LA 102: English Grammar and Composition (2) : Lecture No: 3
LA 102: English Grammar and Composition (2) : Lecture No: 3
LA 102: English Grammar and Composition (2) : Lecture No: 3
Lecture No: 3
• Reminder of Assignment # 2.
• Writing an Outline
– Topic & Thesis Statement
– Hierarchy & economy
– TS, SS, & CS
4. Constructing a Paragraph
(a) Developing a Paragraph.
i) What is a paragraph?
A paragraph is a group of sentences that develops an idea in an
orderly way. It contains ideas relevant to the Topic Sentence.
Parts of a Paragraph
A. Topic Sentence (TS).
B. Support Sentences (SS).
C. Concluding Sentence (CS).
A. Topic Sentence
When constructing a topic sentence, consider the
1) Length and clarity.
2) Complete expression.
3) Grammatical construction.
4) Directional/predictable.
A. Topic Sentence (cont.)
Every topic sentence has a topic and a controlling idea. The controlling
idea shows the direction the paragraph will take.
Examples of Topic Sentences
1. (a) Topic Sentence: Dogs make wonderful pets because they help you
to live longer.
(b) The topic is "dogs make wonderful pets" and the controlling idea is
"because they help you to live longer.“
Topic sentence:
“The air not only moves horizontally; it rises and sinks, and in so doing, it
affects the state of the sky. Descending air has the effect of inhibiting cloud
formation, while ascending air, if it rises enough, causes clouds. Sometimes
there are week upward air motions over large regions and, as a result cloud
layers cover the entire sky.”
Battan, J. L (1979). Fundamentals of Meteorology.
1. Support sentences have words and phrases that relate ideas to the topic
2. Examples of words and phrases that convey implied ideas are “rises and
sinks, descending … ascending, upward air motions.”
1. Facts.
2. Examples.
3. Statistics/figures.
4. Reasons.
5. Descriptions.
6. Experiences.
7. Evidence.
Example of Support Sentences
“The Mayan civilization was highly developed by A.D 300. The
art and architecture of the Maya were elaborate and formal.
For example, they build large-scale ceremonial centers
consisting of pyramids topped by ornamental temples. One of
this ceremonial centers, Copan, was also known as a center for
-Write and organize the paragraphs so that they present your topic
clearly and systematically.
-Follow closely your outline & add details (facts, examples, reasons,
figures/statistics, descriptions, etc…) to the frame in respective
1. Topic sentence
– Fresh rephrasing of thesis statement.
2. Supporting sentences
– Summarize or wrap up the main points in the body of
the essay.
– Explain how ideas fit together.
3. Concluding sentence
– Final words.
– Connects back to the introduction.
– Provides a sense of closure.
6. Summary
The following ideas were covered in the lecture:
2. Paragraphs of an Essay
A. Introductory paragraph.
B. Support Paragraphs.
C. Concluding Paragraph.
Brown, C. A. et al. (1984). Grammar and Composition (5th Edition). Boston, USA:
Houghton Mifflin Company
Crystal, D. (1992). Discover Grammar. London: Longman.
Hornby, A. et al. (1996). Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (5th Edition). London: Oxford
University Press.
Leso, I, R. (2012). Building Blocks of Writing Skills, Milton Keynes: Lightning Source UK Ltd.
Swan, M., & Baker, D. (2008). Grammar Scan. Diagnostic test for Practical English Usage
(3rd Edition). New York, USA: Oxford Press.