CU - Toddler - Daily Schedule - 04 11 - 4 PDF
CU - Toddler - Daily Schedule - 04 11 - 4 PDF
CU - Toddler - Daily Schedule - 04 11 - 4 PDF
Teacher Talk Ideas: “John, you’re name starts with J and is red. Do you see a shape that is red? Right.
These are red. You’re name tag is a red circle. Can you find the red circle? Great job!”
Teacher sings the ’Welcome’ song to clean up and gather at the meeting spot.
Tune: “Mary Had a Little Lamb”
Merrily we start the day,
Start the day, start the day
Merrily we start the day
We’re glad you came to play.
Teacher Talk Ideas: “Look how many friends are with us today. We are all wearing nametags in
different colors and shapes. Stand up if your nametag is red. That’s right John! You have a red
nametag. Sara, you can stand up too because your name tag is red. How many red nametags do we
have? Let’s count. 1,2,3. 3 children have red nametags. Now, stand up if your nametag is green…”
This interaction brings the group together, recognizes each individual child,
introduces the children to each other and begins color and number recognition.
After stretching read a story related to the unit and activity for the day.
Each unit will have 5-6 songs or rhymes with actions. Children are introduced to the
songs the first week and practice and repeat them the following week. Repeating
the same songs and rhymes is the best way for children to learn and remember new
information. Repetition also provides toddlers with increased self-esteem as they
master new skills.
** Many of the songs can be viewed on