Critical Journal Review Fix
Critical Journal Review Fix
Critical Journal Review Fix
The articel of Professional Ethics in English Language Teaching found in International Journal of
English Literature and Culture that published on Allahabad, 4 July 2016. The volum is 4(6) abd the
readers can found this articel on page 104-107 of the journal. The author of articel is Dr. Ranjana
Tripathi, he is a mamber of Associate Professor English at University of Allahaban. And this articel
can find in website
In this article, the author talks about the professional ethics language teaching. The
author said that in the twenty first centuries the English language is a communication tool
between people of different nations and is the language for international communication. As
the non-native English speakers, teaching of English plays a vital role, so the educators must
have the urged of professionalism in English teaching.
The problem that we often found in the case of teacher’s professionalism is that the
teacher only teach the students to fulfill their duty and not teach them by heart. They often do
not care whether the students are understood of what they teach to them or not. They only
give a long explanation and then give the students some homeworks to do and do not care if
they made it based on their knowledge or they cheat to each other because the teacher only
care about the grades but do not care about their actual grades. So the solution that we may
give for the teacher is that the teacher should have the urge to teach from their heart, they
must remember what is the purpose as an educator. They have to make their students want to
learn and speak in any ways. To make them have the urge to learn is by the creativity of the
teacher in teaching and try so many ways. And for the headmaster of the school, they should
be doing some evaluation for the teacher to see what kind of lacks of the strategies that the
teacher use in teaching and how are the reponses of the students to it.
Strength n weakness
The stregth of articel Professional Ethics in English Language Teaching the usinng of vocabularry is
familiar that so easy to analysting the meaning of sentence. The other hand the article give the
some suggestions from experts how to be professional while teaching for example David Francis he
is a British Educator, Valerie Ringrose, review think that quite enough for artcel has 4 pages. But
rivewer found the weakness of this articel of journal there are the preparation of paragraphs of
articles not neatly arranged reviewers find paragraphs that are out of sync with the next paragraph.
and the use of incompatible punctuation rivewer also found punctuation like commas that didn't
Nowdays in aera of Globalization English language has attained a new meaning. Besides
academic usage, everything use english language like technology, smartphone, internet.
Students have already studied English from primary school until senior high school but some
of them do not like English and can not speak English Based on the situation As English
language teacher need to professionalism Professionalism. Becaouse as a teacher have to
has good knowledge of the language may not become .teacher. Language teaching is not
transference of knowledge but a training.