Politecnico Di Milano Novel Technique For Dic Speckle Pattern Optimization and Generation PDF
Politecnico Di Milano Novel Technique For Dic Speckle Pattern Optimization and Generation PDF
Politecnico Di Milano Novel Technique For Dic Speckle Pattern Optimization and Generation PDF
Corso di Laurea in
Ingegneria Meccanica
List of figures.....................................................................................5
Abstract .............................................................................................9
1.1 Brief work description ...........................................................................13
Conclusion .....................................................................................122
7.1 Possible future implications .................................................................123
List of symbols...............................................................................124
pag. 5
List of figures
Figure 1.1 Example of artificial pattern nowadays used in digital image
correlation ...........................................................................................................12
Figure 2.1 Scheme of reference subset and the subset after deformation ...........16
Figure 2.2 Example of patterns with proprieties to be avoided ..........................19
Figure 2.3 Example of painted speckle pattern ...................................................20
Figure 2.4 Example of lithography pattern .........................................................20
Figure 2.5 Electron-lithographic technique.........................................................23
Figure 3.1 Ordered and slight random pattern ....................................................25
Figure 3.2 Summary of procedure ......................................................................26
Figure 3.3 Series of pattern(diameters from 0.05mm to 1mm with step of 0.05)
Figure 3.4 Proves at different intensity toner......................................................29
Figure 3.5 Aluminium painted sample................................................................30
Figure 3.6 Sample too reflective after grinding ..................................................31
Figure 3.7 Colorations at different heating temperatures....................................31
Figure 3.8 Sample after sandblast .......................................................................32
Figure 3.9 Lithography printing ..........................................................................33
Figure 3.10 Effects after dimensional reduction by Office Word.......................33
Figure 3.11 Example of raster and vector images...............................................34
Figure 3.12 Dots linked together.........................................................................35
Figure 3.13 Pattern at different steps ..................................................................36
Figure 3.14 Example of Sobel’s filter with 180 of threshold..............................37
Figure 3.15 Cleaning of image............................................................................38
Figure 3.16 Images for scanner calibration.........................................................38
Figure 3.17 Types of acquired data.....................................................................40
Figure 3.18 Mean diameter after printing phase .................................................41
Figure 3.19 Waddel diameter after printing phase..............................................42
Figure 3.20 Matching rectangular width and height in printing phase ...............43
Figure 3.21 Maximum diameter in printing phase..............................................44
Figure 3.22 Number of empty zones in printing phase.......................................45
Figure 3.23 Circularity in printing phase ............................................................46
Figure 3.24 Mean diameter after ironing ............................................................47
Figure 3.25 Maximum diameter after ironing.....................................................48
Figure 3.26 Circularity after ironing ...................................................................49
Figure 3.27 Number of “white zones” after ironing ...........................................50
Figure 3.28 Matching ironing and printing diameter .........................................51
Figure 3.29 Comparison between the new speckle pattern with a traditional one
(airbrush) .............................................................................................................52
pag. 6
Figure 6.9 Q&P B1-2 Strain/Stress curves between the curves in sections D-D
and E-E..............................................................................................................101
Figure 6.10 Q&P B1-2 Young’s modulus.........................................................102
Figure 6.11 Behaviour of bended sample .........................................................103
Figure 6.12 Q&P B1-2: Frame No.0 Reference Image.....................................104
Figure 6.13 Q&P B1-2: Frame No.4 Sample under loading.............................105
Figure 6.14 Q&P B1-2: Frame No.10 Sample under loading...........................106
Figure 6.15 Q&P B1-2 εxx before the breaking ...............................................107
Figure 6.16 Q&P B1-2 εyy before the breaking ...............................................107
Figure 6.17 Q&P B2-2 Strain/Stress curves in welding zone (section A-A )...108
Figure 6.18 Q&P B2-2 Strain/Stress curves in heat affected zone (sections B-B
and C-C) ............................................................................................................109
Figure 6.19 Q&P B2-2 Strain/Stress curves base metal zone (sections D-D and
E-E) ...................................................................................................................109
Figure 6.20 Q&P B2-2 Young’s modulus.........................................................110
Figure 6.21 Q&P B2-2 εxx before the breaking ...............................................111
Figure 6.22 Twip 11T Strain/Stress curves in welding zone (section A-A) .....112
Figure 6.23 Twip 11T Strain/Stress curves in heat affected zone (sections B-B
and C-C) ...........................................................................................................112
Figure 6.24 Twip 11T Strain/Stress curves in base metal zone (sections D-D and
E-E) ...................................................................................................................113
Figure 6.25 Twip 11T Strain/Stress curves between the curves in sections D-D
and E-E..............................................................................................................113
Figure 6.26 Twip 11T εxx before the breaking.................................................114
Figure 6.27 Twip 11T Young’s modulus ..........................................................114
Figure 6.28 Twip 11T : Frame No.0 Reference Image .....................................115
Figure 6.29 TWIP 8T Strain/Stress curves in base metal zone (sections D-D
and E-E) ...........................................................................................................116
Figure 6.30 Twip 8T Zoom in elastic zone of stress-strain graph in section D-D
Figure 6.31 εxx before the breaking TWIP 8T .................................................117
Figure 6.32 Durometer Zwick ZHU 0.2............................................................118
Figure 6.33 Depth of penetrator during the hardness test .................................119
Figure 6.34 Included samples in phenolic resin................................................120
pag. 8
List of tables
Table 3.1 Scanner calibration.............................................................................39
Table 4.1 Blobs types..........................................................................................58
Table 4.2 Laser sensor specification ...................................................................64
Table 4.3 σ of displacement along X axis .......................................................70
Table 4.4 σ of displacement along X axis adding Γ=5% noise .......................72
Table 4.5 σ of displacement along X axis adding Γ=2.5% noise ...................74
Table 4.6 Ranking of best pattern .......................................................................77
Table 5.1 Chemical composition of dog bones ...................................................80
Table 5.2 Areas data............................................................................................80
Table 5.3 Summary of option data during the processing ..................................92
Table 6.1 Points coordinate from the welding line .............................................98
Table 6.2 Young’s modulus Comparison..........................................................120
Table 6.3 Number of “local” points used for the calculation...........................121
pag. 9
The optical method Digital Image Correlation (DIC) has been extensively
studied due its capability to measure the entire displacements field over a body
surface. This particular propriety makes this method an optimal tool to measure
heterogeneous displacements and strains.
The main points of the thesis are the proposal of a novel technique capable to
prepare a fully controlled speckle pattern on metal surfaces and the discussion
of the speckle pattern parameter which influences the DIC final results.
The technique proposed for speckle pattern generation is very easy and fast to
make, economic, reliable, flexible and does not request specific devices. It can
be employed also with small specimens where other techniques show the main
Thanks to the possibility to obtain a fully controlled pattern, the technique is
used to define which parameters types ( size of the black spots, spacing between
them , quality of images etc) are preferable to employ during DIC.
Additionally, the proposed technique was applied to create the pattern on tensile
test specimens in order to analyse the strain full field of welded metal samplings
with different materials.
Digital Image Correlation (DIC) è uno strumento di misura ottica non invasiva
che permette la misurazione di spostamenti e deformazioni su superfici.
Ampiamente accettata e comunemente utilizzata nell’ambito di prove meccaniche,
questa tecnica si basa sui valori di grigio di un’ un’immagine digitale dai quali può
determinare la forma e gli spostamenti tridimensionali di un oggetto sottoposto a
sollecitazione (termica o meccanica).
Nella tesi viene proposta una nuova tecnica di realizzazione di pattern
applicabile su oggetti metallici, molto facile e veloce da utilizzare, economica,
affidabile, flessibile, che non richiede particolari accorgimenti per la sua
utilizzazione e può essere utilizzata su campioni di piccole dimensioni dove altre
tecniche mostrano i loro principali limiti.
La presente tecnica è stata utilizzata durante una prova di trazione per la
misurazione di un campo limitato di deformazione, corrispondente ad una zona
di saldatura su diversi provini in acciaio (acciai TWIP e Q&P).
Inoltre, grazie all’ottimo controllo dei parametri di realizzazione del pattern (es.
dimensioni e passo dei blobs, qualità dell’ immagini, ecc), tale procedimento è
stato utilizzato per la determinazione dei valori ottimali dei parametri per
ottenere misurazioni più accurate possibili.
Chapter 1
In the last years optical measure systems have a significant technologic
development and availability.
They are employed more and more in non-invasive measurements.
Many optical methods have been developed for that purpose, such as optical
interferometry, high-resolution moirè and coherent gradient sensing digital
speckle correlation method (DSCM)[1], texture correlation [2], computer-aided
speckle interferometry (CASI)[3] e electronic speckle photography (ESP)[4].
In 1983, Sutton from the University of South Carolina proposed a technique,
called digital image correlation, enables to collect the full field displacement[5].
Digital image correlation (DIC) is a very powerful tool for tracking and image
registration techniques for measurements of changes in images.
The idea behind the method is to find the displacement field of the specimen,
tracking the deformation of a random speckle pattern applied to the component
surface in acquired digital images.
Mathematically, this is accomplished by finding the region in a deformed image
that maximizes the normalized cross-correlation score with regard to a small
subset of the image taken while no load is applied.
By repeating this process for a large number of subsets, full-field deformation
data can be obtained.
Widely employed in many areas of science and engineering, DIC requires that
different processing parameters have to be tuned to get the best result; the
performances and the uncertainty of the DIC technique strongly depends on
some processing parameters, as well as on some experimental conditions.
In particular, this work wants to get into detail of speckle pattern type and
parameters( size of the black spots, spacing between them ,etc).
Generally speaking, the speckle pattern on tested object surface can be either
artificial or natural (i.e., the texture of the object surface) achieved.
Among the most common methods for pattern application there are self-
adhesive, pre-printed patterns, stamps and application of paint speckles with air-
brushes, spray cans or brushes.
pag. 12
Figure 1.1 Example of artificial pattern nowadays used in digital image correlation
The importance of the pattern type and size is due to the fact that, to obtain a
reliable and accurate matching, each subset must contain sufficient intensity
variations to ensure that it can be uniquely and accurately identified in the
deformed image.
So that, the quality of the speckle pattern is closely correlated with the measure
Using the DIC technique, the displacements accuracy of different speckle
patterns may be change even if taking constant the other parameters.
Today an open question is which is the best pattern in order to obtain the best
So that, how to assess the quality of the speckle pattern is undoubtedly an
important but confusing problem to the users of DIC.
Various parameters are proposed in order to study the influence of speckle
patterns: they are partitioned in local and global parameters.
Local parameters, such as the subset entropy proposed by Sun and Pang [8] and
sum of square of subset intensity gradient (SSSIG) proposed by Pan et al. [9],
assesses separately the local speckle pattern quality of each subset which is
limited to the quality assessment of the local speckle pattern within an
individual subset.
On the contrary, global parameters give an overview on a given speckle pattern,
taking as hypothesis that the pattern is uniformly distributed on the entire
Recently, a coefficient is used by Lecompte [6] in order to determine the mean
speckle size of a speckle pattern. But this parameter presents several poorness
pag. 13
First, the concept of speckle size, which was originated from laser speckle
technique ,cannot be directly used for some digital images of the specimen
Second, the use of mean speckle size for quality assessment of speckle pattern
seems to lack a substantial theoretical foundation.
Third, the computation of mean speckle size using image morphology relies on
the practitioner’s subjective experience.
So that, another global parameter is taken into consideration to give a quality
assessment of the entire speckle pattern :the mean intensity gradient [10].
Different with the mean speckle size, the mean intensity gradient is based on the
theoretical model derived for quantifying the accuracy and precision of
measured displacements using DIC, and thus has solid theoretical basis.
But another problem is arisen: knowing in theory which is the best obtainable
speckle pattern, it is needed to know how to make it.
Actually, a series of techniques exist for making a speckle pattern on surface.
But most of all of these techniques can not be perfectly controlled.
The purpose of our work consists of individualising a new kind of technique
able to make a controlled speckle pattern.
Then, on a real experimental test the novel kind of pattern will be applied; some
final considerations will be taken according the final data.
Due to the controlled pattern, a validation/demonstration of MIG’s coefficient
will be explained inside this thesis in order to evaluate the pattern quality.
Chapter 2
DIC technique
In this chapter various fundamental concepts for digital image correlation are
Digital image correlation (DIC) is a very valuable tool for full field
displacement measurements. During its utilization, several parameters have to
be set in a DIC measurement, namely, speckle size and “density” correlation
criteria and algorithm of optimization, subset (or correlation window) size, pitch
or subset overlap, gray level interpolation, etc.
The parameter of speckle pattern realization is explained in detail, focused on
the most commonly used technique approaches.
In order to determine the quality of different speckle patterns according the
order of measures resolution and accuracy, a coefficient is used and explained in
Figure 2.1 Scheme of reference subset and the subset after deformation
Being the marker the geometric centre of the subset, this last provides sufficient
information to the tracking algorithm in order to obtain a unique and truthful
correlation. The cross-correlation between reference and subsequent subsets of
(2M + 1) X(2M + 1) pixels is based on the Zero-mean Normalized Sum of
Squared Differences (ZNSSD) correlation coefficient:
= ∑∑
f ( x, y ) − f m
( )
g x' , y' − gm
∑ ∑ (g (x , y ) − g )
M M 2 M M 2
∑ ∑ ( f ( x, y ) − f )
i i
' '
m m
i =M i =− M i =M i =− M
where f(x; y) is the gray intensity at coordinates (x; y) in the reference image
(undeformed), g(x0; y0) is the gray intensity at coordinates (x0; y0) in the
deformed image and are, respectively, the mean gray values in the reference and
deformed subsets. The ZNSSD correlation coefficient is insensitive to the offset
and linear scale of illumination intensity offering a robust noise-proof
pag. 18
1 1
fm = ∑ ∑
2M + 1 i = M i = − M
f ( x, y ) , g m = ∑ ∑
2M + 1 i =M i =− M
g ( x' , y' ) (2.2)
In order to allow the deformation of the subset and therefore improving the
correlation, different shape functions ( mapping functions) may be used. In the
present work, the reference subset is mapped to the target subset by a second-
order mapping function:
x' = x + uˆ = x + u + u x ∆x + u y ∆y
y ' = y + vˆ = y + v + v x ∆x + v y ∆y
where u and v are respectively the x’ and y’ directional displacement
components of the reference subset centre, ux, uy, vx, vy are the first-order
displacement gradients. The algorithm minimizes the ZNSSD correlation
coefficient CZNSSD, solving a set of six non-linear functions, where the
minimizing arguments, solution of the minimum problem, correspond to the
unknown parameters.
-the surface has not to have a preferred orientation and to exhibit a bias to one
-the surface has to present an high contrast
While we refer to these patterns as speckle patterns, the software only sees a
contrasting field; the speckles themselves are not the analysis unit. So, white
speckles on black can work as well as black speckles on white, or a high-quality
pattern may consist of neither.
2.1.2 Techniques
The following paragraph describes some methods of how to make pattern [12].
Spray paint
The most common diffused technique for applying a speckle pattern in DIC is
with ordinary paint.
Paint can be used with any intermediate-sized specimen that will not be
chemically affected by the paint, nor stiffened by it. This is usually exploited for
metal, ceramic, and composite specimens from 25mm to 1.25m.
Typically, the surface is coated with white paint in order to achieve the gradient
between the background with the paint.
Coating has to be very light on the surface; that is why, heavy coats may lead to
drips which, during deformation ,may give wrong strain information on the
The speckle coat with paint should be applied after the base coat becomes at
least tacky.
pag. 20
For smaller patterns, simply spraying the paint quickly past the surface in a
sweeping motion can give a good speckle size.
For larger fields, larger blobs must be produced. This can be effected by either
modifying the nozzle, or throttling the spray. One effective technique is to place
the surface horizontally, and spray over it. If the spray nozzle is barely pushed
down, large blobs will come out and fall on the surface; the finer mist will spray
over the surface, leaving a good, coarse pattern.
For very small specimens, a very fine pattern can be applied with toner powder.
This method works well for small samples (smaller than 12mm). For this
technique, the specimen should be coated white. Then, toner powder can be
blown with a small lens blower, or by mouth, onto the surface.
For extremely small specimens, patterns can be created with lithography or
vapour deposition. The pattern below is chrome on glass and the field of view is
500 microns.
For medium through large panels, printing of speckle patterns can be very
effective. This technique has been used with specimens from (25mm) through
Raster speckle patterns can be generated and printed on paper or vinyl appliqué.
For specimens that will strain, vinyl is recommended. The pattern may be
generated in software; printed using a laser printer or commercial roll plotter;
and applied to the surface. The pattern below was printed on a full-sheet laser
For very large specimens, a stencil can be employed to roll or spray a perfect
speckle pattern. Stencils can be made from thin vinyl with water or laser cutting
For some specimens, ink placed with a marker is a good technique. This
technique affects the surface minimally, and allows measurement of very high
strain. The ink can simply be dotted onto the surface with a marker. This
technique can be very time consuming for larger specimens.
The pattern below was placed on a (12mm) wide dog-bone. The specimen is
displayed before and after deformation; the correlation was successful at strains
up to 400%.
While grid patterns are neither necessary nor optimal for DIC, they may be used
with caution. Initial guesses must be selected carefully; with a nearly-perfect
grid, it is possible for DIC to find a good match that is actually off by 1 or more
grid spacing. In addition, the subset size must be large enough that at least one
grid intersection is always contained.
For shape measurements, a speckle pattern may be projected onto the surface
using a computer and front projector. For this method, room light should be
controlled to give high contrast.
Note that because a projected pattern does not stay with a moving surface, this
technique is only useful for shape measurement. Displacements may not be
accurately calculated.
pag. 22
Titanium powder
Titanium powder of about 5 µm particle size was mixed with plastic liquid
(Collodion, 2% in amyl acetate) and then applied to the specimen surface. When
the liquid was dried, a plastic film with random pattern was formed on the
specimen surface.
It is very flexible to deform with the specimen and firmly stuck to the surface,
even under very large deformations. The density of particle distribution on the
surface and the thickness of the plastic film could be controlled by changing the
particle density in the liquid.
Where W and H (in unit of pixels )are image width and height of an image,
∇f ( xij ) = f x (xij ) + f y (xij ) is the modulus of local intensity gradient vector
2 2
∑∑ [ f (x )]
≅ N ×δ f
x ij (2.7)
i =1 j =1
With NxN the subset dimension.
pag. 24
Taking fixed subset size, it has been seen that MIG varies only in inverse
proportion with the bias error and the deviation standard.
Since the mean intensity gradient is a effective global parameter to assess the
quality of the whole pattern.
In this work, only filtered images are used and so that the bias effect can be
neglected[21]. In order to obtain that [22], propose the use of low pass image
filters: such a filter can be applied during the image acquisition defocusing the
camera optic or by means of digital filters on the acquired data.
Due to the strong relation between MIG and standard deviation, in our work,
this last one will be calculated.
pag. 25
Chapter 3
The used technique is based on a laser printing: briefly, the pattern is applied on
all samples ironing on it a paper previously printed by common printer.
First of all the appropriate kinds of paper for the purpose must be chosen. 3
types of papers are available.
The intrinsic proprieties of paper should be:
-It has to be a very good “ink transportation way” from the printer to the sample;
in fact during the printing phase, the ink has to be deposited on the paper and
then released on the sample.
- During the printing phase, the ink has to be deposited without being absorbed
by paper.
- After printing the ink has a high temperature; thus the sheet must not be
deformed or ,even worse, weld inside the printer.
-the sheet has to be smooth in order to have a major contact area with the metal
surface where it leans.
The first tested material is the common printing paper.
The problem is that it absorbs a part of ink and then it becomes impossible to the
ink to deposit.
The second type is photographic paper; it is a paper sheet covered with plastic
on only one side.
In printing phase it is a good material but, unfortunately, the below problem
rises up during the ironing phase:
The removing of the paper stuck to the sample after the electric iron can not be
done manually; sample needs to be put inside a bowl of water so that the paper
becomes softer and the removing becomes easier;
This operation works very good only with pattern having big circles (with
diameter >0.8 mm) but with smaller ones it is unpractical.
The last type of paper is a plastic sheet always used in photography.
The printing remains with an appreciate fining and with a good contrast between
the spots and the background .
There is not even the problem of removing using water.
By the way, for the used aluminium samples, the estimated time is around 2
minutes and 30 seconds.
3.2.3 Pattern shape and size
The best choice of the shape on improving the gradient of contrast for the DIC
technique is circular shape: they are easier to be realised by a printer.
Another aspect to be considered is the technique behaviour due to different sizes
and steps of dots in the pattern; for this reason a sheet is made with a series of
dots with diameter from 0.05 mm to 1mm and with an incremental step of
Actually the distance from the dots is not considered and so the dots are simply
drawn so that they can not touch each other during the ironing.
For the following experimental test (see Chapter 5) the dot size wants to be
further on decreased in order to work on small pieces. After that, an
optimization of step is performed.
Figure 3.3 Series of pattern(diameters from 0.05mm to 1mm with step of 0.05)
pag. 29
As it can been seen, the best toner intensity for a pattern with small size is 7.
The last aspect to be observed is that during printing, in case the time that
elapses between the tests is long, the toner has to heat every time.
If it is necessary to print only one sheet, it prefers to make two sequentially
printings in order to have a better result in the second one.
(the ink is more liquid due to the previous sheet and so it uniformly deposits).
For the ironing a common electric iron at the maximum temperature (around
120°C) is used.
Some notices need to be taken into account: it is preferable that the surface of
deposition is straight as much as possible especially with big dimension dots;
because they are more far-between and there is a possibility that some circles do
not stick.
Another aspect to be kept in mind is to put a cloth between the electric iron and
the sheet: the plastic tends to paste and melt on the hot plate making the dots
transposition impossible.
pag. 30
Last thing, the surface has to have a low roughness because the plastic sheet can
not follow the crest of the piece.
3.2.6 Contrast
To make DIC working in the best way, ROI needs to be got with the contrast as
high as possible (DIC works with the gradients); so that the best contrast of
colors is obviously white and black. Generally the metallic surfaces have a grey
coloration; in addition, as it has been already mentioned above, the surface must
be smooth; but this makes it reflective.
For solving the problem, a white layer of enamelled paint is applied on the zone
of the aluminium pieces.
This makes the area smooth but not reflective.
This solution does not give an efficient result: the pattern does not paste with the
zone due to the paint.
Another solution is the utilization of titanium dioxide (TiO2): it makes the
surface white, not reflective, it does not paste to the piece (it is a simply
superficial deposit) and it can be removed easily using a cloth.
For the application of titanium dioxide a airbrush is used taking into account that
the surface has to have an homogeneous coloration.
But also this technique can not exploit: the surface covered with titanium
dioxide is just a light patina that can be removed with the slightest touch; with
the ironing no blobs remain on the sample.
Hence other methods have been thought in order to avoid to interpose a foreign
substance between the ink and the piece:
pag. 31
-One method consists of grinding the pieces and so making the application of
small dots easier; but it makes the area too reflective (fig.3.6).
As it can be seen, the surface is still reflective and this solution is discarded.
Another solution is sandblast.
The piece becomes mat and there are not other substances to grasp the ink; the
background is clear grey but sufficient for a good contrast with black. Moreover
dots stick in any dimension.
Further advantages are a short setting time, a very practical and availability
Therefore sandblast is the best method adopted for the purpose(before the
So the final solution is a drawing software (for instance Autocad) that permits
not to lose information. Additionally using Autocad’s tools a better quality of
printing can be got increasing the resolution.
Printing comes out considerably improved and it is possible to have a grid with
diameters of 0.05mm.
In reality the grid can reach diameters until 0.03mm but at this point the step
becomes a problem.
The last point is to find, using the printer, the minimum realizable step with the
minimum diameter.
In order to get the appropriated step, our hypothesis is that the points have not to
link together; so that, the minimum step having this condition (where dots are
not linked together) is our starting point.
A series of patterns are made ,changing the step and taking the diameter
constant (Ø= 0.05mm) .
After printing, an images acquisition is performed using a common scanner
(resolution scanner: 4800 dpi) in order to analyze the obtained result.
The figure 3.12 shows an example of scanning image where dots are linked
pag. 36
As it can be seen in figure 3.13, the circles tend to join also with a big step
(0.15mm of step with Ø 0.05mm).
This because when the blobs dimensions become smaller and smaller ,the
printer does not manage to maintain the order of scale 1:1(during the printing
the ink is liquid and tends to spread).
Therefore the final result will not be the expected one.
pag. 37
A dimensional analysis is carried out in order to verify how different real final
dimensions are compared to the designed ones.
In order to do that, it is needed to know how many millimetres correspond to
one pixel of scanner.
With the aid of Sobel’s filter, a blob analysis is performed for obtaining the
scanner calibration and the variation of the dots size in printing and ironing
phase .
In the images there is the presence of noise and dirty and during the analysis
both can create some problems.
In the table above, the calibration is equal along the abscissa and ordinate.
pag. 40
After filtering, the data of dots are acquired in printing and ironing phases,
considering particular characteristics (according the Fig 3.17).
Waddel diameter’s meaning: it is the diameter of a circle having the same area
of the surface taken into account.
pag. 41
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2
Diameter of dot [mm]
Experimental Curve
Theoretical Curve
The graph above represents the trend of mean diameters after printing with its
standard deviation (the blue curve) respect to the designed diameters (the pink
As it can be seen, all the samples the real curve is higher than the theoretical
one; in particular, the offset is considerably higher for small dots (especially if it
is considered the percentage of error):
For instance, the theoretic diameter of 1mm results now 1,03mm and so there is
a variation of 3%.
On the contrary, in the case of 0.05mm, the result is around 0.14mm with a
variation of 180% from the drawing.
pag. 42
The conclusion is that the printer with small pattern can not respect the
dimensions and this has to be kept in mind for future employment.
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2
Diameter of dot[mm]
Experimental Curve
Theoretical Curve
The graph above represents the Waddel diameter; as in figure 3.19 ,the printed
dots are bigger than the theoretical diameter.
For diameter until 0.6 mm, the absolute difference is considerably higher than
the others.
pag. 43
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2
Rectangular Width Diameter of dot [mm]
Rectangular Height
Theoretical Curve
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2
Diameter of dot [mm]
Experimental Curve
Theoretical Curve
The graph above represents the trend of maximum diameters after printing with
its standard deviation (the blue curve) respect to the designed diameters (the
pink curve).
As the mean diameter graph( fig 3.21) shows, all the samples of the real curve
are higher than the theoretical one.
Around to 0.6mm diameter, there is a big variation of offset between the real
and theoretical curve.
pag. 45
N° empty zones inside a dot
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2
Diameter of dot[mm]
Experimental Curve
The graph represents the number of “empty/white zones” inside one blobs.
As it can be seen, Increasing the dimension of diameter size, the number of
“white zones” is higher.
That is why, higher area dots means more probability to have empty zones.
pag. 46
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2
Diamete r of dot[mm]
Experimental Curve
As it can be seen in figure above, the circularity is approximately constant for all
the diameters; the circularity goes from 0 to 1 where 0 represents the best
situation and 1 the worst one and in our test it is around 0.0055.
One aspect to observe is that the standard deviation is higher for small dots.
pag. 47
Ironing phase
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2
Experimental Curve Diameters of dots[mm]
Theoretical Curve
Figure 3.24 Mean diameter after ironing
After ironing, the mean diameters are acquired; as shown in figure 3.24, the real
dimensions are bigger than the drawing ones (the same happens during printing
Comparing to the mean diameter after printing, in this case, there is not a
presence of an evident diameter variation at Ø=0.6mm.
So that, the ink quantity varies correctly according the size blobs, but in printing
phase there is a higher ink spread for smaller blobs, probably caused to the
printer itself.
The difference increases with the decreasing of size; observing the smallest dots
(0.04 mm and 0.05 mm) ,the final reached result after ironing is completely
different from the estimated one( 0.13 mm and 0.15 mm).
In conclusion, with the used printer, the smallest reachable dot is 0.13-0.15mm.
pag. 48
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2
Experimental Curve Diameters of dots[mm]
Theoretical Curve
Figure 3.25 Maximum diameter after ironing
The graph above represents the trend of maximum diameters after printing with
its standard deviation (the blue curve) respect to the designed diameters (the
pink curve).
As the figure 3.25 , matching the maximum diameter after printing with the
ironing one, the presence of diameter variation at Ø=0.6mm is disappeared.
pag. 49
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2
Diameters of dots[mm]
Experimental Curve
The circularity remains more or less constant for all diameters; respect to
printing phase, the circularity gets worse (from 0.0055 to 0.007) but, in any
case, the value is acceptable.
The number of holes after ironing sensitively decreases:
for instance, in case of 1mm diameter , there are 13.5 “white zones” in printing
phase and 0.12 in ironing phase. Therefore, there is an improvement from ink
spreading point of view.
Moreover , after 0.6 mm, a stabilization of number of empty zones is denoted.
pag. 50
N° empty zones inside a dot
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2
Diameter of dot[mm]
Experimental Curve
A particular focus:
In printing phase we have not lost any dots in any size; on the contrary, in
ironing phase, the number of missing dots is very aleatory (i.e. it depends a lot
of printing modality).
pag. 51
Mean Diameter
Ironed diameter [mm]
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2
Experimental Curve Printed diameter [mm]
Theoretical Curve
Figure 3.28 Matching ironing and printing diameter
pag. 52
3.5 Conclusion
In this chapter an innovative technique to produce a surface pattern for DIC is
The main issues that need to be considered in the preparation of the speckle
pattern are:
− During the creation of small size blobs on the paper, the performances of
the printer must be considered in order to avoid problems during ironing.
− To obtain a reduction of size, the unique limitation is the printer.
In case of applications that request small blobs size, actually, the possible
realizable minimum pattern is 0.05mm of diameter with a step of 0.2 mm(in
printing phase), which in ironing phase, becomes 0.13mm of diameter with a
step of 0.2mm.
This makes the technique suitable for standard small-medium size specimen
(10-500 mm, i.e. commonly tested on a tensile machine).
Figure 3.29 Comparison between the new speckle pattern with a traditional one (airbrush)
-It can not reach smaller dimensions than 0.5 mm (make smaller , the colour
tends to join between the holes under the stencil).
For this reasons , on metal pieces , our technique of ironing of a controlled
pattern results surely the best.
pag. 54
Chapter 4
Where W and H (in unit of pixels ) are image width and height of an image, and
∇f ( xij ) = f x (xij ) + f y (xij )
2 2
is the modulus of local intensity gradient vector considering the derivatives at
pixel along x and y directions ( f x (xij ), f y (xij )) .
In order to achieve the grey-scale gradient as higher as possible, the blobs inside
the pattern have not to join together. Furthermore, each subset in the image has
to be identified with uniqueness matching with other subsets. So that, blobs have
to be created with a slight randomizing respecting to an ordered blobs grid
Indeed, each blob is created inside the respective region without crossing the
border (the green dashed line).
Hence, the random position value for each blob always has to be respect the
following formula:
pag. 56
Step − Diameter
Rand . pos. < −1 [pixel] (4.3)
Before the MIG coefficient calculation, a problem rises up during the blob
circles realization:
In the real world, blobs are perfectly circular; on the contrary, in digital images
they are converted in pixel and so that , there is a blurring of grey-scale on the
contour of each blob; this is more evident especially in case of small blobs size
where the “boundary ring” is more dominant respect to the entire blob (fig. 4.2).
Figure 4.2 Blurring in the boundary in case of small and big blob
For solving this the problem, dots size is increased 10 time respect to the
original dimension(i.e. taking a case with dots having 4 pixel diameters becomes
40 pixel); then a filter is employed for avoiding aliasing.
Successively, the dots are downsampled , coming back to the original
dimension. Then, knowing from literature that the analysis improves with a
filtering of images[15], a Gaussian filter is used (σ=1) in order to make the blob
slight blurred.
Patterns generation with different blobs sizes and steps are made and MIG
coefficient is calculated.
pag. 57
The obtained graph represents the variation of MIG coefficient according the
blob steps and diameters.
As it can been seen, each “bell graph” is the variation of MIG parameter
changing the step, maintaining constant the diameter.
According the whole graph, the best pattern type is 'Ø4.5 p6'; we observe that,
for smaller diameters, the gradient decreases sensibly with the reduction of
diameters size; on the contrary, for bigger diameter the decreasing is smoothed.
Due to the high number of pattern types, only some points are considered and
successively analyzed.
Some samples are picked in “theoretical optimal zone”(the zone closes to the
best pattern type) and others in worse zones before and after the “theoretical
optimal zone”.
In the graph the chosen points are marked in red.
Remember that, the blobs in each pattern have a slight random position
(otherwise during the analysis, we could have problems with the ROI
recognition ).
pag. 58
The eighth pattern is a kind of pattern used in previously DIC tests which has
been created without considering the hypothesis above mentioned. In this work,
this pattern kind is called “Random image” and it will be used during a
comparison of accuracy with the other patterns.
pag. 59
The first graph represents the mean ɛxx of 8 different pattern types in 13
images.; instead, the second represents the standard deviation of ɛxx curves.
pag. 61
As it can been seen above, DIC software is able to measure the uncertainty of
the scanner head motion along Y axis during the relative scansion.
The scanner produces more errors respect that we want to observe.
Hence, the scanner is not a good device for our purpose.
pag. 62
Then, a camera with an optical lent is mounted on the truck ;all the system has
to be isolated, without being influenced of external disturbances (for example,
vibrations of the floor).
So that, at each movement of the micrometric screw and with its relative
measure by laser sensor, it is possible to record a sequence of our pattern.
pag. 65
A calibration is necessary, in order to estimate the distortion and the focal for
the following images acquisition. In our case ,the distortion can be neglected
due to the good quality of CCD camera.
The calibration occurs with an acquisition of several images in various positions
of a particular grid placed where our pattern paper will be applied; 18 images
are taken.
The, the pattern sheet is fixed on the wall ,in front of the camera at the distance
around of 1 meter.
In order to avoid mistakes in measurement, the camera is regulated by a
software for controlling the pitch, roll and yaw; during the setting phase, four
white dots around the pattern ( as it can be seen in figure 4.13.) are used for the
calibration and they have to remain inside the placement window.
4.4 Results
∑ σ meas
N 2
σ = i =1 ,i
Where σ meas,i is standard deviation calculated in one single pattern type
acquired in one image and N is the number of acquired images.
After the acquisition, an analysis is carried out using VIC software.
The ROI are constituted by 15 pixels with an overlap of 10 pixels.
In figure 4.14 the abscissa represents the movement in millimetres with the
micrometric screw and the ordinate represents the averaged-displacement
calculated by VIC software for each type of pattern.
pag. 68
The deviation standard should give us an idea of performances for each speckle
pattern type.
The abscissa in figure 4.15 represents the movement in millimetres with the
micrometric screw and the ordinate represents the standard deviation calculated
by VIC software for each type of pattern.
As it can be seen, there is not a significant variation of standard deviation
between each other; therefore, it is impossible to note which pattern is better.
(for instance, the best theoretical pattern is 'Ø4.5 p6' (Fig 4.4), but it is not
verified through this experiment).
Ø3 p4.3 Ø3 p5.1 Ø4.5 p5.3 Ø4.5 p6 Ø4.5 p7 Ø7 p8.6 Ø9.5 p11.1
Speckle Pattern size
In the graph above the mean standard deviation is calculated of all pattern types;
if σ has a low value, means a low uncertainty during the calculation of DIC
According the MIG graph , the best theoretical pattern is 'Ø4.5 p6' but ,as it can
been seen, this consideration is not respected.
Γ= * 100 (4.2)
I max − I min
Where σ the Gaussian noise, Imax and Imin are the intensity limits range of grey
In other words, Γ represents the standard deviation of the additive Gaussian
noise expressed as the percentage of the image dynamics Imax and Imin.
The simulated noise levels are equal to 0% (no noise), 2.5% and 5.0%
pag. 71
On the contrary of the previous test, the types of pattern can be clearly identified
due to the standard deviation.
Moreover, the standard deviation (in absolute values terms) is higher than the
previous one.
pag. 72
Ø3 p4.3 Ø3 p5.1 Ø4.5 p5.3 Ø4.5 p6 Ø4.5 p7 Ø7 p8.6 Ø9.5 p11.1
Speckle Pattern size
The mean standard deviation is calculated for all pattern types; in this case, σ
has the lower value in 'Ø4.5 p6' (as expected, according the MIG graph).
The matching of the other patterns is made in the table 4.6.
pag. 73
Decreasing the noise respect to the previous test, standard deviation is lower in
magnitude value (before it was around 0.02÷0.042 pixel and now it is
0.012÷0.022 pixel).
It is possible to observe a small differentiation among each speckle pattern.
But the discrepancies are more evident with higher noise.
pag. 74
Ø3 p4.3 Ø3 p5.1 Ø4.5 p5.3 Ø4.5 p6 Ø4.5 p7 Ø7 p8.6 Ø9.5 p11.1
Speckle Pattern size
The mean standard deviation is calculated for all pattern types; as in case of
Γ=5%, σ has the lower value in 'Ø4.5 p6' (as expected, according the MIG
graph).The matching of the other patterns is made in the table 4.6.
From past literature, a kind of pattern (the Random Image cited on page 55) has
been employed without considering the optimization pattern theory and it has
been compared with the others (see the graphs below).
pag. 76
In different situations, the Random pattern is not the best choice but its order of
accuracy is always comparable with the others (in any case a good gradient).
Therefore , even not to consider the pattern optimization theory , a feasible
pattern nowadays used may be applied.
Rank Pattern from MIG graph Pattern by VIC software
1st Ø4.5 p6 Ø4.5 p6
2nd Ø4.5 p5.3 Ø4.5 p5.3
3rd Ø4.5 p7 Ø4.5 p7
4th Ø3 p5.1 Ø3 p4.3
5th Ø7 p8.6 Ø3 p5.1
6th Ø3 p4.3 Ø7 p8.6
7th Ø9.5 p11.1 Ø9.5 p11.1
Table 4.6 Ranking of best pattern
As it can be seen, in terms of best accuracy , all the patterns found by VIC
software have a correspondence with MIG graph, except for Ø3 p4.3 pattern.
This can be justified by the bell curves (fig. 4.25):
Chapter 5
%C %Mn %Al %V %Cr %Ni %Si %S %P
0.56 18 1.5 0.16 0.46 0.09 0.38 0.018 0.022
Casting %C %Mn %Si %P %S %Cr %Ni %Mo %Cu %V %Al
B1 211 0,217 1,647 1,628 0,0155 0,014 0,03 0,013 0,003 0,011 0,005 0,05
B2 212 0,208 1,824 1,634 0,0161 0,016 0,039 0,017 0,167 0,013 0,006 0,006
Table 5.1 Chemical composition of dog bones
The transversal area dimensions of the samples are shown in the table below:
Figure 5.2 Final result after application of the pattern on the piece
pag. 83
The distance between the camera system and the specimen is determined by
Generally short lenses give better results and give the possibility to easily work
but, they have the drawback to focus too close to the specimen and so there is
not the possibility of leeway;
The distance is set so that the specimen roughly fills the field of view.
If the specimen is larger than the field of view, we lose data at the edges; if the it
is much smaller, our spatial resolution suffers.
In this experimental test, the samples are acquired in 3 dimensions. So that, at
least 2 cameras are necessary to make an stereoscopic image.
Hence, the entire area of interest must be visible in both cameras: generally, the
specimen should be made just a bit smaller than the field of view, so that pixel-
perfect alignment is not necessary.
An aspect concerning the Twip steel is that, due to their high elongation, a major
field of view must be considered during the cameras position; otherwise during
the traction phase, part of image may be not framed and so that ,a loss of data
could be happened.
Using two photo-cameras it is possible to calculate a digital image correlation
stereoscopic by a commercial software(VIC 3D).
Each camera has its own optic (ones of 90mm and ones of 180mm) . The model
of two cameras is Model Nikon D80 with a resolution of 3.872 × 2.592 (10.2
effective megapixels).
The interesting zone is approximately four centimetres and the conversion
parameter from mm to pixel is about 0.01mm.
Two tripods are placed in different positions far from the bone dog (that is why
different optics mean different focus); it is possible to mount the cameras on
only one tripod but placing them on two different tripods the weight of each
camera is better supported.
According to the manual of software[12] the cameras should be positioned
somewhat symmetrically about the specimen; this helps the magnification level
One camera is positioned in front of the bone dog about 320mm; the other one is
slanting at an angle of about 30° at a distance of 560mm.
pag. 85
Just for having the possibility to employ 2D DIC software too, one of two
cameras is placed in parallel position respect to the flat sample.
The photos acquisition is settled manually: an 100 ISO, images in .JPEG format,
exposure time 0.05 seconds. With these characteristics the photos result good
and clean for the purpose.
The synchronization of arrangement is made with a single timer with a
frequency impulse of 0.5 Hz.
The timer is linked with a single remote control that acts to all two cameras
-Occasionally, lighting configuration can affect grid selection. Some grids may
be slightly reflective; under intense or directional light sources, these reflections
can wash out the grid image. For these cases, matte grids should be used.
At least four calibration images must be acquired; in addition, the acquisition of
redundant images leaves more room to discard poor images (images that contain
highlights, defocus, occlusion, or other issues that make them unsuitable for
utilization). For a typical setup, 15-20 images should be acquired[12].
To accurately estimate aspect ratio, the grid should be rotated in-plane in some
The calibration procedure in DIC software calculates variables about the camera
geometry and imaging; it is not specific to a plane or volume in space.
Therefore, it is not necessary to position the calibration grid in the exact same
location as the intended specimen.
pag. 87
The parameters of calibration are founded from the relationship between the two
cameras (called Extrinsic Parameters). These parameters will change if the
cameras are moved or tilted.
It is possible to find the parameters of each camera too(Intrinsic Parameters);
these parameters change if you move the lens or change the aperture or focus.
Typically, we calibrate extrinsic and intrinsic parameters at the same time, with
a stereo calibration. However, in some cases, it is advantageous to calibrate the
extrinsic parameters separately or to refine them using a speckle image.
Examples of cases where separate calibration is required:
• Cameras cannot be synchronized;
• Large measurement fields for which a large enough grid is not practical
Examples of cases where stereo calibration may be refined by external
• The cameras are moved or bumped since calibration. In general, any time you
run a correlation and see an higher error than the expected one, you can try to
run the external orientation calibration to improve your results.
• Test setup to include nonstandard distortions, such as from a glass pane.
When the calculation is complete, a report of calibration results and error scores
will be presented. The errors will be displayed per image, as well as an overall
error score:
A calibration score is showed in fig.5.6 .
If we had a good set of calibration images with good tilt and coverage of the
image field, the overall error (Standard deviation of residuals for all views)
should be displayed in green.
If the score is displayed in red, it may need to remove some images or
recalibrate. Vic-3D will automatically remove very poor images, but additional
images can be removed manually.
If the result is uniformly high , or if you have several high scores, there may be a
problem with the setup. These things should be checked for decreasing the
standard deviation:
- The grid images are in focus.
- The exposure times are short enough to eliminate motion blur.
- The cameras are secure on the stereo rig.
- The grid is rigid.
- If using a glass grid, confirm that the correct face is towards the camera.
- The cameras are synchronized.
To make the image sharp through the focus adjustment, it is also necessary to
adjust the brightness of the image. There are two controls available for this: the
aperture/iris setting on the lens and the exposure time setting of the camera.
The aperture is a hole or an opening through which light travels. Opening the
aperture more light can fall on the sensor.
In cameras, the aperture mechanism can be regulated on different apertures,
distributed regularly on a scale called f-number.
F-numbers are usually indicated on the lens’s aperture ring and typically go
from an open setting of F/1.4 or F/2.8 to a closed setting of F/22 or F/32.
Using a bigger aperture (lower f-number) makes the image brighter.
However, the depth of field decreases the range over which the focus is sharp.
Even for a flat specimen, some depth of field is necessary because each camera
is oblique to the plane of the specimen.
Also, a poor depth of field may make difficult to achieve a wide range of
calibration target.
Note that the aperture may not be changed after the system is calibrated.
pag. 89
Exposure time is the amount of time the camera sensor gathers light before
reading out a new image. A longer exposure time makes the image brighter but
it can also create blur if significant motion happens during the exposure time.
In contrast to aperture, exposure time may be adjusted after the system is
calibrated if lighting conditions change or the specimen becomes
After this point, changing any aspect of the camera system will invalidate the
calibration; so all adjustments should be carefully fixed at this point.
The samples are mounted one by one on the tensile machine taking into account
not to move anything else (otherwise the calibration must be repeated again);
one extensometer with an opening around 50 mm is employed to the sample for
giving us a “rough comparison” between its detected measures with the values
found by DIC software
The extensometer gives back only an averaged strain measure between the two
points of clip gauge extremity; instead in our case, there is a welding line in the
middle which almost certainly has a different strain respect to the metal base.
Hence, the extensometer is employed only for an evaluation of strains order and
to match with the strains found by DIC software
modality is to rename photos at the end of the file with “_0” and “ _1” according
to the camera.
The chosen digital image correlation software is VIC3D in order to measure the
shape, displacement and strain on surfaces in three dimensions. All the DIC
analysis are carried out with an 8-tap optimized interpolation method, selecting
a ZNSSD (zero normalized sum of squared differences) criterion, able, in a real
application, to automatically compensate scale and offset in the intensity pattern
Using it, actual object movement is measured and the Lagrangian strain tensor is
available at every point on the specimen’s surface.
Start point is the initial point where DIC software begins the elaboration.
Generally, start point should be positioned in a area of the image with as low as
possible motion during the test.
In case of tensile test, the start point is positioned as close as possible to the
stationary grip. This helps the automatic correlation.
In Vic 3D , start points are automatically found in the following images.
In some cases, the initial guess point is not found. This is due to some reasons
listed below:
- Multiple, large camera angles (rather than a single stereo angle)
- Highly curved surfaces such as cylinders
- Large rotations between successive images
- Very fine or indistinct speckle patterns
- Poor calibration.
It exists a window in the program, where it is possible to place manually start
Filter size/type
To calculate curvatures a local filter is used. The Filter box allows selection of a
smoothing method. The decay filter is a 90% center-weighted Gaussian filter
and works best for most situations; the box filter is a simple unweighted
averaging filter.
The Filter size box controls the size of the smoothing window.
Since the filter size is given in terms of data points rather than pixels, the
physical size of the window on the object also depends on the step size used
during correlation analysis.
An empirical formula exists to calculate the filter size:
Filter-size=(subset dimension/overlap)*3
In the case the filter number is too small for reaching good results, increasing
the size is mandatory [Values on tab 5.3].
-Incremental correlation
With incremental correlation, each image is compared to the previous one rather
than the reference one.
This can be useful in cases of pattern breakdown or extremely high strains
pag. 92
This option is only used with 2 samples made of TWIP which have a great
During processing, the data employed in VIC software are displayed in tab.5.3.
Chapter 6
In order to evaluate the strain behavior along the X axis, points are picked in a
horizontal line respect to the centre line. (fig.6.2) . Beside, the strains on the last
image are taken into consideration in order to show the correlation between the
measured image with the real broken dog-bone.
The position of the middle line that passes through the pattern is estimated on
the first image of each sample.
Then, being aware of the positions in pixel, they can be simply converted into
millimetres using the conversion parameter found during calibration phase.
Successively, taking middle line as reference, zero setting is carried out.
pag. 97
As further aid, the pieces are visualized on the microscope and the distance is
approximately measured from the breaking and welding line: knowing the
position of the breaking line that can be extracted from the ultimate strain shown
in the last image, the welding position is given as a simply difference.
This measure is not accurate because the fracture generally is not parallel to the
welding line but, in any case, it is useful for having an idea of values order of
coefficient of conversion is found measuring the width of the piece in pixel from
an image and then comparing it with the real measure (l=12,56mm).
In each section, along the width five points are picked using the same constant
step .
Except for TWIP 8T where sections are not useful (during the test the last
images were not acquired), for other samples the points are picked.
The drawing and the table below display the positions of the points in all three
samples taking as reference the welding line.
Sample [mm]
a-sx a-dx b-sx b-dx
Q&P B12 -8,4 -2,94 2,94 8,4
Q&P B22 -7,34 -2,09 2,09 7,34
TWIP 11T -7,63 -2,34 2,34 7,63
TWIP 8T / / / /
The below curves represent the strain behavior (ξxx) in function of the stress in
five different points on the welding line (section A-A in Fig.6.6).
Figure 6.6 Q&P B1-2 Strain/Stress curves in welding zone (section A-A)
All the curves exhibit small negative strain in the first images that, successively,
become positive.
The ultimate strain before the breaking is about 3500 µε.
Small disturbances on the curves profile are present; this is due to the noise
during the images acquisition.
pag. 100
Considering the two sections B-B and C-C in heat affected zone taken
equidistant from the centre welding line (about 2,5 mm), the variation of ɛxx
direction is not significant in each section along Y direction.
On the contrary, matching the two strain-stress curves is noted that the trend is
That is why the breaking point is closer to section B-B and indeed, the ultimate
strain is higher than section C-C (it results around 7000 µε in sect. B-B vs 3000
µε in sect. C-C ).
pag. 101
In the sections D-D and E-E (fig.6.8) practically identical curves are noted in
every points. A verify of the difference between the two sections is made (as
shown below).
Figure 6.9 Q&P B1-2 Strain/Stress curves between the curves in sections D-D and E-E
pag. 102
As it can be seen, the first part ∆ε tends to zero for all the points and then it
increases for the last stress points reaching a maximum difference of 8700 µε .
This is why, the yielding zone is influenced of the breaking point which is closer
to section B-B(the distance from breaking line and the points on the left side is
approximately 5 mm).
The graphs in fig.6.8 are used for calculating Young’s modulus in order to
evaluate which frames are acquired during the elastic phase.
From the formula (6.2) , E is calculated using a linear regression considering all
points in the elastic linear part of the strain-stress curve. The obtained results are
shown below:
The blue dashed line represents the centre line of the welding.
The yellow zone represents the base metal; an average is made resulting about
175 GPa.
While going closer to the junction, some values are negative (the blue region).
That is why , as already seen in fig.6.6, a negative strain occurs and hence,
after a regression, the final result is negative.
Furthermore it is noticed that, the blue negative region is on the right side
respect to the centre line.
pag. 103
Probably this is due to the fact ,the sample is not completely straight.
During the tensile test, the piece tends to became flat and in the welding zone
bending occurs. The welding line behaves like a yielding constrain .
Carrying on with the test, the strain ɛxx in welding zone becomes positive but,
we are in the plastic region now.
Hence, it is impossible to calculate Young’s modulus correctly in welded region.
pag. 107
Concerning Q&P B1-2, the figure 6.15 shows the ultimate strain before the
Tracing a line along x (white dashed line) and projecting on the graph, it is
possible to note where the piece breaks after few seconds. The distance respect
to the welding line coincides with the measure taken with the microscope (about
4mm).Another aspect to be highlighted is that the strain in correspondence of
welding zone is the lowest of all the piece.
Using VIC 3D software is possible also to analyse the strain εyy along X
direction that usually with the common measurement instruments is not feasible.
In the figure above shows εyy in the last image of the experiment; in the
welding region there is not deformation (or at least it is really small), on the
contrary, in the region of the breaking, the deformation is high (-0.025ε)and
necking phenomena occurs.
In fig.6.17 , as like for Q&P B2-1 sample, there is a small compression on the
initial images.
The reached maximum strain is 6000 µε.
Figure 6.17 Q&P B2-2 Strain/Stress curves in welding zone (section A-A )
pag. 109
Figure 6.18 Q&P B2-2 Strain/Stress curves in heat affected zone (sections B-B and C-C)
In sections B-B and C-C ( fig.6.18 ) some points are taken and it is observed that
there is not a significant variations of strain along y axis.
There is an asymmetry between the two sections taken equidistant from the
centre welding line ( about 3 mm ). That is why breaking point is on the right
side close to section C-C; in addition there is a small compression in the section
Figure 6.19 Q&P B2-2 Strain/Stress curves base metal zone (sections D-D and E-E)
pag. 110
Far away from the blue dashed line the Young’s modulus is about 184 GPa.
Also for this case, E values can not be taken into consideration in the welding
zone: the fig.6.20 indicates compression in some images and so that, after a
linear regression, some values are high (the red regions) and others negative (the
blue regions).
Another interesting aspect is that the highest values of E are present only in the
right part of the welding line.
pag. 111
In Fig.6.21 the blue zone refers to the position of the welding whereas the red
zone refers to the breaking point.
Tracing a line along x (white dashed line) and projecting on the graph, it is
possible to measure the distance respect to the welding line and where the piece
breaks after few seconds. The distance respect to the welding line coincides with
the measure taken with the microscope (about 3.3mm).
Another aspect to observe is that the strain in correspondence of welding zone is
the lowest in all the piece.
pag. 112
Figure 6.22 Twip 11T Strain/Stress curves in welding zone (section A-A)
In the following figure, the strain-stress curves in heat affected zone result
smaller than the maximum strain in welding region(0.25ɛ vs 0.9ɛ); that is why
the breaking point in this sample is closer to the welding zone.
Figure 6.23 Twip 11T Strain/Stress curves in heat affected zone (sections B-B and C-C)
pag. 113
The maximum strain reached in base metal zone is smaller than the strain in the
welding region (around 0.15ε).As it is expected, two curves are equal.
Figure 6.24 Twip 11T Strain/Stress curves in base metal zone (sections D-D and E-E)
The following graph shows the difference between the strain of the previous
In the first points the difference is very low and then decreases very slowly but,
in any case, negligible in comparison with the reached strains.
Figure 6.25 Twip 11T Strain/Stress curves between the curves in sections D-D and E-E
pag. 114
At 0.58mm the maximum strain is reached (fig.6.26) and in this position its final
length is doubled ; the measure is close to the microscope measure (~0.75mm).
The fig.6.27 shows the Young’s modulus. E value is around 82 GPa in the base
metal zone while in the welding line it is lower (about 15 GPa ). The white
dashed line represents the centre line.
From the literature the expected Young’s modulus in base metal should be
around 190-200 GPa[17]. That is probably due to the accentuated bending of the
In order to calculate the stress σN, in the previous cases (Q&P B1-2 and Q&P
B2-2 samples) , the axial force is considered normal in each transversal section
of the entire samples (the angle generated between the two joined parts is
around 3° and so that, we have hypothesized that the samples are flat).
But, in this case, the angle generated is higher ( around 7°) and hence the
presence of bending moment can not be neglected (fig.6.28).
Therefore, the calculation of Young’s modulus proves to be difficult and
complex to correctly find.
Figure 6.29 TWIP 8T Strain/Stress curves in base metal zone (sections D-D and E-E)
Figure 6.30 Twip 8T Zoom in elastic zone of stress-strain graph in section D-D
As we expect, the strain in X direction presents a high peak close in the welding
line (fig.6.31).
over the range that was taken into account and in this range there is the welding
joint with a different elastic modulus.
To carry out the hardness test, an additional optical unit is used together with the
optic measuring head. This other unit is formed by a microscope and a
measuring unit for linear displacement. This last allows the microscope to
change position.
pag. 119
For the test, a pyramidal penetrator made of diamond is exploited; the load is 1
Kg (the thicknesses of samples are small, so low forces are preferred. This
model of durometer can calculate the hardness and the Young's modulus through
a processor.
From the above figure obtained with the test, E can be calculated.
As it can be seen during the test, increasing the force, a deeper penetration
results inside the piece, and it keeps increasing until it reaches the peak at
F=9,81 N; then, after unloading the force, the material recovers some
deformation within elastic range, so the behaviour is linear. Therefore, it is
possible to find E by calculating the slope of the line.
Each sample is constrained with a phenolic resin in order to carry out the test
(Fig.6.34); this is done because, as already noted, the samples are not
completely straight and in order to avoid freely movements of the piece while
penetrator acts.
pag. 120
Some other tests are done to obtain an average and a better accuracy. For each
sample 5 points are picked.
To calculate E by DIC, it is necessary to find the area of the base metal; then
averaging, the accuracy improves using each “local” Young’s modulus.
Just for Q&P steel samples, the final results and the comparison between DIC’s
data and Zwick’s data are displayed in the below table:
Chapter 7
In this thesis we investigated how the speckle pattern parameter influences the
displacement measurement accuracy in digital image correlation.
Particular attention is centered on a realization of a novel speckle pattern
technique able to be controlled.
The main obtained results in this work are summarized below.
A novel speckle pattern technique for metallic surface has been fulfilled.
Using only a common laser printer and an electric iron, we have the possibility
to obtain an optimal pattern result respect to the nowadays most diffused
Its easy application modality and its low cost make this technique competitive in
comparison with the others.
The method, moreover, presents an incredible flexibility because it allows to
obtain a pre-defined pattern, while the most of the state of the art techniques
allow to create a random pattern.
The proposed technique allows to change the size of the blobs according to the
requests: it is only enough to change the drawing scale by software.
Thanks to our pattern, in the experimental test (tensile test), the resultant
measures of strain on all the surface of samplings are really good, without
“empty zones” (in case of DIC software is not able to calculate a particular
subset positioned on the surface).
In tensile tests, a great advantage of using DIC instead of the normal
measurement system (i.e. clip gauge) is to have not only a global information
but the full field of the strain and displacement where the pattern is applied.
Knowing strain and stress, Young’s modulus has been indirectly calculated on
the two Q&P samples; the result shows that E ,on base metal, is correctly found,
whereas in the welding zone it is surely incorrect due to the bended samplings.
So it has been noticed only through the utilization of DIC.
This work with Controlled Pattern Technique also demonstrates that MIG
coefficient can be used for a pattern quality evaluation in situations with noise
During the creation of pattern , an initial hypothesis is that, blobs have to
remain separated in order to gain as higher as possible gradient level.
pag. 123
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