Romero's PSSQ 14 Items
Romero's PSSQ 14 Items
Romero's PSSQ 14 Items
Given the psychometric limitations of existing measures of Kolb's experiential learning model
(ELM), two new scales of learning styles have been developed. The validity of these scales has been
supported in samples of undergraduate and MBA students in the USA. This paper provides
evidence of some psychometric properties of scores yielded by these scales using samples of
undergraduate students in the UK. Only limited support is found for the internal consistency
reliability and construct validity of scores produced by the scales. However, an item attrition
exercise identi®es a two-factor solution providing an acceptable ®t to the data. The scales are
reported as being positively correlated with academic performance and prior academic
achievement. Despite the mixed evidence, we suggest further development of the scales is
warranted to create a psychometrically sound measure of the ELM.
Over the past three decades, Kolb's (1985) experiential learning model (ELM) has been
one of the most in¯uential models of learning, particularly in the ®elds of management
development (Reynolds, 1997) andbusiness education (Duff & Duffy, 2002). The ELM
has been widely used by educators for a variety of different purposes. These include
classroom use with higher education students, (Armstrong, 2000; Healey & Jenkins,
2000; Philbin, Meier, Huffman, & Boverie, 1995; Sims & Lindholm, 1993), in
professional education (Rakoczy & Money, 1995; White, 1992), to in¯uence educa-
tional design (Green, Snell, & Parimanath, 1990; Henry, 1989; Wynd & Bozman,
1996), and to identify the relationship between learning styles and educational or
occupational choice (Atkinson, Murrell, & Winters, 1990; Green & Parker, 1989).
Unfortunately, extant measures of the ELM, the Learning Style Inventory (LSI;
Kolb, 1976), the Learning Style Inventory II (LSI-II; Kolb, 1985), and the Learning
Styles Questionnaire (LSQ; Honey & Mumford, 1992), have been shown to possess
*Centre for Research into Learning, University of Paisley, Ayr Campus, Ayr KA8 OSR, Scotland,
UK. Email: [email protected]
ISSN 0144±3410(print)/ISSN 1469±046X (online)/04/050699-11
ã 2004 Taylor & Francis Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/0144341042000262999
700 A. Duff
Sample and Procedure
The sample consisted of 200 undergraduate students enrolled in two faculties: health
Problem Solving Style Questionnaire 701
Figure 1. Kolb's ELM, the relationship between four process stages, two orthogonal bipolar
dimensions, and four typesKolb's bipolar dimensions are indicated by the two orthogonal broken
lines labelled ``Prehension'' and ``Transformation''. Honey and Mumford's (1992) LSQ labels for
each of the four learning styles are shown in parentheses.
Problem Solving Style Questionnaire. Romero et al.'s (1992) 14-item PSSQ assesses
two learning types: active experimentation±re¯ective observation (AE±RO) and
abstract conceptualisation±concrete experience (AC±CE). Each PSSQ item
consists of two self-descriptive statement anchors, which correspond to the
complementary modes of the dimension being measured, and a six-point response
scale. Two items in each scale are re¯ected, to reduce contamination acquiescence.
The items are shown in the Appendix.
Statistical Analyses
First, the descriptive statistics for the study variables were computed, along with
internal reliability estimates (alpha coef®cients). Second, con®rmatory factor analyses
(CFAs) were conducted with the SPSS version of Amos v4.0 (Arbuckle, 1999). The
sample size (n=200) is satisfactory for the purposes of this study re¯ecting the relative
complexity of the models being examined. Notably, power estimates and precision
increase monotonically with increasing sample size (n) and the number of items per
factor (p/f ratio; Marsh & Hau, 1999) or degrees of freedom (df; MacCallum, Browne,
& Sugawara, 1996). The PSSQ is predicated on a p/f ratio of 7. Marsh and Hau
(1999) report a sample size of only 50 is adequate when p/f is as low as 6.
In evaluating goodness-of-®t, we used a two-index presentation strategy outlined by
Hu and Bentler (1999). This includes the maximum likelihood-based standardised
root mean squared residual (SRMR), supplemented with the Tucker-Lewis Index
(TLI). Hu and Bentler (1999) indicate a TLI of around .95 or greater, along with an
SRMR of around .08 or lower, is indicative of good model ®t to the data.
Third, the respondents were classi®ed according to their program of study ±
accounting, business, psychology, or social studies ± and the group means for each
LSI dimension were plotted on Kolb's learning style grid (Kolb, Rubin, & McIntyre,
1984 p. 33). In the ®nal set of analyses, scores on the two dimensions of the
Problem Solving Style Questionnaire 703
Variable M SD 1 2 3
High scores on the AE/RO dimension re¯ect an emphasis on active experimentation. High scores
on the AC/CE dimension re¯ect an emphasis on abstract conceptualisation. Scores (in brackets) on
the diagonal are alpha internal-consistency reliability coef®cients. GPA=grade-point average, a
measure of academic achievement. PPA=prior academic achievement.
instrument were correlated with prior academic achievement (as assessed by school
results) and academic performance (measured by a grade-point average, GPA).
Descriptive Statistics
Table 1 shows the means, standard deviations, intercorrelations, and alpha internal-
consistency coef®cients for the PSSQ scales. Means, standard deviations, and
intercorrelations are reported for the academic performance and prior academic
achievement variables. The alpha coef®cients for the concreteness/abstractness and
re¯ection/action scales were .487 and .515 respectively, substantially below the
commonly accepted cut-off value of .7 for measures suitable for use in applied settings
using a wide range of subjects (Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994). An item attrition
exercise raised the concreteness/abstractness scale to .657 (including items 5, 7, 9,
and 13), and the re¯ection/action scale to .612 (including items 2, 4, 8, and 12).
These results are in contrast to Romero et al. (1992); alpha ranging from .73 to .86)
and Tepper et al. (1993); alpha ranging from .74 to .76) who reported satisfactory
internal consistency reliability for scores produced by the two scales.
The correlation between the two PSSQ scales (r=.462) was higher than that of
Tepper et al. (1993) who found r=.22. The correlation between concreteness/
abstractness and re¯ection/action is unexpected as theoretically these two scales are
orthogonal, as indicated in Figure 1.
Item content I II b2
1 AC v CE .337 .114
3 AC v CE .126 .016
5 AC v CE .633 .401
7 AC v CE .583 .340
9 AC v CE .469 .220
11 AC v CE .097 .009
13 AC v CE .617 .380
2 AE v RO .586 .343
4 AE v RO .639 .409
6 AE v RO .069 .005
8 AE v RO .337 .114
10 AE v RO .053 .003
12 AE v RO .525 .275
14 AE v RO .337 .114
The factor loadings and communalities for the two-factor model are shown in
Table 3. An analysis of the factor loadings indicates seven are unaccepted low (that is,
below .40, see Ford, MacCallum, & Tait, 1986). A more parsimonious model
excluding those items with factor loading less than .40 was tested, and the results are
shown in Table 2. The revised two-factor model, after the item attrition exercise, is
superior to the 14-item two-factor model of Romero et al. (1992) and indicative of
satisfactory model ®t. However, the disattenutated intercorrelations among the two
latent factors was .775, which does not support the use of these items as distinct
Validity Evidence
Figure 2 depicts the plot of the average scores on each LSI dimension by
undergraduate major. The mean scores in the present study and that of Romero et
al. (1992) are shown in Table 4. The present study ®nds the four groups are clustered
Problem Solving Style Questionnaire 705
Figure 2. Plot of average LSI scores by undergraduate major, comparison of results of present study
with means reported by Romero et al. (1992)
around the intersection of the two orthogonal bipolar dimensions, indicating that the
scales provide relatively little discrimination between the four groups. Business,
sociology, and psychology majors are classi®ed as divergers, and accounting majors as
convergers. This is in contrast to the ®nding of Romero et al. (1992), and Wolfe and
Kolb (1994) ± see Table 5. In summary, the ability of the scales to differentiate
between different undergraduate majors is questionable.
Finally, the scales are correlated with two measures of performance: ®rst, academic
performance, and second, prior academic achievement. The results are shown in
Table 1. Prior academic achievement is positively related to both scales, and strongly
related to concreteness/abstractness (r=.287). Academic performance is positively
related to concreteness/abstractness (r=.165) and action/re¯ection (r=.153). These
results indicate that the most effective learners are likely to emphasise abstract
conceptualisation and active experimentation, as conceived by the PSSQ scales.
706 A. Duff
Table 4. Mean PSSQ scores by undergraduate major compared with results of Romero et al.
Table 5. LSI types by undergraduate major: results of present investigation versus Romero et al.
(1992) and Wolfe and Kolb (1984)
Undergraduate major Present study Romero et al. (1992) Wolfe and Kolb (1984)
Accounting Converger
Business Diverger Accomodator Accomodator
Psychology Diverger Diverger Assimilator
Sociology Diverger Assimilator Diverger
Empirical testing of the ELM has long been limited by the poor measurement
qualities of the three extant measures of the two bipolar style dimensions of Kolb's
model. Previous investigations by Romero et al. (1992) and Tepper et al. (1993)
suggest that the PSSQ may be a suitable instrument to measure the two learning style
dimensions which are the foundation of the ELM, at least when administered to
undergraduate and MBA students in the USA. To establish whether the scales
represent psychometrically sound measures of concreteness/abstractness and re¯ec-
tion/action in other cultural contexts, this study administered the instrument to
samples of UK undergraduate students from four undergraduate majors. The results
of the present study, however, are not particularly encouraging. The current research
provides little support for the internal consistency reliability and factor structure of the
original seven-item scales. An item attrition exercise reducing concreteness/
abstractness to four items, and re¯ection/action to three items, improved the internal
consistency reliability, close to acceptable levels, and provided satisfactory model ®t to
the data. However, the relatively high correlation between the two latent factors in the
con®rmatory factor analytic model indicates the two dimensions are not suf®ciently
distinct. Considering the validity of scores yielded by the PSSQ, when average LSI
scores are plotted the scales fail to categorise student groups in a similar fashion to
prior investigations. However, correlating scale scores with measures of academic
performance and prior educational achievement provides some evidence of validity.
Despite these mixed results, we see potential for future development work
Problem Solving Style Questionnaire 707
considering the PSSQ. The process of devising a scale with statement anchors
removes the ipsative problem with the LSI and its later revision. Furthermore, seven
(of 14) items appear to be useful as a measure of learning style.
1 As such, academic performance as a behavioural measure suffers a restriction of range.
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Appendix :