Combustion of Hydrocarbons: Prepared by Team C Submitted To

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Combustion of Hydrocarbons

Prepared by Submitted to
Team C Dr. Md. Shakhawat H. Firoz
Course Title : Chemical Kinetics & Professor
Solution Thermodynamics Bangladesh University of Engineering &
Code: Chem-6107 Technology (BUET)
Study Team


Nahida Afrin

1. Introduction
2. Complete combustion reaction
3. Incomplete combustion reaction
4. Difference between complete
combustion and incomplete
combustion reaction
5. Question
A combustion reaction is a major class of chemical reactions, commonly referred to
as "burning." Combustion usually occurs when a substance reacts with oxygen and
releases a huge amount of energy in the form of light and heat.
A combustion reaction always has oxygen as one reactant. The second reactant is
always a hydrocarbon, which is a compound made up of carbon and hydrogen. A
combustion reaction also always produces CO2 and H2O.
General Form of a Combustion Reaction :
hydrocarbon + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water
Examples of Combustion Reactions:
• Combustion of methane:
CH4(g) + 2 O2(g) → CO2(g) + 2 H2O(g)

• Burning of naphthalene:
C10H8 + 12 O2 → 10 CO2 + 4 H2O
• Combustion of ethane
2 C2H6 + 7 O2 → 4 CO2 + 6 H2O
There are two types of combustion reaction –
i. Complete combustion reaction.
ii. Incomplete combustion reaction.

i.Complete combustion reaction: Also called "clean combustion", Complete

combustion needs a plentiful supply of air so that the elements in the fuel react
fully with oxygen.
 Reaction condition:
Excess oxygen gas is present to react.
Complete Combustion Reaction

 Reaction products : Carbon dioxide (CO2) and Water (H2O)

 Observation : Hydrocarbon combusts (burns) with a clean flame.

• In general, for complete combustion:

hydrocarbon + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water

• Here are the equations for the complete combustion of propane, used in bottled
propane + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water
C3H8 + 5O2 → 3CO2 + 4H2O
Incomplete Combustion Reaction
ii. Incomplete combustion reaction : Also called "dirty combustion", Incomplete
combustion occurs when the supply of air or oxygen is poor. Water is still produced,
but carbon monoxide and carbon are produced instead of carbon dioxide.
 Reaction condition:
Insufficient oxygen gas is present.
 Reaction products : Water (H2O), Carbon monoxide (CO) and/or Carbon (C).
 Observation : Hydrocarbon combusts (burns) with a smokey or sooty flame .

• In general for incomplete combustion:

hydrocarbon + oxygen → carbon monoxide + carbon + water

• Here are the equations for the incomplete combustion of propane, where carbon
is produced rather than carbon monoxide:
propane + oxygen → carbon + water
C3H8 + 2O2 → 3C + 4H2O
Difference between Complete Combustion and Incomplete
• Oxidant
Complete combustion occurs when there is a sufficient and adequate supply of the oxidant, while
incomplete combustion occurs when there is an insufficient and inadequate supply of the oxidant.
• Hydrocarbon combustion
Complete combustion of hydrocarbons will result in the production of carbon dioxide and water,
while an incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons will result in the production of carbon monoxide
and water.
• Flame
In incomplete combustion a yellow or orange flame is usually produced while in complete
combustion a blue flame is produced.
• Smoke
Incomplete combustion produces smoke as a result of the reaction, while complete combustion does
not produce smoke as a result of the reaction.
Thanks to everyone

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