Tax Reviewer (Mfp-2)
Tax Reviewer (Mfp-2)
Tax Reviewer (Mfp-2)
Offshore Banking Units
4 Foreign Currency Deposit Units
In proving worthlessness of debts, one must show Methods for Reasonable Allowance Computation
diligent efforts to collect through the ff. steps: (in 1. Straight-line method
order) MEMORIZE! 2. Declining-balance method
1. Send statement of accounts 3. Sum-of-the-years-digit method;
2. Send collection letters 4. Any other method prescribed
3. Give account to lawyer for collection
4. File collection case Only one vehicle is allowed for the use of
an official or employee.
For banks BSP shall: o Value not more than 2.4M
1. ascertain the worthlessness and uncollectibility o Taxpayer should substantiate the
2. approve writing-off of the said debt from the purchase with sufficient evidence.
bank’s books of accounts at the end of the No depreciation allowed for yachts,
taxable year helicopters, airplanes, and other vehicles
exceeding the threshold amount.
For insurance/surety companies a receivable o EXCEPTION: Taxpayer’s line of biz
may be written off and claimed as bad debt only if is transport operations/leasing and
such company has been solved due to insolvency or vehicles purchased are used in said
other similar reason by the Insurance Commission biz
Amortization of intangibles is the periodic
Worthless debts from unpaid wages, salaries, rents, process of allocating cost of an intangible,
and similar items of taxable income only and it is deductible.
deducted if included in the ITR as income for the o Examples: goodwill, right of lease,
year the bad debt was sought, or the previous year patent, trademark