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Abdul Manan

Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh


This research was intended to figure out the effectiveness of the use of
short stories in teaching reading comprehension to enhance the quality
of students’ reading to the first semester students of Tarbiyah of
Muhammadiyah University of Aceh. The mayor principle of
conducting this research was to investigate whether or not the students
in the experimental group taught by using short stories would produce a
higher achievement than those of the control group taught by using
conventional study. To find out the effectiveness of the use of short
stories, the pre-test and the post-test were given for those groups. The
result of data analysis demonstrated that there was a significant
difference on students’ achievement from both groups proved by the
average of the post-test’s score. As a result, the score of the post-test of
the experimental group is higher than that of the control group (80:65)
by which the gained score for t-test was 8 while the value for t-table
was 1,684 at the level of significance 0,05. It means that t-score was
higher than t-table (8 > 1,684). It can be concluded that the students
who were taught by using short stories had a better achievement in
reading comprehension than those who taught by using conventional

Key words: Short Story, Reading Comprehension, Conventional Style.


English is a foreign language that is learned by the students from

school to the university levels in Indonesia. It is one of subjects

Corresponding author: [email protected]

se of Short Stories In Teaching Reading Comprehen
ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL, 8(3), 404-423, July 2017

included in the national curriculum, English language must be taught at

junior and senior high school students as well as at university. The
language will be very useful for the junior and senior high school
students and also when they continue their study at university, or when
they work for any foreign companies. Simanjuntak (1988, p. 6) says, “a
student who does not read because of lack of motivation do not get the
practice that he needs in reading comprehension.” So that the students
will be lost because they are not interested in teaching reading
The goal of teaching English language is not only to communicate
but also to understand the written English language. The students are
expected to able to read texts and English article in their specific fields
when they are at university levels because the purpose of study English
language is to obtain the ability in reading English language. To get it,
the most important thing is that teachers have to look for good and
suitable materials for the student levels. In teaching English language,
there are aspects of English language that should be improved, namely:
listening, speaking, reading, and writing skill. Reading is one of four
English language skills that the students strive in learning English
language and reading is a key of knowledge or the window of world.
Meanwhile, Grellet (1988, p. 12) states, “reading itself can enrich the
students’ knowledge and experience because they do not only accept
whether the text says but he or she understood what they have already
read.” In this process appearance as the interaction between the words
that are written and how the readers trigger knowledge outside the text.
Donna (1974, p. 12) states, “the best reading is included a variety of
good materials which students may select.” The teacher certainly
prefers materials that are familiar with situation from their students.
Reading is defined as the process of looking for a series of written
symbols and getting meaning from them. Reading is a skill which we
try to get information from printed or written materials. To have a good
material in reading is not only by knowing how to read better with
corrected pronunciation and intonation but also understand the reading
English language and to obtain the information in the texts, but
sometimes the students faced problems in reading English language,
understanding and translating the written English language.
Nuttal (1982, p. 10) states, “reading is not just an active process,
but an interactive one. It means reader will interact with the text to
predict what they are about.” The main of purpose of teaching reading
English language is not only help students improve their

Teaching Reading Comprehension By Using Short Stories (Hasbaini & A. Manan)

comprehension but also to find the ways orderred that they love reading
English language and to develop great enthusiasm. There are some
kinds of reading used in teaching reading English language, such as
extensive reading, silent reading, reading aloud, and reading
comprehension. Reading comprehension is one of reading skill that
taught in junior and senior high school until at university. Some
teachers complained that their students are often difficult to understand
the English language text that they have already read and they
sometimes can only know a little part of the text, if the students find
difficulty in understanding the text, they are lazy and bored in reading
English language text.
Patker (1965, p. 56) states, “the short story is a protean form. It
may be short indeed or it may stretch until it approaches the short novel
length, short story is always regardless of variation.” Furthermore,
there is a different definition between short story and longer fictional
format. Short stories are one of presented materials in teaching reading
English language of Tarbiyah students of Muhammadiyah University
of Aceh. According to syllabus of reading comprehension of this
faculty, the students are expected to able to criticize writer’s idea in
reading English language text, analyze writer’s argument of writing
ideas and answer or respond the issue taking place in class discussion.
However, there are some obstacles faced the students while
comprehending reading English language materials especially short
stories. Firstly, some teachers tend to teach difficult or unfamiliar
vocabulary before the students read the text because it saves time and
they think it to help students’ understand better. But, by giving “ready
answers”, teachers prevent the students from developing their reading
English language skills and enhancing their comprehension abilities.
Meanwhile, Ellis and Hedge (1993, p. 14) states, “the students
know different words and have different prior knowledge in the topic,
which means that some words are unknown for some of students, but
familiar for others.” As result, this activity continues for a long time.
Sometimes there are vocabulary exercises in the pre-reading but they
include only if the text contains some specific or specialized
vocabulary, terminology, proper nouns, which they helped the students
to understand the idea of the text better.

se of Short Stories In Teaching Reading Comprehen
ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL, 8(3), 404-423, July 2017

Research Questions
1. Is there a significant difference in teaching reading
comprehension between the students who are taught by using
short stories and those who are taught by using conventional
2. What do the students’ responses toward the use of short stories
in teaching reading comprehension?

Research Objectives
1. To find out if there is significant difference in teaching reading
comprehension between the students who are taught by using
short stories and those who are taught by using conventional
2. To find out students’ responses toward the use of short stories in
teaching reading comprehension.


Reading is an important skill learning a language besides listening,

speaking, and writing. The fundamental goals of any reading activity
know the content of message in English language text. The definitions
of reading varies for it defends in people’s point of view. River (1996,
p. 12) said, “reading is the most important activities in language class,
not only as source information and extending one’s knowledge.”
Reading is one four reading skills. Through reading, a lot of positive
things can be obtained. Reading is as social process and an important
skill in our daily life. It means that reading is one of the means that
people employs to communicate with others.
The essential nature of communication between readers and texts
can be developed in order to get proficiency in reading English
language ability in setting reading firmly in context of communicative
by using English language text. Therefore, the teacher can find out the
development of implications in teaching reading English language,
especially to improve students’ ability in reading comprehension which
gives them the reading English language text accompanied with
selection of questions. Meanwhile, Kridalaksana (1984, p. 17) said,
“reading is to dig information from the text, either in the form of the
text or a picture or diagram or a combination of it all.” Reading is a
fluent proses readers to combine informations from the text and
background of knowledge builds the meaning and reading is a process

Teaching Reading Comprehension By Using Short Stories (Hasbaini & A. Manan)

which our mind translates printed materials into the idea that writer is
trying to tell or communicated with us. Reading is about understanding
the written text and to convey some informations to reader because
reading is a source of knowledge and window of the world.
In the other hand, Frima (1996, p. 12) said, “reading skill needs to
be fostered so that learners can cope more and sophisticated text and
deal with them efficiently, appropriately and skillfully.” Reading is a
complicated skill and reading is not only about how to pronoun words
but also how to understand an author’s idea and perception in his/her
writing. A good reader must be patient while reading is going on until
he/she knows what the writer wants to convey to them and we can get
new knowledge from the materials.
While reading, we have to understand and summarize what the
reading English language about. Then, we can apply the informations
or message from reading English language materials in our daily life, if
it is suitable for us. Because, the guide line of reading involves reading
intergration and promotes the development of the reader himself.


This research is an experimental study which intended to obtain

information in teaching reading comprehension skill at Tarbiyah
faculty of Muhammdiyah University of Aceh and it uses an
experimental research in order to answer the research problem.
Experimental research was the attempt by the research to maintain
control over all factors that affected the result of an experiment.
According to Surachmad (1990, p. 64), “the aim of an
experimental research is not only to collect and to describe the data but
also to find out the cause and the effect.” This study took two classes,
namely the experimental class and the control class. The reseacher used
true experimental design. Arikunto (2006, p. 117) said, “true
experimental research is a study which has two groups: one group is the
experimental group and another is the control group.” Here, the
researcher conducted the experimental to prove the hypotheses whether
the treament by using short stories would improve the students’ reading
comprehension ability. The experimental activities involved the pre-test
and the post-test. Prasetyo and Jannah (2005, p. 97) said, “experimental
research is a study that treats or creates a condition to the subject of
research. For this research, the teaching treatments were conducted by
using group strategy.

se of Short Stories In Teaching Reading Comprehen
ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL, 8(3), 404-423, July 2017

In testing, by using the pre-test and the post-test in each class at the
end of the meeting, the researcher used the questionnaire to analyze
students’ responses in teaching reading English language materials,
teaching methods, and it is also hoped that students in the process of
teaching reading specially reading comprehension by using short
stories. When the results of this study obtained the great results and the
researcher recommended to teachers of English language to use the
short stories as one of the subjects taught in their classroom, especially
in teaching reading comprehension.
In doing this, the researcher attempted to determine or predict what
occurred. The steps in doing this were to identity the problems and to
define the problems of teacher or the students in teaching learning
process, in this case was reading comprehension. The researcher made
the hypotheses and constructed an instrumental design that represented
all the elements, condition, and relations of the consequences by
selecting sample of the subject to select or construct, and validate
instruments to measure. This study tried to describe the application of
short stories in teaching reading comprehension.

Population and Sample

According to Arikunto (2006, p. 130), “population is the totality
of the research subject, while sample is portion of the population that is
researched in a research.” Definitely, the populations were all
individual that are related to object of the research. The population of
this study was the total number students of Tarbiyah of
Muhammadiyah University of Aceh that took reading comprehension
in the first semester that consist of 82 students divided into three

Sample is a small part of total population taken for representative
of all population. Arikunto (1997, p. 25) said, “population is the whole
subject of the research, while sample is a part of the studied population.
He also explained sample as a representative of the majority group
where further investigation needed. For the sample of the study, the
writer took the first semester students of Tarbiyah of Muhammadiyah
University of Aceh. There are three groups in this semester. The
researcher took two class that are samples of 46 students.

Teaching Reading Comprehension By Using Short Stories (Hasbaini & A. Manan)

Research Setting
This study was conducted at Muhammadiyah University of Aceh
which took place in Lheung Bata, Banda Aceh. Futhermore, Tarbiyah
faculty which was now led by Drs. H. Umar Ali Aziz, MA focused on
education and teacher training in which the students prepared to be
good teachers in the future. It consists of four departements, namely,
English Departement (TEN), Religious Education Departement (TPA),
Biologi Education Departement (TBL), and Mathematic Education
Departement (TMA). Likewise, at Tarbiyah faculty, this study was
conducted. This departement aimed to produce students who were not
only qualified in academic and able to improve the knowledge for the
sake of society but also credible to have good behaviour. This
department was currently chaired by Mrs. Yuniarti, S.S., M.Pd.
According to the document in her office, it have 12 lecturers who
worked for in manifesting its goal.
They graduated from various international universities overseas
such as Australia, Malaysia, The United Kingdom, The United State
and so forth. Additionally, the study was conducted at Tarbiyah faculty
and the population was taken from all students who were in the first
semester is talking reading comprehension I in the academic year

Data Collection Procedure

In doing the research, the writer collected some significant data by
doing experimental teaching. The researcher took two classes one is the
experimental class and other one is the control class. They were taught
by using different teaching technique. The resercher used short stories
in the experimental class and using long stories in the control class. To
achieve the aim of this research, some data were reguired to be
collected through the pre-test and the post-test. In teaching learning
process, a test was conducted to obtain the result of teaching reading
English language. The pre test gave to the students before teaching
learning process started, and the post-test gave to the students at the last
meeting. In addition, they were useful to find out how capable of the
students’ understanding the materials that were taught by the teacher.

Research Instruments
Fraenkel and Wallen (2007, p. 113) stated, “Instrument as whole
process of preparing to collect data in research.” This research was
conducted by means of data collection in order to test the hypotheses.

se of Short Stories In Teaching Reading Comprehen
ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL, 8(3), 404-423, July 2017

In this writing, the test was used to collect the needed data through field
research by conducting some techniques as follows:

Kubiszyn and Boriszyn (2001, p. 47) stated, “a test is a tool that
can contribute importantly to the proses of evaluate students, the
curriculum and teaching method.” Test defined as a series of
questioner, problems, or physical responses designed to determine
knowledge, intelligence, or ability. The test was used to get data and
information in the research.
The researcher gave short stories to the students in order to know
how far the students’ improvement of reading comprehension by using
short stories. In this case, the students were asked to comprehend the
text by answering the questions concerning the given text and the
researcher focused in evaluating the students’ comprehension, they are
main idea, supporting details, vocabulary, and inference. At the
experimental class the researcher gave reading English language texts
with short stories as the pre-test to the students in the first meeting
while at the control class the researcher gave the long stories text. In
the test, the students were asked to read short stories and answer the
questions based on the given short stories. The test was given in written

The pre-test was given to find out the students’ competence in
reading English language before presenting the materials, it consisted
of 10 items (10 questions in multiple choice and others are in true-false
items). Indeed, its purpose was to know the student’s ability in
comprehending reading English language text before the treatment was
given. In addition, the genre used in the pre-test was short stories. In
the pre-test, the printed of the short story text was entitle “The Regret
I”. The questions were concerned about main idea, detail information,
plot, and moral values and the time allocated for the test was 30

The post-test was given to the students by using short stories in 30
minutes (10 questions in multiple choice and others are in true-false
items). A post-test was used to measure how the students mastered the
materials after short stories were applied in the class. The goal of the

Teaching Reading Comprehension By Using Short Stories (Hasbaini & A. Manan)

post-test was to find out whether short stories developed the students’
reading comprehension or not. Here, the genre usedin the post-test was
also about short stories. In the post-test, the printed of the short story
text was entitle “The Nightingale and Rose II”. The questions were
concerned about main idea, detail information, plot, and moral values.

The questionnaire was used to see the obstacles faced by the
students in improving their reading comprehension through short
stories. The researcher distributed questionnaire for the students and
analyzed the answers by using percentage as mentioned in the
questionnaire items. To analyzed students’ answer of these
questionnaires, the researcher used the percentage system as mentioned
in Sudjana (2002, p. 67) and the formula is as follows:

P = Percentage
F = Frequency of respondents
N = Number of sample


Normality Distribution Test for Pre-Test Score

H0: the score between the experimental group and the control group is
normally distributed.
Ha: the score between the experimental group and the control group is
not normally distributed.

The hypothesis have been proven by using level of significant 5% (=


Table 1. Data for Normal Distribution on the Score of Pre-test of

the Experimental Group
Expected Observed
Score Mid Normal Area Frequency Frequency
Score Distribution (Ei) (Oi)
44.5 -1.66 0.4515
45 – 50 0.0894 2.235 5
50.5 -1.09 0.3621

se of Short Stories In Teaching Reading Comprehen
ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL, 8(3), 404-423, July 2017

51 – 56 0.1636 4.05 3
56.5 -0.52 0.1985
57 – 62 0.1825 4.5625 5
62.5 0.04 0.0160
63 – 68 0.2131 5.3275 4
68.5 0.61 0.2291
69 – 74 0.1539 3.8375 4
74.5 1.19 0.3830
75 - 80 0.0778 1.945 4
80.5 1.76 0.4608

Table 2. Data for Normal Distribution on the Score of Post-test

the Experimental Group
Mid Expected Observed
Score Scor Zscore Area Frequency Frequency
e (Ei) (Oi)
59.5 -2.43 0.4925
60 – 65 0.0352 0.88 2
65.5 -1.72 0.4573
66 – 71 0.116 2.9 3
71.5 -1.00 0.3413
72 – 77 0.2272 5.68 6
77.5 -0.29 0.1141
78 – 83 0.045 1.125 6
83.5 0.14 0.1591
84 – 89 0.2095 5.2375 6
89.5 1.12 0.3686
90 – 95 0.0985 2.4625 2
95.5 1.84 0.4671

Table 3. Statistical Summary of Result of Normality Test on the

Pre-Test of Both the Experimental and the Control Groups

Experimental Class 6.23

5 0.05 11.07
Control Class 843

The significant scores that are illustrated above are derived from
statistical technique. Besides statements, there is a special criteria
which identify whether its hypotheses is accepted or rejected, the latter
being: if thus H0 is rejected, and Ha is accepted if

Teaching Reading Comprehension By Using Short Stories (Hasbaini & A. Manan)

Table 4. Statistical Summary of Homogeneus Test on the Pre-Test

of Both the Experimental and the Control Groups

Experimental Class (25-1, 23-1)

1.64 0.05 1.98
Control Class (24, 22)

The result of homogeneity varies from the both experimental and

the control groups are homogeneous. In determining the acceptance and
rejection of these hyphotheses, we would follow this following testing
criterion: if = H0 is rejected or Ha is acceptedin
which 1,64 < 1,98.

Table 5. Statistical Summary of Pre-Test Result of Both the

Experimental and the Control Groups
ol Control
N 25 23
62 53 0.0 1.68
9.53 4 46
111.25 68 5 4
S 11 8

The result of the pre-test both the experimental and the control
groups, they can besummed up as essential report based on t-test and t-
table scores, that there is a significant difference between the data from
two groups. It can be clearly seen from this short quotation
“ > ” in which 4 > 1.684. On the other hand, these two scores
imply that all students in both groups had not the same competence.

Table 6. Statistical Summary of the Post-Test Result of Both the

Experimental and the Control Groups
Symbol df
Experimental Control
N 25 23
̅ 80 65
7 8 46 0.05 1.684
71 22
S 8 5

se of Short Stories In Teaching Reading Comprehen
ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL, 8(3), 404-423, July 2017

Based on the criteria of examining hypotheses, the results found

that the students who are taught by using short stories have
significantly increased their scores in contrast to the students who are
taught by using long stories (conventional style). The evidence can be
analyzed through this formula t-table > t-test = H0 is accepted, and if t-
test > t-table = Ha is accepted. In short, 8 higher than 1.684 thus H0 is
completely accepted.

After examining, the research findings and data analysis, there are
several significant points that can be informed about the use of the
short stories in teaching reading comprehension namely: the students
who were taught through the use of short stories in teaching reading
comprehension achieve a better attainment compared to the students
who were taught by using the long stories. The use of short stories in
teaching reading comprehension enables to show a positive impact on
the students to develop their reading comprehension ability, and it plays
the important roles of enchancing the students’ competence and
motivating them to study reading comprehension. To support and prove
these arguments, here are some needed elaborations. Firsly, according
to the statistical analysis on the previous page that is the result of
quantitative analysis which analyzes the score of test, either the score
of the pre-test of the experimental group and the control group. They
needs to know about the mean of the pre-test of both clases to get a
description about the comparison of both groups, namely the
experimental group gets 62 and the control group gets 53.
It can be seen the result of a deeply analyzed data of the pre-test
through independent sample t-test where t-test score is 4 while t-table
with the level of significant level of 0,05 is 1,684. It shows that t-test is
higher than t-table which can be denoted that the difference of both
group is a significant because t-test (4) > t-table (1,684). In other
words, the result reveals that there is a different performance between
the data of both groups which infers that the ability of reading
comprehension between the students in the experimental group and
those in the control class. It means that both samples taken are assumed
that is not at the same level of competence.
In addition, it is also essential to know the result of analyzing the
data of the post-test of both groups. The prosedure applied is the same
as analysis on the score of the pre-test. Specifically, the experimental
group gets 80 of mean whereas the control groups gets 65 of mean

Teaching Reading Comprehension By Using Short Stories (Hasbaini & A. Manan)

which can contribute the apparent description in comparing the ability

of both groups. To know deeply about the two groups ability, the
independent sample t-test is applied on the data which brings the score
of test and t-table where the former is 8 and the table 1,684. It indicates
that the difference of both scores is a significant because t-test > t-table.
Hence, Ho in this case is rejected, and accordingly Ha is accepted which
means that the students who were taught by using the short stories
achieve good score in teaching reading comprehension by applying
group strategy compared to those who were taught by using the long
stories used conventional strategy. It can be seen in the following figure
as follows:

6 1.684

0 t-
t- t-
score table
Figure1. Comparison of t-score and t-table

As we can been in figure 4.5 above, the t-score was higher than the
t-table. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the
null hypothesis (H0) was rejected. It indicates that there is a significant
difference between the two groups. It can be concluded that the
students in the experimental group who were taught by using short
stories gained a better improvement than those in the control group who
were taught by using the long stories. This finding is supported by other
researchers’ findings related to the teaching reading comprehension by
using short stories. Lindawati (2011) found the result of her research is
that the use of short stories in teaching reading comprehension was
more effective for English as compared to the traditional learning
method. Furthermore, cooperative learning appeared to be more
favorable for overcrowded groups. It is suitable with the experimental

se of Short Stories In Teaching Reading Comprehen
ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL, 8(3), 404-423, July 2017

study conducted by the researcher. Yuliana (2013) found also the result
of her research concluded that the use of short stories is more effective
in increasing the students’ achievement in teaching reading
Munarwati (2012) found her research was give good effects to the
students’ ability in reading comprehension and motivates them in
learning English language. Thus, in the process of learning, they get
better improvement in learning reading and get positive outcomes on
social relationships with their friends. They can give and share their
idea with each other and they get positive interdependence while
learning together in a group. As a result, their achievement in reading
This finding is supported by Suasti (2003) that group strategy is an
approach that gave priority to teach the students to work together with
each other to understand and do all their learning. In group strategy, the
students work with their peers to accomplish a shared or common goal.
The goal is reached through interpendence among all group members
rather member or working alone. Each member is responsible for the
outcome of shared goal.
The group learning is an educational approach. The group work
has to be carefully planned and frequently requires a facilitator to
ensure group progress. In addition the group function and the learning
that takes place needs to be assessed and evaluated. The material
learned is just as important as the group’s ability to achieve a common
goal. Facilitatory skills are important and require the teacher to ensure
that both the task is achieved and the group functioning is maintained.
The group learning allows the students to develop problem solving,
interpersonal, presentational and communication skills, all beneficial to
life outside the classroom. These generic skills are difficult to develop
in isolation and require feedback and interaction with other individuals.
Although this practice is not the best way for students to develop and
improve on these skills, there are some ways to make this effective for
both students and the instructor.
By group strategy is expected to enchance the students’
understanding of the material being taught, learning to cooperate,
respecting others’ opinions and responsibility among fellow students to
obtain the best for the group in learning and completing tasks (Davis,
1993). Learning with the opportunity to express ideas, listen to the
opinions of others, and together make sense, becomes very important in
learning because it has a useful element to challenge thingking and

Teaching Reading Comprehension By Using Short Stories (Hasbaini & A. Manan)

enhance self-esteem. The teaching experience of the students is to

contruct their own knowledge. It is a form of active learning where the
students work together to perform specific tasks in small group.
The teachers should carefully select each coopreative learning
group so that a heterogeneous structure allows each students to bring
his or her strengths to the group effort. The teacher then gives the
students an assignment, often helping them to clarify the work that
needs to be done so that each invidual in the group has a certain role to
play. The end goal can only be reached when every member of the
group contributes effectivelly (Adam, Carlson & Hamm, 1990).
Harris and Sherblom (2008) argue that cooperative learning
strategy allows all the students to master the material at relatively equal
levels of mastery. Working relationship enables the emergence of a
positive perception of what the students can do to achieve learning
success based on their individual ability and contribution of other group
members during their study together in groups. To achieve maximum
results, it needs to apply the five elements of mutual aid learning
strategy, namely: positive interdependence, individual responsibility,
face to face, communication between members, and the evaluation
process of group.
The type of cooperative learning dealt with in this research is a
group strategy in teaching reading comprehension. Based on the result
of the discussion above, the writer believes that the use of short stories
in teaching reading comprehension can help to increase the students’
achievement but also gives positive outcomes on social relationships in
The last discussion is about the qualitative analysis which works
on the questionnaire filled by the students of the experimental group in
the last meeting. The questionnaire that consist of ten positive
statements of related along with the four strategy provided answer,
namely strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree result in
good reaction of the students which ten statements are strongly agree
on its mean and the rest belongs to agree on its mean. Having analyzed
on the students answer on statements in questionnaire by using Likert
scale above, it can be concluded that the students react positively on the
strategy applied in their reading class which are related to motivation,
curiousity and background knowledge. Thus, the use of short stories in
teaching reading comprehension by applying group strategy is effective
to use as has been proved by the theories, previous studies conducted
by other researchers and the findings of this study.

se of Short Stories In Teaching Reading Comprehen
ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL, 8(3), 404-423, July 2017


This study focuses on implementation of short stories in teaching
reading comprehension. Based on the result of the study, it can be
concluded that teaching reading comprehension by using short stories is
better than t-score of post-test both group is 8 (t-table = 1,684). Based
on the level of significance with is 0,05 and df =
= = 46, it is found that in the t distribution is
1,684. It is compared to t-test which is 8 and therefore t-test > t-table,
that is 8 > 1,684. Based on the criteria, if t-test < t-table which indicates
Ho is rejected and in other words Ha is accepted which states that the
students who were taught by using short stories in the experimental
group got good achievement in teaching reading comprehension with
applying group strategy than the students who were taught by using
long stories used conventional strategy.
Based on the questionnaire data, the students gave positive
responses related to the strategy, positive relationship, motivation and
material given after teaching reading comprehension by using short
stories by applying group strategy. It can increase their self-confidence,
social interaction, individual accountability, and group skill. Moreover,
the students can learn more activelly and got benefits from group work
than they who were studied from individual learning or conventional

Based on the research that has been done, the writer providers
suggestions that could be beneficial for the researcher himself, and for
all readers who care about the issue of education, especially the English
language teacher and the researchers are as follows:

a) In order reach the successful use of short story, the teacher

are suggested really prepare the short story to be used in
reading comprehension
b) Uses a suitable method or technique to teach reading
c) To the first semester students, it is better if teacher gives the
students the easier material because their level was still

Teaching Reading Comprehension By Using Short Stories (Hasbaini & A. Manan)

d) Plays an important role to motivate and encourages his/her

students in improving the ability in learning English.

For the Students

The students should eliminate their fear in learning English and
change their attitude about reading skill. Making mistakes is a part of
learning progress and the students should not worry about mistakes.

For Other Researchers

It is suggested that other researchers can continue the experimental
research by using short stories in teaching reading comprehension and
correct the entire mistakes they get in this thesis and to solve the
problems that might be faced by the students concerning reading
comprehension aspects.

For Schools
In schools, English language teacher is suggested to apply an
effective learning approach, method in order to increase or to improve
the students motivation in learning English language specifically for
reading comprehension.


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