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Controller APM303: User Manual Operator Level

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User Manual

Operator Level



Soft version : 2.0.0


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  The  "user  level"  user  manual  is  designed  for  users  who  are  qualified  to  set  up  an  installation 
(generating  set  and  environment).  These  users  must  be  able  to  monitor  that  the  generating  set  is 
operating correctly (start, stop, basic settings), to interpret any indications (mechanical, electrical) and 
may be required to check one or more parameters.

  The  "operator  level"  user  manual  is  designed  for  those  who  –  in  addition  to  the  skills  required  for 
users  –  have  the  skills  required  to  modify  one  or  more  parameters,  to  change  the  operation  of  an 
installation  (generating  set  and  environment).  To  do  this,  the  operator  will  have  completed  training 
provided by the manufacturer beforehand.

  The "specialist level"  user manual  is designed  for  those  who  – in addition  to  the  skills  required  for 
operators  –  have  the  skills  required  to  make  any  special  or  complex  modification  to  an  installation 
(generating set and environment). To do this, the specialist will have completed training provided by 
the manufacturer beforehand.


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1 Preface .................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Safety/Operating conditions/Powering on ..................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Integrating the APM303 in its environment.................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Who is this manual intended for? .................................................................................................................................. 3
2 Identification of the modules .............................................................................................................................................. 4
2.1 APM303 module ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
2.2 CAN display module ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
3 Powering up the APM303 and associated configurations ................................................................................................ 4
3.1 Single generator ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
3.2 Generating set with Automatic Transfer Switch ............................................................................................................. 4
4 General description of the APM303 module ...................................................................................................................... 5
5 Selecting the operating mode ............................................................................................................................................. 5
5.1 MANU mode .................................................................................................................................................................. 5
5.2 AUTO mode .................................................................................................................................................................. 6
5.3 During operation ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
6 Display of data ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
6.1 Main, screen 1 ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
6.2 Electrical values, screens 2 and 3 ................................................................................................................................. 7
6.3 Mechanical values, screen 4 ......................................................................................................................................... 7
6.4 Metering, screen 5......................................................................................................................................................... 8
6.5 Events and anomalies, screen 6 ................................................................................................................................... 8
6.6 INIT, screen 0 ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
7 Events and anomalies ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
7.1 Events ........................................................................................................................................................................... 9
7.2 Anomalies ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
7.2.1 Appearance of an alarm ............................................................................................................................................ 9
7.2.2 Clearing an alarm...................................................................................................................................................... 9
7.2.3 Alarm chart.............................................................................................................................................................. 10
7.2.4 Appearance of a fault .............................................................................................................................................. 10
7.2.5 Clearing a fault ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
7.2.6 Fault chart ............................................................................................................................................................... 11
7.2.7 Other anomaly displays .......................................................................................................................................... 11
8 Settings ............................................................................................................................................................................... 12
8.1 Home screen ............................................................................................................................................................... 12
8.2 Accessing settings (Main menu).................................................................................................................................. 12
8.3 Available screens ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
8.4 "Basic settings" screen ................................................................................................................................................ 13
8.5 "Engine safety features and parameters" screen ........................................................................................................ 13
8.6 "Alternator safety features" screen .............................................................................................................................. 13
8.7 "Modbus communication" screen ................................................................................................................................ 14
8.8 "Output settings" screen .............................................................................................................................................. 14
8.8.1 Selecting an output ................................................................................................................................................. 14
8.8.2 Selecting the "output code" ..................................................................................................................................... 14
8.8.3 Selecting the output action type .............................................................................................................................. 14
8.8.4 Confirming the output.............................................................................................................................................. 15
8.9 "Input settings" screen ................................................................................................................................................. 15
8.9.1 Selecting an input ................................................................................................................................................... 15
8.9.2 Selecting the "input code" ....................................................................................................................................... 15
8.9.3 Selecting the input action type ................................................................................................................................ 15
8.9.4 Confirming the input ................................................................................................................................................ 16
8.10 "Miscellaneous information" screen............................................................................................................................. 16
8.11 Setting principle in other screens ................................................................................................................................ 16
9 Connections ....................................................................................................................................................................... 17
9.1 Rear panel connections............................................................................................................................................... 17
9.2 K6 connector/voltage measurement ............................................................................................................................ 17
10 Technical specifications.................................................................................................................................................... 18
11 Packaging, storage and handling of the modules........................................................................................................... 19
11.1 Packaging ................................................................................................................................................................... 19
11.2 Storage........................................................................................................................................................................ 19
11.3 Handling ...................................................................................................................................................................... 19
11.3.1 Module packed in its box .................................................................................................................................... 19
11.3.2 Module not packed in its box .............................................................................................................................. 19

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Any communication, reproduction, publication, even partial, is forbidden, except with the written authorisation of the owner.
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List of figures

Figure 1 - integration of the APM303 .............................................................................................................................................. 3

Figure 2 - front panel of the APM303 .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Figure 3 - viewing data ................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 4 - main................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Figure 5 - current and voltage ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 6 - outputs............................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Figure 7 - mechanical values .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 8 - meters ............................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 9 - events and anomalies..................................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 10 - navigating through the stack .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 11 - information available on screen 6 ................................................................................................................................. 8
Figure 12 - INIT............................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 13 - appearance of an alarm................................................................................................................................................ 9
Figure 14 - appearance of a fault .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 15 - an alarm displayed on the measurements screen ...................................................................................................... 11
Figure 16 - main menu .................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Figure 17 - setting principle........................................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 18 - rear panel and connections .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 19 - three phase 3P+N (4 wires) ........................................................................................................................................ 17
Figure 20 - three phase 3P (3 wires) ............................................................................................................................................ 17
Figure 21 - two phase 2P+N (3 wires) .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 22 - single phase 1P+N (2 wires)....................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 23 - stored flat.................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 24 - stored at an angle ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 25 - antistatic plastic bag ................................................................................................................................................... 19

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Any communication, reproduction, publication, even partial, is forbidden, except with the written authorisation of the owner.
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1 Preface
The APM303 is a instrumentation and control system for generating sets. It enables a generating set (whether or not it is
connected to an automatic transfer switch) to be started and stopped, and manages the main safety devices for running a
generating set.
Easy navigation between the various screens enables rapid display of all the data recorded (mechanical and electrical values).
There are only three buttons associated with the generating set's PLC, making it easier to operate the generating set.

1.1 Safety/Operating conditions/Powering on

The APM303 uses voltage sources of different origins, which are set to potentials
dangerous to the human body. For this reason, only qualified personnel are authorised
to start up and use the APM303.
Before reading this document, we strongly recommended that you read the safety
instructions relating to starting up a generating set (see General and Safety Instructions).
DANGER SDMO Industries shall not be held responsible for failure to observe any of the instructions
described in this manual.

Operating conditions
The conditions for use are given at the end of this manual (section ‘Technical specifications’). If a component of the equipment
must be replaced, it is necessary to pay attention to the effects of electrostatic discharges (consult the rules for handling given in
section ‘Handling’).

The APM303 has been factory configured for your application. Any change to the parameters may
alter or render unstable the behaviour of your generating set and the installation.
Powering on
Powering on is specific to the electrical equipment within which the APM303 is integrated. It is therefore necessary to consult
the wiring diagram for the equipment provided with this manual, before powering on.

1.2 Integrating the APM303 in its environment

The APM303 is integrated into central console equipment (type S1500,
S2500, S3500, S4500), fitted on the base frame of the generating set, on
versions II and IV (enclosure).

central consoles S1500, S2500,

S3500, S4500
Figure 1 - integration of the APM303

1.3 Who is this manual intended for?

This manual is intended for users and operators.
The user must be qualified to start the generating set. The user must be capable of monitoring the
generator to ensure it is running correctly, and be able to interpret the electrical and mechanical indications
provided in real time on the different screens. He or she may have to check one or more parameters.

The operator - in addition to having the skills required for users - has the skills required to modify one or
more parameters, to change the operation of an installation. To do this, the operator will have completed
training provided by SDMO Industries beforehand.

Note: for the APM303, no distinction is made between the user and the operator. This means that a user can modify all the internal parameters
(no access code in the APM303).
A self-study training aid is also available on our online Gaïa platform, however SDMO can provide any additional training required.

This document is the property of SDMO Industries.
Any communication, reproduction, publication, even partial, is forbidden, except with the written authorisation of the owner.
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2 Identification of the modules

2.1 APM303 module

SDMO part no.

manufacturer's serial no.

supplier code

hardware version no. hardware and software

software version no. identification label
rear panel

2.2 CAN display module

For generating sets fitted with an ECU, a CAN bus display is used to show engine data.

SDMO part no.

supplier code

manufacturer's serial no.

identification labels
(rear panel of module) front panel of display module
The CAN display module user manual is available on the online Gaïa platform.

3 Powering up the APM303 and associated configurations

Depending on the control option chosen, the APM303 is powered up:
immediately, as soon as the generating set battery is connected (+ possible closing of battery isolator),
following a change in the position of the 0/1 switch, located on the front of the central console.
On powering up, the APM303 automatically runs in the operating mode which was pre-set before it was switched on (see
section ‘Selecting the operating mode’).

3.1 Single generator

The installation comprises:
- a generating set,
- an APM303 and a CAN display (depending on the motor type),
- a manually controlled circuit breaker.
This installation supplies a LOAD either to:
- an item of electrical equipment (engine/motor, etc.),
- an entire building (industrial or service sector).

3.2 Generating set with Automatic Transfer Switch

The installation comprises:
- a generating set,
- an electrical network,
- an APM303 and a CAN display (depending on the motor type),
- a manually controlled circuit breaker,
- an automatically controlled Automatic Transfer Switch ( ),
- a 2-wire connection between the ATS and the generating set for the remote start
( ) automatically controlled: management of the mains power voltage and switching
between sources
This installation supplies a LOAD either to:
- an item of electrical equipment (engine/motor, etc.),
- an entire building (industrial or service sector).

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Any communication, reproduction, publication, even partial, is forbidden, except with the written authorisation of the owner.
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4 General description of the APM303 module
The APM303 consists of a moulded unit measuring 118 x 108.

LCD screen graphic access to 7 screens showing data

access to anomalies
when screen 6 is displayed

generating set STOP button

changing settings
"clear fault" button

AUTO button (selects generating set START button

AUTO LED (indicates
operation in AUTO or MANUAL mode) Figure 2 - front panel of the APM303

The technical specifications of the APM303 are given in section ‘Technical specifications’.

5 Selecting the operating mode

Two operating modes are available:
Manual mode (MANU mode), In all the explanations which follow, the terms MANU and
Automatic mode (AUTO mode). AUTO will be used.

5.1 MANU mode

In this mode, the user has full control of generating set using the 2 START and STOP buttons.
. If a fault is detected (ALARM! LED flashing), it is not possible to start up the generating set in MANU mode.
. If there is an alarm (ALARM! LED flashing), it is still possible to start up the generating set in MANU mode.
(see section ‘Anomalies’ for fault or alarm management)
Running the generating set
Pressing the START button ( ) automatically launches the starting sequence (preheating ( ) + starter), the RUN LED
flashes ( ).
When the voltage and speed have stabilised (APM303 internal parameters), the RUN LED becomes fixed.
Manually close the generating set's circuit breaker by switching the control lever on the genset.
The generating set generates or is ready to generate during use ( ).
Check the electrical and mechanical values on the various screens of the APM303 (see section ‘Display of data’).

( ) Preheating is not available for all engines.

( ) If the generating set fails to start after the starting sequence, the RUN LED goes off, the ALARM! LED flashes, and the
"fail to start" fault is recorded in the anomalies stack (see section ‘Events and anomalies, screen 6’ and ‘Fault chart’).
( ) Users may have to manually close one or more auxiliary circuit breakers.
Stopping the generating set
If possible, to avoid a sudden increase in frequency when manually tripping a circuit breaker, remove the load
progressively, by breaking the terminal circuits one after another.
Manually open the generating set's circuit breaker by switching the control lever on the genset. The load on the
generating set is immediately cut off.
Allow the engine to cool, allowing it to run off load for 3 minutes.
Press the STOP button ( ), the generating set stops immediately, the RUN LED goes off.

Special note on manual mode

When MANU mode is selected (AUTO LED off), if there is a remote start order (activation of the "remote start/stop"
input, nothing happens, the APM303 remains in MANU mode, but the AUTO LED flashes to signal that there is a remote
order. When the remote order disappears, the AUTO LED goes off.
This standard operation is called "priority MANU mode". It is possible to switch to "priority AUTO mode" (see section ‘"Basic
settings" screen’, parameter B16).

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5.2 AUTO mode
In this operating mode, the user does not control the operation of the generating set, the starting and stopping of the generating
set are dependent on the APM303 receiving a remote order.
. If a fault is detected (ALARM! LED flashing), it is possible to select AUTO mode, but it is not possible to start up the
generating set in manual mode.
. If there is an alarm (ALARM! LED flashing), it is possible to select AUTO mode and start up the generating set in
manual mode.
(see section ‘Anomalies’ for fault or alarm management)

Check that the generating set circuit breaker is closed. Alternatively, switch the circuit breaker control lever.
Press the AUTO button ( ), the AUTO LED lights up, AUTO mode is selected. The generating set is on standby, ready to
Automatic start-up is dependent on activation of the "remote start/stop" input.
This input must be a potential-free contact ( ), this means that the user must not connect an external power supply to
the terminals provide for this purpose. This will destroy the APM303.

( ) In general, the external input comes from an automatically controlled ATS.

An automatically controlled ATS independently controls the mains supply (power connection and disconnection), sends the start
order to the generating set and ensures switching in both directions; Normal Emergency and Emergency Normal.

When the "remote start/stop" input is activated, the RUN LED flashes, the generating set starts immediately (sequence
launch). When the voltage and frequency have stabilised on the alternator terminals, the RUN LED becomes fixed and the
generating set takes over.
When the "remote start/stop" input is deactivated, the RUN LED flashes again, the generating set enters the cooling phase (3
Where an ATS is fitted, cooling periods may accumulate. In fact, cooling can also be taken into account in the
changeover switch.
When cooling is complete, the RUN LED goes off and the generating sets stops.
The AUTO LED remains on, the generating set is on standby, ready for another start.
Special note on AUTO mode
When AUTO mode is selected and the generating set is on standby, pressing the START button ( ) immediately
starts the generating set (AUTO mode is deactivated).
Is the generating set is already running, pressing the START button ( ) deactivates AUTO mode operation. The
APM303 switches to MANU mode, the generating set continues to generate.
When the "remote start/stop" input disappears, the generating sets continues to operate as the user has switched to
MANU mode.
When the generating set is operating, pressing the STOP button ( ) deactivates AUTO mode and immediately stops
the generating set, without cooling.
This standard operation is called "priority MANU mode". It is possible to switch to "priority AUTO mode" (see section ‘"Basic
settings" screen’, parameter B16).

In priority AUTO mode, pressing the START ( ) and STOP ( ) buttons does not change the status of the generating set.

5.3 During operation

Monitor the electrical values on screens 4, 5 and 6 (see section ‘Display of data’), and particularly the current flow.

Never exceed a nominal power indicated on the alternator's rating plate.

Monitor the mechanical values on screens 7 and 8 (see section ‘Display of data’) and particularly the coolant temperature.

When the generating set is operating (RUN LED lit), in AUTO mode (AUTO LED lit) or in MANU mode (AUTO LED off), the
appearance of an alarm does not modify the operation of the generating set.
(see sections ‘Events and anomalies, screen 6’ and ‘Anomalies’ on alarm management)

When the generating set is operating (RUN LED lit), in AUTO mode (AUTO LED lit) or in MANU mode (AUTO LED off), the
appearance of a fault immediately stops the generating set.
(see sections ‘Events and anomalies, screen 6’ and ‘Anomalies’ on fault management)

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Any communication, reproduction, publication, even partial, is forbidden, except with the written authorisation of the owner.
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6 Display of data
To view the data measured and recorded by the APM303, the user has 6 or 7 screens available:
- 7 screens are automatically displayed one after the other, with a delay of 7 seconds,
- 6 screens are displayed by successively pressing the button (successively pressing the button reverses the cycle
shown in the diagram below).

( ) ( ) is only shown automatically if:

an alarm is active,
1 or a fault is active (cleared or not),
or fault inactive and not cleared.

2 6 ( )
Automatic screen scrolling begins 2
minutes after the module is powered up.

3 5
4 Automatic screen scrolling is stopped by
pressing or . It restarts automatically
2 minutes after being pressed.

Figure 3 - viewing data

6.1 Main, screen 1

On powering up and after the initialisation period, this is the screen which is
displayed by default. The following information is displayed on screen 1: 1
power supplied in kW (e.g.: 100kW),
the voltage between phases in Volts (e.g.: 400V),
the voltage frequency in Hertz (e.g.: 50Hz),
The generating set speed in rpm (e.g.: 1500rpm),
the power factor (e.g.: 0.91).
Figure 4 - main

6.2 Electrical values, screens 2 and 3

The following information is displayed on screen 2:
current in each phase in Amps (e.g.: 156, 154 and 159A), 2
(the bar graph gives an indication of the percentage current supplied
compared with nominal current)
the 3 voltages between phase and neutral in Volts (e.g.: 231V),
the 3 voltages between phases in Volts (e.g.: 400V).

Figure 5 - current and voltage

The following information is displayed on screen 3:

the power supplied to each phase in kW (e.g.: 33, 34 and 33kW), 3
the power supplied to each phase in kVA (e.g.: 36, 37 and 37kVA),
the power factor on each phase (e.g.: 0.92, 0.92 and 0.89).
the sum of the 3 active power values in kW (e.g.: 100kW),
the sum of the 3 apparent power values in kVA (e.g.: 110kVA),
the average power factor (e.g.: 0.91).
Figure 6 - outputs

6.3 Mechanical values, screen 4

The following information is displayed on screen 4:
the oil pressure in bar or in PSI ( ) (e.g.: 6.1bar). 4
the coolant temperature in °C or °F ( ) (e.g.: 60°C ),
the percentage of fuel left in the tank (e.g.: 54%),
the battery voltage in Volts (e.g.: 12.3V).

( ) depending on settings
Figure 7 - mechanical values

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6.4 Metering, screen 5
The following information is displayed on screen 5:
active energy in kWh (e.g.: 500kWh). 5
the number of operational hours of the generating set (e.g.: 50h),
the number of generating set start-ups (e.g.: 10).

Figure 8 - meters

6.5 Events and anomalies, screen 6

Screen 6 shows the list of events and anomalies recorded by the APM303.
A maximum of 12 events and anomalies can be recorded (the last 4 appear 6
on screen).
Consequently, when a new event or anomaly is recorded, the oldest event
or anomaly is deleted from the stack.

Figure 9 - events and anomalies

When scrolling (manually or automatically), the symbol appears at the bottom of the screen (flashing) for 4 seconds.
When the symbol is fixed, pressing button enables you to go down the stack of events and anomalies according to the
following principle.
When the button is first pressed, the , symbol appears to show that there are more recent events or anomalies on this

screen for lines 1, 2, 3 & 4 screen for lines 2, 3, 4 & 5 screen for lines 3, 4, 5 & 6

Figure 10 - navigating through the stack

You can continue navigating in this way, until the screen for lines 9, 10, 11 & 12 is displayed.

Information available on these screens:

A the event or anomaly appears in numerical order (01 to 12) A C
B pictogram representing the event or anomaly (see lists in section ‘Events
and anomalies’)
C anomaly status (4 different statuses) (see section ‘Clearing a fault’) B D

D number of hours generating set has been operating when event or

anomaly appeared Figure 11 - information available on
screen 6

6.6 INIT, screen 0

Screen 0 displays the main identification parameters:
the software number, 0
the serial number of the APM303 module,
the generating set serial number.

Figure 12 - INIT

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Any communication, reproduction, publication, even partial, is forbidden, except with the written authorisation of the owner.
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7 Events and anomalies

7.1 Events
An event is either a change in APM303 status (powering up), or activation of one the 3 buttons, or any change in the PLC status
(e.g. start-up).
The table below lists all the events which can be recorded in the stack.

symbol description
The APM303 is powered up: the unit is powered up either when the battery is connected, or when the switch on the
front panel is set to position 1.
Starting up in MANUAL mode: the generating set has been started manually, after pressing button .

Starting up in AUTO mode: the APM303 is in AUTO mode and the generating set has been started up after activation
of the external input, terminal T10 (I02 remote start/stop).
Stopping in MANUAL mode: the generating set has been stopped manually, after pressing button .

Stopping in AUTO mode: the APM303 is in AUTO mode and the generating set has been stop after deactivation of
the external input, terminal T10 (I02 remote start/stop).
AUTO mode has been activated: the unit recognises that the button has been pressed, the AUTO LED light is
fixed, the generating set can start up on activation of the "remote start/stop" input (terminal T10).
AUTO mode has been deactivated: the unit recognises that the button has been pressed, the AUTO LED is off,
the generating set cannot start up on activation of the "remote start/stop" input (terminal T10).
Generating set stabilised (ready to generate):This event is recorded if the minimum stabilisation time has elapsed and
if electrical parameters U and F are within the setting range.
Automatic start-up when battery low: the APM303 is in AUTO mode, the generating set has been started up, as low
battery voltage has been detected.
Automatic shutdown after battery recharge: the APM303 is in AUTO mode, the generating set has been stopped, as
the delay for battery charging has elapsed.
Modbus order received: a remote order has been received by the APM303 (see Modbus manual also).

7.2 Anomalies
An anomaly can be an alarm or a fault.
anomaly if generating set stopped if generating set operating status of ALARM! LED
alarm generating set start-up possible no generating set shutdown ALARM! flashing
fault generating set start-up not possible immediate shutdown of generating set ALARM! flashing

7.2.1 Appearance of an alarm

If the ALARM! LED is flashing.

the exclamation mark symbol opposite flashes in
the top right of the screen "1-Main" (figure 13).

The alarm is recorded in the stack of events and

anomalies (see section ‘Events and anomalies,
screen 6’).

Figure 13 - appearance of an alarm

7.2.2 Clearing an alarm

An alarm which is active (or present) cannot be cleared manually. it automatically becomes inactive when the problem which
caused the alarm disappears (e.g.: the generating set overload disappears when there is a reduction in the load).
When the alarm switches to inactive, the ALARM! LED goes off, the exclamation mark symbol disappears from the
"1-main" screen, the alarm remains visible on the "6-events and anomalies" screen.

description status screen shows "6-faults and events" status of ALARM! LED

alarm active flashing

alarm inactive off

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Any communication, reproduction, publication, even partial, is forbidden, except with the written authorisation of the owner.
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7.2.3 Alarm chart

The table below lists all the alarms which can be recorded in the stack.

symbol description
Low battery voltage or charging alternator malfunction: appears when the battery voltage is below the set threshold
after the fixed delay of 3 minutes. This symbol also appears if there is a charging alternator malfunction.
Flat battery: if the APM303 cannot start up the generating set (because the battery voltage is too low), this alarm will
be activated, but the starting sequence is not blocked.
Low fuel level: appears when the daily service tank reaches the low fuel level threshold E11 and if parameter E15 is
set to 1 (alarm).
Generating set overload: appears when the output in kW supplied by the alternator exceeds the set threshold G07,
after the delay G08.
Rotation of alternator phases: may appear on start-up, if an incorrect rotation of phases is detected as a result of the
installation being incorrectly wired.
Alarm input no. x (x=1, 2 or 3): appears when the input configured in "alarm x" is active (x takes values 1, 2 or 3).
Generating set maintenance due (non-contractual): appears when the value of parameter E07 has been reached,
meaning that maintenance is due ( ).

example: generating set when E07

( ) E07 = 500 h operation E07 = 0 h appears reprogramming disappears

7.2.4 Appearance of a fault

If the ALARM! LED is flashing.

the exclamation mark symbol opposite flashes in
the top right of the screen "1-Main" (figure 14).

The fault is recorded in the stack of events and

anomalies (see section ‘Events and anomalies,
screen 6’).

Figure 14 - appearance of a fault

7.2.5 Clearing a fault

A fault which is active (or present) can be cleared manually by pressing the STOP button ( ). Clearing a fault means that the
user acknowledges the fault. It does not change the fact that the fault remains active and it is not possible to restart the
generating set.

When the fault is cleared, the ALARM! LED lights up fixed, the exclamation mark symbol no longer flashes but remains
on the "1-main" screen, the fault remains visible on the "6-events and anomalies" screen.

To make a fault inactive, you must find the root cause behind the appearance of the fault (e.g.: emergency stop triggered).

When the fault becomes inactive, the ALARM! LED goes off, the exclamation mark symbol disappears from the "1-
main" screen, the fault remains visible on the "6-events and anomalies" screen.

description status screen shows "6-faults and events" status of ALARM! LED
fault flashing
not cleared
fault flashing
not cleared
fault lit fixed
fault off

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7.2.6 Fault chart

The table below lists all the faults which can be recorded in the stack.

symbol description
Emergency stop: appears when the user presses the emergency stop button, located on the central console on the
enclosure, or at the entrance to the electrical room.
Low fuel level: appears when the daily service tank reaches the low fuel level threshold E11 and if parameter E15 is
set to 2 (fault).
Low oil pressure: appears if the engine oil pressure is too low (less than or equal to 1 Bar) or if the binary input is
High coolant temperature: appears if the engine coolant temperature is too high (above the activation threshold).
Overspeed: appears if the generating sets the exceeds 120% of nominal speed. The safety feature is set at 150% for
5 seconds on generating set start-up.
Under speed: appears when, after a full start-up, the generating set stops automatically after operating correctly for at
least 5 seconds.
Max. alternator voltage (59): appears when the alternator voltage reaches or exceeds the set threshold (parameter
G01), after a delay of 3 seconds.
Min. alternator voltage (27): appears when the alternator voltage reaches or dips below the set threshold (parameter
G02), after a delay of 3 seconds.
Max. alternator frequency (81H): appears if the alternator's frequency reaches or exceeds the set threshold
(parameter G03), after a delay of 3 seconds.
Min. alternator frequency (81): appears when the alternator frequency reaches or dips below the set threshold
(parameter G04), after a delay of 3 seconds.
Alternator short-circuit (50/51): appears if the current consumed by the alternator reaches or exceeds the set
threshold (parameter G05), after the delay G06 which can be adjusted.
Generating set start-up failure: appears if the generating set fails to start up after a full starting sequence.
Generating set shutdown failure: appears after a shutdown request in AUTO or MANUAL mode, if the speed exceeds
2 rpm, or if the voltage exceeds 10V, or if the oil pressure remains higher than 3Bar, or if the generating set is started
up when no start demand has been given by the APM303. The safety feature is taken into account after fixed delay of
60 seconds.
Fault input no. x (x=1, 2 or 3): appears when the input configured in "fault x" is active (x takes values 1, 2 or 3).
Circuit breaker position inconsistent: appears if there is an inconsistency between the motorised command from the
circuit breaker and the position of the circuit breaker (open, closed), after a delay of 5 seconds.

Note: the figures between brackets (which may be accompanied by a letter) are the ANSI codes for the safety features (ANSI = American
National Standards Institute).

7.2.7 Other anomaly displays

An anomaly referring to a mechanical or electrical value can be viewed on screens 1, 2, 3 or 4.

E.g.: "low battery voltage" alarm displayed on screen 4.

Parameter E06 (minimum battery voltage) is set at 20Volts.

The battery voltage value appears with inverted backlighting and is equal to

Figure 15 - an alarm displayed on the

measurements screen

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8 Settings

8.1 Home screen

The home screen is only displayed when the APM303 is powered up. This screen can only be customised using the
configuration software (see user/operator level manual - configuration software).

8.2 Accessing settings (Main menu)

The settings can only be accessed if the APM303 is in Manual mode. Access to the settings varies according to whether or not
the home screen is displayed.

without home screen with home screen

(standard application) (customised application)
1 press and hold 1 press and hold

2 press and hold + press once 2 press and hold + press once

3 press and hold + press once 3 press and hold + press once

4 4 press and hold + press once

The 3 "ALARM!", "AUTO" and "RUN" LEDs light up fixed, the APM303 automatically switches to settings mode, and the "main
menu" below is displayed (figure 16).

The 7 different screens can be accessed using 7 icons. The first icon flashes by
default. To select an icon:
Press one of the 2 buttons or , until the required icon flashes.
Press the button to enter the selected screen.
Press the button to exit the selected screen and return to the main menu.

Figure 16 - main menu

Press the button again to exit the main menu. The "Miscellaneous information" screen is displayed and the 3 LEDs
flash, the APM303 automatically resets.
After 6 seconds, it automatically returns to the "1-main" screen.
It is possible to bypass this 6 second delay by pressing the again, when the "Miscellaneous information" screen is
displayed. In this case, the "1-main" screen is automatically displayed.

8.3 Available screens

contents and how to modify
icon screen description
details a parameter
section ‘"Basic section ‘Setting principle in
Basic settings
settings" screen’ other screens’
section ‘"Engine safety
section ‘Setting principle in
Motor protection and parameters features and
other screens’
parameters" screen’
section ‘"Alternator
section ‘Setting principle in
Alternator protection safety
other screens’
features" screen’
section ‘"Modbus
section ‘Setting principle in
Modbus communication parameters communication"
other screens’
section ‘"Output sections ‘Selecting an output’
Output settings
settings" screen’ to ‘Confirming the output’
section ‘"Input sections ‘Selecting an input’
Input settings
settings" screen’ to ‘Confirming the input’
Miscellaneous information ‘"Miscellaneous
information" screen’

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8.4 Basic settings screen
The parameters available in the "Basic settings" screen are listed below.
No. description setting by default
B01 nominal voltage phase/neutral ( ) from 80V to 480V (in increments of 1V) 230
B02 nominal voltage phase/phase ( ) from 80V to 600V (in increments of 1V) 400
B03 nominal frequency 1 = 50Hz, 2 = 60Hz 1
B04 connection type 1=1Ph+N, 2=2Ph+N, 3=3Ph, 4=3Ph+N 4
B05 unit format 1=Bar and °C, 2=PSI and °F 1
B07 zero consumption mode from 0 to 360min (in increments of 1min) 0
B09 nominal current from 1A to 5000A (in increments of 1A) 50
B10 primary CT from 1A to 5000A 50
B11 nominal speed from 100 to 4000rpm (in increments of 1rpm) 1500
B12 nominal power from 1 to 3000kW (in increments of 1kW) 100
B13 automatic screen scrolling 1 = active, 2 = inactive 1
B14 automatic voltage and frequency detection 1= inactive, 2=active 1
B15 fuel solenoid valve type 1=diesel, 2=gas 1
B16 priority mode selection 1=MANUAL, 2=AUTO 1
( ) B01 only displays if B04 is set to 1 B02 only displays if B04 is set to 2, 3 or 4

8.5 Engine safety features and parameters screen

The parameters available in the "Engine safety features and parameters" screen are listed below.
No. description setting by default
E01 preheating delay from 0 to 600s (in increments of 1s) 10
E02 starter attempt delay from 0 to 60s (in increments of 1s) 5
E03 cooling delay from 0 to 3600s (in increments of 1s) 180
E04 oil pressure fault threshold from 0 to 10Bar 1 (3s)
E05 coolant temperature fault threshold 0 to 150°C 90 ( 5s)
E06 min. battery voltage threshold from 8 to 40V 11.5 (3min)
E07 maintenance alarm threshold from 0 to 10000h 9999
E08 starter cut off due to oil pressure 1= inactive, 2=active 1
E10 stabilisation delay from 1 to 300s 5
E11 low fuel level anomaly threshold from 0 to 80% 20 (10s)
E12 preheating maintenance delay ( ) from 0 to 3600s 30
E13 automatic start when battery voltage at minimum 1 = active, 2 = inactive 1
E14 min. battery voltage recharge delay 1 to 240min 60
E15 low fuel level anomaly 1=alarm; 2=fault 1
( ) when the generating set is started up (used for cold countries)
Note: certain values are associated with a fixed delay, given in brackets.

8.6 Alternator safety features screen

The parameters available in the "Alternator safety features" screen are listed below.
No. description setting by default
G01 max. voltage fault from G02 to 200% (increments of 1%) ( ) 110 (3s)
G02 min. voltage fault from 0 to G01% (increments of 1%) ( ) 70 (3s)
G03 maximum frequency fault from to G04 to 130% (increments of 1%) ( ) 110 (3s)
G04 min. frequency fault from 0 to G03% (increments of 1%) ( ) 85 (3s)
G05 short circuit fault from 100 to 500% (increments of 1%) ( ) 150 (G06)
G06 short circuit delay from 0 to 10s (in increments of 1s) 0
G07 overload alarm from 70 to 130% (increments of 1%) ( ) 110 (G08)
G08 overload delay from 0 to 300s (increments of 1s) 10
Note: certain values are associated with a fixed or variable delay, given in brackets.
( ) in percentage of nominal U (parameter B01 or B02)
( ) in percentage of nominal F (parameter B03)
( ) in percentage of nominal I (parameter B09)
( ) in percentage of nominal P (parameter B12)

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8.7 Modbus communication screen
The parameters available in the "Modbus communication" screen are listed below.
No. description setting by default
M01 speed (in Bauds/s) 1=9600, 2=19200, 3=38400, 4=57600 1
M02 stop bit 1=1 stop bit, 2=2 stop bits 1
M03 parity 1=no, 2=even, 3=odd 1
M04 address from 1 to 247 5
For more information on Modbus communication, see the Modbus operator manual.

8.8 Output settings screen

The configurable outputs are marked T07 to T09. Each output can be assigned an "output code". Each "output code" performs a
specific function. The table below lists these functions.
function output type wiring to …
O00 not used - -
O03 solenoid stop control binary
O04 general fault & alarm report binary terminal T09
O05 GCB opening and closing control binary
O07 "ready to generate" report binary terminal T08
O08 air preheating control binary terminal T07
O10 starter command binary
O11 glow plug preheating control binary
the standard configuration
O12 low fuel level alarm report binary "output codes" are greyed
O13 shut-off control valve binary out.
O14 general alarm report binary
O15 general fault report binary
GCB = Generator Circuit Breaker

8.8.1 Selecting an output

In the row displaying T07 T08 T09, the T07 output flashes.
Select the output to be programmed, by pressing the button.
Confirm the selected output, by pressing the button.

8.8.2 Selecting the "output code"

In the column displaying O04 O05 O07 O08, the "output code" programmed
on the output selected previously (e.g. O08) flashes.
Select the desired "output code", by pressing the or button (see section
‘"Output settings" screen’ for possible output codes).
Confirm the "output code" selected, by pressing the button.

8.8.3 Selecting the output action type

Select the output action type by pressing the or button.

"normally open contact" type action "normally closed contact" type action

Confirm the output action type, by pressing the button.

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8.8.4 Confirming the output

Confirm the entire function programmed (output number, function, action type), by pressing
the button again.
To make any changes to the programming (before confirming), press the button then
the button to cancel the programming. Return to section ‘Selecting an output’ to select a
new output.

8.9 Input settings screen

The configurable inputs are marked T10 to T15. Each input can be assigned an "input code". Each "input code" performs a
specific function. The table below lists these functions.

function input type wiring to …
I00 not used - -
I02 remote start order binary terminal T10
I04 locking the APM303 binary
I07 return to generator breaker position binary
I10 external alarm no. 1 binary
I11 external alarm no. 2 binary
I12 external alarm no. 3 binary
I13 external fault no. 1 binary terminal T11
I14 external fault no. 2 binary
I15 external fault no. 3 binary
I20 low fuel level binary
I21 fuel level analog terminal T13 the standard configuration
I22 low oil pressure binary "input codes" are greyed
I23 oil pressure analog terminal T15
I24 high coolant temperature binary terminal T12
I25 coolant temperature analog terminal T14

8.9.1 Selecting an input

In the row displaying T10 T11 T12 T13 T14, the T10 input flashes.
Select the input to be programmed by pressing on the or button.
Confirm the selected input, by pressing the button.

8.9.2 Selecting the "input code"

In the column displaying I00 I02 I04 I07, the "input code" programmed on the
input selected previously (e.g. I02) flashes.
Select the desired "input code", by pressing the or button (see section
‘"Input settings" screen’ for possible input codes).
Confirm the "input code" selected, by pressing the button.

8.9.3 Selecting the input action type

Select the input action type by pressing the or button.

"normally open contact" type action "normally closed contact" type action

Confirm the input action type, by pressing the button.

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8.9.4 Confirming the input

Confirm the entire function programmed (input number, function, action type), by pressing
the button again.
To make any changes to the programming (before confirming), press the button then the
button to cancel the programming. Return to section ‘Selecting an input’ to select a new

8.10 Miscellaneous information screen

This screen displays general information about the generating set and the APM303 module.
This screen corresponds to screen 0 described in section ‘INIT, screen 0’.

8.11 Setting principle in other screens

This section explains how to access and modify a icon screen description
parameter in the screens opposite.
Basic settings
The explanations below concern the "basic settings"
screen, but they are also valid for the other 3 screens. Motor protection and parameters

Alternator protection

Modbus communication parameters

A cursor is position on the first parameter (B01 or B02 depending on the setting of B04). A maximum of 6 parameters appear on

cursor cursor

6 parameters displayed on indicates that there are more

each screen page than 6 parameters on the
Figure 17 - setting principle

to select a parameter: press the or button (the cursor moves up or down)

(pressing at the top of the screen does not work)
(pressing at the bottom of the screen does not work)
to access a parameter: press the button, the parameter value appears in a dark box (inverted
e.g.: with B02 selected, _____400 is displayed
to modify a parameter: press the or buttons to change the parameter value; press as many times
as necessary, or press and hold the button until the desired setting is displayed
e.g.: with B02 (400V) selected, press 10 times to obtain 410V
to confirm the change: press the button to confirm the parameter change

to exit the screen: press the button, to return to the "main menu" screen

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9 Connections

9.1 Rear panel connections

Figure 18 - rear panel and connections

9.2 K6 connector/voltage measurement

Depending on the type of installation, the voltage measurement connection on the 7-pin connector will differ.

N: terminal 20 N: terminal 20
L1: terminal 21 L1: terminal 21
L2: terminal 22 L2: terminal 22
L3: terminal 23 L3: terminal 23

Figure 19 - three phase 3P+N (4 wires) Figure 20 - three phase 3P (3 wires)

N: terminal 20 N: terminal 20
L1: terminal 21 L1: terminal 21
L2: terminal 22 N: terminal 22
N: terminal 23 N: terminal 23

Figure 21 - two phase 2P+N (3 wires) Figure 22 - single phase 1P+N (2 wires)

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10 Technical specifications
Control unit
. dimensions 118 x 108 x 40 (length x height x depth)
. protection index IP54 on front panel, IP20 on rear, connectors side
. weight without packaging 200g
. cut-out for assembly 94 x 94 minimum (+/-1 mm)
. tightening torque for assembly from 15 to 20cNm
. operating temperature -20°C to +70°C
. storage temperature -30°C to +80°C
. humidity 95% at 45°C, 70% at 50°C, 50% at 60°C
Power supply
. T01 terminals (0 V battery) and T03 (+ battery) . nominal voltage 12Vdc or 24Vdc
(on 3-pin connector) . voltage range from 8 to 36Vdc
Binary inputs
. 6 binary inputs, terminals T10, T11, T12, T13, T14 and . not isolated
T15 . connected to 0Vdc
(on 12-pin connector)
Emergency stop input
. 1 binary input, terminal T04 . not isolated
(on 12-pin connector) . connected to + battery
Binary outputs
. 5 binary outputs, terminals T05, T06, T07, T08, T09 . not isolated
(on 12-pin connector) . operating range from 8 to 36Vdc
. flyback diode required for inductive load
. safety feature protecting against: short-circuit, overload,
overvoltage peaks
. not protected against polarity inversion
Analog inputs
3 analog inputs, terminals T13, T14, T15 . not isolated
(on 12-pin connector) . measurement range: from 0 to 2500
Voltage measurement
. . 1 input, terminals T20, T21, T22, T23 . true RMS value
(on 7-pin connector) . voltage range: from 80 to 480Vac between phases
with 1 of the 2 pins not used from 50 to 277Vac between phase and neutral
(see section 10 for possible connections) . not isolated
Frequency measurement
. 1 input, terminal T21 (phase 1) . measurement on the fundamental
(on 7-pin connector)
Current measurement
. . 1 input, terminals T16, T17, T18, T19 . true RMS value
(on 4-pin connector) . measurement range: from 100mA to 6A (secondary CT)
. not isolated
Charging alternator excitation
. 1 binary input/output, terminal T02 . excitation current: 100mA
(on 3-pin connector)
. USB . device type
(on B type connector) . on the module
RS485 interface
1 input/output, 3 terminals (A, COM, B) RS485 type
(on 3-pin connector) . on the module

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11 Packaging, storage and handling of the modules

11.1 Packaging
Each module is supplied separately in a cardboard box.
Each cardboard box has a glued identification label, which corresponds to the module reference.
The modules must remain in their original packaging until they are integrated, i.e. "mechanically" and "electrically" installed, in
the control/command equipment.

11.2 Storage
The storage conditions described below must be strictly adhered to, otherwise there is a risk that the product warranty will be
completely voided by SDMO and/or by the manufacturer of the products.

Store in a location free from dust.

Temperature: -20°C to +70°C.
Relative humidity: from 5% to 95% with no condensation.
The modules may be stacked on top of each other,
provided the following conditions are observed:
- stored flat recommended
- stored at an angle not recommended

Figure 23 - stored flat Figure 24 - stored at an angle

11.3 Handling

11.3.1 Module packed in its box

No particular conditions need to be observed; handle the products with care, avoiding any impacts.
Bring the modules as close as possible to the workstation, before removing them from their original packaging.

11.3.2 Module not packed in its box

All electronic equipment is sensitive in varying degrees to static electricity. To protect the components against the effects of
static electricity, it is necessary to follow the following special precautions to minimise or prevent any electrostatic discharges.

Insofar as possible, avoid wearing synthetic clothing and wear cotton clothing whenever possible, as this does not generate
static electricity.

Before removing the module from its packaging, touch a metal earth with your hand to discharge the body of any static
electricity, which could cause damage to the electronic components.

When installing the module in its surroundings, or if you move outside the working area, it will be necessary to touch a metal
earth again when re-entering the working area, as any movement along the ground can charge the body with static electricity.

If a module needs replacing (for instance, for repair), place the replaced
module in its original packaging or, if not possible, in an antistatic plastic bag of a
suitable size for the module.

It is formally prohibited to lift up the metal enclosure at the rear of the

module; failure to observe this risks voiding the product warranty provided by
SDMO and/or the product manufacturer completely. Figure 25 - antistatic plastic bag

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Personal Notes


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