Sale of Operation (Binding Sale Agreement) B. Closure or Reorganization
Sale of Operation (Binding Sale Agreement) B. Closure or Reorganization
Sale of Operation (Binding Sale Agreement) B. Closure or Reorganization
1) Warranties – The entity provides for the estimated liability to repair or replace products
under warranty at the time the revenue is recognized.
2) Environmental damages – An obligating event where the entity has broken current
environmental legislation or environmental policy.
3) Guarantees – A commitment to honor an obligation of another party in the event
certain defined conditions are not met.
4) Onerous contracts – Contracts in which the unavoidable cost of meeting the
obligation under the contract exceed the economic benefits expected to be received.
5) Restructuring cost – Liabilities for expenses already incurred but not yet paid.
6) Court case or pending lawsuits – It can only be recognized as provision if there is
present obligation and outflow is both probable and estimable.
7) Obligations caused by an entity’s policy to make refunds to customers – Present
obligation arises from injury caused to customer provision is recognized if an outflow
is both probable and estimable.
An obligation is either:
To recognize Trade and other payables like any liabilities it must have the ff:
I. The trade & other payable is the present obligation of a particular entity
(not necessary the payee whom the obligation owed be identified)
II. The obligation arises from past event
III. The settlement of the liability requires an outflow of resources
embodying economic benefits.
1) Accounts payable – Obligation not supported by formal promises to pay by the debtor.
2) Notes payable – Obligation supported by promissory notes by the debtor.
- Non-Interest-bearing note (note is initially measured based on the prevailing
market rate of interest for a similar obligation)
- Interest bearing note
3) Dividends payable – Amount owed by a corporation to its shareholders as a result
of the board of directors’ action on the distribution of corporate earnings.
4) Loan payable – Usually used to connote bank loans.
5) Bonds payable – Obligation issued by the debtor supported by the promises made
under seal.
6) Accrued expenses – Liabilities for expenses already incurred but not yet paid.
7) Others like taxes payable, vouchers and interest payable and the like.