Forage Crops

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What is Forage?

Forage is composed of plant leaves and stems mostly eaten by

grazing animals. It can be herbaceous legumes, grasses, shrubs or
tree legumes.

What are the Types of Forage?

 Grasses:
 Serves as main feed for ruminants
 Produces more biomass than

 Legumes:
 Provides better quality feeds
 Provides protein, vitamins and
minerals for more improved
performance of animals
 Leguminous crop are cheap
source of feeds
 It has lesser chance of ingesting
infective larvae as compared to
grazing lower growing vegetation

 Multi – Purpose Tree Species

Comparative Features

Forage Digesti-
Protein Other Uses
MPTS Low High High Green Manure

Legumes Medium High High ---

Thatching (building a
roof w/ dry vegetation)
Grasses High Medium Low Weaving

Selection of Forage Species to Plant

 Adaptability to the environment

 Species that do not meet soil & climatic conditions but would
need additional inputs & adjustments in management
 Growth habit determines adaptability to ways of integrating &
using a specific forage
 Nutritive Value

 Availability of planting materials

Multi – Purpose Tree Species for Pasture
Common Name Description
White ball acacia Acaciella  Drought tolerant
 Can be used as a green manure and
ground covering.
 Leaves can be used in composting
 Used as livestock feed
 High in protein
 It should only be used as an additive
to the feed and not the main source,
since it also toxic in high doses

Mulberry Morus sp.  Leaves and stalks are fed to

 It has 70.8% for digestible CP, 48.4
% for total digestible nutrients and
35.6 % for starch equivalent on a dry
 The digestibility of mulberry leaf: in
vivo (goats) 78.4-80.8% and in
vitro are very high (89.2%)

Hairy indigo Indigofera  Warm season legume and is used as

hirsuta L. a green manure and cover crop
 Contains 23.8 percent crude protein,
2.0 percent ether extract, 15.2
percent crude fibre, 46.8 percent
nitrogen-free extract, 1.88 percent
calcium and 0.37 percent phosphorus

Multi – Purpose Tree Species for Pasture
Common Name Description
Kakawate Gliricidia  Used as cut and carry forage for
sepium cattle, sheep, and goats
 High in protein

Madre de Agua Trichanthera  Contains high concentrations of water-

gigantea soluble carbohydrates and starch, and
low NDF
 CP content ranges from 12-
22%, IVDMD ranges from 45-60% and
DMD ranges from 50-70%
 Contains comparatively high ash and
calcium concentrations at 16-20% and
2.4-3.8% of DM, respectively.
 The high ash and Ca concentrations
may be related to the presence of
cystoliths, small mineral concretions
on the leaves and stems

Flamengia; Flemingia  Contains 22.7 % crude protein (CP)

malabalatong macrophylla and 8%tannin
 Low digestibility because of
high tannin and fibre content.
 Low palatability to cattle, particularly in
the wet season.

Multi – Purpose Tree Species for Pasture
Scientific Name Description
Pigeon Pea Cajanus cajan (L.)  Used as a protein source or
Millsp. supplement, due to its high
concentration in CP in both seeds
and leaves
 The leaves are high in fiber,
particularly ADF and lignin

Ipil-ipil Leucaena  Provides an excellent source of

leucocephala (Lam.) high-protein cattle fodder
de Wit
 Contains mimosine, a toxic amino
acid which is metabolized to
goitrogenic DHP

Desmanthus Desmanthus  It makes a good food plant for

virgatus cattle, it is not as promising a
feed for pigs
 It is very tolerant of grazing

Multi – Purpose Tree Species for Pasture
Common Scientific Name Description
Agati Sesbania  Crude protein content is greater
grandiflora (L.) Pers. than 20% and often above 25-30%
 It contains less fiber
 The NDF content was estimated to
be 29 and 37% of DM, and the ADF
content to be 15.6 and 25.8% of DM
 The acid detergent insoluble N
content was 2.1% of total N,
whereas lignin content was
estimated to be 4-8% of DM
 The digestibility and degradability
of dry matter and nutrients are
generally high

Katuray Sesbania sesban (L.)  A source of cut and carry forage

 Used as a grazed forage
 Leaves are a good source of protein
for cattle and sheep

Legume Plants for Pasture
Common Scientific Name Description
Calopo Calopogoniummucunoides  Used as cover crop
 It provides soil protection against
erosion, reduces soil temperature,
improves soil fertility and controls
 can be grazed or cut and fed fresh
 Has a low nutritive value

Peanut Arachis hypogaea L.  Highly palatable source of

nutrition in animal feed
 Contain 6 to 8% moisture, 22 to
26% crude protein (CP) and 36 to
44% oil

Mani- Arachis glabrata  Grown for hay, silage and

manian, pasture, and as ornamental
perennial ground cover
 Very palatable and it has greater
digestibility of dry matter, fiber,
and protein,
 A suitable protein and energy
supplement feed
 It is best used as a supplemental
feed to other feeds such as grass

Grasses for Pasture
Common Scientific Name Description

Star grass Cynodon  Can be cut in order to be fed fresh or

plectostachyus (K. to make hay
Schum.) Pilger
 Contains about 10% protein in the DM
while the CP of young grass can
exceed 15% of the DM, and more
than 18% when N fertilizer is applied
 It can produce high levels of hydrogen
cyanide when overstressed by
defoliation, drought and heavy
 Does not have a high nutritive value,
particularly during the dry season

Alabang X Dichanthium  Suitable for grazing and cut-and-carry,

aristatum and for hay before flowering
 CP values are often low, but can be
increased by N fertilization up to
12.5% CP in young foliage.
 Well eaten by all classes of stock
when leafy
 Low in oxalate

Guinea Megathyrsus  For pasture, cut-and-carry, silage and

grass maximus hay
 Suited to grazing and cutting
 Palatable to livestock with a good
nutritional value
 The crude protein ranges from 6-25%
depending on age

Grasses for Pasture
Common Scientific Description
Name Name
Napier grass, Pennisetum  A very important forage in the tropics due
Elephant grass purpureum to its high productivity
 Used in cut-and-carry systems ("zero
grazing") and fed in stalls, or made into
silage or hay
 25.7% DM, 9.2% CP, 60.5% of DOM

Stylo Stylosanthes  Used for hay, cut-and-carry systems and

guianensis pasture
 Palatable to livestock when mature and
can grow on relatively infertile soils
 12-20% CP, 2-60 % IVDMD , 0.2-0.6%
P, 0.6-1.6% Ca.


Utilization of mulberry as animal fodder in India. Retrieved July 5, 2016 from Utilization of mul-
berry as animal fodder in India; R.K. Datta, A. Sarkar, P. Rama Mohan Rao
and N.R. Singhvi; Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute, Cen-
tral Silk Board, Sriramapura, Mysore, India

For more information, visit or call:

Department of Agriculture
BSU Compound, La Trinidad, Benguet

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