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t the dawn of the twenty- being transformed by topics and on the cusp of becoming something
first century, young adult themes that years ago would have totally new and unique. Such are
literature looks very never ever been conceived without the articles presented in this
different than it did fifty years ago. someone labeling them ‘daft’ or at research column: a solemn look at
Indeed, fifty years ago, we were least, a little far-fetched and out-of the changing face of young adult
just getting started with the likes of touch with everyday reality. literature and where it is going
Salinger’s The Catcher In The Rye Furthermore, writers and scholars from here. Enjoy the ride.
(1951), with Hinton’s The Outsiders alike are challenging the whole
(1967), Zindel’s The Pigman concept of what young adult
Young Adult Science Fiction
(1968), and Cormier’s The Choco literature is. Some think the genre
in the Post-human Age
late War (1974) still a gleam in the
eye of their literary creators. We In “Is He Still Human? Are
have a come along way since then, The authors of many You?”: Young Adult Science Fiction
and I suppose, that is why our in the Posthuman Age,” researcher
humble, yet groundbreaking articles say, the world of Elaine Ostry analyzes science
beginnings have yielded a bountiful fiction texts, written for young
harvest of literary works. Today, we young adult literature is adults, which deal with the tenets
face a plethora of young adult being transformed by of our new biotechnology age:
books that represent every conceiv cloning, genetic engineering,
able genre and literary style. To be topics and themes that prolongation of life, and neurophar
sure, we are on the precipice of re macology. She discusses how
inventing ourselves because our years ago would have texts—young adult literature
young adult books are constantly in concerned with bioethics—use the
never ever been
search of the new and revealing so possibility of biotechnology as
that more and more young people conceived. metaphors for adolescence.
will find their way to the delectable Specifically, these new engaging
hallways of good and engaging reads. reads for young adults discuss in
Thus, it is intriguing to look at is too limiting for even the most vivid and clarifying detail the ethics
the spate of recent articles on the experienced readers for it delegates implied in the study and practice of
nature of young adult fiction in the good works to a category few, if biotechnology—such as the
twenty-first century. Indeed, as the any, scholars can easily define. And creation of a super class of human
authors of many articles say, the others regard young adult literature beings and the delicate crossing of
world of young adult literature is as something that once was, but is the boundaries between human