Entrepreneurship (Code No. 066) : CLASS-XII (201 8-19)
Entrepreneurship (Code No. 066) : CLASS-XII (201 8-19)
Entrepreneurship (Code No. 066) : CLASS-XII (201 8-19)
CLASS–XII (2018-19)
2 Plentrepreneurial Planning 40
3 Enterprise Marketing 40 20
5 Business Arithmetic 40 20
6 Resource Mobilization 20
Project Work 40 30
Total 240 100
Unit 2: Plentrepreneurial Planning 40 Periods
Contents Learning Outcomes
Forms of Business Entitites – Sole After going through this unit, the student/
proprietorship, Joint Stock Company - Meaning learner would be able to:
characteristics and suitability
Understand the concept of entrepreneurial
Business Plan
Organisational plan
Understand the forms of business enterprise
Operational plan and production plan
Distinguish among the various forms of Business
Financial plan
Marketing Plan
Explain the concept of Business plan
Human Resource Planning
Formalities for starting a business Appreciate the importance of a Business Plan
Describe the various components of Business
Differentiate among the various components of
Business plan
Understand the meaning and methods of
Understand the concept of customer
relationship management
State the importance of Customer Relationship
Explain the concept of management in a firm
Explain the concept and importance of vendor
management in a firm
Explain the various reasons for business failure
Value Chain and Value Addition Understand the concept of growth &
development of an enterprise
Explain the concept of franchise
Explain the different types of franchise
Explain the advantages and limitations of
Understand growth of a firm is possible through
mergers and acquisitions
Explain the different types of mergers
State the meaning and types of acquisitions
Understand the reasons for mergers and
Understand the reasons for failure of mergers
and acquisitions
Explain the concept of value addition
Describe the different types of Value Addition
State the meaning of value chain
Discuss the Porters Model of Value Chain
Difference between merger and acquisition
Break even Analysis for multiple products or Understand the concept of unit price
services Calculate Break-even point for Multiple
Importance and use of cash flow projections products
Budgeting and managing the finances Understand the meaning of inventory control
Computation of working capital Understand the meaning of Economic Order
Inventory control and EOQ Quantity
Return on Investment (ROI) and Return on Enumerate the meaning of cash flow projection
Equity (ROE) Explain the concept of working capital
Understand the terminologies- financial
management and budgets
Calculate Return on Investment
Explain the concept of Return on Equity
Prescribed Books:
1. Entrepreneurship - Class XI- C.B.S.E, Delhi
2. Entrepreneurship - Class XII - C.B.S.E., Delhi
3. Udyamita (in Hindi) by Dr. MMP. Akhouri and S.P Mishra, pub. By National Institute for Entrepreneurship
and Small Business Development (NIESBUD), NSIC-PATC Campus, Okhla
4. Everyday Entrepreneurs - The harbingers of Prosperity and creators of Jobs - Dr. Aruna Bhargava.
1. Udyamita Samachar Patra (Monthly, Hindi), Pub. By centre for Entrepreneurship Development, M.P.
(CEDMAP), 60 Jail Road, Jhangerbad, Bhopal-462008.
2. Science Tec. Entrepreneur (A Bi Monthly Publication), centre for Enterprenurship Development, M.P
(CEDMAP), 60 Jail Road, Jhangerbad, Bhopal - 462008
3. Laghu Udhyog Samachar
4. Project Profile by DCSSI
TIME: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70
S. Typology Learning Very Short Long Long Essay Total %
No of Questions outcomes & Short Answer Answer Answer Type Marks Weigh
testing skills Answer -I (SA-I) 1 2 tage
(VSA) (LA-1) (LA-2) (6
(2 Marks)
(1 Mark) Marks) (3 (4
Marks) Marks)
Remembering- (Knowledge Reasoning
based Simple recall Analytical
questions, to know specific skills
1 facts, terms, concepts, 2 1 2 1 - 14 20%
principles, or theories; Critical
Identify, define, or recite, skills
(Comprehension –to be
familiar with meaning and to
2 understand Conceptually, 1 1 1 1 - 10 14%
interpret, compare, contrast,
explain, paraphrase, or
interpret information)
Application- (Use abstract
information in concrete
situation, to apply knowledge
3 to new situations; Use given 1 2 1 - 2 20 29%
content to interpret a
situation, provide an
example, or solve a problem)
High Order Thinking Skills-
(Analysis & Synthesis-
Classify, compare, contrast,
or differentiate between
4 different pieces of 1 1 2 - 1 15 21%
information; Organize and/or
integrate unique pieces of
information from a variety of
Evaluation- (Appraise, judge,
and/or justify the value or
5 worth of a decision or - - 1 - 11 16%
outcome, or to predict
outcomes based on values)
TOTAL - 3 project 5x1 5x2 7x3 4x4 3x6 (24)
(proje 100%
(10 marks each) 30 =5 =10 =21 =16 =18 ct)
165 min + 15
Estimated Time (in minutes) 5 min 15 min 42 min 48 min min. for