Elicit: What Are The Sources of Water On Earth?

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7 E’s Lesson Plan

Water in the Environment

Learning objectives:
• Describe the processes in the water cycle

In most cases you will start with the “Elicit”. Here
you can find out what the students know by
eliciting responses from them.

What are the
sources of water
on Earth?
The next stage is the “Engage” stage. This
can come before or after the elicit stage. In
this stage you want to engage interest and
curiosity, raise “The BIG questions” and
provide the “HOOK” for why the students
want to learn.

What is water cycle?




During the “Explore” stage, pupils should be given
Standard in doing
opportunities to work together, independent of
you, their teacher to explore.
the Activities:
- Divide the class into 5 groups
- use the resources available to create an experiment
- you will be judged according to our success criteria:
1) Aesthetic appearance 50%
2) Teamwork 50%
• What you need?
-Glass -Ice cubes -Water

• What to do?

1. What happened to the ice cubes?

2. What have you observed outside the glass?
3. Where did the water come from?

During this stage I would use what students had
discovered in the explore stage to help them build
a concept.

1.How will you relate the activity that you had to

the water cycle?
2.Why water turns to water vapor?
- The water when heated by the sun absorbed
heat, then the water evaporates in a form of
gas or water vapor.
3.What is this process called?
- Evaporation
4.Describe the role of the sun in the water cycle?
- The sun heats the water on earth causing it
to evaporate. The warm air rises and
expands into the atmosphere.

3 = excellent 2 = good 1 = satisfactory

Students may work independently during this stage
to demonstrate learning.


How water cycle form?

The water cycle is the continuous movement of water all
around the Earth. The water cycle is like a big circle and
doesn’t really have a starting point. There are 4 main
stages involved in water cycle i.e. evaporation,
condensation, precipitation and runoff. So, how does this
cycle works? When the sun shines, the water from the
Choose and write the letter of the correct answer.
ocean or lake evaporates due to heat from the sun. When
1. Asit water vapor itrises
evaporates, turnsin into
the water
vapor andit cools
goesand changes
up into
backthe to atmosphere.
liquid. Tiny drops of liquid
This water willgets
vapor form clouds,with
together what do you
call other water vapor and turns into a cloud. When clouds
this process?
get dense, they drop the water back to Earth in some
A. Condensation B. Precipitation C. Evaporation D. Run-of
form of precipitation like rain, snow, hail or sleet. When
2. Where
the waterdoesfalls
energydown thattopowers thethey
the Earth, water cycle
find theircome
way from?
A. Plants B. Animals
on the ground surfaceC. into
electrical outlets
puddles, streamsD. the
3. IsAgain
waterthiscycle possible
water when theand
will evaporate sunthe
is blocked? Why?
whole cycle will
A. No,again.
because evaporation process is lacking
B. Yes, because condensation process continuous
C. Yes,
The becausesection
evaluate electricity can section
is the heat water.
where you the
D. No, because
teacher precipitation
evaluate the learningprocess
4. When you opened the kettle, you have seen droplets of water
on its cover. What process in the water cycle is shown?
A. Condensation B. Evaporation
C. Precipitation D. Transpiration
In this stage you are encouraging the students to apply or
extend the concepts and skills in new situations.

The teacher will give another set of
activity sheet. Pls. see attached activity
Reported by:
Queen Elizabeth Yanson &
Rosean Verdillo

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