The Relationship Between The Comprehension Level of Grade 12 Abm Students and Their Academic Performance in Fundamentals of Accounting and Business Management

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According to Morrall (1987) Academic is simply one very well versed or specialized in
knowledge, education and research while performance is how one performs: dancers dance;
singers sing, and academics produce findings of current, relevant research. Academic
performance mirrors the old adage: “publish or perish.” You must keep a very tight lid on things
as you research, but to keep your tenure and ensure funding commitments progress must be
measurable and reported widely and timely. That’s life and business at the top of academia.
Student’s academic performance is the gradual, measurable grading of achievement as evident in
grades earned, GPA, High school diploma, Bachelors Degree and further. Students don’t often
publish but they must continuously keep pace with the instruction and be able to convey
acceptable standards of literacy, knowledge and facility through graded test scores and
completion of educational benchmarks that enable them to move up the ladder of academic
achievement/ performance.

Individual differences in academic performance have been linked to differences in

intelligence and personality. Students with higher mental ability as demonstrated by IQ tests and
those who are higher in conscientiousness (linked to effort and achievement motivation) tend to
achieve highly in academic settings. A recent meta-analysis suggested that mental curiosity (as
measured by typical intellectual engagement) has an important influence on academic
achievement in addition to intelligence and conscientiousness

Children's semi-structured home learning environment transitions into a more structured

learning environment when children start first grade. Early academic achievement enhances later
academic achievement. Parent's academic socialization is a term describing the way parents
influence students' academic achievement by shaping students' skills, behaviours and attitudes
towards school. Parents influence students through the environment and discourse parents have
with their children. Academic socialization can be influenced by parents' socio-economic status.
Highly educated parents tend to have more stimulating learning environments. Further, recent
research indicates that the relationship quality with parents will influence the development of
academic self-efficacy among adolescent-aged children, which will in turn affect their academic

Several factors may affect students’ academic performance. In educational institutions,

success is measured by academic performance. This is how well a student meets standards set
out by local government and the institution itself. It is also talks about how the student is
accomplishing his or her duties, responsibilities and studies.
On the other hand, comprehension level is the understanding of a text or message. This
understanding comes from the interaction between the words that are written, and how they
trigger knowledge outside the statement.

Comprehension is comprised of a complex process involving knowledge, experience,

thinking, and teaching (Fielding & Pearson, 1994). Therefore, effective comprehension
instruction is necessary to help students understand, remember, and communicate with others
about what is read to them and what they read (NIFL, 2001).

There are three levels of comprehension. Level one is literal which means understanding
what is actually stated. Common questions used to illicit this type of thinking are who, what,
when and where questions. Level two is interpretative which means understanding what is
implied or meant, rather than what is actually stated. Making logical leaps and educated gestures;
reading between the lines are under this level. Lastly, the level three is applied which means
taking what was said (literal) and what was meant by what was said (interpretative) and then
extend (apply) the concepts or ideas beyond the situation. In this level, we are analyzing or
synthesizing information and applying it to other information.

This study will only be conducted in the premises of Luis Y. Ferrer Jr. Senior High
School. The respondents of this research will be the Grade 12-ABM students

With the help of this study, we will know if the comprehension level of students really
affects their performance in fundamentals of accounting and business management. Students will
be aware and improve their comprehension if they are planning to take this subject. Teachers
may find ways on how to develop the comprehension of the students

Statement of the Problem

The main problem of the research was primarily to know the relationship between the
comprehension level and the academic performances of ABM students in FABM.

To find the relationship between the two, three (3) guide questions should be answered.

1. How is the academic performance of ABM Student in Fundamentals of Accountancy and

Business Management?

2. What is the comprehensive level of ABM students in Fundamentals of Accountancy and

Business Management?

3. What is the relationship between the Comprehensive Level and the Academic performance of
ABM students in Fundamentals of Accountancy and Business Management?
Conceptual Framework


*The academic performance
of ABM Student in
*Students from ABM strand in *The relationship of
Fundamentals of Luis Y Ferrer Jr. Senior High comprehensive level and
Accountancy and Business School academic performance of
ABM student
*The Comprehensive level
of ABM students in *Questionnaire
Fundamentals of
Accountancy and Business
Management. *Purposive Sampling

*The Relationship between

the Comprehensive Level
and the Academic
performance of ABM
students in Fundamentals of
Accountancy and Business

Figure 1: IPO made showing the research paradigm of the study

Input-Process-Output made showing the Research Paradigm of the study. The comprehension
level of ABM students in FABM could help the researchers to settle if there is relationship
between the comprehension level and the academic performance of ABM students in FABM.
The diagram above shows the flow of the entire research. Adapted survey questionnaire was
used and distributed to the respondents.

Definition of terms

Academic Performance – This is a numerical representation of the performance level of a

student in his/her respective subjects in school. In this study the academic performance of the
students is represented by their general average in Fundamentals of Accounting and Business
Fundamentals of Accounting and Business Management – This a specialization subject for
ABM students. This subject will teach the basic principles in accounting and business
management which will become the foundation of the knowledge that they need in college.
Comprehension - an ability to understand the meaning or importance of something (or the
knowledge acquired as a result)
Level - A position on a real or imaginary scale of amount, quantity, extent, or quality.
Academic - is simply one very well versed or specialized in knowledge, education and research.
Performance - the action or process of carrying out or accomplishing an action, task, or

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