Adaboost: An Ensemble Learning Approach For Estimating Weather-Related Outages in Distribution Systems

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ADABOOST+: an ensemble learning approach for estimating

weather-related outages in distribution systems
Padmavathy Kankanala, Sanjoy Das, and Anil Pahwa

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Kankanala, P., Das, S., & Pahwa, A. (2014). ADABOOST+: An ensemble learning
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Citation: Kankanala, P., Das, S., & Pahwa, A. (2014). ADABOOST+: An ensemble
learning approach for estimating weather-related outages in distribution systems. IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems, 29(1), 359-367.

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ADABOOST+: An Ensemble Learning Approach

for Estimating Weather-Related Outages in
Distribution Systems
Padmavathy Kankanala, Student Member, IEEE, Sanjoy Das, Non-Member, IEEE, and Anil Pahwa,
Fellow, IEEE

 severe thunderstorms, snowstorms, and ice storms. Severe

Abstract— Environmental factors, such as weather, trees and weather conditions are characterized by lightning, high wind,
animals are major causes of power outages in electric utility extreme temperature, and heavy rainfall. Utilities usually
distribution systems. Of these factors, wind and lightning have separate outages caused by extreme weather conditions from
the most significant impacts. The objective of this paper is to
investigate models to estimate wind and lighting related outages.
those caused by severe weather conditions while evaluating
Such estimation models hold the potential for lowering the system performance. Since the outages occur randomly
operational costs and reducing customer downtime. This paper with higher probabilities during adverse conditions and outage
proposes an ensemble learning approach based on a boosting recordings can have significant human errors, obtaining high
algorithm, ADABOOST+, for estimation of weather caused power correlation between estimated outages and observed outages is
outages. Effectiveness of the model is evaluated using actual data, a very challenging task. Various models have been proposed
which comprised of weather data and recorded outages for four
cities of different sizes in Kansas. The proposed ensemble model
in the literature to study effects of different weather
is compared with previously presented regression, neural phenomenon on outages with different levels of success.
network, and mixture of experts models. The results clearly show An exponential model as a function of time for forecasting
that ADABOOST+ estimates outages with greater accuracy than cumulative outages during different extreme weather events
the other models for all four data sets. has been proposed in [3]. In this paper, the authors have
classified storms by the intensity of temperature and wind
Index Terms— Artificial intelligence, ensemble learning,
speeds. Also, flash data has been considered for analysis of
environmental factors, power distribution systems, power system
reliability. outages caused by storm with lightning activity. Similarly,
statistical models to predict the number of outages due to
I. INTRODUCTION hurricanes and ice storms have been developed in [4, 5]. In
these papers, the authors have developed the hurricane and ice

I T is a well recognized fact that weather conditions,

specifically wind and lightning, have a great effect on
outages in power distribution systems [1]. Literature on
storm models as a function of explanatory variables such as
number of protective devices, maximum wind gust and
duration, ice thickness, hurricane rainfall, storm indicator
outage analysis shows that especially overhead lines are
highly susceptible to environmental factors such as weather, covariate, land cover type, soil drainage level and soil depth.
trees, and animals [2]. Proper design and maintenance can These methods have limitation such as evolving power system
help in reducing weather related outages, but it is hard to inventory with time and presence of huge matrix of spatial
prevent them completely. Although outages are more likely correlation makes it computationally challenging. Poisson
during severe weather, their occurrences are highly irregular regression and Bayesian hierarchical network for risk
rendering them very difficult to predict. A model which can management of power outages caused by extreme weather
accurately estimate outages based on weather data can help conditions is investigated in [6]. In this study, surface wind
utilities in outage management, system design and upgrades. speed, gust speed, gust frequency, daily rainfall, daily
Weather is typically categorized into normal weather, minimum pressure and daily maximum and minimum
severe weather and extreme weather. The National Weather temperature have been considered, while other weather factors
Service defines extreme weather as any dangerous such as lightning are excluded. A Poisson regression model
meteorological phenomena with the potential to cause and a Bayesian network model to predict the yearly weather-
damage, serious social disruption, or loss of human life. related failure events on overhead lines are presented in [7].
Extreme weather conditions include hurricanes, tornadoes, Similarly, in [8] Poisson regression is used to study the
significance of weather variables on outages using outage data
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under Award from substations within 10 miles of National Weather Service
ECCS-0926020. sites under severe weather conditions.
Padmavathy Kankanala (e-mail: [email protected]), Anil Pahwa (e-mail: Prior work of authors of this paper to study effects of wind
[email protected]), and Sanjoy Das (e-mail: [email protected]) are with
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kansas State University,
and lightning includes investigation of linear, quadratic and
Manhattan, KS 66506 USA. exponential regression models [9, 10], multilayered neural

networks [11], and mixture of experts (ME) [12]. Although Multiple neural networks are trained with different inputs, and
these prior methods show acceptable performance, there an ensemble is used to forecast load conditions [19].
remains enough scope for further improvement using state-of- Ensembles are also used for classification and regression
the-art machine learning algorithms. tasks, to increase prediction accuracies beyond what can be
The main focus of this paper is build upon the prior work of accomplished with a single neural network. The expected error
the authors and the existing literature to explore techniques of a trained neural network for test data consists of three
using ensemble learning to estimate with greater accuracy components: (i) random noise, (ii) bias, and (iii) variance.
outages in power distribution systems caused by weather. Random noise pertains to anomalies present in the test data
Specifically, demonstrate that ensemble-based methods can do that cannot be alleviated through computational means. The
second component – bias, refers to the neural networks own
a better job than a single learner approach. In addition to a
topological inadequateness when modeling the data. It can be
standard ADABOOST, an approach based on a new boosting
reduced by increasing the network’s complexity – such as
algorithm, ADABOOST+, which is a modification proposed by
adding more hidden neurons. Unfortunately, increased
the authors of this paper, is presented. Ensemble learning is a network size also leads to higher variance, i.e. the sensitivity
technique that embodies one of the main directions of current of the network’s parameters to the training samples, which is
machine learning research. Although in this paper the the third source of error. In other words, increasing the neural
ensemble’s constituent units are referred to as neural network size to improve its performance with respect to the
networks, an ensemble could equally well comprise of other training samples has the undesirable effect of degrading the
learning models, such as support vector machines [13, 14], network’s overall performance. This is the well-known bias-
kernel-based models [15], radial basis function networks [16, variance dilemma in machine learning theory; decreasing the
17], decision trees [14, 18], fuzzy logic [19] or ARMA models bias increases the variance and vice versa.
[21] in addition to neural networks [16, 17, 19-21]. Random
forests [22] are another good method for classification and
regression. However, during preliminary investigation for the
problem, we found the random forests algorithm for
classification but not for regression. We also tried some kernel
based approaches before settling down with backprop-trained
neural networks which seemed to perform best. Furthermore,
since the motivation behind ADABOOST is to obtain a strong
learner using an ensemble of weak learners, the specific
choice of weak learner is not a significant issue.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II is
an exposition to ensemble learning along with a survey of the
applications in power and energy systems that have only
recently begun to appear. In Section III, the specific ensemble
algorithm used in this research is presented in greater detail.
Section IV outlines how available historical weather Fig.1. Schematic of an ensemble of neural networks.
observations and outage data are processed in this
investigation. Section V provides results obtained from this Ensemble learning offers an alternative route to lower the
study including comparisons with earlier modeling variance without compromising the bias term [23-27]. This is
approaches. Finally, section VI concludes this research. done by aggregating the output over multiple, separately
trained neural networks (Fig. 1). Although individual neural
II. ENSEMBLE LEARNING networks in the ensemble can exhibit high sensitivities to the
Aggregating models into ensembles is performed due to a training data, the variance of the collective output remains
variety of reasons. For example, when the input data is both quite low. Even simple aggregation techniques, such as
extensive and spatially distributed, instead of transporting averaging the outputs of all neural networks, have shown great
large volumes of data into a single location, it is preferable to promise. A recent study reports that averaging the individual
train neural networks at different nodes, and communicate 1-9 day ahead weather predictions of several radial basis
only their outputs into a central facility for collective decision function networks is significantly more accurate than each
making. Motivated by these considerations, an ensemble network’s output [20].
learning algorithm whose inputs range from historical records More advanced theoretical considerations have led to even
of grid failures to distributed real-time sensor measurements better ensemble methods to lower the variance. In bagging,
of the grid, is suggested. The task is to estimate the mean bootstrapped subsets of the training data are used to train each
times between failures of various power equipment of the network in the ensemble [28]. This approach has been used for
electricity grid of New York city [13]. the short-term load forecasting using meteorological
Elsewhere, data heterogeneity has led to schemes where information [19].
neural networks are trained to only process a subset of input On the other hand, in boosting weighted training of the
fields, with a separate dedicated unit used for decision fusion. neural networks is applied [26, 27]. ADABOOST is the most

widely used algorithm for boosting ensemble outputs [25-27, is considered to be error-free when the absolute relative error
29-34]. The New York power grid study uses a realization of lies within ,
this basic method called RANKBOOST [13]. | |
Each phase of ADABOOST involves the complete training of . 4
a separate neural network in the ensemble. In the initial phase, The new weights are determined from the prior
a neural network is trained with equal weights assigned to all in accordance with (5) below,
samples in the test data. In each subsequent phase, a new | |
neural network is trained with samples associated with high , ,
output errors from earlier networks receiving exponentially 5
increasing weights. This scheme was originally used in | |
, .
classification tasks in the ADABOOST.M1 and ADABOOST.M2
algorithms [25, 31]. ADABOOST.R is an adaptation of
ADABOOST.M2 for regression problems [33]. The algorithm The quantity in (5) is the error rate produced by the
that is considered for comparison in this paper is network at the end of its training with , ~ .
ADABOOST.RT, which is also meant for regression [27, 34]. Using (4) as the criterion for a sample to be error-free, the set
of erroneous samples is,
. 6
Each of the models used in the ensemble is a standard
multilayered neural network with a single hidden layer. The Hence the network’s error rate is given by,
output of such a network is [11], . 7

∗ . 1 In order to ensure that the new weights constitute a
probability distribution, they are normalized as follows,
In the above equation, is the number of hidden neurons, and
, the size of the input whose component is . The . 8

quantities and are the synaptic strengths of the Following normalization, the weights add up to unity,
neurons in the hidden and output layers, while and are
their corresponding biases, with subscripts denoting the
1. 9
neurons they are associated with. The function : → 0, 1
is the usual sigmoid function.
The overall training algorithm used by both ADABOOST.RT
During training, the synaptic strengths and biases are
as well as ADABOOST+ is outlined below.
updated iteratively using stochastic gradient descent. With

, representing the input-output training sample
1. Initialize using 3 .
out of a total of (i.e. 1 ), the updating rule is,
For each neural network 1 to do
← . 2 2. Train network using 1 and 2 .
2 3. Compute error rate using 6 and 7 .
In the above equation, is the learning rate while may be
4. Compute distribution using 5 .
any of the network’s parameters (i.e. , , or ).
5. Normalize distribution using 8 .
When the training sample input is , the corresponding 6. Add network to ensemble.
output of the neural network is determined in accordance End.
with (1). The parameter is the weight assigned to the
sample by ADABOOST. The algorithms ADABOOST.RT and ADABOOST+ differ in
As multiple neural networks are present in the ensemble, how the ensemble output is determined. In ADABOOST.RT, the
subscripts are applied to distinguish between the quantities ensemble output is the weighted sum of all neural
pertaining to them. Thus denotes the sample’s networks, with the neural networks receiving weights
weight when training the neural network (1 ), proportional to the logarithm of their inverse error rates. Thus
while is its corresponding output. the weight applied the output of the neural network
The sample weights begin with equal initial assignments, (1 ) is,
1 log
, 1 . 3 . 10
Hence the first neural network receives an equal amount of ∑ log
training for each sample. Accordingly, the ensemble output by ADABOOST.RT is,
In each subsequent network with index 1, each sample . 11
weight is determined based on the fraction error
produced by the preceding ( ) neural network with sample However, in the proposed ADABOOST+, the weights are
, . In order to do so, the algorithm maintains a determined to explicitly minimize the sum of the squared
threshold value . The neural network output for this sample errors of all samples. Arranging the sample outputs and the

ensemble outputs as 1 column vectors and those that didn’t have any recorded lightning were included.
respectively, the sum squared error can be expressed as, Also, the days of extreme weather conditions were excluded.
Three such days for Lawrence, six days for Topeka, and eight
days for Wichita were in this category, which were considered
. 12 outliers and were removed from the data for analysis, which
Likewise, the outputs of each network can be organized as an spanned a period of seven years from 2005 to 2011.
1 vector . In a similar manner the network weights can
Histogram of Weather-related Outages, 2005-2011
be arranged as a 1 vector . Defining the output 2000
matrix … , the output vector can be expressed Manhattan
1800 Lawrence
as, Topeka
. 13 1600
Note that (13) is only a vector-matrix reformulation of (11).

Number of Days
It can be shown that the choice of that minimizes the sum 1200
squared error is given by,
. 14 1000

The above equation is the pseudo-inverse rule with the 800

matrix being the pseudo-inverse of . 600

Regularization can be incorporated for numerical stability of
the matrix inversion, in which case can be obtained as
follows with being a small constant, 200

. 15 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
In ADABOOST+, (14) or (15) is applied to determine the
Number of Outages/Day
network weights. The ensemble output is determined in
accordance with (13).
Fig.2. Outages caused by wind and lightning

IV. OUTAGE AND WEATHER DATA PREPARATION Histogram of Weather-related Outages, 2005-2011
Typical outage management systems in utilities record Manhattan
necessary information related to circuit outages including 70 Lawrence
service area, circuit reference number, outage cause, outage Topeka
weather, outage duration, number of customers affected, 60
Number of Days

tripped equipment’s, outage date and time, etc. The weather

during outage is a set of weather conditions that utilities define
based on their priorities and local weather characteristics. The 40
most reliable weather information can always be obtained
from the local weather stations, which record weather data 30

including date, temperature, weather phenomenon, snow/ice,

precipitation, pressure and wind on daily basis.
Existing literature [2] suggests that either gust or sustained 10
wind can be used to study effects of outages with neither
having any specific advantage over the other. Gust is recorded 0
11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46
for days with high wind speeds and significant variation Number of Outages/Day
between peak and average speeds. In other words gust is an
indicator of high wind speed as well as large fluctuations in Fig.3. Outages in the higher range caused by wind and lightning (each bar
wind speed or conditions which are likely to cause outages. In graph represents outages with a bin size of five)
this paper, maximum daily wind gust measured on 5-second
basis is used as the variable to study the wind effects because The daily maximum wind gust or 1-minute maximum
in our previous research we had found it to provide the best sustained wind and aggregate lightning strokes were used as
correlation to outages compared to other variables. However, inputs for the model. In addition to these variables, trees
for days with low wind speeds, which don’t have gust around the feeders and vegetation management are important
recorded, 1-minute sustained speed is used. Additional issues to consider because trees interact in a complex manner
investigation to identify other suitable wind related variables with wind to cause outages. However, since we aggregated
from the available data to include in the analysis will be all the feeders in the entire city in our analysis and each city
pursued as part of future research. was analyzed separately, tree density is not an important
Daily aggregate lightning stroke currents are calculated by variable because it remains constant throughout the analysis
summing the magnitudes of all the lightning strokes in for the specific city. Some spatial aggregation of feeders is
kiloAmps (kA) including the first stroke and the flashes [35] necessary for smoothing of data to obtain meaningful
within 500m around the feeders for each day of the study. statistical patterns [2]. If the tree density changes over time
Since our intent was to study combined effects of wind and and utilities keep a good record of this change, this
lightning as well as that of wind alone, all the days including information could be included in the analysis. The utility that

provided the data for analysis does vegetation management on the previous research, linear, quadratic and exponential
a rolling basis over a period of four years. Specifically, trees regression models have been considered [9, 10]. The model
in one-fourth of the city are trimmed each year, which allows shown in (16) is considered for comparison because it showed
completion of the entire city in four years. After that the cycle the best performance out of them,
starts again. Therefore, if one looks at the entire city at any
time, it remains roughly in the same state with respect to 16
exposure to trees. If the feeders that had trees trimmed in a
particular year were aggregated together to form four groups, Here, is the estimated number of outages, is the
it would be possible to include vegetation information as an accumulated lightning strokes in kA per day, and is the
input to the model. This approach might work for larger cities maximum wind gust speed in miles per hour for the day.
but might not work for smaller cities. This is an important Another model included for comparison is a neural network,
issue, which requires additional data from the utility and which was applied to perform regression [11]. The output of
further investigation. this network is determined in accordance with (1), with .
The four cities included in this study are Manhattan (7 The training is performed as in (2) with 1 for each
distribution substations with 176 miles of distribution feeders sample . In addition, a model based on mixture of experts
at 12.47 kV), Lawrence (7 distribution substations with 193 (ME) [12] was considered for comparison.
miles of distribution feeders at 12.47 kV), Topeka (22 To evaluate performance of the models, different criteria for
distribution substations with 560 miles of distribution feeders comparison are used which are presented below:
mostly at 12.47 kV and a very small portion at 4 kV), and (i) Mean Absolute Error (MAE) gives the average deviation of
Wichita (42 distribution substations with 1165 miles of the estimated values from the observed values. This is given
distribution feeders mostly at 12.47 kV and a very small by
portion at 4 kV).
Outages recorded in the database with lightning, trees, wind 1
| | 17
as cause, and equipment and unknown outages possibly
caused by lightning and wind were included in the outage
counts for the study. The weather at the time of all recorded
(ii) Mean Square Error (MSE) between the observed and
lightning, equipment failure and unknown outages was
estimated outages defines the goodness of fit of the models.
manually examined to ensure that the lightning actually
For N observations MSE is given by,
occurred on the feeder experiencing outage. Outages that were
recorded as caused by lightning with no recorded lightning on
the specific feeder were removed. On the other hand, 1
equipment and unknown outages coinciding with recorded
lightning on the specific feeders were included. In our
previous studies [9-12] such detailed screening was not done. (iii) Correlation Coefficient, R
Therefore, the results shown in this paper based on these
methods are different from those papers. ∑ ∑ ̅ ̅
Fig. 2 and 3 shows histogram of outages (per day) in the 19
study period for the four districts. Note that the scales of Fig 3 ∑ ̅ ∑ ̅
are different from that of Fig. 2. Also, in Fig. 3, each bar
represents outages in a range covering five different values.
where, ̅ is the average of observed outages and ̅ is the
For example, 11 on the x-axis represents outages from 11 to average of estimated outages.
15 and so on. The figure doesn’t show a few additional days Fig. 4 and 5 show the percentage MSE of ADABOOST.RT
that had outages higher than 50. These figures show that there and ADABOOST+ against the number of networks for the
are a large number of days with zero or low number of training data set of the four cities. The performance of
recorded outages. Manhattan has the largest number of days ADABOOST+ with Wichita data improved with regularization
with zero outages and Wichita has the smallest number of with = 0.01 in (15). In all other cases regularization was not
days with zero outages with Lawrence and Topeka falling in used since it didn’t change the results. The percentage MSE
between in order. The trend reverses for one or higher number drops as the number of networks increase and it stabilizes after
of outages. This is an outcome of the spatial aggregation of a certain number of networks. For example, for Wichita, the
outages. Since Wichita has the largest service area, the percentage MSE drops to 65% for ADABOOST.RT with four
probability of outages at each level greater than zero is higher neural networks whereas for ADABOOST+ the percentage MSE
for it than the cities with smaller service areas. drops to 43% for the same number of neural networks; clearly
illustrating the better performance of ADABOOST +. Increasing
V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS the number of neural networks beyond that didn’t change the
results significantly. We believe that this is because even with
The data of the four cities were divided into training (2005 only one neural network the results are reasonable and thus
to 2009) and test (2010-2011) sets to evaluate performance of only some additional neural networks are required to improve
the ADABOOST models. The results obtained from these the results and reach a stable point. This could also be
models were compared with prior research results [9-12]. In

dependent on the nature of the problem and initial selection of

the neural network. Some problems could require a large TABLE I
number of neural networks to stabilize the error. For
comparison results obtained with five neural networks are Training Data Test Data

ADABOOST.RT Regression 0.61 2.78 0.627 0.69 2.23 0.428


Neural Network 0.60 2.49 0.676 0.64 2.34 0.435


ME 0.60 2.38 0.676 0.64 2.32 0.434
ADABOOST.RT 0.38 1.92 0.781 0.56 2.07 0.622

ADABOOST 0.37 1.83 0.786 0.56 2.06 0.607

Manhattan TABLE II
Topeka Lawrence
40 Wichita
Training Data Test Data
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Regression 0.69 4.37 0.292 0.87 5.00 0.528
Number of Networks

Fig.4. Performance of the ADABOOST.RT model Neural Network 0.70 4.36 0.296 0.88 5.01 0.413

ME 0.69 4.20 0.282 0.83 4.34 0.531

ADABOOST+ ADABOOST.RT 0.39 3.59 0.515 0.53 3.66 0.666

Manhattan ADABOOST 0.31 2.62 0.695 0.43 3.04 0.717

70 Training Data Test Data

Regression 1.38 13.14 0.541 2.41 41.30 0.461

Neural Network 1.39 12.96 0.549 2.44 37.15 0.463


ME 1.37 11.85 0.549 2.43 36.94 0.469

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ADABOOST.RT 0.91 11.79 0.643 1.92 32.07 0.703
Number of Networks
ADABOOST 0.71 8.89 0.745 1.46 22.99 0.793
Fig.5. Performance of the ADABOOST+ model
Performance measures of the models based on average SUMMARY RESULTS FOR WICHITA
absolute error (MAE) and mean squared error (MSE) are Wichita
Training Data Test Data
given in Tables from I to IV for the four cities. The R-square MAE MSE R MAE MSE R
for regression between the estimated and the observed values
of outages are not very large, but they are within a range Regression 2.89 37.38 0.552 3.35 63.57 0.577
similar to those presented previously in the literature for
outage analysis. The nature of the data, which has significant Neural Network 2.81 35.93 0.576 3.39 62.74 0.579
natural randomness as well as errors introduced by people
while collecting and recording observations make it very ME 2.79 34.68 0.576 3.33 62.47 0.589
difficult to get very high correlation. ADABOOST.RT 1.67 24.39 0.769 2.44 48.02 0.796
ADABOOST 1.46 18.42 0.826 3.47 49.95 0.640

From the comparison of results from different methods for VI. CONCLUSIONS
train and test data, it is found that ADABOOST+ performs In this paper, a new boosting algorithm ADABOOST+ is
relatively better over others followed by ADABOOST.RT. The proposed to determine the effects of wind and lightning on
only case where ADABOOST+ showed a slight reduction in outages in overhead distribution systems The models were
performance compared to ADABOOST.RT based on these trained and tested using the available historical data from
parameters is for the test data of Wichita. Although it appears 2005-2011 to verify their robustness. Comparison of the
to be a reduction is performance, it will be shown later that in results show that the ADABOOST+ performs better than
fact ADABOOST+ performed better than ADABOOST.RT. ADABOOST.RT and both the boosting models provide better
Fig. 6 and 7 show scatter plots with regression line of estimates of the outages than the models based on standard
observed vs. estimated outages for training and test data of regression, neural network, and mixture of experts.
best regression model, neural network, ME, ADABOOST.RT, The results are useful for utilities for system design and
and ADABOOST+. In addition to the previously considered upgrades. Further research to improve ADABOOST+ will be
parameters, slope of the regression line between the observed focused on automating the choice of optimal value of
and the estimated outages in an indicator of performance of threshold depending on the characteristics of the data set.
the models. Higher slope would mean better performance Other machine learning models will be investigated to further
with a slope of one giving the ideal performance. These improve the results, specifically for outages in the higher
graphs show clear improvement in performance of the range. Other variables to represent wind in addition to gust
ADABOOST+ model, which provides better slope than other speed and inclusion of vegetation related information into the
models for all the training as well as test cases. ADABOOST+ models will be explored. The current research is suitable for
performs distinctly better than the other models for outages in end of the year evaluation based on past data. Ongoing
the lower range. However, all the models under predict research will focus on outage prediction in the future based on
outages in the higher range. This can be expected because the weather scenarios for the future.
data in the higher range is sparse and thus the models are not
able to fully learn the characteristics in the data in this range.

Manhattan Training Data Lawrence Training Data

45 Reg model Reg model
Neural Network 40 Neural Network
40 ME ME
Estimated Outages

Estimated Outages



10 10

5 5

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Observed Outages Observed Outages

Topeka Training Data Wichita Training Data

Reg model Reg model
Neural Network 80 Neural Network
Estimated Outages
Estimated Outages

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Observed Outages Observed Outages

Fig.6. Scatter plot along with regression line of observed vs. estimated outages for 2005-2009 training data for different models
(red-regression, cyan-neural network, green-mixture of experts, magenta-ADABOOST.RT and blue-ADABOOST+).

Manhattan Test Data Lawrence Test Data

Reg model 35 Reg model
Neural Network Neural Network

Estimated Outages

Estimated Outages



4 10

2 5

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Observed Outages Observed Outages

Topeka Test Data Wichita Test Data

60 Reg model Reg model
Neural Network 80 Neural Network
Estimated Outages

Estimated Outages



20 30


0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Observed Outages Observed Outages

Fig.7. Scatter plot along with regression line of observed vs. estimated outages for 2010-2011 test data for different models (red-
regression, cyan-neural network, green-mixture of experts, magenta-ADABOOST.RT and blue-ADABOOST+).

ACKNOWLEDGMENT [6] H. Li, L. Treinish and J. R. M. Hosking., “A Statistical Model for Risk
Management of Electric Outage Forecasts”, IBM Journal of Research
We would like to thank David Rose and Rodney Robinson and Development, vol. 54, no. 3, May, 2010, pp. 8:1-8:11.
of Westar Energy, Topeka, KS for providing the outage and [7] Y. Zhou, A. Pahwa, and S. Yang, “Modeling weather-related failures of
lightning data, Mary Knapp of State Climate Office at Kansas overhead distribution lines,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.
21, no. 4, Nov. 2006, pp. 1683-1690.
State University for providing the weather data. We would [8] A. Domijan Jr, R. K. Matavalam, A. Montenegro, W. S. Wilcox, Y. S.
also like to thank NSF for providing financial support for the Joo, L. Delforn, J. R. Diaz, L. Davis, and J. D'agostini, “Effects of
project. The views expressed in this paper are of the authors. normal weather conditions on interruptions in distribution systems,”
International journal of power & energy system, vol. 25, no. 1, 2005, pp.
REFERENCES [9] P. Kankanala, A. Pahwa, and S. Das, “Regression Models for Outages
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