Proficiency and Age
Proficiency and Age
Proficiency and Age
At this level teachers Grammar is teached
must take into account in a implicit way.
that students are
dependent on them. The rules are teached
Besides, student should by following easy to
work on groups understand patterns.
Sensory input
TPR can be used.
Teachers must engine a
several of short, simple In order to facilitate the
intenalization of the
and mechanical language project-based
techniques because of learning is effective.
Affective factors
Novice students are Create a funny mood were
invited to talk mistakes are well-accepted
while they learn as a way to
between themselves. fix them.
Teachers are prepared
Have in count their feelings
to correct grammatical and self-steem. be kind!
an phonological
mistakes. Give them the oppotunity to
be better and stand out
Authentic language
Intermediate Understand the
student's needs and
Students at this level knowledge, don't
are starting to understimate them.
information, Students Ensure that
also are able to everything you do in
maintain topics and class respond to a
discuss about them. pertinent context.
It is important that
teachers increasse ADULTS.
interaction learning Try not to be too abstract.
and promote their
students to ask It's important to capture
questions, make their interests too
comments, etc..
Remember that
Teachers speech is adults can be treated
more complex and as adults but show
they create some respect every time,
techniques as: give them
Interviews, Surveys, opportunities to
Role plays, etc... develop their skills in
a positive
Advanced TEENS.
Students are ongoing Make sure your
automatizing and classes are in context,
teachers should focus try to sync with them,
on interaction, their thoughts,
negotiation and worries and
interpretation of objectives when
meaning. learning a second