GCSE AQA RS 12-Mark Questions For All 6 Religions
GCSE AQA RS 12-Mark Questions For All 6 Religions
GCSE AQA RS 12-Mark Questions For All 6 Religions
1. God as separate from the universe is the best way to understand the divine in Sikhism.
7. Guru Gobind Singh taught Sikhs more about equality than Guru Nanak.
9. Calling to mind the name of God is all Sikhs needs to do to live a good life.
10. For Sikhs Vaiskhi celebrates the beginning of the Sikh religion.
11. The lives and teachings of the Gurus are more important than the Guru Granth Sahib.
Evaluate these statements.
1. In Judaism the concept of the Messianic age is bound to the idea of a single divinely
4. The Mitzvot between God and man are more Important than the Mitzvot between man and
6. The reading from the Torah is the only reason why the Shabbat service in the Synagogue is
7. The Bar Mitzvah is the most important rite of passage for a Jewish male.
8. The most important religious festival for Jewish people is the Pesach.
4. The only people to enter heaven are those who believe in Jesus.
6. The stories of the incarnation prove that Jesus was the son of God.
8. It is more important to help the poor than to celebrate the Holy Communion.
11. The main job of a Christian is to tell others about his/her faith.
Evaluate these statements.
1. The idea of nirguna Brahman is the best way to try and understand the divine.
3. The most important aspect of the divine for Hindus is the idea that God exists within the
5. Hindus do not have to worship as the atman achieves liberation only by the grace of
6. Bhakti towards a personal deity is the best way to worship for a Hindu.
8. Hindus express their respect and love for the environment only towards animals.
9. The most important reason Hindus go on a pilgrimage is to pray for help or healing.
Evaluate these statements.
2. The divide between Sunni and Shi’a has no reason to exist today.
1. The fourth sight of the Buddha, the holy man, was the most important of the four sights.
2. The meeting at the river of Narainjana was of greater importance for Buddha’s route to
7. The fourth noble truth, the cure for suffering, is the most important of the 4 noble truths.