6V6 Tube
6V6 Tube
6V6 Tube
A valve
Unable to find a replacement 6V6 audio power valve for
his radio, Dave Allen set about making a MOSFET
substitute which, he says, works better than the valve it
replaced. Here's how he did it...
fter giving me many years of pling capacitor was easy but finding a
HT feed 1k, 5W T
To HT from HT feed To HT from
rec UdMIUI
stages 33(4,, re
stages 33U,
450V 450V
I] I +J=,33u.,
T450V " " 450V
heater circuit, as the replacement mod- Imiplementing the valve Main components
ule does not have a heater. substitute Resistors
Simply shorting the heater pins of the A good starting point is the preparation R, 100R, 0.6W
redundant valve may overload the of the valve base. Wearing safety gog- R2 IM, 0.6W
other valve heaters and/or the dropper. gles and gloves to protect you against VR] 220k, horizontal mounting preset
There's more on this in the panel cov- cuts from broken glass is a good idea
ering valves in series heater chains on when reclaiming the valve base. Capacitors
Ci 2 lOOn, 63V metallised polyester film, 5mm spacing
the previous page. The best way to break the glass enve-
lope is to place the dud valve in a thick Semiconductors
Details for the 6V6 plastic bag and tap the glass with a IRFI830G MOSFET (Farnell). This version of the MOSFET has
Connections for the 6V6 valve are small hammer. Then carefully remove an insulated tab so the heat sink will not be af HT potential.
shown in Table 1. Figure 1 shows a the shattered remains from the base.
typical single-ended Class-A output Remnants of wire in the valve base Diode
stage using a 6V6 tetrode, or similar pins can now be unsoldered. D] is an 18V/400mW zener diode
valve, incorporating cathode bias. A piece of 0.1 in matrix stripboard
In Fig. 2 is the output stage - minus with 11 strips by 32 holes is required
valve - and the relevant connections for mounting the MOSFET, heat sink,
shown for use with the plug-in module. and the few passive components.
Figure 3 shows the circuit for the plug- After completion of the component
in replacement module. board, three short flying leads can be
connected to the board and taken to To pins
The circuit the relevant pins on the valve base and on valve
The circuit is based on an IRFI830G soldered. The board can then be held base
MOSFET, wired as a triode. In this in place using epoxy resin adhesive.
application, no screen grid connections
to the valve base/holder are involved. Setting up
For the MOSFET to operate as an With the plug-in module completed, 8
amplifier it has to be biased into con- rotate the wiper of VRi so it is at the L o VWV-J
duction. This is achieved by applying a anode end of D\. This will ensure
small positive bias to its gate. there is no positive bias voltage on the Fig. 3. MOSFET substitute for the 6V6 valve. Only three pins
Bias voltage for the FET is derived gate of the FET when you first switch are needed on the valve base, to replace the valve's anode,
from a potential divider, fed from the on your receiver. cathode and grid.
HT rail. It consists of R2, VRi and R{. Now insert the plug-in module into
Resistor RI also serves as a current its socket and connect a meter power - or heat if you like - so a good
limit for the MOSFET and as a conve- switched to its 20V DC range across heat sink will be required. The sink
nient test point for voltage monitoring R\. Switch on your receiver and let it needs to be at least 9.9°C/W.
when setting up the plug-in module. warm up for about ten minutes. In my particular case, the voltage
Zener diode DI keeps the gate volt- Slowly rotate VR{ until the MOS- across the MOSFET was measured at
age stable, enabling the module to be FET springs to life. This will happen 277V at a current of 20mA so the
used in a variety of receivers with dif- quite suddenly. Finally adjust VKj for power being dissipated was 277x0.02,
fering HT voltages. Decoupling capac- a drop of 2V across R^ This corre- which is 5.54W.
itor C\, connected across VRi, helps sponds to a current of 20mA flowing
prevent any noise from the power sup- through the output stage, which works In use
ply entering the sensitive gate input of well with my particular receiver. My original plug-in module has been
the MOSFET. in use for about two years now with no
Capacitor €2 provides input coupling Power dissipation considerations problems. As a bonus, the audio is
for the module and is fed from an ear- As the MOSFET in this case is biased much improved - especially at the high
lier audio stage in the receiver. in class-A, it is constantly dissipating frequency end. •