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Specification For Automotive Weld Quality-Arc Welding of Steel

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An American National Standard

Specification for
Automotive Weld
Welding of Steel
AWS D8.8M:2007
An American National Standard

Approved by the
American National Standards Institute
January 8, 2007

Specification for
Automotive Weld Quality—
Arc Welding of Steel

4th Edition

Supersedes ANSI/AWS D8.8-97

Prepared by the
American Welding Society (AWS) D8 Committee on Automotive Welding

Under the Direction of the

AWS Technical Activities Committee

Approved by the
AWS Board of Directors

This specification provides the minimum quality requirements for arc welding of various types of automotive and light
truck components. This specification covers the arc and hybrid arc welding of coated and uncoated steels.

550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126

AWS D8.8M:2007

This foreword is not part of AWS D8.8M:2007, Specification for Automotive Weld Quality—
Arc Welding of Steel, but is included for informational purposes only.

This specification was developed by the AWS D8C Subcommittee on Automotive Arc Welding of Steel of the AWS D8
Committee on Automotive Welding.
Arc welding of large truck and car frame structures with relatively thick metal parts and gas metal arc welding (GMAW)
using CO2 shielding gas are reflected in AWS D8.8-97/SAE HS J1196, Specification for Automotive and Light Truck
Components Weld Quality—Arc Welding. Prior to AWS D8.8-97, there were two editions of D8.8: AWS D8.8-79/SAE
HS J1196 and D8.8-89/SAE HS J1196, Specification for Automotive Weld Quality—Arc Welding.
This fourth edition, D8.8M:2007, Specification for Automotive Weld Quality—Arc Welding of Steel, includes the follow-
ing changes: (1) elimination of annexes dealing with various process issues; (2) updated processes to include hybrid
welding and tandem arc GMAW; and (3) updated weld measurement requirements to reflect industry standards from
Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs).
Recent changes in automotive design, caused by the desire to reduce fuel consumption and improve crash performance,
have resulted in automotive structures being made of thinner and higher strength metal parts. This specification was
undertaken to prepare minimum quality standards for arc welding of various types of components. One objective of the
subcommittee was to prepare a specification that would be useful for the OEMs and Tier suppliers of automotive
components who may not have quality standards of their own. Another objective is to get as many of the OEMs and Tier
suppliers to use and specify this document so there is greater consistency.
Comments and suggestions for the improvement of this standard are welcome. They should be sent to the Secretary,
AWS D8 Committee on Automotive Welding, American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126.

AWS D8.8M:2007

Table of Contents
Page No.
Foreword ....................................................................................................................................................................vii
List of Figures...............................................................................................................................................................x
1. Scope.....................................................................................................................................................................1
2. Normative References .........................................................................................................................................1
3. Terms and Definitions.........................................................................................................................................1
4. General Provisions ..............................................................................................................................................3
4.1 Application ..................................................................................................................................................3
4.2 Welding Processes .......................................................................................................................................3
4.3 Limitations...................................................................................................................................................3
4.4 Welding Symbols ........................................................................................................................................3
4.5 Types of Weld Joints and Applicable Welds...............................................................................................3
4.6 Weld Identification and Inspection..............................................................................................................4
5. Weld Quality Requirements ...............................................................................................................................4
5.1 Weld Discontinuities ...................................................................................................................................4
5.2 Dimensional Requirements..........................................................................................................................5
5.3 Weld Size.....................................................................................................................................................5
Annex A (Informative)—Guidelines for the Preparation of Technical Inquiries ......................................................13
List of AWS Documents on Automotive Welding.....................................................................................................15

AWS D8.8M:2007

List of Figures
Figure Page No.
1 Fillet Weld.......................................................................................................................................................2
2 Examples of Discontinuities Found in Arc Welds ..........................................................................................2
3 Example of Notching at End of Weld .............................................................................................................2
4 Examples of Undercut, Melt-Through, Root Penetration, and Overlap..........................................................4
5 Fillet Welded T-Joints.....................................................................................................................................6
6 Illustration of Fillet Welds—Concavity and Convexity .................................................................................7
7 Leg Length of a Lap Fillet Weld.....................................................................................................................7
8 Effective Weld Size.........................................................................................................................................8
9 Partial Joint Penetration Groove Weld............................................................................................................8
10 Flare-Bevel-Groove Weld ...............................................................................................................................8
11 Flare-V-Groove Weld .....................................................................................................................................9
12 Arc Spot Weld.................................................................................................................................................9
13 Plug Weld Profiles—A, B, and C .................................................................................................................10
14 Arc Plug Weld...............................................................................................................................................10
15 Single Fillet Weld in a Slot ...........................................................................................................................11
16 Double Fillet Weld in a Slot..........................................................................................................................11
17 Fillet Weld in Holes ......................................................................................................................................11

AWS D8.8M:2007

Specification for Automotive Weld Quality—

Arc Welding of Steel

1. Scope 3. Terms and Definitions

The purpose of this specification is to provide the mini- All of the terms in this section are used in various parts
mum quality requirements for arc welding of various of this document and require definition for correct inter-
types of automotive and light truck components. This pretation of the instructions. The terms used in this
specification covers the arc and hybrid arc welding of specification shall be interpreted in accordance with the
coated and uncoated steels. definitions given in the latest edition of AWS A3.0, Stan-
dard Welding Terms and Definitions Including Terms for
This standard makes sole use of the International System Adhesive Bonding, Brazing, Soldering, Thermal Cutting,
of Units (SI). and Thermal Spraying. Some of the terms are listed in
AWS A3.0 but their definitions have been enhanced to
Safety and health issues are concerns beyond the scope
clarify their use in this document.
of this specification and, therefore, are not fully
addressed herein. Some safety and health information is
For the purposes of this document, the following defini-
available from other sources, including, but not limited
tions apply:
to ANSI Z49.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied
Processes, and applicable federal and state regulations.
effective weld length. The portion of a weld that meets
all the minimum acceptance requirements of the spec-
ification. In a curved weld, the length is measured
2. Normative References longitudinally along the axis.

The following specifications contain provisions, which, gap. The distance between two base components of the
through reference in this text, constitute provisions of joint to be welded (see Figure 1). Note that this dis-
this AWS specification. For these references, subsequent tance is typically referred to as the root opening in
amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications nonautomotive applications.
do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on
this AWS specification are encouraged to investigate the hybrid welding. Combination of two or more welding
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the processes applied and controlled simultaneously. Des-
documents shown below. ignated by HW-XXX/XXX with the dominant pro-
cess listed first (e.g., HW-LBW/GMAW).
AWS Documents:1
meltback. This occurs where the base metal melts back
(1) AWS A2.4, Standard Symbols for Welding, Braz-
from the edge, but does not become part of the weld.
ing, and Nondestructive Examination; and
This condition leaves a void between the weld deposit
(2) AWS A3.0, Standard Welding Terms and Defini- and the base metal (see Figure 2).
tions Including Terms for Adhesive Bonding, Brazing,
Soldering, Thermal Cutting, and Thermal Spraying. notching. Gouging of the base metal at the ends or edge
of the welded joint (see Figure 3).

1 AWS documents are published by the American Welding skip. An unwelded portion of a designated weld (see
Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126. Figure 2).

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