Design and Implementation of Student Att
Design and Implementation of Student Att
Design and Implementation of Student Att
AUGUST, 2016
SYSTEM USING FINGERPRINT, has been supervised, read and approved by the
of the requirements for the award of Higher National Diploma (HND) in Computer
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This project is dedicated to Almighty GOD for the knowledge, understanding wisdom
I sincerely acknowledge Almighty GOD who has given me the strength and guide my
step towards the success of this project and to my humble and ever ready supervisor Mr.
Femi Osun who always guide and contributed to the success of my project.
My gratitude also goes to the Head of the department Mr. Femi Osun for his fatherly
Last but not the least; I extend my sincere thanks to my family members and my friends
for their constant support throughout this project. May GOD continue to reward you
This project is on the design and development of portable and reliable fingerprint based
student attendance monitoring system that can be used to monitor attendance of the student. It
will eliminate the problems of manual method. The new system utilizes a portable fingerprint
scanner as the input to acquire fingerprint images and notebook personal computer as the
mobile terminal for the processing of the images and records attendance. It also include
database to store student’s information and attendance records. Visual was used as
the programming language to develop this system. The system was tested and found working
Keywords: fingerprint scanner, personal computer, mobile terminal, database, visual basic
Title Pages
Cover page
Title page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgment iv
Abstract v
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables x
List of Figures x
method of paper sheets and old file system method. Every academic institution poses some
sessions and examination halls. That is why keeping the accurate record of attendance is very
important. The approach of using paper sheets and the old file system to confirmed students
has been in use for years. There are so many bottlenecks with the conventional method, one
of such problem is the difficulty for the management to compute the percentage of student
attendance in classes and frequently modify their information. Also in institution, tracking
and monitoring student time of attendance could be tedious task, time consuming and as well
or during examination, biometrics characteristics can be used for authenticating students. This
Monitoring System. The fingerprint Biometrics is adopted in this research work for the fact it
is one of the most successful applications of biometric technology. In the manual signing
processes, where lecturer give a sheet of paper to student to write their names and signature
as a form of confirming their presence for a particular class session, falsification in student
attendance mostly occur a situation where by a student can sign on behalf of his or her
colleague as being present in the class when not true can be so difficult to prevent from
happening especially for large classes where row count can takes longer time International
The trending concern in this modern world is regarding national security, identifying theft as
well as on-line terrorism. Researcher refers to Biometric as a solution for detecting user’s
identity and security challenges emanating in this modern day. Biometric identification is any
automatically measurable, robust and distinctive physical characteristic or personal trait that
can be used to identify an individual or verify the claimed identify of an individual. Biometric
mouse movement) or biological characteristics (fingerprint, iris, nose, eyes, jaw, voice
pattern, etc). It is the features captures that is being transformed digitally into a template. The
recognition software can then be used to discover an individual as the person they claim to
be. Fingerprint recognition is the most common biometric method adopted in identification of
Biometric is a field of technology that uses automated methods for identifying and verifying a
person based on physiological and behavioral traits. Because some parts of the human body is
use in biometrics, the issue of getting lost is not possible and for password to be easily guess
can be easily avoided. Also, utilizing biometrics in most cases can be said to be more
efficient when speed is considered and convenient than employing password and ID cards
Using a particular person fingerprint as a form of authentication is just like using natural
absolutely distinct to each person. There are no two different individuals with the same
fingerprint, it is difficult and impossible for one another to have the same fingerprint, and
fingerprints from different people can never be the same. Also, a fingerprint can never be
guess by a criminal, such as a password which imposter can easily predict using a user birth
date or any other common password. Infiltration is very hard to come by due to the fact that
criminal will not be able to snoop around to steal user password when using ATM with the 4-
Fingerprint can be categorize as one of the most mature biometric traits and is accepted in
courts of law as a legitimate proof of evidence. Fingerprints are adopted in forensic analysis
individuals and commercial users that are currently using or strongly putting into
consideration of using fingerprint-based identification for no any other reason other than the
understanding of fingerprints.
Although there are so many positive impacts for using biometric authentication, however,
unlike username and password, biometric data is a physical feature of a person that is fixed
and cannot be change. If a person could have access to adequate scan another person
fingerprint, that scan has the capability to trick the Touch ID system. In that case, the
from having access to your personal information or files. As fingerprint scanning becomes
more widely accepted anywhere anytime, this may become a substantial challenge. A
criminal can have access to different accounts because with one fingerprint, a criminal may
The traditional system is still mostly used in lecture room or laboratory session in most
institution today. Lecturer or instructor will give out a sheet of paper containing list of
student’s name to sign or in some cases, the student will be the ones to write their names,
student id and matriculation number to indicate their presence for a particular class.
Falsification in student attendance does occur rampantly in the traditional method. For
example, another student can easily sign an attendance on behalf of another student. In other
using fingerprint Biometric recognition that will be employed to track and keep the
attendance of every student in a particular class. Fingerprint is unique feature for everyone
compare to using barcode in smart cards. Therefore, this system designed in this project work
is not based on the existing barcode system. Tracking and monitoring student time of
attendance could be tedious, time consuming and more susceptible to errors. The security of
the existing attendance system that are now use in classroom (signature system) can be easily
compromised. Some students can master other student’s signature. Thereby, helping their
colleague who are absent for a particular class to sign the attendance sheet using the
duplicated signature. The Fingerprint Attendance monitoring system designed in this research
work for student is a more secure platform where students mark their attendance with their
The aim of the study is to design and develop a reliable, scalable and cost effective
following objectives:
(i) To carry out the analysis of manual processes involved in class attendance and
examination attendance.
(ii) To design a new system for the (i) above and
(iii) To implement the design using Microsoft Visual
The scope of this work is to develop a Fingerprint Based Student Attendance monitoring
System that will improve how attendance management is done by using fingerprint as a form
authentication for proof of attending a class. The system will be a window based application
developed using Microsoft Visual as the preferred programming language for
building the user interface and Microsoft SQL Server for database design. It does not cover
The efficiency of the scanner can be reduced due to the roughages in the captured images
which are often caused by worn-out or cut or dirt’s found on fingerprint. Therefore, there is
every possibility that enrolled users can be rejected by the system. Also the scanner or sensor
cannot distinguish between a real and an artificial finger; therefore it is possible to fool the
change fingerprint as in the case of password because user finger biometric. Finally, since the
system will be design using Visual, it won’t be able to run on any other platforms
The System for Students using fingerprint Biometric will eliminate the use of paper in manual
signing processes and all the risk associated with it. One of the risks of using a paper in class
attendance is that it can be easily misplaced and students cheat by signing for each other not
present in the class thereby defeating the aim of taking the attendance. Tracking and
monitoring students time of attendance could be tedious, time consuming and susceptible to
error. Thus, the System will drastically reduce time needed to verify attendance data.
The System also allows the institution management to track or investigate student class
attendance in a particular course having poor attendance thereby enabling the management to
rectify the situation by providing the necessary interventions. The system provide high level of
security whereby making it impossible for imposters and impersonators in making their ways
to examination halls. The System using fingerprint Biometric will keep historical data making
especially during classes, tutorials, laboratory sessions and examination during which heavy
security are normally deploy to validate student’s identity in order to cob imposters, with the
use of Authentication System the number of security personnel will be greatly reduce. Most
lecturers’ handout sheet of paper for their class attendance, which can easily be misplaced or
damaged and poses a lot of stress in cumulating grades for their students. The system allows
the lecturer to monitor each student attendance, track down truants and take the appropriate
action. Thus, the system eliminates all these downsides. The Authentication system is not only
useful to the institutions and lecturers alone, even the students benefit a great deal by reducing
the stress in queuing up which result in delay and often time in the damage of the attendance
sheet. It also prevents mistakes and anomaly that is associated with manual signing in which
student that attend a class are marked as not present thereby losing the mark accorded to the
Fingerprint sensor is an electronic device used to capture a digital image of the fingerprint
Rapid Application Development is a concept that products can be developed faster and of
higher quality.
Authentication is the process of determining whether someone or something is, in fact, who
Use Case Diagram is used to show scenarios used for understanding the requirements of the
system and to show the interaction between the user and the system.
Flow chart or Activity Diagram is a Unified Modeling Language that represents the
graphical workflows of stepwise activities and actions with support for iteration, choice and
Biometrics is the science and technology of measuring of measuring and breaking down
natural information. In data innovation, biometrics relates to technologies that examine and
measure physical human body features, such as DNA, fingerprints, eye retinas and irises,
voice patterns, facial patterns and hand measurements, for validation or authentication
The process of Biometric validation is way by which an assessing of some spotting biological
or traits can be distinctly identified in an individual. These unique identifiers constitute retina,
earlobe geometry, iris patterns, fingerprints, hand geometry, voice waves, earlobe geometry
DNA, and signatures. The voice waveform recognition method with tape recordings in
telephone wiretaps of verification which has been utilized for so many years is now majorly
being used in research facilities for access to restrictively databanks. Law enforcement has
significant unwavering quality and reliability. Mostly industries utilize Hand geometry for
providing physical access to buildings. For people who try to impersonate another individual,
earlobe geometry is utilized to detect their identity. Signature comparison is not referring to
provides an additional level of check or verification when utilized in together with other
mode of identification and access control and also being implemented to detect individuals in
groups that are being watch or under surveillance (Jain, Anil K, Ross, Arun , 2008).
corporate and public security systems, consumer electronics and point of sale (POS)
applications. In addition to security, the motivation behind biometric verification has been
convenience to avert identity theft, biometric data is usually encrypted when it's gathered
(Wayman, 2005). The process of biometric verification process starts by using a software
application to spot some specific points of human physical characteristics which serves as
match point or template. The match point which is stored in the database is then processed
using an algorithm that converts the information captured into a numerical format. The input
gotten from user input through biometric scanner is now being compared to the numerical
value stored, and the authentication process if matches that of the database template is
The identification verification process is the same irrespective of the biometric methodology
stored as a template into a database. Subsequently, when there is need for verification of an
individual, a new physical feature is captured and compared against the template stored from
a data source.
Using biometrics for recognizing users offers some extraordinary favorable circumstances
because only biometrics can recognize an individual as himself or herself, biometrics could
make keys and combination locks could turn out not to be useful due to biometrics and all
Smaili, 2010).
The expression “Biometrics” is gotten from the Greek words “bio” (life) and “metrics” (to
measure) (Rood and Hornak, 2008). Automated biometric systems have just become useable
over the last few decades, because of substantial improvement in the area of image and
nevertheless the Biometrics has its root as back thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians
and the Chinese has a major part in biometrics history. The focus today is on utilizing
biometric face recognition, iris recognition, fingerprint, retina recognition and recognizing
physical features of human being to put a stop to terrorism predicament and improve security
measures. The first recorded systematic capture of hand and finger images for recognizing
purposes was during 1858 utilizes by Sir William Herschel, Civil Service of India, who
recorded a handprint on the back of a contract for each worker to distinguish employees
(Komarinski, 2004). During 1870, Alphonse Bertillon created a technology for recognizing
people which is solely dependent on elaborate records of their body measurements, physical
and the utilization was terminated in 1903 when it was apparent that some people have same
measurements and physical characteristics (State University of New York at Canton, 2003).
Sir Francis Galton, in 1892, created a classification system for fingerprints using minutiae
The FBI and West Virginia University in year 1920 established a degree program (Bachelor’s
Degree) in biometric system that is after consulting some professional associations like
International Association for Identification. This serves as the first biometrics based degree
In April 2002, a Staff Paper on palm print technology and Integrated Automated Fingerprint
Identification System (IAFIS) palm print capabilities was submitted to the Identification
Services (IS) Subcommittee, Criminal Justice Information Services Division (CJIS) Advisory
Policy Board (APB). The Joint Working Group called “for strong endorsement of the
planning, costing, and development of an integrated latent print capability for palms at the
CJIS Division of the FBI.” As a result of this endorsement and other changing business needs
for law enforcement, the FBI announced the Next Generation IAFIS (NGI) initiative. A major
component of the NGI initiative is development of the requirements for and deployment of an
integrated National Palm Print Service (2002 Palm Print Staff Paper is submitted to
The National Science & Technology Council, a US Government cabinet-level council,
activities begins). On May, 28 2003, The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
information into passports and other Machine Readable Travel Documents (MRTDs) …
Facial recognition was selected as the globally interoperable biometric for machine assisted
establish the European Union as the World Leader in Biometrics Excellence by addressing
barriers to adoption and fragmentation in the marketplace. The forum also acts as the driving
force for coordination, support and strengthening of the national bodies (2003 European
The United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indication Technology (US-VISIT) program
is the cornerstone of the DHS visa issuance and entry I exit strategy. The US-VISIT program
is a continuum of security measures that begins overseas at the Department of State’s visa
issuing posts, and continues through arrival to and departure from the US. Using biometrics,
such as digital inkless fingerprints and digital photographs, the identity of visitors requiring a
visa is now matched at each step to ensure that the person crossing the US border is the same
person who received the visa. For visa-waiver travelers, the capture of biometrics first occurs
at the port of entry to the US. By checking the biometrics of a traveler against its databases,
US-VISIT verifies whether the traveler has previously been determined inadmissible, is a
known security risk (including having outstanding wants and warrants), or has previously
overstayed the terms of a visa. These entry I exit procedures address the US critical need for
tighter security and its ongoing commitment to facilitate travel for the millions of legitimate
visitors welcomed each year to conduct business, learn, see family, or tour the country(2004
ability to track and identify national security threats. The associated collection systems
include the ability to collect, from enemy combatants, captured insurgents, and other persons
of interest, ten rolled fingerprints, up to five mug shots from varying angles, voice samples
(utterances), iris images, and an oral swab to collect DNA(2004 DOD implements ABIS).
In 2004, President Bush issued Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12) for a
departments and agencies will issue to their employees and contractors requiring access to
Federal facilities and systems. Subsequently, Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS)
201, Personal Identity Verification (PIV) for Federal Employees and Contractors, specifies
the technical and operational requirements for the PIV system and card. NIST Special
companion document to FIPS 201 describing how the standard will be acquiring, formatting
and storing fingerprint images and templates for collecting and formatting facial images; and
specifications for biometric devices used to collect and read fingerprint images. The
publication specifies that two fingerprints be stored on the card as minutia templates. In 2004,
Connecticut, Rhode Island and California established statewide palm print databases that
allow law enforcement agencies in each state to submit unidentified latent palm prints to be
searched against each other’s database of known offenders. The Face Recognition Grand
researchers analyze the provided data, try to solve the problem, and then reconvene to discuss
improvement. Participation in this challenge demonstrates an expansive breadth of
The broad US patent covering the basic concept of iris recognition expired in 2005, providing
marketing opportunities for other companies that have developed their own algorithms for iris
recognition. However, the patent on the iris Codes implementation of iris recognition
developed by Dr. Daugman will not expire until 2011(2005 US patent for iris recognition
demonstrated Iris on the Move, a culmination of research and prototype systems sponsored
by the Intelligence Technology Innovation Center (ITIC), and previously by the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The system enables the collection of iris
There are several types of biometric data use commonly today. Each of these devices has a
The different types of biometric that are frequently in use today are devices that capture data
in various formats using different mechanism. The method of production and trait of the
biometric data indicates the encroaching of the protocol for enrollment and authentication of
users (Woodward, Nicholas 2003). The associated changes in the process of measurement and
production can give a vicious person an access and allowing them to alter the security
shielded around the biometric system by interfering with the operation of the mechanism for
capturing or by changing features of the biometric. There are many types of biometric devices
employed today. Some of these biometric devices are generally detected in commonplaces
such as movies. Biometrics is essentially the identification of human features that are distinct
to each person. The best way to keep your devices safe and ascertain people don’t illegally
have access to your personal belongings such as files utilizing is to implement a any
These scan are the distinct biometric feature/pattern in each individual’s iris, and compares it
with a certain number of distinct recognizing patterns which distinguish each individual
separately from other people. In a retinal scan, at the back of the eye, a biometric format is
shaped by recording the patterns of capillary blood vessels. Iris scanning can be carried out
that of retinal scanning. Iris scanning and retinal scanning are both used to distinguish a
person as indicated by their distinct pattern. Despite their efficiency, implementing them is
more costly and complex. The retina of human being is a thin tissue constituted by neural cell
which is located in the posterior portion of the eye. The composite structure of the capillaries
that supply the retina with blood makes the retina of each individual distinct.
Retinal scanners are regularly used for authentication and identification purposes. Retinal
scanning has been implemented in several places such as several government agencies,
prisons, ATM validation of authentic owners and guiding against fraud, medical application
such as transmitted diseases (AIDS, Malaria, Chicken pox and e.t.c). The network of blood
vessels in the retina of human being cannot be genetically determined in entirety and for that
reason even twins that are identical don’t have same pattern
There are cases where by retinal patterns may be modified for people suffering from of
permanent from child birth till death. Considering its distinct and permanence feature, the
retina happens to be the most accurate, authentic of all the biometric except DNA. Its
accuracy level has been concluded by advocates of retinal scanning that its error rate is
estimated one in a million (Homer, Schell, 2012). A biometric identifier known as a retinal
scan is used to represent the distinct patterns of a person's retina. The blood vessels in the
retina can promptly absorb light more than the subordinate tissue and can be recognized more
beam of low-energy infrared light into a person’s eye as they look through the scanner's
eyepiece. This beam of light draws a similar pattern like a path on the retina. During the scan
process, the total reflection differs due to the absorbent nature of retinal blood vessels of that
light than other part of the eye. The format of the variations from the scanner is translated to
pattern-recognition techniques on video images of the iris of a person’s eyes, whose complex
random patterns are distinct and be spotted from a far range. Digital formats which are
referred to as template are converted from these patterns by using mathematical and statistical
the legitimate person. Globally, there are millions of individuals in so many countries that
have been enrolled into the iris recognition systems for the purpose convenience in passport-
free automated border-crossings, and some national ID systems based on this technology are
being deployed. The significant benefit of iris recognition, apart from its utmost resistance to
false matches and speed, is the stability of the iris as an internal, protected, yet externally
The major feature that depicts iris of the eye as the most ideal and accurate section of human
body for biometric recognition is that it is an internal organ which is better guided from
damage and wear by extremely sensitive and transparent membrane (cornea). This
characteristic makes it more better option to fingerprint, which can be difficult after years of
The iris is mostly flat, and its geometric configuration is only controlled by two
complementary muscles (the sphincter pupillae and dilator pupillae) that control the diameter
of the pupil. This makes the iris shape far more predictable than, for instance, that of the face.
The iris has a fine texture that like fingerprints is determined randomly during embryonic
gestation. Like the fingerprint, it is very hard (if not impossible) to prove that the iris is
When considering the price of biometric identification scanners available in the market today,
fingerprint scanning is always on the lower end. There are some fingerprint scanners that can
only scan the actual print while the costlier scanners can capture the shape and size of the
thumb, presence of blood in the fingerprint and other physical characteristics on a finger. The
expensive scanner can capture a 3D image of the fingerprint which in turn makes it more
difficult for such fingerprint to be duplicated. The process of acquiring image by the scanner
Generation of biometric templates is based on matching minutiae characteristic features in
fingerprints. The examining of fingerprints for the purpose of generally requires the
comparison of so many features of the print format. These comprise of patterns which are
aggregated features of ridges and the minutia points, that are distinct features found within
this patterns. Knowing the attributes of human skin and structure is paramount to
(i) Arch: In arch, the ridges will enter from one side of the finger then rise in the center
forming an arc, and then exit the other side of the finger.
(ii) Loop: The ridges enter from one side of a finger, form a curve, and then exit on that
same side.
(iii) Whorl: Ridges form circularly around a central point on the finger.
Minutia features
The major minutia features of fingerprint ridges are ridge ending, bifurcation, and short ridge
(or dot). The ridge ending refer to the point at which a ridge terminates. Bifurcations are
points whereby a single ridge is divided into two ridges. Short ridges are ridges which are
importantly shorter than the average ridge length on the fingerprint. Minutiae and patterns are
very important in the examining of fingerprints since there has not been any record of two
Fingerprint sensors
A fingerprint sensor is an electronic device used to capture a digital image of the fingerprint
pattern. The image captured from the sensor is referred to as a live scan, which in turn is
This template is stored in a database and utilized for matching. Figure 2.4 presented some
fingerprint sensors.
Figure2.4 Scanners
The image or video of an individual is generally views by the facial biometrics devices and
then compares it to the template stored in database. when matching is being carried out by the
facial biometrics, it compares the ratio, shape and structure of the face, the interval between
the jaw, top outlines of the eye sockets, the sides of the mouth, eyes, mouth, nose, the region
of the cheek bones and the positioning of the nose and eyes. When a user is being enroll in
a facial recognition program, various images are captured of the individual at different
positions and angles with various facial expressions. In the process of verification and
identification the individual will maintain a position facing the camera some seconds, after
then the image is verified against the template stored. In other to prevent an individual from
putting on a picture or mask when being scanned, some security criteria have been put into
place. The user may be asked to smile, nod their hand or blink their eyes during the scanning
process. Also as part of the security criteria would be to use facial thermograph to store the
A new method in facial recognition uses the visual details of the skin, which is captured in
standard digital or scanned images. This technique is referred to as skin texture analysis,
which turns the distinct patterns, lines, and spots obvious in an individual’s skin into a
mathematical space. Facial biometrics is very good when being utilize for facial
authentication than for identification purposes, because of the fact that an individual face can
have a physical damage or altered, disguise with a mask, etc. Environment can also affect the
camera during the process of capturing. Facial biometrics has been confirmed as a method
Every individual on the soil of the earth has a distinct voice pattern. Although the changes
can be hardly noticeable to the human hear because it’s a slight change. Nevertheless, with
the aid of exceptional software for voice recognition, those minute variations in each
individual’s speech can be spotted, tested, and authenticated to give access only to the person
owns the tone, pitch, and volume of speech uttered. Voiceprint recognition performs its
operation by comparing the vocal patterns of an individual with template previously stored.
This type of biometric has the ability to determine duress through adequate examining of
pattern of stress in the input voiceprint. This feature gives voice recognition an advantage
Similarly to finger print, everybody has distinct handprints. A handprint Biometric Systems
scans hand and finger and the captured feature is compared with the specimen stored for the
user in the system. The user is given access or rejected based on the result of this verification.
handwritten input from sources such as paper documents, photographs, touch-screens and
other devices. The image of the written text may be sensed "off line" from a piece of paper by
the movements of the pen tip may be sensed "on line", for example by a pen-based computer
correct segmentation into characters and finds the most plausible words.
When a person’s hand is place on a scanner, such user will have a distinct fingerprint pattern,
as well as the size and shape of the entire hand is also very unique. This is a more complex
approach compare to regular fingerprint scanning, and will definitely be more accurate with
and the method is often sensed by users to be less invasive than other types of biometric
This method works by taking a tissue sample from an individual and then sequencing and
comparing short segments of DNA. DNA technique has a very low acceptance rate because
samples have to be taken from human body and also the speed at which these samples are
A relatively new method that involves illumination of human tissue by specific lighting
conditions and the identification of deep tissue patterns based on light reflection. This method
2.3.9 Voice Print Keystroke Pattern
This method works by discovering patterns while an individual is typing on a keyboard and
these patterns are then compared against previous patterns stored. Biometrics that has to do
with keystroke have been utilized to make password entry more complex, to provide certainty
that a password was inputted by the same person that saved it by comparing the speed at
Some of these products are tend to be expensive than others simply because they employ
technology that is much more complex. Nevertheless, when considering the level of security
level required the amount of to acquire different types of biometric devices will be almost the
same. The features derived from the biometric are then converted into a biometric template.
The process of retrieving features from the captured data and converting it into a template are
usually important. These templates are then used as the foundation for verification during
authentication. The process by which biometric template are acquired, transmitted and stored
are important aspects of biometric security systems, because risks can surface from these are
areas and spurious attacks can be made which will compromise the integrity of the system.
The areas in which biometrics can be applicable are government, commercial, forensic,
institutions, access control, counter tourism, law enforcement agency, airport security
and so on. Some of these areas will be briefly discussed below as well as those areas
The application of biometrics in the government sector such as national ID card, correctional
facility, driver’s license, social security, welfare disbursement, border control, and passport
control. Traditionally in the government, they have used token based systems examples ID
cards and badges which are been given to people or the workers to put on. The government
set up a central database of biometric data, such as fingerprints and digital passport
photographs of all foreign nationals who apply for residence or are already residing in their
nations. Maintaining a central database would prevent people using another person’s identity
or using false documents to obtain permission to reside, work or study in their nation.
Fingerprints would be used to reliably match immigrants to their personal identification data
and documentation. Foreign nationals who apply for a residence permit would be required to
provide fingerprints and a passport photograph once, after which their identity could be
checked against that data using fingerprint scanning and facial recognition for comparison.
The biometric data would be stored in a central databank and on a chip on the residence
permit. This way the information could be used by various public authorities, for example,
the immigration agency when expelling illegal immigrants and the Custom Agency when
incarcerating criminals. The database would also make it easier for the Immigration agency,
the Police and embassies to check the identity of foreign nationals and thus prevent identity
fraud. Foreign nationals themselves also stand to benefit, as the use of biometrics could
prevent their falling victim to identity theft, which can be a serious problem in different
nations. The Minister for Immigration, Integration and Asylum Policy sent his bill amending
the Aliens Act 2000 to widen the use of biometric data in the immigration system to the
agencies, producing a range of security and facilitation benefits. The utility of biometric
systems can be enhanced through the ability, where reasonably necessary, to share biometric
data between agencies and to verify data against other agency holdings. Enhancing the
and criminal threats and offer new opportunities for enhanced service delivery. These benefits
will be realized through greater opportunities for the lawful sharing of biometric information
system development.
In this area, biometric is generally applicable for logging in to a computer network, electronic
data security, e-commerce, Internet access, ATM, credit card, physical access control, cellular
phone, PDA, medical records management, and distance learning. The ability to identify a
customer had greatly affected trading, as part of a general group or specifically. Monitoring
the attendance of employees becomes a very easy task as employee can clock in and out the
time they get or leave the office using iris scan or thumb print. There are some public
vehicles’ such as Taxi and Trucks that have devices to determine distance, time, and adequate
usage. There are tons of biometric solutions available in the market today and more are still in
fingerprint readers, voice and face recognition software using standard camera and
microphone hardware etc. Time and attendance management in institutions are all biometrics.
The problems generally associated with time registration and attendance management are
peculiar to those encountered with access control. There are some systems employed today
that performs identification through the use of pin code or badge, but this approach can be
easily compromise by users. Some employees can misplace their badge or forget their pin
code. Also some employees can engage the service of their colleagues who gets to work early
to use their pin or badge to the system. Adopting biometric for time registration or attendance
management avoids deceiving the system by users and also reduces overhead for engaging
security personnel when badges are lost or pin codes forgotten. Biometric is extremely useful
in institutions especially during classes, tutorials, laboratory sessions and examination during
which heavy security are normally deploy to validate student’s identity in order to cob
imposters, with the use of biometric System the number of security personnel will be greatly
implementations of biometrics is very high and for existing surveillance systems the success
rates vary. The police agencies have used fingerprinting as a means of identifying criminals
for well over a hundred years. Police gain the most benefit because a criminal’s biometric
information such as fingerprints, mugs hot, DNA, etc., may already be held in a database.
This enables forensic information collected at a crime scene to be matched against it. An
this effectively it will always hold encodings of all fingers of criminals that have been saved
on the database of the police. Biometrics is also used for security in places like churches
where people are been search and take biometrics data before entering in order to prevent
tourist, schools for students during examination or their classes and also for investigation
where suspects are been examined and collection of evidence, in which the evidence are
2.5 Related Studies
There are some existing related works on the application of different methods in managing attendance
of students. One of the methods proposed for monitoring attendance is embedded computer based
lecture attendance management system. In this type of system, a card is reader is interfaced with a
digital computer system and an electronic card is provided and personalizes to each user for
authentication. Authors in, used a wireless attendance management system that authenticates
using the iris of the individual. The system uses an off-line iris recognition management
system that can finish all the process including capturing the image of iris recognition,
Attendance Management has also been carried out using attendance software that uses
passwords for authentication. The authors in designed and implemented a system that
authenticates the user based on passwords, this type of system allows for impersonation since
the password can be easily fiddled. There are cases where passwords could be forgotten
which inturn prevents the user from gain access into the system.
There are attendances software’s that are device centric solutions such as RFID-based student
attendance system and GSM-GPRS based student attendance system. The GSM-GPRS based
systems works by using the position of classroom for marking attendance which is not
dynamic. Wrong attendance might be marked if schedule or location of the class changes.
One of the problems with RFID based systems is that students will be compelled to always
carry RFID cards and also the RFID detectors are needed to be installed. Automated Teller
related study to this Personal Authentication System using fingerprint biometrics of students
in institutions, where the students biometrics data are been collected in their various class,
laboratory, examination halls and even tutorial by their lecturer, invigilators and even
securities personnel in the institution to keep track of each student’s attendance performance
in various courses. This biometrics authentication can also be used in the banking sector to
keeping track of all activities been carried out by each customer that performs transaction
through the ATM. With an ATM, a customer or client is able to conduct many banking
activities such as cash withdrawal, paying electricity & phone bills, money transfer, beyond
official hours and physical interaction with bank staff (Mr. John Mashurano 2013). A newer
high-tech method of operating sometimes called card cloning to entangle the installation of a
magnetic card reader over the ATM's card slot & the use of a wireless surveillance camera to
keep the user's Personal Identification Number. Real Card data are then cloned into a
duplicate card & the criminal attempts to cash withdrawal. To overcome this piracy in money
transactions, the idea using fingerprints of customers as password along with the traditional
Another related study to this personal authentication system using fingerprint biometric is the
Biometric Voting Machine where voters are been registered and vote using the fingerprint
biometric. This machine makes the registration and voting efficient, fast and accurate in order
to avoid cheating or imposter voting more than once. The objective of voting is to allow
voters to exercise their right to express their choices regarding specific issues, pieces of
government and political representatives. Technology is being used more and more as a tool
to assist voters to cast their votes. To allow the exercise of this right, almost all voting
systems around the world includes voter identification and authentication, voting and
recording of votes cast, vote counting, publication of election results and these are achieved
using the Biometric Authentication system using fingerprint. Voter identification is required
during two phases of the electoral process: first for voter registration in order to establish the
right to vote and afterwards, at voting time, to allow a citizen to exercise their right to vote by
verifying if the person satisfies all the requirements needed to vote (authentication). Another
important reason fingerprint scanners are used is, they provide a quick, easy, efficient, and
secure measure through which, an individual with the proper access privileges can
authenticate. The fingerprint of an employee for example, is stored in a database that the
scanner queries every time it is used. There are two basic Boolean conditions the scanner then
goes through when an individual’s print is scanned. First, the print is usually searched for in a
database of fingerprints, once it is found it then looks at the print to see what access
privileges are associated with the print and compares them to the access they are trying to
In summary Biometrics is a distinct step to identity management that offers user convenience,
increased security, cost-effective provisioning and a non-repudiated, compliant audit trail for
the system user and operator. The tokens an password cannot ascertain an individual using a
system is the legitimate individual except if natural features such as fingerprints, facial
recognition, irises, retinas, voice recognition and other characteristics possible. The method
of validating users using biometrics can be so frustrating for users and expensive for system
operators however the users just have to do it because it helps in personal authentication in
order to reject imposters or frauds. Using biometrics for identifying human beings offers
some distinct benefits because only biometrics can identify you as you, biometrics could
make keys and combination locks obsolete and all data, including biometrics is vulnerable
scanners, retina scanner, iris scanner, voice recognition that are been used in the
consist of a reader or scanning device, Software that converts the scanned information into
digital form and compares match points and a database that stores the biometric data for
Biometrics are applicable in several areas or almost all areas now, areas like commercial as a
whole that in terms of banking sectors, buying and selling, airport etc. the government areas
as in law enforcement agencies, immigration agency, custom agency etc. and in forensic areas
Attendance is an important aspect in institutions, regular attendance will not only ensure full
exposure to the scope of majors and opportunities available at institution, and it is also one of
the criteria used in determining your final grade. Tracking and monitoring student time of
attendance using the manual attendance in colleges and universities could be tedious, time
consuming and more prone to errors. The manual attendance system that is use in classroom
(signature system) is not too secure because some students can copy other student’s signature.
For manual attendance signing process, the most common problem is the lecturer need to take
student daily attendance and manually filled the record in attendance sheet or book for every
lecture. If the attendance sheet is missing or misplace, it could lead to big problem because
the lecturer need the attendance record to make analysis and generate an attendance report.
Another problem is the lecturer will need more time to analyze and generate the attendance
report because the lecturer needs to search and refer the old attendance record first. Besides
that, an error could happen when the teacher make the calculations to generate the attendance
report by themselves. Even though the attendance record is hassle to keep by the lecturer,
management report is required in urgent basis. Analyzed attendance record is required by the
school management for future actions is normally being delay because of the lack of precise.
Moreover, delay analyzes would leads to prolong the time to inform the parents about the
truancy students.
The new system is going to deal with the limitations of the existing system by; keeping
historical data that makes it easy for lecturers to access and grade students, providing high
level of security whereby making it impossible for imposters and impersonators in making
their ways to examination halls. The system will allow the lecturer to monitor each student
attendance, track down truants and take the appropriate action and reduces the stress in
queuing up which result in delay and often time in the damage of the attendance sheet. The
new system will provide user friendly interface which will help to guide each user to use it
3.3 Methodology
Top-down model was adopted in designing the Fingerprint Based Student Attendance
monitoring System. The result of the analysis was broken down into different components
where the design is started from the main component down to the elementary components.
The System was categorized into three (3) major subsystems which are; admin subsystem,
and lecturer subsystem and student subsystem. Each of the listed subsystems above has a
Admin subsystem, here the user of this subsystem has the following privileges;
add/delete/update records and information of the entire system. This subsystem is further
broken down into; add Course, assign course, fingerprint enrollment, enroll student, enroll
lecturer and report. In the listed subsystems the administrator can delete, add, and update the
subsystem information.
Lecturer subsystem, unlike the admin subsystem here most privileges are taken away, the
user can only activate attendance, view a student record or marked attendance or the courses
he/she was assign to lecture on. The subsystem is further broken down into; (I) course (II)
Fingerprint Enrolment
The major purpose of this work is to eliminate the use of paper in manual signing processes
and all the risk associated with it and carry out the analysis of manual processes involved in
class attendance and examination attendance of students with the aid of Fingerprint based
student attendance monitoring System. For these I met with lecturers and departments, and
asked them to tell me the information that they need from students for the assessment of their
class attendance in order to assign marks. Then they mentioned; student ID, matriculation
number, student name, department, level, gender and fingerprint template. All the
information listed will be the main information to be collected from each student. Then also
ask departments to tell me the information they also need from the lecturers in order to assign
courses to them. Then they mentioned; lecturer ID, courses taken for the semester/session,
name, and fingerprint template etc. these information listed will be the primary information to
1. Admin login
2. Lecturer Activator setup
3. Student Att. Manager
Input Select User
4. Admin login
5. Lecturer Activator setup
6. Student Att. Manager
Is user
Yes No
Lec sub program
Fig3.2 Flow Chart for User Start Page
Figure 3.2 showed the User Start page the new system in a flowchart format. The User Start
page is used as the landing page of the system then and each user base on their role will select
1. Settings
2. Setup
3. Reports
4. File
Is Settings.Admin subprogram
Is 43
Setup.Admin sub program
No option=3? Report.Admin sub program
No File. Admin sub program
1. Enroll lecturer
2. Enroll student
3. Assign courses
Yes Is
option=1? Enroll lecturer sub
Figure 3.3 represents the admin sub-system. Here is where users who logged in as admin are
redirected to. The user of this sub-system maintains the entire system by performing actions
such as; enrolling lecturers and students, assigning courses to lecturers and change password
Capture Fingerprint
Verification module
Mark As Present
Display Notification
Figure 3.4 represents the student sub-system. Here is where users which are the student take
their attendance for a particular class after the lecturer must have activated it with the
Table3.1 represents the table structure of admin database. Here all admin personal records are
Table 3.2 represents the table structure of course database. All courses that students are to
offer and take attendance are stored and accessed here. The courses sub-system uses this
Table 3.3 represents the table structure of lecturer database. The lecturer database is where
the information needed from a particular lec. This database is only accessed by view lecturer
Table 3.4 represents the table structure of student database. The student database is where the
information needed from all students is been stored and accessed by the administrator for
The system was designed using common and popular window development technology
which includes Microsoft Visual 2010 and MSSQL Server 2008 R2.
VB.NET: is used to implement the server side logic of the design. The reason
for using this language is because of its fastness and easy way in creating web
integral component of Windows that includes a virtual execution system called the
Common Language Runtime (CLR) and a unified set of class libraries. Source code
written in VISUAL BASIC.NET is compiled into an Intermediate Language (IL) that
system. The server uses relational database management system that offers a variety
administrations. It also allows the use of stored procedure which is used to implement
This refers to how the main menu in the system is being implemented. There are several
interfaces that make up the entire system. They are described below:
Figure 4.1 shows the administrator login, lecturer activator setup and student attendant
manager. Here the administrator can login by clicking on the Admin login and then proceeds
password. The lecturer and students so also can proceed to other action by clicking on their
Figure 4.1: User Start Page
Figure 4.2 shows the login page of administrator. The administrator types in his/her user
name and password in order for them to navigate to the main page where he/she to perform
Figure 4.2: Admin Login Implementation
Figure4.3 shows the attendance activator for the lecturer in any particular class. The lecturer
will have to login, input fingerprint for verification and activate a particular session of class
and the duration of time it will take for the attendance marking session of the student.
4.3 Implementation of the Sub-system
Selecting the administrator (Admin) login option from the main menu results in a display of
Login form, after providing a valid username and password, access is then granted to the
administrator who can also be the lecturer, which then leads to the administrator sub-menu,
which have the file menu, settings menu, setup menu and report menu. The administrator can
enroll fingerprint of the lecturers and students, change password etc from the settings menu in
In figure4.5, the students are been enrolled by the administrator or lecturer. The students bio
data is been registered and the fingerprint of each student is been captured for authentication
of the attendance.
Figure4.5: Student Enrollment submenu
Figure4.6, the lecturer activates the system for each session before student marks attendance.
The lecturer inputs his/her course for the session and the duration for the attendance marking.
The figure4.7 shows the fingerprint verified of the student for a particular session of class. At
this time the duration time that the lecturer set is still on, if any student comes after the
Figure4.7: Student fingerprint verified
The MSSQL Server 2008 R2 which setup the relational database of is very important because
it provides the authentication system with efficiency, consistency and reliability. However,
after the administrator must have input the information’s of all the students for a particular
session, the administrator can therefore query a particular department to know how many
student is in that particular department from the database and also how many student had
being enrolled and authenticated for a particular course. The lecturer can also query the
attendance update from the database to know how many students were present in class for a
particular lecturer in order to assign marks for attendance to the present students.
This is a formal process of soliciting feedback on or from a system that is being developed. It
is used to determine the effectiveness, the correctness, efficiency, reliability and robustness of
the proposed system. Unit testing was carried out on individual components of different
layers in the application to verify and ensure all different components such as classes are at
the required minimal functional level. Also, integration test was carried out, where all the
independent components or modules are then integrated together to further verify the
It involves a stage-by-stage assessment of all the subsystems which are carried out to
determine the performance and efficiency on the authentication system and comparing the
result to the over-all desired result. This verifies that the system elements have been properly
The data needed for the testing comprises of all student information such as student ID, mat
no, name, level, department and sex and the lecturer personal information such as staff ID,
lecturers. The course details so also such as course code, course title, course description, add
course and course unit which is to be filled by administrator after the students and the
5.1 Summary
This project is focused on the protection of student manual attendance system using
fingerprint biometric. The fingerprint Biometrics is one of the most successful applications of
biometric technology was used in this Fingerprint Based student attendance monitoring
System which serves as an alternate for traditional manual signing processes involved in class
attendance and examination attendance. Reviewing and assessing the authentication system
for student class attendance follows a hierarchical flow from policies down through the
Attendance is usually noted using paper sheets and the old file system, this approach has been
in use for a long time. It becomes difficult for the management to regularly update the record
and manually calculate the percentage of classes attended. For any growing institution,
tracking and monitoring student time of attendance could be tedious, time consuming and
more prone to errors. There are many concepts to understand and the technological solutions
can be complex. Dynamic institution driven solutions continue to tout a silver bullet but none
ever really exists. Keeping up with security threats and countermeasures requires a
This project covers the basic concepts so one’s knowledge can be outfitted and applied to the
situations that you will face as a certified IS auditor, however diverse they may be. Again for
this project, the focus is not only on the technical details of how this fingerprint biometric
works under the hood. Rather, it assumes that you have some base knowledge of these issues
and is geared more towards identifying the risk and control points of the authentication
system. The system’s inner workings and the exact technology used to secure them will
change over time, probably in the time it takes you another researcher to work on it.
In chapter four, the programming languages that was chosen were Microsoft Visual
2010 and MSSQL Server 2008 R2 those languages was discussed briefly. The
implementation of all the components were tested and integrated for proper performance and
evaluation of the system. This verifies that the system elements have been properly
5.2 Recommendations
Through analysis of the data and research conducted for this study, the school district
maintain or develop strict guidelines for student attendance and monitor factors that could
hinder a student from attending school on a regular basis. The use of encryption for files in
the database transit is an area of protection that should be visited. I strongly believe in
reduces the lecturers/teachers work load of colleges and university. Therefore, is highly
The system was designed to ease the lecturer work and also allow lecturer and students to use
the system without taking special training for it. Should any modification or upgrading arises
it should be done with the idea of making it a user friendly so as to make it easily accessible
5.3 Conclusion
It can be concluded from the above discussion that a reliable, secure, fast and an efficient
system has been developed replacing a manual and unreliable system. Results have shown
that this system can be implemented in academic institutes for better results regarding the
management of attendance. This system will save time, reduce the amount of work the
administration has to do and will replace the stationery material with electronic apparatus.
Hence a system with expected results has been developed but there is still some room for
utilized, extended and implemented ideas in the areas of error corrected string construction
from biometric data, key generation, and pairing based fingerprint schemes to form the
components of the system. The research presented the application of such a scheme to
repudiation situations. Discussion on advantage of using the biometric data in the public key
and described the utility of using biometric evidence in disputes that may arise. This work has
been an insight into the hidden problems; the manual attendance system tends within daily
activities. The problems are fair and need computerized authentication system to replace the
1. Introducing Microsoft .NET, Second Edition author David S. Platt.
2. Joe Mayo, “Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: A Beginner's Guide”, Tata McGraw Hill,
3. Alex Mackey, “Introducing .NET 4.0: With Visual Studio 2010”, Press, USA, 2010.