NABARD Subsidy and Loan Process: Dairy-Farming

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NABARD Subsidy and Loan process


Mechanized Dairy Farm -

Desi cows buying - 9443077041

A well drafted business plan will contain details about the promoters, infrastructure information, human capital
requirement, business model, industry outlook, competitor analysis, SWOT analysis, past financial
performance, projected financial performance, key financial indicators and any other relevant information.

But before taking a decision careful consideration needs to be done on -

1. Who will handle - ownself or employees

2. If oneself - a. whether have previous experience in this line or not, b. Do you have
time for 24 x 365 days c. Do you have helping hands in your own family - because
if you have some work or fall sick, who will take care of muke animals, d. Whether
have passion for such work and e. What is your target and time horizon.
3. If wants to work with employees, will you get the dedicated staff to work in this
line and it’s cost.
4. Availability of Water and it’s cost.
5. Distance of consumers and availability of transport for transporting milk to
consumer’s place and cost of same.
6. No of cows wishbto deployed, Cost of cows, type of available breed, their average
yield, milking period left and their life in climate of place where these are to be
7. Cost of land, if want to purchase or rent, if desired to be taken on lease.
8. Cost of development of infrastructure like compound wall, shed for cows, storage
tank for water, storage place for fodder, storage for keeping dried cow dung, gas
generating plant, D.G. Set for supplying power in case of power failure and/or
outage etc.
9. Soil Fertility of nearby area where from fodder is to be procured.
10. Market Price of Milk, Curd, Ghee, Paner, Cream, Khoya (Mawa) and Butter Milk
etc. that can be made from available Milk, if planned.
11. Yield of above product expected from per unit of milk and cost of conversion.
12. Level of sophistication or automation desired
13. Accessibility from the main connecting road
14. Method of producing milk - Conventional/Traditional, Integrated or intensive,
Organic or inorganic and Stall fed or sun grazed
15. Availability of Electricity and it’s rate per unit
16. Government Subsidies, if available for dairy.
17. Availability of veterinary doctor in nearby area
18. Availability of medicines required for treatment in. Early area
19. List of willing buyers who are ready to purchase milk at rate offered by you and in
the time slot desired by consumer.

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