Music Oter Apia
Music Oter Apia
Music Oter Apia
Lancet Neurol 2017; 16: 648–60 During the past ten years, an increasing number of controlled studies have assessed the potential rehabilitative effects
Published Online of music-based interventions, such as music listening, singing, or playing an instrument, in several neurological
June 26, 2017 diseases. Although the number of studies and extent of available evidence is greatest in stroke and dementia, there is
also evidence for the effects of music-based interventions on supporting cognition, motor function, or emotional
wellbeing in people with Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, or multiple sclerosis. Music-based interventions can affect
Faculty of Medicine
(A J Sihvonen MD) and divergent functions such as motor performance, speech, or cognition in these patient groups. However, the
Department of Neurology psychological effects and neurobiological mechanisms underlying the effects of music interventions are likely to
(S Soinila MD), University of share common neural systems for reward, arousal, affect regulation, learning, and activity-driven plasticity. Although
Turku, Turku, Finland;
further controlled studies are needed to establish the efficacy of music in neurological recovery, music-based
Cognitive Brain Research Unit,
Department of Psychology and interventions are emerging as promising rehabilitation strategies.
Logopedics, Faculty of
Medicine, University of Introduction controlled trials investigating the effects of music-based
Helsinki, Finland (A J Sihvonen,
The world’s population is ageing rapidly and the number interventions in the rehabilitation of patients with
T Särkämö PhD, V Leo MA,
M Tervaniemi PhD); CICERO of people with severe age-related brain diseases is stroke, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, or
Learning, University of increasing.1 More than 80% of the heavy economic burden multiple sclerosis. For comparison of the studies
Helsinki, Finland of chronic brain diseases is due to costs other than acute included, we define the effect sizes of improvements in
(M Tervaniemi); Institute of
treatment and care.2,3 This burden has raised the need to the specified outcome as small (Cohen’s d≥0·2), medium
Music Physiology and
Musicians’ Medicine, pursue new cost-effective, easily applicable rehabilitation (d≥0·5), or large (d≥0·8). Effect size was defined as the
University of Music and Drama strategies, both independent of and complementary to mean change in outcome before and after treatment in
Hannover, Hanover, Germany traditional methods such as physiotherapy, occupational the treatment group minus the mean pre–post change
(E Altenmüller MD); and
Division of Clinical
therapy, and speech therapy. Since neurogenesis in the in the control group, divided by the pooled pretest
Neurosciences, Turku adult brain has no known clinically meaningful effect on standard deviation.
University Hospital, Turku, brain recovery, functional restoration relies upon the
Finland (S Soinila) ability of spared neurons to compensate for lost function Music-based interventions for stroke
Correspondence to: by growing neurites and forming new synapses to rebuild Stroke is one of the leading causes of long-term disability
Dr Aleksi J Sihvonen, Cognitive
and remodel the injured networks.4–8 This functional worldwide.23 Of the major neurological disorders, the
Brain Research Unit, Department
of Psychology and Logopedics, restoration is thought to be achieved in traditional strongest evidence for efficacy of music-based interventions
Faculty of Medicine, FI-00014 rehabilitation strategies by targeted training of the has been reported for stroke. We identified 16 randomised
University of Helsinki, Finland weakened function.9–12 An alternative strategy is to increase controlled trials that used music as an add-on therapy
[email protected]
the overall level of brain activity through sensory and for stroke-related neurological and neuropsychiatric
cognitive stimulation.13 disturbances (table).24–39 The assessed outcomes included
Music listening improves neuronal connectivity in motor functions, such as gait and upper extremity
specific brain regions of healthy participants,14–17 and function;24,25,27,30,31,34–39 language functions;26,28,29 cognitive
musical activities, such as playing an instrument, promote functions, such as memory and attention;28,33 mood;28,33,36
neural plasticity and induce grey and white matter changes and quality of life.30,36 These outcomes were measured with
in multiple brain regions, especially front otemporal various standard motor tests (eg, Fugl-Meyer Assessment,
areas.18–20 Music listening was efficacious in the recovery of the Box and Blocks Test, Berg Balance Scale, and Nine-
postoperative patients who had various types of major Hole Peg Test), clinical neuropsychological assessments
surgery, as measured by several outcomes such as levels (eg, CogniSpeed, Revised Wechsler Memory Scale),
of pain and anxiety, use of analgesics, and patient standard language function assessments (eg, Boston
satisfaction,21 suggesting that music might also enhance Diagnostic Aphasia Examination), and questionnaires
neurological rehabilitation. (eg, Stroke Impact Scale, Profile of Mood States,
Formal music-based intervention can be defined as and Stroke and Aphasia Quality of Life Scale-39).
active intervention (eg, creating music, playing an Additionally, computer-based movement analyses,30,35,38,39
instrument, singing, or musical improvisation) or MRI analysis,28,31,33 magnetoencephalography,31 or electro
receptive inter vention (eg, music listening) that is encephalography34 were used to assess motor performance
administered by a credentialed music therapist (panel). and neuroplasticity. Metronome-like rhythmic stimulus
Although a Cochrane review evaluated the effect of was used in five studies of stroke-related motor
music intervention on recovery of acquired brain paresis.30,31,36,37,38 The participants’ favourite music, selected
injury,22 a comprehensive overview of music-related through interview, was used in three studies,28,32,33 although
interventions in the rehabilitation of the major the genres of favourite music were not reported.
neurological diseases, including degenerative ones, is Three studies used children’s songs and folk songs.24,34,35
needed. In this Review, we appraise the randomised Five studies involved a trained music therapist.26–28,32,33
melodic intonation therapy, is conceptually elegant and the help of a music therapist, and continued during the
music therapy interventions might be more effective in first 2 months after stroke, enhanced cognitive recovery.33
aphasia than speech training without music.22 In a 6-month follow-up, the music group still showed
significant improvements in performance of tasks
Effects on cognitive and emotional deficits measuring verbal memory (Cohen’s d=0·88) and focused
Deficits in cognitive functions (eg, memory, attention, attention (d=0·92), compared with a control intervention
executive function) and mood (eg, depression) affect (audiobook listening) or standard care.33 Compared with
approximately 30–50% of patients who have experienced standard care, music listening was also associated with
a stroke.68,69 In one randomised controlled trial, 1 h daily less depression (d=0·77) and confusion (d=0·72;
listening to a participant’s favourite music, selected with figure 1A).33 The cognitive gains measured after music
listening were associated with enhanced auditory had not been affected by the stroke28 (figure 1B, 1C).
memory-related function in temporal brain areas32 and Reduction in negative mood after music listening was
increased grey matter volume in prefrontal regions that associated with increased grey matter volume in limbic
Effect size (Cohen’s d) was the mean change in outcome before and after treatment in the treatment group minus the mean pre–post change in the control group, divided by the pooled pre-test SD.65 Effect size was
defined as small (d≥0·2), medium (d≥0·5), and large (d≥0·8). d=Cohen’s d. MST=music-supported therapy. RAS=rhythmic auditory stimulation. UPDRS III=Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale part III.
Table: Randomised controlled trials assessing various music-based interventions in patients with stroke, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, or epilepsy
areas.28 In addition to music listening, rhythmic auditory Impairment Battery), and quality of life or wellbeing
stimulation therapy improved patients’ mood but the (Cornell–Brown Scale for Quality of Life in Dementia,
effect size was not significant.36 Although positive effects Dementia Care Mapping). Most interventions used vocal
were shown to last up to at least 6 months for some or instrumental music that was presumably familiar to
outcome measures, these results need to be replicated. the participants, such as personal favourites, general
popular music, or common children’s songs. In all
Music-based interventions for dementia studies except for one, the intervention was administered
The most common causes of dementia are Alzheimer’s by a music therapist or music teacher.
disease, cerebrovascular diseases, or a combination of
the two. In these disorders, neural degeneration can Effects on cognitive deficits
progress over several years, leading to memory problems In four studies, music listening coupled with cognitive
and other behavioural disturbances. So far, 17 randomised elements (reminiscence and attention training) or
controlled trials enrolling people with dementia (table) physical exercise improved overall cognitive performance
have assessed the effects of music-based interventions (measured by MMSE) of patients with dementia,
on neuro psychiatric and behavioural symptoms such compared with standard care (Cohen’s d=0·47–0·76).42,43,46,51
as anxiety and agitation (14 studies),40–42,44,45,47–54,56 depression Add itionally, improved performance in these music
(six studies),42,43,46,50,55,56 cognitive status (five studies),42,43,46,50,51 interventions was reported for tests measuring
and quality of life (four studies).42,43,45,55 Neuropsychiatric attention and executive functions (d=0·48–0·76),43,51
and behavioural symptoms were assessed with tests, orientation (d=0·71),43 and verbal or episodic memory
rating scales, or questionnaires measuring overall (d=0·54–0·76).43,51 In one randomised controlled
symptom severity (eg, Neuropsychiatric Inventory, trial,43 caregiver-implemented singing enhanced short-
Cohen–Mansfield Agitation Inventory, Behavioural term and working memory (d=0·75), especially in
Pathology in Alzheimer’s Disease rating scale), participants with mild dementia. It also reduced
depression (eg, Cornell Scale for Depression in caregiver burden (assessed with Zarit Burden Interview;
Dementia, Geriatric Depression Scale), cognitive status d=0·85). By contrast, no significant changes in cognitive
(eg, Mini-Mental State Examination [MMSE], Severe performance were observed for group-based music and
Verbal memory (correct responses) Focused attention (correct responses) Baseline
20 1 nAm
30 p<0·01 p<0·05
Change score
Change score
20 10
15 3 months
0 –5
Baseline 3 months 6 months Baseline 3 months 6 months
6 months
Depression Confusion
10 8
p<0·005 Baseline
6 3 months
p<0·01 6 months
MMN amplitude (nAm)
2 p<0·1
2 p<0·05
0 0
3 months 6 months 3 months 6 months
Music group 0
Audiobook group Music group Audiobook Control
Control group group group
Left ventral/subgenual anterior congulate Right superior frontal gyrus
GMV 6m-acute
Left hemisphere x=–12 Left hemisphere z=50
Left superior frontal gyrus Right medial superior frontal gyrus
GMV 6m-acute
–0·03 Left hemisphere y=23 Left hemisphere z=38
Music Audiobook Control Music Audiobook Control
group group group 0 3 6 T-value group group group
Number of patients 2 3 4
cooking interventions in people with moderate-to-severe dementia-level cognitive decline in the late stage of the
dementia.50 The cognitive benefits of music observed disease.71 The effect of music on several symptoms of
only in the early stages of dementia might be related Parkinson’s disease have been studied in five randomised
to enhanced cognitive reserve, the use of alternative controlled trials (table).57–61 Four studies examined the
networks, and cognitive strategies to cope with advancing effects of music-assisted motor training using motor
pathology.70 parameters as outcome measures.57–59,61 Two studies57,60
evaluated non-motor parameters, quality of life,
Effects on neuropsychiatric symptoms, mood, and cognition, or social parameters. In all studies, medication
quality of life for Parkinson’s disease remained unchanged during the
Results from six studies showed that music therapy was interventions.
efficacious in improving the neuropsychiatric symptoms General motor performance was assessed using the
of people with dementia (Cohen’s d=0·42–2·32).41,42,45,47,49,52 motor part of the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating
Three of these studies assessed the duration of effect Scale (UPDRS-III), and specific motor functions using,
after cessation of the intervention,41,46,56 which varied for example, the Berg Balance Scale and 6-min walk test.
from less than 4 weeks to 2 months. In one of the Specific gait parameters were analysed using video
six studies, the music intervention programme also recordings and computer-assisted motion analysis
resulted in improved participant–caregiver interaction, programs. Quality of life was evaluated using validated
measured by semi-structured interview, and improved questionnaires. Music used in the intervention varied
participant wellbeing (d=3·85).45 By contrast, two studies from rhythmic auditory cueing to self-selected favourite
did not show any significant effect of music therapy or music, although the genres of the patient’s favourite
music listening on neuropsychiatric symptoms.44,50 music were not reported. A music therapist administered
Regarding specific neuropsychiatric symptoms, results the intervention in only one study.57
from two studies showed that music reduced anxiety Based on effect sizes we calculated from the published
and agitation in people with dementia,53,56 but the effect data, dancing had the most consistent and clinically
sizes diverged (d=0·06 vs d=2·42). By contrast, results significant beneficial effect on motor symptoms. In one
from four randomised controlled trials showed music to study of 48 participants,59 both tango and waltz or foxtrot
be ineffective in reducing anxiety or agitation.40,48,51,54 intervention groups improved in balance (Cohen’s
Quality of life was assessed in three studies.42,43,55 d=2·98 for tango, d=3·17 for waltz or foxtrot), 6-min
Although Cooke and colleagues55 did not find any walk test (d=2·50, d=2·24), and backward stride length
significant differences between the effects of music and (d=2·19, d=1·96) compared with standard care.59 In a
the control intervention (interactive reading), Särkämö smaller study of 19 participants,61 tango improved
and colleagues43 reported that music listening compared balance (d=2·18). Dancing also improved overall
with standard care substantially increased quality of life mobility in another study (d=2·50).60 Music therapy with
(Cohen’s d=0·99),43 especially in people with moderate rhythmic movements—which uses a coupling of
dementia with causes other than Alzheimer’s disease.42 movement and music that is similar to dancing—
Decreased depression or improvement of mood in improved overall mobility in patients with Parkinson’s
people with dementia has been reported in four studies disease.57 In another study,58 gait training synchronised
(d=0·21–1·05).42,43,46,56 Two other randomised controlled to music resulted in improved velocity (d=2·64), stride
trials did not show such an effect.50,55 In both of these time (d=1·76), and cadence (d=2·16).58 Both studies
studies, the control group received an intervention other reported a reduction in Parkinson’s disease-specific
than standard care, raising the possibility that any motor symptoms (d=0·50).57,58
pleasurable activity improved mood. Overall, the effects Results from two studies57,60 showed that a music-based
of musical interventions in dementia could be driven by intervention improved quality of life, with large effect
the comfort and emotional safety induced by familiar size. Dancing the tango appeared to be significantly
music, which can temporarily overcome confusion and more effective than waltz or foxtrot, tai chi, or regular
disorientation by anchoring a person’s attention on a treatment (d=2·09).60 Additionally, patients reported
positive familiar stimulus in an otherwise confusing better social support after the intervention (d=2·97).
environment. We speculate that this anchoring effect Improvements in cognition were reported in one study.57
could be enhanced by using headphones. Familiar music Although the sample sizes in these studies were
can also be imbued with emotions that are specific to an relatively small, the evidence suggests that dancing and
individual, and can trigger autobiographical memories music-based interventions that synchronise movement to
and help to temporarily restore a sense of identity. music can be beneficial in the maintenance of motor
performance in people with Parkinson’s disease.
Music-based interventions for Parkinson’s disease Rhythmical use of musical stimuli compensates for the
Patients in the early stage of Parkinson’s disease can loss of control by the extrapyramidal system and enhances
have deficits of the autonomic nervous system and audio perception and movement synchronisation.30,37,38
other non-motor deficits, and 30% of patients develop The perceived rhythm in music activates the neural
Planum temporale
Orbitofrontal cortex
Inferior frontal gyrus
Cerebellum Striatum
Superior temporal gyrus
Ventral tegmental area Nucleus accumbens
Middle temporal gyrus
Auditory cortex Inferior colliculus
circuits involved in motor actions and acts as an external The trial without a music therapist62 included
cue for movement, thus replacing the impaired internal 19 patients and studied the effect of keyboard playing
timing function in people with Parkinson’s disease.72 As (audible vs mute) in hand functionality. Audible keyboard
in studies of stroke rehabilitation,22 the use of music as a playing significantly improved the functional use of the
stimulus might be more effective than auditory hand (Cohen’s d=0·60), as indicated by a validated
stimulation without music (eg, metronome beat) in gait questionnaire (ABILHAND). Using a computerised gait
rehabilitation, but requires further investigation. analysis, a feasibility study63 of ten patients with multiple
Similarly, external cueing might also explain the positive sclerosis and gait problems found rhythmic auditory
effects of dancing in people with Parkinson’s disease. stimulation to be effective in decreasing double-support
Furthermore, the improvement in motor control and time (d=1·46–1·61).63 Although decreased double-support
possible decrease in disease-specific symptoms might in time might reflect improved dynamic balance,73 none of
turn improve quality of life. In all reviewed studies, the the other gait parameters tested in this study differed
follow-up period was too short to draw conclusions on the from controls receiving standard care. The results of
long-term effects of music interventions. The effects of music-based interventions in multiple sclerosis are scant
music on the autonomic disturbances in Parkinson’s and allow no definite conclusions on the rehabilitative
disease have not been addressed in controlled studies. effect of music. Although designing studies can be
challenging because of the diversity of disease deficits,
Music-based interventions for multiple sclerosis motor functions, spasticity, fatigue, cognitive deficits,
Multiple sclerosis is one of the most common neurological and mood might be feasible outcome measures in the
diseases in the young adult population, with disease onset future studies.
occurring in most cases between the ages of 20 and
40 years. Despite relatively low prevalence, patients Music-based interventions for epilepsy
with the disease require expensive medication and in Epileptic seizures arise from abnormal synchronisation
most cases life-long rehabilitation.3 Multiple sclerosis of electrical activity in the brain, and most of them
treatments aim to ameliorate function after flare-up of an cease spontaneously, by largely unknown mechanisms.
episode or to prevent new episodes. Only two randomised Exposure to patterned auditory stimuli provides a non-
controlled trials62,63 have studied the effect of musical invasive excitatory stimulation of the cortex, which might
interventions in alleviating the manifestations of multiple reduce epileptiform activity.74 To test this hypothesis, one
sclerosis (table). Between these studies, outcomes were randomised controlled trial (table) examined the efficacy
different, and the intervention was administered by a of music in patients with epilepsy.64 Patients were exposed
music therapist in only one study. to Mozart’s music at periodic intervals every night for
Music also produces measurable cardiovascular and Familiar music specifically activates the anterior
endocrine responses, indicated by reduced serum cingulate and medial prefrontal cortex in the healthy
cortisol levels and inhibition of cardiovascular stress brain, suggesting that these regions are important in
reactions83,84 (figure 3). In animal models, prolonged musical memory.95 In people with Alzheimer’s disease,
stress can have maladaptive effects on neuroplasticity, the medial prefrontal cortex degenerates more slowly
such as dendritic atrophy, synapse loss, and decreased than do other cortical regions, and the regions that
hippocampal neurogenesis.85 Elevated cortisol levels in encode musical memory also show minimal atrophy or
patients with acute stroke correlates with increased decrease in glucose metabolism, despite amyloid-β
infarct volume, and increases the risk of depression, deposition.95 These observations provide a potential
poor prognosis, and fatal outcome.86 We speculate that explanation for why patients with Alzheimer’s disease
listening to music might lower stress hormone secretion are able to recognise and respond emotionally to familiar
in acute stroke, as it does in postoperative patients.87,88 songs, even at late stages of the disease.95
Overall, neurological diseases and mood disorders
have a high comorbidity, ranging from 20% to 50%.89,90 Conclusions and future directions
Common clinical experience is that depression Long-term treatment and rehabilitation for patients with
diminishes adherence to rehabilitation, and studies neurological diseases accounts for a substantial proportion
indicate that depression impairs functional outcome and of the associated costs, and therefore, study of novel
quality of life, and increases mortality.91 According to the rehabilitation strategies to replace or complement
data discussed previously, music improved mood or traditional methods is warranted. With this aim, the effects
diminished anxiety in people with dementia43,53 and in of music-based rehabilitation in major neurological
patients who have had a stroke.33,36 We conclude that disorders have been studied in 41 randomised controlled
music interventions are viable in improving the mood of trials to date. Music interventions seem to be beneficial,
patients with neurological disorders. However, the causal particularly in motor rehabilitation for people with stroke
relationship between music-induced mood improvement and Parkinson’s disease. Additionally, music interventions
and neurological outcome remains to be proved. can have favourable effects on cognition, mood, and
quality of life in people with stroke or dementia.
Activation of alternative or spared neural networks Although the majority of studies have reported positive
Some music interventions engage specific regions effects, the possibility of publication bias should be
associated with musical rhythm, movement, singing, or considered. In addition, only a few of the primary
memory that are not directly affected by the disease.72 outcomes have been studied repeatedly. Limitations
Rhythmic entrainment, our inherent tendency to time in most studies arise from small sample sizes and
movements to the regular beat of music, which forms methodological heterogeneity in study design, and in the
the basis of rhythmic auditory stimulation and playing- interventions and outcome measures used. In most
based music interventions, is based on the strong studies, the duration of the music-induced rehabilitation
connectivity between the auditory system and motor effect was not systematically evaluated and is still largely
system.14 In diseases in which the internal sequencing unknown. Thus far, music-based interventions have
and monitoring of actions does not work because of been observed to have long-term effects in stroke
motor system dysfunction, rhythmic entrainment can (3 months),33 dementia (maximum 2 months),41,46,56 and
act as an external timer, cueing the execution of epilepsy (12 months).64
movements, and therefore bypassing the dysfunction.72 In some studies, the difference between active and
For instance, a patient with impaired muscle receptive intervention and the role of the music therapist
coordination after a stroke, or a patient with Parkinson’s (if participating) remained unclear. The therapeutic
disease with stiffness and bradykinesia, might find it relationship between patient and therapist that is inherent
easier to execute motor tasks with rhythmic support in formal music therapy is likely to have an additional
provided by music listening or dancing.30,37–39,57–59,61 effect on the outcome. Although this aspect is difficult to
Singing, which is the key component of melodic delineate from the music intervention used, the outcome
intonation therapy, engages frontotemporal language of an intervention given by a music therapist might in
and vocal-motor regions bilaterally, and more extensively, some cases be superior to that given by another health-
than does speaking.92,93 This engagement enables training care professional, as has been observed for rhythmic
of speech in patients with aphasia via both spared left auditory stimulation in gait rehabilitation.22 However, the
hemisphere regions and homologous right hemisphere studies reviewed here showed that both music therapy
regions. The preserved ability to sing in patients with and other music-based interventions have beneficial
aphasia has been reported as early as in 1745, when a effects regardless of the involvement of a dedicated music
patient with severe aphasia after a stroke was reported to therapist. Most of the studies did not have an adequate
be only able to verbalise the word yes, but was able to description of the music type used. Since music types can
correctly sing familiar hymns, producing both the greatly vary (eg, stimulating vs soothing), their expected
melody and the text of the songs.94 effects on physiological parameters, arousal, and affect
regulation differ. Furthermore, most of the reviewed rehabilitation technology using virtual reality or adaptive
studies did not use patient-selected or favourite music. music stimulation systems tailored for motor
Because of the strong emotional components of musical rehabilitation, will play an increasing role in bringing
experience, using patient-selected music could be music to patients with neurological disorders, in hospital,
beneficial since it can be considered more meaningful community, and home environments.
and rewarding to the patient than generic music. Contributors
Additional high-quality intervention studies, particularly AJS, VL, and SS searched and reviewed the literature. AJS created the
large-scale trials such as cluster-randomised, multicentre figures and the table, and AJS and SS wrote the primary manuscript,
which was circulated among the other authors (TS, EA, MT, and VL).
randomised controlled trials, in which the established All authors made substantial additions on the basis of their special areas
music inter ventions are embedded into the clinical of interest, which were incorporated into the final manuscript.
rehabilitation practice, would be needed to establish the Declaration of interests
efficacy and feasibility in real-life settings of these We declare no competing interests.
approaches. For better comparability of the studies, it Acknowledgments
would also be important to use common outcome TS received support from the Academy of Finland programme (1277693).
measures, clearly document the type of the intervention SS received support from the Research Grants of Turku University
(active vs receptive) and music used (patient-selected vs Hospital (EVO 8140/2012, 2014). AJS received support from the Finnish
Brain Research and Rehabilitation Foundation, Signe and Ane
experimenter-selected), as well as define the optimal time Gyllenberg Foundation, and Maire Taponen Foundation. VL received
of onset and legnth of the music interventions, support from the National Doctoral Programme of Psychology, Finland.
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