Youth Association For Change: Executive Summary

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Name of project Fostering Youth Centre Construction Project.
Type of Project Construction and equipping of a Youth Centre in of Mwanza and Simiyu regions of
Project Location. Ilemela district of Mwanza region Amount requested in
USD 83,144.20
Estimated Direct beneficiaries/ Per year YOUTH. CHIDREN
4800 200
Estimated In Direct beneficiaries/ Per year ADULTS. TEACHERS/TRAINERS.
2950 50
Banking information
Account Title : YOUTH GROUP

Executive Summary

Fostering Youth Education center project proposal, is a project of youth association for
change organization, its a voluntary youth led organization formed by a young social
entrepreneurs responding to socio-economic youth development (youth challenges) in
Mwanza and Simiyu region through implementation of community based integrated
projects targeting the youth and children.

The main concern is to informing, empowering, educating, inspiring and gathered them
to solve their problems in which the youth are involved in positive activities that will
ensure socio-economic development. The vision of YAC is to press the youth into front
line to bring sustainable development and becoming community problems solvers.

In order to realize its goals, YAC has designed fostering youth education center project
that will see construction of 8 class rooms, kitchen, youth hall, latrines and 1-
administration office block, but also equip the center gradually with teaching materials,
such as text books, supply of water and others. The construction cost will require USD

The purpose of the Project. The purpose of the project is to provide the Youth and
Community a Centre to enable essential services for young people to be provided. The
Centre also would be available for general community use. It is envisaged that the new
facilities will be an inviting and vibrant community space where the community,
particularly young people, can meet, connect, interact, receive training, counseling and
enjoy a range of social and recreational activities. The services are given to the youths
free of charge meanwhile the community (adults) pays for the services.

Organization Objectives.
1. To build the capacity of the youth to be productive and raise household
incomes for improved livelihoods.
2. Conduct Education programmes.
3. To initiate and develop programmes that address imbalances among
vulnerable / marginalized groups.
4. To provide self-reliance and self-determination
5. Provisional of life skills and reproductive healthy.
6. create a youth to volunteer in community development work,
7. provisional of variety training in economic, education, social and culture
8. To give Information Communication Technology (I.C.T.) education to the
rural communities.

Project Goal: is to enhance socio-economic capacities of Young people through asset

based community development, thus working hand in hand and collaboration so as to
achieve self reliance and sustainable livelihoods and growth through health, education
and poverty alleviation programs at grassroots levels.

Project Objectives:

 Providing psychological, cultural and re-creative activities as a protection of

mental health of youths.

 Training youth on: Adolescents and Youth, Sexuality, Adolescent growth and
development, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Family Planning and violence
against Women.

 Providing an opportunity to youths to gain positive working habits, as well as

knowledge and skills that aren’t included in a school curriculum and capacities.

 Encouraging creativity and talents development in adequate and informal


 Encouraging motivation among children, youths, trainers for additional

education and group work by new methods Socialization of youths through
cultural and creative work as a kind of a treatment for overcoming and resisting
the post traumatic syndrome.
 Education of youths in vocational training and entrepreneurship skills

 Forming youth SACCOs

 Micro credit soft loans

 Provide innovative solution to overcome peer groups and drugs.

 Improving cooperation, communication, understanding, trust and friendship

among youths

 Preparing youths for further education and future employment through gaining
necessary knowledge and skills.

 Cooperating with wider social community and other non-governmental

organizations in designing programs and consulting with parents and with
schools and other educational institutions with aim of fitting programs and
satisfying wider social needs.

 Giving support to teachers, trainers in gaining additional skills and knowledge.

 Organizing courses, workshops, seminars and other ways of youth’s education as

addition of regular education in schools and other educational institutions about
IT, foreign languages and other areas due the needs of wider social community.

 Organizing own library with reading room with professional, educational, fun
literature and video films.

Project rationale

Developments do not come to these rural parts of Mwanza and Simiyu region. In these
areas there is no any youth center in villages or helping the youth from villages there
were only one Christian youth center based in town. YAC has taken the initiative to
change this situation and is now approaching organizations in order to improve the
conditions for the underserved youth who are receiving services from this center.

The YAC’s strategy is to construct a fostering youth education center for boys and girls
respectively. Implementation will include construction, provision of teaching materials,
such as text books for all subjects, and clean and safe drinking water and they will be in
two phases of the project.

In phase (1) of the project, YAC will construct 8 classrooms which will have one door
and four windows each and will be 27 meters long and six meters wide. The walls and the
floor will be made from locally baked bricks; the doors will be for woods, and windows
of steels and the roof of zinc sheets. There will also be need to construct kitchen, youth
hall, library, an administration block comprising of executive director’s office, his deputy
and a staff room, and 5 sports ground. Once construction work is completed, classroom
will be fitted with chairs in phase two of the project to prepare the center to start
operating learning and teaching activities in 2014. The classrooms will be used to teach
the youth various of training in the morning and evening will be involve in sports and
each Saturday will be teaching school subject and conduct several youth challenges
workshops and seminars, and provide adult education classes (especially for women) in
the evenings.

This grant will help to sustain so for to help the youth who have affected with social-
economic challenges, by providing potential supportive services; the proposed
intervention will expand the capacity of the County to maximize the utilization of its
resources without relying on much external expertise. The County also will relay on their
own expertise for development and future advancement.

This project will also provide coping mechanisms and starting life strategies to the youth
who had risk situation. The proposed intervention in addition will motivate the youth
towards behaviors change and participation in socio-economic recovery. The intervention
furthermore fits within the framework and Tanzania’s new constitution.

Problem Statement:

The youth in Mwanza and Simiyu have got economic and social problems. The economic
problem is lack of employment opportunities. Even though youth population is dominant
in the town, there are no enough jobs to absorb them and there is very high
unemployment. As a result the youth do involve in illegal activities such as theft,
gangsters, kidnapping and so on to sustain their lives. Common social problems are lack
of recreation or entertainment centers, inadequate social facilities (health, education, and
housing), etc. The lack of recreation center has led to engagement of youth in bad habits
such as chewing chat (local stimulant plant) and drinking alcohol. In the study made by
youth, sport and culture department of Mwanza region, 75% of the youth indicated that
the reason for problems caused by youth is lack of entertainment centers for them. The
same study also shows that 66.7% the youth spend their time chewing chat, as there is no
place for recreation. In the study 75% of the youth indicated that establishment of youth
center could alleviate the problems of the above-mentioned bad habits.

To observe the problems of youth one can easily go to the streets of Mwanza or Simiyu
and observe the army of youth wondering jobless. In every streets of Mwanza it is
common to see them in a very large number crowding the streets without any work .If
these are mobilized in organized manner, they can really bring about great change in their
lives and in the society. At present the large number of the youth engaged in using drugs
and prostitution for girls this it show how will miss the future leaders and good
generation. Thus it is essential to act as soon as possible to reverse the deteriorating
situation of the youth at least to maintain the sustenance of our generation. Their
potentials could be used for the development of the nation if attention is paid to them.
They could also contribute to attainment of our development agenda that we are hoping
to attain. Recognizing this, we do present this proposal to the development partners to
fund this project so that the youth can contribute to the betterment of their own life and of
the community.

Strategies of Implementation

The project was proposed by a series of discussion with the local communities, review of
baseline data, and also minutes of the county coordination meetings.

At the initial start of the youth center project, the project team will construct 8- class
rooms, 6- toilets, 1-kitchen and administration office, and also equip the center gradually
with teaching materials, such as text books and the supply of water.

Phase 1

Construction of 8 classrooms, Kitchen, administration office will start as soon as funds

are availed. This will be followed by construction of storage tanks for rainwater
collection and youth hall. At the end of the project, the last act will be the buying of the
text books, chairs and tables

Installation of a 100,000 liters rainwater collection tank and purchase of text books will
be done to enable the center to start operating in the second budget of phase two of the

Project team will engage the expertise of constructors and other laborers to carry out the
actual work. Then there will be procurement of the construction materials which will be
done in dar es Salaam and their transportation to the construction site as has been agreed
with the communities of Ilemela County. The project Manager will prepare all the
necessary reports including the financial reports and submit them to the funding
organization as will be agreed upon.

Project team will invite the donor representatives and members of the government to
carry out their own independent evaluation after the completion of the project.
Continuous monitoring of the project will be conducted by the project team and
representatives from the youth association for change organization, to ensure that the
project achieves its goals and objectives as set out in this proposal.

Project Description:

This Youth Centre to be built in Ilemela District at Mwanza region in Tanzania is a place
where youth and the community participate in designing initiatives related to educational,
creative and social programs, the need for a youth-focused centre in Mwanza and Simiyu
area is in line with Ilemela Local government plan on young people. A Youth Center
needs to be build from where a variety of programs can be presented to Young people
through out the year. The Youth Center will have the following:

(a) Control desk/check-in.

(b) Teaching rooms (8) where youths can be taught new skills (computer,
music, entrepreneurship, vocational, photography, English, leadership,
craft making e.t.c)
(c) Sports and recreation area for youths.
(d) Commons/game room
(e) Library with books to read and educative films to video watch.
(f) Cafeteria or kitchen area where meals can be prepared
(g) A Big meeting room/hall where all young people can meet and where
indoor sport can take place; concerts, workshops, seminars, weddings are
held etc.
(h) Bathroom facilities.
(i) Office area
(j) Outdoor activity areas.
(k) Mechanical/electrical/communications space.

The main aim is to act as an educational, training and recreational centre. During its
course the Youth Centre will implement projects that are focused on support to the young
people in their growing and becoming mature and independent people, able to take
responsibilities for their lives and with their own example to influence on other youth to
get educated for active social life. Some of the projects are peer educator, outreach,
education for youths, volunteer actions in the community, campaigns related to bigger
involvement of the youth issues at the community agendas. We have a vision that
volunteer’s group’s world wide will visit the centre.

Description of target population.

Youth have particularly shouldered the gruesome effects youth challenges i.e , sexual
exploitation leading to high risk of HIV/AIDS, drugs users, prostitution, laborers, early
marriage and other social and economic deprivation.

The target beneficiaries will be Youths including the young those who in school and out
of school, child headed households, youth formerly abducted and those out of school. The
beneficiaries of this action will be over 3000 youth benefiting yearly from skills training
courses, recreational activities, computer classes, indoor games, counseling services
e.t.c .The indirect beneficiaries of this Project will be over 5000 people in the
community , benefiting yearly from workshops, seminars, ceremonies/weddings,
seminars, Video library, e.t.c.

Programs and services presented from a Youth Center:

1. Kids Club meetings for older children: Teenagers
2. Information regarding HIV and sexual transmitted diseases,
3. Computer lessons and internet service for all ages.
4. Holiday programs for all ages.
5. Leadership Development program for teenagers.
6. Training on: Adolescents and Youth, Sexuality, Adolescent growth and
development, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Family Planning and violence
against Women.

7. Sport, Music, craft and English Teaching.

8. Scholarship Program.
9. entrepreneurship and vocational training
10. Recreational activities and social programs.
11. Hire services for workshops, seminars, ceremonies/weddings, e.t.c

 Engage a contractor to do Construction.

A suitable building contractor shall be identified through a competitive selection

processes to undertake the construction from project initial stage up to handover. This
memorable project handover ceremony will attract representation from Mwanza region
local Government, youth leaders, donors, Members of Parliament and other stakeholders.

 Evaluation
Project evaluation to determine the effectiveness and failures of the project in the project
area shall be carried out. Project evaluation will be carried out as a key component of
this action to review project activities, measure efficiency, and effectiveness and assess
Process evaluation focuses on whether programs or initiatives are doing what they
planned to do in the way they planned to do it. For example, a process evaluation will
look at how many youth participated in each session of a workshop series. Did as many
youth enroll as expected? Do demographics show that the program is reaching the
intended audience? How many young people complete the program and how many leave
early? What do participants say about their experience with the program or initiative? Are
community coalitions involving representatives from all of the different sectors and walks
of life that they had hoped to engage?

Outcome evaluation focuses on changes that occur as a result of participation in

programs. This type of evaluation asks "What difference has the program made for
individuals, youth groups, families, or the community?" For example, do program
participants increase their use of condoms and contraceptives? Are they more likely to
access testing and treatment for HIV/STDs? Do they delay the age at which they become
sexually active, or have fewer sexual partners than youth in the general community?
Outcome evaluations can also assess community-level changes. Do the numbers of
Medicaid-eligible youth accessing family planning services increase after a community
launches new sexual health programs?

1. The Youth center will generate income from Hall hire services to those who need the
space to conduct important occasion i.e. workshops, seminars, ceremonies/weddings,
concerts, Music galas. These may be churches, NGOs, Local government workshops. E.g
hiring a hall for one day is Tshs 300,000- 800,000 depending to event if it is hired
minimum 5 times in a month this fetches 300,000 x 5 = Tshs 1500,000.

2. The Youth center will generate income from hire of chairs and tents, for special events
ceremonies/weddings, this will be used for running the project when the donor assistance

E.g hiring one chair for one day is shs 250 if it is 200 chairs are hired minimum 5 times
in a month this fetches 250 x 200x 5 = Tshs 250,000.

Hiring a tent is 50,000 incase it is hired 5 times this fetches = Tshs 250,000

3. The Youth center will generate income from Photo coping, video coverage, printing
and internet services provided to the neighborhood.

For one day with one computer connected to internet fetches Tshs 25,000 x 5 computers
in a day this fetches 25,000 x 6 = Tshs 75,000 x 24 days= 3,600,000. Plus photocopying
services and video coverage this will come up to about

Tshs 4,000,000 per moth.

4. The Youth center will generate income from baking i.e. bread / cakes for
ceremonies/weddings and making special Meals /Dishes for sale.

This activity will fetch approximately Tshs 4,000,000 per moth.

A Construction
1. Proposal writing 1 300 300 300 ---

2. Land 5 acres 5,000 5,000 5,000 ---

Construction Youth 1 20,200 20,200 20,200

centre Hall
Sub total 25,500 5,300 20,200
B Construction for
youth center
3. cement 500 12 @ 1 6,000 --- 6,000
4. stones 30 46 @ 1 1,380 ---- 1,380
5. Small stones 10 100 @ 1 1,000 ---- 1,000
6. sand 200 34 6,800 6,800
7. Iron steels 200 10 2,000 ---- 2,000
8. Wood (2 X 4) 1000 8@1 8,000 --- 8,000

9. Windows mirrors 50 34 @ 1 1,700 ---- 1,700

10. Smooth wood 6nch 300 5@1 1,500 ---- 1,500

11. Bricks 10,000 0.8 @ 1 8,000 ---- 8,000

12. Copper tins 20 167 @ 1 3,340 3,340

13 Doors 8 100 @ 1 800 800
14 Wiring installation All 3,500 3,500 ---- 3,500
15 tires 1000 0.8 @ 1 800 800
16 Others materials 5,000 5,000
C Equipping
17 Internet connection 12 50 600 --- 600
18 Desktop computer 10 230 @ 1 2,300 ---- 2,300
19 Television, DVD Block 500 500 ---- 500
Player/recorder, figure
20 Overhead projector 1,000 1,000 ---- 1,000
and VCR.

21 Chairs 300 30 900 --- 900

22 tables 300 200 600 ---- 600
23 Video camera 1 900 900 ---- 900
24 Tents 2 1,200 2,400 ---- 2,400
Sub total 59,020 59,020

D Kitchen/ Cafeteria
26 Saucepans small 3 10 30 ----- 30
27 Saucepans big 3 67 201 ----- 201
28 Kettles 2 11.60 23.20 23.20
29 Cups 200 0.30 60 ----- 60
30 Plates 200 0.60 120 ------ 120
31 Water Tank plastic 1 460 460 ----- 460
Sub total 894.20 894.20
32 Transporting 4 times 100 @ 1 400 ----- 400
equipment, materials
33 Communications 12 20 240 ------ 240
( airtime) months
34 Writing and 1 150 150 ----- 150
submitting project
35 Photography 12 20 240 ------ 240
36 Monitoring and --- Blocks 500 ----- 500
evaluation figure
37 External Audit 1 1,500 1,500 ------ 1,500
Sub total 3,030 ----- 3,030
GRAND TOTAL 88,444.20 5,300 83,144.20

The Total project budget is USD $ 88,444.20 Or Tshs 132,666,300

The community contribution is USD $ 5,300 Or Tshs 7,950,000

AMOUNT REQUESTED IS USD $ 83,144.20 or Tshs 124 716 300

Fredrick Maziku

Youth association for change organization

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