The Human Calvaria: A Review of Embryology, Anatomy, Pathology, and Molecular Development
The Human Calvaria: A Review of Embryology, Anatomy, Pathology, and Molecular Development
The Human Calvaria: A Review of Embryology, Anatomy, Pathology, and Molecular Development
38 2,040
3 authors:
Aaron Cohen-Gadol
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
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A Chemical Application Method with Underwater Dissection to Improve Anatomic Identification of Cadaveric Foot and Ankle Structures in Podiatric Education View
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Abstract Introduction
Introduction The human skull is a complex structure that
deserves continued study. Few studies have directed their The objective of this paper is to discuss the embryological
attention to the development, pathology, and molecular for- development and anatomy of the human calvaria and to
mation of the human calvaria. provide an overview of pathologies associated with this
Materials and methods A review of the medical literature structure. The pathogenesis of calvarial malformations will
using standard search engines was performed to locate stud- also be discussed, in particular craniosynostosis.
ies regarding the human calvaria.
Results The formation of the human calvaria is a complex
interaction between bony and meningeal elements. Derail- Embryology and anatomy
ment of these interactions may result in deformation of this
part of the skull. The cranial skeleton is composed of an assortment of neural
Conclusions Knowledge of the anatomy, formation, and crest- and mesoderm-derived cartilages and bones that have
pathology of the human calvaria will be of use to the been highly modified during evolution. Recent advances in
clinician that treats skull diseases. With an increased under- human genetics have increased understanding of the ways
standing of genetic and molecular biology, treatment para- particular gene perturbations produce cranial skeletal mal-
digms for calvarial issues may change. formations [7], including those malformations that affect the
human calvaria (Figs. 1, 2, and 3), which is also referred to
Keywords Calvaria . Neurocranium . Dura . Suture . as the “skullcap.” The skull of the embryo starts developing
Craniosynostosis between days 23 and 26 of gestation. It can be divided into
the neurocranium, which surrounds the brain and develops
from the surrounding mesenchyme, and the viscerocranium,
which is derived from the first three branchial arches and
forms the facial skeleton. The neurocranium can be further
R. S. Tubbs (*) : A. N. Bosmia subdivided into the cranial base; the chondrocranium, which
Department of Neurosurgery, Children’s Hospital, refers to the cranial base bones that originate from the para-
Ambulatory Care Center,
xial mesoderm and undergo endochondral ossification; and
1600 7th Avenue South,
Birmingham, AL 35294, USA the cranial vault, which is also known as the membranous
e-mail: [email protected] cranium or calvaria [8]. The term “calvaria” is Latin and
specifies the “upper part of the head”, which encapsulates
A. A. Cohen-Gadol
the brain and is separate from the bones of the face and
Goodman Campbell Brain and Spine,
Department of Neurological Surgery, Indiana University, lower jaw. This part of the skull consists of a large part of
Indianapolis, IN, USA the frontal bone, most of the two parietal bones, and usually
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narrowing of the synchondroses results in their complete development of a middle diploic layer has separated it into
obliteration at 2 to 4 years of age. The supraoccipital seg- the laminae interna and externa. Because deposition on the
ment is separated from the lateral occipital segments by the inner and outer periosteal sides slightly exceeds resorption
broad innominate synchondrosis, which becomes obliterated on endosteal surfaces, the cortical plates proportionately
at the same time [10]. thicken [4]. Thus, the calvaria is unilaminar until the diploë
The temporal bone consists of three components at birth: appear and form a trilaminar calvaria. In an adult, the inner
the squamosal and tympanic portions, which are derived table of the calvaria is thinner than the outer table, which
from membrane, and the petrous portion, which is derived accounts for the increased incidence of inner table fracture
from cartilage. The temporal squama ossifies from a single compared to outer table fracture in head trauma [1].
center that appears in its inferior half during the eighth fetal The ectomeninx also develops into an outer periosteum
week. Ossification advances superiorly, laterally toward the and inner dura. Dura mater appears between days 51 and 53
zygoma, and inferiorly to form the post-auditory process, of gestation. The site of suture formation corresponds to the
which fuses with the tympanic ring. The post-auditory pro- location of major dural reflections. Dural reflections are
cess separates the tympanic segment from the petromastoid bands of dural attachment to the skull base that conform to
segments [10]. During the ninth week of gestation, an osse- the early recesses of the brain. These reflections do not
ous center in the outer wall of the tympanic segment gives ossify intracranially. Biomechanical models propose that
rise to the tympanic ring, which is open superiorly. The ring tension forces generated by expansion of the cranium on
encloses the tympanic membrane and fuses with the squama these bands direct calvarial development and suture location
shortly before birth. [8]. By 9 weeks, the cartilaginous base of the skull is well
The cartilaginous petrous segment begins to ossify at 16 formed, and the early dura is attached anteriorly to the crista
to 17 weeks of fetal life. Ossification develops from multiple galli and cribriform plates, anterolaterally to the sphenoid
centers clustered in four principal areas (opisthotic, pro-otic, wings, and posterolaterally to the petrous ridges. These
pterotic, and epiotic) and advances rapidly. There is progres- major sites of dural attachment relate to the reflections of
sive fusion of the individual bone centers and almost com- the dura that conform to the early recesses in the developing
plete ossification of the otic capsule by the 23rd week [10]. brain. A longitudinal dural reflection develops between the
The calvaria differs from the cranial base in embryonic cerebral hemispheres to become the falx cerebri; a band of
origin as well as in its ossification scheme. Membranous dura reflects off the sphenoid wing into the early insular
bones of the skull, their intervening sutures, and underlying sulcus, between the major frontal and parietotemporal
dura mater are derived from cranial neural crest (CNC) cells. regions of brain outgrowth, to become the major antero-
They ossify in a fibrous membrane, the ectomenix, through lateral dural band; and the dural reflections off the petrous
an intramembranous ossification pattern. Centers of ossifi- ridges develop between the cerebrum and cerebellum to
cation begin to form in specific areas of the ectomenix after become the tentorium cerebelli, the major posterolateral
the second month of gestation. With the ongoing condensa- dural band. Between 12 and 16 weeks, intramembranous
tion of these centers, ossification proceeds to form the ossification progresses in the central zones between the
cranial vault bones. The margins of those developing bones major reflective bands of the dura. From these central
host specialized bone-forming cells (osteoprogenitor cells points, the mineralization spreads centrifugally towards the
and osteoblasts) and are termed “osteogenic fronts” [8]. major bands within the dura. By 16 weeks, the radiating
Mesenchymal cell proliferation and subsequent differentia- centers of ossification have almost reached the sites of
tion into osteoblasts occurs at the margins, and the bone reflective bands in the dura. These latter sites remain unossi-
grows in a radial fashion until the osteogenic fronts approxi- fied as regions of connective tissue between the outspreading
mate each other and sutures form between the bones. The islands of membranous bone. Biomechanical forces in the
sutures act as flexible joints between the developing bones and areas of major reflections of the dura apparently limit ossifi-
allow the skull to change shape and grow during development. cation in these regions [11].
Maintenance of growth at the osteogenic fronts at the edges of Studies have shown that the dura mater and cranial
the sutures requires a fine balance between proliferation and sutures provide crucial regulatory signals for calvarial de-
differentiation. Also, apoptosis has a role ensuring that the two velopment. Cranial sutures function as signaling centers for
osteogenic fronts remain separated [3]. In short, both the bone growth and remain patent postnatally to accommodate
mesoderm and ectomesenchyme, which is derived from cranium expansion [6]. The normal dura consists of outer
the CNC, contribute to the cranial skeletogenic mesenchyme and inner layers. The outer layer is a very dense fibrous
that gives rise to the calvaria [6]. During fetal and early membrane that is tightly attached to the inner table of the
postnatal development of the calvarial bones, only a single calvaria and serves as its periosteum. The inner layer is
cortical table exists in most locations, but by the sixth year, comprised of less dense fibrous connective tissue lined on
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its inner aspect by a layer of mesothelial cells that are in pathways exist between the sutures and the dura in different
direct contact with the arachnoid layer of the leptomeninges stages of development [8].
[1]. The dura is the guiding tissue in the morphogenesis of
the calvaria, with the sutures developing at the sites of band-
like reflections in the dura. The configuration of the dura in Molecular associations
turn conforms to that of the developing brain and to the
attachments of the dura at the cranial base, itself partially Other experiments demonstrate the functions of genetic
influenced by the early form of the brain. Thus, the major regulation, growth factors, and transcription factors on su-
normal determinant of the presence and position of the ture patency. The role of fibroblast growth factor receptors
cranial sutures is the early form and growth of the brain [11]. (FGFR-1, -2, -3, -4) and transforming growth factors of the
The postnatal growth of the calvaria proceeds very rapidly beta super-family (TGF-1, -2, -3) have been noted in suture
during the first year and is followed by a much slower growth morphogenesis. These are heparin-soluble factors that elicit
rate until approximately the seventh year [1]. The growth of various cellular functions in different tissue systems as
skull bones is driven primarily by the expanding growth of mediators of differentiation, proliferation, and cell migra-
the brain. The brain grows rapidly in utero and during the tion. FGFRs are effective by activating a tyrosine kinase
first 3 years of life. An infant born at term has nearly 40% of pathway. Current evidence supports a role for FGFR-2 in
his or her adult brain volume. The infant’s brain volume promoting proliferation and for FGFR-1 in osteoblast dif-
increases to 80% by 3 years of age. Correspondingly, the ferentiation in the cranial suture. FGFR-2 is absent from the
size of the cranium of an infant born at term is 40% of adult suture and the dura, but highly expressed in bone fronts. On
size; by 7 years, this increases to 90% of adult size [7]. As the other hand, FGFR-3 is found mostly in cartilaginous
the brain increases in mass between birth and 3 to 4 years of tissues and acts as an inhibitor of proliferation during chon-
age, the outward displacement of cranial bones results in drogenesis. FGFR-4 is not shown to be expressed in cranio-
adaptive deposition of bone at the sutural margins to accom- facial structures, but is highly expressed in brain tissue [8].
modate the increased volume of the cranial cavity [9]. In- TGF-1, -2, and −3 are present in the approaching bone
deed, a principal site for growth response is the sutural fronts and dura, but they are not found in the suture mesen-
interface of each separate bone. As the bones are drawn chyme. TGF-1 and −2 are shown to play a role in obliterating
apart by their displacement movements, the osteogenic sutural sutures, whereas TGF-3 is expressed in non-fusing sutures.
membranes produce membranous bone in amounts equal to These growth factors are suggested to play a large role in
the extent of displacement, thereby enlarging the circumfer- calvarial bone growth at the sutures as well as in their patency
ence of each bone and sustaining constant articular contact [4]. [8]. TGF-β signaling stimulates osteogenic progenitor cell
Term infants thus have well-formed skull bones separated proliferation and can induce premature suture obliteration in
by sutures and fontanelles, which close at different times. cultured fetal rat calvaria. TGF-β signaling within the im-
Mature suture closure occurs by 12 years of age, but com- mature dura mater (in newborn and immature animals)
pletion continues into the third decade of life and beyond [7]. possesses the ability to induce repair of calvarial bone, while
Local interactions between the dura and sutures are inti- diminished TGF-β signaling within the mature dura mater
mately involved in suture development and patency. Experi- fails to repair calvarial defects [6].
mental studies in rats involving transplantation of early In an experiment to investigate the role of TGF-β signal-
embryonic calvaria into postnatal rats with bone defects ing in regulating the fate of cranial neural crest (CNC) cells
showed normal suture formation even when the underlying during calvarial development, tissue-specific Tgfbr2 gene
dura mater was removed before transplantation. However, ablation was performed using Cre/loxP recombination ex-
these newly formed sutures were unable to remain patent clusively in the CNC lineage. Loss of Tgfbr2 in the CNC
without the dura, and the space between the bones cells results in calvarial defects with 100% phenotype pen-
was obliterated by bone. However, more mature sutures in- etrance. Disruption of TGF-β signaling in the CNC severely
corporating dura were able to maintain patency. These results impairs cell proliferation in the dura mater, consequently
concluded that the dura mater is essential for the immature resulting in agenesis of the calvaria. Thus, TGF-β signaling
suture to develop normal suture architecture, but once the within the CNC-derived dura mater provides essential in-
suture has developed, it is less dependent upon the dura mater. ductive instruction for both CNC-derived and mesoderm-
In another experiment, neonatal dura underlying bone induced derived calvarial bone development [6]. During skull devel-
bone formation when transplanted into subcutaneous tissue, opment, TGF-β ligand and its type II receptor are co-
but the dura underlying sutures behaved differently. It resisted localized within the craniofacial mesenchyme and may reg-
ossification and formed only cartilage. Overall, these findings ulate its differentiation. A high level of TGF-β IIR mRNA
indicate that different feedback interactions and tissue signaling expression is apparent in the meninges surrounding and
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covering the developing brain, suggesting an important craniosynostosis” [9]. Syndromic craniosynostosis is less
functional role of this receptor in regulating the develop- common, occurring in only 20% of cases of craniosynostosis,
ment of the dura mater [6]. even though more than 150 syndromes with craniosynostosis
have been identified. In syndromic craniosynostosis, multiple
sutures are involved [7]. The major complications associated
Genetics of malformations and pathology with uncorrected craniosynostosis include increased intra-
cranial pressure, asymmetry of the face, and malocclusion.
The calvaria can undergo various pathological changes. The Furthermore, asymmetry of the orbits leads to strabismus
effects on the calvaria are not the only elements of these [7].
disorders to consider; associated clinical findings and sys- The terms “scaphocephaly” and “dolichocephaly” both
temic effects are discussed to help differentiate among these denote calvarial elongation in the anteroposterior diameter,
disorders that involve the calvaria. Skeletal dysplasias may which results from premature sagittal synostosis. This is the
manifest as a generalized decrease in calvarial density, as in most common type of synostosis, accounting for up to 50%
hypophosphatasia and osteogenesis imperfecta; a generalized of cases, and is more common in males. Sagittal synostosis
increase in calvarial density, as in osteopetrosis; or a focal is frequently inherited as an autosomal dominant trait [5].
increase in density, as in frontometaphyseal dysplasia. Brachycephaly signifies abnormal calvarial widening in the
Diffusely decreased or increased calvarial density is usually transverse diameter. This condition typically arises when
associated with a process that affects the entire skeleton [5]. coronal or lambdoid synostosis limits anteroposterior
In the neonate, severe thinning of the calvaria and de- growth. Among females, there is a slightly higher incidence
creased calvarial density may signify, in order of increasing of bilateral coronal synostosis, in which the ipsilateral frontal
rarity, osteogenesis imperfecta, achondrogenesis, hypophos- bone is flattened, and the orbit is deformed with elevation of
phatasia, or Menkes syndrome. Types of achondrogenesis its superior lateral angle, resulting in “harlequin eye”; and the
include achondrogenesis type IB, a recessive lethal chon- midline of the face is skewed with respect to the midline of the
drodysplasia caused by mutations in the diastrophic dyspla- skull base. The incidence of associated anomalies is higher
sia sulfate transporter, or DTDST, gene on chromosome 5, with bilateral coronal synostosis than with sagittal synostosis
and achondrogenesis type II, a lethal disorder caused by [5].
dominant mutations in the type II collagen gene, COL2A1. In the infant skull, the differential diagnosis for focal
A diagnosis of achondrogenesis is more likely when the osteopenia is limited. Localized areas of defective ossification
patient also exhibits areas of absent ossification in the axial occur in the lacunar skull. True convolutional markings occur
skeleton, micromelia, and hydrops. Menkes syndrome is a later, after sutural closure. The term “lacunar skull” signifies a
rare X-linked recessive disorder of copper metabolism dysplasia of the membranous bone with well-defined lucent
caused by mutations on chromosome Xq13.3, which enco- areas in the calvaria that correspond to non-ossified fibrous
des a copper-transporting adenosine triphosphatase. Key bone. The lacunae are bounded by normally ossified bone.
differential features for Menkes syndrome are osteopenia, The appearance resolves spontaneously by age 6 months and
mental retardation, micrognathia, metaphyseal spurs that are is not related to the degree of concurrent hydrocephalus.
most obvious in the femora, urinary tract abnormalities, and Lacunar skull is associated with neural tube defects, especially
high serum copper levels [5]. The calvaria can also be myelomeningocele with Chiari II malformation, and less com-
affected in the setting of amniotic band syndrome. Amniotic monly with encephalocele. The multiple well-defined areas of
bands may cross the calvaria at any level to produce variable relative lucency in the cranium must be distinguished from the
skull deformities [5]. increased convolutional markings that develop with pansy-
nostosis at an older age [5].
The differential diagnosis for increased bone density
Craniosynostosis includes, in order of increasing rarity, sclerosing bone dys-
plasias such as osteopetrosis, pyknodysostosis, and cranio-
A significant disorder affecting the calvaria is craniosy- diaphyseal dysplasia. Pyknodysostosis can be distinguished
nostosis. Craniosynostosis is the premature fusion of from the others by a thick calvaria, wide lambdoid sutures
one or more of the cranial sutures. It can occur as part and fontanelles, and multiple Wormian bones. Other diag-
of a syndrome or as an isolated defect. Craniosynostosis nostic features of pyknodysostosis include short limbs, hy-
is called “simple” when only one suture is involved and poplasia of the mandible, and an obtuse mandibular angle.
“compound” when two or more sutures are involved [7]. Craniodiaphyseal dysplasia is thought to have dominant
If craniosynostosis occurs due to an intrinsic suture defect, it transmission. In the newborn, craniodiaphyseal dysplasia
is termed “primary craniosynostosis”, while craniosynostosis is characterized by severe osteosclerosis with overgrowth
resulting from another medical condition is termed “secondary of the skull, facial bones, and mandible. Obliteration of the
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paranasal sinuses and basal skull foramina and thickening of Apert’s syndrome, or acrocephalosyndactyly, is an auto-
the diaphyses appear later, and sclerosis in the remainder of somal dominant disorder that occurs in one of every
the skeleton is less marked. Osteopetrosis is a heterogeneous 160,000 live births. Apert’s syndrome is also caused by
group of osteosclerotic bone dysplasias in which the entire nucleotide alterations causing amino acid substitutions at
skeleton is unusually dense. Impaired bone resorption the FGFR2 gene on chromosome 10. Craniosynostosis and
results in abundant osteoid and narrow, fibrotic medullary symmetric syndactyly of the extremities are hallmarks of
spaces. Dominant osteopetrosis, which has a benign course this syndrome. The clinical features include a misshapen
and late manifestation, has been localized to chromosome skull caused by coronal suture synostosis, wide-set eyes,
16p13.3. Mutations in autosomal recessive osteopetrosis midface hypoplasia, choanal stenosis, and shallow orbits.
have been localized to the ATP6I gene, which mediates Intracranial anomalies include megalocephaly, hypoplastic
acidification of the bone–osteoclast interface. The malignant white matter, and agenesis of the corpus callosum. Cardiac
autosomal recessive form of osteopetrosis manifests at birth, anomalies, including atrial septal defect and ventricular
and the intermediate autosomal recessive form manifests in septal defect, and renal anomalies such as hydronephrosis
the first decade of life. Sclerosis initially affects the basal occur in 10% of these patients [7].
bones; later, the calvaria becomes dense and thick. The
facial bones are usually relatively less dense. In congenital
osteopetrosis, hematologic derangements, due to the dimin- Other associations
ished hematopoietic compartment, arise early and result in
early death. The bones are fragile and prone to fracture and In addition to increased or decreased density of the calvarial
show a high susceptibility to osteomyelitis. Neural and bones, the absence of the calvarial bones (i.e., acalvaria) can
vascular foramina are narrow, causing cranial nerve palsies
by neural compression [5].
Fibroblast growth factor and fibroblast growth factor recep-
tor (FGFR) regulate fetal osteogenic growth and are expressed
in cranial sutures in early fetal life. These factors possibly
influence fetal suture patency. Mutations in the FGFR1 gene
cause Pfeiffer’s disease, and mutations in the FGFR2 gene
cause Apert’s syndrome and Crouzon’s disease, which are
two diseases involving syndromic craniosynostosis [7].
The etiology of non-syndromic craniosynostosis is un-
known, and the condition is sporadic in most instances.
Familial non-syndromic craniosynostosis, which affects 2% to
6% of infants with sagittal synostosis and 8% to 14% of infants
with coronal synostosis, is transmitted as an autosomal domi-
nant disorder [7]. Many patients with syndromic craniosy-
nostosis have a family history of abnormal head shape.
Crouzon’s disease and Apert’s syndrome occur more frequently
than the other syndromes associated with craniosynostosis [7].
Crouzon’s disease is inherited through an autosomal
dominant pattern. Nearly 60% of cases are new mutations,
and many are associated with paternal age older than
35 years. Crouzon’s disease occurs in one of every 25,000
live births and accounts for 5% of cases of craniosynostosis.
Nucleotide alterations causing amino acid substitutions at
the FGFR2 gene on chromosome 10 lead to the Crouzon
phenotype. Clinical findings include brachycephalic cranio-
synostosis, significant hypertelorism, proptosis, maxillary
hypoplasia, and beaked nose. Intracranial anomalies include
hydrocephalus (Fig. 6), Chiari I malformation, and hind-
brain herniation (70%). Additionally, pathology of the ear
and cervical spine is common. Infants with Crouzon’s dis- Fig. 6 Child with hydrocephalus and hugely expanded calvaria from
ease do not have anomalies of the hands and feet as infants Baille’s text The Morbid Anatomy of Some of the Most Important Parts
with Apert’s syndrome do [7]. of the Human Body published in 1793
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occur. Criteria for diagnosis of acalvaria include the absence be palpable. During the first few months of life, ossification
of calvarial bones with normal development of the chondro- along a midline bar may separate confluent parietal defects
cranium and presence of the cerebral hemispheres. It is into paired parasagittal defects, which may persist into adult
important differentiate acalvaria from acrania in utero by life [5].
transvaginal sonography, as the brain can be normal and The term “cranium bifidum” denotes an abnormal osse-
potentially treatable in acalvaria. Acrania accompanies an- ous defect through which there may be herniation of the
encephaly and exencephaly, which are the immediate differen- meninges and brain tissue. It occurs with midline malforma-
tial diagnoses; in both, the base of the brain and facial tions such as myelomeningocele, meningoencephalocele, or
structures are intact. In anencephaly, the brain is absent above dermal sinus. Herniation through the calvaria may be the
the orbit with bulging eyes and a frog-like appearance. In result of defective induction of the bone or failure of prima-
exencephaly, a large amount of disorganized brain tissue arises ry neural tube closure [5].
from the base of the cranium. Most cases of acrania eventually Cleidocranial dysplasia is an autosomal dominant syn-
progress to anencephaly as a result of slow degeneration of the drome affecting membranous bone. The locus for this dys-
unprotected brain secondary to mechanical and chemical trau- plasia has been isolated to the short arm of chromosome 6.
ma on exposure to amniotic fluid. In acalvaria, the usually The abnormalities are caused by mutations in the CBFA1
intact overlying skin protects the brain against this process gene, a transcription factor that activates osteoblastic differ-
[2]. entiation. Cleidocranial dysplasia is characterized by wid-
Severe osteogenesis imperfecta or congenital hypophos- ening of the fontanelles with broad lateral cranial diameter
phatasia may cause inadequate visualization or ossification and multiple Wormian bones along the lambdoid sutures;
of the calvaria, generating an erroneous diagnosis of acal- closure of the sutures and fontanelles occurs late. Associated
varia [2]. Hypophosphatasia is a heterogeneous disorder skeletal anomalies include absent or hypoplastic clavicles, a
characterized by low or absent serum alkaline phosphatase widened pubic symphysis, multiple spinal anomalies, and
activity caused by deficient activity of tissue-nonspecific hypoplastic middle and distal phalanges [5].
alkaline phosphatase (TNSALP). The TNSALP gene is lo- The term “cephalohematoma” signifies a traumatic sub-
cated on chromosome 1p34–36.1. The congenital form is periosteal hematoma of the calvaria. Because the outer layer
autosomal recessive and lethal. The autosomal dominant of the periosteum and the sutures bound the cephalohema-
form is milder and manifests later in life. Hypophosphatasia toma, it cannot cross the midline. This restriction distin-
typically appears as decreased ossification of the skull and guishes it from subgaleal hematoma, which does cross the
vertebrae or as isolated plates or islands of unusually thin midline deep to the galeal aponeurosis. Cephalohematomas
calvarial bone [5]. Osteogenesis imperfecta is a bone dys- occur in approximately 1% to 2% of live births, are almost
plasia characterized by osteoporosis and osseous fragility. twice as common in males than in females, and are more
Dominant-negative mutations within the COL1A1 and common in children of primiparous mothers. The incidence
COL1A2 genes cause molecular defects in type I collagen, increases after forceps extraction. Cephalohematomas man-
resulting in decreased collagen matrix in the skin and bones. ifest as unilateral or bilateral firm, tense, soft-tissue masses
The autosomal dominant types I and IV are the least severe that usually increase in size after birth, and resolve sponta-
forms. The autosomal recessive type III is more severe and neously. Most cephalohematomas calcify peripherally and
manifests in early infancy. The autosomal dominant type II gradually incorporate into the calvaria [5].
is a lethal condition that manifests at birth. Most cases of The term “leptomeningeal cyst” signifies a well-defined
type II osteogenesis imperfecta arise as new mutations. bone defect that may arise when traumatic laceration of the
Diagnostic features of osteogenesis imperfecta include multi- dura exposes the bone to the pulsations of the cerebrospinal
ple Wormian bones along the lambdoid suture and decreased fluid within the subarachnoid space. Pulsatile pressure ero-
ossification of the skull base [5]. sion then gradually widens the fracture line. Leptomenin-
Causes of calvarial defects are, in order of increasing rarity, geal cysts develop following 0.6% of skull fractures and are
burr holes, parietal foramina, large fontanelles, neurofibroma- most common in children under 3 years of age. The differ-
tosis, Langerhans cell histiocytosis, cranium bifidum, metas- ential diagnosis includes eosinophilic granuloma and infec-
tases, leptomeningeal cyst, and osteomyelitis [5]. tion. Calvarial involvement in eosinophilic granuloma is
Parietal foramina result from delayed or incomplete ossifi- rare in young infants. When present, it manifests as solitary
cation of the parietal bone and typically occur as an isolated or multiple lucent areas in the calvaria. In eosinophilic
autosomal dominant trait or as part of a syndrome. The un- granuloma, typical beveled edges do not occur in the infant
derlying genetic anomaly has been identified as chromosome cranium prior to development of the diploic layer. Lastly,
11p deletions with mutation of the ALX4 gene. The calvarial osteomyelitis manifests as overlying soft-tissue edema and
defects may be so large as to extend to the midline and may poorly defined infiltrating margins [5].
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