Remedial Instruction Syllabus

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Republic of the Philippines


Casili, Mallig, Isabela


Course Name Remedial Instruction in English (ENGLISH 116)
Course Credits 3 units
Course Description This is a three-unit course that explores the basic principles in organizing, designing, implementing and evaluating an effective
English remedial program for students with learning difficulties specifically regarding the four macro skills (listening, speaking,
reading and writing). This course includes the underlying causes of students’ learning difficulties and the respective teaching
strategies and activities which may be used to tackle such.

Contact 3 hours
Prerequisite None
Course Outcomes 1. Explain and reflect on the significance of remedial teaching
2. Identify the learning difficulties of the students (listening, speaking, reading and writing)
3. Apply the processes and principles of designing an effective remedial program
4. Demonstrate effective English remedial instruction for students with specific learning difficulties
5. Exhibit a sense of understanding, and empathy towards students with learning difficulties


Course Content/Subject Matter
Week 1 A. Objectives of Remedial Instruction
Week 2-3 B. The Remedial Instruction: Organization and Management
1. Organization
a. Curriculum
b. Instruction
c. Assessment
2. Management
a. Components of Remediation
Week 4 C. Principles of Helping Learners with Difficulties

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Week 5 D. Process of Remedial Teaching
E. Curriculum Adaptation
F. Formulation of Teaching Plans
Week 6 G. Teaching Activities, Aids and Supporting Materials
Week 7 H. The Setting of Learning Environment
Week 8 I. Remedial Teaching Strategies
Week 9-11 J. Remedial Instruction in Reading
1. Correcting Perceptual and decoding deficits in word recognition
2. Definition of terms
3. Correcting sight-word knowledge deficits
4. Correcting Basic sight vocabulary deficit
5. Correcting knowledge of sound-symbol correspondence
6. Remediation through phonemic awareness
7. Remedial vocabulary instruction

Week 12-13 K. Remedial Instruction in Listening

1. Factors affecting students’ listening comprehension
2. Internal Factors
3. External Factors
4. How to improve students’ listening comprehension
Week 14-15 L. Remedial Instruction in Speaking
1. What makes speaking difficult
2. Teaching pronunciation
3. The use of accuracy-based activities
4. Talking to second language learners in the beginning level

Week 16-17 M. Remedial Instruction in Writing

1. Areas of difficulty for students with writing problems
2. Qualities of strong writing instruction
3. Adaptations for struggling writers
4. Teaching handwriting
5. Teaching spelling

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One week (or an equivalent Allotted for the Prelims, Midterms and the final Exams
of three hours)
1. Identify the Objectives of Remedial Education Bureau  Class discussion  Oral  PowerPoint 3 hours
goals and Instruction (2007). Remedial and lecture recitation presentation
significance of teaching strategies.
remedial Retrieved June 20, 2018
instruction for from
learners /en/edu-
1. Determine and The Remedial Instruction: Gunning, Thomas G.  Class discussion  Divergent  PowerPoint 6 hours
explain the Organization and (2003). Creating Literacy and lecture questioning presentation
salient features Management Instruction for all  Graphic  Graphic
and  Organization Children. (4th ed). NY, interpretation of organizer
components of - Curriculum USA: Pearson Education, remedial
remedial -Instruction Inc. Hedge, T. instruction
instruction Manzo, Anthony&
- Assessment components
Manzo, Ula, (1993).
 Management
Literacy Disorders:
-Components of Holistic Diagnosis and
Remediation Remediation. Australia:
Wordsworth Thompson
1. Identify Principles of Helping Manzo, Anthony&  Class discussion  Oral  PowerPoint 3 hours
difficulties of Learners with Difficulties Manzo, Ula, (1993). and lecture recitation presentation
learners and Literacy Disorders:
some general Holistic Diagnosis and
principles to Remediation. Australia:
manage such Wordsworth Thompson

Page 3 of 9
1. Identify the  Process of Remedial Education Bureau  Class discussion  Sample  PowerPoint 3 hours
processes and Teaching (2007). Remedial and lecture remedial presentation
principles in  Curriculum teaching strategies.  Graphic analysis of class lesson  Graphic
designing Adaptation Retrieved June 20, 2018 the process of plan organizer
remedial  Formulation of from remedial teaching  Sample
instruction plans
Teaching Plans teaching
2. Apply the /en/edu-
principles and
methods of
teaching plans
for remedial
1. Identify and Teaching Activities, Aids Philippine Normal  Class discussion  Instructional  PowerPoint 3 hours
design effective and Supporting Materials University (2013). A and lecture material for presentation
learning Reviewer for the remedial  Sample
materials for Licensure Examination class materials and
remedial for Teachers. Manila: activities for
learners FCA Printhouse remedial
1. Determine the The Setting of Learning Education Bureau  Class discussion  Oral  PowerPoint 3 hours
different Environment (2007). Remedial and lecture recitation presentation
settings of teaching strategies.  Images of
learning Retrieved June 20, 2018 different
environment from learning
and the environment
appropriate /en/edu-
type of teaching
based on these
1. Manage Remedial Teaching Philippine Normal  Class discussion  Simulations  PowerPoint 3 hours

Page 4 of 9
learning Strategies University (2013). A and lecture presentation
situations by Reviewer for the  Simulation
applying various Licensure Examination activities of
teaching for Teachers. Manila: different remedial
strategies FCA Printhouse class situations
and how to tackle
1. Identify Remedial Instruction in Ekwall, Eldon & Shanker,  Class discussion  Objective  PowerPoint 9 hours
reading/ Reading James (1998). Diagnosis and lecture exercises presentation
perceptual  Correcting Perceptual and Remediation of the  Word lists
difficulties of and decoding deficits Disabled Reader.  Images
learners in word recognition Massachusetts, USA:  Sample
2. Apply principles  Definition of terms Allyn and Bacon.
and activities  Correcting sight-word
Manzo, Anthony&
which may help knowledge deficits
Manzo, Ula, (1993).
correct such  Correcting Basic sight Literacy Disorders:
difficulties vocabulary deficit Holistic Diagnosis and
 Correcting knowledge Remediation. Australia:
of sound-symbol Wordsworth Thompson
correspondence Learning.
 Remediation through
phonemic awareness
 Remedial vocabulary

1. Identify listening Remedial Instruction in Manzo, Anthony&  Class discussion  Oral  PowerPoint 6 hours
difficulties of Listening Manzo, Ula, (1993). and lecture recitation presentation
learners  Factors affecting Literacy Disorders:
2. Apply principles students’ listening Holistic Diagnosis and
and activities comprehension Remediation. Australia:
which may help  Internal Factors Wordsworth Thompson
correct or  External Factors Learning.

Page 5 of 9
manage such  How to improve
difficulties students’ listening
1. Identify Remedial Instruction in Murcia, M. C., Brinton,  Class discussion  Divergent  PowerPoint 6 hours
speaking Speaking M. & Goodwin, J. M. and lecture questioning presentation
difficulties of  What makes speaking (1996). Teaching
learners difficult Pronunciation: A
2. Apply principles  Teaching Reference for Teachers
and activities pronunciation in English To Speakers of
which may help Other Languages. Ney
 The use of accuracy-
York: Cambridge
correct or based activities
University Press.
manage such  Talking to second
difficulties language learners in
the beginning level

1. Identify writing Remedial Instruction in Troia, G.A. (2002).  Class discussion  Peer  PowerPoint 6 hours
difficulties of Writing Teaching Writing and lecture checking of presentation
learners  Areas of difficulty for Strategies to Children  Writing drills and written  Samples of
2. Apply principles students with writing With Disabilities: Setting collaborative output common
and activities problems Generalization as a goal. teaching writing
which may help  Qualities of strong Troia, G. A. & Graham, S. miscues
correct or writing instruction (2003). Effective writing
manage such  Adaptations for instruction across the
difficulties grades: What every
struggling writers
educational consultant
 Teaching handwriting
should know. Journal of
 Teaching spelling Educational and
Consultation, 14, 75-89.


Course Objectives Summative Assessment Tasks Details

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1. Explain and reflect on the significance Quizzes/Exercises These tasks ensure understanding and critical thinking of students
of remedial teaching towards the principles of an effective remedial instruction in English
2. Identify the learning difficulties of the applied in different learning situations
students (listening, speaking, reading
and writing) Lesson Plan/ Remedial instruction The students are required to create a lesson plan for a remedial class
3. Exhibit a sense of understanding, and plan employing all the processes and principles of designing a remedial
empathy towards students with program/instruction.
learning difficulties
4. Apply the processes and principles of
Module/Remedial Instruction In this task, the students are required to design a learning material for
designing an effective remedial
program Material remedial learners containing appropriate activities and content
5. Create an effective English remedial depending on their needs and difficulties.
program for students with specific Prelim, Midterm and Final
learning difficulties Examination

Suggested Carry, S. (1997). Second Language Learners. California: The Galef Institute.
Readings and Education Bureau (2007). Remedial teaching strategies. Retrieved June 20, 2018 from
References system/special/resources/serc/irtp/book-3.html
Ekwall, Eldon & Shanker, James (1998). Diagnosis and Remediation of the Disabled Reader. Massachusetts, USA:
Allyn and Bacon.
Gunning, Thomas G. (2003). Creating Literacy Instruction for all Children. (4 th ed). NY, USA: Pearson Education, Inc. Hedge, T. (2000).
Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom. UK: Oxford University Press.
Vacca, R. T. & Vacca, J. L. (2005). Content Area Reading: Literacy and Learning Across the Curriculum (4 th ed).
Boston: Pearson, Allyn and Bacon.
Manzo, Anthony& Manzo, Ula, (1993). Literacy Disorders: Holistic Diagnosis and Remediation. Australia:
Wordsworth Thompson Learning.
Murcia, M. C., Brinton, M. & Goodwin, J. M. (1996). Teaching Pronunciation: A Reference for Teachers in English To
Speakers of Other Languages. Ney York: Cambridge University Press.
Philippine Normal University (2013). A Reviewer for the Licensure Examination for Teachers. Manila: FCA Printhouse
Troia, G.A. (2002). Teaching Writing Strategies to Children With Disabilities: Setting Generalization as a goal.
Troia, G. A. & Graham, S. (2003). Effective writing instruction across the grades: What every educational consultant
should know. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 14, 75-89.
Course Quizzes/Exercises
Requirements Active Participation (group works, recitation, etc)

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Lesson Plan/ Remedial instruction plan
Module/Remedial Instruction Material
Prelim, Midterm and Final Examination
Grading System Examinations
Prelims - 15 %
Midterms - 15 %
Finals - 15 %
Quizzes/participation - 10 %
Module -25 %
Lesson plan - 20 %
Classroom policies  Attend class on time and prepared with reading materials (no borrowing of paper, pen or handouts).
 Always be prepared for on-the-spot sharing of ideas, advanced readings or recaps of past lesson.
 Make sure cellular phone is shut down or in silent mode during sessions.
 Ask permission when leaving the classroom.
 Be flexible when adjustments are made on the different activities or assignments
 Quizzes are given on scheduled or unscheduled basis.
 Respect and courtesy must be manifested both toward the teacher and classmates.
 Honesty as a policy is to be observed at all times.

Prepared By: Approved:

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Language Instructor VP for Human Resource/Dean, College of Teacher Education

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