1. The document discusses Gender and Development (GAD) concepts like gender equality, gender equity, women's empowerment, and gender mainstreaming. It defines these terms.
2. It discusses attaining gender equality through adherence to national and international commitments on GAD and implementing annual GAD plans and budgets.
3. It outlines key international conventions and national policies that mandate GAD efforts in the Philippine National Police (PNP), such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, Philippine Constitution, and Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive Development.
1. The document discusses Gender and Development (GAD) concepts like gender equality, gender equity, women's empowerment, and gender mainstreaming. It defines these terms.
2. It discusses attaining gender equality through adherence to national and international commitments on GAD and implementing annual GAD plans and budgets.
3. It outlines key international conventions and national policies that mandate GAD efforts in the Philippine National Police (PNP), such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, Philippine Constitution, and Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive Development.
1. The document discusses Gender and Development (GAD) concepts like gender equality, gender equity, women's empowerment, and gender mainstreaming. It defines these terms.
2. It discusses attaining gender equality through adherence to national and international commitments on GAD and implementing annual GAD plans and budgets.
3. It outlines key international conventions and national policies that mandate GAD efforts in the Philippine National Police (PNP), such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, Philippine Constitution, and Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive Development.
1. The document discusses Gender and Development (GAD) concepts like gender equality, gender equity, women's empowerment, and gender mainstreaming. It defines these terms.
2. It discusses attaining gender equality through adherence to national and international commitments on GAD and implementing annual GAD plans and budgets.
3. It outlines key international conventions and national policies that mandate GAD efforts in the Philippine National Police (PNP), such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, Philippine Constitution, and Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive Development.
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1. Directorate for Police Community Relations GAD (GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT)
Email Address: [email protected]|723-0401local 3646 2. What is Gender and Development? Gender and Development (GAD) -- A development approach that seeks to equalize the status and condition of and relations between women and men by influencing the processes and outputs of policymaking, planning, budgeting, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation so that they would deliberately address the gender issues and concerns affecting the full development of women. FAMILY, JUVENILE, GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION: 7230401 LOC 3646 3. Gender Equality • Means that women and men enjoy the same status and conditions and have equal opportunity to realize their potentials and to contribute to social, political, economic and cultural development. • It means that there is no sex discrimination in the allocation of resources and benefits or access to services, and that both men and women have equal opportunity to realize their potential to contribute and benefit from development. FAMILY, JUVENILE, GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION: 7230401 LOC 3646 4. Gender Equity • Means giving more opportunities to those who have less and those who are historically and socially disadvantaged based on their needs for them to operate on a level playing field. • Equity leads to equality. FAMILY, JUVENILE, GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION: 7230401 LOC 3646 5. Women Empowerment • An essential process for women’s advancement. It is the process and condition by which women are mobilize to understand, identify and overcome gender discrimination and achieve equality. Women become agents of development, and not just beneficiaries. This kind of participation in development enables them to make decisions based on their own views and perspectives. To empower women, access to information, training, technology, market, and credit is necessary. FAMILY, JUVENILE, GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION: 7230401 LOC 3646 6. Gender Mainstreaming • Means raising people's GAD related capabilities; putting systems, and mechanisms institutionalize the pursuit of empowerment. awareness and building GADin place policies, structures, that would facilitate and gender equality and women’s • A strategy for making agencies work for women’s empowerment and gender equality. FAMILY, JUVENILE, GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION: 7230401 LOC 3646 7. MALE MALE GAP/DISPARITY: DISCRIMINATION EQUAL FOOTING LACK OF OPPORTUNITY STEREOTYPING MARGINALIZATION FEMALE GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT •WOMEN EMPOWERMENT •GENDER EQUITY •GENDER MAINSTREAMING GENDER EQUALITY FEMALE FINISH LINE STARTING LINE INEQUALITIES GOAL: CAREER PROGRESSION PROMOTION 8. Attaining Gender Equality and sustaining GAD • Adherence to national and international commitment on GAD. • Addressing gender issues through the formulation and implementation of the PNP Annual GAD Plan and Budget FAMILY, JUVENILE, GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION: 7230401 LOC 3646 9. GAD Planning and Budgeting • GAD Plan and Budget -- is a systematically designed set of programs, projects and activities with corresponding budget carried out by agencies over a given period of time to address the gender issues and concerns in their respective sectors and constituents. It systematizes an agency’s approach to gender mainstreaming and women’s empowerment. • Annual GAD budget -- the cost of implementing the annual GAD plan, which may include agency P/A/Ps designed to address gender issues and promote women's empowerment and gender equality. • GAD Focal Point -- is the group of people within the agency tasked to catalyze and facilitate the institutionalization of gender mainstreaming and women’s empowerment within the agency. While it is clearly the agency who is responsible for implementing programs, activities and projects addressing gender issues, it is the GAD Focal Point who advocates for, coordinates, guides and monitors the development and implementation of the agency’s GAD plan and GAD-related programs, activities and projects. FAMILY, JUVENILE, GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION: 7230401 LOC 3646 10. Linking International and National Policy Mandates to GAD in the PNP 11. INTERNATIONAL NATIONAL 1948- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights “… everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person” (Article 3). 1951- Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others … state parties must punish any person who, “to gratify the passions of another… procures, entices or leads away, for purposes of prostitution, another person, even with the consent of that person.” 1975- the General Assembly of the United Nations has designated 1975 as International Women's Year with its central theme of "Equality, Development and Peace"; 1976International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights “…All persons are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to the equal protection of the law; to effective protection against discrimination… regardless of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political and other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. 1975 - National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW) was established through Presidential Decree No. 633. It is a government agency run by the government of the Philippines with the intention of promoting and protecting the rights of the Women in the Philippines PNP 12. INTERNATIONAL NATIONAL 1977- Fourth Geneva Convention “…Women shall be especially protected against any attack on their honor, in particular against rape, enforced prostitution or any form of indecent assault…” 1981- Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) 1987- Integration of Gender Equality in the Philippine Constitution. Art II Sec 14 “The State recognizes the role of women in nation building and shall ensure the fundamental equality before the law of women and men”. 1988 Proc 224: March 8 as Women’s rights and Intl peace day 1988 Proc 227: Women’s month; women’s role in socio-econ-pol devt 1989 - Philippine Development Plan for Women (1989-1992) was adopted through EO 348 1990- RA 6949: March 8 as National women’s day celebration PNP 13. INTERNATIONAL NATIONAL PNP 1991- RA 6975 - An act establishing the Philippine National Police under a reorganized Department of the Interior and Local Government 1992- RA 7192 “Women in Nation-Building Act” promotes the integration of women as full and equal partners of men in development and nation-building. A campaign, supported by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), was initiated to help government officials and staff with training in promoting equality under a program called Gender and Development (GAD). 1993- Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women (UN GA) 1995- UN 4th World Conference on Women adopted the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (PFA) , a committment for gender equality and empowerment of women 1993- Pres. Ramos issued Presidential Memorandum creating the Women’s Desk in all police stations. 1995- Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive Development (PPGD) (from 1995–2025), a 30year perspective plan that outlines the policies that enable women to participate and benefit from national development. It was the country's main vehicle for implementing the 1995 Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. PPGD was formulated through EO 273 which requires all government agencies to institutionalize Gender and Development efforts by incorporating GAD concerns in their planning, programming and budgeting processes. PPGD is the successor to the Philippine Development Plan for Women, 1989-1992. 1992- NAPOLCOM issued memorandum circular 92-010 establishing the Child and Youth Relations Section. -PNP entered into a MOA with DSWD and NGOs for the training of PNP personnel on child protection. -DPCR was tasked to carry out the PNP commitment. 1993- PNP forged a partnership with NCRFW, Soroptomist and Kalakasan Foundation for the gender sensitivity training and establishment of the Women’s Desk in police stations. -DPCR was tasked to administer the project. 14. INTERNATIONAL NATIONAL PNP 1997- The PNP issued Memorandum Circular No. 97-001 re: Activation of the Women and Children Concerns Division (WCCD) under the DPCR. 1998- RA 8551, otherwise known as PNP reform and reorganization act was enacted. Sec. 57 to Sec. 61 of the law paved the way for the creation of the Women and Children’s Desk and Formulation of the Gender Sensitivity Program. 2000- UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Eight (8) international development goals that all 193 United Nations member states and at least 23 international organizations have agreed to achieve by the year 2015 2000- Sec 27 of RA 8760 otherwise known as the General Appropriation Act of 2000 requires all government departments to formulate a GAD Plan designed to empower women and address gender issues, in accordance with R.A. 7192 and the Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive Development (PPGD),1995- 2025, using 5% of the agency’s total budget appropriation as the cost of implementation. 1998 -The Women’s Desk and the CYRS were merged to strengthen PNP response to violence against women and children. The unit was renamed Women and Children’s Desk. 2000- CPNP signed and issued Memo Circular 2000-003 re Implementing Guidelines in the Handling of CIAC. -The PNP became an active member in different task forces on child protection. PNP-UNICEF partnership came into being. -Several PNP administrative issuance on women and children were issued and implemented. -Series of training and other skills enhancement program were developed and carried out for WCD officers. 15. 15. INTERNATIONAL NATIONAL PNP 2001- The PNP Women’s Crisis and Child Protection Center based in Camp Crame was established. -CPNP signed and issued Memo Circular 2001-007 re Strengthening and Promotion of PNP Women and Children Desk. -The WCD was renamed to Women and Children Protection Desk. 2002- Reconstitution of FJGAD as a division of the DPCR by virtue of DPL Circular Nr 2002- 001 . 2003- RA 9208 “The Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003” -- penalizes the act of “trafficking in person.” 2003- NAPOLCOM Memo Circular No. 2003-04 entitled “Guidelines in Establishing PNP GAD Mechanisms to Ensure that GAD Concerns of the PNP and its clientele are Recognized and Addressed. -The WCCD with its investigative function was transferred under the functional grouping of DIDM. In the process the Family, Juvenile, and Gender and Development Division (FJGADD) under DPCR was created to address the development program on gender mainstreaming. 16. INTERNATIONAL NATIONAL 2004- Joint Circular 2004-1 issued by NEDA, DBM and NCRFW provides for the “Guidelines for the Preparation of Annual Gender and Development (GAD) Plan and Budget and Accomplishment Report to Implement the section on Program/Project related to GAD of the General Appropriation Act 2000. PNP 2004- PNP Memorandum Circular 200402 re-PNP Guidelines in the Implementation of GAD Program vis-àvis Utilization of the GAD Funds representing 5% of the Agency Budget. 2004- RA 9262 “Anti Violence against Women and their Children Act of 2004” -- penalizes the commission of VAWC in intimate relationships; provides for security of complainant and her family through the barangay, temporary and permanent protection order; provides for the “battered woman syndrome” 2009- RA 9710. “An Act Providing for the Magna Carta of Women”. The government’s response to CEDAW 2011- Joint Circular 2011-01 issued by NEDA and DBM which provides for the “Guidelines to Institutionalize Reporting of Budget Allocations and Expenditures Including Physical targets and accomplishments for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 2009 - PNP-ADB partnership came into being. 17. WRAP UP Why have GAD? • • • • International Mandate (UN Instruments) National Mandate (Constitution, RAs, EOs, Circulars) NAPOLCOM and PNP Memo Circulars Obligation to agencies involved in international aid and cooperation- the UN attached agencies among them-. FAMILY, JUVENILE, GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION: 7230401 LOC 3646 18. THANK YOU!! 19. 19. When did GAD came into being? • GAD was developed in the 1980s as an alternative to the Women in Development (WID) approach that was in common use until then. • It is said that GAD was established in the pursuit of Gender Equality which has its roots in the 1948 UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. FAMILY, JUVENILE, GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION: 7230401 LOC 3646 20. 20. Articulation of Gender Issues (Column 2) – Clear articulation of gender issues which can be culled from the disparity between women and men clients in terms of welfare, access, GAD consciousness, participation and control (client-focused) – Specific gaps in the capacity of the organization and its personnel to implement GAD-related PPAs; in addressing sexual harassment as well as the low participation of women in decision- making in the agency (organization-focused) – Gender issue is identified in any of the international or national commitments on GAD – Issues related to the implementation of national laws and policies on VAW and gender