UG Chemistry
UG Chemistry
UG Chemistry
B.Sc. Semester-1
Paper-I - CH-101: Inorganic Chemistry
Paper-II- CH-102: Physical Chemistry
B.Sc. Semester- II
Paper -I - CH-201: Organic Chemistry
Paper - II-CH-202: Practical
B.Sc. Semester- IV
Paper -I - CH-401: Inorganic Chemistry
Paper - II - CH-402: Physical Chemistry
B.Sc. Semester- V
Paper -1 - CH-501: Inorganic Chemistry
Paper - II - CH-502: Physical Chemistry
Paper-III -CH-503: Practical
B.Sc. Semester- VI
Paper-I -CH-601: Organic Chemistry
Paper-II -CH-602: General Chemistry
Paper-III -CH-603: Practical
Atomic Structure: Quantum mechanics based structure of atom in brief, shapes of s, p and d
orbitals, aufbau and Pauli exclusion principles, Hund's Multiplicity rules. Electronic configurations
of the elements, effective nuclear charge,
Periodic Properties and Classification based upon electronic configuration: Diagonal
relationship, inert pair effect, atomic and ionic radii, van der waal radii, ionization energy,
electron affinity and electronegativity : definition, method of determination, trends in periodic
table and applications in predicting and explaining chemical behaviour.
Unit II
Chemical Bonding
(a) Covalent bond: valence bond theory and its limitations, directional characteristic of covalent
bond. Hybridization and shapes of simple molecules and ions. Valence Shell Electron Pair
Repulsion (VSEPR) theory to simple molecules and ions. Molecular Orbital theory for
homonuclear and heteronuclear (CO and NO) diatomic molecules, multi-center bonding in electron
deficient molecules, bond strength and the bond energy, % ionic character from dipole moment and
electro negativity difference.
(b) Weak interactions: hydrogen bonding, van der Waals forces.
Unit III
(a) Ionic solid: ionic structures, radius ratio effect and coordination number, limitation of ratio
rule, Lattice defects, Lattice energy and Born-Haber cycle, solvation energy and solubility of ionic
solids, polarizing power and polarizability of ions. Fajan's rule, Metallic bond free electron,
Valence bond and Band theories.
(b) s-Block elements: Comparative study, salient features of hydrides, salvation and
complexation tendencies of cations of alkali and alkaline earth matter including their
function in biosystems, an introduction to alkyls and aryls of Li & Mg.
(c) Noble Gases: Chemical properties of the noble gases, discovery of O2+PtF6- and O2XeF6
chemistry of xenon, structure and bonding in xenon compounds.
p-Block Elements:- Comparative study (including diagonal relationship) physical and chemical
behaviour of group 13-17 elements, compounds like hydrides, oxides, oxyacids and halides of
group 13-16, diborane, boronitride a, b forms, Fullerenes, silicates (structural principle) and
structures of oxides and oxyacids of phosphorus and sulphur, interhalogens and polyhalides.
Text Books (Theory Courses):
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Reference Books:
1. Inorganic Chemistry, J.E.Huheey, Ellen A. Keiter, Richard L. Keiter, Addison Wesley Longma
(Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
2. Inorganic Chemistry, D.E.Shriver, P W. Atkins and C.HL Langford, Oxford.
3. Basic Inorganic Chemistry, F.A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson and P.L. Gaus, Wiley.
4. Concepts of Models of Inorganic Chemistry, B.Douglas, D.McDaniel and J Alexander, John
5. Inorganic Chemistry, WW. Porterfteld, Addison - Wesley.
6. Inorganic Chemistry, A.G. Sharpe, ELBS
7. Inorganic Chemistry, G.L. Meissler and D.A. Tarr, Prentic-Hali.
Mathematical Concepts :- Logarithmic relations, curves stretching, linear graphs and calculation
of slopes, Differentiation of functions like x, ex, xn, sinx, logx; maxima and minima, partial
differentiation and reciprocity relations. Integration of some useful/relevant functions;
permutations and combinations. Factorials, Probability.
Computers: General introduction to computers, different components of a computer. Hardware
and software, input-output devices, binary numbers and arithmetic; introduction to computer
languages. Programming and operating systems.
Gaseous State: Postulates of kinetic theory of gases, deviation from ideal behavior, van der Waals
equation of State.
Critical phenomenon: PV isotherms of real gases, continuity of states, the isotherms of van der
Waals equations, relationship between critical constants and van der Waals constants, the law of
corresponding states, reduced equation of states.
Molecular Velocities: Root mean square, average and most probable velocities. Qualitative
discussion of the Maxwell's distribution of molecular velocities, collision numbers, mean free path
and collision diameter. Liquification of gases (based on Joule Thomson effect).
Liquid State:-Intermolecular forces, structure of liquids (a qualitative description) Structural
differences between solids, liquids and gases.
Liquid crystals: Difference between liquid crystal, solid and liquid. Classification, structure of
nematic and cholestic phases. Thermography and seven segment cell.
Solid State: Definition of space lattice, Unit cell.
Laws of crystallography, (i) Law of constancy of interfacialangles (ii) Law of rationality of indices
(iii) Law of symmetry. Symmetry elements in crystals.
Diffraction X-ray diffraction by crystals. Derivation of Bragg's equation. Determination of crystal
structure of NaCl, KC1 and CsCI (Laue’s method and powder method) and simple structure of
ZnS,CaC2,diamond graphite.
Miscellaneous examples.
B.Sc. Semester II Paper-I Max Marks: 100
Organic Chemistry
Unit – I
Structure and bonding: Hybridization, bond lengths, bond angles, bond energy, localised and
delocalized π bonds, resonance, inductive and field effects, hydrogen bonding, inclusion
compounds, clathrates, charge transfer complexes.
Types of reagents: Electrophiles and nucleophiles. Reactive intermediates – carbocations,
carbanions, free radicals, carbenes, arynes. Assigning formal changes on intermediates and other
ionic species.
Mechanism of organic reactions: Types of organic reactions, methods of determination of
reaction mechanism. Energy considerations. Curved arrow rotation, drawing electro movement with
arrows, homolytic and heterolytic bond breaking.
Unit – II
Optical isomerism : Elements of symmetry, molecular chirality, optical activity, stereogenic
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centres, enantiomers, chiral and achiral molecules with two stereogenic centres, diastereomers,
meso compounds, resolution of enantiomers, racemization. Relative and absolute configurations.
Sequence rules. D, L and R, S nomenelature.
Geometrical isomerism : E, Z system, geometrical isomerism in oximes and alicyclic
Saw-horse and flying wedge formulae, Fischer and Newman projections.
Cycloalkanes : Nomenclature, methods of preparation. Baeyer's strain theory. Ring strain in
cyclopropane and cyclobutane. Conformational analysis of ethane, n-butane and cyclohexane.
Unit – III
Alkanes: Nomenclature, methods of formation with special reference to Wurtz, Kolbe, Corey-
House reactions and decarboxylation. Physical properties and chemical reactions. Mechanism of
free radical halogenation of alkanes.
Alkenes: Nomenclature, methods of formation. Mechanisms of dehydration of alcohols and
dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides. Ragio-selectivity in alcohol-dehydration. Saytzeff's rule,
Hofmann elimination.
Physical properties and relative stabilities of alkenes. Chemical reactions. Mechanisms involved in
hydrogenation, electrophilic and free-radical additions. Markownikoff's rule. Hydroboration-
oxidation, oxymercuration-reduction, epoxidation, ozonolysis, hydrations, hydroxylation and
oxidation, polymerization. Substitutions at allylic and vinylic positions of alkenes. Industrial
applications of ethylene and propene.
Alkynes: Nomenclature, structure and bonding in alkynes. Methods of formation, chemical
reactions and acidity of alkynes. Mechanism of electrophilic and mucleophilic addition reactions,
hydroboration-oxidation and polymerization.
Unit – IV
Halogen compounds : Alkyl halides – Nomenclature, methods of formationi, chemical reactions.
Mechanism of nucleophilic substitution reactions ( , ) with energy profile diagrams,
chloroform and carbon tetrachloride. Aryl halides – Methods of formation, nuclear and side chain
reactions. Mechanisms of nucleophilic aromatic substitutions. Relative reactivities of alkyl halides
versus allyl, vinyl and aryl halides. Synthesis and uses of DDT, BHC and Freon.
Arenes and aromaticity : Nomenclature of benzene derivatives. Activating and deactivating
substituents. Orientation and ortho/para ratio. Structure of benzene and its stability, carbon-carbon
bond lengths, resonance structure, MO picture of benzene. Aromaticity-Huckel’s rule and aromatic
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B.Sc. Semester II Paper-II Max Marks: 100
Chemistry Practical
Inorganic Chemistry
Calibration of fractional weights, pipettes and burettes, Preparation of standard solutions.
Dilution- 0.1 M to 0.001 M solutions.
Quantitative Analysis
Volumetric Analysis
(a) Determination of acetic acid in commercial vinegar using NaOH
(b) Determination of alkali content - antacid tablet using HCl.
(c) Estimation of calcium content in chalk as calcium oxalate by permanganometry
(d) Estimation of hardness of water by EDTA
(e) Estimation of ferrous ions by dichromate method
(f) Estimation of copper using thiosulphate.
Gravimetric Analysis
(a) Ba as BaSO4 in the given solution of BaCl2
(b) Analysis of Cu as CuSCN and Ni as Ni dimethylgloxime
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1. Preparation of solutions of various concentrations, NaOH, HCl, H2SO4.
2. To determine the velocity constant (specific-reaction rate) of hydrolysis of
methylacetate/ethyl acetate catalyzed by hydrogen ions at room temperature.
3. To study the effect of acid strength on the hydrolysis of an ester.
4. To compare the strength of HCl and H2SO4 by studying the kinetics of hydrolysis of an
5. To study kinetically the reaction rate of decomposition of iodide by H2O2.
6. Determination of surface tension/percentage composition of given binary organic mixture
using surface tension method.
7. Determination of viscosity/percentage composition of given organic mixture using
viscosity method.
1. Distillation
2. Crystallization
3. Detection of extra elements (N, S and halogens) 2 elements, functional groups (phenolic,
carboxylic, carbonyl, esters, carbohydrates, amines, amides, nitro and anilide) in simple
Record and Viva
B.Sc. Semester III Paper-I Max Marks: 100
Organic Chemistry
Reactions of alcohols.
Dihydric alcohols - Nomenclature, methods of formation, chemical reactions of vicinal glycols,
oxidative cleavage [Pb(OAc)4 and HIO4] and pinacole-pinacolone rearrangement.
Trihydric alcohols - Nomenclature and methods of formation, chemical reactions of glycerol.
Phenols:-Nomenclature, structure and bonding, Preparation of phenols, physical properties and
acidic character. Comparative acidic strengths of alcohols and phenols, resonance stabilization of
phenoxide ion. Reactions of phenols -electrophilic aromatic substitution, acylation and
carboxylation. Mechanisms of Fries rearrangement, Claisen rearrangement, Gatterman synthesis,
Hauben-Hoesch reaction, Lederer-Manasse reaction and Reimer-Tiemann reaction.
Unit III
Ethers and Epoxides: Nomenclature of ethers and methods of their formation, physical
properties. Chemical reactions - cleavage and autoxidation, Ziesel's method. Synthesis of epoxides,
Acid and base-catalyzed ring opening of epoxides, orientation of epoxide ring opening, reactions of
Grignard and organolithium reagents with epoxides.
Aldehydes and Ketones: Nomenclature and structure of the carbonyl groups, synthesis of
aldehydes and ketones with particular reference to the synthesis of aldehydes from acid chlorides,
synthesis of alkedydes and ketones using 1,3-dithianes, synthesis of ketones from nitrites and from
carboxylic acids. Physical properties. Mechanism of nucleophillic additions to carbonyl group with
particular emphasis on benzoin, aldol, Perkin and Knoevenagel condensations, Condensation with
ammonia and its derivatives. Wittig reaction, Mannich reaction. Use of acetals as protecting group,
Oxidation of aldehydes, Baeyer-Viliiger oxidation of Ketones, Cannizzaro reaction, MPV,
Clemmensen, Wolff-Kishner, LiAlH4 and NaBH4 reductions. Halogenation of enolizable ketones.
An introduction to a,b-unsaturated aldehydes and ketones.
Unit IV
Carboxylic Acids: Nomenclature, structure and bonding, physical properties, acidity of carboxylic
acids, effects of substituents on acid strength. Preparation of carboxylic acids, Reactions of
carboxylic acids, Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky reaction, Synthesis of acid chlorides, esters and amides.
Reduction of carboxylic acids, Mechanism of decarboxylation. Methods of formation and chemical
reactions of halo acids,
Hydroxy acids: Malic, tartaric and citric acids. Methods of formation and chemical reactions of
unsaturated monocarboxylic acids. Dicarboxylic acids: Methods of formation and effect of heat and
dehydrating agents.
Carboxylic Acid Derivatives: Structure and nomenclature of acid chlorides, esters, amides (urea)
B.Sc. Semester III Paper-II Max Marks: 100
Chemistry Practical
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Phase Equilibrium
1. To study the affect of a solute (e.g. NaCl, succinic acid) on the critical solution temperature
of two partially miscible liquids (e.g. phenol-water system) and to determine the
concentration of that solution in the given phenol-water system.
B.Sc. Semester IV Paper-I Max Marks: 100
Inorganic Chemistry
Unit - I
Chemistry of Elements of First Transition Series: Characteristic properties of d-block
elements. Binary compounds (hydrides, carbides and oxides) of the elements of the first transition
series and complexes with respect to relative stability of their oxidation states, coordination
number and geometry.
Chemistry of Elements of Second and Third Transition series: General characteristics,
comparative treatment of Zr/Hf, Nb/Ta , Mo/W in respect of ionic radii, oxidation states, magnetic
behavior, spectral properties and stereochemistry.
Unit - II
Coordination Compounds: Werner's coordination theory and its experimental verification,
effective atomic number concept, chelates, nomenclature of coordination compounds, isomerism
in coordination compounds, valence bond theory of transition metal complexes.
Chemistry of Lanthanide Elements: Electronic structure, oxidation states and ionic radii and
lanthanide contraction, complex formation, occurrence and isolation, cerie ammonium sulphate
and its analytical uses.
Chemistry of Actinides: Electronic conformation, oxidation states and magnetic properties,
chemistry of separation of Np, Pu and Am from U.
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Unit IV
Oxidation and Reduction: Electrode potential, electrochemical series and its applications.
Principles involved in the extraction of the elements.
Acids and Bases : Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry, the Lux-Flood, solvent system and Lewis concept
of acids and bases.
Non-aqueous Solvents: Physical properties of a solvent, types of solvents and their general
characteristics, Reactions in non-aqueous solvents with reference to liquid NH3 and liquid SO2.
B.Sc. Semester IV Paper-I Max Marks: 100
Physical Chemistry
Unit - I
Definition of thermodynamic terms: System, surroundings etc. Types of systems, intensive and
extensive properties. State and path functions and their differentials. Thermodynamic process.
Concept of heat and work.
First Law of Thermodynamics: Statement, definition of internal energy and enthalpy. Heat
capacity, heat capacities at constant volume and pressure and their relationship. Joule's law -
Joule-Thomson coefficient and inversion temperature. Calculation of w,q, dU & dH for the
expansion of ideal gases under isothermal and adiabatic conditions for reversible process.
Thermo chemistry: Standard state, standard enthalpy of formation - Hess's Law of heat summation
and its applications. Heat of reaction at constant pressure and at constant volume. Enthalpy of
neutralization. Bond dissociation energy and its calculation from thermo-chemical data,
temperature dependence of enthalpy. Kirchhoff s equation.
Unit II
Thermodynamics - II
Second law of thermodynamics: Need for the law, different statements of the law. Carnot's cycle
and its efficiency, Carnot's theorem. Thermodynamic scale of temperature. Clapeyron-Clausius
equation and its applications
Concept of entropy: Entropy as a state function, entropy as a function of V & T, entropy as a
function of P & T, entropy change in physical change, Clausius inequality, entropy as a criteria of
spontaneity and equilibrium change in ideal gases and mixing of gases.
Gibbs and Helmholtz functions: Gibbs function (G) and Helmholtz function (A) as
thermodynamic quantities, A & G as criteria for thermodynamic equilibrium and spontaneity, their
advantage over entropy change. Variation of G and A with P, V and T.
Third law of thermodynamics: Nernst heat theorem, statement and concept of residual entropy.
Nernst distribution law - thermodynamic derivation, applications.
Unit III
Electrochemistry -1:
Electrical transport - Conduction in metals and in electrolyte solutions, specific conductance
and equivalent conductance, measurement of equivalent conductance, variation of equivalent
and specific conductance with dilution. Migration of ions and Kohlrausch's law, Arrhenius
theory of electrolyte dissociation and its limitations, weak and strong electrolytes , Ostwald's
dilution law its uses and limitations. Debye-Huckel-Onsager's equation for strong electrolytes
(elementary treatment only). Transport number, definition and determination by Hittorfs method
and moving boundary method.
Applications of conductivity measurements: Determination of degree of dissociation,
determination of Ka of acids, determination of solubility product of a sparingly soluble salt,
conductometric titrations.
Unit IV
Electrochemistry - II:
Types of reversible electrodes- Gas-metal ion, metal-ion, metal-insoluble salt-anion and redox
electrodes. Electrode reactions, Nernst equation, derivation of cell E.M.F. and single electrode
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potential, standard hydrogen electrode reference electrodes- standard electrode potential, sign
conventions, electrochemical series and its significance.
Electrolytic and Galvanic cells- Reversible and irreversible cells, conventional representation of
electrochemical cells.
EMF of a cell and its measurements- Computation of cell EMF. Calculation of thermodynamic
quantities of cell reactions (DG, DH and K)
Concentration cell with and without transport, liquid junction potential, application of
concentration cells, valency of ions, solubility product and activity coefficient, potentiometric
Definition of pH and pKa, determination of pH using hydrogen, quinhydrone and glass electrodes,
by potentiometric methods.
Buffers - Mechanism of buffer action, Henderson-Hazel equation. Hydrolysis of salts.
B.Sc. Semester V Paper-I Max Marks: 100
Inorganic Chemistry
Unit - I
Metal-ligand bonding in Transition Metal Complexes: Limitation of valence bond theory, an
elementary idea of crystal field theory, crystal field splitting in octahedral, tetrahedral and square
planar complexes, factors effecting the crystal field parameters. Effect of CFSE on lattice energy,
Ionic radii.
Unit – II
Thermodynamic and Kinetic Aspects of Metal Complexes: A brief outline of thermodynamic
stability of metal complexes and factors affecting the stability. Substitution reaction of square
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B.Sc. Semester V Paper-II Max Marks: 100
Physical Chemistry
Unit - I
Unit – IV
Solutions, Dilute Solutions and Colligative Properties : Ideal and non-ideal solutions, methods
of expressing concentration of solutions, activity and activity coefficient, Dilute solution,
colligative properties, Raoult's law, relative lowering of vapour pressure, molecular weight
determination, Osmosis, law of osmotic pressure and its measurement, determination of molecular
weight from osmotic pressure, Elevation of boiling point and depression of freezing point.
Thermodynamic derivation of relation between molecular weight and elevation in boiling point and
depression in freezing point. Experimental methods of determining various colligative properties.
Abnormal molar mass, degre of dissociation and association of solutes.
Books suggested (Theory Courses)
1. Physical Chemistry, G.M. Barrow, International Student Edition, McGraw Hill.
B.Sc. Semester V Paper-III Max Marks: 100
Chemistry Practical
Unit - I
Synthesis and Analysis
(a) Preparation of sodium trioxalato feerrate (III), Na3[Fe(C2O4)3] and determination of its
composition by permagnometry.
(b) Preparation of Ni-DMG complex, [Ni(DMG)2]
Unit - I
Spectrosocpy : Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR): Spectroscopy, proton magnetic resonance
(1H NMR) spectroscopy, nuclear shielding and deshielding. Chemical shifts and molecular
structure, spin-spin splitting and coupling constants, arears of signals, inerpretation of 'H NMR
spectra of simple organic molecules such as ethyl bromide, ethanol, accetaldehyde, 1, 1, 2
bibronoethane, ethyl acetate, toluens and acetophenons. Problems pertaining to the structure
elucidation of simple organic compounds using UV, IR and 1H NMR spectroscopy techniques.
Unit – II
Heterocyclic compounds
Introduction : Molecular orbital picture and aromatic characteristic of pyrrole, furan, thiophene
and pyridine, methods of synthesis and chemical reactions with particular emphasis on the
mechanism of electrophillic substitution, mechanism of nucleophilic substitution reaction in
pyridine derivatives. Comparison of basicity of pyridine, piperidine and pyrrole. Introduction to
condensed five and six membered heterocycles. Preparation and reactions of indols, quinoline and
isoquinoline with special reference to Fisher Indols synthesis, Skraup synthesis and Bischler –
Nepieralski synthesis. Mechanism of electrophilic substitution reaction of indole, quinoline and
Organometallic Compounds : Organomagnesium compounds : the Grigard reagents, formation,
structure and chemical reactions. Organozinc compounds; formation and chemical reactions.
Organolithium compound formation and chemical reactions.
Unit – III
Carbohydrates: Classification and nomenclature, monosaccharides, mechanism of osazone
formation, interconversion of glucose and fructose, chain lengthening and chain shortening of
aldoses. Configuration of monosaccharides. Erythro and threo diastereomers, conversion of
glucose into mannose. Formation of glycoside Ethers and esters. Determination of ring size of
monosaccharides. Cyclic structure of D(+) glucose. Mechanism of mutarotation structure of
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ribose and deoxyribose. An introduction to diasacel harides (maltose, sucrose, lactose) and
polysaccharide/starch and cellulose) without involving structure determination.
Unit – IV
Amino Acids, peptides, proteins and Nucleic Acids : Classification, structure and
sterochemistry of amino acids. Acid-base behaviour, isoelectric point and electrophoresis,
Preparation and reaction of a amino acids, structure and nomenclature of peptides and proteins.
Classification of proteins, peptides structure determination, and group analysis. Selective
hydrolysis of peptides. Classical peptide synthesis, solid phase peptide synthesis. Structure of
peptides and proteins level of protein structures. Protein denaturation/venaturation.
Nucleic Acids: Introduction – Classification of nucleic acids Riborueleosides and
ribonucleotides. The double helical structure of DNA.
Books Suggested (Theory Courses)
1. Organic Chemistry, Morrison and Boyd, Prentice Hall.
2. Organic Chemistry, L.G. Wade Jr. Prentice Hall.
3. Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry Solomons, John Wiley.
4. Organic Chemistry, Vol. I, II, III, S.M.Mukherji, S.P. Singh and R.P. Kapoor, Wiley Eastern
Ltd. (New Age International)
5. Organic Chemistry, F.A. Carey,McGraw-Hill Inc.
6. Introduction to Organic Chemistry, Streitwiesser, Hathcock and Kosover.
B.Sc. Semester VI Paper-II Max Marks: 100
General Chemistry
Unit - I
Spectroscopy :
Rotational Spectroscopy of Diatomic Molecules: Energy level of a rigid rotor (semi classical
principles) selection rules, spectral intensity, distribution using population distribution (Maxwell –
Boltzman distribution) determination of bond length, qualitative description of non rigid rotor,
isotope effect.
Vibrational Spectrum – Infrared Spectrum : Energy levels of simple harmonic oscillator,
selection rules, pure vibrational spectrum, intensity, determination of force constant and qualitative
relation of force constant and bond energies, effect of an harmonic motion and isotope on the
Unit – II
Fats, Oils and Detergents : Natural fats, edible and industrial oils of vegetable origin, common
fatty acids, glycerides, hydrogenation of unsaturated oils, soaponification value, iodine value, acid
value, soaps, synthetic detergents alkyl and aryl sulphonates.
Synthetic Polymers : Addition or chain-growth polymerization, Free radical vinyl polymerization,
ionic vinyl polymerization, Ziegler-Natta polymerization and vinyl polymers. Condensation or step
growth polymerization. Polyesters, polyamides, phenol formaldehyde resins, urea formaldehyde
resin, epoxy resins and polyurithanes. Natural and synthetic rubbers.
Unit – III
Synthetic Dyes: Colour and constitution / electronic concept classification of dyes. Chemistry and
synthesis of Methyl orange, conge red, Malachite green, crystal violet, phenophthalein, Fluorescin,
Alizarin and Indigo.
Organic Synthesis via Enolate: Acidity of hydrogens, alkylation of diethyl malonates and ethyl
acetoacetate. Synthesis of ethyl acetoacetate : the claisen condensation, Kelo enol tautomerism of
ethyl/acetoacetate. Alkylation of 1,3 dithianes, Alkylation and acylation of enamines.
Organosulphur compounds: Nomenclature, structural, features, methods of formation and
chemical reactions of thiols thiocthers, sulphonic acids, sulphonamides and sulphaguanidene.
Unit – IV
Photochemistry: Interaction of radiation with matter, difference between thermal and
photochemical processes. Laws of photochemistry, Grothus – Drapper law, stark – Einstein law,
Jablonski diagram depicting various processes occuring in the excited state, qualitative description
of fluorescence, phosphorescence, nonradiative processes (internal conversion, intersystem
crossing), quantum yield, photosensitized reaction, energy transfer processes (simple examples).
Book Suggested
1. Basic Inorganic Chemistry, F.A. Cotton 9 G. Willkinson and P.L. Gaus Wiley.
Unit - I
Steam Distillation :
Naphthalene from its suspension in water.
Clove oil from cloves
Separation of o- and p-nitrophenols
Column Chromatography
Separation of fluorescein and methylene blue.
Separation of leaf pigments from spinach leaves
Resolution of racemic mixture of (+) mandelic acid.
Qualitative Analysis
Analysis of an organic mixture containing two solid components, using water, NaHCO3,
NaOH for separation and preparation of suitable derivatives.
Synthesis of Organic Compounds
(a) Acetylation of salicylic acid, aniline, glucose and hydroquinone, Benzoylation of aniline and
(b) Aliphatic electrophilic substitution. Preparation of ioodoform from ethanol and acetone.
(c) Aromatic electrophilic substitution
Preparation of m-dinitrobenzene
Preparation of p-nitroacetanilide
Preparation of p-bromoacetanilide
Refractometry Polarimetry
(a) To verify law of refraction of mixtures (e.g. of glycerol and water) using Abbe's
(b) To determine the specific rotation of a given optically active compound.
Molecular Weight Determination
(a) Determination of molecular weight of a non-volatile solute by Rast method/Beckmann