Estimation of Flight Performance of Mirage 2000 Aircraft With Microsoft Excel
Estimation of Flight Performance of Mirage 2000 Aircraft With Microsoft Excel
Estimation of Flight Performance of Mirage 2000 Aircraft With Microsoft Excel
performance analysis with an
emphasis on the effect of variation in
speed of the aircraft at various 4. AIRCRAFT VIEWS
altitudes on parameters of rate of
climb, power and thrust required in (A) Side view
retrospect to power and thrust
available respectively as well as time
to climb.
The above-mentioned graph shows us the height of 30000ft with respect to the varying
variation of R/C max with the height. In this we velocities. The power required values have the
have two special terms named as Absolute ceiling unique variation. At first, by increasing the values
and Service ceiling. We have the equation y=- of velocities the power required decreases, but
166.92x+84936, which gives you the slope of this coming to the value of velocity of 1000ft/sec, it
specified curve. In this, putting the value of x=0 starts to increase till the last.
we get the absolute ceiling as 84936ft. Similarly,
by putting the value of x= 100 ft we get the Now we talk about the blue line which is
service ceiling as the 69000 ft. In the beginning being defined as the power avilable at the
when the R/C max was zero we had the maximum 30000 ft of height. It has the same increasing
altitude. As we decrease the altitude the rate of linear relation with the varrying velocites.
climb increases or vice versa. Therefore, giving But its slope as compared to that of power
us the negative slope of the curve.
availiable at the sea level, is less. Talking
Now to carry the values we gradually increased
the height in order to find the R/C max and zero. about the yellow line, it has the same effect
The negative slope shows you the gradual of power required a the sea level.
decrease in the height with respect to velocities.
These graphs indeed show us that the height
(B) Pa and Pr Vs Velocity graph at places a vital role in these aspects. We have
Sea level and different fashions of ines for the sea level and
30,000 ft different fashions for height of 30000 ft.
( C ) Ta and Tr vs Velocity
The above-mentioned graph shows you the Initially, as the velocity of aircraft increases,
variation of Power available at sea level, Power the curve shown with blue that is of Thrust
available at the height of 30,000 ft, Power Required (TR) at 30,000 ft, drastically
required at sea level and Power required at 30,000 decreases. Then at about V= 700m/s, the TR
ft, the light green line shows you the power curve becomes almost constant with the
available at sea level. This is obtained by varying increase in velocity.
the velocities with respect to the height. By The green curve (TR SEA LEVEL) at first
increasing the value of velocities, we get a linear instant has a decreasing trend with the
change in the power available values remaining increase in velocity. Then, it reaches a
at certain height that is sea level. The dark green constant and at about V= 1000m/s, it slightly
line shows you the power required values at the
increases to TR SEA LEVEL = 8000.
The yellow coloured TA SEA LEVEL the height. At the start, by increasing the height
remains same (constant) at about 15,000 up to the 10000ft, its value increases drastically
throughout the range of velocities. to 0.04. then it decreases comes to a straight-line
The dull green coloured TA 30000 FT also change as we further increase the height. it makes
remains same (constant) throughout the range curve in such a way that it defined the increase
and decrease curves respectively.
of velocities.
(D) Vv vs Vh graph
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