Past Paper October 2018 Section 1

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BioMedical Admissions Test 4500/11

Wednesday 31 October 2018 1 hour


SECTION 1 Aptitude and Skills


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1 Riverside Walk is a popular walking path, 3.2 kilometres long, beside the River Bee. There is a
seat situated at each end of the path and also every 400 metres in between. There are two
litter bins just next to every seat and one litter bin every 100 metres between each seat and the

How many litter bins are there along Riverside Walk?

A 40

B 42

C 45

D 48

E 51

2 In the UK in the 1990s, there was an outbreak of the brain disease vCJD, which was caused
by eating beef from cattle infected with the disease BSE. The type of meat thought to be
infected was taken out of the food chain in 1989, and cases of vCJD have been declining
since 2000. Susceptibility to vCJD is associated with two variants in a gene: M and V.
We can inherit three possible combinations: MM, MV and VV. Until last year, all 177 people
diagnosed with the disease in the UK had the MM combination. Recently, someone who had
the MV combination has died of the disease. In the UK, 38% of people have the MM
combination and 51% have the MV combination.

Which one of the following is a conclusion that can be drawn from the above passage?

A Eleven per cent of people in the UK are not susceptible to vCJD.

B Having one V variant of the gene does not guarantee resistance to vCJD.

C Eating infected beef does not cause vCJD in everyone with the MM combination.

D Around half the UK population is at risk of developing vCJD in the future.

3 Five employees swipe a card every time they enter or leave the office. The times for Thursday
are shown in the table below.

enter leave enter leave enter leave

Phil 07:55 09:15 09:27 11:03 11:42 12:12
Quentin 07:15 09:52 11:23 11:46 11:55 12:30
Rob 08:20 10:17 10:26 11:00 11:38 12:39
Sanna 08:01 09:20 09:35 10:10 10:16 11:50
Theresa 08:03 08:27 08:44 10:02 10:42 12:25

As part of a performance review, the manager observed the activity in the office between
10:00 and 12:00.

Which employee was in the office for the largest total amount of time during this two-hour

A Phil

B Quentin

C Rob

D Sanna

E Theresa

4 The UK government has recently announced its plan to cut funding to state nurseries. This
would be a terrible mistake as high-quality nursery education is crucial. My child blossomed at
a state nursery – we cannot let these places lower their standards, or even close. I was more
than happy to move my child to the state nursery from a private nursery when she became
eligible. Six months later, I would say that that our experience of her new nursery has been
outstanding. For this reason, a professionally run state nursery should sit at the heart of every
community and it should not be affected by financial restrictions.

Which one of the following is the best statement of the flaw in the above argument?

A It takes a correlation between a child attending a state nursery and being happy to imply
B It rejects the plan to cut spending only because it was proposed by the government.

C It generalises about the importance of state nurseries based on a single experience.

D It supports its argument by appealing to the irrelevant authority of the government.

E It assumes that a cut in funding will lead to the closure of state nurseries.

5 The table shows the average usage, in minutes per day, of five different mobile phone
functions, for each of five friends.

mobile phone function Amos Bryn Clive Dolly Eshan

email 20 30 60 20 20
calls 20 10 15 80 40
browser 30 50 30 40 20
apps 40 30 45 80 40
social media 30 50 75 20 20

For which of the friends could the following pie chart, suitably labelled, represent the
information given in the table?

A Amos

B Bryn

C Clive

D Dolly

E Eshan

6 When the development of the internet enabled ordinary people to have free, easy access to
information, it seemed as though a great breakthrough had been made in empowering people.
The subsequent development of social media made it possible for people to share opinions
and quickly organise protests against ruling governments. These two technological
developments seemed a healthy way forward for democracy. But now social media, which
lacks the checks and editing of traditional information sources, enables people to share
deliberately false information, which is then accepted as ‘truth’ by many. Opinions are being
manipulated via social media by people with their own motivations to discredit rivals or groups
with different opinions, and gain power themselves. Social media has become a vehicle for
spreading untruths, and has thereby undermined democracy.

Which one of the following best expresses the main conclusion of the argument in the above

A Social media should be regulated to censor the publishing of false information.

B Technological developments have done more harm than good to democracy.

C Democracy has been made weaker by the use of social media.

D Democracy depends on the availability of truthful information.

E Organised protests and direct action are undemocratic.

7 The lift in the hotel I am staying in takes 3 seconds to move between consecutive floors and
when it stops at a floor it remains stationary for a minimum of 9 seconds to let people in and

A screen inside the lift shows a list of the floors that it has been requested to stop at.

When the lift moves off after stopping at a floor it always stops next at the closest floor on its
list. If two floors are equally close in both directions, it continues in the direction in which it was
previously travelling.

The door of the lift has just closed after I have entered it at floor 11 and added floor 4 to the list
of floors to be stopped at. The other floors currently on the list are floors 1, 6, 15 and 24.

Assuming that no further floors are added to the list, what is the minimum time that will elapse
before the lift door opens at floor 4?

A 63 seconds

B 90 seconds

C 99 seconds

D 126 seconds

E 153 seconds


Questions 8–11 refer to the following information.

Total unpaid work in the UK in 2015 had a value of £1000 billion, equivalent to approximately
55% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and women carried out an overall average of 60%
more unpaid work than men. The only area where men put in more unpaid work hours than
women was in the category of ‘non-leisure travel’. While the numbers of men and women are
roughly equal, women did more unpaid work than men in every age group, from the 25 and
under age category to the 56 and over age category. The figures also revealed that people on
lower incomes tended to carry out on average more unpaid work than other income brackets.

average hours of unpaid work done per week

in each type of work for men and women,
UK 2015
type of work female male

cooking 7.28 3.65

non-leisure travel 5.85 7.21
childcare 4.67 1.89
housework 4.66 2.42
laundry 2.40 0.39
volunteering 0.36 0.20
adult care 0.32 0.23
total 25.54 15.99

average hours of unpaid work done per week

in each age category for men and women,
UK 2015
age female male

25 and under 12.38 8.07

26 to 35 34.60 17.47
36 to 45 33.26 20.87
46 to 55 26.49 18.27
56 and over 25.56 17.56

average hours of unpaid work done

per week by grouped income level,
UK 2015
low middle high
type of work
income income income
cooking 5.93 5.57 4.98
non-leisure travel 5.43 6.75 7.80
housework 3.78 3.65 3.23
childcare 3.74 3.92 2.74
laundry 1.42 1.54 1.22
adult care 0.27 0.22 0.18
volunteering 0.24 0.31 0.21

8 In which age category did women do the most unpaid work relative to men?

A 25 and under

B 26 to 35

C 36 to 45

D 46 to 55

E 56 and over

9 Which of the following can be inferred from the data given?

1 Women spend more than twice as much time doing housework as men.

2 Laundry is the type of unpaid work that men spend the least time on relative to women.

A 1 only

B 2 only

C both 1 and 2

D neither 1 nor 2

10 Which one of the following cannot be a plausible explanation why, contrary to the general
trend, people on higher incomes tended to spend more time on non-leisure travel?

A People on lower incomes are less likely to own a car, which means that they are less likely
to drive their family members around.
B People on lower incomes are more likely to be unemployed or to work part-time, which
means that they do not need to commute to work so often.
C People on lower incomes are more likely to use public transport to commute to work, so
they spend less time driving.
D The lower income group includes many university students who live on campus and thus
spend little time on transport.

11 Assuming that the different types of work are valued equally, what was the total value of unpaid
work done by women in the UK in 2015?

A £385 billion

B £550 billion

C £615 billion

D £700 billion

E £1120 billion

12 Any railway customer who has to wait for a train that is delayed by more than 20 minutes is
entitled to a refund of $6. Anyone who has to wait for a train that is delayed by more than 10
minutes but less than 20 minutes is entitled to a refund of $4.

The table below shows the scheduled arrival time and the actual arrival time for 10 customers’

customer scheduled arrival time actual arrival time

1 15:43 15:44
2 10:17 10:17
3 06:20 06:44
4 10:01 10:12
5 15:39 15:42
6 17:54 18:02
7 20:47 20:55
8 22:33 22:40
9 15:08 15:29
10 14:58 15:23

All of the customers who were entitled to a refund did receive the refund from the railway

How much money did the railway company have to pay out in total to these customers?

A $16

B $18

C $22

D $24

13 While well-intentioned, the campaign to ban tackling in school rugby constitutes an
overreaction. Such a ban could lead to unintended negative consequences for the young
people involved in the sport, and it must not be implemented. Many parents and others are very
concerned about the potential for rugby tackling to cause head and spinal cord injuries.
However, the possibility of injury is present in any sport, and the health risks associated with
physical inactivity are widely understood. Also, as is the case with boxing or any other contact
sport, full-contact rugby enables players to channel aggression in a positive, controlled way. It
is surely better to let young people show aggression through rugby than to wait for violent
behaviour to happen impulsively.

Which of the following, if true, would strengthen the above argument?

1 It is unfeasible for schools to replace rugby with other activities that can channel
aggression in a controlled manner.
2 Aggression is a natural or unavoidable feature of many young people’s behaviour.

3 It is impossible to sustain head or spinal cord injuries in other sports played at

A 1 only

B 2 only

C 3 only

D 1 and 2 only

E 1 and 3 only

F 2 and 3 only

G 1, 2 and 3

14 Among a group of 6 children, 2 belong to a football team.

Philip says it is Roger and Qayla.

Qayla says it is Philip and Roger.
Roger says it is Qayla and Sam.
Sam says it is Trista and Roger.
Trista says it is Ursula and Sam.
Ursula refuses to say anything.

Four of the children correctly named one person and lied about the other. One person lied
about both. The sixth person, Ursula, said nothing.

Which two children belong to the football team?

A Philip and Qayla

B Philip and Sam

C Philip and Ursula

D Qayla and Ursula

E Roger and Sam

F Roger and Ursula

15 The BBC’s codes and guidelines have maintained its reputation for broadcasting news that is
representative of different political opinions. These include the political Right’s promotion of the
freedom and prosperity of business, in contrast to the Left’s view that businesses should be
regulated to serve everybody’s interests. There are no similar requirements for newspapers.
The range of views on offer in the press derives largely from the extent of the pluralism of
ownership and, in turn, the degree to which owners seek to influence editorial direction.
Newspaper ownership in Britain is concentrated in the hands of a few businessmen.
Newspapers are rarely profitable, but provide power, influence and easy access to the
establishment, which their owners can exploit to secure economic conditions favourable to their
businesses. Owners can directly dictate the newspaper’s position on a particular issue, and
staff can be appointed for, or censored by, the political ethos of the organisation.

Which of the following can be concluded from the above passage?

1 The Right promotes the interests of newspaper owners in Britain.

2 The political opinion presented in the British press is biased in favour of the Right.

A 1 only

B 2 only

C both 1 and 2

D neither 1 nor 2

16 In a paint factory, large and small containers must be filled with paint. Two pumps are
available. The fast pump can deliver paint at 12 litres per minute, and the slow pump can
deliver paint at 6 litres per minute.

Kadu begins to use one of the pumps to fill a large container and the other pump to fill a small
container. He starts filling the containers at the same time, and, when the small container is half
full, he swaps each container to the other pump. Both containers become full at the same time.

How much bigger is a large container than a small container?

A 25%

B 50%

C 100%

D 200%

17 It is not unusual for a member of the British Royal Family to serve as an officer in the armed
forces, and even, on occasion, to see active service. It happened quite recently when Prince
Harry was posted to a war zone, raising questions about the heightened risk that such a high
profile target would face, and possibly deflect onto others. At first the prince’s location was a
well-kept secret, but in due course it became public knowledge, rightly prompting calls in
parliament and the media for his recall. If the prince’s whereabouts had remained a secret, the
level of risk could have been managed. But since his whereabouts were not a secret, risk
management was not possible.

Which one of the following commits the same logical flaw as the above argument?

A If the tide is out, the island can be reached. But the tide isn’t out, so the island can’t be
B If the tide is out the island can be reached. But since the island can’t be reached, the tide is
not out.
C If the island can be reached, the tide must be out. But since the tide isn’t out, the island
can’t be reached.
D The island can’t be reached unless the tide is out. But the island can be reached, so the
tide is out.

18 Three-year old Arthur has a junior skittles set. It contains four red skittles, four yellow skittles,
three balls and a felt mat. The mat is shown below.

Six of the eight skittles are placed on the spots (there are two extra in the set in case of loss or
damage). The balls must then be bowled from behind the line at the other end of the mat.

How many different arrangements of red and yellow skittles are possible on the six circles on
the mat?

A 20

B 30

C 35

D 45

E 50

F 70


Questions 19–22 refer to the following information.

Between 1 January 1960 and 31 December 2015, there were 1104 fatal passenger aircraft
crashes for which a definitive cause was known (see Table 1). The crashes included are those
which had ten or more passengers on board and which resulted in at least one fatality. Military
and private aircraft and helicopters were excluded. Where there were multiple causes, the most
prominent cause was recorded. The category of pilot error includes those crashes in which
weather or a mechanical fault was a strong contributing factor to the pilot error.

Table 1 Number of crashes in each category of primary cause, 1960 to 2015

category 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s Total

pilot error 150 132 111 140 67 40 640
mechanical 52 38 37 36 21 11 195
weather 14 13 11 13 7 5 63
sabotage 12 25 23 19 10 6 95
other 20 30 23 27 7 4 111
total 248 238 205 235 112 66 1104

Table 2 gives a breakdown of fatal accidents and onboard fatalities by phase of flight over the
same period.

Table 2 Fatal crashes and onboard fatalities by phase of flight, 1960 to 2015

phase taxi / take- initial initial final
(flaps cruise descent landing
of flight parked off climb approach approach
12% 12% 8% 10% 8% 4% 10% 11% 25%
0% 16% 14% 13% 16% 4% 12% 13% 12%

exposure* 1% 1% 14% 57% 11% 12% 3% 1%

* Percentage of flight time estimated for a 1.5 hour flight

Since 1997, the average number of airliner crashes per year has shown a steady and
persistent decline, thanks to the continuing efforts of international aviation organisations and
the stringent safety standards now in place in the aviation industry. Recent figures reveal that
2016 was the second safest year on record. There were 17 fatal crashes, resulting in 325
deaths, down from 560 in 2015. Given that a total of around 3.5 billion air passengers flew
during 2016, that’s just one death per 10.8 million travellers.
Only one year saw fewer deaths – 2013, with 265. But with 3.05 billion passengers boarding a
plane that year, that amounts to a very similar number of deaths per passenger (one per 11.5
million). When one discounts sabotage, 2015 was actually the safest year on record. Two
crashes, deliberately caused, accounted for the majority of fatalities that year. So it is easy to
see that air travel has never been safer.

19 In which phase of flight are most fatalities caused per crash?

A cruise

B descent

C landing

D take off and initial climb

E taxi

20 What is the average time taken by an aircraft to get from the start of its descent (at cruising
altitude) to landing on the runway?

A 14 minutes

B 16 minutes

C 24 minutes

D 27 minutes

E 51 minutes

21 For the most part, the proportions of crashes that were attributable to each category of primary
cause have remained broadly constant over the period since 1960.

Which one of the following represents the clearest exception to this observation?

A The proportion of crashes due to pilot error was unusually high in the 1990s.

B The proportion of crashes due to mechanical failure was unusually low in the 2010s.

C The proportion of crashes due to bad weather decreased steadily over the period.

D The proportion of crashes due to sabotage was unusually low in the 1960s.

E The proportion of crashes due to other causes increased steadily over the period.

22 Which one of the following is assumed by the reasoning in the final paragraph?

A Crashes that are deliberately caused are extremely rare.

B Crashes caused by sabotage are not the fault of the airlines.

C Sabotage does not make air travel less safe.

D Safety should not be judged on numbers of crashes and fatalities.

E We have no need to be concerned about sabotage.

23 I use a 4-digit PIN with my bank cards. Each digit can be any digit between 1 and 9. I have set
the code so that:

• the first and second digits are consecutive (subtracting the first from the second digit
gives 1).
• the third and fourth digits are consecutive (subtracting the third from the fourth digit
gives 1).
• the first and fourth digits add together to give the same value as the second and third
digits multiplied together.

What is the last (fourth) digit of my PIN?

A 2

B 3

C 4

D 5

E 6

F 7

G 8

H 9

24 Domestic cats are popular pets worldwide, and have the potential to significantly affect prey
species in both rural and urban areas. Several studies have shown that cats living on the
outskirts of urban areas and those living in rural areas bring home more prey, and a greater
variety of prey, than cats living in more urbanised environments. However, not all studies have
found detrimental effects of cat predation on wildlife. A study in Canberra, Australia, found that
domestic cats caught and killed so-called ‘invasive’ species of rodents and birds – those that
are non-native to the ecosystem and whose presence causes or is likely to cause harm. Thus,
keeping domestic cats should be encouraged as it has a positive effect on native wildlife.

Which one of the following best expresses the flaw in the above argument?

A It assumes that keeping domestic cats serves no other purpose than to have
a positive effect on native wildlife.
B It assumes that because numbers of invasive species decreased in an area with domestic
cats, the presence of domestic cats caused this decrease.
C It assumes that the Canberra study was representative of the general environmental
effects of keeping domestic cats.
D It assumes that we should keep domestic cats only if doing so would have a positive effect
on native wildlife.

25 Simone has won $200 in a competition and she decides to share the money between five
different charities that she supports. No charity will receive more than $100 and each charity
will receive a whole number of dollars. Each one of the charities will receive a different amount
and at least $10. Simone will give the second highest amount of money to a local charity

What is the least amount that Simone might give to STARS?

A $25

B $27

C $28

D $30

E $31

26 It is known that one of the factors that can promote better health in infants is the good health of
the mother. What is less well-known is that there are real dangers presented by bottle-feeding,
a practice that has become very popular in developing countries. Firstly, formula milk lacks the
protective properties (antibodies, enzymes, long chain fatty acids and hormones) of breast milk.
Secondly, there is the danger of contamination in situations where hygiene is poorly
understood or difficult to achieve. Thirdly, formula milk may be over-diluted as a way of saving
on cost.

Companies selling formula milk have led aggressive advertising campaigns to promote
bottle-feeding; as a result, many governments in the developing world have introduced limits on
or banned such marketing. More action is urgently needed throughout the developing world if
we are to help women and avoid infant ill health and mortality. One estimate put the number of
infant deaths in the developing world caused by bottle-feeding at 13% of all deaths.

Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the above argument?

A Breastfeeding is most common in the developed world among better-educated women.

B Women in developing countries often choose bottle-feeding as it is easier to combine with

returning to work.
C Campaigns to limit the commercial promotion of bottle-feeding are becoming more

D Breastfeeding has health benefits for the mother as well as for the child.

27 The prices of pizzas at Paul’s are shown in the following table.

type of pizza cost

basic vegetarian $5
basic ham $6
Paul’s special $8
extra toppings $2 each

Paul decided to have a promotion with two special discounts available on the total cost of
pizzas, including any toppings:

• buy one pizza, get any other one for half price
• buy any four pizzas, get another one free

Paul had intended that the discount would apply to the cheapest pizza in each case, but forgot
to include this wording on the promotional material. He therefore had to allow customers to
decide which pizzas would have the discount applied.

Seven friends ordered the following pizzas:

type number of extra

India vegetarian none
James ham one
Keira ham none
Lance ham one
Maddie Paul’s special two
Nellie vegetarian two
Olly Paul’s special one

What was the least possible cost of their pizza order?

A $41.00

B $42.50

C $43.00

D $43.50

E $46.00

28 A study of routine health screening programmes found no consistent evidence that they
improved health or reduced death rates and concluded that ‘while we cannot be certain that
general health checks lead to benefit, we know that all medical interventions can lead to harm’.
Possible harms include overtreatment due to false positive results. In routine screening for
breast cancer, for example, tumours may be detected leading to major surgery when those
tumours may never – if left alone – have developed into anything harmful. Furthermore, people
who are better off or healthier are more likely to participate in routine screening, so the
screening may not reach those who need it most. This is not to imply that the individual
components of health checks are ineffective or to discount the value of targeted screening
programmes in geographical areas where levels of disease are more prevalent.

Which one of the following can be drawn as a conclusion from the above passage?

A Being better off enables people to lead healthier lifestyles.

B The value of universal screening programmes has been underestimated.

C People who participate in breast cancer screening are not informed of the risk of ‘false

D Targeted screening programmes would be more effective than universal programmes.

29 Most board games that require two dice are supplied with two identical dice, both having 1 to 6
spots on their faces, with the spots on opposite faces adding up to 7.

The two dice supplied with one of my board games are different. One has 0 to 5 spots on its
faces, with the spots on opposite faces adding up to 5, while the other one has 2 to 7 spots on
its faces, with the spots on opposite faces adding up to 9.

This is a view of both dice together.

Which one of the following could be another view of one of the dice?



30 Biofuels are an energy source derived mainly from plants and widely thought to offer a better
alternative to petroleum and other fossil fuels. In particular, when biofuels are burned to
generate electricity or power a car, they produce lower emissions of carbon dioxide, the gas
largely responsible for human-caused climate change. Concerns do exist about other
consequences of switching to biofuels. For instance, using biofuels to meet the energy needs
of even a few industrialised nations would likely require converting large amounts of forest and
land now utilised for growing food to the production of crops only suitable for manufacturing
biofuels. Such land use change could harm biodiversity and also reduce food availability for
some of the world’s poorest people. Yet the planet-wide threat posed by climate change is so
significant that a transition from fossil fuels to biofuels must be pursued.

Which of the following, if true, would weaken the main conclusion of the above argument?

1 Longer growing seasons and other likely impacts of climate change will lead to
increased food harvests in some areas.
2 Technology exists to manufacture biofuels cheaply and efficiently from waste
products associated with existing food production arrangements.
A 1 only

B 2 only

C both 1 and 2

D neither 1 nor 2

31 Bruno was awarded 48 marks out of 80 for his coursework project. The maximum mark
available for each of the four sections: research, design, construction and evaluation, was 20.
The marks for all sections were expressed in whole numbers.

The smallest difference between the marks awarded to any two of Bruno’s sections was 2. This
was between design and construction, which were his two best sections. The largest difference
was 11, between design and evaluation.

How many marks was Bruno’s research section awarded?

A 10

B 11

C 12

D 13

E 14

F 15


Questions 32–35 refer to the following information.

All proteins are composed entirely of amino acids. Determining the amino acid mixture that is most
desirable in a protein food is an issue of debate. Part of the difficulty in determining our need for
individual amino acids involves the interconversion of amino acids that is constantly taking place in our
body. Researchers simplify amino acid recommendations by dividing the twenty amino acids into three
basic categories: dispensable, indispensable, and conditionally indispensable. The five dispensable
amino acids are those that our bodies are able to make under all circumstances; the nine indispensable
amino acids can never be made by our body and must be consumed through diet; the six conditionally
indispensable amino acids can be made by our body under many circumstances but, under other
circumstances, cannot be made in a sufficiently reliable way to meet our needs.

Our bodies can take some amino acids and convert them into others, for example phenylalanine into
tyrosine and methionine into cysteine. However, these conversions rely on the presence of other
molecules, and the ability of our bodies to create and transform amino acids can (as with the examples
cited) change at different stages of life and in different states of health.

The protein content of human breast milk falls from 2.5% immediately after giving birth to 1% eight
weeks after birth, but the amino acid mix of the protein content remains the same and has always been
regarded as the ideal for infants. For older humans, however, protein quality is provided through a
variety of foods, which makes it more difficult to determine the most desirable mixture of amino acids.
One proposal for a desirable mixture of amino acids for adults is the mixture found in a hen’s egg,
based on a recommended daily protein intake of 0.8 g per kilogram of body weight.
Table 1 shows the number of milligrams of each amino acid per gram of protein consumed for human
milk and a hen’s egg.
Table 1
amino acid human milk hen’s egg
Try 17 4
His 21 *
Cys+Met 33 13
Thr 44 19
Iso 55 42
Val 55 47
Lys 69 37
Phe+Tyr 94 48
Leu 96 55

An alternative proposal, presented in Table 2, recommends levels for daily amino acid intake based
upon a person’s age, sex and body weight (in mg / kg of body weight per day).
Table 2
age/sex His Iso Leu Lys Cys Phe Thr Try Val
+Met +Tyr
0 to 6 months 36 88 156 107 59 135 73 28 87
7 to 12 months 32 43 93 89 43 84 49 13 58
1 to 3 years 21 28 63 58 28 54 32 8 37
4 to 8 years 16 22 49 46 22 41 24 6 28
9 to 13 years male 17 22 49 46 22 41 24 6 28
9 to 13 years female 15 21 47 43 21 38 22 6 27
14 to 18 years male 15 21 47 43 21 38 22 6 27
14 to 18 years female 14 19 44 40 19 35 21 5 24
19+ years 14 19 42 38 19 33 20 5 24
* not established
Abbreviations: His – histidine, Iso – isoleucine, Leu – leucine, Lys – lysine, Cys+Met – total of cysteine
and methionine, Phe+Tyr – total of phenylalanine and tyrosine, Thr – threonine,
Try – Tryptophan, Val – valine.

32 Based on the information provided, which of the following can be inferred as being
‘conditionally indispensable’ amino acids?

A histidine

B cysteine and phenylalanine

C phenylalanine, tyrosine, cysteine and methionine

D tyrosine and cysteine

E histidine, methionine and tyrosine

F phenylalanine and methionine

33 How much more tryptophan would be recommended for a 20-year-old man weighing 70 kg by
the proposed daily desired intake from Table 2 compared to Table 1?

A 1 mg

B 126 mg

C 196 mg

D 336 mg

E 591 mg

34 The average newborn baby consumes 560 g of breast milk a day, while the average 8-week-old
baby consumes 700 g a day. What is the ratio of the average consumption of isoleucine per
day between the average newborn and the average 8-week-old?

A 2:1

B 4:5

C 5:2

D 5:3

E 5:4

F 5:8

35 The requirement for histidine (based on a hen’s egg) has not been quantified beyond infancy,
but an estimate has been extrapolated from the ratio of threonine requirements between infants
and adults. Which one of the following would be this estimate?

A 8 mg

B 9 mg

C 10 mg

D 11 mg

E 12 mg







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