux of the two models identical. The steel thermal conductivity
used in the modeling was 35 Btu/(hr-ft-F); the concrete thermal conductivity was 1 Btu/(hr-ft-F).
The thermal conductivity of the equivalent homogeneous material was determined to be 1.28
Btu/(hr-ft-F), slightly higher than pure concrete’s thermal conductivity because of the steel
element reinforcement.
Figure 2.10 Equivalent floor slab and unassembled reinforced concrete slab of WTC 7.
Figure 2.11 Equivalent floor slab and assembled reinforced concrete slab of WTC 7.
Figure 2.12. Heat flux of the two models.
Figure 2.13 Small section of floor slab supported by a girder without insulation.
Figure 2.14 Small section of floor slab supported by a girder with insulation.
According to NIST, the local failure that initiated the total collapse of WTC 7 was that
girder A2001 on Floor 13 at Column 79 was pushed off its support by the thermal expansion of
the beams framing into it. Therefore, we conducted a buckling analysis of Column 79 in order to
better understand its performance when subjected to gravity and heat loads.
Column 79 at Floor 13 was a built-up column consisting of W14×730 and two steel
plates 2 inches thick by 26 inches wide welded on the sides. Figure shows the cross section of
Column 79. Figure 2.16 shows the mechanical properties of steel against temperature
(Engineeringtoolbox, 2011). A buckling analysis was conducted for Column 79 according to the
AISC Steel Construction Manual (AISC, 2011). Figure 2.17 shows the load capacity of Column
79 versus the effective length at different temperatures assuming a pinned-pinned condition. The
two red lines mark the effective length of 12 feet 9 inches and 25 feet 6 inches. The two effective
lengths are the single floor height and the double floor height. The loading capacity of Column
79 at double floor height (25 feet 6 inches) would be the load capacity of the column during the
fire if Column 79 were to lose its support on one floor.
Figure 2.15 Cross section of Column 79.
Figure 2.17 Load capacity of Column 79 versus effective length at different temperatures.
Different portions of WTC 7 were modeled using SAP2000. First, we modeled Floor 1 to
Floor 7. Modeling Floor 1 to Floor 7 was finished in combination with the bracing, both on the
perimeter and in the core area. However, Floor 1 and Floor 2 could only be partially finished due
to missing drawings for the electrical substation. The substation was two stories, and WTC 7’s
third floor became the roof of the substation when it was built over the substation. The
substation’s roof was removed down to existing steel supports, and, presumably, new decking
was integrated at the same level (334’) and a slab was poured. Therefore, we used the roof of the
substation as the bottom floor of the model. Figure 2.18 shows the SAP2000 model of Floor 3 to
Floor 7 with bracing.
Figure 2.18 SAP2000 model for Floor 3 to Floor 7 with bracing.
After we modeled Floors 3 to 7, we modeled the framing and bracing for Floors 22 to 24.
Figure 2.19 shows Floor 22 to Floor 24 with concrete slab floors and released joints. The
released joints are represented by the green dots on the model because the bracing could barely
sustain any bending. (The bracing in the model of Floor 3 to Floor 7 was prepared with released
joints, but released joints are not shown in the figure.)
Figure 2.19 SAP2000 model for Floors 22 to 24 with bracing and released joints.
Next, we modeled the entirety of WTC 7 with the exception of the rooftop. Figure 2.20
shows the entire WTC 7 model with the concrete slab floors and the bracing, but without the
Figure 2.20 SAP2000 model of entire WTC 7 without roof.
After the entire WTC 7 was modeled in SAP2000, boundary conditions for Floors 12 and
13 assembly were modeled. We modeled Floor 12 and Floor 13 using both ABAQUS and
SAP2000. A significant effort was made to model the building connections so that we could
properly account for the boundary conditions and properly use “substructuring” to accelerate the
computer analysis time. Figure 2.21 shows the model for Floor 12 to Floor 47. Figure 2.22 shows
the model for Floor 3 to Floor 12.
Figure 2.21 SAP2000 model for Floor 12 to Floor 47.
The loading condition for the Floor 12 and 13 assembly was calculated by imposing axial
forces acting on the top of Floor 13. The column number sequence is shown in Figure 2.23
(NIST, 2008, NCSTAR 1A). The axial force acting on each column is given in Table 2.1. The
loading for Column 79 is highlighted in the table because NIST concluded that the collapse of
Column 79 on Floor 13 initiated the building’s progressive collapse (NIST, 2008, NCSTAR 1A).
Figure 2.23 Column number layout of Floor 13 (NIST, 2008, NCSTAR 1A).
Table 2.1 Column loading for the Floor 12 and 13 assembly.
Axial force Axial force Axial force
Column (compressive) Column (compressive) Column (compressive)
# (kips) # (kips) # (kips)
1 1,551 28 1,326 56 2,854
2 1,161 29 1,124 57 2,591
3 916 30 1,000 58 3,588
4 935 31 1,049 59 1,812
5 984 32 1,014 60 1,874
6 931 33 1,064 61 3,072
7 883 34 1,056 62 1,923
8 861 35 1,095 63 1,864
9 793 36 1,112 64 3,221
10 799 37 1,117 65 1,327
11 772 38 1,064 66 2,037
12 728 39 1,146 67 3,655
13 775 40 1,132 68 1,989
14 810 41 1,390 69 2,461
14A 1,006 42 1,6 70 3,818
15 1,392 43 3,404 71 2,428
16 2,531 44 3,287 72 2,618
17 2,018 45 2,492 73 3,908
18 1,784 46 2,306 74 2,794
19 1,648 47 2,136 75 2,652
20 1,603 48 2,038 76 4,430
21 1,580 49 2,016 77 2,965
22 1,570 50 2,002 78 2,798
23 1,585 51 2,010 79 5,142
24 1,720 52 2,040 80 4,261
25 1,984 53 2,091 81 3,941
26 2,348 54 2,172
27 3,093 55 2,289
The boundary condition for the Floor 12 and 13 assembly was obtained by analyzing the
Floor 3 to 12 combination. The computer model included spring stiffnesses to simulate each
connection type. The spring stiffness at the four far corners of Floor 12 was then checked by
imposing unit forces in both horizontal directions x and y at each corner, then calculating the
responses of the model under unit forces, and then solving the matrices by assembling the
responses of the model to obtain spring stiffnesses.
After modeling the boundary conditions for Floors 12 and 13, we modeled the concrete
slab of Floors 12 and 13. A typical concrete floor slab in WTC 7 was not made of homogeneous
material. The floor slab consisted of different layers and was not of uniform width. A typical
concrete floor slab is shown in Figure 2.24. The typical concrete slab consisted of gauge 20 steel
deck with 5.5-inch-deep concrete on top. The reinforcement was 6/6-W1.4×W1.4 welded wire
fabric (W.W.F.) at 2.5 inches from the top surface of the concrete. Modeling a typical floor slab
was done using SAP2000. A small section of the model is shown in Figure 2.25.
Figure 2.25 Small section of typical floor slab of WTC 7 with finer meshing.
Figure 2.26 An example of the mesh used to study convergence performance for a WTC 7 floor
Figure 2.27 above shows how we modeled the floor slabs to determine a calculated
equivalent homogeneous material in the flute direction. The left side is the 5.5-inch-thick
homogeneous shell elements acting as the equivalent floor slabs. The right side is the model that
represents the floor slabs with the frame, shell, and solid elements. Both sides have the same
width and length, and were subjected to the same loading conditions. To determine the
equivalent homogeneous material to represent the floor slab, the deflection of the slabs made of
the equivalent material should be the same as the composite floor slabs with frame, shell, and
solid elements. Figures 2.28 and 2.29 below shows the modeling of the floor slabs for the
calculation of the equivalent material in another direction. That is, the floor slabs of WTC 7 had
two directions. The direction in which the flutes ran had a higher resistance to bending. The
orthogonal direction had a lower resistance to bending. Therefore, the equivalent homogeneous
material was not isotropic. Figure 2.28 is a model of the stronger direction. Figure 2.29 is a
model of the weaker direction.
Figure 2.28 Plan View: Model of floor slabs in strong direction (parallel to flutes).
Figure 2.29. Plan View: Model of floor slabs in weak direction (perpendicular to flutes).
2.5.1 Floors 12 and 13 ABAQUS Model
The concrete decks of Floors 12 and 13 were approximated using shell elements. The
frames were approximated using beam elements. Decks and frames (beams and girders) were
modeled as composite behavior.
To evaluate the required number of links, we studied three simple beams (Figure 2.32),
built by using 3, 9, and 17 links (Figure 2.33). The beam was approximated using beam
elements. The slab (deck) was modeled with shell elements. The beam span was 52.75 feet; the
specified uniformly distributed load was 0.657 kip/ft. The effective width of the slab (deck) was
114.25 inches, and the thickness was 5.5 inches. The steel section was W24×55.
Mid-point displacements of each beam deck analyzed using ABAQUS were compared
with a hand calculation. The details for ABAQUS and hand calculation results converged with
an increase in the number of links between the deck and beam (Table 2.2). The results show that
the error drops significantly at the 9-link condition (Figure 2.34).
Table 2.2 Simple beam mid-point displacement.
Hand ABAQUS Analysis
Calculation 3 Connections 9 Connections 17 Connections
-3.03 - - -
Error (%)
3 9 17
Connections Connections Connections
Error -108.5 -9.6 -3.2
Figure 2.34 The error between ABAQUS and hand calculation for three models.
Therefore, we modeled each type of connector in ABAQUS. Figure 2.35 shows connector type
“STC” and its response to shear.
Figure 2.35 Modeling process for a beam to girder shear connector, “STC.”
A typical simple shear connector that was used to connect a beam to girders is shown in
Figures 2.36 and 2.37.
Figure 2.36 WTC 7 Type “F” beam to girder connection
To minimize computer analysis time, semi-rigid connections were modeled and analyzed
separately. A detailed connection was built based on the construction drawing. Nonlinear curves,
such as shear-displacement, etc., were calculated (Figure 2.38 a). Nonlinear springs were used to
simulate the semi-rigid connection nonlinear behavior, including nonlinear behavior of
connections (Figure 2.38 b). Rotational nonlinear springs were defined in the WTC 7 global
model (Figure 2.38 c).
Figure 2.38 a. Connections modeling and shear-displacement nonlinear curve
54 Types of connections modeled using ABAQUS
Seven types of connections were modeled using ABAQUS.
Figure is a fin connection sample between an interior girder and a beam. Figure is the
header connection between the girder and the beam. Figure 2.41 is a knife connection between
girder and column. Figure 2.42 is the seated top plate connection between interior girder and
exterior column. Figure 2.43 is the seated top clip connection sample located at the girder framed
into the north side of Column 79 at stories 12 and 13. Figure 2.44 is the seated web clip
connection between interior girder and beam. Figure 2.45 is the seated moment connection at
outside frames.
Figure 2.40 Header connection sample ABAQUS model.
Figure 2.42 Seated top plate connection sample ABAQUS model.
Figure 2.44 Seated web clip connection to interior girder ABAQUS model.
Figure 2.45 Seated moment connection of girders to exterior columns ABAQUS model.
Figure 2.46 Fin connection (F): a. moment-rotation, b. shear-displacement.
Figure 2.47 Header connection (H): a. moment-rotation, b. shear-displacement.
Figure 2.48 Knife connection (K): a. moment-rotation, b. shear-displacement.
Figure 2.49 Seated top plate connection (STP): a. moment-rotation, b. shear-displacement.
Figure 2.50 Seated top clip connection (STC): a. moment-rotation, b. shear-displacement.
Figure 2.51 Seated web clip connection (SWC): a. moment-rotation, b. shear-displacement.
Figure 2.52 Moment connection (MC): a. moment-rotation, b. shear-displacement.
The WTC 7 fire loading analysis was based on NIST’s fire modeling for Floors 12 and
13, which we reviewed and determined to be a reasonable worst-case scenario. Boundary
conditions are presented in Section 2.1.2. To examine the movement of the floor system
surrounding Column 79 in response to thermal loading, we considered the worst-case
temperatures in the computed temperature distribution reported by NIST.
a. Floor 12 b. Floor 13
Figure 2.53 a. Floor 12, b. Floor 13 (NIST, 2008, NCSTAR 1-9, Vol. 2, Figures 10-36 to 10-39).
The images at top represent the temperature distribution in the top layer of the concrete slab.
The images at bottom represent the temperature distribution on the floor beams.
Under NIST’s assumption that none of the girders had shear studs, but that the beams did
have shear studs, Figure 2.54 below shows all of the members that did have shear studs and
therefore acted compositely with the slabs of Floors 12 and 13. Observe that more than 95% of
the members acted compositely with the floor slabs. In addition, all beams and girders in the
model had released joints. The released joints did not have any bending resistance. The main
bending resistance came from the composite beams acting together with the floor slabs.
Figure 2.54 Beams on Floors 12 and 13 that had shear studs (NIST assumption).
The response of the Floor 12 and Floor 13 floor assemblies were calculated in SAP2000.
The model for the Floor 12 and Floor 13 floor assemblies is shown in Figure 2.55. The model
consisted of 5,785 joints, 2,026 frame elements and 4,390 area elements. The displacement
contour in the x-direction of Floor 13 is given in Figure 2.56, and the displacement contour in the
y-direction of Floor 13 is given in Figure 2.57. The x-direction is the horizontal direction in
Figure 2.56 and Figure 2.57, and the y-direction is the vertical direction. In a three-dimensional
view, both x and y directions are in the horizontal plane for each floor.
Figure 2.58 shows the displacement of the floor system surrounding Column 79. The
displacement at Column 79 in the x-direction was 1.915 inches east (and not west), and the
displacement at Column 79 in the y-direction was 0.7293 inches. Note that this is the overall
displacement of the floor system. The westward displacement of girder A2001 relative to
Column 79 was found to be less than 1 inch, which differs substantially from the 6.25 inches of
westward movement of girder A2001 reported by NIST. We believe this is because NIST treated
the exterior frame as infinitely stiff and fixed it against horizontal movement. Our analysis was
based on using the actual external frame stiffness, which was very flexible.
More modeling was performed to calculate the response of the Floor 12 and 13 assembly,
with the condition that all beams and girders were acting compositely with the floor slabs,
including girder A2001. As expected, the response of Floors 12 and 13 with complete composite
beam behavior was less than the previous analysis when the main girders were acting separately.
However, the response in both cases was close, as they differed by less than 5%. The reason for
this was that the main bending resistance came from the composite beams acting together with
the floor slabs, as stated above.
Figure 2.56 Displacement of Floor 13 in the x (horizontal) direction.
Figure 2.58 Displacement (inches) of the floor system surrounding Column 79.
Figure 2.59 ABAQUS Model for Floors 12 and 13.
Figure 2.61 Movement in x-direction at Floor 13.
According to NIST, the initiating failure occurred at the connection between Column 79
and girder A2001 at Floor 13 due to a relative displacement of girder A2001 of 6.25 inches. Our
ABAQUS analysis corroborated the findings of our SAP2000 analysis, showing that girder
A2001 would undergo less than one inch of westward displacement relative to Column 79 under
the worst-case fire condition. Examining all possible conditions, our analysis found that the
westward movement of girder A2001 relative to the base plate on Column 79 was 3.68” for non-
composite, 2.18” for partially composite and less than 1” for composite behavior (the condition
at time of the fire). ABAQUS Analysis with NIST Boundary Conditions and No Spatial Restrictions
Subsequently, we studied the relative movement between Column 79 and girder A2001
in the worst-case condition to identify the maximum relative displacement at this connection in a
higher temperature environment and without restriction from other frames, columns, and the
deck. The part of the Floor 13 frame we examined is shown in red in Figure 2.63.
Figure 2.63 The part of the Floor 13 frame we examined is shown in red.
The boundary conditions reported by NIST and the assigned temperature distribution are
shown in Figure 2.64 below. The concrete deck was not included in this model to ensure free
expansion of the steel frame. The assigned temperature is also higher than the expected fire
Figure 2.65 shows our calculation of the transverse displacement of the steel frame
assuming the boundary conditions used by NIST. The horizontal displacement at the end of
girder A2001 and Column 79 was calculated by our team to be 5.11 inches in the west direction.
As stated above, it is important to note these boundary conditions, which were chosen by NIST,
do not reflect the actual boundary conditions for Floors 12 and 13. The exterior frame is actually
flexible and not fixed. The thermal point of zero movement is actually near the elevators where
the building framing is stiffer. Furthermore, as stated above, all restrictions caused by other
frames, columns, and the deck were excluded from this analysis.
When we incorporate NIST’s boundary conditions and remove all restrictions to lateral
movement, such as the Column 79 side plates, we find that the westward displacement of girder
A2001 relative to Column 79 is 5.11 inches, which is a full inch less than the 6.25 inches of
westward relative displacement reported by NIST, and nearly an inch less than the 6 inches
westward displacement required to push the web of girder A2001 past its 12-inch seat at Column
Figure 2.65 Transverse displacement at the end of A2001 using the NIST assumptions.
During the Approach 1 phase of our study, we examined the local structural response of
WTC 7 to fire loading at Floor 13. Table 2.3 shows a comparison of the steps we took in our
modeling in order to accurately simulate the building’s behavior with the steps taken or not taken
in the NIST investigation.
As Table 2.3 illustrates, we took several steps in our modeling of WTC 7 that NIST did
not take. These steps enabled us to more accurately simulate the building’s behavior and to
consider conflicting assumptions regarding the as-built condition of the building.
In summary, based upon our analyses, we found the following:
1. During our nonlinear connection study, we discovered that NIST over-estimated the
rigidity of the outside frame by not modeling its connections, essentially treating the
exterior steel framing as thermally fixed, which caused all thermally-induced floor
expansion to move away from the exterior. The exterior steel framing was actually
flexible, while the stiffest area resistant to thermal movements, i.e., the point of zero
thermal movement, was near the center of the building.
2. Therefore, during our analysis of WTC 7’s response to fire loading, we found the overall
thermal movement at the A2001 base plate support near Column 79 was not sufficient to
displace girder A2001 to the point that it walked off its seat. Whereas NIST asserted that
the differential westward displacement of girder A2001 relative to Column 79 was 5.5
inches and later revised its calculation to 6.25 inches, we found that the westward
displacement of girder A2001 relative to Column 79 would have been less than 1 inch
under the fire conditions reported by NIST (Figure 2.66).
This chapter presents the findings of our evaluation of NIST’s collapse initiation
hypothesis. Given that our findings diverge widely from those of NIST, our goal was to
understand how NIST arrived at the conclusion it did and to identify any errors in NIST’s
analysis that led to such a conclusion. In addition, we briefly evaluate the collapse initiation
hypotheses advanced by Arup/Nordenson (Arup and Nordenson, 2010) and Weidlinger
(Weidlinger, 2010).
A solid model (as opposed to wire elements) of the structural members in the northeast
corner of Floor 13 was generated using ABAQUS (see Figures 3.1 and 3.2). The model consisted
of 49,270 nodes and 24,536 elements. A finite element analysis was performed with the aim of
replicating the results reported by NIST. Namely, the result of NIST’s analysis is that girder
A2001 was pushed or rocked off its seats at Columns 44 and 79, and this initiated the total
collapse of the building.
We performed our analysis using many of NIST’s modeling assumptions in order to
determine whether NIST’s results were replicable using even the most generous assumptions.
However, it is important to understand that most of these assumptions — which were used for
the purposes of this analysis — are either invalid or at best questionable. These assumptions and
our explanations for why they are invalid (with the exception of the last two) are listed below.
floor framing as temperature rises. In short, there is no basis for assuming the exterior
wall to be rigid.
2. NIST assumed that shear studs on beams K3004, C3004, B3004, A3004, and G3005
were broken due to differential thermal movement. We analyzed this phenomena in our
previous analyses and found that this would not have occurred.
3. NIST assumed that no shear studs were installed on girder A2001. It was subsequently
shown in the Arup and Nordenson reports that girder A2001 did have shear studs.
4. NIST assumed that the bolts fastening girder A2001 to its seats at columns 44 and 79
were broken. We analyzed this phenomena in our previous analyses and found that this
would not have occurred.
5. NIST assumed that the thermal expansion of beams to the east of girder A2001 was
sufficient to move the girder’s web a significant distance beyond its seat. We needed to
increase the coefficient of thermal expansion of the steel used for beams K3004, C3004,
B3004, and A3004 by approximately 40% to 11.5 x 10-6 in/in/°F in order to generate
sufficient thermal expansion.
6. NIST assumed that the beams were heated to 600°C, that girders A2001 and A2015 were
heated to 500°C, and that the columns were heated to 300°C. This was examined in our
study and we found no problem with this assumption.
7. NIST assumed that the floor loading was 88 lbs./ft2. We confirmed this loading.
Figure 3.1 Member identification for the finite element analyses discussed below.
Figure 3.2 ABAQUS Solid model at northeast corner of Floor 13.
Figure 3.3 shows the built-up configuration of Column 79 with its protruding side plates.
Using the assumptions made by NIST, we analyzed the thermal response of Floor 13.
Figure 3.3 Column 79 section showing side plates welded to a W14x730.
Figure 3.4 Plan view showing girder A2001 trapped by the Column 79 side plate.
Figure 3.5 shows the girder bearing seat at Column 79 is 12 inches wide. The flange
width for W33 x 130 girder A2001 is 11.510 inches wide and centered on the seat; its web is
0.580 inches thick. This would require a lateral travel distance of 6.290 inches for the web to be
beyond the seat. However, the distance between the column side plates is 17.89 inches. The
girder and bearing seat are slightly off center to the east, with just 3.678 inches between the
girder's western edge and Column 79's western side plate. Thus, the side plate prevents the
girder’s web from traveling beyond the bearing seat.
Given that the Column 79 side plate prevents the girder’s web from traveling beyond the
bearing seat, it appears that the structural analysis performed by NIST either minimized the side
plate protrusion on Column 79 (nominally 1.79 inches) or ignored it altogether.
Figure 3.5 Plan View for Floor 13 at Column 79 and girder A2001 seat connection (Data from
Frankel Steel Limited, 1985, Drawing 9114; figure prepared by Brookman, 2012).
3.2.2 Girder A2001 Web Stiffeners Prevent Flange Failure and Girder Walk-off
A separate model was generated to determine what would happen if girder A2001 were
able to somehow move past the Column 79 western side plate. This model removed the side
plate protrusion that we found in our previous analysis would interfere with the girder’s lateral
travel. The results are shown in Figures 3.6 and 3.7.
To perform this analysis, the coefficient of thermal expansion of the steel used for beams
K3004, C3004, B3004, and A3004 was increased by approximately 40% to 11.5 x 10-6 in/in/°F
to ensure the girder’s web moved a significant distance beyond the seat. This modification to the
modeling parameters underscores the fact that under a realistic assumption of the coefficient of
thermal expansion, beams K3004, C3004, B3004, and A3004 would not expand far enough to
push the girder’s web beyond its seat.
Figure 3.6 Plan view shows girder A2001 being pushed laterally past notched western side plate.
It is important to note that the analysis performed by NIST did not include the ¾ inch
thick x 5.5 inch wide x 18 inch high partial height web stiffeners on girder A2001. Released
fabrication shop drawing Frankel 9114 shows that the stiffeners were part of that structural
member (Frankel Steel Limited, 1985). In addition to stiffening the web, these stiffeners
significantly increase the bending resistance of the flange and would have prevented it from
failing due to flexure (assuming the girder were somehow able to bypass the column side plate).
Note that the small amount of high stress on the corner of the girder’s flange is not in a load
bearing area. This stress is due to the girder flange being slightly compressed in the axial
direction by its contact with the column flange when the girder is thermally expanded. Figure 3.7
shows that the stresses in the girder flange and stiffener are not sufficient to cause the flange to
Figure 3.7 Analysis showing girder web A2001 pushed laterally past the bearing seat at Column
79. The column is removed for clarity.
Figures 3.8 and 3.9 below, which are from the NIST report, show that the NIST report’s
drawing and analysis figures omit these web stiffeners. Figure 3.10 shows the actual
Figure 3.8 Drawing of Column 79 and girder A2001 seated beam connection shown in Figure 8-
21 of the NIST report.
Figure 3.9 Figure 8-23 of the NIST report showing NIST’s finite element analysis of the Column
79 and girder A2001 seated beam connection.
Figure 3.10 Section view at Floor 13 of Column 79 and girder A2001 seated beam connection,
which shows stiffener plates on girder A2001 (Data from Frankel Steel Limited, 1985, Drawing
9114; figure prepared by Brookman, 2012).
expansion was restrained by girder A2001. Our analysis found that this can only happen when
the three lateral support beams S3007, G3007, and K3007 spanning from beam G3005 to the
north exterior wall are not included in the model. While these short beams are observed in some
of the figures in the NIST report, they are missing from the model(s) used in the thermal and
structural analyses shown in the report. It is important to realize that the lateral support beams
have a significant effect and therefore should not have been omitted from the model(s).
In addition, the NIST report describes the response of beam G3005 based on the wrong
size beam. Erection drawing E12/13 (Frankel Steel Limited, 1985) shows a W21x44 for G3005
and a W24x55 for the four adjacent beams (K3004, C3004, B3004, and A3004). The erection
drawing shows G3005 framing into the wind girder. However, the NIST report shows analysis
results for G3005 based on a W24x55, not a W21x44. Further, the NIST report results were
based on a modeling error in that this beam framed into an exterior girder, not an exterior column
(see Figures 3.11 and 3.14).
Figure 3.11 UAF ABAQUS analysis shows beam G3005 does not buckle when braced by lateral
support beams S3007, G3007 and K3007 (Frankel Steel Limited, 1985).
Figure 3.12 Figure 8-22 in the NIST report shows analysis results for G3005 with no lateral
bracing condition (NIST, 2008, NCSTAR 1-9, Vol. 1, Page 350).
Figure 3.13 Figure 8-27 of the NIST report shows results of a finite element analysis where
lateral support beams connecting to G3005 were not included (NIST, 2008, NCSTAR 1-9, Vol.
1, Page 354).
Figure 3.14 UAF analysis of the W21x44 G3005 with no lateral support beams included.
When the NIST constraints are followed, our analysis showed that beams D3004 and
K3004 would have also buckled (see Figures 3.11 to 3.14). The NIST results were based upon
erroneously selected boundary conditions, wherein NIST assumed the east exterior wall was
extremely stiff and acted as a fixed restraint against thermal movements. As discussed
previously, this was not the case.
Figure 3.14 above shows that girder A2001 was restrained by the Column 79 side plate.
As a result of girder A2001 being restrained, beams D3004 and K3004 are buckling. In addition,
girder A2002 is being pushed to the east along with Column 79 by girder A2015 from the west.
The beams adjacent to beams D3004 and K3004 do not buckle and therefore no full floor
collapse would be expected.
It should also be noted that the lateral travel of Column 79 to the east due to the thermal
expansion of girder A2015 would be reduced if the concrete floor slabs had been included in the
Experts working in connection with engineering firms Ove Arup & Partners (Arup) and
Guy Nordenson and Associates (Nordenson) were retained by the plaintiffs in “Aegis Insurance
Services, Inc. v. 7 World Trade Center Company, L.P.” to perform structural analysis in support
of the claim that the collapse of WTC 7 resulted from deficient design, thus making the
defendants liable for the destruction of the electrical substation over which WTC 7 was built.
The Arup and Nordenson reports were filed with the court in April 2010. The Arup report
concluded that the girder (A2001) that NIST reported was pushed off its seat by thermally
expanding beams to the east of the girder was actually pulled off its seat by the sagging of beams
to the east of the girder. This girder walk-off, according to the Nordenson report, then caused the
same cascade of floor failures and buckling of Column 79 reported by NIST. However, contrary
to NIST’s findings, Nordenson found that the alleged failure of other girder connections framing
into Column 79 on lower floors, which was necessary along with the aforementioned cascade of
floor failures in order for Column 79 to buckle, could not have been caused by thermal
expansion. The Nordenson report instead put forth the idea that these girder connections failed
due to stress raisers (cracking) caused by repeated heating and cooling cycles. However, this
structure did not experience heating and cooling cycles anywhere near sufficient to allow stress
raisers to cause fatigue failure.
the east of girder A2001 (K3004, C3004, B3004, A3004, and G3005) were heated enough to sag
and pull the girder to the east and off of its seats, creating the same situation as claimed by NIST
where the girder and the flooring it supported fell onto Floor 12 below. The global collapse
analysis (the Nordenson section of the report) then attempts to show how the load from the
impact between the falling Floor 13 girder and Floor 12 girder below was sufficient to cause the
lower floor to fail, which then precipitated a multi-story cascade similar to that claimed in the
NIST report
In Appendix B of its report (Floor Collapse Analysis), Nordenson correctly shows that it
would take a 632,000 lb. load to shear the welds of the 2” thick x 14” high x 18” wide support
plate under the bearing seat of girder A2001 at Column 79. Nordenson also correctly determines
the stiffness of girder A2001 on the 12th floor at a point 10 inches from its support at Column 79
to be K = 7,627 kips/inch using the equation K = (3*E* I* L)/ (1 kip * a2 b2) with “a” and “b”
being the distances to the impact point from opposite sides of the girder, which was considered
to be 547 inches long.
However, there was an error in Nordenson’s calculation of the impact force of 4,133 kips,
which resulted from considering the above girder as a point load, thus implying an infinite
stiffness and no deflection. The magnitude of the force experienced in an impact is directly
proportional to the stiffness and deflection of the impacting items. By default, the use of a point
load for the upper girder makes the high stiffness of the girder below at 10 inches away from its
support the only stiffness used in the calculation, resulting in a correspondingly high, but
inaccurate, force. In reality, the girder falling from above would also have a stiffness, with the
relevant stiffness for the calculation of the impact load being that of two springs in series using
the equation 1/Kt = 1/K1 + 1/K2.
To determine the stiffness of the falling Floor 13 beam and girder assembly, a finite
element modal analysis was performed with the assembly constrained at the north and east
exterior walls and the girder sitting on its bearing seat at Column 44 with the bolts at the girder
seat broken. The results are shown in Figure 3.15. The first mode of 22 Hz involved only the
beams moving in a transverse direction and was not relevant. The second mode of 0.52 Hz
involved the participation of the entire beam and girder assembly in the vertical direction and
was relevant.
Figure 3.15 The relevant 0.52 Hz mode of the falling beam and girder assembly.
The natural frequency of mode 2 in the vertical direction is 0.51693 hz. The weight of the
beam and girder assembly is approximately 20,000 lbs., so mass (m) = 20,000/32.174 = 622
slugs. The concrete was not considered by Nordenson to act with the steel during the impact to
amplify the load. This would be appropriate as the shear studs were broken and the welded wire
fabric in the slab and the floor pans would keep it suspended to some degree. Knowing the
natural frequency of the beam and girder assembly (fn), along with its mass (m), stiffness could
then be found using the equation
ωn = ; (rad/sec)
fn = ωn ; (hz)
K = ( 2π f n ) M ; stiffness
The stiffness (K) of the falling beam and girder assembly can then be found
The stiffness that is used in the impact calculations is the combined stiffness of both the
falling beam and girder assembly (K1) and that of the girder on Floor 12 below at 10 inches from
its support at Column 79 (K2). It is
1 1 1 1 1
= + = + = 0.00015
Kt K1 K 2 6, 633 7, 627, 000
K t = (1/ 0.00015 ) = 6, 667 lbs/in
Using Nordenson's potential energy (P.E.) of 3,473,000 in-lbs. and the calculated
stiffness, in the same standard equation he uses to find deflection (D)
Kt D 2 2 P.E.
P.E. = ; D= = 32.28 inches
2 Kt
and finally using the standard equation Nordenson uses to find force (F)
This 215,211 lb. impact force is only 34% of the 632,000 lb. force required to shear the girder
bearing seat support welds and thus is insufficient to do so. This analysis was performed at room
temperature; higher temperatures would soften the girder, causing even lower impact forces.
Therefore, the northeast corner of Floor 12 would not have collapsed if a girder from
Floor 13 came off its seat at Column 79 and fell onto it. As a result, the Arup and Nordenson
analysis does not demonstrate that propagation could occur after the supposed initiating failure,
even if the girder were to fall off its seat at Column 79. This is a fatal flaw in the Arup and
Nordenson analysis.
The engineering firm Weidlinger Associates Inc. (Weidlinger) was retained by the
defendants in “Aegis Insurance Services, Inc. v. 7 World Trade Center Company, L.P.” to
perform structural analysis in support of their defense that the collapse of WTC 7 did not result
from deficient design and was instead caused by the extraordinary events of September 11, 2001.
The Weidlinger report was completed in October 2010 but was never filed with the court. It was
then made public in June 2016.
This chapter presents the findings of our collapse analysis for the collapse of WTC 7. The
goal of our analysis was to determine what types of local failures and their locations may have
caused the total collapse to occur as observed.
Based on our review of video footage and of the NIST and FEMA Reports, we identified
three key features that occurred during the collapse of WTC 7, which we then attempted to
replicate in our simulations of the collapse. These three key features are as follows:
1. The collapse of the east penthouse, which begins approximately 6.9 seconds prior to the
descent of the north face roofline;
2. The collapse of the screenwall and west penthouse, which begins approximately 0.5 to 1
second prior to the descent of the north face roofline; and
3. The descent of the north face roofline, which progresses at a rate of free fall for
approximately 2.25 to 2.5 seconds over a distance of approximately 105 feet or 8 stories,
during which the building’s sheathing remains attached to the exterior steel framing and
does not experience visible differential movements.
(a) Illustration of NIST’s progressive collapse simulation showing significant differential
movements in the exterior (NIST NCSTAR 1-9).
(b) NIST’s progressive collapse simulation showing significant differential movements in the
exterior (NIST NCSTAR 1A).
4.2 The UAF Research Team’s Approach
The main question we sought to address in our simulations — and where our findings
diverge from NIST’s — was the height at which Columns 79, 80, and 81 most likely failed.
NIST hypothesized that these columns failed due to Column 79 losing lateral support from Floor
5 to 14, i.e., the columns failed relatively low in the building (the local failures alleged by NIST
to have caused the loss of lateral support for Column 79 are examined in the preceding chapters).
We simulated the failure of Columns 79, 80, and 81 at different floor intervals throughout the
building — starting from Floors 6 to 13 and continuing all the way to the uppermost part (Floor
45 to the penthouse) — and examined the resulting behavior of the east penthouse as well as the
behavior of the building’s exterior.
4.2.2 Hypothetical Failure Mechanisms for West Penthouse and North Face Roofline
In the progressive collapse scenario advanced by NIST, the failure of Columns 79, 80,
and 81 that directly caused the collapse of the east penthouse also initiated a horizontal
progression of core column failures that took out every core column. According to NIST, this
redistributed loads to the shell of exterior columns, which gave way shortly after the core
columns failed (in NIST’s scenario, the collapse of the exterior shell is what was observed and
captured on video).
First, we simulated NIST’s scenario. Finding that NIST’s scenario was not feasible, we
simulated two other scenarios: (1) the simultaneous failure of all core columns over 8 stories and
(2) the simultaneous failure of all core columns over 8 stories followed 1.3 seconds later by the
simultaneous failure of all exterior columns over 8 stories.
The linear static analysis results for the simulations where we removed Columns 79, 80,
and 81 at different floor intervals are shown in Figures 4.2 to 4.7 below.
Based on these analyses, we found that Columns 79, 80, and 81 did not fail at the lower
floors of the building (e.g., from Floor 6 to 13 or Floor 13 to 21). We found that the failure of
Columns 79, 80, and 81 at the lower floors of the building would cause the building to tilt
dramatically to the east, which would have been observed in the videos but was not, and that it
would not cause the east penthouse to collapse, because the intact portions of Columns 79, 80,
and 81 above where the columns failed would still support the penthouse.
On the other hand, we found that the failure of Columns 79, 80, and 81 at the upper floors
of the building, especially at Floor 45 all the way up to the penthouse, would cause the penthouse
to collapse into the building as observed, while causing minimal movement of the exterior. It
appears, therefore, that Columns 79, 80, and 81 failed at the upper floors of the building.
This finding directly contradicts the scenario described by NIST. Furthermore, the
probability that the failure of Columns 79, 80, and 81 at the upper floors was caused by fires is
virtually zero, since there were no documented fires above Floor 30, and the fires on Floors 19,
22, 29, and 30 were of relatively short duration.
Figure 4.2: Columns 79, 80, and 81 are removed from Floor 6 to Floor 13. The building tilts to
the east almost 10 inches. The penthouse does not collapse.
Figure 4.3: Columns 79, 80, and 81 are removed from Floor 13 to Floor 21. The building tilts to
the east 7.2 inches. The penthouse does not collapse.
Figure 4.4: Columns 79, 80, and 81 are removed from Floor 21 to Floor 29. The building tilts to
the east 5.4 inches. The penthouse does not collapse, though penthouse deflection increases.
Figure 4.5: Columns 79, 80, and 81 are removed from Floor 29 to Floor 37. The building tilts to
the east 3.85 inches. The penthouse does not collapse, thought its deflection increases.
Figure 4.6: Columns 79, 80, and 81 are removed from Floor 37 to Floor 45. Tilting of the
building is now negligible, whereas the deflection of the penthouse is now much greater.
Figure 4.7: Columns 79, 80, and 81 are removed from Floor 45 to the penthouse. Tilting of the
building is now negligible. The penthouse now collapses, as demonstrated from the significant
amount of deflection given in the figure.
4.4 Results from Analysis of NIST’s Horizontal Core Column Failure Scenario
The linear static analysis results and dynamic analysis results from our simulation of
NIST’s scenario of a horizontal progression of core column failures are shown in the figures
Based on these analyses, we found that the failure of Columns 79, 80, and 81 would not
trigger a horizontal progression of core column failures. Our results show that when Columns 79,
80, and 81 are removed, no other columns would buckle, including neighboring Columns 76, 77,
and 78. This result is expected based on the design principle of redundancy.
Going one step further, we simulated the failure of Columns 76, 77, and 78, even though
these columns would not buckle due to the loss of Columns 79, 80, and 81. With the removal of
six core columns on the eastern side of the building (Columns 76 through 81), we found that a
total collapse of the building would ensue. First, the axial loads on the exterior columns around
the southeastern corner of the building would exceed design loads, causing these exterior
columns to fail. The failure of these exterior columns would then cause the axial loads on most
of the remaining core columns and some of the remaining exterior columns to exceed design
loads, resulting in those columns failing and leading shortly thereafter to total collapse. However,
rather than a straight-down collapse as observed, the building would tip to the southeast, as
illustrated in Figures 4.14, 4.15, and 4.16 below.
We draw two main conclusions from our attempt to simulate NIST’s scenario of a
horizontal progression of core column failures:
1. A horizontal progression of core column failures — starting with Columns 79, 80, and
81 — was not feasible. Therefore, the hypotheses of NIST, Arup/Nordenson, and
Weidlinger that the buckling of Column 79 could trigger a progressive collapse of the
entire building are invalid.
2. Even if we assume the failure of Columns 79, 80, and 81 could lead to the failure of the
next row of core columns — Columns 76, 77, and 78 — the loss of these columns
along with the loss of Columns 79, 80, and 81 would overload the exterior columns
around the southeast corner of the building rather than overloading the next row of core
columns to the west, which would result in the building tipping to the southeast and not
in a straight-down collapse.
Figure 4.8: Linear static analysis of Columns 79 to 81 (circled in green) being removed.
Figure 4.9: Linear static analysis of Columns 76 to 81 (circled in green) being removed.
Figure 4.10: Linear static analysis results show that the failure of Columns 76 to 81 overloads 10
exterior columns (circled in red) around the southeast corner, but not the next row of core
columns to the west (not circled in red).
Figure 4.11: Linear static analysis results show that the failure of 10 exterior columns around the
southeast corner leads to numerous core and exterior columns (circled in red) being overloaded
and failing. A progressive collapse triggered by the hypothetical failure of Columns 76 to 81 is
Figure 4.12: Linear static analysis results show that the failure of additional columns (shown in
Figure 4.11 above) leads to the failure of the remaining core columns and many exterior columns
(circled in red). The columns with blue values are in tension rather than compression, indicating
the building is tipping away from those columns.
Figure 4.13: Linear static analysis results show that the failure of additional columns (shown in
Figure 4.12 above) leads to the failure of nearly every remaining column (circled in red).
Figure 4.14: Visualization of linear static analysis, from the southeast, showing the building
tipping to the southeast after the hypothetical failure of Columns 76 to 81.
Figure 4.15: Visualization of linear static analysis, from the southwest, showing the building
tipping to the southeast after the hypothetical failure of Columns 76 to 81.
Figure 4.16: Dynamic analysis results showing the building tipping to the southeast after the
hypothetical failure of Columns 76 to 81.
Finding that NIST’s scenario was not feasible — and would not result in the observed
straight-down collapse even if it were partially feasible — we then simulated the simultaneous
failure of all core columns over 8 stories. The linear static analysis and dynamic analysis results
from these simulations are shown in Figures 4.17 to 4.20 below.
This hypothesis was based on the premise that the simultaneous failure of all core
columns would pull the exterior columns inward and buckle them. We were skeptical of this
hypothesis because we believe such a sequence of failures would have produced relative
displacements of the exterior sheathing and deformations at the windows, which were not
observed in videos of the collapse. Nonetheless, we simulated this sequence of failures to
determine if it could produce any of the key features described above.
Based on this analysis, we found that a simultaneous failure of all core columns would
cause the building to tip to the southwest. We attribute this behavior to WTC 7 having fewer
exterior columns on its south side than on its north side and on the reported damage to columns
on the southwest corner caused by the impact of debris from the collapse of WTC 1 — damage
that we included in our model.
We can also derive from this analysis that even if the horizontal progression of core
column failures asserted by NIST, Arup/Nordenson, and Weidlinger had somehow occurred,
leaving the exterior standing as a hollow shell momentarily, it would still not result in the
observed straight-down collapse.
Figure 4.17: Linear static analysis results show that the simultaneous failure of all core columns
leads to the failure of most exterior columns, causing the building to tip to the southwest. Only
columns at the northwest corner and eastern side are not overloaded.
Figure 4.18: Linear static analysis results show the failure of nearly all remaining columns. The
northeast column with blue values is in tension as the building tips away to the southwest.
Figure 4.19: Visualization of linear static analysis, from the southwest, showing the building
tipping to the southwest after the hypothetical simultaneous failure of all core columns.
Figure 4.20: Dynamic analysis results showing the building tipping to the southwest after the
hypothetical simultaneous failure of all core columns.
Finding that NIST’s scenario was not feasible and that the simultaneous failure of all core
columns would not result in the observed straight-down collapse, we then simulated the
simultaneous failure of all core columns over 8 stories followed 1.3 seconds later by the
simultaneous failure of all exterior columns over 8 stories. The dynamic analysis results for this
simulation are shown below, side-by-side with two videos of the collapse.
Based on this analysis, we found that the simultaneous failure of all core columns
followed by the simultaneous failure of all exterior columns produces almost exactly the
behavior observed in videos of the collapse. Specifically, the simulated velocity and acceleration
of the building in our SAP2000 model matches almost exactly with the motion measured by
David Chandler (Chandler, 2010), including the approximately 2.5 seconds of free fall, shown in
Figures 4.21, 4.22, and 4.23 below.
Figure 4.21: Velocity analysis by David Chandler (Chandler, 2010).
Figure 4.23: Velocity comparison between Chandler measurement (green plotted line) and UAF
simulation (red plotted line). Bold green trend line illustrates free fall.
The simulated collapse was examined in two different perspectives to match the
perspectives of video captured from two separate angles. Figure 4.24 below shows the UAF
simulation side-by-side with the two videos of the collapse.
(a) Perspective 1
(b) Perspective 2
Figure 4.24: (a) Comparison of simulated collapse to perspective 1; (b) comparison of simulated
collapse to perspective 2.
It should be noted that we conducted two separate simulations involving the failure of the
core columns and exterior columns over 8 stories: One was the failure of all columns from Floor
12 to Floor 19; the second was the failure of all columns from Floor 6 to Floor 13. The two
simulations were identical in terms of the downward velocity and acceleration of the northwest
corner at the top of building. We therefore found that the collapse could have started at various
floors. Based on our subsequent review of video footage, we found that Floor 16 is the
uppermost floor where the collapse could have initiated, because the video shows Floor 17 to
Floor 47 falling uniformly as a unit (see Figure 4.25 below). Although some floors below Floor
17 are somewhat visible in the video, it cannot be determined with confidence that they are
falling as a unit with the floors above.
4.7 Summary and Conclusion
1. Columns 79, 80, and 81 did not fail at the lower floors of the building. Instead, they
needed to have failed at the upper floors of the building all the way to the penthouse. Yet
there were no documented fires above Floor 30. Therefore, fire did not cause the collapse
of Columns 79, 80, and 81 nor the collapse of the east penthouse.
2. The hypothetical failure of Columns 79, 80, and 81 — the three easternmost core
columns — would not trigger a horizontal progression of core column failures. Therefore,
the hypotheses of NIST, Arup/Nordenson, and Weidlinger that the buckling of Column
79 would trigger a progressive collapse of the entire building are invalid, and the collapse
of Columns 79, 80, and 81 high in the building was a separate and distinct event.
3. Even if we assume the failure of Columns 79, 80, and 81 could lead to the failure of the
next row of core columns, the hypothetical failure of Columns 76 to 81 would overload
the exterior columns around the southeast corner of the building, rather than overloading
the next row of core columns to the west, which would result in the building tipping to
the southeast and not in a straight-down collapse.
4. The hypothetical simultaneous failure of all core columns would cause the building to tip
to the southwest and would not cause a straight-down collapse.
5. The simultaneous failure of all core columns over 8 stories followed 1.3 seconds later by
the simultaneous failure of all exterior columns over 8 stories produces almost exactly the
behavior observed in videos of the collapse. The collapse could have started at various
floors starting at Floor 16 and below and produced the same behavior.
It is our conclusion that the collapse of WTC 7 was a global failure involving the near-
simultaneous failure of all columns in the building and not a progressive collapse involving the
sequential failure of columns throughout the building.
Despite simulating a number of hypothetical scenarios, we were unable to identify any
progressive sequence of failures that could have taken place on September 11, 2001, and caused
a total collapse of the building, let alone the observed straight-down collapse with approximately
2.5 seconds of free fall and minimal differential movement of the exterior.
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