Idiom Meaning: Something Common
Idiom Meaning: Something Common
Idiom Meaning: Something Common
Let someone off the hook To not hold someone responsible for something
Speak of the devil The person we were just talking about showed up!
That's the last straw My patience has run out
Time flies when you're having fun You don't notice how long something lasts when it's
We'll cross that bridge when we come Let's not talk about that problem right now
to it
Idiom Meaning
A bird in the hand is worth two in the What you have is worth more than what you might
bush have later
A penny saved is a penny earned Money you save today you can spend later
Actions speak louder than words Believe what people do and not what they say
Barking up the wrong tree To be mistaken, to be looking for solutions in the wrong
Birds of a feather flock together People who are alike are often friends (usually used
Bite off more than you can chew Take on a project that you cannot finish
Do unto others as you would have Treat people fairly. Also known as "The Golden Rule"
them do unto you
Don't count your chickens before they Don't count on something good happening until it's
hatch happened.
Don't cry over spilt milk There's no reason to complain about something that
can't be fixed
Don't give up your day job You're not very good at this
Don't put all your eggs in one basket What you're doing is too risky
Every cloud has a silver lining Good things come after bad things
Get a taste of your own medicine Get treated the way you've been treating others
He has bigger fish to fry He has bigger things to take care of than what we are
talking about now
He's a chip off the old block The son is like the father
Hit the nail on the head Get something exactly right
It ain't over till the fat lady sings This isn't over yet
Kill two birds with one stone Get two things done with a single action
Play devil's advocate To argue the opposite, just for the sake of argument
Slow and steady wins the race Reliability is more important than speed
The devil is in the details It looks good from a distance, but when you look closer,
there are problems
The early bird gets the worm The first people who arrive will get the best stuff
The elephant in the room The big issue, the problem people are avoiding
There are other fish in the sea It's ok to miss this opportunity. Others will arise.
There's a method to his madness He seems crazy but actually he's clever
You can't have your cake and eat it too You can't have everything
You can't judge a book by its cover This person or thing may look bad, but it's good inside