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Calculation of The Contact Temperature of A Friction Couple With A High-Speed Heat Source

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Calculation of the contact temperature of a friction couple with a high-speed heat source 51

4 (160) 2009



Calculation of the contact temperature of a friction couple

with a high-speed heat source


Heat source density, high-speed sources of heat, temperature field.


The analytical calculation of the coefficient of heat flow distribution and the average contact
temperature of the semi-limited body friction with the tetrahedral counterbody are presented, an
example of calculating the friction conditions with high contact stresses and velocities is given.

1. Introduction

The durability of friction knots is very dependent on the level of their

operation’s heat regime. The intensity of the working surfaces’ wear directly
depends on the contact temperature of friction. It concerns the integral effect of
the power and velocity of friction via the heat flows density and is an important
evaluation index that can have a critical value for exact conditions of
tribological processes.
In tribotechnics, high-speed sliding friction pairs where the temperature
laws of high-speed sources (HSS) of heat (when the source’s transfer speed
exceeds the speed of heat distribution in this body) is of high priority.

National metallurgical academy of Ukraine, Gagarina avenue, 4, 49600, Dnepropetrovsk.
Dnepropetrovsk State Agrarian University, Voroshilov st., 25, 49600, Dnepropetrovsk,
[email protected]
52 Yu.G. Kravchenko, B.I. Peleshenko, A.I. Burya, O.Yu. Kuznetsova

In this respect, the problem of improving the contact temperature calculation

and the management of heat phenomena is always a priority in tribology.
The aim of this work is to obtain a formula for the temperature field of heat
HSS concerning the behaviour of contact stress distribution, to determine the
heat distribution between the body and the counterbody, to create the algorithm
of calculating the average contact temperature of friction.
The work is performed on the basis of works by N. N. Rykalin [1], G. S.
Karslow, D. K. Yeger [2], A. N. Reznikov [3] and their method of heat sources,
which the system of point instant [1, 2] and fictive (reflected) [1, 3] sources.

2. Problem statement

The technique of calculating the contact temperature of friction consists of

the following modules:
1. Deriving a formula of temperature fields and their average values for the
counterbody working surfaces and the heat source moving across the semi-
limited body at secondary boundary conditions (at the known distribution
behaviour and the numerical value of the heat sources density [1]);
2. Obtaining an expression for the coefficient of heat distribution between the
friction bodies at quaternary boundary conditions (which lie in assigning the
equation of the average temperature along the contact surface [3]); and,
3. Properly defining the heat flow density and the contact temperature of
The starting point for the calculation is the well-known formula [1, 2, 3] for
the temperature of the linear instant source QL I (J/m) on the surface of the semi-
limited body (z=0, -∞ <y < ∞), which has been derived by means of the Kelvin
heat conductivity equation for the point instant source within the non-limited
body and by means of the fiction source (the semi-limited body artificially turns
into the non-limited one)
QLI  ( x − x1 ) 2 
T= exp  −
2πλ t  4at  (1)

Where, λ and a are the coefficients of heat- and temperature conductivity; t

is the period of temperature observance; x1 is the abscissa of the linear instant
source by x axis.

The situation of HSS essence (the released heat does not extend in front of
the source [1]) significantly simplifies the mathematical calculations of
temperature fields. HSS classification incurs from the dimensionless Péclet
criterion Pe = v ⋅ l / a (v and l are the velocity and the length of the source in the
direction of movement, the coefficient of temperature conductivity a belongs to
Calculation of the contact temperature of a friction couple with a high-speed heat source 53

the body material across which the source moves) and at Pe > 8 ÷ 10 [3] the
source may refer to HSS.
The formula for the average value of the counterbody’s temperature field is
obtained in [4].
It is accepted that there is no heat removal due to the convective heat
exchange with the environs (cooling). We do not account for heat accumulation
by the counterbody across time and by the body due to the thermocyclicity of
certain segments of the friction surface.

2. Main body

Reaching the stated aim includes two tasks.

1. Deriving a formula of the temperature field for the flat (band) HSS. First,
by means of integrating the initial expression (1) by x1 with the help of
x − x1
substitution of = −u ( dx1 = 4atdu , the integration limits u1= -∞ at
x1= -∞ and u2=∞ at x1=∞), we define the temperature of flat instant (FI) source
with the density of QF I

Т FI = (2)
λ π ⋅t
The further calculation is connected with two simplified statements at the
passing of the linear constant (LC) source through the elementary band dx at the
surface of the semi-limited body (Fig.1), indicating the following:
– The period of the source’s affect on dx seems to be an instant dt.
– All the heat flow during the period of dt propagates only as a perpendicular
to dx band.

Fig. 1. Calculation scheme of the linear HSS temperature

54 Yu.G. Kravchenko, B.I. Peleshenko, A.I. Burya, O.Yu. Kuznetsova

As a result, for dx band, we obtain the FI source QFI (J/m2); and, for the
period dt, we obtain the LC source qLC (W/m). From the heat balance equation
dt q
QFI⋅ d x = qLC⋅ dt (J/m), we accept that QFI= qLC· . Then, at QFI= LC and
dx v
x − x1
t= in (2) we obtain the temperature of the linear high-speed source
qLC a
TLH = (3)
λ ⋅ π ⋅ v ⋅ ( x − x1 )

The second integral transition leads to the dependency of the temperature

field of the flat HSS on the heat source shape (the function of contact normal
 x1 
stresses f  )
 l 
x 
x f  1  ⋅ dx1
1  l 
l ∫0
FT = (4)
x − x1

The level of the average temperature with the introduction of the

dimensionless parameter ψ = is determined by the coefficient of the
source’s shape
K S = FA = ∫ FT (ψ ) ⋅ dψ (5)

And this is calculated taking into account the general heat release density

 1 
qG = Fµ ⋅ v / S = µ ⋅  σ 0 ∫ f (ψ ) ⋅ dψ  ⋅ v (6)
 0 

(here, Fµ = µ ⋅ P is the friction force, µ is the coefficient of friction, P is the

pressure force; S=l·b is the contact area; σ0 are the peak values of normal
stresses at function f (ψ ) ) into the body via ε* coefficient

qFH = ( 1 − ε ∗ ) ⋅ qG (7)
Calculation of the contact temperature of a friction couple with a high-speed heat source 55

According to the formula for flat high-speed source (FH)

K S ⋅ qFH ⋅ a ⋅ l (8)
λ ⋅ π ⋅v
 x1 
For example, if the source’s density is equally distributed f   = const
 l 
x 1
1 dx1 2 4
(Fig. 2), then FT =
l ∫
0 x − x1
x = 2 ψ , a K S = 2 ∫ ψ ⋅ dψ =

Fig. 2. Temperature field FT at equal density qFH

The value of FT function (4) and KS coefficient (5) for different shapes of
heat sources are cited in Table 1.

Table 1. Dependency of FT function and KS coefficient of shape on the nature of the distribution of
contact normal stresses σ x = σ 0 ⋅ f (ψ ) at ψ = x1
Distribution of stresses Temperature field of HSS
function f (ψ ) distribution formula FT (4) graph KS (5)

σx l FT 2
1 1 ( σ x = const ) 2 ψ 1
v 0 0.5 1 ψ
1 1

2 1 −ψ 0.5
2 ψ (1 − 0.667ψ ) 0.5
0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1
56 Yu.G. Kravchenko, B.I. Peleshenko, A.I. Burya, O.Yu. Kuznetsova

Distribution of stresses Temperature field of HSS

function f (ψ ) distribution formula FT (4) graph KS (5)
1 2

3 ψ 0.5
1.333ψ ψ 1
0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1

0.3 0.4


4 ψ (1 −ψ ) 0.1
4ψ ψ (0.333 − 0.267ψ ) 0.2
0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1

1 1.5

5 1 −ψ 2 2 ψ (1 − 0.533ψ 2 ) 1.029

0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1


0.5 1+ ψ 1

6 (1 −ψ )0.5 ψ + (1 − ψ ) ln 1.0
1 −ψ 0.5

0 0.5 1
0 0.5 1

1 3

2 ψ (1 − 1.6ψ 2 + 1.829ψ 4 )
7 e −3ψ 1.084

0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1

1 2

2 2 ψ ( 2.5 − 8ψ + 12.8ψ 2 −
8 e −3(1−ψ ) 1.255
0.5 1

8.23ψ 3 + 1.83ψ 4 )
0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1


0.1 ψ (1 + 4ψ + 6.4ψ 2 −
9 e −3(1− 2ψ + 2ψ ) 0.176

16.46ψ 3 + 7.31ψ 4 )
0 0.5 1
0 0.5 1


ψ 2 ψ (1 − 0.22ψ − 0.15ψ 2 −
0.5 1

10 3(1−ψ ) 1.024
e 0.10ψ 3 )

0 0.5 1
0 0.5 1
Calculation of the contact temperature of a friction couple with a high-speed heat source 57

2. After obtaining the expression for the coefficient of heat distribution, we

shall designate the share of friction heat absorption with the counterbody by ε∗
coefficient and with the body - by 1-ε∗. The solution issues from the equation of
average contact temperatures of the HSS of the semi-limited body (8)

(1 − ε ∗ ) ⋅ K S ⋅ qG ⋅ aB ⋅ l
T= (9)
λB ⋅ π ⋅ v
And on the surface of the tetrahedron’s (counterbody’s) friction [4]
ε ∗ ⋅ qG ⋅ l ⋅U
T= (10)
π ⋅ λC
ε∗ =
λB Pe (11)
1+ ⋅ ⋅U
λC K S ⋅ π
1 a ⋅t
Where, Pe = v ⋅ l / aB is Péclet criterion; U = 3,195 + lnF0 + ( F0 = C2 is
6 ⋅ F0 l
Furie criterion, t is the source effect period); indices T and K at λ and a refer to
the body and the counterbody.

The calculation analysis of formula (11) allows one to conclude that the
increase of heat dissipation via the counterbody ε∗ is connected with the ratio
λB / λC and aC / aB , velocity v and length l of the source of heat release. Here,
the most significant effect is made by the ratio λB / λC , and the necessary area of
the contact surface is expedient to be provided at the lowest possible length l at
the account of increasing the width b.

3. Calculation results

The algorithm of calculation at the initial pressure force P, friction force v,

length l and width b of the contact comes to the choice and the definition of the
following: coefficients of heat conductivity λ and temperature conductivity a of
the body and counterbody materials; criteria of Péclet Pe (11) for the body and
of Furie F0 (11) for the counterbody; the coefficient of the heat source’s shape
KS (5, Table 1); functions of the counterbody’s temperature field U (11); the
58 Yu.G. Kravchenko, B.I. Peleshenko, A.I. Burya, O.Yu. Kuznetsova

coefficient of the heat flow distribution ε∗ (11); the coefficient of friction µ;

density of heat release qG(6); average contact temperature T (9) or (10).
An example of calculating the coefficients of the heat flow distribution
between the body and the counterbody and the contact temperature at equal
normal pressure force (load) for the friction couple “steel (body) – anti-friction
material (counterbody)” is cited in Table 2.
Additional calculations have shown the decrease of the coefficient of the
distribution of heat release into the counterbody ε∗ with the increase of the
period of the couple’s operation t at the stable temperature value T. Within
formula (8) the period of time t is also absent as a factor of influence on
temperature T.
The ε∗ (11) substitution into T (9) or (10) leads to a formula of the direct
µ ⋅P⋅ v
 λC λB 
 +  ⋅π l ⋅ b (12)
  aC ⋅ t l 2
 K S ⋅ π ⋅ aB 
 3,195 + ln 2 +  v⋅l
 l 6 ⋅ aC ⋅ t 
Which demonstrates the links between all the laws of the influence of
incoming factors.

Table 2. The influence of the counterbody material on contact temperature (the body material
being the hardened low-alloyed steel with λ=43 W/(mxK), cp·ρ =3.6x106 J/(m3xK), a=11.9x10-6
m2/sec; length l=0.02m and width b=0.04m of the contact; the coefficient of the source’s shape
KS=0.8; pressure force P=20x103 N; velocity v =5 m/sec, Péclet criterion Pe = 8403.4;
durability t=3.6x103 sec)

Thermophysical properties [5, Density

Name of Distri- Coefficient
6, 7] at 20 °C Distri- of heat Contact
the Furie bution of friction
(cpxρ)x106, ax10-6, bution release temperat
counter- λ,, criterion, coefficien of dry ,
2 function, q0x106, ure
body W J m F0 t, boundary
U (11) W T+20°C
material m⋅K
m ⋅K sec ε∗ (11) µ 2

0.35 43.75 119.9

Steel 57.4 3.7 15.5. 139.5 8.134 0.0025
0.25 31.25 90.5

0.30 37.5 105.6

Cast iron 51.5. 3.6 14.3 128.7 8.053 0.0023
0.20 25.0 77.2
0.25 31.25 90.9
Bronze 134 3.6 37.2 336.6 9.014 0.0053
0.15 18.75 62.5
Siliconized 0.15 18.75 63.2
100 1.6 62.5 562.5 9.527 0.0038
graphite 0.10 12.5 48.8
Fluoroplas- 0.10 12.5 48.1
0.22 2.4 0.096 0.864 3.242 0.000024
tic 0.05 6.25 34.1
Calculation of the contact temperature of a friction couple with a high-speed heat source 59

The decrease of temperature T is reached at the decrease of the

ratio µ ⋅ P ⋅ v / l ⋅ b , the increase of heat conductivity λC, λB and the decrease
of temperature conductivity aC, aB of the friction couple’s materials, as well as
at the decrease of the coefficient of HSS shape’s value KS.
These investigations are of significant practical application during the
construction of stress-speed friction knots.


1. The calculation of the temperature field of the band high-speed source of heat
and the calculation of the source shape coefficient values for some functions
of stress distribution within the friction contact have been completed.
2. The expression for defining the coefficient of the density distribution of the
heat release between the body and the counterbody correspondingly with the
high-speed and constant heat source has been obtained.
3. Using the example of calculating with equal pressure force, the influence of
antifriction materials of the counterbody with different thermo-physical
properties and coefficients of friction on the coefficient of density
distribution of the heat release and the contact temperature has been
4. A generalised formula of significant practical application for the direct
calculation of contact temperature with all the initial element thermo-
physical, mechanical, geometrical factors of the tribological process has been
5. The pressure force, coefficient of friction, contact zone width and coefficients
of heat conductivity of the body and counterbody materials influence the
friction temperature value to a greater extent than the friction velocity,
contact length in the direction of friction velocity, the coefficients of
temperature conductivity of the friction materials and the coefficient of high-
speed source’s shape.


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60 Yu.G. Kravchenko, B.I. Peleshenko, A.I. Burya, O.Yu. Kuznetsova

[6] Теплопроводность твердых тел: Справочник /Под ред. А.С. Охотина. – М.:
Энергоатомиздат, 1984. – 320с.
[7] Физические величины: Справочник /А.П. Бабичев, Н.А. Бабушкина, А.М. Братковский и
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Manuscript received by Editorial Board, May 31st, 2010

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