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Entrepreneurship (Code No. 066) : CLASS-XII (201 8-19)

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CLASS–XII (2018-19)

S. No. Unit Periods Marks

1 Entrepreneurial Opportunities 40 30

2 Plentrepreneurial Planning 40
3 Enterprise Marketing 40 20

4 Enterprise Growth Strategies 20

5 Business Arithmetic 40 20
6 Resource Mobilization 20

Project Work 40 30
Total 240 100

THEORY Total Marks: 70

Unit 1: Entrepreneurial Opportunities 40 Periods
Contents Learning Outcomes
 Sensing Entrepreneural Opportunities After going through this unit, the student/
 Environment Scanning learner would be able to:
 Problem Identification  Understand the concept and elements of
 Spotting Trends business opportunity
 Creativity and Innovation  Understand the process involved in sensing
 Selecting the Right Opportunity opportunities
 Give the meaning of environment scanning
 To understand the need to seen the
 Enlist the various forces affecting business
 Understand the different fields of ideas
 Enlist the various sources of idea fields
 Understand the process of transformation of
ideas into opportunities
 Explain the meaning of trend spotting
 Understand the concept of opportunity
 Explain the meaning of trend spotting
 Identify the different ways of spotting trends
 Differentiate the process of creativity and

Unit 2: Plentrepreneurial Planning 40 Periods
Contents Learning Outcomes

 Forms of Business Entitites – Sole After going through this unit, the student/
proprietorship, Joint Stock Company - Meaning learner would be able to:
characteristics and suitability
 Understand the concept of entrepreneurial
 Business Plan
 Organisational plan
 Understand the forms of business enterprise
 Operational plan and production plan
 Distinguish among the various forms of Business
 Financial plan
 Marketing Plan
 Explain the concept of Business plan
 Human Resource Planning
 Formalities for starting a business  Appreciate the importance of a Business Plan
 Describe the various components of Business
 Differentiate among the various components of
Business plan

Unit 3: Enterprise Marketing 40 Periods

Contents Learning Outcomes
 Goals of Business; Goal Setting. SMART Goals After going through this unit, the student/
 Marketing and Sales strategy learner would be able to:
 Branding - Business name, logo, tag line  Understand the goal setting and SMART goals
 Promotion strategy  Enlist the various marketing strategies used in a
 Negotiations - Importance and methods
 Explain the concepts of Product, Price, Place
 Customer Relations
and Promotion
 Vendor Management
 Understand the concept of Branding, Packaging
 Business Failure - Reasons and Labelling
 Describe the various methods of pricing.
 Explain the various channels of distribution
 Appreciate and discuss the various factors
affecting the channels of distribution
 Understand the sales strategy
 State the different types of components of
sales strategy
 Enumerate the different tools of promotion
 Understand the meaning and objectives of
 Able to discuss the various modes of Advertising
 Will be able to understand the concept of
personal selling and sales promotion
 Discuss the various techniques of sales

 Understand the meaning and methods of
 Understand the concept of customer
relationship management
 State the importance of Customer Relationship
 Explain the concept of management in a firm
 Explain the concept and importance of vendor
management in a firm
 Explain the various reasons for business failure

Unit 4: Enterprise Growth Strategies 20 Periods

Contents Learning Outcomes

 Franchising After going through this unit, the student/

 Merger and Acquisition learner would be able to:

 Value Chain and Value Addition  Understand the concept of growth &
development of an enterprise
 Explain the concept of franchise
 Explain the different types of franchise
 Explain the advantages and limitations of
 Understand growth of a firm is possible through
mergers and acquisitions
 Explain the different types of mergers
 State the meaning and types of acquisitions
 Understand the reasons for mergers and
 Understand the reasons for failure of mergers
and acquisitions
 Explain the concept of value addition
 Describe the different types of Value Addition
 State the meaning of value chain
 Discuss the Porters Model of Value Chain
 Difference between merger and acquisition

Unit 5: Business Arithmetic 40 Periods

Contents Learning Outcomes
Business Arithmetic After going through this unit, the student/
 Unit of Sale, Unit Cost for multiple products or learner would be able to:
services  Understand the concept of Unit Cost

 Break even Analysis for multiple products or  Understand the concept of unit price
services  Calculate Break-even point for Multiple
 Importance and use of cash flow projections products
 Budgeting and managing the finances  Understand the meaning of inventory control
 Computation of working capital  Understand the meaning of Economic Order
 Inventory control and EOQ Quantity
 Return on Investment (ROI) and Return on  Enumerate the meaning of cash flow projection
Equity (ROE)  Explain the concept of working capital
 Understand the terminologies- financial
management and budgets
 Calculate Return on Investment
 Explain the concept of Return on Equity

Unit 6: Resource Mobilization 20 Periods

Contents Learning Outcomes
Resource Mobilization After going through this unit, the student/
 Angel Investor learner would be able to:
 Venture Capital Funds  Understand the need of finance in the Business
 Stock Market – raising funds  Understand the various sources of funds
required for a firm
 Specialized Financial Institutions - Meaning and
objectives  Understand the methods of raising finance in
primary market
 Understand the importance of secondary
market for mobilization or resources
 Give the meaning of stock exchange
 Raising funds through financial markets
 Understand the relevance of stock exchange as
a medium through which funds can be raised
 Understand the role of SEBI
 Explain the concept of angel investors
 Explain the concept of venture capital
 Explain the objectives played by IDBI, SIDBI,

Project Work 40 Periods

1) Business Plan
2) Survey
Refer to the Guidelines issued by CBSE

Prescribed Books:
1. Entrepreneurship - Class XI- C.B.S.E, Delhi
2. Entrepreneurship - Class XII - C.B.S.E., Delhi

3. Udyamita (in Hindi) by Dr. MMP. Akhouri and S.P Mishra, pub. By National Institute for Entrepreneurship
and Small Business Development (NIESBUD), NSIC-PATC Campus, Okhla
4. Everyday Entrepreneurs - The harbingers of Prosperity and creators of Jobs - Dr. Aruna Bhargava.

1. Udyamita Samachar Patra (Monthly, Hindi), Pub. By centre for Entrepreneurship Development, M.P.
(CEDMAP), 60 Jail Road, Jhangerbad, Bhopal-462008.
2. Science Tec. Entrepreneur (A Bi Monthly Publication), centre for Enterprenurship Development, M.P
(CEDMAP), 60 Jail Road, Jhangerbad, Bhopal - 462008
3. Laghu Udhyog Samachar
4. Project Profile by DCSSI

TIME: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70
S. Typology Learning Very Short Long Long Essay Total %
No of Questions outcomes & Short Answer Answer Answer Type Marks Weigh
testing skills Answer -I (SA-I) 1 2 tage
(VSA) (LA-1) (LA-2) (6
(2 Marks)
(1 Mark) Marks) (3 (4
Marks) Marks)
Remembering- (Knowledge  Reasoning
based Simple recall  Analytical
questions, to know specific skills
1 facts, terms, concepts, 2 1 2 1 - 14 20%
principles, or theories;  Critical
Identify, define, or recite, skills
(Comprehension –to be
familiar with meaning and to
2 understand Conceptually, 1 1 1 1 - 10 14%
interpret, compare, contrast,
explain, paraphrase, or
interpret information)
Application- (Use abstract
information in concrete
situation, to apply knowledge
3 to new situations; Use given 1 2 1 - 2 20 29%
content to interpret a
situation, provide an
example, or solve a problem)
High Order Thinking Skills-
(Analysis & Synthesis-
Classify, compare, contrast,
or differentiate between
4 different pieces of 1 1 2 - 1 15 21%
information; Organize and/or
integrate unique pieces of
information from a variety of
Evaluation- (Appraise, judge,
and/or justify the value or
5 worth of a decision or - - 1 - 11 16%
outcome, or to predict
outcomes based on values)

TOTAL - 3 project 5x1 5x2 7x3 4x4 3x6 (24)
(proje 100%
(10 marks each) 30 =5 =10 =21 =16 =18 ct)
165 min + 15
Estimated Time (in minutes) 5 min 15 min 42 min 48 min min. for


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