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Puzzles Shortcut
tricks concepts
Questions with

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In every Competitive exam, one of the most In a school there are 8 students PAWAN,
important section is Reasoning. A good score QARAN, ROHIT, SURESH, TARUN, UTKARSH,
in Reasoning test can lead you to score very VARUN and WAKRAM . They study in standard
good marks in competitive exams. This can be X, XI and XII but not more than three in any
achieve only if you have a very good reasoning standard. Each of them has a different hobby
skills. Basically reasoning is divided into few i.e. playing, dancing, singing, swimming,
sections according to logic and type. Puzzle is walking, acting, reading and cooking but not
one of them. necessarily in the same order.

TYPES OF PROBLEMS 1. TARUN’s hobby is acting and he studies

1. Simple problems (based on categorisation) in standard XII with only PAWAN.
2. Problems based on arrangement (Linear, VARUN does not study in the standard
circular, rectangular/square).
2. SURESH and WAKRAM study in the
3. Problems based on comparison. same standard but not with VARUN.
4. Problems based on blood relations. 3. UTKARSH and ROHIT study in the same
5. Blood relations and profession based standard.
problems. 4. Those who study in Standard X do not
6. Problems based on conditional selection have walking or reading as their
7. Miscellaneous problems hobbies.
5. ROHIT’s hobby is playing.
Tips to solve Analytical Puzzles: 6. The one who studies in standard XII has
the hobby of singing. UTKARSH’s hobby
1 ) Go through the question and see how many is not dancing. WAKRAM’s hobby is
parameters are involved eg. Names, ages, swimming and QARAN’s hobby is not
location, floor, height, blood relation, reading
profession, department, etc.
Solution :-
2) Find links.
There are 3 parameters in the question:
3) Draw all the possible scenarios.
4) Tabulating the data gives an easier approach
to the question. 2)Standard

5) If a piece of information is not linked to any 3)Hobby

other information, make a separate note of it.
Once the remaining arrangement is done, you Step 1: The first and foremost thing is to
will be able to substitute the unlinked prepare a table.
information into it.

Example 1:-

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Now, we will fill the directly positive

information into the table, provided to us in the
question. Information regarding the standard of QARAN
is not mentioned but since we know there can
Direct information is provided to us in following be maximum 3 students in a class. We get to
sentences:- know that he studies in XI

 TARUN’s hobby is acting and he studies Step 3: After this we will consider the following
in standard XII with only PAWAN information and will complete the table.
 SURESH and WAKRAM study in the
same standard but not with VARUN. The one who studies in standard XII has the
VARUN does not study in the standard hobby of singing.( PAWAN is the one who
XI. studies in XII along with TARUN . Therefore,
 UTKARSH and ROHIT study in the same PAWAN has a hobby of singing)
 ROHIT’s hobby is playing.
 WAKRAM’s hobby is swimming

Step 2: We will proceed with the following Preliminary steps

information:- 1. First of all, take a quick glance at the
question. This would need not more than a
Those who study in Standard X do not have couple of seconds.
walking or reading as their hobbies. 2. After performing this step you would develop
a general idea as to what the general theme of
UTKARSH’s hobby is not dancing
the problem is.
3. Next determine the usefulness of each of the
QARAN’s hobby is not reading
information and classify them accordingly into
“actual information” or “useful secondary
information” or Negative information as the

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case may be.

(Here since A is not a hill station, we put a cross
This can be one in the following way: under a column and infront of Hill station Row,
(A) Useful secondary information: Usually the this would reduce the number of choices for us.
first couple of sentence of the given data are (similarly for all the other options)
such that they give you some basic information
that is essential to give you the general idea of Example (ii) Four friends Ankit, Amit, Akash and
the situation. These can be classified as useful Ajay went to four different cities Mumbai, Delhi,
secondary information. Hyderabad and Nagpur for interview in four
(B) Actual information: Whatever remains after different companies TCS, Wipro, IBM and HCL.
putting aside the useful secondary information But not in the same order.
can be categorized as actual information. While Ankit was not invited by TCS. Amit did not go to
trying to solve a problem, one should begin with Hyderabad and was not invited by IBM and TCS.
the actual information while the useful IBM conducted in Nagpur. Akash went to
secondary information should be borne in mind. Mumbai. Ankit did not go to Nagpur and was
(c) Negative Information: A part of the actual not invited by HCL.
information may consist of negative sentences
or negative information. A negative information
does not inform us anything exactly but it gives
a chance to eliminate a possibility. Sentences
like “B is not the mother of A” or “H is not a hill-
station” are called negative information.

(1) Simple problems of categorization

The most simple type of problems in this lesson
falls under this category where you would be
supposed to analyse the given data and simply
place different items in different categories
according to the given information.
(2)Arrangement problems: In this type of
Example (i): There are six cities A, B, C, D, E and
questions, the problems is essentially of
F and they belong to atleast one of the types of
arranging a group of people, objects etc.
places i.e. Historical, Industrial and Hill station.
According to the given specifications.
B is not an industrial area. C and F belongs to all
Arrangement problems can be of two types (i)
types of places. E is both industrial and Hill
Linear arrangement and (ii) Circular
station. A is not a hill station. B and E are not
historical places. D is not an industrial city. A
The questions of this type are also referred to as
and D are not historical cities. A and B are not
“Seating Arrangement
Example: Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F are
seating in two rows, three in each.
E is not at the end of any row.
D is second to the left of F.
C, the neighbour of E, is sitting diagonally
opposite to D.

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B is the neighbour of F. Solutions:


(3) Problem on Comparison: In these questions

a comparison of different objects or persons
have to be made and conclusions have to be (5) Problems on Blood Relations with
arrived on the basis of comparison. professions: These problems are very much
Comparison can be made: similar to the problems on Blood Relations. Only
(i) Comparison of heights difference is that in these questions another
(ii) Comparison of marks dimension is added. The professions of various
(iii) Comparison of age, etc. family members are also incorporated into the
data to make it complex and confusing.
You may use the following symbols for Example: There is a group of six persons A, B, C,
comparison: D, E and F in a family. They are psychologist,
Manager, Lawyer, Jeweller, Doctor and
(i) The doctor is the grandfather of F, who is a
(ii) The manager, D is married to A.
(iii) C, the Jeweller, is married to the lawyer.
(iv) B is the mother of F and E.
Example: Among four friends A, B, C and D. A is (v) There are two married couples in the family.
taller than, who is shorter than D. D is not the Solutions:
tallest and A is shorter than D.
Solutions: C > D > A > B or C
B (6) Problems on conditional selection: In this
(Tallest to shortest, from above to below) type of questions, a group of objects or persons
have to be selected from a given longer group,
(4) Problems on Blood Relations: Problems of according to some given restrictions.
this type involve analysis of certain blood Example: Five friends P, Q, R, S and T travelled
relations and then inferring on the basis of the to five different cities of Chennai, Kolkata, Delhi,
given information. Bengaluru and Hyderabad by different modes of
Example: All the six members of a family A, B C, transport of Bus, Train, Aeroplane, Car and Boat
D, E and F are travelling together. B is the son of from Mumbai. But not necessary in the same
C but C is not the mother of B. A and C are a order.
married couple. E is the brother of C. D is the (a) The person who travelled to Delhi did not
daughter of A. F is the brother of B. travel by Boat.

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(b) R went to Bengaluru by car and Q went to

Kolkata by Aeroplane Here, T and R are married couple. Where, T is
(c) S travelled by Boat whereas T travelled by husband and R is wife.
(d) Mumbai is not connected by Bus to Delhi Points to Remember
and Chennai. (1) In puzzles, first of all collect all the direct
(2) And they should be arranged in tabular
(3) After that point out all the negative
information and mark it in your table according
to given information.
(4) Other facts can be find out from the indirect
(7) Miscellaneous Problems: Till now we have (5) The most important part is that in some
covered different types of puzzles. But in condition there will be more than one
miscellaneous problems all types are covered. possibility.
Example: There are five persons P, Q, R, S and (6) So, according to possibilities arrange them in
T. One is a football, one is a chess player and the different tables.
one is a hockey player. P and S are unmarried (7) Reject all the tables which violates other
ladies and do not participate in any game. None information in puzzles.
of the ladies plays chess or Football. There is a (8) By following this process you can find the
married couple in which T is the husband. Q is correct solutions.
the brother of R and is neither a chess player (9) Puzzle are always tricky so, take care of
nor a hockey player. every words and sentence.
Solutions: (10) By following this approach, you will be able
to solve the puzzle with good accuracy and

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Puzzles Questions With Solutions Sets

Seven people namely B, C, D, E, F, G and H have to attend a workshop but not necessarily in the
same order, in seven different months of the same year namely January, March, April, July,
August, September and December. Each of them also likes a different bank namely CANARA,
SBI, ICICI, HDFC, AXIS, PNB and Yes but not necessarily in the same order.
The one who likes AXIS will attend a workshop in the month which has less than 31 days. Only
one person will attend a workshop between the one who likes AXIS and B. The one who likes
CANARA will attend a workshop immediately before B. Only three people will attend a
workshop between one who likes AXIS and the one who likes SBI. H will attend a workshop
immediately after B. Only three people will attend a workshop between H and G. The one who
likes PNB will attend a workshop immediately before G. The one who likes ICICI will attend a
Workshop immediately before the one who likes Yes. E will attend a Workshop immediately after
the one who likes Yes. C will attend a workshop in a month which has only 30 days. F does not
like CANARA.


Month Person Banks

January F PNB
March G HDFC
April C AXIS
August B ICICI
September H Yes
December E SBI

1. How many people will attend a workshop between the months in which G and D
will attend a Workshop?
A. Two
B. One
C. Three
D. More than three
E. None

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Answer – B. One

2. As per the given arrangement, G is related to CANARA and B is related to SBI

following a certain pattern, which of the following is D related to following the
same pattern?
C. Axis
E. Yes

Answer – E. Yes

3. Which of the following represents the month in which F will attend a workshop?
A. March
B. January
C. December
D. April
E. Cannot be determined

Answer – B. January

4. Which of the following represents the people who will attend a workshop in March
and December respectively?
A. G, H
B. F, B
C. F, E
D. F, H
E. G, E

Answer – E. G, E

5. Which of the following banks does G like?

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Answer – D. HDFC

Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

Seven People namely M, N, O, P, Q, R and S have an anniversary but not necessarily in the same
order, in seven different months of the same year namely February, March, April, June,
September, October and November. Each of them also likes a different book namely One Indian
Girl, The God of Small Things, Everyone Has a Story, The Ministry of utmost Happiness, Half
Girl Friend, Bahubali: The Battle of Bold and The Small Town Sea but not necessarily in the
same order.
R has an anniversary in the month which has more than 30 days. Only one person has an
anniversary between R and the one who likes One Indian Girl. Both S and O have an
anniversary in one of the months after the one who likes One Indian Girl. S has an anniversary
immediately before O. The one who likes Everyone Has a Story has an anniversary in the month
which has less than 30 days. Only three people have an anniversary between the one who likes
Everyone Has a Story and the one who likes The Small Town Sea. Only two people have an
anniversary between S and the one who likes The Ministry of utmost Happiness. P has an
anniversary immediately after the one who likes The Ministry of utmost Happiness. Only two
people have an anniversary between P and Q. M has an anniversary immediately before the one
who likes The God of Small Things. O does not like Bahubali: The Battle of Bold.


Month Person Book

February Q Everyone Has a Story
March R Bahubali: The Battle of Bold
April N The Ministry of utmost Happiness
June P One Indian Girl
September M The Small Town Sea
October S The God of Small Things
November O Half Girl Friend

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6. Which of the following represents the month in which S has an anniversary?

A. October
B. March
C. April
D. September
E. Can not be determined

Answer – A. October

7. Which of the following does O like?

A. One Indian Girl
B. The God of Small Things
C. The Ministry of utmost Happiness
D. Half Girl Friend
E. The Small Town Sea

Answer – D. Half Girl Friend

8. As per the given arrangement, Everyone Has a Story is related to April and The
Ministry of utmost Happiness is related to September following a certain pattern,
which of the following is The Small Town Sea related to following the same
A. February
B. June
C. October
D. November
E. March

Answer – D. November

9. Which of the following represents the people who have an anniversary in April and
November respectively?
A. N,M
B. Q,M

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C. Q,O
D. N,O
E. N,S

Answer – D. N,O

10. How many people have an anniversary between the months in which Q and M have
an anniversary?
A. None
B. One
C. Three
D. Two
E. More than three

Answer – C. Three

Seven Persons – A, B, C, D, E, F, and G – live on separate floors of a seven storey-ed building,

but not in the same order. The ground floor of the building is numbered 1, the floor above it 2
and so on until the topmost floor is numbered 7. Each person likes different vegetables –
Cabbage, Potato, Tomato, Onion, Carrot, Radish and Bean, but not necessarily in the same
order. Each person has 7 different weight of their favorite vegetables starting from 1kg to 10 kg.
The weight of Onion is more than 2 kg. The total weight of Carrot and Radish is 10 kg. The
person who likes Onion lives on floor numbered four. A does not live on the lowermost
floor. A lives on any odd numbered floor below the one who likes Onion. Only two persons live
between A and the person who likes Bean. Only one person lives between B and F. The total
weight of Cabbage is square of the total weight of Carrot while The total weight of Bean is
square of the total weight of Onion. F lives on an even numbered floor and does not like
Onion. Only three persons live between the persons who like Cabbage and Tomato respectively.
The person who likes Cabbage live on any floor above the B‟s floor. The person who likes
Cabbage does not live on the topmost floor. G lives on an even numbered floor but neither
immediately above nor immediately below the floor of A. C does not like Cabbage or Tomato.
Only two persons live between D and the one who likes Onion. The person who likes Carrot lives
on the floor immediately above the floor of the person who likes Raddish. The difference between

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the weight of the Tomato and Radish is 2 kg. The floor number and the weight of favorite
vegetable is same for the person C.


Floor No Person Vegetables weight

7 C Potato 7 kg
6 G Bean 9 kg
5 E Cabbage 4 kg
4 B Onion 3 kg
3 A Carrot 2 kg
2 F Raddish 8 kg
1 D Tomato 6 kg

1. D has how many kg of favourite vegetable?

A. 2 kg
B. 8 kg
C. 6 kg
D. 4 kg
E. No one

Answer – C. 6 kg

2. Which of the following statements is/are true according to the given information?
A. E lives on floor numbered 5 and he does not like Onion
B. A likes Carrot and he does not live on floor numbered 4
C. C likes Potato and he does not have 6 kg.
D. Only two persons live between the floors of E and F
E. All the statements are true.

Answer – E. All the statements are true.

3. Who among the following lives on the floor immediately above the floor of A?
A. B
B. F
C. G

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D. C
E. No one

Answer – A. B

4. Who among the following lives exactly between the floors on which B and F live?
A. F
B. A
C. D
D. C
E. No one

Answer – B. A

5. Who among the following does like Carrot?

A. A
B. D
C. B
D. C
E. No one

Answer – A. A

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W live on eight different floors of a building but not necessarily in the
same order. The ground floor is numbered one and the floor above it is numbered two and so on.
The top most floor is numbered eight. Each of them likes a different news paper viz The Times of
India, The Economic Times, Business Standard, THE HINDU, The Indian Express, The
Financial Express, Deccan Chronicle and THE TRIBUNE but not necessarily in the same order.

P lives immediately above U, who lives on an odd numbered floor. The one who likes The Indian
Express does not live on first floor. The one who likes The Economic Times lives on an even
numbered floor but not on floor number 8. Only two persons live between U and the one who

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likes The Economic Times. Only one person lives between U and the one who likes The Indian
Express. Neither T nor R lives on first floor. Only one person lives between R and S, who likes
Business Standard. Only two persons live between T and P. Q lives on an even numbered floor
and immediately above R. The one who likes THE HINDU lives on an even numbered floor and
live immediately above the person who likes THE TRIBUNE. R does not like The Indian
Express or THE TRIBUNE. Only two persons live between W and the one who likes The Times of
India. Q lives on floor number four. The one who likes The Financial Express does not live on
odd numbered floor. W does not like Deccan Chronicle.


Floor Person News paper

6 W The Financial Express
5 T The Indian Express
4 Q The Economic Times
3 R The Times of India
2 V Deccan Chronicle
1 S Business Standard

6. Who among the following lives on floor 5?

A. S
B. R
C. V
D. T
E. None of these

Answer –D. T

7. Which of the following News papers does P like?

C. The Economic Times

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D. Deccan Chronicle
E. None of these

Answer – A. THE HINDU

8. Who among the following likes The Financial Express News paper?
A. Q
B. R
C. W
D. S
E.None of these

Answer –C. W

9. Who among the following lives between P and W?

A. P
B. R
C. S
D. U
E.None of these

Answer –D. U

10. Which of the following is true as per the arrangement?

A. 4-R-The Times of India
D. 3-Q-The Economic Times
E. None of these

Answer – E. None of these

Eight different students- Raju, Ramu, Ravi, Ramesh, Ritesh, Rakesh, Rajesh, and Rehman live in
an apartment which has Eight floors numbered 1 to 8. The top floor is numbered as 8. They also
got different Ranks from 1 to 8 in school. They are also having different Lucky numbers 1 to 8.

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Ramu‟s Lucky number, Floor Number, and His rank are the same number. Except Ramu, all
others are having unique Floor number, Lucky Number, and Rank(i.e., No two numbers will be
same for a particular student).
Two persons live between Ritesh and one who got Rank 4. One person lives between Rakesh and
Raju. Raju‟s Rank and Rehman Floor number are same. Rajesh and Ravi live on consecutive
floors. Ravi‟s Rank and Rakesh‟s Lucy number are same. Ramesh got better Rank than Ravi.
Rajesh Lucky number and Ramesh Floor number are same. Ritesh Lucky number is 5. Students
who got Rank 5 and Rank 6 live on consecutive floors. One who got Rank 5 is having Lucky
number as 1. Sum of Rakesh‟s Floor number and Lucky number is equal to his Rank. Rakesh
lives on an Odd numbered floor but not on floor number 1. Rehman Floor number and Ravi‟s
Lucky number are same. Two persons live between Rehman and Rakesh. Rakesh Rank is same as
Ritesh floor number. Rakesh Rank is an odd number.


1. What is the rank of the student who is living on Floor no 4?


Answer –2.4

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2. How many numbers of Students are living between Ramesh and Raju?

Answer – 2.Two

3. In which of the following Floor is Rehman living?


Answer – 5.Eight

4. Who among the following is living on Floor no 5?


Answer – 2.Rakesh

5. What is the Lucky number of Ramesh?

E. Other than those given as options

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Answer – 3.Three

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

Eight boxes made of different materials- Aluminium, Iron, Gold, Plastic, Platinum, Silver, Steel,
and Wood. They also weigh different weights – 50,100,150,200,250,300,350 and 400gm not
necessarily in the same order.
Two boxes are placed between the boxes weighing 200gm and 400gm. The number of boxes
below Steel box is more than the number of boxes above Steel box. There is only One box
between Steel box and Gold box. There are three boxes between Iron Box and Aluminium box.
The difference between weights of Plastic Box and the Platinum box is 350gm. There are two
boxes between Aluminium box and box which weighs 150gm. The Platinum box is placed below
Plastic box. There are three boxes between Wooden Box
and Box which weighs 300gm. The difference between weights of Silver and the Wooden box is
250gm. Box weighing 350gm is below Gold box. The 100gm box is placed above 50gms.The
heaviest box is either at the top of all boxes or at the bottom of all boxes. The steel box is placed
just above the box weighing 200gms. Iron box is just above the Gold box. No of boxes between
Boxes weighing 350gm and 50gm is more than Two.


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6. Which of the following box is placed at the bottom of all?


Answer – 2.Platinum

7. What is the weight of Silver box?


Answer – 5.350gm

8. Which of the following box is on top of all boxes?


Answer – 1.Aluminium

9. Which of the following combination is false?


Answer – 5.Platinum-50
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10. Which of the following box weighs 150gm?


Answer – 3.Steel

Seven people, namely P,Q,R,S,T,U and V like seven different e-commerce websites namely
Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal, E-bay, Jabong, Myntra and Paytm but not necessarily in the same
order. Each people also works in the same office but at a different department on the basis of
experience namely Administration (ADMIN), Marketing & Sales, (M&S), Accounts (ACC),
Production (PO), Quality Management (QM), Human Resources (HR), and Public Relations
(PR), but not necessarily in the same order. Each person also like different cars namely viz –
Audi, BMW, Ford, Fiat, Hyundai, Chevrolet and Ferrari.

Note: Each person has been allocated to a department as per increasing order of experience
with the one in ADMIN being the least experienced whilst the one in PR Being the most

T neither has the least experience than the one who likes Snapdeal. T neither has the least
experience nor he works in QM. Q does not work in QM. The one who likes Flipkart does not
work in PO. The person who likes Myntra has more experience than the one who likes Fiat. The
one in Quality Management likes Chevrolet. The person who likes Jabong also likes the Hyundai
car. Persons who have the least experience and most experience like BMW and Ferrari car
respectively. Only one person has less experience than U. V likes Paytm and has more
experience than the one who likes Amazon. S has less experience than the one in PO, but more
experience than the one who likes Snapdeal. The one who has less experience than U likes E-
bay. Only one person has more experience than P. P does not like Audi. The one in Marketing
and Sales like Ford. The one in HR likes Jabong. Only two people have more experience than the
one who likes Amazon

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Person Job E-Commerce Car

V PR Paytm Ferrari
P HR Jabong Hyundai
R QM Amazon Chevrolet
T PO Myntra Audi
S ACC Flipkart Fiat
U M&S Snapdeal Ford

1. As per the given arrangement, ADMIN is related to Ferrari and PR is related to

Hyundai in a certain way. To which of the following is ACC related to the same
A. Ferrari
C. Ford
D. Fiat
E. Chevrolet


Answer –E. Chevrolet

2. Which of the following pairs of people who have more experience than P less
experience than S?
A. V, P
B. V, U
C. R, V
D. T, Q
E. R, P


Answer – B. V, U

3. Which combination represents the department that T works in and the movie he

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A. QM – Amazon
B. PO – Snapdeal
C. PO – Myntra
D. ACC – E-bay
E. ADMIN – E-bay


Answer – C. PO – Myntra

4. Who amongst the following likes Fiat?

A. S
B. R
C. P
D. Q
E. Other than those given as options


Answer – A. S

5. Which of the following e-commerce websites does Q like?

A. Snapdeal
B. Myntra
C. Amazon
D. E-bay
E. Flipkart


Answer – D. E-bay

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

Seven persons – A, B, C, D, E, F and G – went to tour in the months of February, March, April
May, July, October and December but not necessarily in the same order. Each one of them likes

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different brand of cycle viz., Firefox, Hercules, Atlas, BSA, Hero, Montra and Kross but not
necessarily in the same order. Each person also like seven different brand of bikes namely viz –
Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Harley Davidson, TVS, Royal Enfield and Vespa.

There are two persons went to tour between the one who likes Honda and the one who likes
Vespa. E does not like Atlas. The person who likes Montra went to tour in the month having less
than 31 days. The person who likes Honda went to tour on one of the months after March which
has less than 31 days. The one who likes Hero went to tour in the month having less than 31
days. There is only one person between A and the person who likes Hero. The person who likes
Vespa went to tour immediately before the one who likes Suzuki. G went to tour in that month
which has less than 31 days. F went to tour immediately after G. Only one person went to tour
between A and the who likes BSA. F does not like Harley Davidson. A does not like Montra. The
one who likes Firefox went to tour immediately before the one who likes Kross. The person who
likes Yamaha went to tour immediately before the one who likes Royal Enfield and immediately
after the one who likes Honda. The one who likes Atlas went to tour immediately before A. C
went to tour immediately after A. Only two persons went to tour between C and B.


Month Person Cycles Bike

February G Montra Harley Davidson
March F Hercules Kit-Kat
April B Hero Honda
May D Atlas Yamaha
July A Firefox Royal Enfield
October C Kross Vespa
December E BSA Suzuki

6. Which of the following brand of cycles is liked by C?

A. Firefox
C. Montra
D. Hercules
E. Kross

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Answer – E. Kross

7. Which of the following combinations of Month-Person-Cycle-Bike is correct?

A. March – G – Firefox – Harley Davidson
B. July – A – Firefox – Royal Enfield
C. October – E – Montra – Yamaha
D. May – C – Atlas – TVS
E. April – F – Hero – Vespa


Answer – B. July – A – Firefox – Royal Enfield

8. Which of the following statements is true with respect to the given arrangement?
A. C went to tour in October
B. A likes Kross
C. D went to tour immediately before E.
D. E went to tour in July
E. None of the given statements is true


Answer – A. C went to tour in October

9. Who among the following went to tour in May?

A. F
B. A
C. C
D. D
E. B


Answer – D. D

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10. Who among the following likes Royal Enfield?

A. E
B. C
C. A
D. G
E. B


Answer – C. A

There are seven lecturers A, B, C, D, E, F, G teaching seven different subjects Physics,

Economics, Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Maths and History. Their annual salary is divided
into three salary Slabs. 3-5 lakh, 6-8 lakh & 10–13 lakh

There are three persons only in the salary slab of 10-13 lakhs. F earns 12 lakh. B and G earn
lower than F‟s salary in the same slab. D earns more than only one person who teaches
Economics. The person who teaches Chemistry earns more than the one who teaches Geography
and their total annual income is 15 lakh per annum in the same slab. There are two persons only
in the salary slab of 3-5 lakhs. The person who teaches History earns lower than F and higher
than the one who teaches Biology in the same slab. F does not teach Physics. The total annual
income of G & A and B & E are 17 lakh and 19 lakh respectively. The difference between the
annual income of D and C is 2 lakh.


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1. As per the given arrangement, F is related to Biology and G is related to Geography

in a certain way. To which of the following is A related to the same way?
A. Maths
B. History
C. Physics
D. Economics
E. Chemistry


Answer –D. Economics

2. What is the difference between the annual income of the one who teaches Biology
and the one who teaches Physics?
A. 4 lakh
B. 3 lakh
C. 6 lakh
D. 2 lakh
E. 5 lakh


Answer – E. 5 lakh

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3. Which combination represents the annual income of a person and the subject he
A. 7 – Chemistry
B. 10 – History
C. 3 – Economics
D. 11 – Biology
E. 5 – Geography


Answer – C. 3 – Economics

4. Who amongst the following earns double of D’s annual income?

A. E
B. G
C. C
D. A
E. Other than those given as options


Answer – B. G

5. Which of the following represents the sum of the highest annual income in each
A. 25 lakh
B. 20 lakh
C. 24 lakh
D. 23 lakh
E. Other than those given as options


Answer – A. 25 lakh

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

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Eight persons F, G, H, I, J, K, L and M attend seminar on four different months January, April,
November and December of the same year. Seminar was conducted on either 15th or 25th of the
month. G attends the seminar 15th of the month which has only 30 days. M and J attend the
seminar on the same month before G, but not in the month of April. M attends the seminar after
J. No one attends the seminar after F. Only one person attends the seminar between M and K.
Both H and L attend the seminar on the 15th of different month. L does not attend the seminar on
December. L and I attend the seminar on the same month.


6. Who among the following attends the seminar on 15th Nov?

A. K
B. L
C. I
D. H
E. F


Answer – B. L

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7. Which of the following combinations of Month-Date-Person is correct?

A. January – 15 – G
B. January – 25 – K
C. Nov – 25 – I
D. April – 15 – F
E. April – 25 – F


Answer – C. Nov – 25 – I

8. Which of the following statements is true with respect to the given arrangement?
A. G attends the seminar in November
B. H attends the seminar immediately after I.
C. M attends the seminar immediately before K.
D. K attends the seminar in November
E. None of the given statements is true


Answer – B. H attends the seminar immediately after I.

9. Who among the following attends seminar in December?

A. F
B. M
C. G
D. K
E. J


Answer – A. F

10. How many persons attend seminar between G and H?

A. One
B. Two

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C. Three
D. Four
E. More than Four


Answer – C. Three

Q (1-5). Study the given information and answer the following questions.

Eight friends- Pravin, Qadir, Rohan, Satwik, Tilak, Umesh, Vinay and Wasim are sitting in the
innermost circle. All of them are facing towards the center.
Number of persons sitting between Pravin and Qadir is same as the number of persons sitting
between Satwik and Rohan. Three persons sit between Umesh and Wasim. Vinay sits to the
immediate right of Rohan. Wasim sits second to the right of Tilak. Satwik sits third to the left of
Tilak. Wasim is an immediate neighbor of Pravin.
They shuffled a pack of cards. Pravin draws the first card and changes his position according to
the given conditions, In clock-wise remaining persons also draw cards and change their
positions accordingly.
1. If the card drawn is Heart, the person moves to outer circle (same position) facing center.
2. If the card drawn is Spade, the person moves to outer circle facing center and moves two
positions left.
3. If the card drawn is Club, the person who draws first moves to corner 1 of Square facing away
from center, further if persons draw diamond they have to move to corners 2, 3 and 4

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respectively facing away from the center.

4. If the card drawn is Diamond, the person remains in the same circle but faces away from
1. Pravin draws 10 of Club
2. Qadir draws Ace of Diamond
3. Rohan draws Queen of Heart
4. Satwik draws 7 of Diamond
5. Tilak draws 4 of Club
6. Umesh draws 3 of Heart
7. Vinay draws Ace of Spade
8. Wasim draws 9 of Spade

1. After all the persons changed their places based on the above conditions, who
among the following will be sitting at corner 2 of the Square?
1. Pravin
2. Tilak
3. Rohan
4. Wasim
5. Satwik

Answer & Explanation

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Answer : 2.Tilak

2. After all, the persons changing their places based on the above conditions, how
many are facing towards center?
1. One
2. Two
3. Three
4. Four
5. None

Answer & Explanation

Answer : 4. Four

3. After all, persons changing their places based on the above conditions then who
among the following is sitting to the immediate left of Vinay?
1. Rohan
2. Wasim
3. Umesh
4. Wasim
5. None

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Answer & Explanation

Answer : 5.None

4. After all, persons changing their places based on the above conditions, which of the
following Pair are sitting in inner most circle?
1. Satwik and Wasim
2. Satwik and Qadir
3. Qadir and Rohan
4. Wasim and Rohan
5. None

Answer & Explanation

Answer : 2.Satwik and Qadir

5. After all, persons changing their places based on the above conditions, who among
the following is sitting in outer circle exactly same position as Qadir is sitting in the
inner circle?
1. Umesh
2. Wasim
3. Vinay
4. Rohan
5. None

Answer & Explanation

Answer : 5.None

Q (6-10).Study the given information and answer the following questions.

Eight Persons are sitting in a straight line of eight vacant seats. Four of them are facing north
and the remaining four persons are facing south. They also like Eight different vegetables -
Carrot, Brinjal, Cabbage, Potato, Tomato, Beans, Broccoli, and Capsicum but not necessarily in
same order. Those Eight people are also sitting in alphabetical order.
Person who likes Tomato sits third to the right of P. P neither likes Broccoli nor Carrot. Q faces
south. Person who likes Brinjal sits third to the right of person who likes Potato. Three persons
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sit between the person who likes Broccoli and Carrot. P neither likes Broccoli nor Carrot.
Person who likes Beans sits third to the left of the person who likes Tomato. Q sits second to the
right of the person who likes Capsicum. Person who likes Carrot and Broccoli face same
direction (i.e. both face either towards south or North). Person who likes Carrot sits to the
immediate left of the person who likes Capsicum. Person who likes Cabbage sits third to the left
of R. Three persons sit between the Person who likes Cabbage and the person who likes Brinjal.

6. Who among the following is not sitting in the row?

1. S
2. T
3. U
4. V
5. Cannot be determined

Answer & Explanation

Answer : 4.V
Explanation :

7. Who among the following is not facing north?

1. N
2. O
3. P
4. S
5. U

Answer & Explanation

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Answer:1. N

8. Which of the flowing given vegetable does T like?

1. Tomato
2. Potato
3. Cabbage
4. Brinjal
5. None

Answer & Explanation


9. If P is related to Beans, Q is related to Brinjal, Then who is related to Broccoli?

1. N
2. O
3. R
4. S
5. None

Answer & Explanation

Answer : 3. R

10. Which of the following combination is true?

1. M – Carrot
2. N – Capsicum
3. O – Beans
4. P – Brinjal
5. U – Cabbage

Answer & Explanation

Answer : 5. U – Cabbage

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Ten students namely viz A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J of ten different colleges but not
necessarily in the same order have exam on five different days starting from Monday to Friday
of the same week. Each student have exam at two different time slots, i.e 08.00 AM or 11.00
Only two people have exam between F and J. Neither E nor G does not have exam on Friday.
I has exam on Tuesday at 08.00 A.M. H does not have exam at 11.00 AM. The number of
people who have exam between G and D is same as the number of people who have exam
between C and H. D does not have exam on any one of the days after E. F does not have
exam on any of the days after H. B has exam immediately before I. I does not have exam on
any of the days before G. The one who has exam at 08.00 A.M. immediately before J. D has
exam immediately after the day of one who has exam on Monday. F does not have exam at
11.00 A.M. Only three people have exam between G and E.


Person Day Time Slot

G Mon 08.00 AM
B Mon 11.00 AM
I Tue 08.00 AM
D Tue 11.00 AM
E Wed 08.00 AM
C Wed 11.00 AM
F Thu 08.00 AM
A Thu 11.00 AM
H Fri 08.00 AM
J Fri 11.00 AM

1. How many persons have exam at 11’0 clock between E and H?

A. 5
B. 6
C. 2
D. 4
E. None of these.


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Answer – C. 2

2. Who among the following person has exam at 8 A.M?

A. J
B. H
C. A
D. C
E. D


Answer – B. H

3. Four among the following form a group in a certain way. Which of the following
does not belong to Group?
A. B – Tuesday
B. D – Wednesday
C. G – Tuesday
D. A – Friday
E. H – Friday


Answer – E. H – Friday

4. Which of the following is correctly matched?

A. I – Monday
B. D – Tuesday
C. B – Friday
D. G – Tuesday
E. I – Wednesday


Answer – B. D – Tuesday

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5. Who among the following have exam on Friday?

A. A, B
B. C, D
C. E, G
D. H, J
E. G, I


Answer – D. H, J

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

Eight boxes namely A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are placed from top to bottom not in the same
order. They contain different types of flowers namely viz Jasmine, Rose, Lily, Lotus,
Sunflower, Tulip, Orchid and Chrysanthemum. Boxes are made up of different
materials among steel, plastic, wood and Aluminum box. Exactly two boxes are made of same
material. Consider the box kept at top as 1st position.

Box D which is made up of plastic kept two places above B and both are in the top 4 positions
when boxes are arranged from top to bottom. The box containing Lotus is kept immediately
below wooden box and made up of same material as D. Box C is kept somewhere between G
and H and H being below C. The two Aluminum boxes are kept vertically adjacent to each
other. Lily is kept exactly middle between F and the box containing Tulip. H doesn’t contain
Jasmine. Box E kept two places below box G which is kept immediately below the box
containing Lotus. The box containing Chrysanthemum is placed at even numbered place but
is not placed at the bottom. The steel box which kept at the top either contains Jasmine or
Orchid. Box E, not made up of Aluminum. F which contains Sunflower is made up of wood.
The box containing Rose is made up of wood. C doesn’t contain Jasmine or Chrysanthemum.


Position Box Flower Box Type

1 A Jasmine Steel
2 D Chrysanthemum Plastic

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3 F Sunflower Wood
4 B Lotus Plastic
5 G Lily Aluminium
6 C Orchid Aluminium
7 E Tulip Steel
8 H Rose Wood

6. Which of the following box contains Rose?

A. A
B. D
C. F
D. H
E. None of these.


D. H

7. Which of the following box is made up of wood?

A. A, B
B. E, F
C. B, E
D. D, G
E. H, F


E. H, F

8. Which of the following statements is true?

A. B which contains Lotus is made up of wood
B. G which is placed at 5th position is made up of plastic material
C. E which contains Tulip is not made up of steel
D. H is placed at bottom and is made up of steel.
E. None of these

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E. None of these

9. Which of the following is correctly matched?

A. G – Lily – Plastic
B. F – Sunflower – Wood
C. H – Rose – Steel
D. E – Tulip – Plastic
E. D – Chrysanthemum – Wood


B. F – Sunflower – Wood

10. What does box G contain?

D.Sand Wich



A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seven people live on seven different floors of a building but not
necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered 1, the one above
that is numbered 2 and so on till the topmost floor is numbered 7. Each person likes different
vegetables namely Potato, Brinjal, Carrot, Tomato, Drumstick, Cabbage, and Cauli flower.

Three persons live between the one who likes Potato and the one who likes Brinjal. The one who
likes Potato lives one of the floors above the floor numbered 4. Three persons live between the
one who likes Drumstick and the one who likes Cauli flower. The person who lives on the ground
floor like neither Carrot nor Brinjal. The one who likes Carrot lives on one of the floors below
the floor numbered 4. The person who likes Cabbage does not live on one of the floors below the
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floor numbered 4. The person who likes Potato and Drumstick live on one of the floors above the
floor numbered 4. The person who lives on the top most floor does not like Potato. Three persons
live between the one who likes Cabbage and the one who likes Carrot. A lives between B and E.
B lives on one of the floors above E. A lives on an odd numbered floor but not on the floor
numbered three. Only one person lives between A and G. F lives immediately below the one who
likes Carrot. Only two persons live between E and C. C does not live on the top most floor. G
does not like Carrot.


Floor Persons Vegetables

7 G Cabbage
6 B Potato
5 A Drumstick
4 E Tomato
3 D Carrot
2 F Brinjal
1 C Cauli flower

1. Which among the following is liked by B?

A. Tomato
B. Carrot
C. Potato
D. Cauli Flower
E. None of these


C. Potato

2. Which of the following combination is true as per the given arrangement?

A. A – 5 – Drumstick
B. C – 3 – Tomato
C. B – 5 – Carrot
D. F – 2 – Cauli flower
E. None of these.
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A. A – 5 – Drumstick

3. Who among the following lives in floor no 3?

A. A
B. C
C. D
D. F
E. None of these.


C. D

4. Four among the following form a group in a certain way. Which of the following
does not belong to Group?
A. G – Cauli Flower
B. A – Carrot
C. B – Brinjal
D. F – Potato
E. D – Tomato


E. D – Tomato

5. Who among the following likes Cauli flower?

A. A
B. C
C. D
D. F
E. None of these.


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B. C

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

Eight people P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W were born in three different months(of the same year) but
not necessarily in the same order, namely March, June and December such that not less than two
people and not more than three people were born in a month. Each of them also likes different
watches namely Fastrack, Titan, Fossil, Giordano, Timex, Casio, Maxima and Steve Madden but
not necessarily in the same order. Each goes to eight different places namely Agra, Delhi,
Mysuru, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bengaluru, Kochi and Mumbai but not in necessarily same order

R likes Steve Madden and was born in the same month as T. Only Q and W were born in March.
R was not born in December. The one who likes Timex was born in the month which has 30 days
only. U was not born in the same month as T. S likes Giordano and born in the same month as U.
V does not like Timex. The one who likes Maxima and the one who likes Fossil were born in the
same month, The one who likes Maxima was not born in the same month as W. U does not like
Maxima. The one who likes Fastrack was born in the same month as P. Q does not like Titan. T
does not like Timex. Three people are there between the one who goes to Chennai on one of the
months which has more than 30 days and the one who goes to Bengaluru on one of the months
which has less than 31 days. Three people are there between the one who goes to Kochi on one
of the months which has more than 30 days and the one who goes to Delhi on one of the months
which has more than 30 days. Three people are there between the one who goes to Hyderabad
on one of the months which has less than 31 days and the one who goes to Mysuru on one of the
months which has more than 30 days. V goes to neither Mumbai nor Chennai. W does not go to


Persons Months Watches University

Q March Casio Chennai
W March Titan Kochi
R June Steve Madden Hyderabad
T June Fastrack Mumbai
P June Timex Bengaluru

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S December Giordano Delhi

U December Fossil Mysuru
V December Maxima Agra

6. As per the given arrangement which of the following combination represents only
the people who were born in December?.
A. T, V
B. U, P, T
C. V, U
D. P, T
E. U, V, S


Answer – E. U, V, S

7. As per the given arrangement which of the following person represent the one who
was born in the same month as the one who likes Casio?
A. U
B. P
C. R
D. T
E. W


Answer – E. W

8. Which of the following Watches does T like as per the given arrangement?
A. Casio
B. Titan
C. Fastrack
D. Fossil
E. Other than those given as options


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Answer – C. Fastrack

9. Which of the following combinations is correct as per the given arrangement?

A. December – Titan – Bengaluru
B. June – Casio – Chennai
C. June – Fossil – Agra
D. March – Fastrack – Hyderabad
E. December – Fossil – Mysuru


Answer – E. December – Fossil – Mysuru

10. Who amongst the following goes to Kochi as per the given arrangement?
A. P
B. V
C. U
D. W
E. T


Answer – D. W

A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seven people live on seven different floors of a building but not
necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered 1, the one above
that is numbered 2 and so on till the topmost floor is numbered 7. Each one of them
earns different amount per month. i.e. 20000, 15000, 10000, 25000,30000, 35000 and 40000.
(But not necessarily in the same order.). Each person likes different e-commerce websites
namely Myntra, Shopclues, Jabong, Snapdeal, Flipkart, Amazon, and E-bay.

Three persons live between the one who likes Myntra and the one who likes Shopclues. The one
who likes Myntra lives one of the floors above the floor numbered 4. Three persons live between
the one who likes Flipkart and the one who likes Ebay. The person who lives on the ground floor
does not like neither Jabong nor Shopclues. The one who likes Jabong lives on one of the floors

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below the floor numbered 4. The person who likes Amazon does not live on one of the floors
below the floor numbered 4. The person who likes Myntra and Flipkart live on one of the floors
above the floor numbered 4. The person who lives on the top most floor does not like Myntra.
The one who earns Rs.20000 lives immediately above the one who earns Rs.40000. The one who
earns Rs.15000 lives on one of the odd numbered floors above D. Only three people live between
C and the one who earns 15000. The one who earns Rs.10000 lives immediately above C. F
earns 10000. Three persons live between the one who likes Amazon and the one who likes
Jabong. Only one person lives between B and E. B lives on one of the floors above E. Neither
C nor A earns Rs.25000. E does not earn Rs. 10000. A lives on an odd numbered floor but not on
the floor numbered three. The one who earns Rs.30000 lives immediately above A. Only two
people live between A and the one who earns Rs.10000.


Floor Persons Salary E-Commerce

7 G 25000 Amazon
6 B 30000 Myntra
5 A 15000 Flipkart
4 E 20000 Snapdeal
3 D 40000 Jabong
2 F 10000 Shopclues
1 C 35000 Ebay

1. Which among the following is the salary of B?

A. Rs. 20000
B. Rs. 40000
C. Rs. 35000
D. Rs. 30000
E. None of these


D. Rs. 30000

2. Which of the following combination is true as per the given arrangement?

A. A – 15000 – Flipkart
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B. C – 30000 – Snapdeal
C. B – 35000 – Jabong
D. F – 20000 – Ebay
E. None of these.


A. A – 15000 – Flipkart

3. Who among the following lives in floor no 3?

A. A
B. C
C. D
D. F
E. None of these.


C. D

4. Four among the following form a group in a certain way.Which of the following
does not belong to Group?
A. G – 15000
B. A – 40000
C. B – 20000
D. F – 40000
E. E – 10000


D. F – 40000

5. Who among the following likes E-bay?

A. A
B. C
C. D

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D. F
E. None of these.


B. C

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

Eight people P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W were born in three different months(of the same year) but
not necessarily in the same order, namely March, June and December such that not less than two
people and not more than three people were born in a month. Each of them also likes a different
fruit namely Guava, Peach, Banana, Cherry, Mango, Orange, Kiwi and apple but not
necessarily in the same order. Each goes to Eight different Universities namely Indian Institute
of Science, University of Delhi, Banaras Hindu University, Osmania University, IIT Madras,
Shivaji University, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University and University of Mumbai but not
in necessarily same order

Only Q and W were born in March. R likes Apple and was born in the same month as T.
R was not born in December. The one who likes Mango was born in the month which has 30
days only. U was not born in the same month as T. S likes Cherry and born in the same month as
U. V does not like Mango. The one who likes Kiwi and the one who likes Banana were born in
the same month, The one who likes Kiwi was not born in the same month as W. U does not like
Kiwi. The one who likes Guava was born in the same month as P. Q does not like Peach. T does
not like Mango. Three people are there between the one who goes to IIT Madras on one of the
months which has more than 30 days and the one who goes to Shivaji University on one of the
months which has less than 31 days. Three people are there between the one who goes to Dr.
APJ Technical University on one of the months which has more than 30 days and the one who
goes to University of Delhi on one of the months which has more than 30 days. Three people are
there between the one who goes to Osmania University on one of the months which has less than
30 days and the one who goes to Banaras Hindu University on one of the months which has more
than 30 days. V does not go to Neither University of Mumbai nor IIT Madras. W does not go to
University of Delhi.

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Persons Months Fruits University

Q March Orange IIT Madras
W March Peach Dr.APJ Technical
R June Apple Osmania
T June Guava University of Mumbai
P June Mango Shivaji
S December Cherry University of Delhi
U December Banana Banaras Hindu Univ
V December Kiwi Indian Institute of Science

6. As per the given arrangement which of the following combination represents only
the people who were born in December?.
A. T, V
B. U, P, T
C. V, U
D. P, T
E. U, V, S


Answer – E. U, V, S

7. As per the given arrangement which of the following person represent the one who
was born in the same month as the one who likes Orange?
A. U
B. P
C. R
D. T
E. W


Answer – E. W

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8. Which of the following fruits does T like as per the given arrangement?
A. Orange
B. Peach
C. Guava
D. Banana
E. Other than those given as options


Answer – C. Guava

9. Which of the following combinations is correct as per the given arrangement?

A. December – Peach – Shivaji
B. June – Orange – IIT Madras
C. June – Banana – Indian Institute of Science
D. March – Guava – Osmania
E. December – Banana – Banaras Hindu University


Answer – E. December – Banana – Banaras Hindu University

10. Who amongst the following goes to APJ Technical University as per the given
A. P
B. V
C. U
D. W
E. T


Answer – D. W

Seven People – A, B, C, D, E, F, and G live in eight different floors of the building (but not
necessarily in the same order). One of the floors in the building is vacant. The lowermost floor of

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the building is numbered one, the one above that is numbered two, and so on till the topmost
floor is numbered eight. Each one of them also owns different brands of laptops, namely
Lenovo, Dell, HP, Samsung, Apple, Asus and TOSHIBA (but not necessarily in the same order).

The number of people leaving above F is same as the number of floors between F and D. F lives
an odd numbered floor above the floor numbered four. Only one person lives between B and the
one who owns Samsung. Only three floors between D and the one who owns Apple. The one who
owns Asus lives immediately above G, G owns neither Apple nor HP. E does not own Asus. Only
three floors between G and A. The one who owns TOSHIBA lives immediately above the one who
owns Lenovo, but not on the topmost floor. C lives one of the odd numbered floors above the one
who owns Apple. The number of floors between F and the one who owns DELL is only one. Only
one person lives between the one who owns TOSHIBA and the vacant floor. Only two people live
between C and vacant floor. Two persons live between the one who likes Black colour and the
one who likes Yellow Colour. Only one person lives between the one who likes Yellow and the
one who likes White. There are two floors between the one who likes Orange and Brown. Four
persons live between the one who likes Red and Blue. The one who likes Yellow colour lives on
one of the floors above the floor numbered four. The person who lives on the sixth floor does not
like white. The one who likes Red colour lives immediately above the one who likes Orange.


Floor No Person Laptop Colour

8 B HP Black
7 C Asus Red
6 G Samsung Orange
5 F Apple Yellow
4 _ _ _
3 E DELL Brown
1 D Lenovo Blue

1. Which of the following Statements is true with respect to the given information?
A. G lives immediately above the one who likes Yellow.
B. E lives immediately above C
C. Only three people live between F and the one who owns TOSHIBA.

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D. D owns Samsung.
E. All the given statements are true.


Answer – A. G lives immediately above the one who likes Yellow.

2. Who amongst the following lives exactly between the vacant floor and the one who
owns Lenovo Laptop?
A. B, C
B. G, D
C. F, G
D. A, B
E. E, A


Answer – E. E, A

3. Which of the following floor is vacant?

A. 5
B. 7
C. 4
D. 3
E. 6


Answer – C. 4

4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which
one of the following does not belong to the group?
A. G – HP
B. C – Apple
C. F – Samsung

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D. E – Lenovo


Answer – C. F – Samsung

5. How many people live between C and the one who likes Brown colour?
A. Four
B. Three
C. None
D. Five
E. Two


Answer – E. Two

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

Seven students namely viz A, B, C, D, E, F and G of seven different colleges have the seminar on
seven different days, namely viz Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and
Sunday of the same week but necessarily in the same order. Each student stays in a hostel in
different floor. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered 1, the one above that is
numbered 2 and so on till the topmost floor is numbered 7.
G stayed on the second floor and has a seminar on Wednesday. The one who stayed on the
first floor has a seminar on Saturday. B has a seminar immediately before E. B does not have the
seminar on any of the days after G. The one who stayed on the seventh floor does not have a
seminar on any of the days on or before Friday. The one who stayed on the third floor has a
seminar immediately after C. E does not stay on the fifth floor. The one who stays on the sixth
floor does not have a seminar immediately before or after G. F does not have any seminar on
Sunday and does not live on the third floor. D does not have the seminar on any one of the days
before A. Two persons live between the one who likes 5Star and the one who likes Kitkat. Only
one person lives between the one who likes Kitkat and the one who likes Munch. Two persons
live between the one who likes Munch and Snickers. Four persons live between the one who likes

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Dairy Milk and Bournville. The one who likes 5star lives on one of the floors above the floor
numbered three. The persons who live on the fourth and fifth floor don‟t like Snickers. The one
who likes Munch lives immediately below the one who likes Dairy Milk.


Floor Person Day Chocolate

7 D Sunday Kitkat
6 B Monday Dairy Milk
5 C Thursday Munch
4 E Tuesday 5star
3 A Friday Perk
2 G Wednesday Snickers
1 F Saturday Bournville

6. F stays on which of the following floor?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. None of these.


A. 1

7. Who among the following person likes Munch?

A. A
B. C
C. B
D. F
E. E


B. C

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8. Four among the following form a group in a certain way. Which of the following
does not belong to Group?
A. D – Monday
B. C – Tuesday
C. A – Wednesday
D. G – Saturday
E. E – Sunday


E. E – Sunday

9. Which of the following is correctly matched?

A. D – Monday – Kitkat
B. C – Tuesday – Munch
C. A – Friday – Perk
D. G – Saturday – Snickers
E. E – Sunday – Kitkat


C. A – Friday – Perk

10. Who among the following has the seminar on Sunday?

A. A
B. C
C. B
D. D
E. E


D. D

Eight People – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H live in ten different floors of a building (but not
necessarily in the same order). Two of the floors in the building is vacant. The lowermost floor of

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the building is numbered one, the one above that is numbered two, and so on till the topmost
floor is numbered ten. Each one of them also likes different mobiles, namely Lenovo, Apple, ONE
PLUS, HTC, Samsung, Oppo, ASUS and Sony(but not necessarily in the same order). Each one
of them also participates in different number of events starting from 1 to 10.

The one who likes SONY and APPLE not live on the floors numbered 8 and 7 respectively. The
one who likes HTC lives immediately below the floor on which C lives. The number of people
living below F is same as the number of people living between F and H. Only three floors
between D and the one who likes Samsung. The number of floors between the one who likes
ASUS and the one who likes HTC is two. The one who likes Oppo lives immediately above
G. F lives an odd numbered floor above the floor numbered four. The top most floor is vacant.
Only one person lives between B and the one who likes HTC. Only three floors between G and A.
The one who likes SONY lives immediately above the one who likes Lenovo. C lives one of the
odd numbered floors above the one who likes Samsung. The number of floors between F and the
one who likes APPLE is only one. Only one person lives between the one who likes SONY and
the vacant floor. Only two people live between C and vacant floor. The number of floors between
two vacant floors is five. Total number of events participated by B is one less than that of the
total number of events participated by H. Total number of events participated by the person who
lives on ground floor is the square of the total number of events participated by B. Total number
of events participated by A is the difference of number of events participated by D and H. Total
number of events participated by C is one less than that of B. Total number of events participated
by F is one more than that of G. Total number of events participated by E is one more than that
of F. Total number of events participated by G is the multiple of number of events participated by
B and C. Total number of events participated by the one who likes Asus is four.


Floor No Person Mobile Number of events

10 _ _ _
9 H ASUS 4
7 C Oppo 2
6 G HTC 6
5 F Samsung 7
4 _ _ _
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3 E Apple 8
2 A Sony 5
1 D Lenovo 9

1. Which of the following Statements is true with respect to the given information?
A. G lives immediately above the one who likes Samsung
B. E lives immediately above C
C. Only three people live between F and the one who likes SONY.
D. D likes HTC.
E. All the given statements are true


Answer – A. G lives immediately above the one who likes Samsung

2. Who amongst the following participates in 5 events?

A. B
B. G
C. F
D. A
E. C


Answer – D. A

3. Which of the following floor is immediately above the vacant floor?

A. 5
B. 7
C. 4
D. 3
E. 6


Answer -A. 5

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4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which
one of the following does not belong to the group?
B. C – Samsung
C. F – HTC
D. E – Lenovo


Answer – C. F – HTC

5. How many people live between C and D?

A. Four
B. Three
C. None
D. Five
E. Two


Answer –A. Four

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

Twelve students namely viz A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K of twelve different colleges

have Conference in six different months namely viz January, February, June, July, September
and October on twelve different days i.e., (all persons have different dates) from 9th to 20th of
any month but not necessarily in the same order. Two students must have Conference in the same
month. Each student stays in a hostel in different floor. The ground floor of the building is
numbered 1, the one above that is numbered 2 and so on till the topmost floor is numbered 12.
There are five floors between the person who have Conference in June. The persons who have
Conference in June does not occupy the floor above the floor numbered 10 and also not occupy
the floor below the floor numbered 4. G stayed on the second floor and has a Conference on
19th. The one who stayed on the first floor has a Conference in September. E has a Conference

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on the date immediately after the date on which K has Conference. There are two persons live
between G and H. The floor number and the Conference date is same for the person B. The
person who has Conference on 15th lives immediately below E. K has Conference on one of the
dates after 12 and before 16. There are four persons live between K and E. K has Conference in
the month of June. B and I have Conference in the same month which has 31 days. D who lived
in floor numbered 11, has the Conference in the month which has less than 30 days. Only one
person lives between two persons who have Conference in the month of October. The persons
who have Conference in the month of October live two of the floors above the floor numbered 6.
There are five floors between B and I. There are six floors between the person J and the person
who has Conference in the month of September. The person F stays in a middle between the
person E and C. L does not have Conference in the month of June. The person who has
Conference on 17th lives immediately above the person who has Conference on 20. H does not
have Conference on 20th. L does not have Conference on 16th. There is only one person lives
between the persons who have Conference in the month of July. There are four floors between
the persons who have Conference on 19th and 10th. The person who has Conference on 17th
lives immediately above the person who has Conference on 20th. H does not have Conference on
20th. A does not have Conference on 11th. The person who has Conference on 18th lives
immediately above the person who has Conference on 11.


Floor Person Month Date

12 B January 12
11 D February 17
10 A June 20
9 E October 14
8 F September 15
7 C October 10
6 I January 18
5 H July 11
4 K June 13
3 L July 9
2 G February 19
1 J September 16

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6. F stays on which of the following floor?

A. 12
B. 8
C. 7
D. 4
E. None of these.


B. 8

7. Who among the following has Conference in September?

A. A, B
B. J, F
C. B, E
D. D, G
E. E, G


B. J, F

8. Four among the following form a group in a certain way. Which of the following
does not belong to Group?
A. C – October
B. J – September
C. F – September
D. B – January
E. E – October


C. F – September. Except F, others have Conference on even numbered dates.

9. Which of the following is correctly matched?

A. 12 – B – June – 17

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B. 12 – F – June – 17
C. 2 – G – February – 19
D. 2 – G – September – 19
E. E – Sunday – July


C. 2 – G – February – 19

10. Who among the following has Conference on 20th?

A. A
B. C
C. B
D. D
E. J


A. A

Six People – A, C, D, E, F, and G live in eight different floors of a building (but not necessarily
in the same order). Two of the floors in the building are vacant. The lowermost floor of the
building is numbered one, the one above that is numbered two, and so on till the topmost floor
is numbered eight. Each one of them likes different brands of soaps, namely Lux, Dove, Pears,
Dettol, Lifebuoy and HAMAM (but not necessarily in the same order). Each of them earns
different amount of salary – 20,000 30,000, 40,000, 50,000, 60,000 and 80,000 but not in same

The one who earns the lowest salary lives on one of the floors above the floor numbered 5. The
one who earns 40,000 lives immediately below the one who earns the lowest salary. The salary
of the person who lives on the ground floor is the sum of the salary of the persons who lived on
the floors numbered 7 and 6. The person who lives on the ground floor does not earn 60,000.
The number of floors above F is same as the number of floors between F and D. F lives an odd
numbered floor above the floor numbered four. There are three people live between the two
vacant floors. Only three floors between D and the one who likes Dettol. The one who likes

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Lifebuoy lives immediately above G. Only three floors between G and A. The one who likes
HAMAM lives immediately above the one who likes Lux. C lives immediately above the one who
likes Pears. The number of floors between F and the one who likes DOVE is only one. The one
who likes DOVE perfume immediately below one of the vacant floors. The floor numbers of the
vacant floors are even – number. Only two floors are there between the one who likes
HAMAM and Dettol. C lived immediately below one of the vacant floors and not on the ground
floor. C neither lived on floor number 5 nor floor number 3. The one who likes Dove lives on one
of the floors below the floor numbered 4. The sum of the salary of the persons who live on second
and third floor equals to the salary of the person who lives on the ground floor. The difference
between the salary of the persons who live on the ground floor and the third floor equals to the
salary of the person who lives on the second floor. A earns more than E.


Floor No Person Perfume Salary

8 _ _ _
7 C Lifebuoy 60,000
6 G Pears 20,000
5 F Dettol 40,000
4 _ _ _
3 E DOVE 30,000
2 A HAMAM 50,000
1 D Lux 80,000

1. Which of the following Statements is true with respect to the given information?
A. G earns 20000
B. E lives immediately above C
C. Only three people live between F and the one who earns 50,000.
D. D likes Pears.
E. All the given statements are true.


Answer –A. G earns 20000

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2. Who amongst the following lives exactly between the fourth floor and the one who
earns 20,000?
A. B, C
B. G, D
C. F, G
D. A, B
E. E, A


Answer – E. E, A

3. Which of the following pair represents vacant floors?

A. 4, 6
B. 2, 6
C. 4, 8
D. 2, 8
E. 6, 8


Answer– Answer – C. 4, 8

4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which
one of the following does not belong to the group?
A. G – Lifebuoy
B. C – Dettol
C. F – Lifebuoy
D. E – Lux


Answer – A. G – Lifebuoy

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5. Who amongst the following earns 40,000?

A. F
B. E
C. C
D. D
E. B


Answer – A. F

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

Ten students namely viz P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X and Y of ten different colleges but not
necessarily in the same order have an exam on five different days starting from Monday to
Friday of the same week. Each student has exam at two different time slots, i.e 08.00 AM or
11.00 A.M. Each one of them likes different brands of mobiles, namely Samsung, Apple,
Microsoft, Sony, LG, HTC, Motorola, Lenovo, Xiaomi and Oppo (but not necessarily in the same
Only two people have exam between U and Y. Neither T nor V does not have the exam on Friday.
X has the exam on Tuesday at 08.00 A.M. W does not have the exam at 11.00 AM. The number of
people who have exam between V and S is same as the number of people who have exam between
R and W. S does not have exam on any one of the days after T. U does not have exam on any of
the days after W. Q has exam immediately before X. X does not have exam on any of the days
before V. The one who has exam at 08.00 A.M. immediately before Y. S has exam immediately
after the day of one who has the exam on Monday. U does not have the exam at 11.00 A.M. Only
three people have exam between V and T. Four people have exam between the one who likes
Samsung pen and the one who likes Oppo. The one who likes Oppo has the exam on Wednesday.
Y does not like Samsung. Four people have exam between the one who likes Microsoft and the
one who likes Xiaomi. The one who likes Xiaomi has the exam on Thursday. X does not like
Microsoft. The one who likes Apple has exam immediately after the one who likes LG and
immediately before the one who likes Sony. The one who likes Lenovo has exam immediately
after the one who likes HTC. The one who likes HTC has the exam on Thursday.

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Person Day Time Slot Mobile

V Mon 08.00 AM Samsung
Q Mon 11.00 AM Microsoft
X Tue 08.00 AM LG
S Tue 11.00 AM Apple
T Wed 08.00 AM Sony
R Wed 11.00 AM Oppo
U Thu 08.00 AM Xiaomi
P Thu 11.00 AM HTC
W Fri 08.00 AM Lenovo
Y Fri 11.00 AM Motorola

6. How many persons have the exam at 11’0 clock between X and W?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 3
D. 4
E. None of these.


Answer – C. 3

7. Who among the following person has the exam at 8 A.M?

A. Y
B. W
C. P
D. R
E. S


Answer – B. W

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8. Four among the following form a group in a certain way. Which of the following
does not belong to Group?
A. Q – Tuesday
B. S – Wednesday
C. V – Tuesday
D. P – Friday
E. W – Friday


Answer – E. W – Friday

9. Which of the following is correctly matched?

X – Monday – Samsung
B. S – Tuesday – Apple
C. Q – Friday – Motorola
D. V – Tuesday – Sony
E. X – Wednesday – Xiaomi


Answer –B. S – Tuesday – Apple

10. Who among the following like Lenovo and Motorola?

A. P, Q
B. R, S
C. T, V
D. W, Y
E. V, X


Answer – D. W, Y

Twelve People – M, Y, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, and X live in twelve different floors of a

building(but not necessarily in the same order). The lowermost floor of the building is numbered

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one, the one above that is numbered two, and so on till the topmost floor is numbered twelve.
Each one of them also goes to 12 different places namely, Mumbai, Kochi, Patna, New Delhi,
Jaipur, Pune, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Bengaluru, Chennai and Kolkata (but not
necessarily in the same order) in 12 different dates(Starting from 1 – 20) of 12 different months.

The number of floors above R is same as the number of floors between R and M. The number of
floors between R and M is more than four. S lives an odd numbered floor above the floor
numbered Seven. The number of floors above S is same as the number of floors between S and
X. The one who goes to Bengaluru lives immediately above S. There are four floors between one
who goes to Bengaluru and Chandigarh. The number of floors below V is same as the number of
floors between V and W. The number of floors between V and W is more than Two. V lives an
even numbered floor below the floor numbered Six. T, S, Y, and O go on two digit prime-
numbered dates. Y goes on the second lowest two digit prime date & in the month which has less
than 30 days. There are five persons live above the person who goes to Hyderabad and there are
five persons live below the person who goes to Ahmedabad. T goes on the lowest two digit prime
date & in the month which has more than 30 days. T lives immediately above S. The persons live
on the top three floors and the first three floors go in the month which has more than 30 days. X
goes on the workers day. S goes on the highest two digit prime date & in the month of November.
T goes immediately after the month in which S goes to Kolkata. P goes in the month immediately
after O. V goes in the month immediately after X. Q lives immediately above U. P lives
immediately above O but not in the top most floor. The person goes in March does not live on the
top most floor. There are three persons live between the one who goes in April and the one who
goes in March. Q goes to Mumbai on the International Day of Non-Violence. O goes to Kochi on
the second highest two digit prime date. Two persons live between the one who goes to Chennai
and the one who goes to Pune. Two persons live between the one who goes to Jaipur and the one
who goes to Patna. The one who goes to Pune and Jaipur lives on an even numbered floor. The
one who goes to Patna does not live on the second floor from the top. The date in which the
person goes to New Delhi is 5th. V goes immediately after the date of P. U goes immediately
after the date of Q. W goes immediately after the date of U. R goes on the square of the date in
which U goes on. M goes immediately after the date of R.


Floor No Person Month Date Place

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12 Q October 2 Mumbai
11 U March 3 Chennai
10 T December 11 Bengaluru
9 S November 19 Kolkata
8 W September 4 Pune
7 R April 9 Hyderabad
6 Y February 13 Ahmedabad
5 X May 1 Chandigarh
4 V June 6 Jaipur
3 P August 5 New Delhi
2 O July 17 Kochi
1 M January 10 Patna

1. Which of the following Statements is true with respect to the given information?
A. W lives immediately above the one who goes to Hyderabad.
B. U lives immediately above S
C. Only three people live between R and the one who goes to Mumbai.
D. P goes to Kochi.
E. All the given statements are true.


Answer – A. W lives immediately above the one who goes to Hyderabad.

2. Who amongst the following lives exactly between the fourth floor and the one who
goes to Patna?
A. O, P
B. M, V
C. Y, X
D. S, W
E. R, Y


Answer – A. O, P

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3. Which of the following pair represents the person V and the person who goes to
A. 4, 6
B. 2, 6
C. 4, 8
D. 2, 8
E. 6, 8


Answer – Answer – C. 4, 8

4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which
one of the following does not belong to the group?
A. Q – Patna
B. P – Bengaluru
C. W – Chandigarh
D. W – Jaipur
E. M – Mumbai


Answer – D. W – Jaipur

5. Q goes on which date?

A. Four
B. Three
C. None
D. Five
E. Two


Answer – E. Two

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

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Ten students namely viz P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X and Y of ten different colleges but not
necessarily in the same order have exam on five different days starting from Monday to Friday of
the same week. Each student have exam at two different time slots, i.e 08.00 AM or 11.00 A.M.
Each student have different papers namely – English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Micro
Biology, Biotechnology, Commerce, Economics, and Electronics.
Only two people have exam between U and Y. Neither T nor V does not have exam on Friday. X
has exam on Tuesday at 08.00 A.M. W does not have exam at 11.00 AM. The number of people
who have exam between V and S is same as the number of people who have exam between R and
W. S does not have exam on any one of the days after T. U does not have exam on any of the days
after W. Q has exam immediately before X. X does not have exam on any of the days before V.
The one who has exam at 08.00 A.M. Immediately before Y. S has exam immediately after the
day of one who has exam on Monday. U does not have exam at 11.00 A.M. Only three people
have exam between V and T. The test of Microbiology has scheduled at 8:00A.M. Two persons
have exam between the one who has Microbiology exam and the one who has Electronics. The
Electronics Test not scheduled on Wednesday. Only one test scheduled between Electronics and
Maths. Only two tests scheduled between Commerce and Maths. Economics and Physics
scheduled on the same day but neither on Tuesday nor Thursday. Only two tests scheduled
between Commerce and Physics. Chemistry and Biology scheduled on the same day. Only two
tests scheduled between Chemistry and Biotechnology.


Person Day Time Slot Subject

V Mon 08.00 AM Economics
Q Mon 11.00 AM Physics
X Tue 08.00 AM Chemistry
S Tue 11.00 AM Biology
T Wed 08.00 AM Commerce
R Wed 11.00 AM Biotechnology
U Thu 08.00 AM Microbiology
P Thu 11.00 AM Maths
W Fri 08.00 AM English
Y Fri 11.00 AM Electronics

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6. How many persons have exam at 11’0 clock between T and W?

A. 5
B. 6
C. 2
D. 4
E. None of these.


Answer – C. 2

7. Who among the following person has exam in English?

A. Y
B. W
C. P
D. R
E. S


Answer – B. W

8. Four among the following form a group in a certain way. Which of the following
does not belong to Group?
A. Q – Tuesday
B. S – Wednesday
C. V – Tuesday
D. P – Friday
E. W – Friday


Answer – E. W – Friday

9. Which of the following is correctly matched?

A. X – Monday – Chemistry

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B. S – Tuesday – Biology
C. Q – Friday – Physics
D. V – Tuesday – Electronics
E. X – Wednesday – Maths


Answer – B. S – Tuesday – Biology

10. Who among the following have exam on Friday?

A. P, Q
B. R, S
C. T, V
D. W, Y
E. V, X


Answer – D. W, Y

A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seven people live on seven different floors of a building but not
necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered 1, the one
above that is numbered 2 and so on till the topmost floor is numbered 7. Each one of
them spends different amount per month. i.e. 20000, 15000, 10000, 25000, 30000, 35000 and
40000(But not necessarily in the same order). Each one of them likes different fruit i.e Lemon,
Apple, Grapes, Mango, Pomegranate, Orange and Banana(But not necessarily in the same
The person who likes Mango lived immediately below the one who likes Banana. The one who
spends Rs.20000 lives immediately above the one who spends Rs.40000. Only one person lives
between B and E. The one who likes Grapes lives on even numbered floor while the one who
likes Apple fruit lives on odd numbered floor and not on the third floor. B lives on one of the
floors above E. Neither C nor A spends Rs.25000. The one who likes orange live one of the
floors above Banana. E does not spend Rs. 10000. Person A lives on an odd numbered floor
but not on the floor numbered three. The one who spends Rs.30000 lives immediately above A.
Only two people live between A and the one who spends Rs.10000. The one who spends

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Rs.15000 lives on one of the odd numbered floors above D. The person who likes orange does
not live in the floor numbered 5 while the person who likes Mango does not live in the
floor numbered 2. Only three people live between C and the one who spends 15000. The one
who spends Rs.10000 lives immediately above C. F spends 10000. The one who likes Lemon
lives immediately above the one who likes Orange. The person who likes Grapes lives in
middle floor exactly.


Floor Persons Expenditure Fruit

7 G 25000 Lemon
6 B 30000 Orange
5 A 15000 Apple
4 E 20000 Grapes
3 D 40000 Pomegranate
2 F 10000 Banana
1 C 35000 Mango

1. Which of the following is the Expenditure of B?

A. Rs. 20000
B. Rs. 40000
C. Rs. 35000
D. Rs. 30000
E. None of these


D. Rs. 30000

2. Which of the following combination is true as per the given arrangement?

A. A – 15000 – Apple
B. C – 30000 – Banana
C. B – 35000 – Pomegranate
D. F – 20000 – Grapes
E. None of these.

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A. A – 15000-Apple

3. Who among the following lives in floor no 4?

A. A
B. C
C. D
D. F
E. E


E. E

4. Four among the following form a group in a certain way.Which of the following
does not belong to Group?
A. G – 15000
B. A – 40000
C. B – 20000
D. F – 40000
E. E – 10000


D. F – 40000

5. Who among the following likes Mango?

A. A
B. C
C. D
D. F
E. None of these.


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B. C

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

Seven students namely viz A, B, C, D, E, F and G of seven different colleges have seminar on
seven different days, namely viz Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
and Sunday of the same week but necessarily in the same order. Each student stays in a hostel
in different floor. The lower most floor of the building is numbered 1, the one above that is
numbered 2 and so on till the topmost floor is numbered 7.Each one of them likes different
Games i.e Temple Run, Fruit Ninja, Clash of clans, Pokemon Go, Candy crush, Angry
Bird and Crossy Road.(But not necessarily in the same order).
The one who likes Angry Bird lives immediately below the one who likes Candy crush. A does
not like Fruit Ninja. G stayed in the second floor and has a seminar on Wednesday. The one
who stayed in the first floor has a seminar on Saturday. The person who likes Temple Run
lives on the floor above the floor numbered 4. More than four persons live between the person
who likes Temple Run and the one Who likes Crossy Road. B has a seminar immediately
before E. B does not have seminar on any of the days after G. The one who stayed in the
seventh floor does not have a seminar on any of the days on or before Friday. The one who
stayed in the third floor has a seminar immediately after C. E does not stay in the fifth floor.
More than two persons live between the one who likes Candy crush and the one who likes
Pokemon Go. The one who stays in sixth floor does not have a seminar immediately before or
after G. F does not have any seminar on Sunday and does not live in third floor. D does not
have seminar on any one of the days before A.


Floor Person Day Games

7 D Sunday Temple Run
6 B Monday Candy crush
5 C Thursday Angry Bird
4 E Tuesday Fruit Ninja
3 A Friday Clash of clans
2 G Wednesday Pokémon Go
1 F Saturday Crossy Road

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6. F stays in which of the following floor?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. None of these.


A. 1

7. Who among the following likes Fruit Ninja?

A. A
B. C
C. B
D. F
E. E


E. E

8. Four among the following form a group in a certain way. Which of the following
does not belong to Group ?
A. D – Monday
B. C – Tuesday
C. A – Wednesday
D. G – Saturday
E. E – Sunday


E. E – Sunday

9. Which of the following is correctly matched?

A. D – Monday – Temple Run

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B. C – Tuesday – Candy crush

C. A – Friday – Clash of clans
D. G – Saturday – Fruit Ninja
E. E – Sunday – Pokémon Go


C. A – Friday – Clash of clans

10. Who among the following have seminar on Monday?

A. A
B. C
C. B
D. D
E. E


C. B

Seven people, namely P,Q,R,S,T,U and V like seven different movies namely The Avengers,
Titanic, The Dark Knight, Jurassic Park, Avatar, Iron Man 2 and Batman Begins but not
necessarily in the same order. Each people also works in the same office but at a different
department on the basis of experience namely Administration (ADMIN), Marketing & Sales,
(M&S), Accounts (ACC), Production (PO), Quality Management (QM), Human Resources (HR),
and Public Relations (PR), but not necessarily in the same order. Each person has a different
number of medals starting from 1 to 9.

Note : Each person has been allocated to a department as per increasing order of experience
with the one in ADMIN being the least experienced whilst the one in PR Being the most

Person S secured more medals than the Person U. The number of medals secured by Person R is
the Square of the number of medals secured by V. Only one person has less experience than U.
The one who has less experience than U likes Jurassic Park. Only one person has more

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experience than P. The one in HR likes Avatar. Only two people have more experience than the
one who likes The Avengers. V likes Batman Begins and has more experience than the one who
likes The Avengers. The number of medals secured by S is the sum of medals secured by R and
Q. S has less experience than the one in PO, but more experience than the one who likes The
Dark Knight. Number of medals secured by T is less than the number of medals secured by V. T
neither has the least experience than the one who likes The Dark Knight. The difference between
the total number of medals secured by the person S and U is one. T neither has the least
experience nor he works in QM. Q does not work in QM. The one who likes Titanic does not
work in PO. Total number of medals secured by V is less than 3. The total number of medals
secured by Q is less than 4. The number of medals secured by Person P is the square of the
number of medals secured by Q. Total number of medals secured by the person who likes “The
Dark Knight” is the multiple of the number of medals secured by V and Q.


Person Job Film Number of Medals

V PR Batman Begins 2
P HR Avatar 9
R QM The Avengers 4
T PO Iron Man 2 1
S ACC Titanic 7
U M&S The Dark Knight 6
Q ADMIN Jurassic Park 3

1. As per the given arrangement, ADMIN is related to Batman Begins and PR is

related to Jurassic Park in a certain way. To which of the following is ACC related
to the same way?
A. The Dark Knight
B. The Avengers
C. Iron Man 2
D. Avatar
E. Titanic


Answer – B. The Avengers

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2. Which of the following pairs of people who have more experience than P less
experience than U?
A. V, P
B. Q, U
C. R, V
D. V, Q
E. R, P


Answer – D. V, Q

3. Which combination represents the department that R works in and the movie he
A. QM – The Avengers
B. PO – The Dark Knight
C. PO – Iron Man 2
D. ACC – Jurassic Park
E. ADMIN – Jurassic Park


Answer – A. QM – The Avengers

4. Who amongst the following works in PR?

A. S
B. R
C. P
D. V
E. Other than those given as options


Answer – D. V

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5. V secured how many medals?

A. Two
B. One
C. Three
D. Four
E. None as G was appointed on Monday


Answer – A. Two

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

Eight persons – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H – attended a farewell party in the months of January,

February, March, April May, July, October and December but not necessarily in the same order.
Each one of them likes different stationery items viz., Pen, Pencil, Scale, Sharpener, Eraser,
Marker pen, Sketch and Box but not necessarily in the same order. They born in the same month
of different years i.e. 1969, 1972, 1978, 1981, 1989, 1997, 2000 and 2005. Their age is
considered as on the same month of 2017.

E was born earlier than G. The one who likes Eraser attended farewell party in the month having
less than 31 days. There are eight years gap between age of E and age of D. H is nine year
younger than C. There is only one person between A and the person who likes Eraser. The one
who likes Scale attended farewell party immediately before A. C attended farewell party
immediately after A. Only two persons attended farewell party between C and B. G attended
farewell party in that month which has less than 31 days. F attended farewell party immediately
after G. Only one person attended farewell party between A and the who likes Sharpener. B is 17
year older than F, who is 8 years younger than A. A does not like Marker pen. The one who likes
pen attended farewell party immediately before the one who like box. E does not like scale. The
person who likes Marker pen attended the farewell party in the month having less than 31 days.
G is born in even number year, but not born in the year, which does not divisible by 4. The one
who likes Sketch attended the farewell party immediately before the one who likes Marker Pen.
H is born before 1981. D and H don‟t like Sharpener and Scale respectively. The one who born
in 1997 does not like sketch.

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Month Person Year Stationery Items

January H 1978 Sketch
February G 2000 Marker Pen
March F 1989 Pencil
April B 1972 Eraser
May D 2005 Scale
July A 1981 Pen
October C 1969 Box
December E 1997 Sharpener

6. Which of the following stationery items is liked by C ?

A. Pen
B. Sharpener
C. Marker Pen
D. Pencil
E. Box


Answer – E. Box

7. Which of the following combinations of Month-Person-Year-Stationery Item is

correct ?
A. March – G – 1978 – Pen
B. July – A – 1981 – Pen
C. October – E – 1981 – Marker Pen
D. May – C – 2000 – Scale
E. April – F – 2005 – Eraser


Answer – B. July – A – 1981 – Pen

8. Which of the following statements is true with respect to the given arrangement?
A. C attended farewell party in October

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B. A likes Box
C. D attended farewell party immediately before E.
D. E attended farewell party in July
E. None of the given statements is true


Answer – A. C attended farewell party in October

9. Who among the following attended the farewell party in May?

A. F
B. A
C. C
D. D
E. B


Answer – D. D

10. Who amongst the following was born in 1989?

A. E
B. A
C. B
D. G
E. F


Answer – E. F

Six People – A, C, D, E, F, and G live in eight different floors of building (but not necessarily in
the same order). Two of the floors in the building are vacant. The lowermost floor of the building
is numbered one, the one above that is numbered two, and so on till the topmost floor
is numbered eight. Each one of them likes a different brands of perfumes, namely Adidas, Axe,

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Fogg, Gillette, Nivea and NIKE (but not necessarily in the same order). All have a different
number of chocolates 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 but not in same order.

The difference of chocolates of C and G is equal to the number of chocolates hold by F. The
number of floors above F is same as the number of floors between F and D. F lives an odd
numbered floor above the floor numbered four. There are three people live between the two
vacant floors. Only three floors between D and the one who likes Gillette. The one who likes
Nivea lives immediately above G. The difference of chocolates of D and A is equal to the number
of chocolates hold by E. Only three floors between G and A. The one who likes NIKE lives
immediately above the one who likes Adidas. C has more chocolates than G. C lives immediately
above the one who likes Fogg. D has more chocolates than A. The number of floors between
F and the one who likes AXE is only one. The one who likes AXE perfume immediately below one
of the vacant floors. The floor number of the vacant floors are even – number. Only two floors
are there between the one who likes NIKE and Gillette. C lived immediately below one of the
vacant floors and not on the ground floor. C neither lived on floor number 5 nor floor number 3.
A has more than 3 chocolates. The one who likes Axe lives on one of the floors below the floor
number 4. G does not have 4 chocolates. A has neither 2 nor 6 chocolates. The number of
chocolates hold by C, G and F together is “4” less than the number of chocolates hold by E, A
and D together.


Floor No Person Perfume Number of Chocolates

8 _ _ _
7 C Nivea 6
6 G Fogg 2
5 F Gillette 4
4 _ _ _
3 E AXE 3
2 A NIKE 5
1 D Adidas 8

1. Which of the following Statements is true with respect to the given information?
A. G has 2 chocolates
B. E lives immediately above C

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C. Only three people live between F and the one who has 5 chocolates.
D. D likes Fogg.
E. All the given statements are true.


Answer – G has 2 chocolates

2. Who amongst the following lives exactly between the fourth floor and the one who
has 8 chocolates?
A. B, C
B. G, D
C. F, G
D. A, B
E. E, A


Answer – E. E, A

3. Which of the following pair represents vacant floors?

A. 4, 6
B. 2, 6
C. 4, 8
D. 2, 8
E. 6, 8


Answer – Answer – C. 4, 8

4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which
one of the following does not belong to the group?
A. G – Nivea
B. C – Gillette
C. F – Nivea

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D. E – Adidas
E. D – AXE


Answer – A. G – Nivea

5. The number of chocolates hold by F is?

A. Four
B. Three
C. None
D. Five
E. Two


Answer – A. Four

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

Ten students namely viz P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X and Y of ten different colleges but not
necessarily in the same order have an exam on five different days starting from Monday to
Friday of the same week. Each student have exam at two different time slots, i.e 08.00 AM or
11.00 A.M. Each one of them likes different brands of pens, namelyParker, Cello, Camlin,
Papermate, Natraj, Sheaffer, Lemy, Shanghai Hero, Aurora and Watermen Pens (but not
necessarily in the same order).
Only two people have exam between U and Y. Neither T nor V does not have the exam on Friday.
X has the exam on Tuesday at 08.00 A.M. W does not have the exam at 11.00 AM. The number of
people who have exam between V and S is same as the number of people who have exam between
R and W. S does not have exam on any one of the days after T. U does not have exam on any of
the days after W. Q has exam immediately before X. X does not have exam on any of the days
before V. The one who has exam at 08.00 A.M. immediately before Y. S has exam immediately
after the day of one who has the exam on Monday. U does not have the exam at 11.00 A.M. Only
three people have exam between V and T. Four people have exam between the one who likes
Parker pen and the one who likes Watermen Pens. The one who likes Watermen Pens has the

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exam on Wednesday. Y does not like Parker. Four people have exam between the one who likes
Camlin and the one who likes Aurora. The one who likes Aurora has the exam on Thursday. X
does not like Camlin. The one who likes Cello has exam immediately after the one who likes
Natraj and immediately before the one who likes Papermate. The one who likes Shanghai Hero
has exam immediately after the one who likes Sheaffer. The one who likes Sheaffer has the exam
on Thursday.


Person Day Time Slot Pen

V Mon 08.00 AM Parker
Q Mon 11.00 AM Camlin
X Tue 08.00 AM Natraj
S Tue 11.00 AM Cello
T Wed 08.00 AM Papermate
R Wed 11.00 AM Watermen Pens
U Thu 08.00 AM Aurora
P Thu 11.00 AM Sheaffer
W Fri 08.00 AM Shanghai Hero
Y Fri 11.00 AM Lemy

6. How many persons have the exam at 11’0 clock between X and W?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 3
D. 4
E. None of these.


Answer – C. 3

7. Who among the following person has the exam at 8 A.M?

A. Y
B. W
C. P

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D. R
E. S


Answer – B. W

8. Four among the following form a group in a certain way. Which of the following
does not belong to Group?
A. Q – Tuesday
B. S – Wednesday
C. V – Tuesday
D. P – Friday
E. W – Friday


Answer – E. W – Friday

9. Which of the following is correctly matched?

A. X – Monday – Parker
B. S – Tuesday – Cello
C. Q – Friday – Lemy
D. V – Tuesday – Papermate
E. X – Wednesday – Aurora


Answer – B. S – Tuesday – Cello

10. Who among the following like Shanghai Hero and Lemy?
A. P, Q
B. R, S
C. T, V
D. W, Y
E. V, X

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Answer – D. W, Y

Eight people Sneha, Savita, Soniya, Sarangi, Seeta, Sona, Samaira and Sajna went to an ice
cream parlor to have ice cream of different flavors, vanilla, pista, strawberry, butterscotch, mint,
mango, chocolate and orange. They all like different colours. There are four boys and four girls.

 Sneha likes red and her brother likes pista ice cream. Sajna likes chocolate ice cream,
and his friend like mango.
 Seeta likes pista ice cream and neither he nor Soniya likes white, yellow, or black.
Pink colour is liked by a girl and the boy who liked vanilla doesn‟t like green colour.
The one who likes blue, eats mint ice cream. Sarangi likes magenta.
 Samaira doesn‟t mango or orange ice cream, but likes Yellow. Savita doesn‟t like
white. None of the girls like mango ice cream and none of the boys like strawberry.
 Also, the girl who likes orange ice cream doesn‟t like magenta or red. Samaria‟s
brother Sona doesn‟t like Mango ice cream and black colour. Soniya doesn‟t like
blue, and Sneha doesn‟t like Butterscotch.


Sneha (-) Red Strawberry

Savita (-) Blue Mint
Soniya (-) Pink Orangee
Sarangi (+) Magenta Mango
Seeta (+) Green Pista
Sona, (+) White Vanilla
Samaira (-) Yellow Butterscotch
Sajna (+) Black Chocolate

1. Who likes Butterscotch ice cream?

3.One who likes pink
5.One who likes red

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Answer – 4.Samaira

2. If red is related to chocolate and Pink related to vanilla, what is mango related to?


Answer – 3.Green

3. Who likes the colour green?

2.One who likes orange ice cream
3.Sneha‟s brother
5.None of these


Answer – 3.Sneha’s brother

4. Pick the odd one.



Answer -5.Black

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5. If these eight people sit in a line from right to left in the alphabetical order of their
names, what will be the position of the person who likes strawberry ice cream ?
1.First from the right end
2.Third from the left end
3.First from the left end
4.Cannot be determined
5.Eight from the left end


Answer – 2.Third from the left end

Soniya (-) Sona, (+) Sneha (-) Seeta (+) Savita (-) Sarangi (+) Samaira (-) Sajna (+)

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

6 people, an engineer, an IAS, IES, IFS, IPS, and IRS officers lives in a building that has 7
floors, numbered 1-7, where 1 is the lower most floor. They like different drinks, Sprite , Coca-
Cola, Limca, Pepsi, 7-up and Tropicana.

 The one who likes Coca-Cola doesn‟t live immediate to the one who likes 7 up. Two
people live above the IRS officer.
 The IAS officer doesn‟t like Tropicana. The one who likes sprite doesn‟t live on the
sixth floor. The IAS and IPS officers live on even numbers floors.
 The IPS officer likes 7 up and lives below the IFS officer. There is one person between
the ones who likes Coca-Cola and Limca.
 The one who likes Tropicana lives on the fourth floor. Two people live between the
IPS and IFS officers. The IES officer lives below the IRS officer.


6 IAS Pepsi
5 IFS Coca-Cola
4 IRS Tropicana

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3 Engineer / IES Limca

2 IPS 7 up
1 IES / Engineer Sprite

6. Who lives on the fourth floor?

1.One who likes Sprite
3.One who likes 7 up
4.IRS officer
5.None of these


Answer – 4.IRS officer

7. Which floor is vacant?

5.None of these


Answer – 4.7

8. What drink does the Engineer like?

3.7 up
4.Cannot be determined
5.None of the above


Answer – 4.Cannot be determined

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9. Who lives immediate to the IAS officer?

1.One who likes sprite
2.One who likes Pepsi
3.IRS officer
4.One who likes Coca-Cola
5.Cannot be determined


Answer – 4.One who likes Coca-Cola

10. What is the drink liked by the IES officer?

4.7 up
5.None of the above


Answer – 5.None of the above

7 Persons namely Ajay, Mano, Nirmal, Gopi, Pranav, Sai and Raj will appear for a different
exam but not necessarily in the same order in 7 different months of the same year namely
January, February, April, May, July, September and December.

 Each of them also like a different genre of Movies namely Family, Action, Comedy,
Reality, Animated, History and Thrilled but not necessarily in the same order
 Gopi will appear for an exam in a month which has only 30days. Only one person will
appear between the one who likes Animated movie and Gopi.
 The one who likes action will appear for an exam immediately before the one who
likes Animated movie. The one who likes thriller will appear for an exam neither in
the month which has 31 days nor in the month which has 30 days.
 Only 2 persons will appear for an exam between the one who likes Thriller and Sai.
Mano will appear for an exam immediately after Sai and does not like action movie.

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Raj will appear for an exam immediately before Nirmal. Pranav Likes History movie
and appear for an exam in December.
 The one who likes family movie will appear for an exam in a month which has 31
days. Gopi does not like comedy movie.


Month Person Movies

January Raj Family
February Nirmal Thriller
April Gopi Reality
May Ajay Action
July Sai Animated
September Mano Comedy
December Pranav History

1. Which of the following genres of Movie does Gopi like?



Answer – 5.Reality

2. How many persons will appear for an exam between Nirmal and on who likes
animated movies?
5.More than three


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Answer – 4.Two

3. As per the given arrangement, Raj is related to Reality movies and Nirmal is related
to Action movies following a certain pattern, in the same way Sai related with
1.Family movies
2.Thriller movies
3.Comedy movies
4.History movies
5.Animated movies


Answer – 4.History movies

4. Ajay will appear for an exam in which of the following month ?

5.None of these


Answer – 2.May

5. Who will appear for an exam in December month ?



Answer – 1.Pranav

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II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

There are seven different bowls numbered it as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 and this bowls painted in
different colors of different fruits i.e. Blue, Black, White, Yellow, Pink, Grey and Red but not
necessarily in the same order.

 Bowl which is in Blue color is immediately above the bowl numbered 1. There are
only two bowls between the bowl numbered 4 and the bowl which is in Blue color .
 Bowl which is in white color is above the bowl numbered 4 but not immediately above
the bowl numbered 4.
 Only three bowls are between the bowl numbered 3 and the bowl which is in white
color. The bowl which is in Red color is immediately above the bowl numbered 3. The
bowl which is in Yellow color is immediately above the bowl bowl numbered 7. Only
one bowl is there between the bowl numbered 2 and 5. Bowl numbered 2 is placed
above bowl which is numbered 5. Neither bowl numbered 2 nor 1 is in pink color. The
bowl numbered 1 is not in black color


Bowl Number color

6 White
2 Black
4 Pink
5 Red
3 Yellow
7 Blue
1 Grey

6. How many bowls is/are there between the bowl numbered 2 and 7?

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Answer – 3.Three

7. The bowl numbered 6 is in which color ?



Answer – 5.White

8. Which of the following pair is correctly matched ?

1.Yellow – 5
3.Pink – 4
5.None of these


Answer – 3.Pink – 4

9. Which of the following condition is correct regarding the bowl numbered 4 and
bowl numbered 1?
1.There are three bowl s between the bowl numbered 4 and 1
2.The bowl numbered 4 is immediately above the bowl numbered 1
3.Only two bowls placed between pink color bowl and white color bowl
4.All of the above is true
5.None of the above is true


Answer – 1.There are three bowl s between the bowl numbered 4 and 1

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10. Which of the following color is related with bowl numbered 1?



Answer – 5.Grey

Eight People – A, B, C, D, E, F, and G live in ten different floors of a building (but not
necessarily in the same order). Two of the floors in the building is vacant. The lowermost floor of
the building is numbered one, the one above that is numbered two, and so on till the topmost
floor is numbered ten. Each one of them also likes different laptops, namely Lenovo, Acer,
DELL, HP, Samsung, Toshiba, HCL and Sony(but not necessarily in the same order).

The one who likes SONY and ACER not live in the floors numbered 8 and 7 respectively. The one
who likes HP app lives immediately below the floor in which C lives. The number of people
living below F is same as the number of people living between F and H. Only three floors
between D and the one who likes Samsung. The number of floors between the one who likes HCL
and the one who likes HP is two. The one who likes Toshiba lives immediately above G. F lives
an odd numbered floor above the floor numbered four. The top most floor is vacant. Only one
person lives between B and the one who likes HP. Only three floors between G and A. The one
who likes SONY lives immediately above the one who likes Lenovo. C lives one of the odd
numbered floors above the one who likes Samsung. The number of floors between F and the one
who likes ACER is only one. Only one person lives between the one who likes SONY and the
vacant floor. Only two people live between C and vacant floor. The number of floors between
two vacant floors is five.


Floor No Person Laptop

10 _ _

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7 C Toshiba
6 G HP
5 F Samsung
4 _ _
3 E Acer
2 A Sony
1 D Lenovo

1. Which of the following Statements is true with respect to the given information?
G lives immediately above the one who likes Samsung
B. E lives immediately above C
C. Only three people live between F and the one who likes SONY.
D. D likes HP.
E. All the given statements are true


Answer – A. G lives immediately above the one who likes Samsung

2. Who amongst the following lives exactly between the two vacant floors?
A. B
B. G
C. F
D. A
E. C


Answer –E. C

3. Which of the following floor is immediately above the vacant floor?

A. 5
B. 7
C. 4

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D. 3
E. 6


Answer -A. 5

4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which
one of the following does not belong to the group?
B. C – Samsung
C. F – HP
D. E – Lenovo


Answer – C. F – HP

5. How many people live between C and A?

A. Four
B. Three
C. None
D. Five
E. Two


Answer – B. Three

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

Twelve students namely viz A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K of twelve different colleges

have Seminar in six different months namely viz January, February, June, July, September and
October on twelve different days i.e., (all persons have different dates) from 9th to 20th of any
month but not necessarily in the same order. Two students must have seminar in the same month.

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Each student stays in a hostel in different floor. The ground floor of the building is numbered 1,
the one above that is numbered 2 and so on till the topmost floor is numbered 12.
There are five floors between the person who have seminar in June. The persons who have
seminar in June does not occupy the floor above the floor numbered 10 and also not occupy the
floor below the floor numbered 4. G stayed on the second floor and has a seminar on 19th. The
one who stayed on the first floor has a seminar in September. E has a seminar on the date
immediately after the date on which K has seminar. There are two persons live between G and
H. The floor number and the seminar date is same for the person B. The person who has seminar
on 15th lives immediately below E. K has seminar on one of the dates after 12 and before 16.
There are four persons live between K and E. K has seminar in the month of June. B and I have
seminar in the same month which has 31 days. D who lived in floor numbered 11, has the
seminar in the month which has less than 30 days. Only one person live between two persons
who have seminar in the month of October. The persons who have seminar in the month of
october live two of the floors above the floor numbered 6. There are five floors between B and I.
There are six floors between the person J and the person who has seminar in the month of
September. The person F stays in a middle between the person E and C. L does not have seminar
in the month of June. The person who has seminar on 17th lives immediately above the person
who has seminar on 20. H does not have seminar on 20th. L does not have seminar on
16th. There is only one person lives between the persons who have seminar in the month of July.
There are four floors between the persons who have seminar on 19th and 10th. The person who
has seminar on 17th lives immediately above the person who has seminar on 20. H does not have
seminar on 20th. A does not have seminar on 11th. The person who has seminar on 18th lives
immediately above the person who has seminar on 11.


Floor Person Month Date

12 B January 12
11 D February 17
10 A June 20
9 E October 14
8 F September 15
7 C October 10
6 I January 18

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5 H July 11
4 K June 13
3 L July 9
2 G February 19
1 J September 16

6. F stays in which of the following floor?

A. 12
B. 8
C. 7
D. 4
E. None of these.


B. 8

7. Who among the following has Seminar in September?

A. A, B
B. J, F
C. B, E
D. D, G
E. E, G


B. J, F

8. Four among the following form a group in a certain way. Which of the following
does not belong to Group?
A. C – October
B. J – September
C. F – September
D. B – January
E. E – October

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C. F – September. Except F, others have seminar on even numbered dates.

9. Which of the following is correctly matched?

A. 12 – B – June – 17
B. 12 – F – June – 17
C. 2 – G – February – 19
D.2 – G – September – 19
E. E – Sunday – July


C. 2 – G – February – 19

10. Who among the following has Seminar on 16th?

A. A
B. C
C. B
D. D
E. J


E. J

Seven friends A,B, C, D,E, F and G. Each of them is an officer in Army, Airforce, Navy, IAS,
RBI, VAO and CBI. They like different colours – White, Blue, Red, Yellow, Pink Black and Green
colour but not necessarily in that order. Their hobbies are Photography, Gardening, Reading,
Painting, Dancing, Singing and Riding but not necessarily in the same order. Three of them
preferred Pepsi and remaining all preferred Cola.

 The person whose hobby is dancing preferred Pepsi while who is the RBI officer
preferred Cola. F is the Airforce officer like pink color.Navy officer does not like
black and yellow color.

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 The two friends who took Pepsi were the person whose favourite colour is Pink and
the one whose hobby is Riding.
 D did not take Pepsi and his favourite colour is White. B‟s favourite colour is Blue.
He did not like Pepsi and he likes to read novels
 D clicks a picture of his friend B who is an Army officer.
 The person whose favourite colour is Red likes painting but he is not E and the person
who is RBI likes gardening.
 D is not a Navy officer. The person who likes red color is either Navy or IAS officer.
The person who is an Army officer likes Blue colour is not preferred Pepsi
 The Rider‟s favourite colour is Black and he is neither VAO nor CBI and he is not A.
C‟s favourite colour is Green and his hobby is not Singing or painting.
 E is VAO officer, his hobby is not painting, reading or gardening and he preferred


A Cola Red Navy – Painting

B Cola Blue Army – Reading

C Cola Green RBI – Gardening

D Cola White CBI – Photography

E Pepsi Yellow VAO – Dancing

F Pepsi Pink Airforce – Singing

G Pepsi Black IAS – Riding

1. Riding is the hobby of who among the following ?


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5.None of these


Answer – 2.G

2. The color Yellow is favourite color of _________

5.None of these


Answer – 2.E

3. Which of the following is profession of A ?

5.None of these


Answer – 2.Navy

4. Which pair of friends preferred Pepsi ?

5.None of these

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Answer – 4.FGE

5. Who among the following is IAS officer ?

5.None of these


Answer – 3.G

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

Amar, Anil, Ajay and Arun are 4 students of different classroom coaching centres of ABC, a
leading classroom coaching centre for Civil Service Examination. Each belongs to a different
state, ie Karnataka, Uttarakhand, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal, but not necessarily in the same

 All the sudents attend the exam in 4 cities Bangalore, Kolkata, Dehradun and
Chennai. Four students for the test series in different cities. When the results were
declared they got first to fourth position in All-India ranking. They were students of
ABC.ie Ahmedabad, Agra, Adyar and Aizwal, but not necessarily in the same order.
 The one who appeared at the Bangalore test centre got the 4th position in All India
ranking.But he is not Arun.The one who appeared at Chennai for the test got the first
position. The one who belongs to the Uttarakhand got the third position while one
who studied at the Ahmedabad centre got the second position
 Arun and Anil studied neither at Aizwal nor Ahmedabad centre. They appeared for
test neither at Kolkata nor at Dehradun. They belong neither to West Bangal nor to
 The one who studied at the Adyar center does not belongs to Karnataka. The one who
belongs to Uttarakhand is not Amar. The one who studied in Aizwal did not appear
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for the test at Kolkata center. The one who belongs to Tamil Nadu didn‟t appear at
Bengalore centre.


Name Class Exam centre State Rank

Anil Agra Bangalore Karnataka 4
Arun Adyar Chennai Tamil Nadu 1
Ajay Aizwal Dehradun Uttarakhand 3
Amar Ahmedabad Kolkata West Bengal 2

6. Anil appear for the test at which of the following city ?

5.None of these


Answer – 1.Bangalore

7. Arun belongs to which of the given state ?

3.West Bengal
4.Tamil Nadu
5.None of these


Answer – 4.Tamil Nadu

8. Who got the second position in the examination ?


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5.None of these


Answer – 1.Amar

9. Which of the following information true according to the given passage ?

1.Arun from Karnataka attend the test in Chennai
2.Ajay taking class in Aizwal
3.Ajay ranked 2 and he belongs to Uttarakhand
4.Anil attend the exam in Chennai and he ranked first
5.None of these


Answer – 2.Ajay taking class in Aizwal

10. According to the given information, Amar related to West Bengal, Arun related to
Chennai in the same way Ajay related to which place ?
4.West Bengal
5.Can‟t be determined


Answer – 1.Uttarakhand

There are seven types of rings categorized as P, Q, R, S, T, U, and V which are of different
color stones viz. green, black, red, blue and orange. They are made up of different material viz.
Ruby, Pearl, Diamond, Emerald, Topaz, Garnet and Sapphire. They are of different shapes
viz. square, oval, hexagonal, circle, pentagonal and rectangle. Not more than two rings are of
same colored stone and each ring must have any one of the above stones.

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The ring P has black colored stone. T is an emerald ring and has an orange colored stone.
Only diamond ring is of pentagonal shape. S and U have same colored stones. Only Ruby ring
is of square shape but is not of blue color. Q is neither a garnet ring nor a diamond ring. U is
of rectangular shape. Only Topaz ring is of circular shape but is neither a black colored stone
ring nor S. None of Q and U is of red color. A green colored ring is of hexagonal shape and
in any case is not S. The sapphire ring is of red color. R and T are of same shape. There are
two rings having red colored stones.


Ring Stone Colour Material Shape

P Black Ruby Square

T Orange Emerald Oval

S Blue Diamond Pentagon

U Blue Garnet Rectangular

V Red Topaz Circular

R Red Sapphire Oval

Q Green Pearl Hexogonal

1. Which of the following ring has oval shape?

A. R
B. V
C. T
D. P
E. Both (R) and (T)


E. Both (R) and (T)

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2. Which one of the following is a Pearl ring?

A. P
B. T
C. V
D. Q
E. R


D. Q

3. Four among the following form a group in a certain way. Which of the following
does not belong to Group?
A. P – Emerald
B. S – Garnet
C. V – Sapphire
D. R – Pearl
E. T – Emerald


E. T – Emerald

4. Which of the following is correctly matched?

A. S – Blue – Square
B. V – Red – Square
C. T – Orange – Oval
D. Q – Red – Circular
E. P – black – Circular


C. T – Orange – Oval

5. Which of the following has blue colored stone?

A. P, T

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B. S, U
C. V, R
D. R, Q
E. None of these


B. S, U

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

Eight boxes namely A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are placed from top to bottom not in the same
order. They contain different types of food namely viz Briyani, Pizza, Burger, Sandwich,
Noodles, Butter Chicken, Masala Dosa and Parotta. Boxes are made up of different
materials among steel, plastic, wood and Aluminum box. Exactly two boxes are made of same
material. Consider the box kept at top as 1st position.

Box D which is made up of plastic kept two places above B and both are in the top 4 positions
when boxes are arranged from top to bottom. The box containing Sandwich is kept
immediately below wooden box and made up of same material as D. Box C is kept somewhere
between G and H and H being below C. The two Aluminum boxes are kept vertically adjacent
to each other. Burger is kept exactly middle between F and the box containing Butter Chicken.
H doesn’t contain Briyani. Box E kept two places below box G which is kept immediately
below the box containing Sandwich. The box containing Parotta is placed at even numbered
place but is not placed at the bottom. The steel box which kept at the top either contains
Briyani or Masala Dosa. Box E, not made up of Aluminum. F which contains Noodles is
made up of wood. The box containing Pizza is made up of wood. C doesn’t contain Briyani or


Position Box Food Box Type

1 A Briyani Steel

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2 D Parotta Plastic

3 F Noodles Wood

4 B Sandwich Plastic

5 G Burger Aluminium

6 C Masala Dosa Aluminium

7 E Butter Chicken Steel

8 H Pizza Wood

6. Which of the following box contains Pizza?

A. A
B. D
C. F
D. H
E. None of these.


D. H

7. Which of the following box is made up of wood?

A. A, B
B. E, F
C. B, E
D. D, G
E. H, F


E. H, F

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8. Which of the following statements is true?

A. B which contains Sandwich is made up of wood
B. G which is placed at 5th position is made up of plastic material
C. E which contains Butter Chicken is not made up of steel
D. H is placed at bottom and is made up of steel.
E. None of these


E. None of these

9. Which of the following is correctly matched?

A. G – Burger – Plastic
B. F – Noodles – Wood
C. H – Pizza – Steel
D. E – Butter Chicken – Plastic
E. D – Parotta – Wood


B. F – Noodles – Wood

10. What does box G contain?

A.Masala Dosa
B.Butter Chicken
D.Sand Wich



There are 7 people namely viz P, Q, R, S, T, U and V who play a game, each one throws a dice
with numbers 1-6, then picks a card and then performs a particular activity. A number on the
dice is repeated only once. And each activity is performed by not more than 2 people. There are

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4 activities namely singing, dancing, acting and mimicry. All four cards color i.e. Hearts, Spade,
Club and Diamond are picked by the people and not more than 2 people picked the same color

U gets a 5 and performs same activity as that of P. S gets a number between the number holds by
Q and P. P gets a number less than V. V performs acting and gets the same number on dice as
that of R. The one who gets 3 does not get a spade. The one who gets the lowest number performs
dancing. P either performs singing or dancing. T gets a 6 on the dice and opens a card of hearts
and performs dancing. The one who gets a club does not perform singing. Only one of the
persons who sing gets a spade. Those who gets club, gets the lowest two numbers. Q and
S get the same card. The one who get a diamond card performs mimicry and is the only one to
get this card and perform this activity


Person Dice Number Card Activity

P 3 Heart Singing
Q 1 Club Dancing
R 4 Diamond Mimicry
S 2 Club Acting
T 6 Heart Dancing
U 5 Spade Singing
V 4 Spade Acting

1. Who among the following gets a spade card?

5.Either P or U



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2. Which of the following activities is performed by the one who gets a 2 on the dice?
5.Either (1) or (2)



3. Who among the following does mimicry?

2.the one who gets 3
5.cannot be determined



4. Which of the following statements is true?

1. P gets 3 and does dancing
2. S gets 2 and a club card
3. V doesn‟t get a spade
4. V and S get the same number
5. None of these


2. S gets 2 and a club card

5. Who among the following gets a Club card?


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3.R & P
5.Q & S


5.Q & S

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

There are six persons namely A, B, C, D, E and F living in a triple storey building with six flats.
The floors are Ground, Middle and Top, each having two flats. Those who have four or more
trophies occupy the top floor and go by different cabs. The one who is in IT department in a
company goes by “Easy” cab while the one who is in Electrical department of a company goes
by “Taxi for Sure” cab. A who is in Manufacturing department has three trophies. D, an
unmarried woman, does not have any trophy, occupies the middle floor. C, a middle floor
occupant, goes by Uber cab. One of the two persons having two trophies goes by Ola cab and is
in HR department in a company. Two persons, of whom one is in marketing department, do not
go by cabs. The ground floor occupants have bike. E and F have car while the rest have bike.


Person Floor Cab Department No of Trophies Vehicle

B Ground Ola HR 2 Bike
A Ground __ Manufacturing 3 Bike
D Middle __ Marketing 0 Bike
C Middle Uber __ 2 Bike
Easy / Taxi
F Top IT/Electrical 4 or more Car
for Sure
Easy / Taxi
E Top IT/Electrical 4 or more Car
for Sure

6. By which cab does “D” go?

1.Taxi for Sure
3.Taxi for Sure or Easy

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4.No cab
5.None of the above


4.No cab

7. In which department does “C” work in?

5.Cannot be Determined


5.Cannot be Determined

8. Who among the following occupies the top floor?

1. B
2. F
3. D
4. C
5. None of these


2. F

9. How many trophies does B have?

5.None of these

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10. What is the least number of trophies owned by all the persons in the entire
5.Cannot be determined



There are Seven different Mobile Shops – A, B, C, D, E, F and G sold Mobiles starting from
Monday to Sunday (of the same week) not necessarily in same order. The number of Mobiles
sold by the Seven Mobile shops in seven different days are 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 15 and 27 (not
necessarily in same order). The colour of the mobile of seven different shops are – Grey, Black,
Blue, Red, White, Gold and Silver.

The store with the highest number of mobiles have White colour and the store with the least
number of mobiles have black colour. The shop which sold more than 12 mobiles(not an odd
number) is immediately after the one which sold 12 mobiles. Shop F sold more number of
mobiles than Shop D. The Shop „A‟ sold mobiles on one of the days after Friday. On Wednesday,
the number of mobiles sold are 12. The difference between the number of mobiles sold on
Monday and Friday is the multiple of the number 7. There are two shops between the shop F and
the shop which one sold 4 mobiles. Shop B sold mobiles on one of the days immediately before
the shop that sold 9 mobiles. There are two shops between B and G. There are three shops
between the shop F and D. C not sold the least number of mobiles. The sum of mobiles sold on
Wednesday and Saturday is more than ten and the sum equals to the number of mobiles sold on
Friday. The difference between the number of mobiles sold by Shop B and G is less than five. The
Shop which sold 9 mobiles not on Friday. The shop F sold the mobiles on one of the days after
the shop which sold 4 mobiles. The store B has Gold colour mobiles. The store which sold
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Red colour mobiles immediately after the one which sold Blue Colour. Shop D did not sell Silver


Days Shops Number of Mobiles Colour

Monday D 6 Grey
Tuesday E 4 Black
Wednesday G 12 Blue
Thursday C 18 Red
Friday F 27 White
Saturday B 15 Gold
Sunday A 9 Silver

1. Which of the following is sold by Shop A?

A. 12
B. 15
C. 27
D. 6
E. 9


Answer – E. 9

2. Which of the following combinations of “Shop – Day” is True with respect to the
given arrangement?
A. E – Friday
B. A – Saturday
C. C – Thursday
D. B – Friday
E. E – Thursday


Answer – C. C – Thursday

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3. Which of the following shop sold mobiles immediately after A?

A. D
B. E
C. F
D. G
E. None


Answer – E. None

4. In this arrangement, A is related to Monday, F is related to Wednesday then B is

related to?
A. Tuesday
B. Friday
C. None of the given options is true.
D. Saturday
E. Sunday


Answer – A. Tuesday

5. Which among the following shop sold Grey mobiles.?

A. B
B. C
C. A
D. D
E. F


Answer – D. D

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

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Seven cricket players viz. P, Q, R, S, T, V and W played in seven different matches in a week
starting from Monday and ending on Sunday. Some of them are bowlers and some of them are
batsman. Their Run/Wickets in the seven matches are – 50, 5, 4, 16, 8, 4 and 25. The Jersey
number of all players are – 12, 54, 77, 55, 16, 4 and 13

V plays on Thursday. Two matches are played between the matches played by player V and
player P. On the first day of the week, the batsman scored half century played in the match. The
sum of Runs/Wickets of the player W and Q is equaled to the Runs/Wickets of S. All the bowlers
should be preceded and succeeded by batsman and T is the only bowler which can not be
succeeded by any one. The player who played match on Tuesday has the Jersey number, which is
the square of Jersey number of Player T. P is the only batsman which is followed by another
batsman. Only one match is played between the matches played by the player T and S. The score
of the batsman who played the match on Thursday is the perfect square of the score of the player
who played on Saturday. The match played by T is not played on the day immediately before or
immediately after the day when the match of player V is played. The score of the batsman who
played the match on Tuesday is the perfect square of the score of the player who played on
Sunday. The match played by R is played on the day immediately before the day when the match
of player W is played. Match played by S is not played after the match of player Q. The player
who played match on Monday has the Jersey number which can be divided by 11. The player
who has 54 as a Jersey number did not play on Friday. The player V has the consecutive Jersey
number of W while the player who played match on Saturday has the consecutive Jersey number
of the player who played match on Friday.


Days Player Role Runs/Wickets Jersey Number

Monday P Batsman 50 77
Tuesday R Batsman 25 16
Wednesday W Bowler 4 54
Thursday V Batsman 16 55
Friday S Bowler 8 12
Saturday Q Batsman 4 13
Sunday T Bowler 5 4

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6. As per the given arrangement which of the following combination represents only
the people who are bowlers?.
A. T, V
B. Q, P, T
C. V, W, R
D. P, T
E. W, T, S


Answer – E. W, T, S

7. As per the given arrangement which of the following person represent the one who
was played in between the W and S?
A. U
B. P
C. R
D. V
E. W


Answer – D. V

8. Which of the following is the Jersey Number of S?

A. 55
B. 54
C. 13
D. 12
E. Other than those given as options


Answer – D. 12

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9. Which of the following combinations is correct as per the given arrangement?

A. Monday – P
B. Tuesday – W
C. Wednesday – Q
D. Thursday – S
E. Friday – T


Answer – A. Monday – P

10. Who amongst the following scored half century?

A. P
B. V
C. U
D. W
E. T


Answer – A. P

Eight People – A, B, C, D, E, F, and G live in ten different floors of a building (but not
necessarily in the same order). Two of the floors in the building is vacant. The lowermost floor
of the building is numbered one, the one above that is numbered two, and so on till the
topmost floor is numbered ten. Each one of them likes to go 8 different places, namely
Ooty, Kodaikanal, SIMLA, Mumbai, Chennai, New Delhi, Hyderabad and Bengaluru in 8
different months, namely January, February, March, May, June, September, November and
December.(but not necessarily in the same order).
There is only one floor between the person who goes to tour in January and the person who
goes to tour on the month which has more than 30 days. A goes to tour on neither June nor
November. The number of people living below F is same as the number of people living
between F and H. F lives an odd numbered floor above the floor numbered four. The top most
floor is vacant. Only one person lives between B and the one who likes Mumbai. Only three
floors between D and the one who likes Chennai. The number of floors between the one who

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likes Hyderabad and the one who likes Mumbai is two. The one who likes New Delhi lives
immediately above G. Only three floors between G and A. The one who likes BENGALURU
lives immediately above the one who likes Ooty. C lives one of the odd numbered floors above
the one who likes Chennai. The number of floors between F and the one who likes
KODAIKANAL is only one. Only one person lives between the one who likes BENGALURU
and the vacant floor. Only two people live between C and vacant floor. B and C go to tour in
the months which have more than 30 days and the name of both months started with M while
G and F go to tour in the months which have less than 31 days. The number of floors between
two vacant floors is five. The one who likes BENGALURU and KODAIKANAL not live in the
floors numbered 8 and 7 respectively. The one who likes Mumbai lives immediately below the
floor in which C lives. The person who goes to tour in the month which has less than 30 days
stays immediately below the vacant floor. There are three persons live between the person who
goes to tour in the month which has less than 30 days and the person who goes to tour in
November. There are five floors between the person one who goes to tour in the month of
March and the person who goes to tour in the month of December.


Floor No Person City Month

10 _ _ _
9 H Hyderabad February
7 C New Delhi March
6 G Mumbai June
5 F Chennai November
4 _ _ _
3 E Kodaikanal January
2 A Bengaluru September
1 D Ooty December

1. Which of the following Statements is true with respect to the given information?
A. G lives immediately above the one who likes Chennai
B. E lives immediately above C
C. Only three people live between F and the one who likes Bengaluru.

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D. D likes Mumbai.
E. All the given statements are true


Answer – A. G lives immediately above the one who likes Chennai

2. Who amongst the following lives exactly between the two vacant floors?
A. B
B. G
C. F
D. A
E. C


Answer – E. C

3. Which of the following person goes tour in February?

A. D
B. E
C. F
D. H
E. None


Answer – D. H

4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which
one of the following does not belong to the group?
B. C – Chennai
C. F – Mumbai
D. E – Ooty

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Answer – C. F – Mumbai

5. How many people live between C and E?

A. Four
B. Three
C. None
D. Five
E. Two


Answer – E. Two

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

Seven Persons – A, B, C, D, E, F, and G – live on separate floors of a seven storey-ed building,

but not in the same order. The ground floor of the building is numbered 1, the floor above it 2
and so on until the topmost floor is numbered 7. Each person likes different fruits – Apple,
Banana, Orange, Guava, Pomegranate, Grapes and Pineapple, but not necessarily in the same
order. Each person has 7 different weight of their favorite fruit starting from 1kg to 10 kg. The
weight of Guava is more than 2 kg. The total weight of Pomegranate and Grapes is 10 kg. The
person who likes Guava lives on floor numbered four. A does not live on the lowermost
floor. A lives on any odd numbered floor below the one who likes Guava. Only two persons
live between A and the person who likes Pineapple. Only one person lives between B and
F. The total weight of apple is square of the total weight of Pomegranate while The total
weight of Pine apple is square of the total weight of Guava. F lives on an even numbered floor
and does not like Guava. Only three persons live between the persons who like Apple and
Orange respectively. The person who likes Apple live on any floor above the B’s floor. The
person who likes Apple does not live on the topmost floor. G lives on an even numbered floor
but neither immediately above nor immediately below the floor of A. C does not like Apple or
Orange. Only two persons live between D and the one who likes Guava. The person who likes
Pomegranate lives on the floor immediately above the floor of the person who likes Grapes.

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The difference between the weight of the Orange and Grapes is 2 kg. The floor number and
the weight of favorite fruit is same for the person C.


Floor No Person Fruits weight

7 C Banana 7 kg
6 G Pineapple 9 kg
5 E Apple 4 kg
4 B Guava 3 kg
3 A Pomegranate 2 kg
2 F Grapes 8 kg
1 D Orange 6 kg

6. D has how many kg of favourite fruit?

A. 2 kg
B. 8 kg
C. 6 kg
D. 4 kg
E. No one


Answer – C. 6 kg

7. Which of the following statements is/are true according to the given information?
A. E lives on floor numbered 5 and he does not like Guava
B. A likes Pomegranate and he does not live on floor numbered 4
C. C likes Banana and he does not have 6 kg.
D. Only two persons live between the floors of E and F
E. All the statements are true.


Answer – E. All the statements are true.

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8. Who among the following lives on the floor immediately above the floor of A?
A. B
B. F
C. G
D. C
E. No one


Answer – A. B

9. Who among the following lives exactly between the floors on which B and F live?
A. F
B. A
C. D
D. C
E. No one


Answer – B. A

10. Who among the following does like Pomegranate?

A. A
B. D
C. B
D. C
E. No one


Answer – A. A

A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seven people live on seven different floors of a building but not
necessarily in the same order. The lower most floor of the building is numbered 1, the one
above that is numbered 2 and so on till the topmost floor is numbered 7. Each one of them

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earn different amount per month. i.e. 20000, 15000, 10000, 25000,30000, 35000 and
40000(But not necessarily in the same order). Each one of them likes different color i.e Green,
Red, Blue, Yellow, Black, Orange and Purple(But not necessarily in the same order).
The person who likes yellow lived immediately below the one who likes Purple. The one who
earn Rs.20000 lives immediately above the one who earns Rs.40000. Only one person lives
between B and E. The one who likes Blue lives on even numbered floor while the one who
likes Red color lives on odd numbered floor and not on the third floor. B lives on one of the
floors above E. Neither C nor A earns Rs.25000. The one who likes orange live one of the
floors above Purple. E does not earn Rs. 10000. Person A lives on an odd numbered floor but
not on the floor numbered three. The one who earns Rs.30000 lives immediately above A. Only
two people live between A and the one who earns Rs.10000. The one who earns Rs.15000 lives
on one of the odd numbered floors above D. The person who likes orange does not live in the
floor numbered 5 while the person who likes yellow does not live in the floor numbered
2. Only three people live between C and the one who earns 15000. The one who
earns Rs.10000 lives immediately above C. F earns 10000. The one who likes Green lives
immediately above the one who likes Orange. The person who likes blue lives in middle floor


Floor Persons Salary Colour

7 G 25000 Green
6 B 30000 Orange
5 A 15000 Red
4 E 20000 Blue
3 D 40000 Black
2 F 10000 Purple
1 C 35000 Yellow

1. Which of the following is the salary of B?

A. Rs. 20000
B. Rs. 40000
C. Rs. 35000

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D. Rs. 30000
E. None of these


D. Rs. 30000

2. Which of the following combination is true as per the given arrangement?

A. A – 15000 – Red
B. C – 30000 – Purple
C. B – 35000 – Black
D. F – 20000 – Blue
E. None of these.


A. A – 15000-Red

3. Who among the following lives in floor no 4?

A. A
B. C
C. D
D. F
E. E


E. E

4. Four among the following form a group in a certain way.Which of the following
does not belong to Group?
A. G – 15000
B. A – 40000
C. B – 20000
D. F – 40000
E. E – 10000

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D. F – 40000

5. Who among the following likes yellow colour?

A. A
B. C
C. D
D. F
E. None of these.


B. C

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

Seven students namely viz A, B, C, D, E, F and G of seven different colleges have seminar on
seven different days, namely viz Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
and Sunday of the same week but necessarily in the same order. Each student stays in a hostel
in different floor. The lower most floor of the building is numbered 1, the one above that is
numbered 2 and so on till the topmost floor is numbered 7.Each one of them likes different
chocolate i.e Kitkat, 5Star, Dairy Milk, Candy Man, Perk, Munch and Snickers.(But not
necessarily in the same order).
The one who likes Munch lives immediately below the one who likes Perk. A does not like 5
Star. G stayed in the second floor and has a seminar on Wednesday. The one who stayed in
the first floor has a seminar on Saturday. The person who likes Kitkat lives on the floor above
the floor numbered 4. More than four persons live between the person who likes Kitkat and
the one Who likes Snickers. B has a seminar immediately before E. B does not have
seminar on any of the days after G. The one who stayed in the seventh floor does not have a
seminar on any of the days on or before Friday. The one who stayed in the third floor has a
seminar immediately after C. E does not stay in the fifth floor. More than two person live
between the one who likes Perk and the one who likes Candy Man. The one who stays in sixth
floor does not have a seminar immediately before or after G. F does not have any seminar on

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Sunday and does not live in third floor. D does not have seminar on any one of the days before


Floor Person Day Chocolate

7 D Sunday Kitkat
6 B Monday Perk
5 C Thursday Munch
4 E Tuesday 5Star
3 A Friday Dairy Milk
2 G Wednesday Candy Man
1 F Saturday Snickers

6. F stays in which of the following floor?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. None of these.


A. 1

7. Who among the following likes 5Star?

A. A
B. C
C. B
D. F
E. E


E. E

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8. Four among the following form a group in a certain way. Which of the following
does not belong to Group ?
A. D – Monday
B. C – Tuesday
C. A – Wednesday
D. G – Saturday
E. E – Sunday


E. E – Sunday

9. Which of the following is correctly matched?

A. D – Monday – Kitkat
B. C – Tuesday – Perk
C. A – Friday – Dairy Milk
D. G – Saturday – 5Star
E. E – Sunday – Candy Man


C. A – Friday – Dairy Milk

10. Who among the following have seminar on Monday?

A. A
B. C
C. B
D. D
E. E


C. B

Eight People – L, M, N, O, P, Q, R and S live in eight different floors of building (but not
necessarily in the same order). The lowermost floor of the building is numbered one, the one

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above that is numbered two, and so on till the topmost floor is numbered eight. Each one of them
also owns a different brand of bikes, namely Hero, Honda, TVS, Yamaha, Royal Enfield, Bajaj,
Harley-Davidson and KTM (but not necessarily in the same order). Each one has different Lucky
Numbers starting from 1 to 9.

Lucky number of the person who owns Harley Davidson is same as the floor number of the
person who owns Bajaj while the lucky number of the person who owns Bajaj is same as the
floor number of the person who owns Harley Davidson. Only one person lives between M and
the one who owns Royal Enfield. The person who lives in the topmost floor has the highest lucky
number. The one who owns Harley-Davidson lives immediately above R, R owns neither Bajaj
nor Hero. P does not own Harley Davidson. Only three people live between R and L. The one
who owns KTM lives immediately above the one who owns Honda, but not on the topmost floor.
The floor number and the Lucky number are same for the persons who own Royal Enfield and
KTM. Only one person lives between Q and the one who owns TVS. The number of people
leaving above Q is same as the number of people living between Q and O. Only one person lives
between the one who owns KTM and S. Lucky number of the person who owns TVS is less than
three. Only two people live between N and the one who owns Hero. Lucky number of the the
persons who live in the top most floor and ground floor is square number. Q lives an odd
numbered floor above the floor numbered four. Only three people live between O and the one
who owns Bajaj. N lives an one of the odd numbered floors above the one who owns Bajaj. The
persons who live in the floors numbered 4, 6 and 8 have the lucky numbers in multiples of 3.


Floor No Person Bike Lucky Number

8 M Yamaha 9
7 N Harley Davidson 5
6 R Royal Enfield 6
5 Q Bajaj 7
4 S Hero 3
3 P TVS 1
2 L KTM 2
1 O Honda 4

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1. Which of the following Statements is true with respect to the given information?
A. R lives immediately above the one who owns Bajaj
B. P lives immediately above N
C. Only three people live between Q and the one who owns KTM.
D. O owns Royal Enfield bike.
E. All the given statements are true.


Answer – 1. R lives immediately above the one who owns Bajaj

2. Who amongst the following lives exactly between S and the one whose lucky
number is four?
A. M, N
B. R, O
C. Q, R
D. L, M
E. P, L


Answer – E. P, L

3. Which of the following bikes does P own?

B. Honda
D. Royal Enfield
E. Harley Davidson


Answer – C. TVS

4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which
one of the following does not belong to the group?

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A. R – Yamaha
B. N – Bajaj
C. Q – Royal Enfield
D. S – KTM
E. O – TVS


Answer – C. Q – Royal Enfield

5. Which of the following is the lucky number of N?

A. Four
B. Three
C. Seven
D. Five
E. None


Answer – D. Five

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W live on eight different floors of a building but not necessarily in the
same order. The ground floor is numbered one and the floor above it is numbered two and so on.
The top most floor is numbered eight. Each of them likes a different colour viz Green, Yellow,
Black, Blue, Pink, White, Brown and Orange but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them
likes different movies namely viz Avatar, Batman, Spiderman, Power Rangers, Titanic, The
Conjuring, La La Land and The Avengers but not necessarily in the same order.

The person who likes La La Land film lives immediately above the person who likes black
colour. T likes neither Avatar nor Batman. The one who likes pink does not live on first floor.
The one who likes Yellow lives on an even numbered floor but not on floor number 8. Only two
persons live between U and the one who likes Yellow. Only one person live between U and the
one who likes Pink. Neither T nor R lives on first floor. Only one person lives between R and S,

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who likes Black. P lives immediately above U, who lives on an odd numbered floor. The person
who likes The Conjuring film lives immediately above the person who likes brown colour. Only
two persons live between T and P. Q lives on an even numbered floor and immediately above R.
The one who likes blue lives on an even numbered floor and live immediately above the person
who likes orange. The person who likes Titanic lives immediately below the one who likes
Spiderman. The person who likes Batman lives immediately above the person who likes Avatar.
R does not like Pink or Orange. Only two persons live between W and the one who likes
Green. Q lives on floor number four. The one who likes White does not live on odd numbered
floor. W does not like Brown. There are four floors between the persons who like Power Rangers
and The Conjuring.


Floor Person Colour Film Name

8 P Blue Power Rangers
7 U Orange Batman
6 W White Avatar
5 T Pink Spiderman
4 Q Yellow Titanic
3 R Green The Conjuring
2 V Brown La La Land
1 S Black The Avengers

6. Who among the following lives on floor 2?

A. S
B. R
C. V
D. T
E. None of these


Answer – C. V

7. Which of the following colours does Q like?

A. Blue
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B. Orange
C. Yellow
D. Brown
E. None of these


Answer – C. Yellow

8. Who among the following likes Avatar?

A. Q
B. R
C. W
D. S
E.None of these


Answer – C. W

9. Who among the following lives between P and W?

A. P
B. R
C. S
D. U
E.None of these


Answer – D. U

10. Which of the following is correct?

A. 4-R-Green-La La Land
B. 7-W-Blue-Titanic
C. 5-T-Orange- The Conjuring

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D. 3-Q-Yellow-Batman
E. None of these


Answer – E. None of these

Seven boxes – A, B, C, D, E, F and G are kept one above the other but not necessarily in the
same order. Each box contains different Chocolates – Snickers, Perk, Kit Kat, 5 Star, Munch,
Dairy Milk and Milky bar, but not necessarily in the same order.

Only three boxes are kept between D and G. The Munch box is kept immediately above G.
Only one box is kept between the Munch box and A. The Munch box is kept immediately
above G. Only one box is kept between the Munch box and A. The Munch box is not second
from the bottom of the stack. Only one box is kept between E and A. E is kept above A. The 5
Star box is kept immediately above E. Only three boxes are kept between the 5 Star box and
Snickers box. The Perk box is immediately above the Milky Bar box. G is not the Perk box. F
is kept immediately below the Dairy Milk box. Only one box is kept between B and the Dairy
Milk box.


Box Position Box name Inside the box

7 C 5 Star

6 E Munch

5 G Kit Kat

4 A Dairy Milk

3 F Snickers

2 B Perk

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1 D Milky bar

1. Which of the following boxes is kept immediately below G?

A. A
B. B
C. C
D. The Snickers Box
E. The Perk Box


Answer –A. A

What is the position of F in the given stack of boxes?

A. Second from the top
B. Third from the bottom
C. First from the top
D. Fifth from the bottom
E. Fourth from the top
Answer –B. Third from the bottom
Which of the following boxes contains Kit Kat?
A. D
B. C
C. G
D. A
E. Other than those given as options
Answer –C. G
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which of the
following does not belong to that group?
A. G-Dairy Milk
B. E-Kit Kat
C. C-Snickers
D. D-Perk
E. A-Kit Kat
Answer –C. C-Snickers

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How many boxes are kept between B and the Munch box?
A. Two
B. One
C. None
D. Three
E. More than three
Answer – D. Three

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

Seven people namely, A, B, C, D, E, F and G have an appointment but not necessarily in the
same order. on seven different months(of the same year) namely January, February, April,
June, August, October and December. Each of them also likes different colors namely Blue,
Pink, Purple, Brown, White, Black and Orange but not necessarily in the same order.

The one who likes Black has an appointment on one of the months before April.Only two
people have an appointment between the one who likes Black and the one who likes Purple.
Only one person has an appointment between the one who likes Purple and the one who likes
Orange. The one who likes Orange has an appointment in a month which has 31 days. Only
three people have an appointment between the one who likes Orange and E. G has an
appointment on one of the months before E. G does not have appointment in the month which
has the least number of days. Only three people have an appointment between G and C. Only
one person has an appointment between C and the one who likes White. The one who likes
White has an appointment before C. The one who likes White has an appointment before C.
The one who likes Pink has an appointment immediately before B. B has an appointment in a
month which has less than 31 days. Only one person has an appointment between A and F. A
has an appointment before F. Only one person has an appointment between F and the one
who likes Blue


Month Person Colour

Jan G Pink
Feb B Black
April E White
June A Blue

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August C Purple
October F Brown
December D Orange

6. Who amongst the following as an appointment before the one who has an
appointment in December?
A. B
B. E
C. C
D. The one who likes Orange
E. The one who likes Brown


Answer –E. The one who likes Brown

7. In which of the following pairs, both the persons have an appointment in

months which have less than 31 days?
A. A, F
B. F, D
C. B, F
D. E, D
E. E, A


Answer –E. E, A

8. Which of the following combinations is correct?

A. G – Pink
B. A – Purple
C. F – Orange
D. B – White
E. D – Purple


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Answer –A. G – Pink

9. As per the given arrangement Black is related to April and White is related
to June following a certain pattern, which of the following is Blue related to
the following same pattern?
A. February
B. October
C. December
D. August
E. January


Answer –D. August

10. Who amongst the following likes Orange?

A. F
B. D
C. A
D. B
E. Other than those given as options


Answer – B. D

Eight People – A, B, C, D, E, F, and G live in eight different floors of building (but not
necessarily in the same order). One of the floors in the building is vacant. The lowermost floor of
the building is numbered one, the one above that is numbered two, and so on till the topmost
floor is numbered eight. Each one of them owns different brands of laptops, namely
Lenovo, Dell, HP, Samsung, Apple, Asus and TOSHIBA (but not necessarily in the same order).
Each one of them likes different colors namely viz – Yellow, Red, Purple, Orange, Black, Blue
and Green.

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The person who likes Red lives immediately above the person who likes Purple and immediately
below the person who likes Orange. The number of people leaving above F is same as the
number of floors between F and D. F lives an odd numbered floor above the floor numbered
four. Only one person lives between B and the one who owns Samsung. Only three floors
between D and the one who owns Apple. Neither C nor G like Red. The one who owns Asus lives
immediately above G, G owns neither Apple nor HP. E does not own Asus. Only three floors
between G and A. The person who likes Yellow lives immediately above the one who likes Black.
The one who owns TOSHIBA lives immediately above the one who owns Lenovo, but not on the
topmost floor. C lives one of the odd numbered floors above the one who owns Apple. The
number of floors between F and the one who owns DELL is only one. Only one person lives
between the one who owns TOSHIBA and the vacant floor. Only two people live between C and
vacant floor. The person who likes Green live one of the floors above the floor numbered 5.


Floor No Person Laptop Colour

8 B HP Green
7 C Asus Yellow
6 G Samsung Black
5 F Apple Blue
4 _ _ _
3 E DELL Orange
1 D Lenovo Purple

1. Which of the following Statements is true with respect to the given information?
A. G lives immediately above the one who likes Blue
B. E lives immediately above C
C. Only three people live between F and the one who owns TOSHIBA.
D. D owns Samsung.
E. All the given statements are true.


Answer – A. G lives immediately above the one who likes Blue

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2. Who amongst the following lives exactly between the vacant floor and the one who
owns Lenovo Laptop?
A. B, C
B. G, D
C. F, G
D. A, B
E. E, A


Answer – E. E, A

3. Who among the following likes Orange color?

A. C
B. G
C. F
D. E
E. A


Answer – D. E

4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which
one of the following does not belong to the group?
A. G – HP
B. C – Apple
C. F – Samsung
D. E – Lenovo


Answer – C. F – Samsung

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5. How many people live between E and C?

A. Four
B. Three
C. None
D. Five
E. Two


Answer – E. Two

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

Ten students namely viz A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J of ten different colleges but not
necessarily in the same order have seminar on five different days starting from Monday to
Friday of the same week. Each student have seminar at two different time slots, i.e 10.00 AM and
3 P.M. Each student like different colours namely viz – Green, Yellow, Purple, Pink, Blue, Black,
Brown, Red, Grey and White.
Persons who like Red, Green, Pink, Black and White have seminar at 10:00 A.M. Persons who
like Brown, Yellow, Purple, Blue and Grey have seminar at 03:00 P.M. I has a seminar on
Tuesday at 10.00 A.M. The number of people who have seminar between G and D is same as the
number of people who have seminar between C and H. Persons who like Red and Blue have
seminar on Monday and the persons who like White and Grey have Seminar on Friday. B has a
seminar immediately before I. I does not have seminar on any of the days before G. The one who
has seminar at 10.00 A.M immediately before J. H does not has seminar at 3 P.M D has a
seminar immediately after the day of one who has seminar on Monday. F does not have seminar
at 3 P.M. D does not has seminar on any one of the days after E. Only three people have seminar
between G and E. Persons who like Pink and Purple went to seminar neither on Tuesday nor
Thursday. Neither E nor G does not have seminar on Friday. Only two people have seminar
between F and J. F does not has seminar on any of the days after H. Persons who like Green and
Yellow does not have seminar on Thursday.


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Person Day Time Slot Colour

G Mon 10.00 AM Red

B Mon 3.00 PM Blue

I Tue 10.00 AM Green

D Tue 3.00 PM Yellow

E Wed 10.00 AM Pink

C Wed 3.00 PM Purple

F Thu 10.00 AM Black

A Thu 3.00 PM Brown

H Fri 10.00 AM White

J Fri 3.00 PM Grey

6. How many persons have seminar at 3’0 clock between G and H?

A. 5
B. 6
C. 2
D. 4
E. None of these.


Answer – D. 4

7. Who among the following person has seminar at 10 A.M?

A. C
B. B
C. D

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D. A
E. E


Answer – E. E

8. Four among the following form a group in a certain way. Which of the following
does not belong to Group?
A. G – Tuesday
B. I – Wednesday
C. F – Friday
D. G – Wednesday
E. E – Thursday


Answer – D. G – Wednesday

9. Who among the following likes Grey Colour?

A. I
B. J
C. F
D. D
E. C


Answer – B. J

10. Who among the following have seminar on Thursday?

A. I,E
B. H,J
C. F,A
D. D,E
E. E,C

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Answer – C. F,A

Seven different Mobile shops – A, B, C, D, E, F and G sold Mobiles starting from Monday to
Sunday (of the same week) not necessarily in same order. The number of smartphones sold by
the Seven shops in seven different days is 6, 13, 10, 12, 20, 15 and 27 (not necessarily in same
order). Each shop sells a different brand of smartphones namely viz., Lenovo, Sony, Apple,
Xiaomi, Motorola, HTC, and Samsung.

Shop F sold more number of Mobiles than Shop D. There are only three shops sold before the
one which sold Xiaomi brand. The shop F sold Mobiles on one of the days after the shop which
sold 6 Mobiles. The Shop „A‟ sold on one of the days after Friday. E did not sell Samsung
models. On Wednesday, the number of Mobiles sold is 12. There is only one shop between the
shops which sold Samsung and Sony mobiles. G did not sell Sony models. The difference between
the number of Mobiles sold on Monday and Friday is the multiple of the number 7. There are
two shops sold mobiles between the shop F and the shop which one sold 6 Mobiles. Shop B sold
Mobiles on one of the days immediately before the shop that sold 10 Mobiles. There are two
shops sold mobiles between B and G. There are three shops sold mobiles between the shop F and
D. C not sold the least number of Mobiles. The one which sold Samsung mobiles immediately
before the one which sold Motorola mobiles. The sum of Mobiles sold on Wednesday and
Saturday is more than ten and the sum equals to the number of Mobiles sold on Friday. The
difference between the number of Mobiles sold by Shop B and G is less than five. The one which
sold Apple mobiles immediately before the one which sold HTC mobiles. The Shop which sold
10 Mobiles, not on Friday. There are only two shops between the shops which sold Lenovo and
Xiaomi. The shop which sold more than 12 Mobiles(not an odd number) is immediately after the
one which sold 12 Mobiles.


Days Shops Number of Mobiles Brand

Monday D 13 Lenovo
Tuesday E 6 Apple
Wednesday G 12 HTC
Thursday C 20 Xiaomi

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Friday F 27 Samsung
Saturday B 15 Motorola
Sunday A 10 Sony

1. Which of the following is sold by Shop A?

A. Apple
C. Xiaomi
D. Sony
E. Samsung


Answer – D. Sony

2. Which of the following combinations of “Shop – Day – Number of Mobiles –

Brand” is True with respect to the given arrangement?
A. E – Friday – 15 – Xiaomi
B. A – Saturday – 6 – Samsung
C. C – Thursday – 20- Xiaomi
D. B – Friday – 13 – Sony
E. E – Thursday – 10 – Apple


Answer – C. C – Thursday – 20- Xiaomi

3. Which of the following shop sold Mobiles immediately after D?

A. D
B. E
C. F
D. A
E. None


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Answer – B. E

4. In this arrangement, A is related to Monday, F is related to Wednesday then B is

related to?
A. Tuesday
B. Wednesday
C. None of the given options is true.
D. Saturday
E. Sunday


Answer – A. Tuesday

5. What is the difference between the number of mobiles sold on Friday and
A. 8
B. 7
C. 6
D. 5
E. 4


Answer – B. 7

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

Seven Persons – A, B, C, D, E, F, and G – live on separate floors of a seven storey-ed building,

but not in the same order. The ground floor of the building is numbered 1, the floor above it 2
and so on until the topmost floor is numbered 7. Each person likes different fruits – Apple,
Banana, Orange, Guava, Pomegranate, Grapes and Pineapple, but not necessarily in the same
order. Each person like different colors namely viz – Red, Green, Black, White, Orange, Blue
and Yellow.

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There are two persons live between the persons who like Yellow and Green. The person who
likes Guava lives on floor numbered four. A does not live on the lowermost floor. A lives on any
odd numbered floor below the one who likes Guava. Only two persons live between A and the
person who likes Pineapple. There are two persons live between the persons who like Red and
Black. Only one person lives between B and F. F lives on an even numbered floor and does not
like Guava. Only three persons live between the persons who like Apple and
Orange respectively. The person who likes Apple live on any floor above the B‟s floor. There are
two persons live between the persons who like Green and Orange. The person who likes Apple
does not live on the topmost floor. G does not like White. G lives on an even numbered floor but
neither immediately above nor immediately below the floor of A. C does not like Apple or
Orange. Only two persons live between D and the one who likes Guava. The person who likes
Yellow lives one of the floors above the floor numbered 5. The person who likes
Pomegranate lives on the floor immediately above the floor of the person who likes Grapes. The
person who likes Green lives one of the floors above the floor numbered 3. The person who likes
Red lives immediately above the one who likes Green. There are two persons live between the
one who likes Blue and the one who likes White.


Floor No Person Fruits Colour

7 C Banana Yellow
6 G Pineapple Blue
5 E Apple Red
4 B Guava Green
3 A Pomegranate White
2 F Grapes Black
1 D Orange Orange

6. How many persons live between the floors on which G and F live?
A. Three
B. Two
C. Four
D. Five
E. No one

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Answer – A. Three

7. Which of the following statements is/are true according to the given information?
A. E lives on floor numbered 5 and he does not like Green
B. A likes Pomegranate and he does not live on floor numbered 4
C. C likes Yellow and he lives on the topmost floor
D. Only two persons live between the floors of E and F
E. All the statements are true.


Answer – E. All the statements are true.

8. Who among the following likes Pomegranate?

A. B
B. F
C. G
D. A
E. C


Answer – D. A

9. Who among the following lives exactly between the floors on which E and A live?
A. F
B. E
C. B
D. C
E. No one


Answer – C. B

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10. Who among the following does like Orange?

A. A
B. D
C. B
D. C
E. No one


Answer – B. D

Seven people, namely P,Q,R,S,T,U and V like seven different movies namely The Avengers,
Titanic, The Dark Knight, Jurassic Park, Avatar, Iron Man 2 and Batman Begins but not
necessarily in the same order. Each people also works in the same office but at a different
department on the basis of experience namely Administration (ADMIN), Marketing & Sales,
(M&S), Accounts (ACC), Production (PO), Quality Management (QM), Human Resources (HR),
and Public Relations (PR), but not necessarily in the same order. Each person also like different
colors namely viz – Brown, Red, Purple, Yellow, Black, Blue and White.

Note: Each person has been allocated to a department as per increasing order of experience
with the one in ADMIN being the least experienced whilst the one in PR Being the most

The person who likes Avatar also likes the Black color. Persons who have the least experience
and most experience like red and white color respectively. Only one person has less experience
than U. The one who has less experience than U likes Jurassic Park. Only one person has more
experience than P. P does not like Brown. The one in Marketing and Sales like Purple. The one
in HR likes Avatar. Only two people have more experience than the one who likes The Avengers.
V likes Batman Begins and has more experience than the one who likes The Avengers. S has less
experience than the one in PO, but more experience than the one who likes The Dark Knight. T
neither has the least experience than the one who likes The Dark Knight. T neither has the least
experience nor he works in QM. Q does not work in QM. The one who likes Titanic does not
work in PO. The person who likes Iron Man 2 has more experience than the one who likes
Yellow. The one in Quality Management likes Blue.

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Person Job Film Colour

V PR Batman Begins White
P HR Avatar Black
R QM The Avengers Blue
T PO Iron Man 2 Brown
S ACC Titanic Yellow
U M&S The Dark Knight Purple
Q ADMIN Jurassic Park Red

1. As per the given arrangement, ADMIN is related to White and PR is related to

Black in a certain way. To which of the following is ACC related to the same way?
A. White
B. Red
C. Purple
D. Yellow
E. Blue


Answer – E. Blue

2. Which of the following pairs of people who have more experience than P less
experience than S?
A. V, P
B. V, U
C. R, V
D. T, Q
E. R, P


Answer – B. V, U

3. Which combination represents the department that T works in and the movie he

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A. QM – The Avengers
B. PO – The Dark Knight
C. PO – Iron Man 2
D. ACC – Jurassic Park
E. ADMIN – Jurassic Park


Answer – C. PO – Iron Man 2

4. Who amongst the following likes Yellow?

A. S
B. R
C. P
D. Q
E. Other than those given as options


Answer – A. S

5. Which of the following movies does Q like?

A. The Dark Knight
B. Iron Man 2
C. The Avengers
D. Jurassic Park
E. Titanic


Answer – D. Jurassic Park

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

Seven persons – A, B, C, D, E, F and G – attended a farewell party in the months of February,

March, April May, July, October and December but not necessarily in the same order. Each one

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of them likes different stationery items viz., Pen, Pencil, Scale, Sharpener, Eraser, Marker pen
and Box but not necessarily in the same order. Each person also like seven different chocolates
namely viz – Perk, 5 Star, Munch, Dairy Milk, Kit Kat, Milky Bar and Snickers.

The one who likes Eraser attended farewell party in the month having less than 31 days. There is
only one person between A and the person who likes Eraser.The person who likes 5 Star attend
the farewell party immediately before the one who likes Milky Bar and immediately after the one
who likes Perk. The one who likes Scale attended farewell party immediately before A. C
attended farewell party immediately after A. Only two persons attended farewell party between C
and B. The person who likes Snickers attend the farewell party immediately before the one who
likes Munch. G attended farewell party in that month which has less than 31 days. F attended
farewell party immediately after G. Only one person attended farewell party between A and the
who likes Sharpener. F does not like Dairy Milk. A does not like Marker pen. The one who likes
pen attended farewell party immediately before the one who like box. There are two persons
attend the party between the one who likes Perk and the one who likes Snickers. E does not like
scale. The person who likes Marker pen attended the farewell party in the month having less
than 31 days. The person who likes Perk attend the farewell party on one of the months after
March which has less than 31 days.


Month Person Stationery Items Chocolate

February G Marker Pen Dairy Milk
March F Pencil Kit-Kat
April B Eraser Perk
May D Scale 5 Star
July A Pen Milky Bar
October C Box Snickers
December E Sharpener Munch

6. Which of the following stationery items is liked by C?

A. Pen
B. Sharpener
C. Marker Pen

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D. Pencil
E. Box


Answer – E. Box

7. Which of the following combinations of Month-Person-Stationery Item-Chocolate

is correct?
A. March – G – Pen – Dairy Milk
B. July – A – Pen – Milky Bar
C. October – E – Marker Pen – 5 Star
D. May – C – Scale – Kit Kat
E. April – F – Eraser – Snickers


Answer – B. July – A – Pen – Milky Bar

8. Which of the following statements is true with respect to the given arrangement?
A. C attended farewell party in October
B. A likes Box
C. D attended farewell party immediately before E.
D. E attended farewell party in July
E. None of the given statements is true


Answer – A. C attended farewell party in October

9. Who among the following attended the farewell party in May?

A. F
B. A
C. C
D. D
E. B

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Answer – D. D

10. Who among the following likes Milky Bar?

A. E
B. C
C. A
D. G
E. B


Answer – C. A

Seven Persons – M, N, O, P, Q, R and S – live on separate floors of a seven storeyed building,

but not in the same order. The ground floor of the building is numbered 1, the floor above it 2
and so on until the topmost floor is numbered 7.Each person likes different cartoon characters,
viz, Chipmnuk, Flinstone, Jetson, Popeye, Scooby Doo, Simpson and Tweety, but not necessarily
in the same order. Each person also likes different colours namely viz, Yellow, Orange, Red,
Black, Blue, Brown and Purple.

More than three persons sit between the one who likes Yellow and the one who likes Orange. The
person who likes Popeye lives on floor numbered 4. Only two persons live between P and the one
who likes Popeye. The persons who live on the ground floor and the topmost floor don‟t like
Orange. M does not live on the lowermost floor. M lives on any odd numbered floor below the
one who likes Popeye. S lives on an even numbered floor but neither immediately above nor
immediately below the floor of M. The person who likes Jetson does not like Yellow. Only two
persons live between M and the person who likes Tweety. Only one person lives between N and
R. The person who likes Orange lives exactly between the persons who like Brown and Blue. R
lives on an even numbered floor and does not like Popeye. Only three persons live between the
persons who like Chipmnuk and Jetson respectively. The person who likes Chipmnuk live on any
floor above the N‟s floor. The person who likes Chipmnuk does not live on the topmost floor. O
does not like Chipmnuk or Jetson. Only two persons live between the one who likes Purple and

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the one who likes Brown. The person who likes Scooby Doo lives on the floor immediately above
the floor of the person who likes Simpson. N does not like neither Purple nor Red.


Floor No Person Cartoon Character Color

7 O Flinstone Yellow
6 S Tweety Purple
5 Q Chipmnuk Red
4 N Popeye Black
3 M Scooby Doo Brown
2 R Simpson Orange
1 P Jetson Blue

1. How many persons live between the floors on which S and P live?
A. Three
B. Two
C. Four
D. Five
E. No one


Answer – C. Four

2. Which of the following statements is/are true according to the given information?
A. Q lives on floor numbered 5 and he does not like Black
B. M likes Scooby Doo and he does not live on floor numbered 5
C. O likes Yellow and he lives on the topmost floor
D. Only two persons live between the floors of Q and R
E. All the statements are true.


Answer – E. All the statements are true.

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3. Who among the following lives on the floor immediately above the floor of S?
A. N
B. R
C. S
D. O
E. No one


Answer – D. O

4. Who among the following does like Purple?

A. P
B. R
C. M
D. Q
E. S


Answer – E. S

5. Who among the following does like cartoon character Popeye?

A. R
B. P
C. N
D. Q
E. S


Answer – C. N

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

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Seven people A, B, C, D, E, F and G were appointed to a company on seven different days of the
same week starting from Monday to Sunday(but not necessarily in the same order). Each person
also plays a different game namely – Cricket, Hockey, Football, Squash, Volleyball, Tennis and
Kho-Kho.(but not necessarily in the same order). Each person has a different number of medals
starting from 1 to 9.

There are four persons play between the person who has the maximum number of medals and the
person who has the minimum number of medals. Only two people were appointed after the one
who plays Hockey. The persons who play on Sunday and Monday don‟t have the maximum
number of medals while the persons who play on Saturday and Tuesday don‟t have the minimum
number of medals. E was appointed on one of the days after the one who plays Hockey. Only
three people were appointed between E and G. Only one person was appointed between G and
the one who plays Volleyball. The difference between the total number of medals secured by the
person D and F is one. A was appointed immediately after the one who plays volleyball. only
three people were appointed after the one who plays Kho-Kho. C was appointed immediately
after F but not on Friday. The number of medals secured by Person A is the square of the
number of medals secured by B. Total number of medals secured by the person who plays
Hockey is the multiple of the number of medals secured by G and B. Only one people was
appointed between F and the one who plays cricket. B was appointed immediately after the one
who plays cricket. More than two people were appointed between D and the one who plays
tennis. E does not play Football and Tennis. Person D secured more medals than the Person F.
The number of medals secured by Person C is the Square of the number of medals secured by G.
Total number of medals secured by G is less than 3. The total number of medals secured by B is
less than 4.


Days Persons Sports Number of Medals

Monday D Volley Ball 7
Tuesday A Foot Ball 9
Wednesday G Cricket 2
Thursday B Kho – Kho 3
Friday F Hockey 6
Saturday C Tennis 4

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Sunday E Squash 1

6. Who amongst the following was appointed on Thursday?

A. The one who plays Kho-Kho
B. A
C. B
D. The one who plays Cricket
E. F


Answer – C. B

7. Which of the following statements is true as per the given arrangement?

A. Only one person was appointed between F and the one who plays Squash
B. Only three people were appointed before C
C. A Secured 8 medals.
D. B was appointed on Saturday
E. None of the given options is true


Answer – A. Only one person was appointed between F and the one who plays

8. The person who plays Volley Ball was appointed on which of the following days?
A. Thursday
B. Tuesday
C. Sunday
D. Monday
E. Saturday


Answer – D. Monday

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9. Which of the following combinations will be definitely true as per the given
A. C – Squash – 6
B. Thursday – D – Tennis
C. Saturday – Cricket – 7
D. Monday – Volleyball – 7
E. F – Kho-kho – 4


Answer – D. Monday – Volleyball – 7

10. B secured how many medals?

A. Two
B. One
C. Three
D. Four
E. None as G was appointed on Monday


Answer – C. Three

Eight persons M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, and W have their exams on either 10th or 27th of four
different months i.e March, April, May, June not necessarily in the same order. M has the
exam on 10th of a month which is having 31 days. Only one person has the exam before N.
Number of persons between M and N is one less than the number of persons between N and
W. O and P have exams in the same month having 30 days, but not in April. R has the exam
after S. Only three persons have exam between N and Q. O has the exam before P.


Month Date Person

March 10 M
March 27 N
April 10 S

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April 27 W
May 10 R
May 27 Q
June 10 O
June 27 P

1. How many persons have exam between S and W?

A. Three
B. Two
C. Four
D. Five
E. No one


Answer – E. No one

2. Which of the following statements is/are true according to the given information?
A. Q has exam immediately after M.
B. M has exam on 27th of June.
C. O has exam immediately after Q.
D. Only one person has exam between O and P.
E. All the statements are true.


Answer – C. O has exam immediately after Q.

3. Who among the following has exam on 27th May?

A. N
B. R
C. Q
D. O
E. No one


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Answer – C. Q

4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which
one does not belong to that group?
A. O
B. R
C. M
D. Q
E. S


Answer – D. Q

5. Who among the following has exam on 10th March?

A. R
B. P
C. N
D. Q
E. M


Answer – E. M

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

There are eight persons namely A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H has born in the same month of
different year i.e. 1969, 1972, 1978, 1981, 1989, 1997, 2000 and 2005. Their age are
considered as on the same month of 2017. G is born in even number year, but not born in the
year, which does not divisible by 4. A is 36 years old now. B is 17 year older than F, who is 8
years younger than A. There are eight years gap between age of E and age of D. H is nine year
younger than C, but not born in 2005. E was born earlier than G


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Person Year
C 1969
B 1972
H 1978
A 1981
F 1989
E 1997
G 2000
D 2005

6. Who amongst the following was born in 2000?

A. E
B. A
C. B
D. G
E. F


Answer – D. G

7. Which of the following is true as per the given arrangement?

A. D – 1997
B. A – 1972
C. A – 1989
D. D – 2005
E. None of the given options is true


Answer – D. G

8. What is the age difference between A and H?

A. Three
B. Four
C. Two

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D. One
E. None of these


Answer – A. Three

9. How many persons born between H and D?

A. Three
B. Two
C. Four
D. Five
E. No one


Answer – C. Four

10. E was born in?

A. 1969
B. 1972
C. 1978
D. 1981
E. 1997


Answer – E. 1997

Eight People – A, B, C, D, E, F, and G live in ten different floors of a building (but not
necessarily in the same order). Two of the floors in the building is vacant. The lowermost floor of
the building is numbered one, the one above that is numbered two, and so on till the topmost
floor is numbered ten. Each one of them also likes different apps, namely WhatsApp, Wechat,
IMO, Hike, Line, Viber, Google Allo and Telegram(but not necessarily in the same order).

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The number of people living below F is same as the number of people living between F and
H. F lives an odd numbered floor above the floor numbered four. The top most floor is vacant.
Only one person lives between B and the one who likes Hike. Only three floors between D and
the one who likes Line. The number of floors between the one who likes Google Allo and the one
who likes Hike is two. The one who likes Viber lives immediately above G. Only three floors
between G and A. The one who likes TELEGRAM lives immediately above the one who likes
Whatsapp. C lives one of the odd numbered floors above the one who likes Line. The number of
floors between F and the one who likes WECHAT is only one. Only one person lives between the
one who likes TELEGRAM and the vacant floor. Only two people live between C and vacant
floor. The number of floors between two vacant floors is five. The one who likes TELEGRAM and
WECHAT not live in the floors numbered 8 and 7 respectively. The one who likes Hike app lives
immediately below the floor in which C lives.


Floor No Person app

10 _ _
9 H Google Allo
7 C Viber
6 G Hike
5 F Line
4 _ _
3 E Wechat
2 A Telegram
1 D Whatsapp

1. Which of the following Statements is true with respect to the given information?
A. G lives immediately above the one who likes Line
B. E lives immediately above C
C. Only three people live between F and the one who likes TELEGRAM.
D. D likes Hike.
E. All the given statements are true


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Answer – A. G lives immediately above the one who likes Line

2. Who amongst the following lives exactly between the two vacant floors?
A. B
B. G
C. F
D. A
E. C


Answer – E. C

3. Which of the following floors are vacant?

A. 5, 10
B. 7, 10
C. 4, 10
D. 3, 10
E. 6, 10


Answer – C. 4, 10

4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which
one of the following does not belong to the group?
A. G – IMO
B. C – Line
C. F – Hike
D. E – Whatsapp


Answer – C. F – Hike

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5. How many people live between C and E?

A. Four
B. Three
C. None
D. Five
E. Two


Answer – E. Two

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

Seven students namely viz A, B, C, D, E, F and G of seven different colleges have Seminar in
seven different months namely viz January, February, June, July, September, October and
November on seven different days, namely viz Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Saturday and Sunday of the same week but necessarily in the same order. Each student stays in a
hostel in different floor. The ground floor of the building is numbered 1, the one above that is
numbered 2 and so on till the topmost floor is numbered 7.
There are four floors between the person who have seminar in November and January. G
stayed on the second floor and has a seminar on Wednesday. The one who stayed on the
first floor has a seminar on Saturday. B has a seminar on the day immediately before E. B does
not have seminar on any of the days after G. The one who stayed on the seventh floor does not
have a seminar on any of the days on or before Friday. There are three floors between the
person who have seminar on July and September. The one who stayed on the third floor has a
seminar on the day immediately after C. B does not have seminar in January. E does not stay
on the fifth floor. The one who stays on sixth floor does not have a seminar on the day
immediately before or after G. F does not have any seminar on Sunday and does not live
in third floor. D does not have seminar on any one of the days before A. The top three floors
occupied by the persons who have seminar on one of the months which has 31 days. A has
seminar on one of the month which has less than 30 days.


Floor Person Month Day

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7 D January Sunday
6 B October Monday
5 C July Thursday
4 E June Tuesday
3 A February Friday
2 G November Wednesday
1 F September Saturday

6. F stays in which of the following floor?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. None of these.


A. 1

7. Who among the following has Seminar in September?

A. A
B. F
C. B
D. D
E. E


B. F

8. Four among the following form a group in a certain way. Which of the following
does not belong to Group?
A. D – Monday
B. C – Tuesday
C. A – Wednesday

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D. G – Saturday
E. E – Sunday


E. E – Sunday

9. Which of the following is correctly matched?

A. D – Monday – February
B. C – Tuesday – June
C. A – Friday – February
D. G – Saturday – September
E. E – Sunday – July


C. A – Friday – February

10. Who among the following has Seminar on Sunday?

A. A
B. C
C. B
D. D
E. E


D. D

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Set – 1:
Gaurav, Optimus, Dixit, Fighter, Abhinav and Nirmal were born in different months-March, April, May,
June, and July and August, not necessarily in the same order. All of them have different years of birth-1990,
1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 and 1995, though not respectively.
(A)Fighter was born neither in the month of July nor in April but was born in the year 1992.
(B)A person who is born in 1995, is born either in June or in March. Optimus is born neither in 1994 nor
1993 but was born in the month of august. (C)Gaurav who was born in the month of June, has his year of
birth either 1994 or 1993. A person who has year of birth as 1990 is born neither in the month of march nor
in April.
(D)1991 is the birth year of either Dixit or Nirmal. Abhinav was not born in March.
Set – 2:
There are 10 people – A, B, C, D, E, M, N, O, P and Q who stay on 4 floors (numbered 1 to 4) of a building.
There are three flats on each of the four floors out of which two flats are vacant.
The flats are numbered 1, 2 and 3 on each of the floors and are left to right on the floor respectively. Flat no.
1 of floor no. 2 is exactly above the flat no. 1 of floor no. 1 and so on.
M stays on flat no. 1 of the floor just below the floor on which B stays. The flat no 2 of floor no 2 is empty.
B stays on flat no. 2 on one of the floors. D stays on flat no. 2. C stays on flat no. 3 of same floor on which
M stays. Flat to the right of B is empty. Flat on which A stays is below the flat of B such that no one lives
between them. Flat no 3 of floor no 4 is empty. Q stays on flat to the right of D. O and E stays on the same
floor. C and O do not share same flat no. P does not stay on top floor.
Set – 3:
Seven friends- Swati, Sekhar, Sonu, Sandeep, Sarman, Shenaz, Shiny go to a computer training class. They
have different sun signs- Pisces, Virgo, Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Gemini. Each one of them carries a
different brand laptop. The brands are Lenovo, Samsung, Hp, Dell, Sony , apple, iball. Three of them are
Hindus and four are Muslim . None of the Hindus has sunsign cancer or Taurus. Swati is a Virgo and has
and owns a Lenovo laptop. Sekhar owns a Samsung laptop. Shiny is not a Leo. Sonu has sunsign Aries and
he owns HP laptop. Sandeep is a Taurean and does not own Apple laptop. Sarman is a Cancerean and owns
Sony laptop. The Leo owns an I ball laptop whereas the Piscean owns Samsung laptop. The one with sun
sign Gemini has an apple laptop. None of the Hindus have a Samsung laptop.
Set – 4:
There are 8 friends – P, Q, R, S, L, M, N and O who have their birthdays in four months – March, June,
September and October on either 13th or 22nd of the month.
M has his birthday on 13th of a month having 30 days. P and S have their birthday in same month with P
having birthday before. There are two people who have birthdays between P and Q. R’s birthday is in June.
O has his birthday on 22nd of a month. L does not have his birthday on 13th. N does not have his birthday
in March.
Set – 5:
Six persons with different sunsign of Aries, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Taurus have a daughter each.
Everyone’s daughter has a favourite flower and reads in different classes of a same school from class I-VI.
The favorite flowers are rose, daisy, tulip, orchid, jasmine, marigold not necessarily in the same order. The
daughter of the person with sunsign Leo has is not studying in class IV or V and has favourite flower tulip.
The girl studying in Class IV does not like rose. The daughter of the person with sunsign Aries studies in
Class II. The daughter of cancer sunsign loves daisy and does not study in Class IV. The one who likes
marigold studies in class VI. Taurus’ daughter likes orchid and studies in Class I. The daughter of Libra
does study in Class VI.
Set – 6:
There are 8 people – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H who are made to sit in a row having 10 seats numbered left
to right. All are facing North and are not necessarily sitting in the same order. They belong to different
states – Bihar, Punjab, J&K, Rajasthan, West Bengal, Odisha, Tamil Nadu and Haryana but not necessarily
sitting in the same order. Six people out of 8 are Engineers and remaining two are Doctors.
If two people are sitting on consecutive seats, then only they will be considered neighbors.
Six of these 8 people have only one neighbor. One doctor has 2 neighbors and the other has only one
neighbor. No one is sitting between the ones from Punjab and Haryana. A is sitting equidistant from both
the ones from Bihar and Haryana. Similarly G is sitting equidistant from both the one from J&K and F. H is
sitting to the immediate left of E.
A is sitting to the immediate left of the one from Punjab. C is from West Bengal and is a doctor having only
one neighbor. F belongs to Odisha. E, who is an Engineer, is from Tamil Nadu. D is not from Punjab and A
is not from Rajasthan. The sum of seat numbers on which the ones from Haryana and Punjab are sitting is
Set – 7:
Nine musicians arrived to attend a live concert in Sydney in different cars. They all were expertise in
different genres of music- blue, jazz, opera, country, pop, punk, rock, metal, techno and stay in 5 star hotel
in different floors from floor number 1 to 9 but not necessarily in the same order. Only one person stays on
one floor. All of them own one car each, and each car is of a different brand i.e. Acura, Audi, BMW,
Bugatti, Buick, Bentley, Mazela, Pagani and Jaguar but not necessarily in the same order. The ground floor
is numbered 1, the floor above it is numbered 2, and so on, and the topmost floor is numbered 9. The opera
artist owns a Pagani car and stays on an even numbered floor. The artist with expertise in blues stays on any
even-numbered floor below the floor on which the opera artist stays. The one who owns Buick stays on the
fourth floor. The Punk artist stays on the second floor and owns a Bentley. The one who owns a Jaguar stays
on the third floor. The artist of blues does not own an Audi. There are two floors between the floors on
which the people owning the Mazela and the Pagani cars stay. The popstar owns a Bugatti. There are three
floors between the floors on which Popstar and Techno artist stay. The rock star stays on a floor
immediately above Jazz star’s floor. There is one floor between the floors on which Metal artist and Techno
artist stay. Metal artist does not own the Jaguar. The one who owns the BMW stays on the topmost floor.
The metal artist does not stay on the ground floor.
Set – 8:
8 people – A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H, are sitting around a circular table, facing the center, but not
necessarily in the same order. Each one of them is from a different state, viz Delhi, Jaipur, Noida, Gurgaon,
Kanpur, Karnal, Varanasi, and Patna.
F sits second to the right of the one from Gurgaon. The one from Varanasi is an immediate neighbor of the
one from Gurgaon. Two persons sit between the one from Varanasi and B. C and E are immediate
neighbors. Neither C nor E is an immediate neighbor of either B or the one from Gurgaon. The one from
Noida sits second to the right of D. D is the one from neither Gurgaon nor Varanasi. G and the one from
Delhi are immediate neighbors. B is not the one from Delhi. Only person sits between C and one from
H sits third to the left of the one from Patna. The one from Karnal sits second to the left of the one from
Set – 9:
Eight persons-P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W like different subjects-English, Hindi, Maths, Science, Social
science, Fishery science, Literature, History and Psychology but not necessarily in the same order. They like
different colors among-red, white, grey, black and green. They also like different cars- Austin, Bentley,
Porsche, Jaguar and Bugatti. Each car is liked by atleast one person but not more than two persons like the
same car. Also each color is liked by atleast one person but not more than two persons like the same color. S
and V are the only ones who like same car and same color. The one who likes Psychology does not like
Jaguar or Bugatti. T likes science and likes a color which is not liked by another other person and that color
is not black. V does not like Fishery sciences. One of the persons who like red likes Jaguar. Also Q does not
like red as well as Jaguar. The one who likes literature likes the car liked by no one else. The one who likes
history likes white which is not liked by anyone other than him. Porsche is only liked by the person liking
English and is not Q. R likes Austin but does not like red. W does not like Jaguar. People who like grey like
Bentley and Porsche. P and W like the same color. The persons liking Austin don’t like black and one of the
persons liking Austin likes Maths.
Set – 10:
Six people named Gaurav, Anish, Kartik, Mohit, Mayank and Manav are married to six women named
Charu, Kriti, Sugandh, Priya, Neha and Deepa, but not necessarily in the same order. They have different
professions, viz. Doctor, Accountant, CA, Engineer, Businessman and Architect, but not necessarily in the
same order. They like to play different sports, viz. Cricket, Football, Hockey, Basketball, Badminton and
Tennis but not necessarily in the same order.
Kartik is CA but he was not married to Charu or Deepa. Gaurav is a Doctor and Mayank is an Engineer.
However neither of them was married to Kriti or Priya. The woman whose husband is an Architect likes to
play Cricket. Sugandh’s husband likes to play Football, but he is not a Doctor. Charu and Neha’s husbands
like to play Cricket and Badminton and are CA and Architect but not necessarily following the above
mentioned order. Mohit is not an Accountant or an Architect and likes to play Tennis. Manav is married to
Kriti and he likes to play Basketball.
Set – 11:
Eight persons-A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting in a straight line, not necessarily in the same order. Some
of them are facing south and some north. B stands fourth to the left of H. H faces north. Neither B nor H
stands at any of the extreme ends of the line. Both the immediate neighbours of B face north. D is one of the
immediate neighbours of H. G stands third to the right of D. Both the immediate neighbours of E face south.
E does not stand at any of the extreme ends of the line. E is not an immediate neighbour of G. A stands
second to the left of C. G and C face opposite directions.
Set – 12:
A,B,C,D,E,F,G and H are eight family members sitting around a circular table, facing the centre, but not
necessarily in the same order. Each member likes a different color viz. Red, Maroon, White, Green, Blue,
Yellow, Orange, and Black, but not necessarily in the same order.
A is the head of the family and sits third to the left of his wife B. G has two sisters and sits second to the
right of his grandfather, who likes Red color. D sits on the immediate left of her brother, who sits in front of
his father. F sits between the person who like Maroon color and the person who like Green color. Her
favorite color is Blue. B has two sons and one of the son’s like Green color. H sits in front of her mother-in-
law who likes Black color. E’s son likes Orange color. C and his sister-in-law like Green and White colors
Set – 13:
P, Q, R, S, T and U are six representatives of six countries viz. Iran, India, China, Iraq, Brazil, Japan but not
necessarily in the same order. They are sitting around a circular table facing towards the centre for raising
discussions on six different topics viz Terrorism, Healthcare, Education, Recycling, Environment and
Global warming. But not necessarily in the same order. Only one person raises discussion on one topic only.
(a) ‘Global warming, Education and Recycling discussing persons are neither from ‘Iraq’ nor from ‘Iran’.
(b) Representatives from ‘India’ and ‘China’ are neither is discussing ‘Global warming’ nor ‘Education’.
(c) U is neither from ‘Iraq’ nor on the immediate left of the person who has pointed ‘Environment’.
(d) The only Representative who is between ‘T’ and ‘R’ is discussing ‘Healthcare’.
(e) ‘P’ has his discussion about ‘Terrorism’ and he is from ‘India’. He is facing the person who has his views on
(f) The one who is delivering about ‘Global warming’ is seated opposite to the person who is from ‘Japan’,
while India’s Representative is on the left of the person, who is discussing Recycling.
(g) One who discussed about ‘Terrorism’ is on the immediate right of Japan’s Representative but on the
immediate left of the person who has briefed
about ‘recycling’.
(h) ‘S’ is not discussing ‘Education’ while ‘R’ has no points for ‘Global warming’. R has discussion about
environment and immediate left of the person who discusses education.
Set – 14:
Ten persons are sitting in two parallel rows containing five persons each. In row 1, Mayank, Mahi, Sahil,
Chirag and Priya are sitting and all of them are facing south. In row 2, Jaya, Poonam, Reena, Gaurav and
Anish are sitting and all of them are facing north. In the given seating arrangement, each member seated in a
row faces another member of the other row. Moreover, each of them have different cars— Nissan, BMW,
I20, Santro, Wagon-R, Chevrolet, Ford, Audi, Bentley and Alto but not necessarily in the same order.
There are only two persons sitting between the person who has Nissan, who sits at an extreme end, and
Priya. Jaya, who sits in the middle of the row, is not an immediate neighbour of Poonam, who does not have
Alto. Anish is sitting at an extreme end. Priya, who has Wagon-R, sits on the immediate right of the person
who has BMW and faces the immediate neighhour of Poonam. Mahi is not sitting at the extreme left end.
Jaya does not have Bentley. There is only one person between Sahil and Chirag, who has Nissan. Gaurav,
who has Chevrolet, is an immediate neighbour of the person who has Alto and does not face the person who
has I20. Reena, who has Santro, is an immediate neighbour of the person who has Bentley, who in turn
faces the immediate neighbour of the person who has Wagon-R. There are two persons between the person
who has Ford and the person who has I20. Anish does not have Audi.
Set – 15:
Nine people, Piyush, Qasim, Ruchi, Sonali, Moba, Tabu, Nidhi, Okram and Justin stay in a building, but not
necessarily in the same order. The building has nine floors and only one person stays on one floor. All of
them own one Audi each, and each Audi is of a different color, i.e. blue, grey, white, black, yellow, green,
red, orange and pink, but not necessarily in the same order. The ground floor is numbered1, the floor above
it is numbered 2 and so on.
Okram owns a black colored Audi and stays on an even numbered floor. Piyush stays on an even numbered
floor below the floor on which Okram stays. The one who owns an orange colored Audi stays on the Fourth
floor. Tabu stays on the second floor and owns a white-colored Audi. The one who owns a pink-colored
Audi stays on the third floor. Piyush does not own a green colored Audi. There are two floors between the
floor on which the people owning the red and black Audi stay. Ruchi owns a grey colored Audi. There are
three floors between the floor on which Ruchi and Nidhi stay. Sonali stays on a floor immediately above
Justin’s floor. There is one floor between the floor on which Moba and Nidhi stay. Moba does not own a
pink colored Audi. The one who owns a blue colored Audi stays on the topmost floor. Moba does not stay
on the ground floor.
Set – 16:
Eight people—A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H stay in a building having three floors (numbered 1 to 3). They are
either Accountant or Businessman or Manager. In each floor there are at least two and at most three flats.
And at least two peoples are in each profession but not more than three.
B and C stay on different floors but not in floor numbered 2, and both are in same profession. H and G stay
on same floor and are in same profession, but not Manager. D and E stay on different floors but not on floor
numbered 1 and are in different professions but not Manager. A stays on floor numbered 2 and D does not
on same floor as A. Both people staying on floor numbered 2 are Accountants. F is Manager but does not
stay on floor numbered 1. From three Managers two stay on floor numbered 3. F and C stay on same floor,
and there are three businessman.
Set – 17:
Anil, Ana, Ami, Amar, Anita, Anshi, Amu and Amaya are sitting around a circular table facing the centre
but not necessarily in the same order. The husband of Amu is second to the right of Ana, who sits between
two males. Anita sits second to the left of the daughter of Amar. Anita is sister of Anshi but is not
immediate neighbor of Amu’s husband. Only one person sits between Anil and Anita. Anil is father of
Anshi. Amar, who is brother of Amu sits on the immediate left of his mother. Only one person sits between
Amu’s mother and Amaya. Only one person sits between Amu and Anshi. Anshi is mother of Ami and is
not an immediate neighbor of Amaya.
Set – 18
There are eight friends – Ritika, Sohail, Karan, Saurabh, Neha, Shivam, Riya and Shreya. They have
different cars – Wagon-R, I20, Ertiga, Nissan, Alto, Santro, Audi and Suzuki, but not necessarily in the
same order. They like different fruits – apple, strawberry, banana, melon, papaya, mango, orange and grapes
but not necessarily in the same order.
They all are sitting around a circular table with equal people facing inside and outside.
The one having Nissan is sitting third to left of one having Wagon-R whose name is not Neha and does not
like banana. The one having Ertiga is facing outside and sitting between the ones having Audi and Santro
who like mango and papaya respectively. Sohail is sitting to the immediate left of the one having Wagon-R
who does not like melon and grapes. Shreya is sitting second to right of the one who likes mango. The one
who likes grapes is facing inside and sitting second to left of the one who likes melon and he is also sitting
third to right of Ritika.
The one having Ertiga is sitting second to right of the one having Nissan whose name is Karan and likes
apple. Shivam who likes strawberry is neither Wagon-R nor Suzuki. Ritika is not sitting to the immediate
left of Karan. Both the neighbors of the one having I20 are facing inside. The one having Santro is facing
inside. The ones having I20 and Ertiga face same direction. The one having Alto is to the immediate right of
Riya and he is also sitting second to right of the one having Suzuki. The one who likes orange is sitting
second to left of the one having Audi.
Set – 19:
There are eight members in a family-Sonali, Nisha, Soha, Nidhi, Sania, Neha, Sonia, and Naman sitting
around a circular table facing the direction opposite to the centre. Sania is sitting right to his father-in-law.
Naman is the youngest member of the family and he is not the son of Sonali. Soha sits third to the left of
Nisha. Nidhi sits fourth to the right of Naman and neither of them are an immediate neighbour of Soha. The
head of the family, who is the oldest person in the family, is sitting between Nisha and her husband and her
husband and that person is not Neha. Sonali, the son of Nisha is sitting to the immediate left of Nidhi. At
present there are only two couples in the family, and none of the couples are either one of the oldest or the
youngest. Only one couple among the two is sitting together. Nidhi is an unmarried female.
Set – 20:
In a conference 8 people Naina, Reena, Shikha, Bhanu, Pallavi, Tina, Sheetal and Diksha from different
cities Karnataka, Haryana, Punjab, Kerala, Assam, Odisha, Goa and Manipur not necessarily in same order
sitting around a rectangular table. 3 persons are sitting on each longer side and each on the smaller sides.
Bhanu is sitting second to the right of the person who is from Manipur. Pallavi is sitting third to the left of
the person who is from Odisha. Tina and Sheetal are sitting opposite each other. Shikha is sitting diagonally
opposite the person from Goa. Reena is sitting opposite the person who is from Karnataka. The person from
Kerala is sitting second to the right of the person from Assam and second to the left of Naina, who is not
sitting near the person who is from Goa. Sheetal is sitting on the smaller side and to the right of the person
who is from Goa. Persons from Assam and Kerala are not on the same side of the table. The person from
Kerala is sitting third to the right of the person from Manipur, who is not sitting diagonally opposite the
person from Haryana. The person from Kerala is third to the left of Shikha. Tina sits second to the left of
Diksha. The person from Haryana sits opposite to the person from Assam.
Set – 21:
Ten persons-P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, and Y are staying in a six-storey hotel from ground floor to fifth
floor. Each of them belongs to different state- Assam, Bihar, Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Kerala, Maharashtra,
Madhya Pradesh, Punjab and Rajasthan. There is atleast one person on each floor and number of persons
staying on any floor is not more than three. R is from Maharashtra and doesn’t stay below S. P is staying on
second floor with only one other person who is from Gujarat. W is from Assam and is staying on fourth
floor and does not stay with the one who belongs to Bihar. Y who is from Goa is staying alone on first floor.
The number of people staying above X is more than the number of people below X. V doesn’t belong to
Gujarat and doesn’t stay with Y and neither does he stay on a floor which is adjacent to W’s floor. Two
people are staying between the fl oors S and X are staying in and S is not below the one who is from
Maharashtra. T is from Delhi and Q is from Bihar. X is from Rajasthan and stays alone. P is not from
Set – 22:
Seven persons-A, B, C, D, E, F and G buy books on different subjects-Sociology, Physics, Geography,
Zoology, Botany and English. They are studying in different universities-Delhi university, Pune university,
Mumbai university and AIIMS and for studying purpose they use internet services of different companies-
Reliance jio, Aircel, Airtel and Vodafone. The persons who buy sociology book use the internet connection
of same company and don’t study in same university and is neither A nor G. F uses the internet connection
of Aircel. D and F are studying in same university and no one apart from them is studying there but they use
internet from different companies. The only person who is studying in Pune university uses Vodafone and is
neither B nor C. D doesn’t use Reliance jio. The one who buys botany book uses Reliance jio but not A. C
buys English book. One who studies from AIIMS and uses Reliance jio and is not B and also buys either
Geography or Zoology book. The person who is from Delhi university doesn’t use Airtel’s internet
connection. Only one person studies in AIIMS. C doesn’t study in Mumbai university. F neither buys
geography nor physics book.
Set – 23:
Six lecturers – Bhavesh, Atul, Sumit, Akshay, Kartik and Mohan will visit a college from 18th September to
24th September to give lectures but not necessarily in the same order. There is a Sunday in between and no
visit is scheduled on Sunday. Each of the lectures has different time duration: 30 mins, 45 mins, 60 mins, 75
mins, 100 mins and 120 mins, again not necessarily in the same order.
24th September is not sunday and lecture of 30 mins is scheduled on that day. Bhavesh’s lecture is for less
than 60 mins and is scheduled immediately before Kartik’s lecture. There are two lectures scheduled
between Mohan’s lecture which is for 120 mins and Sumit’s lecture which is for 60 mins. Kartik’s lecture is
before Sunday and there are two days between Sunday and Bhavesh’s lecture. Akshay’s lecture which is for
75 mins is not scheduled on 18th September. The lecture scheduled on Saturday is of 120 mins.
Set – 24:
Eight friends-A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H from eight different countries-India, Argentina, Spain, Germany,
Portugal, France, Uruguay and Brazil have met after a long time. So they decided to go for a fine dinner and
are sitting around a circular table. C, who is neither from Spain nor from Germany, is two places to the left
of one from Brazil. B, who is from Argentina is sitting directly opposite to the one from India. F and the one
from Spain are the immediate neighbors of E. D who is from neither Spain nor France is not sitting adjacent
to H but adjacent to the one from Germany. A who is neither from Brazil nor from Spain is sitting opposite
to the one from Germany. The one who is from Portugal sits three places to the right of one from France.
Set – 25:
Eight friends – Priya, Sonakshi, Vinita, Radhika, Medhavi, Shweta, Ruhani and Kanika are sitting around a
circular table. Four of them are facing towards the centre and rest people are facing away from the centre.
All of them like a different movie, viz. Befikre, Bajirao, Dilwale, Raees, Kaabil, Shivaay, Dangal and Dear
Zindagi, but not necessarily in the same order.
Medhavi faces towards the centre and likes Befikre. Both the immediate neighbours of Medhavi face away
from the centre and like Dilwale or Raees. Radhika faces away from the centre. Both the immediate
neighbours of Radhika do not face away from the centre. Medhavi sits third to the right of Shweta, who
likes Kaabil and faces away from the centre. Vinita sits third to the left of Shweta. The one who likes
Dilwale sits opposits of Shweta. The one who likes Bajirao is not the immediate neighbour of Shweta and
faces away from the centre. Priya sits second to the left of Vinita and does not like Dangal or Dear Zindagi.
The one who likes Dangal sits between Kanika and Shweta. Sonakshi faces away from the centre and does
not like Bajirao.
Set – 26:
In a garden, benches were placed in a hexagonal pattern. Each bench could accommodate only one person .
All the benches forming the edges of the hexagon are equidistant from each other. Six persons –Rahul,
Rehan, Reham, Rihan, Rahim, Rohan come for a picnic to the garden and get themselves seated on each
chair of the hexagon for a photograph.
 Rohan is in the middle of Rahul and Rihan
 Rahul is not adjacent to Rihan and Reham
 Rahim is not adjacent to Rehan and Rihan
 Rehan and Rihan are adjacent to each other
Each of the six persons saw under their benches and found a gift bag containing six different things-
chocolate, cake, Candy, Books, ice cream and cards.
The person sitting between Rohan and
Rahim got ice-cream. The person facing
Rohan got Cakes.
The person facing Rahul got books and the person facing Rihan got candy.
Set – 27:
Eight persons – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circular table facing the center. Each of them
plays a different sports – Hockey, Football, Cricket, Tennis, Badminton, Golf, Wrestling and Basketball but
not necessary in the same order.
A is sitting opposite to G. The one who plays Basketball is sitting third to right of A. G is not sitting
immediate left of E. E is sitting second to the left of B.
The persons who plays Hockey and Tennis are opposite each other but they are neither B nor A. D, who
plays Cricket, is third to the right of the person who plays Tennis.
F and H are neither opposite nor adjacent to each other. E is not adjacent to A. C is neither adjacent to F nor
adjacent to the person who plays Badminton. Neither A nor G plays Wrestling and the person who plays
Wrestling is to the immediate left of the person who plays Football.
Set – 28:
Eight employees Sparsh, Saket, Swarup, Siddharth, Sourav, Sonal, Sonam and Sonali are working in an
MNC firm in different departments viz Editing, Advertising, Billing, computing, marketing, taxing,
censoring and accounting but not necessarily in the same order. All of them are sitting around a circular
table but not facing the centre. Sonali sits third to the right of Siddharth. Sparsh and Swarup are not in
Editing. Only one employee sits between Sourav and the Editor. Taxing and Billing employees are
immediate neighbour of each other. 'Sparsh' is neither in marketing nor taxing. Only one employee sits
between Sonal and computing employee. Sonal does not works in either Editing or Billing. Sparsh sits
third to the left of Sonam.
Sonam is in advertising. Siddharth is not the immediate neighbour of either Sparsh or Sonam. The one who
works in accounting is an immediate neighbour of Siddharth. Three employees sits between Sonam and the
censoring employee. Sonali is not in either Editing or accounting.
Set – 29:
There are seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G from different states – Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra,
Odisha, Jharkhand, Gujarat and Rajasthan, but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them plays a
different sport – Volleyball, Golf, Tennis, Hockey, Cricket, Football and Basketball, but not necessarily in
the same order. Each of them has a different profession – lawyer, doctor, businessman, engineer, teacher,
pilot and accountant, but not necessarily in the same order.
C is from Jharkhand and is a doctor. E and F play Cricket and Football, though not necessarily in same
order. A is not from Rajasthan. The person from Rajasthan is an engineer and plays Hockey. The lawyer
plays Basketball. The businessman from Odisha plays Football. The teacher and the accountant play
Volleyball and Tennis, though not necessarily in that order. F is a pilot. The one from Punjab is a teacher.
The one from Gujarat plays Tennis. G who is from Haryana, does not play Golf. B is an accountant.
Set – 30:
A, B, C, D, E, F and G are friends who are students and their favourite teachers-X,Y and Z. Among these
seven friends, three are girls.Each teacher has atleast one student who likes him/ her. Not more than three
students like a single teacher. They all go for coaching for five different subjects English, History, polity,
urdu, Science. Two students each take coaching for Science,history. One student each goes for coaching of
English, Polity and Urdu. C and A have same favorite teachers X, and A take coaching for English. No girl
takes coaching for English or polity. E takes coaching for Science and has favourite teacher Y and his
brother F studies Urdu in coaching and has favourite teacher Y. D has favourite teacher A and takes
coaching for polity. Neither C nor G take coaching for science. The girl who takes coaching for science does
not likes teacher Z.
Set – 31:
Eight People – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H live on eight different floors of building (but not necessarily in the
same order). The lowermost floor of the building is numbered one, the one above that is numbered two, and
so on till the topmost floor is numbered eight. Each one of them knows a different foreign language, namely
Italian, Polish, French, Chinese, German, Danish, Swedish and Thai, but not necessarily in the same order.
F lives an odd numbered floor above the floor numbered four. Only one person lives between F and the one
who knows French. The number of people living above F’s floor is same as the number of people living
between F and D. Only three people live between D and the one who knows Danish. C lives on one of the
odd numbered floors above the one who knows Danish.
Only two people live between C and the one who knows Italian. The one who knows Swedish lives
immediately above G, G knows neither Danish nor Italian. E does not know Swedish. Only three people live
between G and A. The one who knows Thai lives immediately above the one who knows Polish, but not on
the topmost floor. Only one person lives between the one who knows Thai and H. Only one person lives
between B and the one who knows German.
Set – 32:
In a park there are 2 benches in square form. One square is inside another. Twelve friends went to the park
and sat on the benches i.e on two different squares-one inside another. Tejas, Dilip, Roy, Alok, Sohail and
Sahil are in the outer square facing inward. Deep, Akshay, Sunny, Rupam, Akash and Shankar are sitting in
the inner square facing outward. They all are sitting in such a way that in each square four persons are
sitting in the middle of the sides and two persons are sitting on diagonally opposite corners. Each friend in
the inner square is facing another friend of the outer square. There are exactly two persons sitting between
Tejas and Sohail. Akash sits second to the left of Deep. Roy is on the immediate left of the one who is
facing Deep. Neither Akash nor Deep faces either Sohail or Tejas. Alok is facing Shankar and Dilip is not
opposite Roy in the outer square. Sohail is not sitting adjacent to Alok. Akshay is not facing Tejas. Between
Akshay and Rupam there are as many persons as between Roy and Sahil. Tejas sits on any of the corner.
Set – 33:
8 people A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H like to play different sports – Cricket, Football, Basketball, Hockey,
Table Tennis, Chess, Volleyball and Badminton not necessarily in same order are sitting around a
rectangular table. 3 persons are sitting on each longer side and each on the smaller sides.
D is sitting second to the right of the person who likes to play Badminton. E is sitting third to the left of the
person who likes to play Chess. F and G are sitting opposite each other. C is sitting diagonally opposite the
person who likes to play Volleyball. B is sitting opposite the person who who likes to play Cricket. The
person who likes to play Hockey is sitting second to the right of the person who likes to play Table Tennis
and second to the left of A, who is not sitting near the person who likes to play Volleyball. G is sitting on
the smaller side and to the right of the person who likes to play Volleyball. Persons who like to play Table
Tennis and Hockey are not on the same side of the table. The person who likes to play Hockey is sitting
third to the right of the person who likes to play Badminton, who is not sitting diagonally opposite the
person who likes to play Football. The person who likes to play Hockey is third to the left of C. F sits
second to the left of H. The one who likes to play Football sits opposite the one who likes to play Table
Set – 34:
Six friends Ram, Shyam, Gopal, Akarsh, Aritra and Anubhav with different zodiac signs viz- Pisces, Leo,
Virgo, Taurus, Libra, Aries but not necessarily in the same order ,born in six different months- January,
March, May, June, August and December, but not necessarily in the same order, have different favourite
chocolates. Two of them like Cadbury, two of them like Amul, othrs like Lotte and Parle.

A) Neither Anubhav nor Shyam is has sunsign Virgo or Pisces

B) Ram likes Amul but not born in August, May and December.
C) The person, who has sunsign Taurus, was born in December.
D) Aritra has sunsign Aries but neither likes Lotte nor Amul.
E) The sunsign Libra and Virgo have Amul and Parle favourite respectively.
F) Gopal is a Leo and born in March and his favourite is Lotte.
G) Anubhav was not born in December.
Set – 35:
There are eight friends, namely Ravi, Anish, Atul, Ajay, Devansh, Rohit, Mukul and Pranav, sitting around
a circular table facing the centre. All of them own a different model of Samsung phones, as C7, A3, J2 Pro,
J7, A8, J5, ON PRO and S6, but not necessarily in the same order.
Pranav is not a neighbour of Anish while Rohit owns neither On Pro nor S6. There is only one person
between Ravi and Ajay. Atul, who owns J5, is third to the left of the one who owns J2 Pro. The one who is
sitting opposite the one who had A3 owns S6. Neither Ravi nor Ajay has J2 Pro. There are two persons
between Devansh and Mukul, who own A3 and A8 respectively, but neither of those two persons is Atul.
Ravi is second to the left of Devansh and owns J7. Anish is an immediate neighbour of Mukul.
Set – 36:
Five friends Pawan, Ashish, Rajan, Raju and Tango are Musician, Architect, Doctor, Engineer and Artist by
profession and like White, Blue, Red, Yellow and Green colour but not necessarily in that order. Their
hobbies are Net Surfing, Gardening, Reading, Painting and Dancing but not necessarily in the same order.
The person whose hobby is dancing preferred lemonade to cola while others preferred cola to lemonade in
beverages. The four friends who took cola were Pawan, the one who is an Engineer, the person whose
favourite colour is Green and the one whose hobby is net surfing. Raju did not take lemonade and his
favourite colour is White. Ashish’s favourite colour is Blue. He did not like lemonade. Raju clicks a picture
of his friend who is an Engineer Tango’s hobby is not painting, reading or gardening
Raju clicks a picture of his friend who is an Engineer .The person whose favourite colour is Red likes
painting and the person who is artist likes gardening. Raju is not a doctor. The person who is a doctor takes
cola. The person who is an Engineer likes Blue colour. The musician’s favourite colour is not Yellow.
Rajan’s favourite colour is Green.
Set – 37:
There are 7 competitions which are to be held from Monday to Sunday such that on any day one only
competition is to be held. The events of competitions are – Olympiad, Painting, Debate, Dancing, Singing,
Short Story and Skating, but not necessarily in the same order.. In each of these competitions different
number of students took part as – 100, 130, 145, 175, 215, 250 and 280, but not necessarily in the same
Olympiad took place on Thursday. Lowest number of students took part in Dancing. Debate competition is
to be held after Singing. There is one competition which is to be held between Olympiad and Debate. The
competition in which 215 students took part held immediately before the one in which 145 students took
part. 130 students took part in Singing. There are three competitions which are to be held between Dancing
and Debate. The competition in which 175 students took part held on Friday. There are as many
competitions between Singing and Skating as between Short Story and Skating. Painting competition did
not take place on Sunday. Also the largest number of students did not take part in Painting competition.
Set – 38:
Six persons Chitrarth, Gaurav, Apoorva, Adarsh, Sahil and Sonalin who are wearing Black, White, Red,
Green, Blue and Yellow coloured caps are travelling to different towns -‐Goa, Ajmer, Surat, Bhopal,
Lucknow and Cuttack not necessarily in that order, these persons had participated in a lottery at the end of
which each of them secured different ranks. It is also known that:
(i) Sonalin secured 4th position and was going to Ajmer.
(ii) The person wearing blue coloured cap was going to Bhopal and didn't secure 2nd position.
(iii) Adarsh wearing white coloured cap was not going to Goa or Lucknow and he was not ranked 1st .
(iv) The person wearing green coloured cap was ranked 6th and he was going to Lucknow.
(v) The person who secured 3rd position was going to Cuttack.
(vi) The person who secured 1st rank was going to Surat and he was not wearing black or red coloured cap.
(vii) Chitrarth was wearing yellow coloured cap while Sonalin was not wearing red coloured cap.
Set – 39:
Five women decided to go shopping to M.G. Road, Bangalore. They arrived at the designated meeting place
in the following order: 1. Archana, 2. Chellamma, 3. Dhenuka, 4. Helen, and 5. Shahnaz. Each woman spent
at least Rs. 1000. Below are some additional facts about how much they spent during their shopping spree.
The woman who spent Rs. 2234 arrived before the lady who spent Rs. 1193. One woman spent Rs. 1340
and she was not Dhenuka. One woman spent Rs. 1378 more than Chellamma. One woman spent Rs. 2517
and she was not Archana. Helen spent more than Dhenuka. Shahnaz spent the largest amount and
Chellamma the smallest.
Set – 40:
7 friends – A, B, C, D, E, F and G have come to a party wearing dresses of different colors – pink, orange,
black, green, yellow, grey and maroon but not necessarily in the same order. They have come in 7 different
colored cars – grey, orange, pink, black, blue, yellow and white but not necessarily in the same order. No
person is wearing the same colored dress as her car’s color.
B is wearing orange colored dress and has not come in blue or yellow colored car. D is wearing green
colored dress and has come in white colored car. Color of A’s dress and F’s car is same. Similarly color of
E’s dress and C’s car is same. G is wearing grey colored dress and E has come in grey colored car. F is
neither wearing yellow colored dress nor came in yellow colored car. Orange and grey is not the
combination of dress and car of any of the persons. C is not wearing yellow colored dress and A is not
wearing pink colored dress.
Set – 41:
Five friends meet every morning at Sree Sagar restaurant for an idli-vada breakfast. Each consumes a
different number of idlis and vadas. The number of idlis consumed are 1, 4, 5, 6, and 8, while the number of
vadas consumed are 0, 1, 2, 4, and 6. Below are some more facts about who eats what and how much. The
number of vadas eaten by Ignesh is three times the number of vadas consumed by the person who eats four
idlis. Three persons, including the one who eats four vadas eat without chutney. Sandeep does not take any
chutney. The one who eats one idli a day does not eat any vadas or chutney. Further, he is not Mukesh.
Daljit eats idli with chutney and also eats vada. Mukesh, who does not take chutney, eats half as many vadas
as the person who eats twice as many idlis as he does. Bimal eats two more idlis than Ignesh, but Ignesh eats
two more vadas than Bimal.
Set – 42:
There are eight persons seated in two rows. In row I – A, B, C and Dare seated who all are facing south. In
row II – P, Q, R and S are seated who all are facing north. These eight persons are wearing different colored
dresses – blue, white, green, red, yellow, orange, grey and brown but not necessarily in the same order. In
the seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces one of the members of the other row.
C is seating second to the right of the person wearing brown dress. R is an immediate neighbor of the person
who faces the on e wearing brown dress. Only one person sits between R and the one wearing red dress. The
immediate neighbor of the one wearing red dress faces the one wearing green dress.
The one wearing blue dress faces the one wearing orange dress. R is not wearing orange dress. P is not
wearing red dress and he does not face the one wearing brown dress.
Q faces the one wearing yellow dress. The one who faces S is to the immediate left of A. B is not sitting at
any of the extreme ends of the line. The one wearing brown dress does not face the one wearing white dress.
Set – 43:
India is to play cricket matches with 7 different countries – Zimbabwe, Pakistan, West Indies, Bangladesh,
England, Sri Lanka and New Zealand on seven days of a week from Monday to Sunday but not necessarily
in the same order. These matches are to be played at different venues – Mumbai, Mohali, Hyderabad,
Ahmedabad, Ranchi, Kanpur and Kolkata again not necessarily in the same order.
Match with Sri Lanka is to be played on Thursday. The match with New Zealand is to be played in Mohali.
Three matches are scheduled between matches with England and New Zealand. The match in Kanpur is to
be played on Monday. The matches in Mumbai and Hyderabad are not with Sri Lanka. On Wednesday,
there is no match in Ahmedabad or Mohali or Mumbai. The match in Mumbai is played immediately after
the day on which match in Kolkata is scheduled. The match in Hyderabad is not before the match in Mohali.
There is 1 match scheduled between the matches with Sri Lanka and England. The match with West Indies
is not scheduled in Kolkata or Ahmedabad or Ranchi. The match with Zimbabwe is not on Monday. The
match in Ahmedabad is scheduled after the match in Mumbai. The match with Pakistan is not scheduled in
Kanpur. The match in Mohali is scheduled just before the match in Hyderabad. The match with England and
Pakistan is not scheduled in Ahmedabad.
Set – 44:
Eight persons sit in a row not necessarily in the same order. They are Prithhika, Ketan, Riya, Sumedha, Tia,
Umar, Vani, and Amar. They like different brands-Armani, Gadoni, Puma, Lewis, and Adidas. Not more
than two people like the same brand and atleast one person likes the given direction. Some of them face the
north direction while some of them face the south direction. People who like same brands face in opposite
direction from each other and they don’t sit together except people who like Armani.
Sumedha and Tia don’t sit at extreme ends of the row and have two people in between. The person to the
immediate right of one of the persons who likes Armani likes Gadoni and also faces south. Ketan is third to
the left of Riya, who faces North direction and does not sit at any end. Tia who does not like Armani is
second to the right of one who likes Adidas. Prithika sits three places away from Vani and they do not sit
with Ketan. Neither Riya nor the persons sitting with Riya like Gadoni.
Set – 45:
10 persons are sitting on 10 chairs in two rows having 6 chairs each such that 1 chair is vacant in each row.
In row 1 – A, B, C, D and E are sitting facing South. In row 2 – P, Q, R, S, and T are sitting facing North.
All chairs in 1 row are directly opposite the 1 chair in another row. Sitting adjacent means there is no vacant
seat in between the persons. Vacant chairs are not facing each other.
A is sitting on the second chair which is right of C. P is facing the one who is sitting at second chair to the
right of A. R is facing the one who is sitting second to the left of E. Two people are sitting between P and Q.
D is facing the vacant chair. There are 2 chairs between B and D. B is facing the one who is sitting at
immediate left of R. P is not facing E. E is facing the one who is sitting adjacent to P. Two people are sitting
between S and T such that T is sitting to the right of P.
Set – 46:
Eight friends Ashutosh, Deepak, Kriti, Monika, Piyush, Ruchi, Srishti and Tushar are sitting around circular
table and pursuing eight different courses, viz. B. Com, B. Sc, BA, MBBS, B. Tech, MBA, M. Tech and
MA, not necessarily in the same order. They are also learning three foreign languages, viz. French,
Mandarin and German. At least two persons learn one foreign language. Only Monika and Piyush are
learning French. Monika is third to right of Piyush. Ashutosh is pursuing M. Tech and is learning Mandarin
and is sitting to the immediate right of Piyush. Ruchi is pursuing MBBS and is learning German. Tushar is
learning the same language as Srishti learns who is third to left of Ruchi and fourth to right of Deepak. Kriti
is sitting exact opposite of Monika who is pursuing B. Com. Persons pursuing MA and BA are learning
Mandarin. Srishti is pursuing MBA while Deepak is pursuing BA who is learning Mandarin. Tushar is
pursuing B. Tech.
Set – 47:
Eight persons – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting in a row but not necessarily in same order. Some of them
are facing North and others South.
A and B are facing different directions. Similarly E and H are facing different directions. C sits four places
away from D and sits at one end of the row and both are facing South.
The number of persons sitting to the right of F is one less than the number of persons sitting to the right of
E. The persons sitting at the ends are facing the same direction. Exactly two persons are sitting between A
and C. G sits to the immediate right of B. E sits third to the left of D, who is to the immediate right of F.
Set – 48:
Seven Management students Aparna, Deepak, Mohit, Mannat, Shubham, Piyali and Shalini from different
specializations among Finance, Marketing and Human Resource are selected to organize three events
Business Quiz, Paper Presentation and Business Plan in the upcoming college fest. At least two students are
selected from each specialisation and at least two students are assigned to each event. No two students from
same specialisation organize the same event. Further, it is known that: (i) Mohit is from Human Resource
and another student from his specialisation is organizing Business Plan (ii) Deepak is organizing Business
Quiz and the other student organizing Business Quiz with him is from Human Resource, who is not Mohit.
(iii) Piyali is from Marketing and she is organizing Business Quiz. Shubham is also from Marketing. (iv)
Aparna and Mannat are organizing the same event but it is not Paper Presentation. (v) Deepak and Mannat
are from the same specialisation. Aparna and Shalini are from the same specialisation.
Set – 49:
In a nine floored building numbered 1 to 9, 9 people having different professions- Shreya, Vikas, Ekta,
Aditya, Ankit, Anshul, Tiya, Gaurav and Maira stay, but not necessarily in the same order. They have
different cars – Skoda, I20, Audi, Swift, Nissan, Toyota, Mercedes, Fabio and Scorpio, but not necessarily
in the same order.
Shreya stays on any even-numbered floor below the floor on which Gaurav stays. Gaurav has Swift and
stays on an even numbered floor. The one who has Fabio stays on the fourth floor. Ankit stays on the second
floor and has Audi. The one who has Scorpio stays on the third floor. Shreya does not have Toyota and there
are two floors between the floors on which the people having the Mercedes and the Swift stay. Ekta has I20.
There are three floors between the floors on which Ekta and Tiya stay. Aditya stays on a floor immediately
above Maira’s floor. There is one floor between the floors on which Anshul and Tiya stay. Anshul does not
have Scorpio. The one who has Skoda stays on the topmost floor. Anshul does not stay on the first floor.
Set – 50:
Six plays A, B, C, D, E and F are to be staged starting from Monday and ending on Sunday with one of the
days being an off day, not necessarily in the same order, Each of the plays has different time duration: ½
hour, 1 hour, 1 ½ hours, 2 hours, 2 ½ hours and 3 hours, again not necessarily in the same order. Sunday is
not an off day and a Play of ½ hour duration is staged on that day. Play A is staged immediately before Play
E. There are two plays staged between Play F which is for 3 hours and Play C which is for 1 ½ hours. The
off day is after the staging of Play E and there are two days between the off day and Play A. Play D which is
for 2 hours is not staged on Monday. The play staged immediately before the off day is of 3 hours. Play A is
for less than 2 ½ hours.
Set – 51:
Five colleges, P, Q, R, S and T, participated in an intercollegiate tournament comprising five events:
Swimming, Running, Cycling, Discus Throw and Horse Riding. In each of the events of this tournament,
the top 3 colleges were awarded a gold, a silver and a bronze medal. Shamik, one of the spectators, recalled
the following information. i. Each college won at least one medal but not more than two medals of the same
type, i.e., no college won more than two gold medals, more than two silver medals, or more than two bronze
medals. ii. College Q won gold medals in two games, in which college P won bronze medals. iii. College T
won a gold and a silver medal but not a single bronze medal. iv. Only R won 4 medals, the highest number
of medals won by any college. v. R, S and Q won a gold, silver and a bronze medal respectively in Discus
Throw. vi. P and S won a gold and a silver medal re spectively in Swimming.
Set – 52:
Seven persons – A, B, C, D, E, F, and G like different colors – black, orange, yellow, white, blue, red and
green but not necessarily in the same order. They have their birthdays in different months – January, March,
April, June, July, September, and December, but not necessarily in the same order.
A’s birthday falls in month having 31 days and he does not like red color. B’s birthday month is after A’s
birthday month. F’s birthday falls in month having 31 days. The one who likes white color has his birthday
in April. B’s birthday month is followed by F’s birthday month according to months given. D does not like
green color. The ones who like green and blue color has their birthday in a month having 30 days. The one
who likes orange color has his birthday in a month having 31 days but that person is not A. E’s birthday fall
in a month having 30 days but before September. C has his birthday in December. G and F like red and
black color respectively. G’s birthday month is not after B’s birthday month.
Set – 53
Four friends are sitting at the four sides of a square table at a Café. Eighteen cookies and many sachets of
sugar, all of equal size, are kept at the table. The one opposite Sam has black coffee with twice as many
sachets of sugar as him and three cookies more than him. Joe has half as many sachets of sugar but twice as
many cookies as the one opposite him. Sam has the same number of cookies as one of his friends. Raman
has more sugar in his coffee than Arun and also adds milk to it. No one uses a sachet partially or has more
than four sachets.
Set – 54:
Seven girls nameley – Shikha, Bhavika, Sapna, Neha, Shreya, Prerna and Krishna – have shifted to a hostel
having seven floors. All chose to stay on different floors of the hostel building (numbered 1 to 7) but not
necessarily in the same order. They all have come from different states – Haryana, Punjab, Himachal
Pradesh, Jharkhand, Assam, Uttarakhand and Bihar but not necessarily in the same order.
Bhavika chose third floor and is from Punjab. Neha has chosen the floor immediately below the floor which
Shreya has chosen a nd immediately above the floor which Sapna has chosen. There is only one floor
between the floors which Bhavika and Prerna have chosen. Neha has not come from Jharkhand.
The one who chose the top floor has come from Bihar. There is only one floor between the floors of which
Sapna has chosen and the one who is from Haryana. The one who is from Himachal Pradesh has chosen the
floor immediately above the floor which the one from Jharkhand has chosen. The one who is from
Uttarakhand has not chosen the floor below the one from Haryana.
Set – 55:
Twenty One MLAs from four states (Gujarat, Maharashtra, West Bengal and Delhi) attended a conference.
Each MLA was from one of the four political parties, BJP, Congress, AAP and Trinamool Congress. It is
also known that, the number of BJP MLAs who attended the conference was exactly half the number of the
MLAs of each of the three other political parties. No BJP MLA came from Gujarat. Otherwise, from all the
states including Gujarat at least one MLA of all the political parties was present. There were not more than 3
MLAs of a single political party from a particular state present for the conference. If there had been one less
MLA from West Bengal then the MLAs from Maharashtra would have been twice as many as from each
state. A and B are AAP MLAs from West Bengal who attended the conference.
Set – 56:
Seven persons – A, B, C, D, E, F and G have come to a party in different colored cars – red, black, white,
green, grey, yellow and maroon but not necessarily in the same order. They hold different positions – AM
(Assistant Manager), MG (Manager), DGM (Deputy General Manager), GM (General Manager), CGM
(Chief General Manager), ED (Executive Director) and CEO (Chief Executive Officer).
The positions given are in increasing order of seniority. AM is the least junior and the CEO is the most senior.
 A is senior to only three persons.
 Person who came in red car is senior to GM.
 C is junior to the one who came in white car and senior to DGM.
 DGM did not come in yellow car.
 The person who came in white car is not the most senior.
 B is junior to A but not the least junior and has come in yellow car.
 F is senior to one came in yellow car and junior to one came in red car. E is junior to GM.
 The one who came in green car is junior to G and senior to DGM who came in maroon car.
 F did not come in white car. D came in black car.
Set – 57:
M, N, O, P, Q, R, S and T are travelling to three different cities viz. Paris, New York and London in three
different airlines viz. Qatar Airways, Singapore Airlines and Air India. There are three females among them
and each is going to a different city. There are at least two persons travelling by each airline. People
travelling to same city are going by the same airline as well. O is not travelling by the same airline as N and
S. Q, a male is travelling by an airline along with T only and both of them are not going to New York. M is
going to London by Qatar Airways. P is sister of M and she is travelling by Air India. R and O are travelling
by the same airline. S is not going to New York.
Set – 58:
There are 8 friends in a group – A, B, C, D, P, Q, R and S. They have their birthdays in one of the following
months – January, April, September, and December. In each month there are two birthdays. The birthdays
are either on 13th or 22nd of any given month.
C and P have birthdays in month having 31 days. There are at least two birthdays between A and S. A does
not have birthday in January. B has birthday in September. S’s birthday is immediately after B’s. P’s
birthday is not on 13th of any month. B’s birthday is somewhere after C’s. There are two birthdays between
C and D. B and P have birthdays on same date. Similarly A and R have birthdays on same date. D and S do
not have birthdays on same date. Q does not like December month.
Set – 59:
Eight friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting in a straight line facing north. C and E are not adjacent to
each other .H is on the immediate right of D, who is not at the end of the row. B is on the immediate left of
E but is neither a neighbor of A nor sits at any extreme end of the row. There are three persons between B
and H. A is adjacent to F, who is on the immediate left of C. G is second to the left of H and is on the
immediate right of E.
Set – 60:
Ram, Shyam, Ghanshyam, Geeta, Sita, Babita and Kavita live on seven different floors of a building but not
necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered one and the topmost floor is
numbered seven. Each one of them also likes different cars namely -I10, I20, Audi, Swift, BMW, Mercedes
and Nano but not necessarily in the same order.

Shyam lives on one of the floors above Sita.Only three people live between Shyam and Sita. Only one
person lives between Shyam and the one who like Audi. Only one person lives between the one who likes
BMW and the one who likes Mercedes. Only two people live between Kavita and the one who like Audi.
The one who likes I10 lives immediately above Kavita. Ram lives immediately above Babita. Ram does not
like Audi.The one who likes Swift lives on one of the odd numbered floors below Babita. Kavita does not
like Swift.The one who likes Nano lives on one of the even numbered floors above the one who like Audi.
Geeta lives on one of the Floors above Ghanshyam. Geeta does not like BMW. Kavita does not like I20.
Sita does not live on the lowermost floor.
Set – 61:
Twelve persons are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people in such a way that there is an equal
distance between adjacent persons. In Row – 1, Ajesh, Aravinth, Akil, Ajay, Akash and Anand are seated
(but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing South. In Row -2, Ameer, Akshay, Anvar,
Abimanyu, Anbu and Alan are seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing
North. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement, each member seated in a row faces another member of
the other row. All of them have a car of different companies, viz Honda, Hero MotoCorp, Bajaj, Mahindra,
TVS, Yamaha, Suzuki, Royal Enfield, KTM, Kawasaki, Harley Davidson and Ducati but not necessarily in
the same order.
Akshay faces one who sits third to the right of Akash. Abimanyu neither owns Mahindra nor Bajaj. The
person who owns Ducati car facing South Direction. Aravinth owns Kawasaki and faces the one who owns
Yamaha car.Only three persons sit between Akash and Aravinth.
The person who owns Mahindra car facing North Direction. Anand does not own Ducati. The persons who
own Yamaha and SUZUKI sit next to each other. The one who owns Royal Enfield sits second to the right
of Ajesh. Anand is neither an immediate neighbour of Aravinth nor Akash.
One of the immediate neighbours of Anand faces Alan. The one who owns KTM car sits at one of the
extreme ends of the line. Only three persons sit between Alan and the one who faces Akil. The one who
owns Honda car sits at one of the extreme ends of the line.
There are two people sit between one who owns Ducati car and the one who owns KTM. Ameer sits second
to the left of the one facing Ajesh. The person who owns TVS faces North Direction. Anvar is not an
immediate neighbour of Akshay.
Aravinth does not face Anbu. There are three people sit between one who owns Honda car and the one who
owns Mahindra. The person who owns Bajaj faces one of the immediate neighbours of Ducati. There are
two people sit between one who owns Royal Enfield and Harley Davidson.
Set – 62:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle facing the centre but not necessarily in the same order.
Each of them has a relationship with A.
G is sitting second to the left of father of A. F is immediate neighbor of A. D, mother of A is sitting opposite
to the sister of A. B is sitting to the immediate right of wife of A. E who is a male is sitting second to the
right of mother of C. Brother of A is sitting third to right of B. Daughter of A is sitting to third to right of
sister of A. A is sitting second to the right of daughter of E. E is sitting to the immediate left of sister of A.
Set – 63:
A, B, C, D, P, Q, R and S are 8 members [3generations &3 couples] of the family sitting around a
rectangular table (all facing inside) with 3 people each on length side and 1 person each on breath
side[length>breath]. Grandparents[S&C] sit on the shorter side.
i) S sits 4 places to the right of C.
ii)A[who is the grandson of C] does not have any couple to its immediate right
and sits to the immediate right of C. iii)2 couples sit directly opposite to each
other while one couple sit adjacent to each other.
iv) A is sitting directly opposite to his father[who is the only son of S] and R is sitting adjacent to Q, wherein R
is not sitting on the shorter side.
v) D[who is the only daughter of C] sits on one of the ends of the longer side of the table.
vi) B [who is granddaughter of S]sits on one of the longer sides and her mom sits on his immediate right
vii)D’s spouse sits on the immediate left of Q.
Set – 64:
A, B, C, D, P, Q, R and S are sitting around a circle facing the centre but not necessarily in the same order.
S’s husband is sitting second to right of B. Q is sitting second to the left of D’s daughter. Q is the sister of R.
S’s husband is not an immediate neighbour of Q. Only one person is sitting between Q and A. Similarly
there is only one person sitting between P and S’s mother. No fem ale sits to the immediate side of B. A is
father of R. S’s mother is sitting to the immediate right of D, S’s brother. Only one person sits between S
and R. P is not an immediate neighbour of R, who is the mother of C.
Set – 65:
8 persons are working in 8 different companies, viz. Tata Motor, Tata Steel, Tata Tea, Tata Coffee, Tata
Power, Tata Telecom, Tata Sky and Tata Capital, are sitting in two parallel rows containing 4 persons each,
there is an equal distance between adjacent persons.
In row 1, W, X, Y and Z are sitting and all of them are facing south. In row 2, P, Q, R and S
are sitting and all of them are facing north. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each
member sitting in a row faces another member of the other row.
• The person from Tata Power faces the one who is on the immediate left of R. R is neither from Tata Steel nor
from Tata Tea.
• An immediate neighbor of W faces the person from Tata Motor. The person from Tata Telecom faces the
person who is on the left of the person from Tata Steel.
• There is only are person sitting between the persons from Tata Steel and Tata Sky but that person is not P.
The persons from Tata Steel and Tata Tea are not sitting at the extreme ends.
• X sits on the immediate left of the person from Tata Power. Persons from Tata Coffee and Tata Telecom
are immediate neighbors. Y and Q are not sitting at any of the ends.
• S faces the one who is sitting on the immediate right of the person from Tata Telecom. W is not from Tata
Telecom or Tata Coffee.
Set – 66:
In a Omni bus moving on east direction. Ten students are sitting in two parallel sides containing five
students each. In side 1, Manoj, surren, Mari, Hema, Shoba, are sitting and all of them are Right facing. In
side 2, Vino, Kani, Ambi, Ajith, Suganya are sitting all of them facing left side. In given seating
arrangements. Each member seated in a side faces another member of the other side. Moreover, each of
them belongs to different States Tamilnadu, Kerala, Andra, Karnataka, Gujarat, Bihar, Delhi, Goa, Manipur,
Meghalaya but not necessarily in the same order.
There are only two persons sitting between the Tamilnadu, Who sits at an extreme end, and shoba.Vino,
who sits in the middle of the row, is not an immediate neighbour of Kani, who is not a Meghalaya.
Suganya is sitting at an extreme end. Shoba from Gujarat, sits on the immediate right of the person from
Kerala and faces the immediate neighbour of Kani.
Surren is not sitting at an extreme left end. Vino is not from Manipur. There is only one person between
Mari and Hema, Who is from Tamilnadu. Ajith from Bihar is an immediate neighbour of the Meghalaya and
does not face the person from Andra.
Ambi, who is from Karnataka, is an immediate neighbour of the person from Manipur, who in turn faces
the immediate neighbour of the Gujarat. There are two persons between the Delhi and the Andra. Surren is
not from Delhi. Suganya is not from Goa.
Set – 67:
Eight friends – Atul, Raghav, Ritika, Mansi, Bhavya, Vivek, Nisha, and Kanishka – attend college on
different days of the week, from Monday to Friday. They like to play different games – Football, Basketball,
Cricket, Badminton, Swimming, Archery, Table Tennis and Hockey, but not necessarily in the same order.
Two of them are studying in Computer stream, two in Electronics, two in Aeronautical and two in
Vivek is studying in Aeronautical stream and goes to college on Tuesday along with Atul who plays Table
Tennis. Kanishka and Raghav are studying in Mechanical stream and attend college on different days after
the day on which Atul goes to the college. Bhavya plays Basketball and she attends college on the day
exactly between Kanishka and Raghav. Atul and Bhavya are studying in Electronics stream. Ritika likes
Archery and alone goes on the day just before Vivek. The ones who like Football and Cricket attend college
on Friday. Kanishka likes to play Badminton. Nisha, who likes to play cricket and Mansi, who like to play
Hockey are studying in Computer stream. Mansi attends college on the same day as Bhavya.
Set – 68:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are the members of a committee sitting around a circular table facing outward.
Each member has a different room, viz 101, 102,103,104, 105, 106, 107 and 108, but not necessarily in the
same order.
1)C is third to the left of G.
2) H’s room number is 103 and is sitting exactly between C and A.

3) The one whose room number is 107 sits second to the right of B.

4) The one whose room-number is 105 is second to the right of the person

whose room number is 106. 5)C sits third to the left of the person whose
room number is 102.
6)The one whose room number is 101 is second to the left of the one
whose room number is 103. 7)Neither F nor A is the immediate
neighbour of B.
8)F is fourth to the left of A.
9) B’s room number is neither 104 nor 105.

10) The person whose room number is 101 is sitting second to the right of the person whose room number is

104. D’s room number is 101 and is not an immediate neighbor of B

Set – 69:
A, B, C, D, K, L, M, N, S and Z are members of a family. All are like different outdoor games viz, Cricket,
Baseball, Yard Yahtzee, Bon Appetit, Football, Blanket run, Lawn Twister, Giant jenga, Yard dominoes and
Dunk Bucket but not necessarily in the same order. There are four married couple and three generation in
the family. Football is not liked by a female. K’s brother like baseball. The one who like Blanket run is a
wife of S. M is spouse of N and plays Yard Dominoes. Z is a father of K, and Z’s wife like cricket. Football
and Bon Appetit is liked by one couple. S has two children. A is mother-in- law of B. S is the only son of A.
B doesn’t like Blanket run. B’s father- in-law like Yard Yahtzee. M and C are cousins. All married couple
have children except M and N. D is not married. K’s daughter-in-law like Dunk Bucket.
Set – 70:
8 professors namely – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H teach different subjects – Accounts, Chemistry, Biology,
Mathematics, Business, Physics, English and History, but not necessarily in the same order. All of them are
seated around a circular table and are facing the centre.
A is sitting third to the left of the one who teaches Business. Only two people sit between E and G. Neither
E nor G is an im mediate neighbor of A. Neither E nor G teaches Business. The one who teaches History
sits second to the right of D. D is not an immediate neighbor of A. D does not teach Business and A does
not teach History. The one who teaches Accounts sits third to the left of F. The ones who teach Accounts
and Business are not immediate neighbors. Only one person sits between D and the one who teaches
Biology. The ones who teach Mathematics and Chemistry are immediate neighbors. D does not teach
Chemistry. Only one person sits between B and the one who teaches Physics. The one who teaches Physics
is an immediate neighbor of H. G and B are not immediate neighbors.
Set – 71:
Seven friends T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z are working in seven different banks, viz ICICI, IOB, OBC, CBI,
Axis Bank, SBI and BOI. All persons belong to three different cities, but not necessarily in the same order.
At least two friends belong to the same city. V does not work in CBI. X works in OBC and belongs to
Patna. T belongs to Ranchi only with V. U works in ICICI Bank but does not belong to Patna. Y works in
Axis Bank but does not live in the same city as
U. Z does not belongs to Bhopal. The person who belongs to Ranchi works neither in BOI nor in IOB. None of
those who live in Patna work in IOB.
Set – 72:
There are seven friends – A, B, C, D, E, F and G who go to a party from Monday to Sunday (of the same
week) not necessarily in the same order wearing different dresses whose costs are Rs 400, Rs 600, Rs 900,
Rs 1200, Rs 1800, Rs 1500 and Rs 2700 but not necessarily in the same order.
A went to party on one of the days after Friday. The one who went to party on Wednesday wore a dress
worth Rs 1200. The difference between the amounts of dresses wore by the 2 friends on Monday and Friday
is the multiple of the number 7.
Two friends went to party between F and the one who wore dress worth Rs 400. B went to party on one of
the days immediately before the one that was wearing dress worth Rs 900. Two friends went to party
between B and G. Similarly three friends went to party between F and D.
C did not wear the dress which costs least. The price of the dresses of the ones who went to party on
Wednesday and Saturday is more than Rs 1000 and the sum equals to the cost of dress wore by the one who
went to party on Friday.
The difference between the prices of the dresses wore by B and G is less than Rs 500. The one who wore
dress worth Rs 900 did not go on Friday. F went to party on one of the days after the one who wore dress
worth Rs 400.
The one who wore dress worth Rs 1800 went to party immediately after the one which one who wore dress
worth Rs 1200. The price of F’ dress was more than that of D’s.
Set – 73:
S, T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z are sitting around a circular table facing the centre, but not necessarily in the
same order. Each one of them is also related to T in some way or the other.
W sits third to the right of U. T sits on the immediate left of U. Only one person sits between W and T's son.
T’s daughter sits second to the right of Z.
T's sister sits third to the right of T’s mother.
V is seated on the immediate right of X. T's father sits second to the right of V. Only three people sit between
T's father and T's brother. Y sits on the
immediate right of T's son. Only three people sit between T’s husband and Y. Only one person sits between
T's husband and S.
Set – 74:
There are seven friends namely A, B, C, D, E, F and G. Each of them is wearing a different colored dress
viz. Blue, Yellow, Green, Violet, Red, Black and Pink but not necessarily in the same order. They are from
different states – Haryana, Punjab, Karnataka, Sikkim, Odisha, Tripura and Kerala but not necessarily in the
same order.
E is wearing violet colored dress and is from Punjab. C is wearing yellow colored dress and is from Kerala.
G is not wearing black colored dress and is not from Karnataka.
The person who is wearing red colored dress, is from Sikkim while the person who is from Odisha, is wearing
blue colored dress.
A is wearing pink colored dress but F is not wearing green or black colored dresses and he is not from
Sikkim. D is from Haryana. B is neither from Karnataka nor from Tripura.
Set – 75:
Isha, Swati, Ravi, Mohan, Ruchi, Raj, Sohan and Rani are eight friends travelling by three different models
of cars, viz Alto, Scorpio and WaganR. Each model of car is used by at least one female. The cars go to
three places- Dwarka, Varanasi and Agra. There are three days of travel – Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday. Each place is visited by at least on female. On each day at least one female travels. Isha and
Mohan travel to Dwarka on the same day by the same model of car. Raj travels on Monday in Alto, but not
to Agra. A person travelling to Agra uses Scorpio on Monday. WagonR goes only to Varanasi and only on
Tuesday. Sohan travels to Varanasi in Alto on the day before the day on which Isha travels. Ruchi travels to
Agra but she likes to travel in Alto. No male member travels in WagonR. Isha travels on the same day on
which Swati travels. Ravi travels to Varanasi on Wednesday in Scorpio. Rani does not travel on Tuesday.
No person travels to Dwarka on Monday. Mohan travels by the same model of car by which Sohan travels.
Ruchi and Ravi travel on the same day.
Set – 76:
A family has five married couples and each one of them have one child. Ages of children are 2, 5, 7, 4 and
8 years whose names are A, B, C, D, and E but not necessarily in the same order
Male members are Gaurav, Ajay, Mukul, Sahil and Deepak and female members are Sheena, Radhika,
Naina, Tiya and Priya but not necessarily in the same order.
(i) Name of Gaurav’s child is not C or E and he is not eldest or youngest.
(ii) Naina’s child is 7 years old and her husband is one among Ajay, Mukul and Deepak.
(iii) D is 2 years old but she is not a child of Mukul.
(iv) A’s age is not a multiple of 2 and is not a child of Gaurav or Sheena.
(v) Radhika’s husband is either Mukul or Deepak.
(vi) Priya’s child is 5 years old but the name of the child is not B or E.
(vii) Mukul’s wife name is Sheena
Set – 77:
A, B, C, D, E, G and I are seven friends who study in three different standards, namely 5 th, 6th and 7th, such
that not less than two friends study in the same standard. Each friend has a different favourite subject,
namely History, Civics, English, Marathi, Hindi, Maths and Economics also but not necessarily in the same
A likes Maths and studies in the 5th standard with only one friend who likes Marathi. I studies with two
other friends. Both the friends who study with I like languages (here languages include only Hindi, Marathi
and English). D studies in the 6th standard with only one person and does not like Civics. E studies with only
one friend. The one who likes History does not study in the 5th or 6th standard. E does not like languages. C
does not like English, Hindi or Civics.
Set – 78:
Eight students P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W have come to Delhi University from different states – Haryana,
Rajasthan, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh. At least 2 persons are from a single state. They are sitting around a
circular table, all facing outside. These play different sports viz Cricket, Basketball, Badminton, Hockey,
Chess, Football, Tennis and Golf, but not necessarily in the same order.
No two students from the same state are sitting adjacent to each other except those who are from Gujarat.
The ones who are from Uttar Pradesh, are sitting opposite to each other. S neither plays Golf nor
Badminton. The student who plays Tennis is sitting on the immediate right to the sport person who plays
Golf. R, who plays Hockey, is from Haryana. He is sitting on the immediate right of U, who is from Gujarat.
U does not play Badminton. Q, who plays Basketball, is neither from Uttar Pradesh nor Haryana or
Rajasthan. Q is sitting opposite to T. Only P, who plays Football is sitting between T, who plays Tennis and
the person who plays Chess. Both the students from Rajasthan are sitting adjacent to the ones who are from
Uttar Pradesh. V does not play Golf.
Set – 79:
There are seven boys Jadeja, Saha, Pujara, Kohli, Vijay, Rahul and Rahane who participated in a game
competition which started on Monday and ended on Sunday. In the first round of the competition, each of
them played different games, Cricket, Tennis, Football, Hockey, Badminton, Volleyball and Basketball, but
not necessarily in the same order. They like different Social Networks, Facebook, Twitter, Hike, Whatsapp,
Telegram, Instagram and Google, but not necessarily in the same order. Saha did not play on the day either
immediately before or immediately after the game of Kohli, who does not like either Telegram or Facebook
or Whatsapp Social Network. Two games were held between the game of Rahane and Rahul, neither of
them played on Monday. There was one game between the games of Kohli and Pujara. But Pujara’s game
did not happen either on Monday or on Wednesday. Pujara likes Twitter Social Network and played Cricket.
The one, who played Football on the last day of competition, likes Hike Social Network. Vijay played
immediately after Pujara and he likes Facebook Social Network. Jadeja does not like Telegram Social
Network and played Hockey. Kohli did not play either Basketball or Volleyball. The one who played
Badminton was scheduled immediately after the game of Cricket. Rahane, who likes Instagram, played on
the fourth day of the competition but played neither Cricket nor Tennis.
Set – 80:
8 people P, Q, R, S, M, N, O and L are sitting around a rectangular table where 3 are sitting on each width
side and 1 each on the length side of the table. All of them are facing the centre. They are from different
states: Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Punjab, Jharkhand, Manipur, Tripura and Goa but not
necessarily in same order.
The person from Goa is sitting second to left of S. The person from Manipur is sitting third to right of M. O
and N are sitting opposite to each other. The person from Tripura is sitting diagonally opposite to R
Q is sitting opposite to the person who is from Haryana. The person from Punjab is sitting second to the
right of the person from Jharkhand and second to the left of P, who is not sitting near to the person who is
from Tripura.
O is sitting on the length side and to the right of the person who is from Tripura. Persons from Jharkhand
and Punjab are not on the same side of the table. Person from Punjab is sitting third to the right of the person
from Goa, who is not sitting diagonally opposite to the person from Himachal Pradesh.
Set – 81:
There are nine people A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I in a family. It is a three generation family. They are
sitting in a row facing in North and South directions not necessarily in the same order. The following
information is known about them. C who is A’s father sits fourth to the right of B who is the only daughter
of E and they both face in the opposite directions. D sits third to the right of F who is B’s grandmother and
one of them sits adjacent to I. D is unmarried and faces in a direction similar to that of G. E who is the sister
of D sits at one of the ends with a female. C’s neighbours are females and face in opposite directions. F’s
spouse C faces in the North direction. I who is the wife of G sits at the middle facing in South direction. A,
who is male, is the only sibling of G sits exactly between D and B’s cousin who is a male. The people sitting
at ends face in North direction. A faces in same direction as that of F. C sits adjacent to I.
Set – 82:
Ten friends are sitting in two parallel rows having six seats each. One seat is vacant in each row and vacant
seats are not opposite to each other. In row-1, M, N, O, P and Q are sitting facing South. In row-2 D, E, F, G
and H are sitting facing North. Each is from a different state – Assam, J&K, Tamil Nadu, Odisha, West
Bengal, Mizoram, Maharashtra, Telangana, Karnataka and Uttarakhand, but not necessarily in the same
G sits third to the right of F and is from Odisha. Only two people sit between E and the vacant seat. E is
neither from West Bengal nor Tamil Nadu. Q is not an immediate neighbor of O. N is from Uttarakhand.
The one from Tamil Nadu faces the one who is from Telangana. The one who is from Tamil Nadu sits
opposite to the one who sits third right of the person who sits opposite to G. O is not an immediate neighbor
of P. H, who is from neither West Bengal nor Mizoram, does not face the vacant seat. G and F do not sit at
any of the extreme ends of the row. F is facing P. Two seats are there between O and N, who sits third right
of the one who is from Maharashtra. The one from Karnataka faces the one who is from Odisha. The
persons who are from Assam and Telangana are adjacent to each other. P is not sitting adjacent to the vacant
seat. E sits at one of the extreme ends of the row. F is not from Assam and Telangana. G who is not sitting
at any of the extreme ends of the row is not facing vacant seat.
Set – 83:
In a conference 8 people Rekha, Salma, Ganesh, Mishra, Gibbs, Sahana, Pooja and Aarya from different
countries Australia, Germany, China, Japan, Russia, Switzerland, Poland and Brazil not necessarily in same
order sitting around a rectangular table. 3 persons are sitting on each longer side and each on the smaller
sides. Mishra is sitting second to the right of the person who is from Brazil. Gibbs is sitting third to the left
of the person who is from Switzerland. Sahana and Pooja are sitting opposite each other. Ganesh is sitting
diagonally opposite the person from Poland. Salma is sitting opposite the person who is from Australia. The
person from Japan is sitting second to the right of the person from Russia and second to the left of Rekha,
who is not sitting near the person who is from Poland. Pooja is sitting on the smaller side and to the right of
the person who is from Poland. Persons from Russia and Japan are not on the same side of the table. The
person from Japan is sitting third to the right of the person from Brazil, who is not sitting diagonally
opposite the person from Germany. The person from Japan is third to the left of Ganesh. Sahana sits second
to the left of Aarya. The person from Germany sits opposite to the person from Russia.
Set – 84:
Eight professors – P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W have come for a seminar on different subjects. They are given
flats on eight different floors of a building (numbered 1 to 8)
The subjects on which they have to give seminar are – Biology, Business, Chemistry, Geography,
Economics, Computer, Physics and Accounts but not necessarily in the same order. They have come in
different s – I20, Fabia, Swift, Santro, Alto, Renault, Baleno, Brio again not necessarily in the same order.
S lives on an even numbered floor. Only three people live between S and T. Only one person lives between T
and V. V lives on one of the floors below
T. Only two persons live between V and U.
W lives on a floor that is immediately below U. Only two persons live between T and Q. P does not live on
the lowermost floor. The person who has come for seminar on Geography lives on the floor numbered 7. W
has come for seminar on Chemistry. The person who has come for seminar on Business lives on the topmost
floor and has Alto.
The persons who live on odd numbered floors have I20, Swift, Fabia and Renault in any order. The person
who has I20 lives on one of the floors above the 4th floor.
The person who lives on the 5th floor has neither I20 nor Fabia. The person who lives on the lowermost
floor does not have I20 or Fabia or Swift and he has come for seminar on Biology.
The person who has come for seminar on Computer lives on 5th floor. The person who has Santro has come
for seminar on Chemist ry. U has come for seminar on Accounts has either I20 or Fabia. The person who
has come for seminar on Physics does not have I20 or Fabia or Swift or Santro. V has come for seminar on
Economics and has Brio.
Set – 85:
Eight friends having different Sims as Airtel, Vodafone, Aircel, Docomo, Idea, BSNL, JIO and Reliance are
sitting around a circular table, not necessarily in the same order. Some of them are facing outside and some
of them are facing towards the centre. Each of them has birthday in different year.
Only two people sit between the one who uses Idea and the one who uses Aircel. The friends who use
Vodafone and Airtel are not neighbours. The one who uses Airtel is sitting just right of one who uses Idea.
The one who uses JIO sits second to the right of one who uses Aircel. The person who uses Idea faces
outside and he is the oldest guy having birthdays in 1975. Only one person sits in between friends who use
Reliance and Airtel. The one liking Vodafone is 8 years older than the one liking BSNL. The one who uses
Reliance sits third to the left of one who uses Vodafone and he is the youngest among all having birthday in
1989. The person who uses BSNL faces towards the direction opposite to the one who uses JIO, but same to
the one who uses Aircel. Person liking BSNL is not a neighbour of either who uses Airtel or JIO. The one
who uses Airtel was born in 1983 and the one who uses JIO is 4 years younger than him. Immediate
neighbours of one who uses Docomo face in the same direction. The one who uses Airtel faces towards the
centre. The one who uses Vodafone and the one who uses Aircel face the direction just opposite to the one
who uses Docomo. The person facing the one who uses Airtel was born in 1979. The immediate neighbours
of the one who uses Airtel have faces opposite to each other and they have the age gap of 6 years.
Set – 86:
There are eight people – J, K, L, M, N, O, P and Q who are seated in a line. Equal number of people are facing
north and south.
P is facing north. M is sitting fourth to the right of P. Neither P nor M is sitting at extreme end of the line. J
is sitting third to the right of M. K is sitting facing opposite direction as of P. O is sitting second to the left
of K. N is sitting second to the right of M and is facing opposite direction as that of M. L and Q are
immediate neighbors of each other. L is sitting third to left of J. Q if facing direction opposite to that of O.
N is sitting third to the left of O. Set – 87:
Eight friends G, H, I, J, K, L, M and N are seated in a straight line at equal distance between each other, but
not necessarily in the same order. Some of them are facing north while some are facing south.
 K is an immediate neighbour of the one sitting at an extreme end of the line. Only three people sit
between K and M.
 J sits second to the right of M. J does not sit at an extreme end of the line.
 N sits on the immediate left of G. N is not an immediate neighbour of M. The immediate
neighbours of G face opposite directions (ie. if one neighbour faces north then the other faces
south and vice versa.)
 The persons sitting at the extreme ends face opposite directions (ie. if one person faces north then
the other faces south and vice versa.)
 H sits second to the left of L. L faces north. L is not an immediate neighbour of K.
 The immediate neighbours of L face the same direction ' (ie if one neighbour faces north then the
other also faces north and if one neighbour faces south then the other also faces south.)
 Both K and H face a direction opposite that of J (ie. if J faces north then K and H face south and
vice versa.)
Set – 88:
Eight friends – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circular table. Four of them are facing centre
and rest are facing away from centre. All 4 facing a same direction are not adjacent to each other. They like
different flowers – Lily, Jasmine, Rose, Lotus, Daffodil, Tulip, Daisy, and Hibiscus, but not necessarily in
the same order. They are from different states – Canada, UK, Japan, USA, China, Russia, Singapore and
Australia, but not necessarily in the same order.
G is sitting second to the left of the one who is from Australia. The one who likes Daffodil is opposite the
one who is from UK and they are not facing each other. C is from Russia and likes Rose. The one from
Japan is second to the right of G. A who likes Lotus is third to the right of B who is from Canada and both
are facing same direction. The one who likes Tulip is immediate to the right of one who is from Australia. G
is adjacent to the one who likes Daffodil and the one from UK does not like Tulip. The one from Singapore
likes Hibiscus and is opposite to C and he faces back of C. E who likes Daisy is third to the right of one
from Australia. F is sitting second to the left of G. E is sitting opposite the one who likes Daffodil. The one
from USA faces inside and is fourth to left of D who is from China. H is sitting to the immediate right of the
one who likes Jasmine.
Set – 89:
Ten Persons are sitting in two parallel rows of six seats each. One seat is vacant in each row. Mahima,
Sathya, Karthick, Vimal and Priyanka are sitting in row-1 facing south. Lokesh, Murugan, Lalitha, Meena
and Begum are facing north. Each likes a different brand of Tooth pastes i.e. Colgate, Pepsodent,
Sensodyne, Oral- B, Dant Kanti, Vicco, Amway, Himalaya, Close Up and Meswak. Meena sits third to the
right of Lalitha and likes Oral- B. Only two people sit between Murugan and the vacant seat. Murugan does
not like Dant Kanti or Sensodyne Tooth paste. Priyanka is not an immediate neighbour of Karthick. Sathya
likes Meswak. The one who likes Sensodyne Tooth paste faces the one who likes Himalaya. The one who
likes Sensodyne sits opposite to the one who sits third right of the person who sits opposite to Meena.
Karthick is not an immediate neighbour of Vimal. Begum, who likes neither Dant Kanti nor Vicco, does not
face the vacant seat. Neither Meena nor Lalitha sits at any of the extreme ends of the row. Vimal faces
Lalitha. Vacant seats are not opposite to each other. Two seats are there between Karthick and Sathya, who
sits third right of the one who likes Amway. The one who likes Close Up Tooth paste faces the one who
likes Oral- B. The persons who like the Colgate and Himalaya are adjacent to each other. Vacant seat of row
– 1 is not an immediate neighbour of Vimal. Murugan sits at one of the extreme ends of the row. Lalitha
does not like Colgate and Himalaya. Vacant seat of row-1 does not face Meena who doesn’t sit at any of the
extreme ends of the row.
Set – 90:
There are 8 people – Varun, Shivani, Meenu, Kanika, Vishal, Anika, Bhuvan and Ravi. Each of them have
their birthdays in different months – January, February, April, May, June, September, October and
December but not necessarily in the same order. Each one of them likes different flowers – Lily, Daisy,
Hibiscus, Lotus, Jasmine, Rose, Tulip, and Marigold again not necessarily in the same order.
Bhuvan’s birthday months is having less than 31 days but not June. Kanika’s birthday month is immediately
before Meenu’s birthday month. Ravi does not like Lotus or Lily or Hibiscus. Anika likes Jasmine. There
are 2 months between birthday months of Bhuvan and Ravi. Ravi’s birthday month is not February or April
or May.
The one who likes rose has his birthday in April. Meenu’s birthday month is after May. The birthday month
of the one who likes Marigold is just before Ravi’s birthday month. There are 3 months between the
birthday months of Ravi and Vishal. Varun’s birthday is not in December. There are 3 months between the
birthday months of the ones who like Rose and Jasmine. There is one month between the birthday months of
the ones who like Daisy and Tulip. The one who likes Lotus does not have his birthday in a month having
31 days. There are 2 months between the birthday months of the ones who like Tulip and Lily.
Set – 91:
Abhinav plays Pokemon Go. He caught 7 different Pokemons on 7 different days of the week from Monday
to Sunday. One of the Pokemons is Ratata. These Pokemon had 2 characteristics: Type and Combat Power
(CP). One of the Pokemons is Poison type.
The following information is known:
• The combat powers of the 7 Pokemons are 25, 31, 38, 46, 49, 52 and 60.
• Charmander is not the Ground type Pokemon.
• The Pokemon caught on Monday has CP 46 while Spearow was the last Pokemon to be caught.
• Squirtle, an Electric Pokemon, was caught on Wednesday.
• There is only one Pokemon whose CP is lower than that of Pidgey.
• The number of Pokemons caught before Pikachu is the same as the number of Pokemons caught
after Charmander. Pikachu was caught before Charmander.
• The Pokemon that has the highest CP was not caught on Saturday.
• A Rock type Pokemon whose CP is 25 was caught on Friday and a Water type Pokemon whose CP is
52 was caught on Tuesday.
• Bulbasaur is a Fire type Pokemon which was not caught on either Thursday or Saturday and Spearow
is a Fighting type Pokemon.
• The Pokemon caught on Sunday has CP less than 40.
Set – 92:
Eight friends – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circular table. Four of them are facing centre
and rest are facing away from centre. All 4 facing a same direction are not adjacent to each other. They like
different flowers – Lily, Jasmine, Rose, Lotus, Daffodil, Tulip, Daisy, and Hibiscus, but not necessarily in
the same order. They are from different states – Canada, UK, Japan, USA, China, Russia, Singapore and
Australia, but not necessarily in the same order. G is sitting second to the left of the one who is from
Australia. The one who likes Daffodil is opposite the one who is from UK and they are not facing each
other. C is from Russia and likes Rose. The one from Japan is second to the right of G. A who likes Lotus is
third to the right of B who is from Canada and both are facing same direction. The one who likes Tulip is
immediate to the right of one who is from Australia. G is adjacent to the one who likes Daffodil and the one
from UK does not like Tulip. The one from Singapore likes Hibiscus and is opposite to C and he faces back
of C. E who likes Daisy is third to the right of one from Australia. F is sitting second to the left of G. E is
sitting opposite the one who likes Daffodil. The one from USA faces inside and is fourth to left of D who is
from China. H is sitting to the immediate right of the one who likes Jasmine.
Set – 93:
Shah Rukh Khan, Aamir Khan, Akshay Kumar, Hrithik Roshan, Ranbir Kapoor, Ajay Devgan, Abhishek
Bachchan and Irrfan Khan are eight fighters sitting around a circular table. Four of them are facing towards
the centre and four of them are facing away from the centre. All of them like a different National parks, viz.
Jim Corbett National Park, Ranthambore National Park, Kaziranga National Park, Periyar National Park,
Bandipur National Park, Manas National Park, Madhav National Park and Satpura National Park, but not
necessarily in the same order. Ranbir Kapoor faces towards the centre and likes Jim Corbett National Park.
Both the immediate neighbours of Ranbir Kapoor face away from the centre and like Kaziranga National
Park or Periyar National Park. Hrithik Roshan faces away from the centre. Both the immediate neighbours
of Hrithik Roshan do not face away from the centre. Ranbir Kapoor sits third to the right of Ajay Devgan,
who likes Bandipur National Park and faces away from the centre. Akshay Kumar sits third to the left of
Ajay Devgan. The one who likes Kaziranga National Park sits opposits of Ajay Devgan. The one who likes
Ranthambore National Park is not the immediate neighbour of Ajay Devgan and faces away from the centre.
Shah Rukh Khan sits second to the left of Akshay Kumar and does not like Madhav National Park or
Satpura National Park. The one who likes Madhav National Park sits between Irrfan Khan and Ajay
Devgan. Aamir Khan faces away from the centre and does not like Ranthambore National Park.
Set – 94:
Nine persons K, L, O, T, R, Q, M, S and P are sitting in a straight line. Some of them are facing north while
some are facing south. Only two persons sitting together are facing the same direction.
 Q is sitting third to the left of P and is facing south. R is an immediate neighbour of Q and is facing
the same direction as M. Both the neighbours of O face the same direction.
 K is not sitting at the extreme right of the row and he faces south. S is not the neighbour of K. R is at
equal distance from P and K.
 sits third to the right of Q and both face opposite directions. S is an immediate neighbour of P and faces
 L and M face opposite directions and M is not an immediate neighbour of either K or T.
 R sits in the middle of the row. L is facing south and is an immediate neighbour of K and O.
 T sits second to the right of Q.
Set – 95:
Ten Persons belongs to different states i.e. Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Maharashtra, Karnataka,
Kerala, Nagaland, Sikkim and Manipur are sitting in two parallel rows containing five persons each, in such
a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row-1 Rajesh, Vidya, Surya, Prakash and
Deepika are seated (not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing south. In row-2 Sanjay,
Dinesh, Balaram, Janani and Kaushik are seated (not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are
facing north. Therefore in the given seating arrangement each member seated in row faces another member
of the other row. All of them have relation with each other.
Only one person sits between Surya’s wife and Rajesh’s brother. Only two persons sit between Surya’s father
and Janani’s father. Dinesh’s
father sits at one of the end. Neither Vidya nor Janani’s grandfather faces Janani. Dinesh belong to Haryana
and Vidya is neither belongs to Assam nor Manipur. Janani’s husband, who belongs to Karnataka, sits third
to the right of Janani’s uncle. Sanjay sits second to the left of Janani’s husband. Rajesh has two sons. The
person facing Janani’s brother, who belongs to Gujarat, sits immediate right of Rajesh’s daughter-in-law.
Deepika is the grandmother of Sanjay and Janani. Prakash is the brother-in-law of Deepika. Surya is the
father of Sanjay and Husband of Vidya. Sanjay
’s grandfather, who belongs to Assam, is not an immediate neighbour of Vidya. Kaushik is the husband of
Janani and brother of the one, who belongs
to Maharashtra. Janani belongs to Kerala and Deepika belongs to Sikkim. Surya neither belongs to
Nagaland nor Bihar. Balaram belongs to Maharashtra. Prakash does not belong to Bihar.
Set – 96:
Eight different people, viz K, L, M, N, V, W, X and Y are sitting around a circular table facing the centre
but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them likes a different brand of clothes, viz Nautica,
Chemistry, Zara, Mango, Puma, Adidas, Zodiac and Park Avenue but necessarily in the same order. Only
three people sit between X and the one who likes Zodiac. V sits second to the right of X. The one who likes
Nautica sits third to the left of Y. Y does not like Zodiac. The one who likes Zodiac is not an immediate
neighbour of Y. Only three people sit between Y and the one who likes Chemistry. W does not like
Chemistry. The one who likes Puma sits on the immediate left of K. K is not an immediate neighbour of V.
Only two people sit between the ones who like Puma and Zara. M is one of the immediate neighbours of the
one who likes Zara. The one who likes Park Avenue sits on the immediate right of L. Only three people sit
between L and the one who likes Adidas.
Set – 97:
There are 8 boxes which are colored with different colors – white, pink, green, blue, yellow, red, orange and
brown. Each of them contains a number written on them from 1 to 8 according to which they are placed one
above the other. The box containing number 1 is at the lowest place. Each box has different sweets namely –
Rasgulla, Laddu, Peda, Nankhatai, Jalebi, Gulab Jamun, Petha and Burfi but not necessarily in the same
Only one box is there between pink box and the one which contains Jalebi. Number 4 is written on the
brown box. The number on red colored box is odd and is placed somewhere above the box numbered four.
There are three boxes between blue box and the one which contains Gulab Jamun. The number written on
Green box is odd and is placed above the box which contains Gulab Jamun.The box which contains Petha is
placed immediately above orange colored box, which contains neither Gulab jamun nor Rasgulla. The
yellow box does not contain Petha. There are three boxes placed between orange and white boxes. The box
which contains Burfi is placed immediately above the one which contains Laddu, but not at the topmost
position. Only one box is there between red colored box and the one which contains Peda. The number of
boxes placed above red colored box is same as the number of boxes placed between blue and red colored
boxes. Only one box is there between the one which contains Burfi and brown colored box. Two boxes are
placed between green colored box and the one which contains Rasgulla.
Set – 98:
Six persons Mukesh, Ashok, Gayathri, Praveen, Jalal and Rakesh are sitting in row – I facing South but not
necessarily in the same order and each of them is working in a different private banks among Bandhan
Bank, IndusInd Bank, Yes Bank, Lakshmi Vilas Bank, Hdfc Bank and Axis Bank. Six persons Hasini,
Ramya, Krishna, Naveen, David and Sankar are sitting in row – II facing north but not necessarily in the
same order and each of them is working in a different private banks among Federal Bank, IDFC Bank,
Nainital Bank, South Indian Bank, Karnataka Bank and ICICI Bank. Each person in one row faces exactly
one person from the other row.
Mukesh is third from the left end and is opposite the person who is to the immediate right of the South
Indian Bank employee. The South Indian Bank employee is opposite the person who is to the immediate left
of the Yes Bank employee. The Federal Bank employee and the Lakshmi Vilas Bank employee sit at right
ends in their respective rows. Gayathri is a Lakshmi Vilas Bank employee, and is adjacent to Jalal. Praveen
sits opposite Ramya and to the left of Mukesh but does not sit at any extreme. Ashok is not adjacent to
Praveen but opposite Hasini. The ICICI Bank employee sits neither at an end nor opposite Mukesh, but sits
to the right of Hasini. The Nainital Bank employee is adjacent to neither the IDFC Bank employee nor the
Karnataka Bank employee. Naveen sits at an end. Krishna is opposite the IndusInd Bank employee but sits
at neither end. David is opposite the Hdfc Bank employee and the Bandhan Bank employee is second to the
right of the Axis Bank employee. The Karnataka Bank employee is not adjacent to Hasini.
Set – 99:
There are 4 students – A, B, C and D who are studying in 4 different streams of Engineering – IT, Electrical,
Chemical, and Computer but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them belongs to a different state, ie
Haryana, UP, Punjab and Gujarat, but not necessarily in the same order.
They have taken part in different competitions – Painting, Sketching, Dancing and Singing but not
necessarily in the same order. They like different colors – Red, Green, Blue and Yellow, but not necessarily
in the same order.
The one who likes Red color took part in Painting. But he is not B. The one who likes Yellow color took
part in dancing. The one who belongs to UP took part in singing while the one who studied Chemical stream
took part in sketching. A and B studied in neither Chemical nor Electrical streams. They like neither Green
nor Blue color. They belong neither to Gujarat nor to UP. The one who studied in IT stream does not belong
to Punjab. The one who belongs to UP is not D. The one who studied in Electrical stream do not like Green
color. The one who belongs to Haryana do not like Red color.
Set – 100:
There are nine members in the family i.e. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I. Each person likes different colors
viz. Brown, Green, Black, Pink, Blue, Red, Yellow, Orange and White. All members of the family have a
relation with A which can be defined as Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Wife, Daughter, Son, and Brother-
in-law but not in the same order. They are seating around a circular table but not necessarily in the same
order. Some of them are facing towards the center while others are facing away from the center.
A’s brother is seating on the immediate right of the brother of A’s sister and they both face the same
direction. I is brother of A’s daughter. I’s father likes Green color. H has a sister. The mother of A’s son is E
and sits second to the left of the married son of A’s father. F’s daughter-in-law likes White color. A is
facing away from the center. F is a male. A’s father sits third to the right A’s daughter. Either I or H sits
third to the left of the mother of C, but both I and H face the same direction.
A’s brother and sister likes Black and Brown color respectively. G is not father of H. In two generations, the
members of the same generation are sitting immediate next to each other and face the same direction. A’s
father does not like Orange or Yellow color. F’s grandson likes Pink color. B is a female and of the same
generation as of A. G sits on the immediate left of the granddaughter of A’s father. The one, who is the wife
of F likes Yellow color. A’s brother-in-law neither likes Orange color nor blue color. A’s father doesn’t sit
immediate next to his children. G is facing the centre and is second to the right of A. B sits second to the left
of F. No three members seating together can face the same direction.
Set – 1:
Person Month Year
Gaurav June 1994/199
Optimus August 1990
Dixit April/Jul 1991
Fighter May 1992
Abhivna April/Jul 1993/199
v y 4
Nirmal March 1995

Set - 2:

Set – 3:
Person Sunsig Laptop Religio
n n
Swati Virgo Lenovo Hindu
Sekhar Pisces Samsun Muslim
Sonu Aries Hp Muslim
Sandee Taurus Dell Muslim
Sarman Cancer Sony Muslim
Shenaz Leo iball Hindu
Shiny Gemini Apple Hindu

Set – 4:

Set – 5:
Sunsig Flower Class
Aries Rose II
Leo Tulip III
Virgo Jasmine IV
Taurus Orchid I
Libra Marigol VI
Cancer Daisy V

Set –6:

Set – 7:
Floor Music Car
9 Countr BMW
8 Opera Pagani
7 Metal Audi
6 Blue Acura
5 Techno Mazel
4 Rock Buick
3 Jazz Jaguar
2 Punk Bentle
1 Pop Bugatt

Set – 8:

Set – 9:

Set – 10:

Set – 11:

Set – 12:
Set – 13:

Set – 14:

Set – 15:

Set – 16:
Set – 17:

Set – 18

Set – 19:

Set – 20:
Set – 21:
1st Y (GOA)
floor PRADESH)

Set – 22:
Set – 23:

Set – 24:
Set – 25:

Set – 26:

Set – 27:

Set – 28:
Set – 29:

Set – 30:
A(m)-X-English B(f)-Y-science C(f)-X-history D(m)-Y-polity E(m)-Y-science F(m)-Z-urdu G(f)-Z-history Set –

Set – 32:

Set – 33:
Set – 34:

Set – 35:

Set – 36:
Pawan Cola Red Doctor Painting
Ashish Cola Blue Enginee Reading
Rajan Cola Green Artist Gardenin
Raju Cola White Musicia Netsurfin
n g
Tango Lemonad Yellow Architec Dancing
e t

Set – 37:
Set – 38:
Position Person Destination Colour
1 Chitrath Surat Yellow
2 Gaurav/Apoorve/Sahil Goa Red
3 Adarsh Cuttack White
4 Sonalin Ajmer Black
5 Gaurav/Apoorve/Sahil Bhopal Blue
6 Gaurav/Apoorve/Sahil Lucknow Green
Set – 39:
Order of 1 2 3 4 5
Name Archan Chellam Dhenuk Helen Shahna
a ma a z
Amount Rs.223 Rs.1139 Rs.1193 Rs.134 Rs.2517
spent 4 0
Set – 40:

Set – 41:
Person Idli Vada Chutne
Ignesh 6 6 Yes
Bimal 8 4 No
Sandee 1 0 No
Mukesh 4 2 No
Daljit 5 1 Yes

Set – 42:

Set – 43:
Set – 44:

Set – 45:

Set – 46:

Set – 47:

Set – 48:
Set – 49:

Set – 50:

Set – 51:
Set – 52:

Set – 53:

Set – 54:

Set – 55:

Set – 56:
Set – 57:

Set – 58:

Set – 59:
Set – 60:
Floor Person Car
7 Shyam I20
6 Ram Nano
5 Babita Audi
4 Geeta Mercede
3 Sita I10
2 Kavita BMW
1 Ghanshya Swift

Set – 61:
Set – 62:

Set – 63:

Set – 64:
Set – 65:

Set – 66:

Set – 67:
Set – 68:

Set – 69:

Set – 70:
Set – 71:
Person Bank City
T CBI Ranchi
V SBI Ranchi
W IOB Bhopa
X OBC Patna
Y Axis Patna
Z BOI Patna

Set – 72:

Set – 73:

Set – 74:
Set – 75:
Name Car Place Day
Isha Alto Dwarka Tuesday
Swati Wagon Varana Tuesday
R si
Ravi Scorpio Varana Wednesda
si y
Mohan Alto Dwarka Tuesday
Ruchi Alto Agra Wednesda
Raj Alto Varana Monday
Sohan Alto Varana Monday
Rani Scorpio Agra Monday

Set – 76:

Set – 77:
Person Standar Subject
A 5th Maths
C 5th Marathi
D 6th Economics
E 6th Civics
I 7th History
B 7th Hindi/Engl
G 7th Hindi/Engl

Set – 78:
Set – 79:

Set – 80:

Set – 81:
Set – 82:

Set – 83:
Floor Perso Subject Car
8 T Business Alto
7 P Geograp I20
6 V Economic Brio
5 Q Computer Swift
4 S Physics Baleno
3 U Accounts Fbia
2 W Chemistr Santro
1 R Biology Renaul

Set – 84:
Set – 85:
Set – 86:

Set – 87:

Set – 88:

Set – 89:

Set – 90:
Set – 91:

Set – 92:

Set – 93:

Set – 94:

Set – 95:
Family tree:
Set – 96:

Set – 97:

Set – 98:
Set – 99:

Set – 100:
Questions Asked In Exams

Puzzle 1
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
Three ladies and four men are a group of friends, ie R, M, T, S, L, W and

Z. Each one has a different profession, ie Lawyer, Travel Agent, Air-hostess,
Doctor, Professor, Consultant and Jeweller and each one owns a different car,
ie Alto, Corolla, Santro, Lancer, Ikon, Scorpio and Esteem, not necessarily in
that order. None of the ladies is a Consultant or a Lawyer. T is an Air-hostess
and she owns an Ikon car. R owns a Scorpio. M is not a Doctor. L is a Jeweller

and he owns Corolla. W is a Lawyer and does not own Alto. Z is a Consultant
and owns Santro. The Doctor owns Esteem car whereas the Professor owns
Scorpio. The Travel Agent owns an Alto. None of the ladies own a Scorpio.
1. What car does S own?
1) Alto
4) Esteem
2) Santro
5) None of these
3) Lancer

2. Who owns the car Lancer?

1) Z 2) M 3) W
4) Data Inadequate 5) None of these
3. What is the profession of R?
1) Professor 2) Travel Agent 3) Doctor

4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

4. Who is the Doctor?
1) R 2) S 3) L

4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

5. Who are the three ladies in the group?
1) T, R, L 2) T, M, S 3) W, T, M

4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

[PNB Management Trainee Exam–2005]

Puzzle 2
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:

Seven people N, K, T, B, M, W and R have their weekly offs on different

days of the week, ie Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday, not necessarily in that order. Each of them has a liking for
different cuisine, ie Indian, Italian, Mexican, Chinese, Spanish, Continental
and Thai, not necessarily in that order. K likes Thai food and gets his weekly
off on Thursday. B likes Italian food and does not have off on Sunday. M has
weekly off on Saturday and R has his weekly off on Tuesday. W likes continental
food whereas the one who has weekly off on Monday likes Mexican cuisine. T
does not like Spanish cuisine and has weekly off on Wednesday. The one who
likes Indian food does not have a weekly off on Tuesday or Wednesday.
1. Who has a weekly off on Friday?
1) T 2) R 3) W
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
2. What cuisine does R like?
1) Continental 2) Indian 3) Italian
4) Spanish 5) None of these
3. On which day does N have weekly off?
1) Tuesday 2) Friday 3) Monday
4) Sunday 5) None of these
4. Who likes Chinese cuisine?
1) T 2) B 3) R
4) N 5) None of these
5. On which day does W have weekly off?

1) Monday 2) Sunday 3) Wednesday
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
[PNB Management Trainee Exam–2005]

Puzzle 3

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
(i) P, Q, R, S and T finished a work, working from Monday to Saturday,
one of the days being a holiday, each working overtime only on one of
the days.
(ii) R or T did not work overtime on the first day.
(iii) Q worked overtime the next day after the holiday.
(iv) The overtime work done on the previous day of the holiday was by R.
(v) There was a two days’ gap between the days on which P and Q worked
over time.
(vi) P worked overtime the next day of the overtime day of S.

1. Which of the following is the correct statement ?
1) P worked overtime last among them.
2) P worked overtime earlier than S.

3) The holiday was on Friday.

4) S worked overtime earlier than Q.
5) None of these

2. On which day did R work overtime?

1) Monday 2) Tuesday 3) Thursday
4) Friday 5) None of these

3. How many days’ gap was there between the days on which P and T worked

1) Three 2) Two 3) One

4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these
4. When did T work overtime?
1) On the day previous to that on which S worked overtime
2) On the next day of the day on which Q worked overtime
3) Two days after the day on which S worked overtime
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
[Andhra Bank PO Exam–2005]

Puzzle 4
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
Seven friends P, F, R, T, Q, N and D are studying different specialisations
IT, Civil, HRM, Marketing, Finance, Journalism and Pharmacy, not necessarily
in the same order. Each one of them has a liking for a different colour—red,
blue, green, yellow, pink, orange and grey—not necessarily in the same order.
Three of them are girls. P likes yellow colour but does not study IT or HR. The
one who studies Civil likes grey colour and is a girl. Q, who is the sister of N,
studies Marketing and likes pink colour. D’s specialisation is in Pharmacy
and likes red colour. N, the wife of R, studies HR and likes green. F likes grey
and R likes orange. The one who likes blue studies Finance.
1. Who is studying Civil Engineering?
1) P 2) T 3) F

4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these
2 Which of the following is the group of girls?
1) F, D, N 2) F, Q, N 3) Q, N, P
4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these

3. Which subject is studied by R?
1) Civil 2) Finance
3) Journalism 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
4. Who is studying Journalism? se
1) P 2) Q
3) R 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
5. Which of the following combinations of person – colour — subject is correct?
1) Blue–T–Marketing 2) Pink–N–HR
3) Orance–R–Civil 4) Blue–T–Finance
5) None of these
[UBI PO Exam–2005]

Puzzle 5
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:

P, Q, R, S, T, V, W and Z are eight friends studying in three different
engineering colleges - A, B and C in three disciplines - Mechanical, Electrical

and Electronics with not less than two and not more than three in any college.
Not more than three of them study in any of the three disciplines. W studies
Electrical in college B with only T, who studies Mechanical. P and Z do not

study in college C and study in the same discipline but not Electrical. R studies
Mechanical in college C with V, who studies Electrical. S studies Mechanical

and does not study in the same college where R studies. Q does not study
1. Which of the following combinations of college-student-specialisation is
1) C-R-Electronics 2) A-Z-Electrical 3) B-W-Electronics
4) B-W-Electrical 5) B-Z-Electronics
2. In which of the following colleges do two students study in Electrical
1) A only 2) B only 3) C only
4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these
3. In which discipline does Q study?
1) Electrical 2) Mechanical 3) Electrical or Mechanical
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
4. In which of the colleges at least one student studies in Mechanical
1) A only 2) B only 3) C only
4) Both A and B 5) All A, B and C
5. S studies in which college?
1) A 2) B 3) A or B
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
[Corporation Bank PO Exam–2006]

Puzzle 6

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight employees working in three departments
- Marketing, Finance and Production - in an organisation with at least two of
them in any department. Each of them has a different choice of TV channels

from Star, Zee, ESPN, DD, Sony, NDTV, Aaj Tak and BBC not necessarily in
the same order.
D likes ESPN and he works in Production department with only G. B and
F do not work in the same department. H likes DD and does not work in
Finance department. A does not work in the same department with either F or
C, who does not work in Marketing department. E works with C in the same
department and likes Star. B likes Aaj Tak and none of his colleagues in the
department likes either Sony or NDTV. G likes Zee. F does not like Sony.
1. Which channel does A like?
1) DD 2) NDTV 3) BBC
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

2. In which department does F work?

1) Marketing 2) Production 3) Finance
4) Marketing or Finance 5) None of these
3. Which channel does F like?

1) Zee 2) NDTV 3) BBC

4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
4. Which of the following groups work in Marketing department?

1) BAC 2) BGE 3) HBE

4) BAE 5) None of these
5. In which department does B work?

1) Marketing 2) Production 3) Finance

4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

[Central Bank of India PO Exam–2006]

Puzzle 7
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
A private bank deputed eight of its managers P, T, D, E, J, Q, M and R to
different cities Bangalore, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Cochin, Pune
and Ahmedabad for marketing of three different products X, Y and Z. The
order of managers, cities and products is not necessarily the same. Each product
is marketed in not less than two cities and not more than three cities.
T goes to Delhi for marketing of product Y. J goes to Hyderabad for marketing
of product Z. E does not go to Bangalore or Jaipur and markets the same
product as M, who goes to Ahmedabad. R goes to Chennai for marketing of
product Z. Same product is marketed in Bangalore and Delhi. E and Q are
marketing the same product. P goes to Pune for marketing of product Z.
1. Which of the following groups of managers go for marketing product ‘X’?
1) E, Q, R 2) J, Q, M 3) J, M, R
4) Q, M, R 5) None of these
2. E goes to which of the following cities?
1) Jaipur 2) Cochin
3) Ahmedabad 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
3. Which of the following combination of product, manager and city is correct?
1) X - Q - Jaipur 2) X - Q - Cochin 3) X - E - Bangalore

4) Y - D - Cochin 5) None of these
4. Which of the following persons go for marketing of product Y?
1) Q, D, M 2) Q, T 3) T, D, Q
4) T, D 5) None of these

5. Who goes to Bangalore?
1) Q 2) M 3) D
4) D or Q 5) None of these
[Andhra Bank PO Exam–2006]

Puzzle 8 se
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
(i) A school held competitions for Chess, Table Tennis, Carrom, Kho-
Kho and Volleyball during the annual sports week from Monday to
Saturday, each game on one day, one day being a rest day.
(ii) Carrom competition was held not on the first or on the last day but

was held earlier than Table Tennis competition.

(iii) Kho-Kho competition was held on the immediate next day of the Table
Tennis competition day.
(iv) Chess competition was held on the immediate previous day of the rest

(v) Kho-Kho competition day and Volleyball competition day had a two-
day gap between them.

(vi) Volleyball competition was held on the immediate following day of the
rest day.

1. Which of the following was a rest day?

1) Wednesday 2) Tuesday 3) Friday

4) Thursday 5) None of these

2. Kho-Kho and Carrom competition days had a gap of how many days between
1) Nil 2) Two 3) Three
4) Four 5) None of these
3. On which day was the Chess competition held?
1) Thursday 2) Friday 3) Monday
4) Wednesday 5) None of these
4. Which of the following is a wrong statement?
1) Carrom competition was held on the immediate previous day of Table
Tennis competition.
2) Kho-Kho competition was held on three days after the day on which
Volleyball competition was held.
3) There was a gap of three days between the days on which Chess and
Table Tennis competitions were held.
4) There was a two days’ gap between the rest day and the day on which
Carrom competition was held.
5) None of these
5. Which of the following is the correct statement?
1) Kho-Kho competition was held after Table Tennis competition.
2) Chess competition was held on Thursday.

3) No competition was held on Wednesday.
4) Table Tennis competition was held earlier than Chess competition.
5) None of these
[IDBI PO Exam–2005]

Puzzle 9
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
Eight members A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H belonging to three families X, Y,
Z go for weekend outing in three different cars I, II, III. Four out of the eight
members are females. Members of any one family travel in different cars. Each
car has at least one male and one female member. Each family has at least two
A belongs to family Y and he travels in car III. D is wife of E and they
travel in cars I and II respectively. H is son of B, who is wife of G, and they
belong to family Z. C is daughter of F, who is wife of A. C travels in car II. G

does not travel with F.

1. Which of the following groups of persons travels in car I?
1) D, F, G 2) D, E, G 3) D, G, H

4) D, F, H 5) None of these
2. Which car has only two members travelling in it?
1) I 2) II 3) III

4) II or III 5) Cannot be determined

3. Which of the following members of families Y and Z travel in different

1) F, G 2) C, G 3) F, H
4) C, F 5) None of these

4 Which of the following groups of persons is a group of all females?

1) B, D, G 2) A, B, C 3) B, E, F
4) D, E, F 5) None of these
5. Which of the following members of families X and Y travel in the same
1) C, F 2) D, F 3) C, D
4) F, E 5) None of these
[Bank of Baroda PO Exam–2007]

Puzzle 10
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
Seven officers L, M, N, P, Q, R & S work in three different shifts I, II & III
with at least two persons working in each shift. Each one of them has a
different weekly off from Monday to Sunday not necessarily in the same order.
M works in second shift only with R, whose weekly off is on Friday. Q’s
weekly off is on the next day of L’s weekly off and both of them work in
different shifts. P works in third shift and his weekly off is on Saturday. S has
a weekly off on Monday and he works in first shift. The one who has a weekly
off on Sunday works in first shift. L and P do not work in the same shift. L’s
weekly off is on Tuesday.
1. Whose weekly off is on Sunday?
1) L 2) M 3) N

4) Q 5) None of these
2. Which of the following group of officers works in shift I?
1) L, N, S 2) L, S 3) N, S
4) L, P, Q 5) None of these

3. On which day is Q’s weekly off ?
1) Tuesday 2) Wednesday 3) Sunday
4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these
4. Which of the following combinations of shift, person and weekly off is
definitely correct? se
1) II, M, Sunday 2) III, N, Sunday 3) II, P, Sunday
4) I, L, Tuesday 5) None of these
5. Whose weekly off falls on Thursday?
1) L 2) N 3) Q
4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these
[Bank of Maharashtra PO Exam–2007]

Puzzle 11

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:
Eight family members Dhruv, Garima, Avinash, Varsha, Aakash, Deepti,

Charu and Moksh are sitting around a square table in such a way that two
persons sit on each of the four sides of the table facing the centre. Members
sitting on opposite sides are exactly opposite each other.

Aakash and Garima are exactly opposite each other. Deepti is immediately
right to Garima. Dhruv and Moksh are sitting on the same side. Moksh is
exactly opposite Avinash, who is to the immediate left of Varsha. Dhruv is

towards right of Deepti.


1. Which of the following statements is definitely true?

1) Charu is opposite Varsha.
2) Deepti is to the left of Garima.
3) Avinash is towards the right of Aakash.
4) Moksh is sitting opposite Dhruv.
5) None of these
2. Who is sitting opposite Dhruv?
1) Charu 2) Deepti 3) Varsha
4) Moksh 5) None of these
3. Who is sitting opposite Deepti?
1) Moksh 2) Charu 3) Varsha
4) Charu or Varsha 5) None of these
4. Who is next to Varsha in anti-clockwise direction?
1) Garima 2) Avinash 3) Dhruv
4) Deepti 5) None of these
5. Which of the following pairs of persons has both the persons sitting on
the same side with first person sitting to the left of second person?
1) Aakash — Charu 2) Moksh — Charu 3) Dhruv — Aakash
4) Avinash — Charu 5) None of these
[Andhra Bank PO Exam–2007]

Puzzle 12
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:

Seven professionals A, B, C, D, E, F and G are practising their professions
in different cities Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Jaipur
and Bhubaneshwar, not necessarily in the same order. Each has a different
profession –Doctor, Engineer, Pharmacist, Lawyer, Counsellor, Professor and
Artist, not necessarily in the same order.

A is a Pharmacist and practises in Bhubaneshwar. D practises in Bangalore
but is not a Doctor or an Artist. The one who practises in Hyderabad is a
Professor. G is a Counsellor and does not practise in Mumbai or Chennai. E is
a Lawyer and practises in Ahmedabad. F practises in Chennai but is not an
artist. C practises in Mumbai. se
1. What is D’s profession?
1) Doctor 2) Professor 3) Engineer
4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these
2. Who is the Professor?
1) B 2) C 3) D
4) E 5) None of these

3. Which of the following combinations of profession and place is correct?

1) Pharmacist - Jaipur 2) Engineer - Chennai
3) Doctor - Bangalore 4) Artist - Mumbai
5) None of these

4. Which of the following persons works in Jaipur?

1) B 2) G 3) C
4) B or G 5) None of these

5. Who is the Doctor?

1) D 2) B 3) C
4) B or C 5) None of these

[NABARD PO Exam–2008]

Puzzle 13

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:
Seven candidates Harish, Samir, Nilesh, Shailaja, Nikita, Laxman and
Sujata are to be interviewed for selection as Trainee Officers by different panels
I to VII for different companies A, B, C, D, E, F and G not necessarily in the
same order.
Nilesh is interviewed by panel IV for Company A. Samir is interviewed by
panel III but not for company C or D. Harish is interviewed for company B but
not by panel I or II. Nikita is interviewed by panel VI for company E. Panel VII
conducts the interview for company F. Shailaja is interviewed by panel I but
not for company C. Panel II does not interview Laxman.
1. Shailaja is interviewed for which company?
1) A 2) G 3) F
4) D 5) None of these
2. Panel II conducts interview for which company?
1) C 2) F 3) G
4) B 5) None of these
3. Who is interviewed for company G?
1) Nikita 2) Samir 3) Shailaja
4) Laxman 5) None of these
4. Who is interviewed for company F?
1) Shailaja 2) Sujata 3) Laxman
4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these

5. Which candidate is interviewed by panel V?
1) Harish 2) Laxman 3) Sujata
4) Shailaja 5) None of these
[Bank of Maharashtra PO Exam–2008]

Puzzle 14
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
P, Q, R, S, T, V and W are seven friends working in a call centre. Each of
them has different day offs in a week from Monday to Sunday not necessarily
in the same order. They work in three different shifts I, II and III with at least
two of them in each shift.
R works in shift II and his day off is not Sunday. P’s day off is Tuesday
and he does not work in the same shift with either Q or W. None of those who
work in shift I has day off either on Wednesday or on Friday. V works with
only T in shift III. S’s day off is Sunday. V’s day off is immediate next day of

that of R’s day off. T’s day off is not on Wednesday. W’s day off is not on the
previous day of P’s day off. S works in shift I. Q does not work in the same
shift with R and his day off is not on Thursday.

1. Which of the following is W’s day off?

1) Tuesday 2) Monday 3) Saturday
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

2. Which of the following is R’s day off ?

1) Friday 2) Thursday 3) Tuesday
4) Wednesday 5) None of these

3. Which of the following groups of friends work in shift II?

1) RP 2) RV 3) QWS

4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

4. Which of the following is Q’s day off ?
1) Friday 2) Wednesday 3) Thursday
4) Monday 5) None of these
5. Which of the following groups of friends work in shift I?
1) RV 2) RP 3) QWS
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
[Vijaya Bank PO Exam–2008]

Puzzle 15
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
M, N, P, R, T, W, F and H are sitting around a circle facing the centre. P
is third to the left of M and second to the right of T. N is second to the right of
P. R is second to the right of W, who is second to the right of M. F is not an
immediate neighbour of P.
1. Who is to the immediate right of P?
1) H 2) F 3) R
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
2. Who is to the immediate right of H?
1) R 2) F 3) M
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
3. Who is to the immediate left of R?
1) P 2) H 3) W

4) T 5) Data inadequate
4. Who is third to the right of H?
1) T 2) W 3) R
4) F 5) Data inadequate

5. Who is second to the right of F?
1) M 2) R 3) T
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
6. In which of the following is the first person sitting in between the second
and the third person? se
1) NHM 2) PHN 3) TRP
4) TWF 5) None of these
[Union Bank of India PO Exam–2008]
Puzzle 16
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle facing the centre. F

is third to the right of C and second to the left of H. D is not an immediate
neighbour of C or H. E is on the immediate right of A, who is second to the
right of G.

1. Who sits between G and D?
1) H 2) D 3) F

4) E 5) None of these
2. Which of the following is the correct position of B with respect to H?
I. Second to the right

II. Fourth to the right

III. Fourth to the left

IV. Second to the left

1) Only I 2) Only II 3) Only III
4) Both II & III 5) None of these
3. Who is second to the left of C ?
1) A 2) B 3) E
4) D 5) None of these
4. Which of the following pairs of persons has first person sitting to the
right of the second person?
1) CB 2) AE 3) FG
4) HA 5) DB
5. Who is on the immediate right of C?
1) E 2) B 3) D
4) B or D 5) None of these
[State Bank of India PO (Prelims) Exam-2008]

Puzzle 17
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
Seven members L, H, K, T, F, J and R represent different countries in
Olympics, viz, USA, China, Korea, France, Russia, Australia and Japan; each
one competes for a different sport, viz. Volleyball, Archery, Rifle Shooting,
Tennis, Boxing, Athletics and Football. The order of persons, countries and
games is not necessarily the same.
K represents China for Archery. T represents USA but not for Volleyball or

Rifle Shooting. The one who represents Japan competes for Boxing. F competes
for Volleyball but not for Korea. L represents Australia for Athletics. The one
who represents Russia competes for Tennis. J does not represent Korea or
Japan. R competes for Rifle Shooting.

1. Which of the following combinations is correct?
1) J - Tennis - France 2) R-Tennis - Russia
3) R - Tennis - France 4) J - Tennis - Russia
5) None of these
2. Who represents Japan? se
1) F 2) R 3) J
4) H 5) None of these
3. F represents which country?
1) France 2) Russia 3) Japan
4) Korea 5) None of these
4. The one who competes for Rifle Shooting, represents which country?
1) France 2) Korea 3) Japan

4) USA 5) None of these

5. For which game does T compete?
1) Boxing 2) Football
3) Tennis 4) Cannot be determined

5) None of these
[State Bank of India PO (Prelims) Exam-2008]

Puzzle 18
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:

Ashwini, Priya, Sudha, Rani, Meeta, Geeta and Mukta are sitting around a
circle facing the centre. Ashwini is third to the left of Mukta and to the

immediate right of Rani. Priya is second to the left of Geeta, who is not an
immediate neighbour of Meeta.
1. Who is to the immediate right of Priya?
1) Meeta 2) Sudha 3) Mukta
4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these
2. Who is second to the left of Rani?
1) Ashwini 2) Meeta 3) Priya
4) Sudha 5) None of these
3. Which of the following pairs of persons has the first person sitting to the
immediate left of the second person?
1) Rani-Meeta 2) Ashwini-Geeta 3) Sudha-Priya
4) Geeta-Sudha 5) None of these
4. Which of the following groups has the first person sitting between the
other two?
1) Meeta-Ashwini-Geeta 2) Sudha-Rani-Geeta
3) Mukta-Priya-Rani 4) Mukta-Priya-Sudha 5) None of these
5. Which of the following is the correct position of Rani with respect to
I. Third to the right
II. Third to the left
III. Fourth to the left
IV. Fourth to the right

1) I only 2) II only 3) Both I & II
4) Both II & IV 5) Both I & III
[Bank of Baroda PO Exam-2008]

Puzzle 19

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
A, B, C, D, E, F and G are members of a sports club and have liking for
different games, viz Carrom, Table Tennis, Badminton, Bridge, Hockey, Football
and Lawn Tennis but not necessarily in the same order. Each one of them has
a liking for different musical instruments, viz Sitar, Guitar, Harmonium, Flute,
Tabla, Banjo and Santoor, not necessarily in the same order.
B likes Carrom and Banjo. E likes to play Bridge but not Harmonium or
Tabla. The one who plays Hockey plays Sitar. F plays Guitar but not Table
Tennis or Lawn Tennis. A plays Badminton and Flute. The one who plays
Lawn Tennis does not play Tabla. C plays Harmonium and G plays Hockey.

1. Who plays Santoor?
1) D 2) A 3) E
4) D or E 5) None of these

2. D plays which game?

1) Table Tennis 2) Lawn Tennis
3) Football 4) Cannot be determined

5) None of these
3. Which of the following combinations of game-person-musical instrument
is definitely correct?

1) Badminton - B - Flute
2) Table Tennis - E - Santoor

3) Lawn Tennis - D - Tabla

4) Table Tennis - C - Tabla
5) None of these
4. Who plays Football?
1) C 2) D 3) G
4) F 5) None of these
5. Who plays Table Tennis?
1) C 2) F
3) D 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
[Bank of Baroda PO Exam-2008]

Puzzle 20
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle, facing the centre. F
sits to the immediate right of D and third to the left of A. G sits third to the left
of D who does not sit next to E. B sits next to G but not next to D. C does not
sit next to either D or A.
1. Who sits to the immediate left of A?
1) E 2) F 3) G
4) H 5) None of these
2. What is the position of H with respect to C?
1) Second to the left 2) First to the right 3) Third to the right

4) Second to the right 5) None of these
3. Which of the following pairs sits between G and D?
1) AC 2) DF 3) HB
4) FA 5) None of these

4. Starting from A’s position, if all the eight are arranged in alphabetical
order in clockwise direction, the seating position of which of the following
(excluding A) would not change?
1) B 2) C 3) D
4) H 5) None of these
5. Four of the following are alike based upon their seating arrangement around
the circle. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
1) FH 2) GE 3) CD
4) BG 5) EF
[Bank of Baroda (Agriculture Officer) Exam-2008]

Puzzle 21

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:
P, Q, R, S, T, W and Z are seven students studying in three different
institutes - A, B and C. There are three girls among the seven students who

study in each of the three institutes. Two of the seven students study BCA,
two study medicine and one each studies Aviation Technology, Journalism
and MBA. R studies in the same college as P, who studies MBA in college B.

No girl studies Journalism or MBA. T studies BCA in college A and his brother
W studies Aviation Technology in college C. S studies Journalism in the same
college as Q. Neither R nor Z studies BCA. The girl who studies BCA does not

study in college C.

1. Which of the following pairs of students study medicine?

1) QZ 2) WZ 3) PZ
4) SZ 5) None of these
2. In which college does Q study?
1) A 2) B 3) C
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
3. In which of the colleges do three of them study?
1) A 2) B 3) A and B
4) C 5) None of these
4. What is the field of study of Z?
1) Aviation Technology 2) BCA
3) MBA 4) Medicine
5) None of these
5. Which of the following three represents girls?
1) SQR 2) QRZ 3) SQZ
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
[Bank of Baroda (Agriculture Officer) Exam-2008]

Puzzle 22
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
M, D, P, K, R, T and W are sitting around a circle facing the centre. D is
second to the right of P, who is third to the right of K. T is third to the right of

W, who is not an immediate neighbour of D. M is third to the left of R.
1. Who is second to the right of T?
1) D 2) K 3) M
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

2. In which of the following pairs is the second person sitting to the immediate
right of the first person?
1) DT 2) TP 3) PR
4) KW 5) None of these
3. Who is on the immediate left of R? se
1) W 2) P 3) K
4) T 5) None of these
4. Who is on the immediate left of M?
1) K 2) W 3) D
4) T 5) None of these
5. Who is third to the left of D?
1) W 2) P 3) K

4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

[Oriental Bank of Commerce (PO) Exam-2008]

Puzzle 23

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:
P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting around a circular table, facing the

centre. P sits third to the right of W and third to the left of Q. S sits second to
the right of T. V sits second to the left of R. T is not the neighbour of Q while

U is neither a neighbour of T nor of W.

1. Who sits second to the left of V?

1) R 2) P 3) U
4) T 5) None of these
2. Who sits between U and P?
1) S 2) R 3) V
4) Q 5) None of these
3. Starting from P’s position, if all the eight are arranged in alphabetical
order in clockwise direction, the seating position of how many members
(excluding P) would not change?
1) None 2) One 3) Two
4) Three 5) Four
4. Which of the following pairs has only one person sitting between them, if
the counting is done in the clockwise direction?
1) T, V 2) V, Q 3) W, P
4) R, P 5) None of these
5. Four of the following are alike in a certain way based on their positions in
the seating arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does
not belong to that group?
1) W,T 2) P, U 3) S, Q
4) R, P 5) P, Q
[Punjab National Bank (Management Trainee) Exam-2009]

Puzzle 24
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:

A group of friends having seven members A, B, C, D, E, F and G contains
four men and three ladies. Each one of them has a different profession—
stockbroker, lawyer, doctor, professor, engineer, businessman and banker—
and each one has passed out of a different college—P, S, V, W, X, Y and Z, not
necessarily in the same order. None of the ladies is a businessman or a

stockbroker. C is a doctor and she has passed out from ‘College X’. A is a
‘College Y’ passout. B is not a professor. E is a banker and is a ‘College S’
passout. F is a stockbroker and has not studied in ‘College P’.
G is a businessman and has studied in ‘College V’. The professor is a
‘College Z’ passout. The lawyer has studied in ‘College P’. None of the ladies
has studied in ‘College Y’ or ‘College S’.
1. What is the profession of D?
1) Doctor 2) Stockbroker 3) Engineer
4) Professor 5) None of these
2. Who among the following is a lawyer?
1) A 2) B 3) E

4) G 5) None of these
3. Which of the following groups represents ladies in the group of friends?
1) A, B, C 2) E, F, G 3) B, C, D
4) B, E, G 5) None of these

4. From which of the following colleges has the stockbroker passed out?
1) W 2) Y 3) S
4) X 5) None of these

5. Which of the following combinations is correct?

1) B-Doctor-Female 2) C-W-Male 3) A-Businessman-Y
4) D - Professor - Male 5) None of these

[Punjab National Bank (Management Trainee) Exam-2009]

Puzzle 25

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:
Eight friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle facing
the centre. E is third to the left of G, who is on the immediate right of B, who
is third to the left of A. H is second to the right of F, who is not an immediate
neighbour of E. D is not an immediate neighbour of B.
1. Who is second to the right of B ?
1) F 2) A 3) H
4) D 5) None of these
2. Which of the following pairs has the first person on the immediate left of
the second person?
1) GB 2) AF 3) CE
4) HD 5) None of these
3. Which of the following is the correct position of B with respect to D?
1) Second to the right 2) Second to the left 3) Third to the right
4) Third to the left 5) None of these
4. Who sits between A and D?
1) F 2) E 3) G
4) B 5) H
5. What is E’s position with respect to C?
1) On the immediate right 2) On the immediate left
3) Second to the right 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these

[Canara Bank PO Exam-2009]

Puzzle 26
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:
Seven members H, I, J, K, L, M and N are working in different cities
Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Delhi and Mumbai, not
necessarily in the same order. Each one has a different mother tongue–Tamil,
Kannada, Telugu, Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi and Bangla, not necessarily in the
same order.
J works in Bangalore and his mother tongue is not Tamil or Marathi. K’s
mother tongue is Punjabi and he works in Ahmedabad. L and M do not work in
Chennai and none of them has Marathi mother tongue. I works in Hyderabad
and his mother tongue is Telugu. The one who works in Delhi has Bangla
mother tongue. N works in Mumbai and his mother tongue is Hindi. L does not
work in Kolkata.

1. What is J’s mother tongue?
1) Telugu 2) Hindi 3) Bangla
4) Kannada 5) None of these

2. Who works in Chennai?

1) H 2) L 3) M
4) L or M 5) None of these

3. Which of the following combinations is correct?

1) Marathi - I - Hyderabad 2) Tamil - M - Kolkata
3) Marathi - I - Chennai 4) Punjabi - K - Delhi

5) None of these
4. Who works in Delhi?

1) H 2) M 3) L
4) K 5) None of these
5. What is M’s mother tongue?
1) Bangla 2) Marathi 3) Telugu
4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these
[Canara Bank PO Exam-2009]

Puzzle 27
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
P, Q, R, S, T, V and W are sitting around a circle facing at the centre. V is
second to the left of P and second to the right of W. T is third to the right of Q
and is not an immediate neighbour of V. S is third to the right of R.
1. Who is second to the right of Q?
1) R 2) W 3) T
4) S 5) None of these
2. Who is to the immediate left of S?
1) V 2) T 3) Q
4) W 5) None of these
3. Who is to the immediate right of R?
1) W 2) T 3) P
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
4. In which of the following groups is the first person sitting between the
second and the third persons?

1) RPQ 2) TWS 3) QPR
4) QVS 5) None of these
5. Who is third to the left of V ?
1) T 2) S 3) W

4) R 5) None of these
[Indian Overseas Bank PO Exam-2009]

Puzzle 28
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight friends sitting around a circular table
facing the centre. A sits second to the left of D, who is third to the left of E. C
sits third to the right of G, who is not an immediate neighbour of E. H sits
third to the right of B, who sits second to the right of G.
1. Who sits between D and C?

1) Only B 2) Only C and A 3) Only G

4) Only E 5) Only G and E
2. Who sits second to the right of E?
1) B 2) F 3) G

4) C 5) None of these
3. What is the position of A with respect to H?
1) Third to the left 2) Third to the right 3) Second to the left

4) Second to the right 5) Fourth to the left

4. Four of the following five are alike based upon their seating arrangements
and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?

1) CH 2) FG 3) DA
4) BE 5) GB

5. Which of the following pairs has the second person sitting to the immediate
left of the first person?
1) DB 2) EH 3) FA
4) GD 5) None of these
[NABARD Bank Officer’s Exam-2009]

Puzzle 29
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seven friends studying seven different branches
of engineering, namely Mechanical, Chemical, Electrical, Electronics, Civil,
Computer and Aeronautical Engineering, not necessarily in this order. Each
of them studies in three different colleges, X, Y and Z. Not less than two study
in any college. D studies Electrical engineering in College X. The one who
studies Chemical Engineering does not study in college Z. F studies Aeronautical
Engineering in college Y with only B. A does not study in college X and does
not study Civil Engineering. E studies Computer Engineering and does not
study in college X. G studies Electronics Engineering but not in college X.
None in college X studies Mechanical or Civil Engineering.
1. Which of the following groups represents the persons studying in college
1) D, B 2) C, E, G 3) A, G
4) G, E, A 5) None of these
2. In which of the following colleges does C study?

1) X 2) Y 3) Z
4) Either X or Z 5) Cannot be determined
3. Which of the following combinations is correct?
1) A–Civil–Z 2) B–Chemical–Y 3) C–Chemical–Z

4) G –Electronics –Y 5) None of these
4. B studies which of the following branches of engineering?
1) Chemical 2) Mechanical
3) Civil 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these se
5. Who studies Chemical engineering?
1) B 2) C 3) E
4) A 5) None of these
[NABARD Bank Officer’s Exam-2009]
Puzzle 30
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle facing the centre. B
is second to the right of H and third to the left of A. D is not an immediate
neighbour of either B or H and is second to the right of F. C is fourth to the

right of G.
1. Who is to the immediate right of B ?

1) C 2) E 3) H
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
2. Who is third to the right of E?

1) C 2) F 3) D
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

3. In which of the following pairs is the second person sitting to the immediate
left of the first person?
1) BC 2) HE 3) FA
4) GD 5) None of these
4. Who is fourth to the right of H?
1) B 2) A 3) F
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
5. If E and F interchange their places, who will be second to the right of B?
1) F 2) C 3) D
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
[United Bank of India PO Exam-2009]
Puzzle 31
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
P, Q, R, S, T, V and W are seven students of a college. Each of them has
a favourite subject from Physics, Chemistry, English, Biology, History, Geography
and Philosophy, not necessarily in the same order. Each of them also has a
favourite sport from Football, Cricket, Hockey, Volleyball, Badminton, Table
Tennis and Basketball, not necessarily in the same order.
R likes Philosophy and his favourite sport is Hockey. The one who likes
Football likes English. T’s favourite sport is not Badminton or Table Tennis. V
does not like either History or Biology. The one whose favourite sport is Basketball

does not like Physics. W likes Chemistry and his favourite sport is Volleyball.
S likes Geography. Q’s favourite sport is Badminton. V does not like English
and his favourite sport is not Basketball. P’s favourite sport is Cricket. The one
whose favourite sport is Badminton does not like Biology.

1. Which subject does P like?
1) History 2) Biology 3) Chemistry
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
2. Who likes History?
1) P
4) V
2) R se
5) Data inadequate
3. What is Q’s favourite sport?
3) Q

1) Cricket 2) Table Tennis 3) Football

4) Badminton 5) None of these
4. Whose favourite sport is Basketball?
1) S 2) W 3) Q
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

5. Which subject does T like?

1) Biology 2) Physics 3) Chemistry
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

[United Bank of India PO Exam-2009]

Puzzle 32

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:
P, Q, R, S, T and M are six students of a school, one each studies in Class

I-VI. Each of them has a favourite colour from red, black, blue, yellow, pink
and green, not necessarily in the same order.
Q likes black and does not study in Class IV or V. The one who studies in

Class IV does not like green. P studies in Class II. M likes blue and does not
study in Class IV. The one who likes yellow studies in Class VI. S likes pink
and studies in Class I. R does not study in Class VI.
1. In which class does R study?
1) V 2) III 3) IV
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
2. Which colour does R like?
1) Black 2) Yellow 3) Green
4) Blue 5) None of these
3. Which colour does P like?
1) Green 2) Yellow 3) Red
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
4. Which of the following combinations is correct ?
1) P - II - Yellow 2) Q - III - Green 3) S - I - Black
4) T - V - Yellow 5) None of these
5. In which class does M study?
1) IV 2) III 3) II
4) V 5) None of these
[Andhra Bank PO Exam-2009]

Puzzle 33
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle facing the centre. H
is fourth to the left of B and second to the right of F. A is third to the left of C,
who is not an immediate neighbour of F. G is second to the left of A. D is
second to the right of E.

1. Who is on the immediate right of F?
1) H 2) A 3) G
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
2. Who is third to the left of A?
1) C 2) F se 3) B
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
3. In which of the following pairs is the first person sitting on the immediate
left of the second person?
1) EH 2) CE 3) AF
4) DB 5) None of these
4. Which of the following pairs represents the immediate neighbours of E?
1) DH 2) HC 3) CA

4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

5. Who is on the immediate right of H?
1) E 2) C 3) H
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

6. Who is on the immediate right of B?

1) D 2) E 3) F
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

[Andhra Bank Marketing Associate Exam-2009]

Puzzle 34

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle facing the centre. B

is third to the right of F and third to the left of H. C is fourth to the left of A,
who is not an immediate neighbour of F or B. E is not an immediate neighbour
of B. G is second to the right of D.
1. Who is to the immediate left of B?
1) D 2) G 3) D or G
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
2. Who is to the immediate right of H?
1) A 2) E 3) F
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
3. Which of the following pairs represents the immediate neighbours of F?
1) CH 2) ED 3) HD
4) CE 5) None of these
4. In which of the following pairs is the first person sitting to the immediate
right of the second person?
1) BG 2) GA 3) AH
4) HE 5) CF
5. Who is third to the left of E?
1) A 2) C 3) G
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
[Bank of Maharashtra (Agriculture Officer) Exam–2009]

Puzzle 35

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
P, Q, R, S, T, V and W are seven students of a school. Each of them
studies in a different standard—from Standard IV to Standard X—not necessarily
in the same order. Each of them has a favourite subject from English, Science,

History, Geography, Mathematics, Hindi and Sanskrit, not necessarily in the
same order.
Q studies in VII Standar d and does not like either Mathemat ics or
Geography. R likes English and does not study either in V or in IX. T studies
in VIII Standard and likes Hindi. The one who likes Science studies in X
Standard. S studies in IV Standard. W likes Sanskrit. P does not study in X
Standard. The one who likes Geography studies in V Standard.
1. In which standard does W study?
1) VII 2) IX 3) X
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
2. Which subject does P like?

1) Geography 2) Mathematics 3) English

4) History 5) None of these
3. Which subject does S like?
1) History 2) Geography 3) Mathematics

4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

4. In which standard does P study?
1) IV 2) VII 3) IX

4) X 5) None of these
5. Which of the following combinations of student-standard-subject is correct?
1) T - VIII - Mathematics 2) W - VII - Sanskrit

3) Q - VII - Geography 4) V - X - Science

5) None of these

[RBI Grade ‘B’ Officer’s Exam-2009]

Puzzle 36
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
(i) A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight students, each having a different
(ii) D is shorter than A but taller than G.
(iii) E is taller than H but shorter than C.
(iv) B is shorter than D but taller than F.
(v) C is shorter than G.
(vi) G is not as tall as F.
1. Which of the following is definitely false?
1) G is shorter than F. 2) C is shorter than F. 3) F is taller than C.
4) B is taller than E. 5) All are true
2. If another student J, who is taller than E but shorter than G, is added to
the group, which of the following will be definitely true?
1) C and J are of the same height. 2) J is shorter than D.
3) J is shorter than H. 4) J is taller than A.
5) None of these
3. Which of the following will definitely be the third from top when the
eight students are arranged in descending order of height?
1) B 2) F 3) G
4) B or G 5) Cannot be determined

4. How many of them are definitely shorter than F?
1) Three 2) Four 3) Five
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
5. Which of the following is redundant to answer all the above questions?

1) (ii) only 2) (ii) and (iii) only 3) (iii)
and (iv) only 4) (ii) and (v) only 5) All are
necessary to answer the above questions.
[RBI Grade ‘B’ Officers’ Exam-2009]

Puzzle 37 se
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
A, M, D, P, R, T, B and H are sitting around a circle, facing the centre. M
is third to the left of A, who is second to the left of T. D is second to the right
of H, who is second to the right of T. R is second to the right of B, who is not
an immediate neighbour of T.

1. Which of the following combinations represents the first and the second
to the left of B respectively?
1) MD 2) DH 3) AM

4) AR 5) DM
2. Who is third to the right of T?
1) D 2) B 3) H

4) M 5) None of these
3. Who is to the immediate left of H?
1) P 2) M 3) T

4) R 5) Data inadequate
4. Who is second to the left of B?

1) D 2) H 3) M
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
5. In which of the following combinations the third person is second to the
left of the second person?
1) BAR 2) DBM 3) TPH
4) PMH 5) None of these
[Corporation Bank PO Exam-2009]

Puzzle 38
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
A group of seven friends, A, B, C, D, E, F and G work as Economist,
Agriculture Officer, IT Officer, Terminal Operator, Clerk, Forex Officer and
Research Analyst, for Banks L, M, N, P, Q, R and S, but not necessarily in the
same order. C works for Bank N and is neither a Research Analyst nor a Clerk.
E is an IT Officer and works for Bank R. A works as a Forex Officer and does
not work for Bank L or Q. The one who is an Agriculture Officer works for
Bank M. The one who works for Bank L works as a Terminal Operator. F
works for Bank Q. G works for Bank P as a Research Analyst. D is not an
Agriculture Officer.
1. Who amongst the following works as an Agriculture Officer?
1) C 2) B 3) F
4) D 5) None of these

2. For which bank does D work?
1) Q 2) L 3) N
4) S 5) None of these
3. What is the profession of C?

1) Terminal Operator 2) Agriculture Officer
3) Economist 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
4. Who amongst the following works as a Clerk?
1) C 2) B se 3) F
4) D 5) None of these
5. Which of the following combinations of person, profession and bank is
1) A - Forex Officer - M 2) D - Clerk - L
3) F -Agriculture Officer-Q 4) B - Agriculture Officer-S
5) None of these
6. What is the profession of the person who works for Bank S?
1) Clerk 2) Agriculture Officer

3) Terminal Operator 4) Forex Officer

5) None of these
7. For which bank does B work?

1) M 2) S 3) L
4) Either M or S 5) None of these
[Oriental Bank of Commerce PO Exam-2009]

Puzzle 39
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and K are sitting around a circle facing the centre B

is fourth to the left of G, who is second to the right of C. F is fourth to the right
of C and is second to the left of K. A is fourth to the right of K. D is not an
immediate neighbour of either K or B. H is third to the right of E.
1. In which of the following combinations is the third person sitting between
the first and the second persons?
1) EKB 2) CHB 3) AGC
4) FGD 5) None of these
2. Who is fourth to the left of E?
1) A 2) C 3) G
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
3. Who is second to the right of K?
1) C 2) H 3) F
4) E 5) Data inadequate
4. Who is third to the right of H?
1) A 2) D 3) G
4) F 5) None of these
5. Who is fourth to the right of D?
1) K 2) H 3) E
4) B 5) None of these
[Indian Bank PO Exam-2010]

Puzzle 40
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circular table, facing the
centre. A sits third to the left of C and second to the right of E. B sits second
to the right of D, who is not an immediate neighbour of E. H sits second to the
left of F. G is not an immediate neighbour of D.

1. Which of the following pairs has only one person sitting between them, if
the counting is done in clockwise direction?
1) F, G 2) H, G 3) H, C
4) H, B 5) None of these
2. Who sits third to the right of E? se
1) D 2) G 3) F
4) B 5) None of these
3. What is the position of G with respect to A’s position?
1) Immediately to the right 2) Second to the left
3) Third to the right 4) Third to the left
5) Fourth to the right
4. Who sits between E and A?

1) F 2) D 3) G
4) B 5) None of these
5. Starting from A’s position, if all the eight are arranged in alphabetical
order in clockwise direction, the seating position of how many members

(excluding A) would-remain unchanged?

1) None 2) One 3) Two
4) Three 5) Four

[IDBI PO Exam–2009]

Puzzle 41

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and K are sitting around a circle facing the centre.

F is fourth to the right of A, who is third to the right of B. K is fourth to the left
of B and third to the right of D. C is third to the right of H. E is second to the
left of G.
1. Who is fourth to the left of G?
1) C 2) A 3) D
4) K 5) Data inadequate
2. What is E’s position with respect to B?
1) Second to the left 2) Third to the right 3) Fourth to the right
4) Third to the left 5) Fifth to the right
3. Who is third to the right of K?
1) F 2) E 3) G
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
4. Who is on the immediate right of F?
1) B 2) G 3) E
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
5. In which of the following combinations is the third person sitting between
the first and the second person?
1) GFB 2) BGH 3) ADC
4) KEC 5) EGF
[SBI PO Exam–2010]

Puzzle 42

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight employees of an organization working
in three departments, viz Personnel, Administration and Marketing with not
more than three of them in any department. Each of them has a different

choice of sports from football, cricket, volleyball, badminton, lawn tennis,
basketball, hockey and table tennis, not necessarily in the same order.
D works in Administration and does not like either football or cricket. F
works in Personnel with only A, who likes table tennis. E and H do not work
in the same department as D. C likes hockey and does not work in Marketing.
G does not work in Administration and does not like either cricket or badminton.
One of those who work in Administration likes football. The one who likes
volleyball works in Personnel. None of those who work in Administration
likes either badminton or lawn tennis. H does not like cricket.
1. Which of the following groups of employees work in Administrat ion

1) EGH 2) AF 3) BCD
4) BGD 5) Data inadequate
2. In which department does E work?
1) Personnel 2) Marketing 3) Administration

4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

3. Which of the following combinations of employee-department-favourite sport
is correct?

1) E - Administration - Cricket
2) F - Personnel - Lawn Tennis
3) H - Marketing - Lawn Tennis

4) B - Administration - Table Tennis

5) None of these

4. What is E’s favourite sport?

1) Cricket 2) Badminton 3) Basketball
4) Lawn Tennis 5) None of these
5. What is G’s favourite sport?
1) Cricket 2) Badminton 3) Basketball
4) Lawn Tennis 5) None of these
[SBI PO Exam–2010]

Puzzle 43
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle facing the centre. B is
second to the right of D, who is third to the right of F. C is second to the left
of A, who is second to the left of F. G is third to the right of E.
1. In which of the following combinations is the first person sitting between
the second and the third persons?
1) GCD 2) FGH 3) EFH
4) ABE 5) None of these
2. Who is third to the right of H?
1) G 2) D 3) C
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
3. Who is on the immediate right of A?
1) B 2) E 3) F
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

4. What is H’s position with respect to B?
1) Fifth to the right 2) Third to the left 3) Fifth to the left
4) Third to the right 5) Fourth to the left
5. Who is on the immediate left of G?

1) H 2) F 3) D
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
[Allahabad Bank PO Exam-2010]

Puzzle 44 se
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
P, Q, R, S, T, V, W and Z are sitting round a circle facing the centre. T is
second to the right of R, who is third to the right of P. S is second to the left
of P and fourth to the right of Q. Z is third to the right of V, who is not an
immediate neighbour of P.

1. In which of the following combinations is the first person sitting between

the second and the third persons?
1) VTS 2) TZS 3) QRV
4) PWQ 5) VRT

2. Who is second to the right of T?

1) S 2) Z 3) P
4) R 5) None of these

3. What is P’s position with respect to S?

1) Fourth to the left 2) Fourth to the right
3) Fifth to the left 4) Sixth to the left

5) Third to the right

4. Who is on the immediate left of Z?

1) T 2) P 3) S
4) V 5) None of these
5. Who is second to the right of W?
1) R 2) Q 3) Z
4) S 5) None of these
[Coporation Bank PO Exam-2010]

Puzzle 45
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting around a circle facing the centre. T
is second to the left of P and third to the right of V. S is second to the right of
W, who is on the immediate right of T. Q is third to the right of U.
1. In which of the following pairs is the third person sitting in between the
first and the second persons?
1) USP 2) VRU 3) TQW
4) WPS 5) None of these
2. Who is on the immediate left of T?
1) Q 2) W 3) R
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
3. Who is second to the right of P?
1) S 2) V 3) U
4) Q 5) Date inadequate
4. What is R’s position with respect to W?

1) Third to the left 2) Fourth to the left
3) Sixth to the right 4) Fifth to the left
5) None of these
5. Who is fourth to the left of R?

1) U 2) P 3) S
4) W 5) None of these
[Punjab and Sind Bank PO Exam-2010]

Puzzle 46 se
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
Five plays A, B, C, D and E were organised in a week from Monday to
Saturday with one play each day and no play was organised on one of these
days. Play D was organised before Thursday but after Monday. Play E was
organised on Saturday. Play C was not organised on the first day. Play B was
organised on the next day on which play C was organised. Play A was organised

on Tuesday.
1. On which day was play B organised?
1) Thursday 2) Friday 3) Wednesday

4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

2. On which day was no play organised?
1) Monday 2) Wednesday 3) Thursday

4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

3. Which play was organised on Wednesday?
1) A 2) C 3) D

4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

[Syndicate Bank PO Exam-2010]

Puzzle 47
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle facing the centre. F is
second to the right of A and third to the left of C. B is second to the left of C
and fourth to the right of H. D is second to the right of G
1. Who is to the immediate left of D?
1) H 2) C 3) G
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
2. Who is second to the right of E?
1) B 2) G 3) H
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
3. Who is third to the left of B?
1) E 2) H 3) F
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
4. What is the position of G with respect to A?
1) Third to the left 2) Third to the right 3) Fifth to the left
4) Fourth to the right 5) Fifth to the right
5. In which of the following combinations is the third person sitting in
between the first and the second persons?
1) BGC 2) EFB 3) DAH
4) AEF 5) GCD
[Syndicate Bank PO Exam-2010]

Puzzle 48
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:

(a) Six plays are to be organised from Monday to Sunday—one play each
day with one day when there is no play. ‘No play’ day is not Monday or
(b) The plays are held in sets of 3 plays each in such a way that 3 plays are
held without any break, ie 3 plays are held in such a way that there is
no ‘No play’ day between them but immediately before this set or imme-
diately after this set it is ‘No play’ day.
(c) Play Z was held on 26th and play X was held on 31 st of the same
(d) Play B was not held immediately after play A (but was held after A, not
necessarily immediately) and play M was held immediately before Q.
(e) All the six plays were held in the same month.

1. Which play was organised on Monday?
1) Z 2) M
3) Q 4) Cannot be determined

5) None of these
2. Which day was play Z organised?
1) Tuesday 2) Monday

3) Wednesday 4) Cannot be determined

5) None of these
3. Which date was a ‘No play’ day?

1) 26th 2) 28th
3) 29th 4) Cannot be determined

5) None of these
4. Which of the following is true?
1) Play B is held immediately before play M.
2) Play Z is held after play B.
3) There was a gap after 2 plays and then 4 plays were organised.
4) First play was organised on the 25th.
5) Play B was held on Friday.
5. Which day was play Q organised?
1) Friday 2) Wednesday
3) Saturday 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
[Central Bank of India PO Exam-2010]
Puzzle 49
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
(i) In a family of 6 persons, there are two couples.
(ii) The Lawyer is the head of the family and has only two sons — Mukesh
and Rakesh—both Teachers.
(iii) Mrs. Reena and her mother-in-law both are Lawyers.
(iv) Mukesh’s wife is a Doctor and they have a son, Ajay.
1. Which of the following is definitely a couple?
1) Lawyer-Teacher 2) Doctor-Lawyer

3) Teacher-Teacher 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
2. What is the profession of Rakesh’s wife ?
1) Teacher 2) Doctor
3) Lawyer 4) Cannot be determined

5) None of these
3. How many male members are there in the family?
1) Two 2) Three
3) Four 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these se
4. What is/was Ajay’s Grandfather’s occupation?
1) Teacher 2) Lawyer
3) Doctor 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
5. What is the profession of Ajay?
1) Teacher 2) Lawyer
3) Doctor 4) Cannot be determined

5) None of these
[Central Bank of India PO Exam-2010]
Puzzle 50

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:

(i) There are 8 friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H seated in a circle facing the

(ii) AC, DG, HE and FB are seated adjacent to each other. A is also seated

adjacent to H.
(iii) B is 2nd to the right of H.
(iv) E is 3rd to the right of C.

1. Who is 2nd to the left of A?
1) D 2) G
3) F 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
2. Who is 3rd to the left of C?
1) G 2) D
3) B 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
3. What is C’s position with reference to E?
1) 5th to the right 2) 4th to the left 3) 4th to the right
4) 3rd to the right 5) Cannot be determined
4. Who is 2nd to the right of A?
Questions Asked In Exams / 305

1) B 2) E
3) F 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
5. Who among the following pairs may not be seated adjacent to each other?
1) AH 2) DC
3) EB 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
[Central Bank of India PO Exam-2010]

Puzzle 51
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight boys studying in VIII, IX and X standards
of a school with not more than three in any standard. Each of them has a
favourite sport from Football, Cricket, Volleyball, Basketball, Lawn Tennis,
Table Tennis, Badminton and Hockey not necessarily in the same order.

D likes Badminton and does not study either in VIII or X. H’s favourite
sport is Hockey and he studies in standard X with only B among them. A likes
Volleyball and does not study in the same standard in which E studies. F
studies in VIII std. and his favourite sports is Football. G does not study in the
same standard in which C studies. None of the students studying in IX std.
likes Cricket or Basketball. B likes Table Tennis. G does not like Lawn Tennis.
1. What is C’s favourite sport?
1) Basketball 2) Lawn Tennis 3) Volleyball
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
2. What is E’s favourite sport?
1) Table Tennis 2) Volleyball 3) Lawn Tennis

4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

3. In which std. does G study?
1) IX 2) VIII 3) Either IX or VII
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

4. Which of the following combinations of students- standard-favourite sport

is not correct?
1) G - VIII - Volleyball 2) F - VIII - Football 3) D - IX - Badminton

4) H-X-Hockey 5) All are correct

5. Which of the following combinations of sports represents the favourite
sports of the students studying in VIII standard?

1) Football, Lawn Tennis, Cricket 2) Football, Cricket, Basketball

3) Football, Volleyball, Basketball 4) Data inadequate

5) None of these
[Punjab National Bank Specialist Officers Exam–2007]

Puzzle 52
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
M, V, K, D, T, J and R are seven friends studying in different classes—
Illrd, IVth, Vth, Vlth, Vllth, VIIIth and IXth standards. Each of them has
different favourite colours—yellow, blue, red, white, black, green and violet. J
likes red and studies in class Vth. R likes violet and studies in Class Illrd. M
studies in Class VIIIth and does not like green and yellow. K likes white and
does not study in Vllth and in IVth. D studies in Vlth and likes black. T does
not study in IVth. V does not like green.
1. In which standard does ‘V study?
1) IVth 2) IXth 3) VIIIth
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
2. What is M’s favourite colour?
1) Red 2) Yellow 3) Green
4) Blue 5) None of these
3. In which standard does K study?
1) IIIrd 2) Vth 3) IVth
4) VIIth 5) None of these
4. What is V’s favourite colour?
1) Green 2) Red 3) Yellow

4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
5. In which standard does T study?
1) IVth 2) VIIth 3) VIIIth
4) IXth 5) None of these

[Dena Bank (SO) Exam–2007]

Puzzle 53
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below: se
Seven Professors A, B, C, D, E, F and G are engaged in evaluation of
answer papers in three different subjects English, Mathematics and History.
At least two persons evaluate the papers in each subject. Each of the evaluators
stay in different buildings P, Q, R, S, T, V and W not necessarily in the same
A evaluates English papers only with E and stays in building R. D stays in
building W and does not evaluate Maths papers. The one who stays in building

V evaluates History papers. B and C do not evaluate the papers in the same
subject. Those who evaluate English papers do not stay in building Q. F stays
in building P but does not evaluate History papers. G evaluates same papers as
F. C stays in building T.

1. Who stays in building V?
1) E 2) F 3) G

4) B 5) None of these
2. Which of the following combinations of subject, person and buildings is
definitely correct?

1) Maths F-Q 2) Maths G-Q 3) History D-T

4) History E-S 5) None of these

3. Which of the following groups of persons evaluate the Mathematics paper?

1) CF 2) EFG 3) CFG
4) FG 5) None of these
4. Papers in which subject are evaluated by D?
1) History 2) Maths
3) English 4) English or Mathematics
5) History or Mathematics
5. E stays in which building?
1) P 2) Q
3) T 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
[Andhra Bank (SO) Exam–2007]
Puzzle 54
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
Seven executives A, B, C, D, E, F and G from a company have to visit
seven different places Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai, Hyder abad,
Bangalore and Jaipur to market their newly launched product. The order of
persons and cities may not be necessarily the same. Each one flies by a different
airline Spicejet, Kingfisher, Sahara, Jet, Air Deccan, Indian Airlines, Air India,
not necessary in the same order.
C goes to Kolkata but not by Sahara or Jet Airlines. D flies by Air India to
Bangalore. The one who goes to Jaipur does not travel by Air Deccan or Sahara.

E travels by Air Deccan. A does not go to Ahmedabad. F travels to Hyderabad by
Spice jet. B goes to Chennai by Kingfisher. E does not go to Ahmedabad. G does
not go to Jaipur.
1. Who travels by Sahara Airlines?

1) A 2) C
3) G 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
2. Who goes to Jaipur?
1) A
4) D
2) E se
5) None of these
3) G

3. The one who travels by Air Deccan, visits which place?

1) Ahmedabad 2) Delhi 3) Chennai
4) Bangalore 5) None of these
[Andhra Bank (SO) Exam–2007]

Puzzle 55

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:
Moon TV had decided to celebrate sports programmes week by telecasting

programmes on Badminton, Cricket, Football, Hockey, Tennis and Volleyball

(not necessarily in the same order) in a week starting from Wednesday.
(i) Sixth day of the programme was holiday.

(ii) Tennis was telecast immediately after Hockey and Football was telecast
on fifth day of the programme.
(iii) Badminton was telecast on third day after Saturday and Hockey

programme was telecast on fourth day before the holiday.

(iv) Volleyball was not telecast on first day.

1. On which of the following days Volleyball programme was telecast?

1) Second day 2) Seventh day 3) Fourth day
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
2. Which of the following days would be holiday?
1) Sunday 2) Monday 3) Saturday
4) Tuesday 5) None of these
3. Which of the following pairs of programmes were respectively telecast
before and after the holiday?
1) Badminton and Football 2) Badminton and Tennis
3) Football and Volleyball 4) Football and Badminton
5) None of these
4. Which of the following programmes was telecast on Wednesday?
1) Cricket 2) Tennis 3) Hockey
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
5. Which of the following days and programme combinations are definitely
1) Wednesday-Cricket 2) Tuesday-Badminton
3) Thursday-Hockey 4) Friday-Tennis
5) Sunday-Volleyball
[North Malabar Gramin Bank Officer’s Exam–2008]

Puzzle 56
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:

(i) There is a group of five persons M, N, O, P and Q of a family. They are
businessman, farmer, lawyer, doctor and teacher.
(ii) N is an unmarried teacher, who is M's daughter.
(iii) Q is a lawyer, who is O's brother.
(iv) O in this family is the only husband of a married couple.

(v) M is a farmer, who is father of two sons and an unmarried daughter.
(vi) M's daughter-in-law is a doctor.
1. Who is doctor in this family?
1) N 2) P 3) O
4) Q 5) M se
2. Who is businessman in this family?
1) M 2) N 3) O
4) P 5) Q
3. Which of the following is a group of women in this family?
1) M, N and Q 2) N and O 3) P and Q
4) N and P 5) None of these
4. Which of the following is a married couple?

1) M and P 2) M and N 3) N and P

4) O and P 5) P and Q
5. Which of the following is a group of males?
1) M, N and O 2) M, Q and P 3) M, O and Q

4) M, P and Q 5) N and P
[Union Bank of India PO Exam–2008]

Puzzle 57
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:

(i) A marketing-executive plans to visit each of six companies J, K, L, M,
N and O exactly once during the course of one day.

(ii) He must visit J before K and N.

(iii) He must visit K before M.
(iv) The third company he visits must be L.
1. If the marketing-executive visits O first, which company must he visit
1) J 2) K 3) L
4) M 5) N
2. Which of the following could be the order in which the marketing-executive
visits the six companies?
1) J, O, L, K, N, M 2) M, K, L, N, O, J 3) J, N, K, M, L, O
4) L, O, J, N, M, K 5) L, N, J, K, M, O
[Union Bank of India PO Exam–2008]
Puzzle 58
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
a, b, c, d, e, f and g are sitting around a circle facing at the centre. d is
third to the left of a who is second to the left of f. e is not a neighbour of either
f or d. c is third to left of b.
1. What is e’s position with respect to f?
1) Third to the right 2) Fourth to the left 3) Second to the left
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
2. Who is sitting between g and b?

1) f only 2) d only 3) Both f and d
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
3. Who is to the immediate left of d?
1) c 2) g 3) f
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

4. Which of the following information represents the first person sitting to
the immediate right of the second person?
1) ab 2) fg 3) ce
4) ae 5) None of these
5. Who is second to the right of d?
1) a
4) Data inadequate
2) f
5) None of these
3) e

[Indian Bank Computer Officer’s Exam–2008]

Puzzle 59

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:

Seven persons R, J, M, Q, L, T and K conduct workshop on Developing

Managerial skills in seven different companies A, B, C, D, E, F and G on a
different day of the week from Monday to Sunday. The order of persons,

companies and days of the week are not necessarily the same.
J organises workshop in Company D on Wednesday. Q does not conduct
workshop for companies A or C and conducts on the next day of L who conducts

the workshop for Company F. T conducts workshop for Company E on Friday.

K conducts workshop on Monday but not for Company C or G. M conducts
workshop for Company A but not on Tuesday.

1. Who conducts workshop on Saturday?
1) M 2) Q 3) L

4) Q or L 5) None of these
2. On which day does Q conduct the workshop?
1) Sunday 2) Saturday
3) Tuesday 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
3. M conducts workshop on which day?
1) Saturday 2) Sunday 3) Tuesday
4) Thursday 5) None of these
4. Which of the following combinations of person-company and day is correct?
1) K-B-Wednesday 2) R-B-Monday 3) K-C-Monday
4) K-G-Sunday 5) None of these
5. Who conducts workshop for Company C and on which day?
1) R, Thursday 2) R, Tuesday 3) Q, Saturday
4) Q, Sunday 5) None of these
[Punjab National Bank Agriculture Officer’s Exam–2008]

Puzzle 60
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
P, Q, R, S, T, V and W are seven members of a club. Each of them has a
favourite sport from—Chess, Table Tennis, Lawn Tennis, Volleyball, Badminton,
Basketball and Carrom, not necessarily in the same order. Each of them also
has a specific choice of colour from—Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Grey, Black
and White, not necessarily in the same order.

R likes Green and his favourite sport is Badminton. V’s choice of colour is
neither Red nor Black. T’s favourite sport is neither Table Tennis nor Basketball.
The one who likes Blue does not like Carrom. The one who likes Volleyball
does not like Yellow and Grey. Q’s favourite sport is Lawn Tennis and he likes
Black. S likes White. W likes Basketball. P likes Volleyball. T likes Blue. The

one who likes Basketball does not like Grey.
1. What is V’s choice of colour?
1) Black 2) Grey 3) Yellow
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
2. What is T’s favourite sport?
1) Basketball 2) Volleyball 3) Chess
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
3. Whose favourite sport is Carrom?
1) S 2) R 3) W
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
4. Whose favourite sport is basketball?

1) S 2) T 3) W
4) R 5) Data inadequate
5. What is W’s choice of colour?
1) Green 2) White 3) Black

4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

6. Which of the following combinations of sport and colour is correct?
1) Table Tennis, Yellow 2) Volleyball, Red

3) Volleyball, Grey 4) Chess, Black

5) Carrom, Green
[IDBI Officers’ Exam–2008]

Puzzle 61

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:
J, K, H, R, F, L, N and Q are sitting around a circular table facing the
centre. H is third to the left of L and is to the immediate right of K. R is third
to the left of N but is not a neighbour of H or L. J is second to the right of Q.
1. Who is second to the left of N ?
1) Q 2) K 3) J
4) F or J 5) None of these
2. Which of the following groups of persons has the first person sitting
between the next two?
1) LKN 2) QFL 3) JHR
4) JHF 5) None of these
3. Who is to the immediate left of R?
1) Q 2) K 3) F
4) N 5) None of these
4. Which of the following is correct position of J with respect to K?
1) Third to the left 2) Third to the right 3) Second to the left
4) Second to the right 5) Fourth to the right
5. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way on the basis of their
seating positions and so form a group. Which is the one that does not
belong to the group?
1) RQ 2) LK 3) HJ
4) JR 5) FN
[Allahabad Bank PO Exam–2008]

Puzzle 62
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:

Eight executives B, G, H, K, D, F, T and V are working in three departments
Engineering, Systems and Marketing of the organization and are posted at
different places viz. Chennai, Kozikode, Kolkata, Ranchi, Patna, Bhopal, Nagpur
and Hyderabad not necessarily in the same order. At least two and not more
than three executives work in any of the three departments.
G works in Engineering department at Chennai. H is posted in Ranchi
but not in Systems department. No one from Marketing department is posted in
Hyderabad. The only other person in same department as that of G is posted in
Kolkata. D is posted in Hyderabad and F in Kozikode. V is not posted in Kolkata
and works in the same department as that of D. B and T both work in Marketing
department. The one who works in Marketing is not posted in Bhopal. T is not
posted in Nagpur.

1. T is posted at which place?
1) Nagpur 2) Patna
3) Bhopal 4) Cannot be determined

5) None of these
2. Who is posted in Kolkata?
1) K 2) T

3) V 4) K or T
5) None of these
3. Which department has only two Executives?

1) Systems 2) Marketing
3) Engineering 4) Marketing or Systems

5) Cannot be determined
4. Which of the following group of persons work in Mar-keting department?
1) KBT 2) BTF
3) BHD 4) BHT
5) None of these
5. Which of the following combinations of department, person and place is
1) Marketing-B-Bhopal 2) Engineering-G-Kolkata
3) Systems-V-Chennai 4) Systems-T-Patna
5) None of these
[Allahabad Bank PO Exam–2008]
Puzzle 63
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle, facing the centre. A
sits fourth to the right of H while second to the left of F. C is not the neighbour
of F and B. D sits third to the right of C. H never sits next to G.
1. Who amongst the following sits between B and D?
1) G 2) F 3) H
4) A 5) C
2. Which of the following pairs sit between H and G?

1) BH 2) EF 3) CE
4) DB 5) None of these
3. Four of the following are alike in a certain way based on their positions in
the seating arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does
not belong to that group?

1) AE 2) HF 3) BD
4) GE 5) CH
4. Who is to immediate right of A?
1) C 2) D 3) G
4) Data inadequate
5. Who sits second to the right of B?
1) A 2) C
5) None of these

3) D
4) E 5) None of these
6. Which is the position of B with respect to C?
I. Second to the right
II. Sixth to the left
III. Third to the left

IV. Fifth to the right

1) Only II 2) Only II and III 3) Only I and IV
4) Data inadequate 5) Both III and IV

[Andhra Bank PO Exam–2008]

Puzzle 64

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:
There are five men, Anuj, Kunal, Sourav, Rahul and Harish. The one who

is tallest is not the youngest. Kunal is older than only Harish. Sourav is older
than Rahul but shorter than him. Only one person is taller than Rahul. Anuj
is shortest while younger than only Sourav and Rahul. Only two men are

shorter than Sourav.

1. Which of the following men is third tallest of the five?
1) Sourav 2) Rahul 3) Harish
4) Kunal 5) Kunal or Rahul
2. Who among the following men is tallest?
1) Sourav 2) Rahul 3) Kunal
4) Harish 5) Sourav or Harish
3. If the five men are made to stand in a line according to their height, first
in ascending order, then in descending order, then whose position will
remain the same in both the arrangements?
1) Harish 2) Rahul 3) Kunal
4) Sourav 5) Rahul and Anuj
4. Who among the following is older than Kunal but younger than Rahul?
1) Harish 2) Sourav 3) Anuj
4) Data inadequate 5) Sourav or Anuj
5. Who among the following is taller than Anuj only?
1) Sourav 2) Harish 3) Rahul
4) Kunal 5) Kunal or Harish
[Andhra Bank PO Exam–2008]

Puzzle 65
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle, facing the centre. E
and G always sit next to each other. D sits third to the right of C. F sits second
to the left of H. C never sits next to A while D never sits next to G. H is not the
neighbour of D and C.

1. Who sits between A and D?
1) B 2) F 3) C
4) E 5) None of these
2. Who sits second to the left of B?
1) F 2) G se 3) A
4) E 5) None of these
3. Who sits to immediate right of F?
1) D 2) C 3) B
4) A 5) None of these
4. Which of the following pairs sits between B and F ?
1) HB 2) FD 3) BG
4) GC 5) AH

5. Four of the following are alike in a certain way based on their positions in
the seating arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does
not belong to that group?
1) CH 2) BA 3) FE

4) DG 5) AC
[Dena Bank Agriculture Officers Exam–2008]

Puzzle 66
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:

Seven members A, B, C, D, E, F and G represent seven different states
Madhya Pr adesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Orissa and

Maharashtra in seven different games Hockey, Chess, Cricket, Badminton,

Table-Tennis, Golf and Billiards. The order of persons, states and games is
not necessarily the same.
D represents Kerala in Chess. E represent s Golf team but not from
Maharashtra or Uttar Pradesh, A represents Madhya Pradesh for Badminton.
C represents Orissa but not for Cricket or Table-Tennis. The one who represents
Bihar, represents “Table-Tennis. The one who represents Hockey represents
Uttar Pradesh. F represents Maharashtra for Cricket. G does not represent
1. Who represents Uttar Pradesh?
1) G 2) F
3) B 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
2. Who represents Bihar?
1) G 2) E 3) B
4) B or E 5) None of these
3. Who represents Billiards team?
1) G 2) F 3) C
4) B 5) None of these
4. E represents which state?
1) Bihar 2) Kerala 3) Uttar Pradesh
4) Tamil Nadu 5) None of these
5. Which of the following combinations of game and state is correct?
1) Orissa-Chess 2) Orissa-Billiards 3) Tamil Nadu-Cricket

4) Maharashtra-Chess 5) None of these
[Dena Bank Agriculture Officers Exam–2008]

Puzzle 67

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
B, D, F, H, K, W, M and T are sitting around a circle facing at the centre.
F is third to the left of D who is second to the left of H. B is fourth to the right
of H. K is third to the right of M who is not an immediate neighbour of F. T is
not an immediate neighbour of B or D.
1. Who is to the immediate right of T?
1) K 2) F 3) H
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
2. Who is second to the left of B?
1) T 2) K 3) D

4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

3. Who is sitting between D and B?
1) T 2) F 3) M
4) W 5) Data inadequate

4. Who is third to the left of H?

1) W 2) F 3) B
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

5. What is T’s position with respect toW?

1) Third to the right 2) Third to the left 3) Second to the left
4) Second to the right 5) None of these

[Andhra Bank IT Officers’ Exam–2008]

Puzzle 68

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:
A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seven boys. Each of them studies a different
subject as Economics, Bio-Chemistry, Biology, Physics, English, German and
Psychology. Each of them likes a different game as Football, Cricket, Badminton,
Table-Tennis, Carrom, Volleyball and Hockey. The order of boys, subject and
games is not necessarily the same.
B studies Biology and likes cricket . D likes football but not studies
Biochemistry or English and G likes Table-Tennis but not studies Physics. F
studies Economics but not likes Carrom. A studies Psychology likes Hockey.
One who studies Physics likes Badminton. C plays Carrom but not studies
1. F likes which game?
1) Volleyball 2) Badminton
3) Table-Tennis 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
2. Who studies English?
1) E 2) D 3) C
4) G 5) None of these
3. Which one of the following statements is certainly true?
1) One who likes football studies English
2) One who likes Volleyball studies Bio-chemistry

3) One who likes Carrom sudies Psychology
4) One who likes Hockey studies English
5) One who likes Carrom studies English
4. D studies which subject?

1) Economics 2) Physics 3) Biology
4) German 5) None of these
5. Who likes Badminton?
1) D 2) E
3) G se4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
[Andhra Bank IT Officers’ Exam–2008]

Puzzle 69
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
Ashwini, Priya, Sudha, Rani, Meeta, Geeta and Mukta are sitting around a

circle facing the centre. Ashwini is third to the left of Mukta and to the
immediate right of Rani. Priya is second to the left of Geeta, who is not an
immediate neighbour of Meeta.

1. Who is to the immediate right of Priya?

1) Meeta 2) Sudha
3) Mukta 4) Cannot be determined

5) None of these
2. Who is second to the left of Rani?
1) Ashwini 2) Meeta 3) Priya

4) Sudha 5) None of these

3. Which of the following pairs of persons has the first person sitting to the

immediate left of the second person?

1) Rani-Meeta 2) Ashwini-Geeta 3) Sudha-Priya
4) Geeta-Sudha 5) None of these
4. Which of the following groups has the first person sitting between the
other two?
1) Meeta-Ashwini-Geeta 2) Sudha-Rani-Geeta

3) Mukta-Priya-Rani 4) Mukta-Priya-Sudha
5) None of these
5. Which of the following is the correct position of Rani with respect to
I. Third to the right
II. Third to the left
III. Fourth to the left
IV. Fourth to the right
1) I only 2) II only 3) Both I and II
4) Both II and IV 5) Both I and III
[Bank of Baroda (SO) Exam-2008]

Puzzle 70
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
A, B, C, D, E, F and G are members of a sports club and have liking for
different games, viz Carrom, Table Tennis, Badminton, Bridge, Hockey, Football

and Lawn Tennis but not necessarily in the same order. Each one of them has
a liking for different musical instruments, viz Sitar, Guitar, Harmonium, Flute,
Tabla, Banjo and Santoor, not necessarily in the same order.
B likes Carrom and Banjo. E likes to play Bridge but not Harmonium or
Tabla. The one who plays Hockey plays Sitar. F plays Guitar but not Table

Tennis or Lawn Tennis. A plays Badminton and Flute. The one who plays
Lawn Tennis does not play Tabla. C plays Harmonium and G plays Hockey.
1. Who plays Santoor?
1) D 2) A 3) E
4) D or E 5) None of these
2. D plays which game?
1) Table Tennis 2) Lawn Tennis
3) Football 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
3. Which of the following combinations of game-person-musical instrument
is definitely correct?
1) Badminton - B - Flute

2) Table Tennis - E - Santoor

3) Lawn Tennis - D - Tabla
4) Table Tennis - C - Tabla
5) None of these

4. Who plays Football?

1) C 2) D 3) G
4) F 5) None of these

5. Who plays Table Tennis?

1) C 2) F
3) D 4) Cannot be determined

5) None of these
[Bank of Baroda (SO) Exam-2008]

Puzzle 71
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
P, Q, R, S, T, V and W are sitting around a circle facing at the centre. R is
third to the left of V who is second to the left of T. W is second to the right of
P who is not an immediate neighbour of V. S is not an immediate neighbour of
1. Who is second to the right of R?
1) T 2) W 3) Q
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
2. Who is third to the left of P?
1) S 2) W 3) Q
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
3. Who is third to the right of Q?
1) T 2) P 3) S
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
4. In which of the following pairs is the first person sitting to the immediate
right of the second person?
1) PR 2) PT 3) RW
4) QV 5) None of these
5. Which of the following pairs represents the immediate neighbours of R?
1) PT 2) PQ 3) WT
4) PW 5) Data inadequate

[Punjab National Bank Agriculture Officer’s Exam–2009]

Puzzle 72
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:
Eight friends P, Q, R, S, T, V, X and Z are sitting around a circular table
facing centre. P sits third to the right of X and second to the left of R. S and T
do not sit next to each other. S sits second to the right of Q, who is not a
neighbour of P. T sits second to the left of V.
1. Four of the following five are similar in a certain way based on their
position in the seating arrangement. Which of the following does not
belong to that group?
1) VX 2) SZ 3) TV
4) XZ 5) RQ
2. What is the position of V with respect to Z in the above arrangement?

A. Third to the right

B. Fourth to the left
C. Second to the right
D. Fourth to the right

1) Only A 2) Both A and B

3) Both B and D 4) Only D
5) None of these

3. Who sits to the immediate left of R?

1) V 2) Z 3) T
4) P 5) None of these

4. Which of the following sits between X and V?

1) Q 2) X 3) Z

4) R 5) None of these
5. In which of the following pairs, second person is sitting to the left of the
first person?
1) XS 2) PT 3) RV
4) QV 5) None of these
[Allahabad Bank Agriculture Officer’s Exam–2009]

Puzzle 73
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
Seven friends A, B, C, D, E, F and G work in four different departments ie,
Marketing. Finance HR and IT. Not more than two work in the same department.
Each of them works in different organisations which are P, Q, R, S, T, W and
Z not necessarily in this order. A who does not work for organisation P works
in Marketing Department like C. E works for organisation W and does not
work in Finance Department. B works for organisation T and works in the
same Department as D. Only F works in HR Department. None in Marketing or
IT department works for organisation R. C works for organisation S. The one
who works for organisation Z works for the Finance Department.
1. Which of the following combinations is correct?
1) C-S-Finance 2) E-T-IT 3) A - R-Marketing
4) F-Q-HR 5) None of these
2. Which of the following works in IT Department?
1) G 2) D 3) B

4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
3. Who works for organisation R?
1) A 2) F 3) G
4) Z 5) None of these

4. Which of the following pairs works in Finance Department?
1) A, B 2) E, G 3) F, D
4) D, B 5) None of these
5. For which of the following organisations does D work ?
1) P 2) Q se 3) Z
4) R 5) None of these
[Allahabad Bank Agriculture Officer’s Exam–2009]

Puzzle 74
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle facing at the centre.

G is fourth to the right of A who is second to the right of D. E is second to the

right of C who is not an immediate neighbour of G or D. B is second to the
right of F.

1. In which of the following pairs is the first person sitting to the immediate
right of the second person?
1) EG 2) GF 3) HE

4) BD 5) None of these
2. Who is third to the left of H?
1) A 2) D 3) B

4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

3. Who is second to the right of H?

1) E 2) G 3) F
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
4. What is F’s position with respect to C?
A. Fourth to the left
B. Fifth to the left
C. Fourth to the right
D. Third to the right
1) Only A 2) Only B
3) Only A and D 4) Only B and C
5) Only A and C
5. Who is to the immediate right of G?
1) F 2) G 3) D
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
[United Commercial Bank PO Exam–2009]

Puzzle 75
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
B, M, K, H, T, R, D, W and A are sitting around a circle facing at the
centre. R is third to the right of B. H is second to the right of A who is second
to the right of R. K is third to the right of T, who is not an immediate neighbour
of H. D is second to the left of T. M is fourth to the right of W.
1. Who is to the immediate left of W?

1) R 2) T 3) B
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
2. Who is third to the left of M?
1) B 2) W 3) K
4) T 5) None of these

3. Who is third to the left of H ?
1) A 2) T 3) K
4) R 5) Data inadequate
4. Who is to the immediate left of D?
1) H 2) M se 3) B
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
5. In which of the following combinations is the third person sitting in
between the first and the second persons ?
1) WTR 2) BDT 3) MHD
4) KAM 5) WKR
[Indian Bank Rural Marketing Officers Exam–2009]

Puzzle 76

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:
P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, Y and Z are sitting around a circle facing the centre.

V is second to the left of P who is third to the left of Y. S is fourth to the left of
P. T is third to the right of Q who is to the immediate right of V. W is fourth to
the right of Z.

1. In which of the following combinations is the first person sitting in between

the second and the third persons ?

1) RSZ 2) YTW 3) WPQ

4) VZQ 5) PQV
2. Who is second to the right of Z ?

1) Q 2) P 3) W
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
3. In which of the following pairs is the first person sitting to the immediate
right of the second person ?
1) VQ 2) ZV 3) SZ
4) RS 5) YT
4. Who is third to the left of S ?
1) Y 2) W 3) T
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
5. Who is third to the right of W ?
1) S 2) R 3) V
4) Z 5) Data inadequate
[Bank of India Banking Officers’ Exam–2010]
Puzzle 77
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight persons working in three different
departments viz. Operations, Sales and Finance of an organisation with at
least two and not more than three in any department. They are in three different
scales viz. I, II and III with at least two in any one scale.
Both the employees in Operations department are in Scale II. D works in
Sales department and belongs to Scale I. A works in Finance department and
does not belong to Scale I. Two employees in Sales department belong to one
scale. F works with only H in one of the departments. C works with E in one

of the departments. B does not work with either C or A in the same department.
G does not belong to Scale III. E does not belong to Scale I.
1. Which of the following combinations is correct?
1) Operation — F — I 2) Operation — H — III

3) Sales — B — II 4) Finance — E — III
5) All are correct
2. Which of the following groups of employees work in Sales department ?
1) DBE 2) DBC 3) DBG
4) Data inadequate
3. H belongs to which scale?
1) I 2) II
5) None of these

3) III
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
4. G belongs to which scale ?
1) II 2) III 3) I
4) I or II 5) None of these
5. C belongs to which scale ?

1) I 2) II 3) III
4) I or II 5) None of these
[Bank of India Banking Officers’ Exam–2010]

Puzzle 78
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle facing at the centre.
C is third to the left of A and second to the right of E. B is second to the right

of C. D is second to the right of F who is second to the right of A. G is not an

immediate neighbour of C.

1. Who is to the immediate right of C?

1) H 2) G 3) D
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
2. Who is to the immediate right of H?
1) D 2) G 3) A
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
3. Who is the immediate left of D?
1) C 2) H 3) F
4) E 5) Data inadequate
4. Who is third to the right of H ?
1) E 2) F 3) D
4) G 5) Data inadequate
5. Who is second to the right of G ?
1) A 2) D 3) E
4) B 5) Data inadequate
6. In which of the following is the first person sitting in between the second
and the third person ?
1) BHA 2) CHB 3) EDC
4) EFG 5) None of these
[Baroda Rajasthan Gramin Bank Officers Exam–2010]

Puzzle 79
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I are sitting around a circle facing the centre. D
is fourth to the right of A and second to the left of G. C is second to right of G
and third to the left of I. F is fourth to the right of H. B is not an immediate
neighbour of G or A.

1. Who is third to the left of A ?
1) E 2) G 3) D
4) F 5) None of these
2. Who is fourth to the right of B ?
1) H 2) C se 3) A
4) G 5) None of these
3. Who is to the immediate left of D?
1) B 2) F 3) I
4) H 5) None of these
4. Who is second to the right of F ?
1) G 2) C 3) E
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

5. In which of the following combinations is the first person sitting in between

the second and the third persons ?
1) FBD 2) CEG 3) AHI
4) HIB 5) GEF

[Sarva UP Gramin Bank Officers Exam–2010]

Puzzle 80

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:

A, B, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle facing the centre. D is

fourth to the right of H and second to the left of B. F is fourth to the right of B.
G is fourth to the right of E who is not an immediate neighbour of B or D. A is

not an immediate neighbour of D.

1. What is B’s position with respect toG?
1) Third to the right 2) Third to the left 3) Fifth to the right
4) Fourth to the left 5) Fourth to the right
2. In which of the following combinations is the third person sitting in
between the first and the second persons?
l) ABC 2) GCD 3) AHE
4) CBA 5) EFG
3. Who is third to the right of A?
1) H 2) E 3) F
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
4. Who is to the immediate left of D?
1) G 2) C 3) F
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
5. Who is fourth to the left of G?
1) E 2) F 3) A
4) H 5) Data inadequate
[Bank of Baroda PO Exam–2010]

Puzzle 81
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
Four friends Amrita, Deepa, Smita and Rhea complete their PhD in different

number of years. The one who took maximum time took eight years to complete
her PhD while the one who took the least time took only three years to complete
it. Rhea took more time only than Amrita and completed her PhD in five years.
Smita did not take longer time than Deepa to complete her PhD.

1. How many years did Amrita take to complete her PhD?
1) 8 2) 3 3) 4
4) Either 6 or 7 5) Cannot be determined
2. How many years did Smita take to complete her PhD ?
1) 8 2) 3 se 3) 4
4) 7 5) Cannot be determined
3. Who amongst the following took the maximum number of years to complete
PhD ?
1) Amrita 2) Rhea 3) Smita
4) Deepa 5) Cannot be determined
4. How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters TEID
using each letter only once in each word?

1) None 2) One 3) Two

4) Three 5) More than three
5. If it is possible to make only one meaningful word with the second, fifth,
eighth and the eleventh letters (when counted from left hand side) of the

word DEVELOPMENT, which would be the second letter of the word from
the left ? If more than one such word can be formed, give X as the answer.
If no such word can be formed, give Z as your answer.

1) E 2) L 3) T
4) X 5) Z
[Punjab National Bank (SO) Exam–2010]

Puzzle 82

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:
Eight friends P, Q, R, S, T, V, W and Z, out of whom one is a pilot,
professor, businessman, doctor, lawyer, banker, cricketer or an architect (but
not necessarily in the same order), are sitting around a circular table, facing
the centre.
l S who is a banker sits third to right of Z.
l The professor and the architect are immediate neighbours of each other.
Neither the professor nor the architect is an immediate neighbour of
either Z or S.
l Cricketer and the pilot are immediate neighbour of each other. Neither
Z nor W is a pilot.
l The one who is a professor sits second to the right of T who is a
lawyer. V who is a cricketer is not an immediate neighbour of the
l Only R sits between the professor and the doctor. P sits third to the
right of the pilot.
1. Which of the following pairs represents the immediate neighbours of the
doctor ?
1) Professor-businessman 2) Pilot - professor
3) Cricketer - businessman 4) Lawyer - architect
5) None of these
2. What is the position of the businessman with respect to the pilot ?
1) Third to the left 2) Second to the left 3) Immediately to the right

4) Fourth to the right 5) Second to the right
3. Who sits third to the right of the professor ?
1) The banker 2) Q 3) The cricketer
4) The lawyer 5) None of these

4. Which of the following is true regarding R ?
1) He is a doctor
2) He is an immediate neighbour of the pilot
3) R sits between Q and T
4) He is an immediate neighbour of the professor
5) None is true
5. How many people sit between the ‘banker’ and ‘W’ when counted in anti-
clockwise direction from the banker?
1) None 2) One 3) Two
4) Three 5) Four
6. Who amongst the following is a pilot ?
1) P 2) Q 3) R
4) Z 5) None of these

7. What is the profession of Z ?

1) Businessman 2) Architect 3) Professor
4) Doctor 5) None of these

8. Who amongst the following sits exactly between T and Q ?

1) Cricketer 2) Architect 3) Professor
4) Doctor 5) Banker

[Punjab National Bank (SO) Exam–2010]

Puzzle 83

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:

A, B, C, D, E and F are seated in a circle facing the centre. A and C are

seated adjacent to each other and E and B are also seated adjacent to each
other. B is to the immediate left of F. There are two persons between D and E.
A is not seated adjacent to E.
1. How many persons are seated between F and E if we go anticlockwise
from F to E ?
1) 1 2) 2
3) 3 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
2. Who is to the immediate left of E?
1) C 2) B
3) F 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
Directions (Q. 3-5): Four of the following five are alike in a certain
way based on their seating positions in the above arrangement and so
form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group ?
3. 1) BA 2) BD 3) CF
4) DE 5) FC
4. 1) BEC 2) CAD 3) FDA
4) DFB 5) ADF
5. 1) AC 2) EB 3) CE
4) AF 5) DA
[Bank of India PO Exam–2010]

Puzzle 84
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
Q, R, S, T, U and V are seated to a straight line facing North. S is second

to the right of T and T is second to the right of Q. R is to the left of Q and is
second to the left of V.
1. How many persons are seated between T and V?
1) 1 2) 2 se 3) 3
4) 4 5) None of these
2. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their seating
position in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one
that does not belong to the group ?
1) QV 2) VT 3) US
4) UT 5) RQ
3. What is Q's position with respect to S?

1) Third to left 2) Immediate Next 3) Second to left

4) Fifth to left 5) None of these
4. Which of the following represents persons seated at the two extremes ?
1) RQ 2) US 3) SQ

4) SR 5) None of these
5. If S : T and T : Q, then U : ?
1) T 2) V 3) Q

4) S 5) R
[Bank of India PO Exam–2010]

Puzzle 85
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:

V, U and T are seated in a circle facing the centre. A, B and C are also
seated in the same circle but two of them are not facing the centre (facing
opposite direction of the centre). V is second to the left of C. U is second to the
right of A. B is third to the left of T. C is second to the right of T. A is seated
next to V.
1. Which of the following are not facing the centre ?
1) BA 2) CA
3) BC 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
2. Which of the following is T’s position with respect to B?
1) Third to the right
2) Second to the right
3) Third to the left
4) Third either to the right or to the left
5) None of these
3. Which of the following is V's position with respect to C?
1) Second to the right 2) Third to the left
3) Fourth to the right 4) Fourth to the left
5) Cannot be determined
4. Which of the following is true regarding the seating arrangement?
1) A, B and C are seated adjacent
2) V, U and T are seated adjacent
3) There are two persons whose seating arrangement cannot be ascertained

4) Those not facing the centre are seated adjacent
5) There are only two persons seated between V and T
5. Which of the following is A's position with respect to U?
1) Second to the left 2) Second to the right

3) Third to the right 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
[Bank of India PO Exam–2010]

Puzzle 86 se
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
In a Group of 5, each person has an exclusive and different preference
(has/likes) for a pen, a watch and a car. Pen preferences are Parker, Lamy,
Pointer, Lexi and Cello. Car preferences are Wagon R, Swift, Santro, Mica and
City. Watch preferences are Timex, Titan, Fastrack, Samay and Citizen.
Suman has Mica and Parker but does not prefer among watches -Titan or

Fastrack. The one who has Swift, likes Fastrack. Mrudula has preference for
City, Cello and Citizen. Amit has preference for Lamy and Timex, Veena prefers
Wagon R and Lexi. Harsh's preference for a watch is not Titan.

1. Which watch is Suman's preference?

1) Titan 2) Fastrack
3) Samay 4) Cannot be determined

5) None of these
2. Which pen is Harsh's preference?
1) Lamy 2) Pointer

3) Lexi 4) Cannot be determined

5) None of these

3. Which watch is Harsh's preference?

1) Samay 2) Fastrack
3) Timex 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
4. Who's preference is Swift?
1) Harsh 2) Amit
3) Veena 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
5. Which watch is Veena’s preference?
1) Sarnay 2) Fastrack
3) Titan 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
[Bank of India PO Exam–2010]

Puzzle 87
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
In a seven-storey building, having floors numbered one to seven, P, Q, R,
S, T and V each live on a different floor. (The ground floor is numbered floor
no. 1, the floor above it floor no. 2 and so on.) One of the floors in the building
is vacant. P lives on the fifth floor. No floor below fifth floor is vacant; also no
odd numbered floor is vacant. Only S lives between T and V. T does not live on
an odd numbered floor. T does not live on a floor immediately above or

immediately below R's floor. Q does not live on the bottommost floor.
1. Who lives on the topmost floor ?
1) Q 2) S 3) R
4) V 5) No one as it is vacant

2. On which of the following floors does R live ?
1) Seventh 2) Sixth 3) Third
4) Second 5) First
3. Which of the following floors is vacant?
1) Seventh 2) Sixth se 3) Third
4) Second 5) Fourth
[United Bank of India PO Exam–2010]

Puzzle 88
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:

In a sports event, different games are scheduled to be held on seven days,

starting on Monday and ending on Sunday. Two games are scheduled to be

held on Saturday as well as on Sunday and one game on each of the remaining
five days. The games to be held in these seven days are: Basketball, football,
boxing, sprinting, swimming, shooting, weightlifting, wrestling and cycling,

but not necessarily in the same order.

Shooting is scheduled to be held on Thursday. Boxing and cycling are
scheduled to be held on the same day. Wrestling is scheduled to be held three

days before basketball, i.e. two sports are scheduled between wrestling and
basketball. Wrestling is not scheduled to be held on Wednesday. Weightlifting

is scheduled immediately after the day boxing is scheduled. Football is scheduled

immediately after the day wrestling is scheduled. Swimming is not scheduled
on Monday.

1. Which of the following games is scheduled to be held on Friday ?
1) Basketball 2) Wrestling 3) Swimming
4) Weightlifting 5) Sprinting
2. Which of the following games is scheduled to be held on Sunday?
1) Football 2) Wrestling 3) Basketball
4) Cycling 5) Swimming
3. On which of the following days is sprinting scheduled ?
1) Saturday 2) Friday 3) Wednesday
4) Monday 5) Cannot be determined
4. On which of the following days is weightlifting scheduled?
1) Monday 2) Tuesday 3) Wednesday
4) Friday 5) Sunday
5. Shooting is related to Basketball in the same way as Wrestling is related to
1) Sprinting 2) Football 3) Shooting
4) Weightlifting 5) Boxing
[United Bank of India PO Exam–2010]

Puzzle 89
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a square table in such a way
that four of them sit at four corners of the square while four sit in the middle
of each of the four sides. The ones who sit at the four corners face the centre

while those who sit in the middle of the sides face outside.
Two females sit in the middle of the sides and two at the corners. A sits
second to the left of G. G sits in the middle of one of the sides. C sits fourth to
the right of his wife and his wife is not an immediate neighbour of A or G. B
sits third to right of her husband. B does not sit at any of the corners. Only D

sits between B and H. H is the husband of A. E is a male.
1. W hich of the following is t r ue with r espect t o t he given seat ing
1) No two males are immediate neighbours of each other
2) G and H do not face each other in the seating arrangement
3) E and D are immediate neighbours of each other
4) F is a male and sits diagonally opposite to E
5) A sits in the centre of one of the sides of the square table
2. Who amongst the following is B's husband?
1) C 2) G 3) E
4) F 5) Cannot be determined

3. How many people sit between B and C when counted in anti-clockwise

direction from B ?
1) None 2) One 3) Two
4) Three 5) Four

4. Who amongst the following is the wife of C?

1) D 2) F 3) B
4) G 5) Cannot be determined

5. What is the position of E with respect to C ?

1) Immediately to the left 2) Second to the left
3) Third to the right 4) Immediately to the right

5) Second to the right

[United Bank of India PO Exam–2010]

Puzzle 90
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
P, T, Q, U, S and R are standing in a straight line facing North. S is
standing third from the left end of the line. R is fourth to the right of T.
Neither P nor R is at the end of the line. Q is second to the left of P.
1. Who amongst the following is standing fourth from the left end of the
1) Q 2) R 3) P
4) U 5) None of these
2. If TQ : SP then, ? : RU
1) QS 2) TS 3) SP
4) QT 5) None of these
3. Who amongst the following are at the extreme ends of the line?
1) TU 2) TR 3) RU
4) TP 5) US
Directions (Q. 4-5): Four of the following five are alike in a certain
way based on their positions in the above arrangement and so form a
group. Which of the following does not belong to the group ?
4. 1) SRP 2) QPS 3) PUR
4) TSQ 5) TSU
5. 1) UR 2) PS 3) QT
4) SR 5) RP

[IDBI Assistant Manager Exam–2010]

Puzzle 91
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:
Six friends Hetal, Jayshree, Rohini, Meena, Nidhi and Swati, stay in
different areas of a city i.e., Dadar, Matunga, Mulund, Vikroli, Thane and
Kanjurmarg not necessarily in the same order. All six have different hobbies
which are singing, dancing, drawing, travelling, cooking and reading not
necessarily in the same order.
Hetal stays in Vikroli and her hobby is neither dancing nor reading. The
one whose hobby is travelling stays in Mulund. Jayshree's hobby is drawing
and she does not stay in either Dadar or Matunga. Meena stays in Kanjurmarg
and her hobby is cooking. Rohini likes reading but she and Nidhi do not stay
in Matunga.

1. What is Swati's hobby ?

1) Singing 2) Dancing 3) Reading
4) Travelling 5) None of these
2. Whose hobby is singing ?

1) Nidhi 2) Rohini 3) Swati

4) Hetal 5) None of these
3. Whose hobby is travelling ?

1) Hetal 2) Swati 3) Nidhi

4) Rohini 5) None of these
4. Where does Jayshree stay ?

1) Thane 2) Vikroli 3) Kanjurmarg

4) Mulund 5) None of these

5. Where does Rohini stay ?

1) Matunga 2) Mulund 3) Thane
4) Dadar 5) None of these
[IDBI Assistant Manager Exam–2010]

Puzzle 92
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
Seven flights namely Jet Airways. British Airways, Delta, Quantas,
Emirates, Lufthansa and Air India are scheduled to fly to London. There is
only one flight to London on each of the seven days of the week, starting from
Monday and ending on Sunday.
Delta flies on Wednesday. Air India flies the day next to British Airways.
British Airways does not fly on Monday or Friday. Two airlines fly between the
days British Airways, and Emirates fly. Emirates does not fly on Sunday.
Quantas flies a day before Lufthansa.
1. On which of the following days does Jet Airways fly?
1) Friday 2) Sunday 3) Tuesday
4) Thursday 5) None of these
2. How many flights fly between Lufthansa and Delta ?
1) None 2) One 3) Two
4) Three 5) Five
3. Which of the following flights flies on Friday ?
1) Air India 2) Quantas 3) Emirates

4) Lufthansa 5) Jet Airways
4. If Delta postpones its flight to Sunday owing to some technical reasons
and all the flights scheduled for Thursday to Sunday are now made to take
oil a day ahead of the schedule, which of the following flights would now

fly on Friday?
1) Lufthansa 2) Jet Airways 3) British Airways
4) Air India 5) Quantas
5. If Emirates is related to British Airways and Delta is related to Quantas in
a certain way based upon the given flight schedule, then Jet Airways will
be related to which of the following based upon the same relationship'?
1) Lufthansa 2) Quantas 3) Delta
4) Air India 5) None of these
[Bank of Maharashtra PO Exam–2010]
Puzzle 93
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circular table facing the
centre. No two males or two females are immediate neighbours of each other.
A is wife of H. A sits third to the left of E. F sits second to the right of D.

D is not an immediate neighbour of A or E. H and C are immediate neighbours

of each other. F is not an immediate neighbour of his wife B.

1. Which of the following is true about G ?

1) G is a male
2) G sits exactly between F and H

3) G sits third to the left or E

4) G sits second to the right of B

5) None is true
2. Who sits third to the left of B ?
1) F 2) H 3) D
4) A 5) None of these
3. How many people sit between B and F when counted in anti-clockwise
direction from B ?
1) One 2) Two 3) Three
4) Four 5) More than four
4. Four of the following live are alike in a certain way and so form a group.
Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?
1) H 2) F 3) E
4) G 5) D
5. Which of the following groups consists of only female members of the
1) A, B, H 2) G, F, C 3) C, H, G
4) D, H, C 5) None of these
6. If all the persons are made to sit in alphabetical order in clockwise
direction, starting from A, the positions of how many (excluding A) will
remain unchanged as compared to their original seating positions?
1) None 2) One 3) Two
4) Three 5) Four
[Bank of Maharashtra PO Exam–2010]

Puzzle 94

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circular table facing the
centre. Each one of them has a different profession viz. doctor, engineer,
architect, teacher, clerk, shopkeeper, businessman and banker.

A sits third to right of teacher. D sits second to left of G. G is not an
immediate neighbour of the teacher. Only one person sits between B who is
the shopkeeper and teacher. The one who is an architect sits third to right of
the shopkeeper. H sits between architect and engineer. E is not an immediate
neighbour of H. Engineer sits third to the right of clerk. Only one person sits
between businessman and F. E is neither a businessman nor a doctor.
1. W hich of the following is t r ue with r espect t o t he given seat ing
1) E is an immediate neighbour of the engineer
2) E is an architect
3) The clerk is an immediate neighbour of the banker

4) The teacher sits between H and the engineer

5) Shopkeeper sits second to the right of the teacher
2. What is the profession of H ?
1) Businessman 2) Architect

3) Banker 4) Teacher
5) Shopkeeper
3. What is the position of doctor with respect to the banker?

1) Immediately to the left 2) Third to the left

3) Second to the right 4) Fourth to the left
5) Second to the left

4. Who sit/s exactly between the architect and the businessman?

1) C and H 2) Clerk

3) Banker and shopkeeper 4) Doctor

5) C and teacher
5. Who amongst the following is a clerk?
1) C 2) D 3) E
4) F 5) G
[UCO Bank PO Exam–2011]

Puzzle 95
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each,
in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In
row-1 P, Q, R, S, T and V are seated and all of them are facing South. In row-
2 A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of them are facing North. Therefore, in
the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces another
member of the other row.
P sits third to the left of T. Neither P nor T sits at an extreme end of the
line. A sits second to the right of E. Neither A nor E faces T or P. A does not
sit at an extreme end. R does not face A and R does not sit at an extreme end
of the line. Only one person sits between F and C. Neither F nor C faces T. C
does not sit at the extreme end. Only one person sits between V and Q. F is
not an immediate neighbour of B and A does not face V.
1. How many persons are seated between B and D?

1) One 2) Two 3) Three
4) Four 5) None
2. V is related to B in the same way as Q is related to C. To which of the
following is P related to, following the same pattern?

1) F 2) A 3) D
4) E 5) None of these
3. Which of the following is true regarding V?
1) V faces A
2) T is not an immediate neighbour of V.
3) C faces the one who is second to left of V
4) V sits at one of the extreme ends of the line
5) R sits third to the right of V
4. Who amongst the following sit at extreme ends of the rows?
1) D, F 2) V, S 3) Q, S
4) B, D 5) None of these
5. Who amongst the following faces B?
1) V 2) S 3) Q

4) R 5) T
[UCO Bank PO Exam–2011]

Puzzle 96

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:

Six chemicals L, M, N, O, P and Q are kept in bottles of different colours

viz, green, red, blue, white, pink and violet, not necessarily in the same order.
These bottles are arranged from left to right, again not necessarily in the same

Chemical M is kept in white bottle. Chemical L is not kept in green bottle

and is kept to the immediate left of the violet bottle. Chemical O is kept in the
blue bottle and is kept exactly between the bottles containing chemicals L and
M. The red bottle is at the extreme left end. The bottles containing chemical Q
is not kept at either of the ends. The green bottle is kept at the extreme right
end. Chemical P is not kept near the white bottle.
1. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions
in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does
not belong to the group?
l) LM 2) LP 3) QO
4) LQ 5) NO
2. Which bottle contains chemical L?
1) Pink 2) Blue
3) Red 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
3. Which of the following combinations of chemical and bottle is correct ?
1) P - Red 2) N - Green
3) P - Green 4) Q - Pink
5) None of these
4. Which bottle contains chemical?
1) Pink 2) Green
3) Violet 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
5. If all the six chemicals are arranged alphabetically from left to right,
positions of how many will remain unchanged?

1) None 2) One 3) Two
4) Three 5) Four
6. Which bottle contains chemical N?
1) Green 2) Red

3) Pink 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
7. Which chemical is kept in the bottle at the extreme right end ?
1) P 2) N
3) L 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
[UCO Bank PO Exam–2011]

Puzzle 97
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
Six plays A, B, C, D, E and F are to be staged starting from Monday and

ending on Sunday with one of the days being an off day, not necessarily in the
1 1
same order, Each of the plays has different time duration: hour, 1 hour, 1
2 2

hours, 2 hours, 2 hours and 3 hours, again not necessarily in the same

Sunday is not an off day and a Play of hour duration is staged on that
day. Play A is staged immediately before Play E. There are two plays staged

between Play F which is for 3 hours and Play C which is for 1 hours. The

off day is after the staging of Play E and there are two days between the off day
and Play A. Play D which is for 2 hours is not staged on Monday. The play
staged immediately before the off day is of 3 hours. Play A is for less than 2
1. What is the time duration of Play B?
1) 2 hours 2) 2 hours 3) 1 hour
4) Vi hour 5) None of these
2. Which day is the off day?
1) Tuesday 2) Monday 3) Friday
4) Saturday 5) Cannot be determined
3. Which of the following combinations of Play - Day - Time Duration is
correct ?
1) E - Wednesday - 2 hours 2) A - Tuesday - 1 hour
3) C - Thursday - 1 hours 4) F - Tuesday - 3 hours
5) None is correct
4. On which day is Play D staged?
1) Wednesday 2) Saturday 3) Tuesday
4) Friday 5) Cannot be determined
5. How many plays are staged before the off day?
1) Two 2) One 3) Five

4) Three 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 6-7): Keeping all the other information the same, if D
is staged on Monday, then ________
6. A play of what time duration would be staged on Thursday?

1) 2 hours 2) 2 hours 3) 1 hour
4) 3 hours 5) Cannot be determined
7. Which day would be the off day? se
1) Tuesday 2) Monday 3) Friday
4) Saturday 5) Cannot be determined
[UCO Bank PO Exam–2011]
Puzzle 98
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
Eight people S, R, N, L, M, T, O and P are sitting in a circle facing the

centre. All eight belong to different professions — reporter, doctor, cricketer,

teacher , accountant, shopkeeper , paint er and supervisor. They are not
necessarily seated in the mentioned order.

M is sitting third to the left of O. The doctor is to the immediate right of M

and M is not a reporter. R is sitting fourth to the right of P. Neither R nor P is
an immediate neighbour of M. T is a teacher and is sitting third to the right of

the doctor. The shopkeeper is sitting second to the left of the teacher. The
painter is sitting second to the left of M. S the cricketer is sitting exactly
between T and P. The accountant is sitting second to the right of the cricketer.

N is sitting third to the left of T.


1. Who amongst the following is a reporter ?

1) O 2) L 3) N
4) R 5) None of these
2. What is S's position with respect to R?
1) Third to the right 2) Second to the right 3) Third to the left
4) Second to the left 5) Fourth to the right
3. How many people are sitting between P and N when counted in an anti-
clockwise direction from N ?
1) One 2) Two 3) Three
4) Four 5) None
4. Four of the following five pairs are alike in a certain way based on their
positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which of the
following does not belong to the group ?
1) Teacher - Painter 2) Supervisor - Shopkeeper
3) Cricketer - Reporter 4) Doctor - Accountant
5) Shopkeeper - Doctor
5. Which one of the following statements is false according to the above
mentioned arrangement?
1) N is to the immediate right of the supervisor
2) The cricketer is third to the right of the shopkeeper
3) The doctor is sitting exactly between the supervisor and the accountant
4) L is neither a teacher nor a supervisor
5) There are only three people between S and N
[RBI Grade ‘B’ Officers’ Exam–2011]

Puzzle 99

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
Six friends — Deepak, Varun, Anit, Nilesh, Rajesh and Siddharth are
studying six different specialisations of engineering which are — metallurgy,

t elecommunication, sof tware, mechanical, elect r ical and har dware not
necessarily in the same order. Each one likes a different sport - hockey, cricket,
swimming, football, badminton and tennis again not in the same order.
Nilesh is not studying hardware Rajesh is studying software and likes
hockey. Anit likes swimming and is not studying hardware. The one who
likes football is studying electrical. Siddharth is studying mechanical and
does not like t ennis. The one who likes badmint on is st udying
telecommunication. Deepak and Varun do not like badminton. Deepak does
not like tennis.
1. Which specialisation is Varun studying?
1) Metallurgy 2) Mechanical 3) Hardware

4) Electrical 5) None of these

2. Which sport does Deepak like?
1) Football 2) Cricket
3) Hockey 4) Cannot be determined

5) None of these
3. Which of the following person-specialisation combination is correct
according to the given information?

1) Nilesh-Hardware 2) Varun-Electrical
3) Anit-Metallurgy 4) Siddharth - Software
5) None is correct

Directions (Q. 4-5): If all six friends are asked to sit in a straight line,
facing north, in an alphabetical order (according to their names), from left

to right, then ________

4. Who will be to the immediate left of the one studying electrical?
1) The one who likes badminton
2) The one who is studying telecommunication
3) The one who is studying hardware
4) The one who likes hockey
5) None of these
5. Which of the following combinations will represent the favourite sport of
the immediate neighbours of Rajesh?
1) Badminton - Football 2) Cricket-Tennis
3) Cricket-Football 4) Tennis - Football
5) Cricket - Badminton
[RBI Grade ‘B’ Officers’ Exam–2011]

Puzzle 100
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
Six friends A, B, C, D, E and F working in the same office take different
time to reach office. All of them take time in the multiples of ten in such a
manner that the one who reaches office the earliest, reaches in 10 minutes
and the one who takes maximum time reaches office in 60 minutes. D takes
more time than E but less time than A. A reaches in 30 minutes. B takes less
time than only F.

1. How much time does C take to reach office?
1) 60 minutes 2) 50 minutes 3) 40 minutes
4) 20 minutes 5) Cannot be determined
2. Who amongst the following takes maximum time to reach office?

1) B 2) C 3) D
4) F 5) Cannot be determined
3. How many people take more time to reach office than D?
1) Four 2) Three 3) Two
4) One 5) None se
[RBI Grade ‘B’ Officers’ Exam–2011]

Puzzle 101
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:

K, L, M, P, Q, R, S and T are sitting around a square table in such a way

that four of them sit at four corners of the square while four sit in the middle

of each of the four sides. The ones who sit at the four corners face outside
while those who sit in the middle of the sides face the centre of the table.
P sits third to the right of S. S faces the centre. Q sits third to the left of
M. M does not sit in the middle of the sides. Only one person sits between Q

and R. R is not an immediate neighbour of M. T faces the centre. K is not an

immediate neighbour of R.

1. What is position of M with respect to L ?

1) Third to the right

2) M and L sit diagonally opposite to each other

3) Second to the right
4) Second to the left

5) Fifth to the right

2. Who sits exactly between Q and R?
1) T 2) P 3) K
4) M 5) S and K
3. Which of the following pairs represents the persons seated in the middle
of the sides who face each other?
1) S, Q 2) K, L 3) M, P
4) R, T 5) T, Q
4. Who amongst the following sit between R and K when counted in anti-
clockwise direction from K?
1) No one sits between R and K as R and K are immediate neighbours of
each other
2) S, P and L
3) P and Q
4) L and R
5) M, S and T
5. If K is made to face the opposite direction, who would sit to his immediate
1) R 2) Q 3) P
4) T 5) S
6. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group.
Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
1) L 2) M 3) K
4) P 5) R
[RBI Grade ‘B’ Officers’ Exam–2011]

Puzzle 102
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:

Twelve friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K and L were born in different
months of the same year. A was born in the month of April and G was born in
the month of August. J was born in the month immediately preceding the
month in which K was born and immediately succeeding the month in which
C was born. J was not born in the month of October nor in February. There is
a gap of two months between the birthdays of L and B. There were 30 days in
the month in which L was born. D was born in the month immediately after
the month in which I was born. There were 31 days in the month in which D
was born. There is a gap of one month between the birthdays of B and F. E and
H were born in that months which had 31 days each.
1. In which of the following months B was born?

1) December 2) June 3) March

4) November 5) September
2. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a
group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?

1) L 2) A 3) J
4) K 5) B
3. Who among the following was born in the month of February?

1) J 2) L 3) E or H
4) C 5) I
4. How many friends did celebrate their birthdays after F ?

1) None 2) Three 3) Four

4) Five 5) Six

5. If I is related A and B is related to J on the basis of months in which they

were born, then with which of the following L is related on the same
1) G 2) A 3) K
4) E 5) H
[RBI Grade ‘B’ Officers’ Exam–2011]

Puzzle 103
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
Twelve persons are sitting in two parallel lines in such a way that there
are six persons in each row at equidistance. A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in
row-1 and they face towards east. P, Q, R, S, T and V are sitting in row-2 and
they face towards west. One person of one row faces the other person of the
other row.
P, who is sitting at one of the ends of the row, is second to the right of T.
A does not face P or T. A is third to the left of F. There are two persons
between Q and V. There is only one person between C and D. C and D do not
face P. B is neighbour of C. S, who does not face D, is not the neighbour of Q.
1. Who among the following faces F?
1) Q 2) T 3) S
4) R 5) V
2. How many persons are sitting between E and C?
1) One 2) Two 3) Three

4) Four 5) None
3. E is related to R in the same way as B is related to S. On this pattern F is
related to
1) V 2) P 3) T

4) Q 5) None of these
4. Which of the following statements is true about B?
1) Q is the neighbour of that person who faces B
2) C is not the immediate neighbour of B
3) E is second to the right of B se
4) T faces B
5) B is second from the left end of the row
5. Who are sitting at the ends of the row?
1) P, V 2) F, A 3) D, E
4) P, S 5) None of these
[RBI Grade ‘B’ Officers’ Exam–2011]

Puzzle 104

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:
Seven friends A, B, C, D, E, F and G studied in colleges X, Y and Z and

are currently in different professions, namely Medicines, Fashion Designing,

Engineering, Business, Acting, Teaching and Architecture (not necessarily in
the same order). At least two and not more than three friends had studied in

the same college.

C is an architect and studied in college Y. E is not a businessman. Only G
amongst the seven friends studied in college X along with E. F is an engineer

and did not study in college Y. B is an actor and did not study in the same
college as F. A did not study in college Z. Those who studied in college X are

neither Fashion Designers nor teachers. None of those who studied in college
Y is a teacher.
1. Who amongst the following have studied in college Z?
1) B, A 2) C, F 3) B, D, F
4) A, D 5) D, F
2. Which of the following groups represents the students of college Y?
1) C, E, G 2) A, C, D 3) A, B, C
4) D, B, C 5) None of these
3. What is the profession of F?
1) Engineering 2) Business 3) Medicines
4) Acting 5) None of these
4. Who amongst the following is in the profession of Medicine?
1) E 2) G 3) A
4) D 5) None of these
5. What is the profession of A?
1) Teaching 2) Medicine 3) Business
4) Fashion Designing 5) None of these
6. Which of the following combinations of person, college and profession is
definitely correct?
1) E-X-Fashion Designing 2) F-X-Engineering
3) A-Y-Businessman 4) D-Z-Teaching
5) None of these
7. Who amongst the following is a teacher?
1) A 2) D 3) E
4) G 5) None of these

[Syndicate Bank PO Exam–2010]

Puzzle 105
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer

the questions given below:
Eight friends Q, R, S, T, V, W, Y and Z are sitting around a circular table,
facing the centre. There are three males and five females in the group of
friends. No two males are immediate neighbours of each other.
l V sits second to the right of his wife.
l S sits third to the right of V.
l W sits second to the right of her husband Z. Z is not an immediate
neighbour of V’s wife.
l T is a male and Y is not an immediate neighbour of V.
l R sits second to the right of Q.
1. What is the position of T with respect to Z?

1) Second to the left

2) Immediately to the right
3) Third to the left
4) Second to the right

5) Third to the right

2. Which of the following statements regarding S is definitely correct?
1) S is one of the male members of the group.

2) Both the immediate neighbours of S are females.

3) S sits third to the left of T.
4) W is an immediate neighbour of S.

5) S sits second to the right of Q.

3. Who amongst the following is V’s wife?

1) Q 2) Y 3) R
4) T 5) None of these
4. Who amongst the following has a male sitting to the immediate left and
the right?
1) Y 2) R 3) Q
4) S 5) None of these
5. Which of the following is not true regarding T?
1) T is an immediate neighbour of Z’s wife.
2) No male is an immediate neighbour of T.
3) Q sits second to right of T.
4) The one who sits third to the left of T is a male.
5) All are true
6. Which of the following pairs represents the immediate neighbours of T?
1) RQ 2) WZ 3) YV
4) WY 5) None of these
7. How many people sit between V and S when counted in anti-clockwise
1) None 2) One 3) Two
4) Three 5) Four
8. Who amongst the following sits exactly between V and Y?
1) Q 2) W 3) R
4) T 5) Z
[Syndicate Bank PO Exam–2010]

Puzzle 106

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
In an international meet, representatives A, B, C, D, E, F G and H from
eight different countries, viz Thailand, France, Holland, Austria, US, Spain,

India and Germany (not necessarily in the same order), sit around a circular
table facing the centre. A, who represents Germany, sits third to the left of E.
The one who is from India sits on the immediate right of A. D, who is from
Holland, sits second to the right of B. B is not an immediate neighbour of E. C,
who is from Spain, sits exactly in the middle of people representing US and
India. G, the representative from France, sits second to the left of H, who is
from Thailand.
1. How many people sit between A and the representative from Austria when
counted in clockwise directions?
1) None 2) One 3) Two
4) Three 5) Four

2. Which of the following is TRUE regarding representative F?

1) F is the representative of Austria.
2) F sits second to the left of the representative from Thailand.
3) The representative from Germany is not an immediate neighbour of F.

4) E sits third to the right of F.

5) None of these
3. In which of the following pairs is the representative from the first country

sitting on the immediate left of the representative from the second country?
1) India-Thailand 2) Austria-US 3) Thailand-Holland
4) Spain-Germany 5) US-Spain

4. What is the position of B with respect to the position of the representative

from the US?

1) Third to the left 2) Fourth to the right 3) Fourth to the left

4) Second to the right 5) Second to the left
5. Which of the following pairs represents the immediate neighbours of the
representative from Holland?
1) CG 2) BE 3) AH
4) HB 5) GE
6. The representative from which of the following countries is seated second
to the left of the Indian representative?
1) Thailand 2) US 3) France
4) Spain 5) None of these
7. The representative from which of the following countries sits exactly in
the middle of the representatives from Thailand and France?
1) Holland 2) Austria 3) Germany
4) US 5) None of these
[NABARD Bank PO Exam–2010]
Answers and explanations
Puzzle 1

Person Profession Car Gender

T Air-hostess Ikon Female
R Professor Scorpio Male
L Jeweller Corolla Male
W Lawyer Lancer Male

Z Consultant Santro Male
S Doctor Esteem Female
M Travel Agent Alto Female

1. 4 2. 3 3. 1 4. 2 5. 2

Puzzle 2

B Italian Friday
M Indian Saturday
R Spanish Tuesday
W Continental Sunday

N Mexican Monday
T Chinese Wednesday
1. 5; B 2. 4 3. 3 4. 1 5. 2

Puzzle 3
From the clues (i), (iii), (iv) (v) and (vi) we get three possible arrangements

for Monday to Saturday. These arrangements are as follows:

1. R, Holiday, Q, T, S, P
2. T, S, P, R, Holiday, Q

3. S, P, R, Holiday, Q, T
Reject the possibilities 1 and 2 because of clue (ii). Hence, the arrangement

3 is the correct one. Thus, we get

S.No. Day Person

1. MON S
2. TUE P
3. WED R
4. THU Holiday
5. FRI Q
6. SAT T
1. 4 2. 5; Wednesday 3. 1 4. 2
Puzzle 4
Arrange the whole information in the following form.

S. No. Person Specialisation Colour

1 P(+) Journalism Yellow
2 Q(-) Marketing Pink
3 D(+) Pharmacy Red
4 N(-) HR Green
5 R (+) IT Orange

6 F(-) Civil Grey
7 T(+) Finance Blue

1. 3 2. 2 3. 5; IT 4. 1 5. 4

Puzzle 5
College Student
A P(Electronics), Z (Electronics), S(Mechanical)
B W (Electrical), T (Mechanical)
C R (Mechanical), V (Electrical), Q (Electrical)
1. 4 2. 3 3. 1 4. 5 5. 1
Puzzle 6
Marketing: H(DD), A(BBC), (Aaj Tak)
Finance: C(Sony), F(NDTV), E(Star)

Production: D(ESPN), G(Zee)

1. 3 2. 3 3. 2 4. 5; H, A and B 5. 1

Puzzle 7

Product Manager and city

1. X Q(Jaipur), E(Cochin), M(Ahmedabad)
2. Y T(Delhi), D (Bangalore)

3. Z J(Hyderabad), R (Chennai), P(Pune)

1. 5; Q, E and M

2. 2 3. 1 4. 4 5. 3

Puzzle 8

Day Game
Mon Chess
Tue Rest
Wed Volleyball
Thu Carrom
Fri Table Tennis
Sat Kho-kho

1. 2 2. 5; One day 3. 3 4. 4 5. 1
Puzzle 9
I . D() (X), F() (Y), H () (Z)

II. E () (X), C () (Y), G () ( Z)

III. ——— A() (Y), B() ( Z)

1. 4 2. 3 3. 1 4. 5 5. 2

Puzzle 10

W orker Shift W eekly Off
L I Tue
M II Thu
N I Sun

R II Fri
se Mon

1. 3 2. 1 3. 2 4. 4 5. 5; M
Puzzle 11

Aa Ch

Av Mo

Va Dh

Ga De

1. 3 2. 3 3. 2 4. 1 5. 5

Puzzle 12

Professional City Profession

A Bhubaneshwar Pharmacist
B Hyderabad Professor
C Mumbai Artist
D Bangalore Engineer
E Ahmedabad Lawyer
F Chennai Doctor
G Jaipur Counsellor

1. 3 2. 1 3. 4 4. 2 5. 5; F
Puzzle 13

Candidate Panel Company

Nilesh IV A
Samir III G
Harish V B
Nikita VI E
Shailaja I D

Laxman VII F
Sujata II C

1. 4 2. 1 3. 2 4. 3 5. 1

Puzzle 14

Friend Shift Day off

se Tuesday
R II Wednesday
S I Sunday
T III Friday

V III Thursday
W I Saturday

1. 3 2. 4 3. 1 4. 4 5. 3

Puzzle 15





1. 1
2 . 5; N
3. 4 4. 4 5. 3 6. 1
Puzzle 16




1. 3 2. 4 3. 1 4. 5 5. 2
Puzzle 17

M ember Country Sport

K China Archery
T USA Football
F France
se Volleyball
L Australia Athletics
J Russia Tennis
R Korea Rifle Shooting
H Japan Boxing
1. 4 2. 4 3. 1 4. 2 5. 2

Puzzle 18





Priya Mukta

1. 3
2 . 5; Geeta
3. 4 4. 2 5. 5
Puzzle 19

M ember Sports Instument

A Badminton Flute
B Carrom Banjo
C Lawn Tennis Harmonium
D Table Tennis Tabla
E Bridge Santoor
F Football Guitar

G Hockey Sitar
1. 3 2. 1 3. 5 4. 4 5. 3

Puzzle 20



se F
1. 1
2 . 5; Third to the left
3. 3 4. 2 5. 4

Puzzle 21

Student College Subject

P( ) B MBA

Q() A BCA
R() B Medicine
S( ) A Journalism

T( ) A BCA
W( ) C Aviation

Z() C Medicine

1. 5; RZ 2. 1 3. 1 4. 4 5. 2

Puzzle 22




1. 3 2. 4 3. 1 4. 3 5. 5; R
Puzzle 23

1. 3 2. 1
3. 2;

Thus only R’s position does not change.
4. 4
5. 5; In all others the first person is second to the left of the second person.

Puzzle 24
M ember Profession College
A (+) Engineer Y

B (–) Lawyer P
C (–) Doctor X
D (–) Professor Z

E (+) Banker S
F (+) Stockbroker W

G (+) Businessman V

1. 4 2. 2 3. 3 4. 1 5. 5

Puzzle 25




1. 1 2. 4 3. 3 4. 5 5. 2
Puzzle 26

M ember City M other tongue

H Chennai Marathi
I Hyderabad Telugu
J Bangalore Kannada
K Ahmedabad Punjabi
L Delhi Bangla

M Kolkata Tamil
N Mumbai Hindi
1. 4 2. 1 3. 2 4. 3 5. 5; Tamil

Puzzle 27


1. 1 2. 4 3. 2 4. 51 5. 1
Puzzle 28




1. 1 2. 2 3. 4
4. 3; In all others, the second person is second to the right of the first.

5. 5

Puzzle 29

Friend College Branch

A Z Mechanical
B Y Civil
C X Chemical
D X Electrical
E Z Computer
F Y Aeronautical
G Z Electronics
1. 4 2. 1 3. 5 4. 3 5. 2
Puzzle 30

A C or G


G or C E

1. 4; C or G 2. 2 3. 5 4. 3 5. 5; E

Puzzle 31

Student Subject Sport
P Biology Cricket
Q History se Badminton
R Philosophy Hockey
S Geography Basketball
T English Football
V Physics Table Tennis
W Chemistry Volleyball

1. 2 2. 3 3. 4 4. 1 5. 5; English

Puzzle 32

Student Class Colour

P II Green
Q III Black

R IV Red
S I Pink

T VI Yellow
M V Blue

1. 3 2. 5; Red 3. 1 4. 5 5. 4

Puzzle 33

1. 2 2. 3 3. 4 4. 2 5. 1 6. 5; G
Puzzle 34

1. 1 2. 2 3. 4 4. 5 5. 3

Puzzle 35

Student Standard Subject
P V Geography
Q VII History
R VI English

S IV Maths
T VIII Hindi
V X Science
W IX se Sanskrit

1. 2 2. 1 3. 3 4. 5; V 5. 4
Puzzle 36
A > D > G ... (ii);
C > E > H ... (iii)
D > B > F ... (iv);
G > C ... (v); F > G ... (vii)

Combining these, we get

A > D > B > F > G > C > E > H
1. 5

2. 2; A > D > B > F > G > C, J > E > H

3. 1
4. 2; G, C, E and H.

5. 5

Puzzle 37

1. 5 2. 4 3. 1 4. 3 5. 2
Puzzle 38

Friend Profession Bank

A Forex Officer S
B Agriculture Officer M
C Economist N
D Terminal Operator L
E IT Officer R
F Clerk Q

G Research Analyst P

1. 2 2. 2 3. 3 4. 3 5. 5
6. 4 7. 1

Puzzle 39
s se

1. 4 2. 1 3. 2 4. 3 5. 4

Puzzle 40

1. 2 2. 3 3. 4
4. 5; H
5. 1;

All positions change.

Puzzle 41



1. 1 2. 4 3. 3 4. 2 5. 5

Puzzle 42

Employee Department Sport

A Pers TT
B Admin Football
C Admin Hockey
F Pers Volleyball
G Mktg LT
H Mktg Badminton

1. 3 2. 2 3. 5 4. 1 5. 4

Puzzle 43

1. 4 2. 3 3. 2 4. 5 5. 1

Puzzle 44

1. 5 2. 2 3. 4 4. 3 5. 1
Puzzle 45

1. 5 2. 1 3. 3 4. 1 5. 2

Puzzle 46

Day Play

Monday No play
Tuesday A
Wednesday D
se C
Saturday E
1. 2 2. 1 3. 3

Puzzle 47

1. 2 2. 1 3. 5; A 4. 4 5. 3

Puzzle 48

Date Day Play

25 Monday A
26 Tuesday Z
27 Wednesday B
28 Thursday No play
29 Friday M
30 Saturday Q
31 Sunday X
1. 5; A
2. 1 3. 2 4. 4 5. 3
Puzzle 49

1. 1 2. 3
3. 2; Rakesh, Mukesh and Ajay

4. 4; The family doesn’t have Ajay’s grandfather.
5. 4

Puzzle 50

1. 4; D or G
2 . 5; F
3. 1 4. 2 5. 2

Puzzle 51

Students Class Play

A VIII or X Volleyball
B X Table Tennis

C IX Lawn Tennis
D IX Badminton

E VIII or X Cricket or Basketball

F VIII Football
G VIII Basketball or Cricket

H X Hockey
1. 2 2. 4 3. 2 4. 1 5. 4

Puzzle 52
Friend Class Colour
V IV Yellow
K IX White
D VI Black
T VII Green
J V Red
R III Purple
1. 1 2. 4 3. 5 4. 3 5. 2
Puzzle 53

A English R
B History V
C Maths T
D Histroy W
E English S
F Maths P

G Maths Q

1. 4 2. 2 3. 3 4. 1 5. 5

Puzzle 54

A Jaipur Jet
B Chennai Kingfisher
Indian Airlines
Air India
E Delhi Air Deccan
F Hyderabad Spicejet

G Ahmedabad Sahara

1. 3 2. 1 3. 2

Puzzle 55

On the basis of given information and conclusions as well as sub-

conclusions drawn from them we can construct the following chart:

S. No. Day Sports

1st Day Wednesday Cricket

2nd Day Thursday Hockey

3rd Day Friday Tennis

4th Day Saturday Volleyball

5th Day Sunday Football
6th Day Monday Holiday
7th Day Tuesday Badminton

1. 3; Volleyball was telecast on fourth day, i.e., Saturday.

2 . 2; Monday was holiday.
3. 4; Football was telecast before holiday and Badminton was telecast after
4. 1; Cricket was telecast on Wednesday.
5. 5; On Sunday football was telecast.
Puzzle 56

M ember Sex Profession Relationship

M M Farmer Father of O, Q and N
N F Teacher Daughter of M
O M Businessman Husband of P
P F Doctor Wife of O
Q M Lawyer Brother of O

1. 2; Clearly, ‘P’ is doctor in this family.
2. 3; Clearly, ‘O’ is businessman in this family.
3. 4; ‘N’ and ‘P’ are women.
4. 4; ‘O’ and ‘P’ are couple.
5. 3; Clearly, ‘M’ ‘O’ and ‘Q’ are male members of this family.

Puzzle 57
1. 1; Of the six companies if ‘O’ is the, first, L is third and order, ‘J’, ‘K’, ‘M’
and ‘J’, ‘N’ is to be followed. Clearly, ‘J’ must be visited second.
2 . 1; According to information, L must be in third place and the order J, K,
M must not be violated. This is followed only in the arrangement J, O,
L, K, N, M.
Puzzle 58

1. 5 2. 1 3. 2 4. 4 5. 3

Puzzle 59

Persons Companies Days


R C Tuesday
J D Wednesday
M A Thursday
Q G Sunday
L F Saturday
T E Friday
K B Monday

1. 3 2. 1 3. 4 4. 5 5. 2
Puzzle 60

M embers Colours Sports

R Green Badminton
V Grey Table Tennis or Carrom
T Blue Chess
Q Black Lawn Tennis
S White Carrom or Table Tennis
W Yellow Basketball

P Red Volleyball
1. 2 2. 3 3. 4 4. 3 5. 5 6. 2

Puzzle 61

s se
1. 3 2. 3 3. 1 4. 1
5. 5; Second is left of the first.

Puzzle 62

B Marketing Nagpur
G Engineering Chennai

H Marketing Ranchi
K Engineering Kolkata

D Systems Hyderabad
F Systems Kozikode
T Marketing Patna

V Systems Bhopal

1. 2 2. 1 3. 3 4. 4 5. 5

Puzzle 63



1. 2 2. 3 3. 1 4. 2 5. 4 6. 5
Puzzle 64
According to age,
Sourav > Rahul > Anuj > Kunal > Harish
According to height,
Kunal > Rahul > Sourav > Harish > Anuj
1. 1 2. 3 3. 4 4. 3 5. 2

Puzzle 65

1. 2 2. 3 3. 4 4. 5
se 5. 5

Puzzle 66
M embers States Games
A Madhya Pradesh Badminton
B Bihar Table-Tennis

C Orissa Billiards
D Kerala Chess
E Tamil Nadu Golf

F Maharashtra Cricket
G Uttar Pradesh Hockey

1. 1 2. 3 3. 3 4. 4 5. 2

Puzzle 67

1. 1 2. 2 3. 4 4. 1 5. 5
Puzzle 68

Boys Games Subjects

A Hockey Psychology
B Cricket Biology
C Carrom English
D Football German
E Badminton Physics

F Volleyball Economics
G Table Tennis Bio-Chemistry

1. 1 2. 3 3. 5 4. 4 5. 2

Puzzle 69


s se Sudha

Priya Mukta

1. 3
2 . 5; Geeta

3. 4 4. 2 5. 5

Puzzle 70

M ember Sports Instument


A Badminton Flute
B Carrom Banjo
C Lawn Tennis Harmonium
D Table Tennis Tabla
E Bridge Santoor
F Football Guitar
G Hockey Sitar

1. 3 2. 1 3. 5 4. 4 5. 3
Puzzle 71



1. 3

2 . 5; V is third to the left of P.
3.1 4.2 5.4

Puzzle 72

s se
1. 2 2. 3 3. 3 4. 1 5. 4
Puzzle 73

Friends Departments Organisations

A Marketing Q
B Finance T

C Marketing S
D Finance Z


1. 5 2. 1 3. 2 4. 4 5. 3

Puzzle 74

1. 4 2. 3 3. 2 4. 5 5. 1
360 / Magical Book on Puzzle

Puzzle 75

1. 2 2. 5 3. 3 4. 1 5. 5

Puzzle 76



T se

1. 4; V is sitting between Z and Q.

2. 1; Q is second to the right of Z.
3. 5; Y is sitting to the immediate right of T.
4. 3; T is third to the left of S.
5. 2; R is third to the right of W.

Puzzle 77

Person Department Scale


A Finance III
B Sales III

C Finance III
D Sales I

E Finance III
F Operations II

G Sales I
H Operations I

1. 4; The combination Finance - E-III is correct.

2. 3; B, D and G work in Sales department.
3. 2; H belongs to scale II.
4. 3; G belongs to scale I.
5. 3; C belongs to scale III.
Puzzle 78

1. 1 2. 5 3. 4
4. 4 5. 3 6. 1
Puzzle 79

s se
1. 2 2. 5 3. 1
4. 3 5. 5

Puzzle 80

1. 1; B is third to the right of G.

2. 2; D is sitting between G and C.
3. 3; F is third to the right of A.
4. 1; G is to the immediate left of D.
5. 3; A is fourth to the left of G.
Puzzle 81
Amrita > Rhea > Smita > Deepa

Friends Number of Years

Amrita 3
Rhea 5
Smita 6 or 7
Deepa 8
1. 2 2. 4 3. 4
4. 4; Meaningful words are TIDE, TIED and DIET.

5. 1; Second, fifth, eighth and the eleventh letters from left are E, L, M and
T respectively.
Meaningful word is MELT of which second letter from the left is E.

Puzzle 82


se Q


Friends Professions
S Banker

V Cricketer
T Lawyer
P Professor

Q Pilot
R Architect

W Doctor
Z Businessman

1. 5 2. 2 3. 5 4. 4 5. 4 6. 2
7. 1 8. 5

Puzzle 83
On the basis of given information following seating arrangement can be



1. 3; There are thr ee persons D, A and C bet ween F and E, if we go
anticlockwise from F to E.
2 . 1; C is sitting to the immediate left of E.
3. 2; In all others there are two persons between the first and the second
person. While in BD, only one person is sitting.
4. 3; Except in FDA, in all others the three persons are seated in clockwise.
5. 4; Except AF, all other pairs indicate the persons seated adjacent to
each other.

Puzzle 84
Following seating arrangement can be possible:


1. 5; There is no person between T and V.
2 . 4; Except in UT, in all others the first person is sitting to the immediate
left of the second person.
3. 5; Q is fourth to the left of S.
4. 4; R and S are seated at the two extremes.
5. 2; S is second to the right of T.
T is second to the right of Q.
U is second to the right of V.
Puzzle 85
On the basis of given information following seating arrangement can be





1. 3; B and C are not facing the centre. Since the information ‘U is second
to the right of A’ given in the question indicates that A is facing the
2 . 4; T is third to the left or right of B.
3. 3; V is second to the left of C or fourth to the right of C.
4. 4; Option 4 is correct.
5. 1; A is second to the left of U.
Puzzle 86
On the basis of information given in the question, following table can be

Person Pen Car W atch

Suman Parker Mica Samay
Mrudula Cello City Citizen
Amir Lamy Santro Timex
Veena Lexi Wagon R Titan

Harsh Pointer Swift Fastrack

1. 3; Suman likes Samay watch.

2. 2; Harsh likes Pointer pen.
3. 2; Harsh likes Fastrack watch.

4. 1; Harsh likes Swift car.
5. 3; Veena likes Titan watch.

Puzzle 87
On the basis of given information, following table can be constructed:

Floor Person
7 Q
6 Vacant
5 P

4 T
3 S
2 V

1 R

1. 1; Q lives on the topmost floor.

2 . 5; R lives on the first floor.
3. 2; Sixth floor is vacant.

Puzzle 88
Days Games
Monday Sprinting
Tuesday Wrestling
Wednesday Football
Thursday Shooting
Friday Basketball
Saturday Boxing, Cycling
Sunday Weightlifting, Swimming
1. 1; Basketball
2. 5; Weighlifting and swimming
3. 4; Monday
4. 5; Sunday
5. 2; Basketball is scheduled immediately after Shooting. Similarly, Football
is scheduled immediately after Wrestling.

Puzzle 89

B (Female) D (Female)
(Female) F

(Male) G H (Male)

E (Male)

(Male) C
A (Female)

H is husband of A. C is husband of D. E is husband of B.

1. 5; Option (5) is true.
2 . 3; E is husband of B.
3. 3; Two persons F and G sit between B and C.
4. 1; D is wife of C.
5. 5; Second to the right.
Puzzle 90



l l l l l l

1. 3 2. 3 3. 1

4. 5; 2 1
S  R  P
2 1
Q  P  S
2 1
P  U  R
2 1
T  S  Q
2 3
T  S  U
1 1 1 2 1
5. 4; U  R; P  S; Q  T; S  R ; R  P
Puzzle 91

Friends Places of Satying Hobbies

Hetal Vikroli Singing
Jayshree Thane Drawing
Rohini Dadar Reading
Meena Kanjurmarg Cooking
Nidhi Mulund Travelling
Swati Matunga Dancing

1. 2 2. 4 3. 3 4. 1 5. 4

Puzzle 92
On the basis of given information following table can be constructed:

Days Flights
Monday Emirates
se Jet Airways
Thursday British Airways
Friday Air India

Saturday Quantas
Sunday Lufthansa

1. 3; Jet Airways flies on Tuesday.

2. 4; Three flights fly between Lufthansa and Delta.

3. 1; Air India flies on Friday.

4. 5; Quantas will fly on Friday.
5. 4; There are two flights between Emirates and British Airways.

Puzzle 93
Sitting arrangement would be as follows:


(Male) H F

(Female) C G (Female)

(Male) E D (Male)
A is wife of H.
B is wife of F.
1. 4; G is a female who sits second to right of B.
2 . 2; H sits third to the left of B.
3. 2; Two persons D and G sit between B and F when counted in anti-
clockwise direction from B.
4. 4; G is a female while all others are males.
5. 5; Female members are A, G, B and C.
6. 3;
(H) (B)

(G) C G (C)

D (D)

Puzzle 94 se
Sitting arrangement is as given below:

Clerk Doctor

Banker Architect

Shopkeeper Teacher

1. 3; Statement (3) is true.
2. 4; H is a Teacher.

3. 2; D, Doctor is third to the left of Banker E.

4. 4; Doctor D sits between F, Architect and A, Businessman.
5. 5; G is a clerk.

Puzzle 95

1. 2; To persons - A and C - are seated between B and D.
2. 1; V and B are opposite diagonally. Therefore, P is related to F.
3. 4; V sits at one of the extreme ends of the line.
4. 2; V and S are at extreme ends of the Row-1.
5. 5; T faces B.

Puzzle 96






1. 4; Except in LQ, in all others there is a gap of one bottle.
2. 1; Chemical L is in Pink bottle.
3. 3; P- Green is correct.
4. 3; Chemical Q is in Violet bottle.

5. 2;
6. 2; Chemical N is in Red bottle. se
7. 1; Chemical Pis kept in the bottle at the extreme right.

Puzzle 97
Days Play Duration
Monday C 1 Hours
Tuesday A 1 Hour

Wednesday E 2 Hours

Thursday F 3 Hours
Friday Off day

Saturday D 2 Hours
Sunday B Hour

1. 4; Duration of Play B is Hour.

2. 3; Friday is off day.
3. 2; A—Tuesday — 1 Hour is correct.
4. 2; D is staged on Saturday.
5. 5; Four plays were staged before the off day.
6. 2; If D is staged on Monday, Play E of 2 Hours duration will be staged
on Thursday.
7. 4; Now, Saturday would be the off day.
Puzzle 98
Sitting arrangement:

Doctor N L Accountant

Shopkeeper R P Painter

Reporter O S Cricketer

1. 1; O is a reporter.
2. 1; S is third to the right of R.
3. 4; Four persons - R, O, T and S.
4. 5; Shopkeeper and Doctor are immediate neighbours.
5. 3; The doctor is sitting exactly between the Supervisor and Shopkeeper.
Puzzle 99
Friend Specialisation Sport
Deepak Electrical Football
Varun Hardware Tennis

Anit Metallurgy Swimming

Nilesh Telecommunication Badminton

Rajesh Software Hockey

Siddharth Mechanical Cricket

1. 3; Varun is studying Hardware.

2 . 1; Deepak likes Football.

3. 3; The combination Anit - Metallurgy is correct.

Anit Deepak Nilesh Rajesh Siddharth Varun

4. 5; Deepak is studying Electrical. Anit is to the immediate left of Deepak.

Anit is studying Metallurgy and likes Swimming.
5. 5; Immediate neighbours of Rajesh are Nilesh and Siddharth. Nilesh
likes Badminton and Siddharth likes Cricket.

Puzzle 100
E < D < A
10 20 30
B < F
50 60
E  10 Minutes D  20 Minutes
A  30 Minutes C  40 Minutes
B  50 Minutes F  60 Minutes
1. 3; C takes 40 minutes.
2 . 4; F takes maximum time.
3. 1; Four persons.

Puzzle 101




1. 4; M is second to the left of L.

P sits exactly between Q and R.
Q faces T and both are sitting in the middle of the sides.
P and Q.
5. 2; Q would sit to the immediate right of K.
6. 5; Except R, all others are seated at the corners.

Puzzle 102

M onth Friend
January E/H

February I
March D
April A

May K
June J

July C
August G

September L
October E/H
November B
December F

1. 4; B was born in November.

2. 4; Except K, all others are born in the months having 30 days.
3. 3; E or H was worn in January.
4. 1; F was born in December.
5. 2; The month of birth of friends has 30 or 28 days.
Puzzle 103







1. 5; F is facing V.
2 . 2; Two persons—A and B.
3. 4; E and R at the left ends of the rows. B and S are third from the left
F is second from the right end. In Row-2, Q is second from the right

4. 4; T faces B.
5. 3; E and D are sitting at the ends of the row-1.

Puzzle 104

Friend College Subject


A Y Fashion

B Y Acting

C Y Architecture

D Z Teaching

E X Medicine

F Z Engineering

G X Business

1. 5 2. 3 3. 1
4. 1 5. 4 6. 4
7. 2
Puzzle 105

1. 5 2. 4 3. 2 4. 2 5. 5 6. 4

7. 3 8. 1

Puzzle 106 s se

1. 3; D and H
2. 5 3. 3 4. 4 5. 3

6. 5; Holland
7. 2
Circular Sitting Arrangements

Puzzle Set-1:

There are nine friends J, A, P, N, I, S, D, K and T sitting around the circle. Four of them are facing away
from the center and rest is facing towards the center. They like different languages viz. Hindi, English, Nepali,
Telugu, Marathi, Punjabi, Bhojpuri, Gujrati and Bengali but not necessarily in the same order. T is second to
the left of D, who doesn’t like Punjabi, Hindi or Bhojpuri language. K likes Gujrati language. One who likes
Nepali language is fourth to the right of the one who likes English. Person who likes English language is facing
away from the center. D is fourth to the right of S, whose sitting orientation is same as A. A, who likes Marathi
language is sitting fifth to the left of N, who is an immediate neighbor of T. I don’t like Hindi, Punjabi or
Bhojpuri language. P likes Punjabi language, one who likes Bhojpuri language is facing toward the center as I
faces, but they are not neighbors of each other. Bhojpuri language is not liked by T. S is facing away from the
center. Hindi language is not liked by S. one who likes Telugu is sitting second to the right of the one who likes
Hindi. A is second to the left of J, who likes English. T is in the group of I in terms of sitting direction with
respect to center. K is facing away from the center and is second to the right of P. Nepali language is liked by a
person who is facing away from the center.
Note: Facing the same direction means if some person faces the center then other person faces the center and
vice versa. Also facing the opposite direction means if one person faces the center then other person faces
outward direction and vice versa.
1. Who is sitting second to the right of D?
(a) J (b) A (c) T (d) I (e) None of these

2. Who among the following likes Bengali language?

(a) I (b) N (c) S (d) T (e) D

3. Which among the following combination is correctly matched?

(a) S-Nepali-facing center (b) D-Hindi- facing away from the center
(c) N-Bhojpuri-facing away from the center (d) A- Marathi – facing center (e) None of these

4. Who among the following face away from the center?

(a) T (b) P (c) S (d) D (e) I

5. Which of the following language is liked by D?

(a) Hindi (b) English (c) Punjabi (d) Telugu (e) None of these

Puzzle Set-2:

Eight Kabaddi players Anup, Meraj, Kaila, Campbell, Masayuki, Troy, Munshi and David are sitting
around a circular conference table facing toward the center. Each of them belongs to eight different countries-
India, Iran, England, Australia, Japan, United States, Bangladesh, and Kenya not necessarily in the same order.
It is also known that: Campbell who is neither from Kenya nor from Bangladesh, is two places to the left of the
player from Japan. Kaila, who is from England, is sitting directly opposite to the player from India. Anup’s
immediate neighbors are Troy and the player from Kenya. Masayuki, who is neither from Kenya nor from
United states, is not sitting adjacent to David but is sitting adjacent to the player from Bangladesh. Meraj who is
neither from Japan nor Kenya is sitting opposite to the player from Bangladesh. One who is from Iran is three
places to the right of player from United States.
6. Who is from Iran?
(a) Munshi (b) Anup (c) Meraj (d) Troy (e) Masayuki

7. Who sits third to the left of Troy?

(a) Kaila (b) Anup (c) Munshi (d) Masayuki (e) Meraj

8. Which country does Munshi belongs to?

(a) Japan (b) India (c) Bangladesh (d) Iran (e) Kenya

9. Who is three places away from the right of player from Australia?
(a) Kaila (b) Campbell (c) Munshi (d) David (e) Troy

10. Who is sitting opposite to the player from Japan?

(a) David (b) Anup (c) Meraj (d) Troy (e) None of these

Puzzle Set-3:

Nine people namely P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X prefer different Banks viz. BOI, BOM, SBI, UBI, Central
bank of India, Indian bank, Dena Bank, Canara bank, and PNB. Each one has a sweet box of different colors
among Black, Brown, white and grey sit around circular table facing away from the center. At least two but not
more than 3 people preferring Bank have box of same color. The following information is known about them.
U and S have same color box. R sits 2nd to the right of Q. X sits exactly between U and T. P prefers SBI and
has black colored box. The persons who have black colored box have one of the neighbors who has grey box.
W sits 3rd to the right of P. X sits 3rd to the right of Q. two people who prefer any of the banks Canara bank,
BOI, Dena bank and BOM are not sitting together with the exception of one pair. R sits 3rd to the left of T, who
prefers Dena bank. X has the sweet box which is not packed in Grey colored box. Q and W have white colored
box but P doesn’t has White colored box, also Q, P and W prefer SBI, CBI and PNB not necessarily in the same
order. S and Q sit together and they prefer CBI and BOM nut they don’t sit with P. T sits with one of the
persons who has Grey box. The person who prefer UBI and PNB are sitting together. The person who prefers
BOI got brown box and sits second to the left of the one who prefers Indian Bank. S got sweets in brown box.
11. Who sits second to the left of the one who prefers Indian bank?
(a) One who prefer UBI (b) One who prefer CBI (c) One who prefer BOI (d) One who prefer BOM
(e) Cannot be determined

12. Who prefer Canara Bank?

(a) T (b) P (c) Q (d) W (e) R

13. X prefers which bank and got which colored box?

(a) Indian bank-grey (b) SBI-White (c) UBI-black (d) Indian bank-Black (e) None of these
14. How many persons are there between the one who prefer UBI and U when counted in clockwise
(a) Three (b) Four (c) Two (d) None (e) None of these

15. Who are the immediate neighbors of W?

(a) R, T (b) X, Q (c) P, S (d) T, V (e) S, V

Puzzle Set- 4:

Eight Delegates: A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are seated around a round table facing the centre. All of them
can speak some languages: French, Japanese, English, German, Italian, Sanskrit, Hindi and Portuguese. A
delegate knows at least 2 languages and a maximum of three languages. Any language can be spoken by a
maximum of 3 delegates. The neighbouring delegates have only one common language in order to
communicate with each other. Only neighbours communicate with each other. Not more than 3 people in a
sequence can speak the same language.
 A speaks 3 languages French, Japanese and English. A and H are the only 2 persons speaking French.
 A is seated opposite to the one who does not speak English.
 G converses with C in Hindi and with B in Italian.
 B and D converse in English and D is to the right of B.
 E speaks only Portuguese and Sanskrit and is seated opposite to the one who speaks German, English
and Sanskrit.
 A is seated between F and H.
 F speaks 2 languages, German being one of them. Apart from F only one other person can speak
 Not more than 2 delegates can speak Japanese, Italian, Portuguese and Hindi.
 C does not speak Sanskrit.
 Only 2 delegates knows three languages.

16). What is the position of F with respect to the one who speaks Sanskrit, English and German?
a) Immediate right b) Second to the right c) Second to the left d) Immediate left e) Diagonally opposite

17). Who is the person other than E who speaks Portuguese?

a) G b) F c) C d) B e) H

18). Which of the following language is spoken by F?

a) German and Sanskrit b) German and French c) German and Japanese d) German and English
e) German and Italian

19). Which of the following delegates speaks Sanskrit?

a) E, D, H b) E, F, H c) E, F, D d) E, G, B e) E, C, D

20). Which of the following is correct combination of delegate: Languages?

a) G: Hindi and English b) C: Hindi and Sanskrit c) F: German and Japanese d) D: Sanskrit, Portuguese and
e) B: Italian and Sanskrit

Puzzles Set-5:

Kapil, Om, Ishant, Jaya, Dev, Prashant, Madhuri and Divya are sitting around a circular table facing
outside the center, not necessarily in the same order. Only two females can sit together. Divya is sitting third to
the right of her elder son. Kapil is sitting second to the right of his father, Om. Jaya is the only daughter of
Prashant, who is not the son of Om. Divya is sitting third to the left of Madhuri. Dev is the younger son of
Divya, who is not the immediate neighbor of either Om or Kapil. Madhuri is the daughter of Ishant, who is the
son-in-law of Prashant. Jaya is the immediate neighbor of her daughter and her father. Om is not the husband of
Divya. Divya sits opposite to her father-in-law.

21). How is Dev related to Madhuri?

a) Brother-in-law b) Cousin c) Uncle d) Father-in-law e) None of these

22). Who is sitting third to the right of Dev?

a) His sister b) His brother c) His father d) His sister-in-law e) His grandfather

23). Which of the following statements is/are false?

i. Kapil is the grandfather of Dev
ii. Dev is the son-in-law of Prashant
iii. Jaya is the daughter-in-law of Divya
a) Only I b) Only ii and iii c) Only i and iii d) All i, ii & iii e) None of these

24). How many persons sits between Divya and OM?

a) 3 b) 2 c) 5 d) 6 e) 1

25). What is the position of Ishant with respect to his grandfather?

a) Immediate right b) Immediate left c) Second to the right d) Third to the right e) None of these

Puzzles Set- 6:

9 friends Ajay, Bhisup, Civesh, Dinesh, Evesh, Fervesh, Gukan, Harish and Ismail were seated around a
circular table facing the centre. They were playing the game of cards and everyone was holding a single card
bearing a number from 2-10 not necessarily in the same order. It was further known that:
 Evesh and Bhisup had cards whose product was equal to the product of Dinesh and Civesh 's cards.
 Dinesh and Civesh had even numbered cards.
 Bhisup had a number that was twice of Civesh 's card number. Bhisup and Civesh sit together.
 The person with the lowest card number was 2nd to the left of Harish
 Dinesh sat 4th to the left of Civesh and the sum of their card numbers was equal to the card number of
 Gukan got a smaller card number than Evesh
 3 persons were seated between the persons having the card numbers 7 and 5 when counted in a
clockwise manner from 5
 Ismail was seated 3rd to the left of Bhisup. Ismail had a card number greater than Bhisup
 Harish was to the immediate right of Fervesh.
26). What is the position of Ajay with respect to the one have card number 6?
a) Immediate left b) Immediate right c) Second to the right d) Second to the left e) Third to the right

27). How many persons had a card number greater than the card number of the one who to the
immediate right of Evesh?
a) None b) One c) Two d) Three e) More than three

28). What is the difference between Ajay and Dinesh’s card numbers?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) 5

29). In which of the following groups is the 3rd person seated exactly in between the 1st and the 2nd
a) Bhisup Civesh Ajay b) Ajay Dinesh Evesh c) Dinesh Harish Evesh d) Gukan Civesh Bhisup
e) Bhisup Gukan Farvesh

30). What card number does the person has who is to the immediate left of Ismail?
a) 3 b) 5 c) 9 d) 6 e) 8

Puzzles Set-7:

Eight members of a family A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are seated around a circular table such that 4 are
facing the centre and 4 are facing outside the centre. There are 3 generations and the family has 2 married
couples. It is further known that:
• D is E’s niece and she is seated opposite to her grandfather. D faces the centre.
• E's sister is to the immediate left of A
• H is A's son and sits 2nd to the left of his grandmother.
• B is 3rd to the right of her husband.
• G is to the immediate right of her granddaughter. G has only one daughter.
• H is 2nd to the left of his father.
• E is to the immediate left of his sister-in-law
• E and F do not sit together but they face the opposite direction faced by A.

31). How is C related to the person who is to the immediate right of H?

a) Grandfather b) Father c) Son d) Daughter e) Sister-in-law

32). How is A related to the person who sits opposite to B?

a) Brother b) Son c) Father d) Husband e) Cannot be determined

33). Four among the following bear a similar relationship and hence form a group, who among the
following is not a part of that group?
a) G b) B c) F d) C e) D

34). In which of the following groups is the first person seated exactly in between the second and the
third person?
a) ABG b) DFC c) ACE d) CBE e) GBD

35). What is the position of D with respect to A’s sister?

a) Immediate left b) Immediate right c) Second to the left d) Second to the right e) Third to the right

Puzzles Set- 8:

Eight sisters - Kamini, Kavya, Kavipriya, Kamali, Kamala, Kajal, Kajol and Kowsika - are sitting equidistant
from each other in a circular field. Three of them are facing away from the centre while the rest are facing the
centre. No two sisters facing away from the centre sit next to each other.
 The girl opposite Kavipriya is second to the right of Kowsika. Kamala is third to the left of Kamali.
 Kavya is second to the left of Kamini, who facing away from the centre. There are three girls between
Kamini and Kajol.
 Kamali, who is facing away from the centre, is third to the left of the girl who is also facing away from
the centre.
 Kavipriya is third to the right of Kavya, who is facing the centre.
 Kajal is not facing Kavipriya and both are either facing the centre or away from the centre.
36). Which of the following is true about Kavya?
a) Kavya is sitting to the immediate left of a girl facing away from the centre.
b) Kajal and Kajol are equidistant from Kavya.
c) Kavya is third to the left of Kajal.
d) Kavya is to the immediate right of Kamala.
e) The girl opposite Kavya faces the centre.

37). Who is sitting to the immediate left of Kowsika?

a) Kajol b) Kavya c) Kamala d) Kavipriya e) Either Kavya or Kajol

38). Which of the following pairs sits opposite each other and has the same orientation (i.e. facing the
centre or away)?
a) Kamali and Kavya b) Kajal and Kowsika c) Kamala and Kavipriya d) Kamini and Kajol e) None of the

39). If all sisters interchange their positions with the girl sitting opposite them but do not change their
orientations, who is now sitting third to the left of Kamali?
a) Kamala b) Kajal c) Kavya d) Kamali e) None of the above

40). Who among the following faces away from the centre?
a) Kamala b) Kavya c) Kajal d) Kavipriya e) Kowsika

Puzzle Set- 9:

Eight employees Dipika, Nikita, Pranav, Karthik, Ankita, Vinay, Bharti and Ratnesh are seated in a
conference hall for a meeting around a circular table not necessarily in the same order. Everybody is seated
facing the centre. Abhishek; the CEO, is standing and he assigns everyone a certain number of documents
ranging from 1 to 8 in any order such that every employee gets some documents which needs to be verified at
the earliest. It is further known that:
• The person who was assigned 7 documents sat 2nd to the right of Bharti.
 Ratnesh sits to the immediate left of the person who is assigned 1 document.
 Dipika sits opposite to Pranav who is a neighbour of Karthik.
 Nikita was assigned 4 documents and sat 3rd to the right of the person who was assigned 5 documents.
 Bharti is 2nd to the right of Ankita.
 Bharti and Ratnesh were assigned even number of documents.
 Pranav was assigned odd number of documents
 Dipika got lesser number of documents than Ankita
 Bharti did not have the maximum number of documents.
41). Who has the least number of documents for verification?
a) Pranav b) Vinay c) Ankita d) Dipika e) Karthik

42). What is the difference between the number of documents assigned to Pranav and Dipika?
a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four e) Five

43). What is the position of Nikita with respect to the one who has the maximum number of documents
for verification?
a) Immediate left b) Immediate Right c) Second to the left d) Second to the right e) Third to the left

44). In which of the following groups is the first person sitting exactly in between the second and the
third person?
a) Pranav, Karthik, Nikita b) Dipika, Bharti, Ankita c) Ankita, Pranav, Vinay d) Vinay, Ratnesh, Karthik
e) Nikita, Vinay, Ankita

45). Who sits diagonally opposite to the person having 8 documents?

a) Nikita b) Bharti c) Dipika d) Pranav e) Ratnesh

Puzzle Set-10:

Eight friends- Caroline, Lara, Madison, Vandeweghe, Natalia, Navarro, Evgeniya and Kristina visit
different countries viz. USA, Spain, France and Russia are sitting around a circular table facing the centre of the
table. Each country is being visited by two people only, but not necessarily in the same order. All these friends
drink different Cool - drinks i.e. -Coca-cola, Pepsi, Sprite, Fanta, Maaza, Slice, 7 UP and Dr. Pepper. No two
people visiting the same country are sitting adjacent to each other except those visiting Spain. The person who
drinks Fanta is sitting on the immediate left of the person who drink Dr. Pepper. Natalia neither drink Dr.
Pepper nor Sprite. Kristina drinks Slice and visits France and is sitting to the immediate left of Lara, who visits
Spain. Lara does not drink Sprite. Navarro drink Maaza and visits Spain, who is sitting opposite to Evgeniya.
Only Caroline, who drink Pepsi, is sitting between Evgeniya, who drink Fanta and the person who drink 7 UP.
Persons who visit USA are sitting opposite to each other. Each of the persons who visit Russia is sitting
adjacent to a person who visits USA. Vandeweghe does not drink Dr. Pepper.

46). Which of the following pair is sitting adjacent to the person who drink Maaza?
a) Lara and Kristina b) Natalia and Vandeweghe c) Vandeweghe and Kristina
d) Kristina and Madison e) None of these

47). Who among the following visit USA?

a) Madison and Kristina b) Natalia and Caroline c) Vandeweghe and Madison
d) Caroline and Navarro e) None of these

48). Who drink Coca-cola?

a) Lara b) Vandeweghe c) Madison d) Natalia e) None of these

49). Which cool drink is owned by Madison?

a) Dr. Pepper b) Sprite c) Coca-cola d) Pepsi e) None of these

50). Who is sitting opposite to the person who drink Slice?

a) The person who drink Fanta b) The person who drink 7 UP c) The person who drink Pepsi
d) The person who drink Sprite e) None of these

Puzzles Set-11

A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight family members sitting around a circular table in a restaurant. All of
them are facing the center. Three of the family members are non- vegetarian and others are vegetarian. All the
eight family members are government servants. They are Doctor, Engineer, IAS, IPS, Colonel, Scientist,
Professor and Teacher, but not necessarily in the same order. There are two married couples, three brothers, two
daughters, one granddaughter and one grandson in the group. Two of the female members in the group A and H
order for the same food. The food ordered in the restaurant are Mixed Veg, Kufta, Matar-Paneer, Mutton
Korma, Veg Biryani, Egg Biryani and Dal Makhani. G, a Doctor, is the head of the family, and is immediate
neighbor of H and D. The granddaughter F is sitting third to the left of G. The grandmother of F is sitting on the
immediate left of her. F is vegetarian. E is sitting second to the right of his father G. He is a Colonel, and orders
for Dal Makhani. Only G’s daughter is sitting exactly between A and E and She orders for Veg Biryani and she
is a Scientist. H is an IAS officer and B is an IPS. The son of H is sitting on the immediate left of his father. His
father is an Engineer. C is a Scientist and is sitting on the immediate left of her mother. She orders for Veg
Biryani. D, the husband of the IAS, ordered for Egg Biryani and his mother orders for Mutton Korma. The one
who is an IPS sits second to the right of A, who is an immediate neighbor of the Scientist and the Professor.
The Professor does not like Mixed Veg and the Doctor does not like Matar Paneer or Kufta.

51). Mutton korma is ordered by whom among the following?

a) Teacher b) H c) Professor d) Both a & b e) Either a or c
52). Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and so form a
group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
a) A b) C c) E d) F e) H

53). How many persons are between Colonel and his nephew when seeing from clockwise?
a) 3 b) 2 c) 4 c) 1 e) None

54). If G is related to C and E is related to F, in the same way B is related to which of the following?
a) H b) D c) A d) C e) None of these

55). Which of the following statements is definitely true?

a) C’s mother is sitting to her immediate left
b) F is the nephew of Scientist
c) The engineer has two brothers.
d) Professor is sitting opposite to the Engineer
e) None of these

Puzzles Set-12:

There are eight people namely A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H who sit around a circular table facing towards or
away from the centre. They like different ice cream flavors. One of the flavors is Strawberry. The following
information is known about them.
 H’s neighbors face in same direction but opposite to that of H.
 G sits third to the left of E who faces towards the centre.
 D’s spouse who likes Chocolate flavor sits third to the left of D.
 C sits third to the right of a male and they face in the same direction.
 B’s immediate neighbors face in same direction but opposite to that of B.
 The female who likes Vanilla flavor sits opposite to the male who likes Red Velvet.
 A who likes Black Current flavor sits second to the left of D and they face in the same direction.
 The immediate neighbors of C like Vanilla and Mulberry flavors.
 B and F sit together and none of them sits with A and D.
 G’s spouse who likes Fruit and Nut flavor sits second to the left of G.
 The immediate neighbors of H’s only sister who is neither C nor E are A and D.
 B who likes Butter Scotch flavor is the only one whose both the immediate neighbors are of opposite
gender to B.

56). Which among the following combination is definitely true?

a) G – Mulberry b) E – Red velvet c) H – Chocolate d) D – Strawberry e) E – Vanilla

57). Which of the following ice-cream flavour is liked by C’s spouse?

a) Butterscotch b) Vanilla c) Chocolate d) Strawberry e) Mulberry

58). Which of the following groups represents the males who are facing towards the centre?
a) FEAC b) EHBA c) CDAF D) Cannot be determined e) None of these

59). Which of the following statements is true regarding B?

a) B is sitting second to the left of who is liking chocolate
b) B and G are facing in opposite direction
c) B is a male and likes Butterscotch
d) B is spouse of H.
e) None are true
60). Who among the following is sitting third to the right of D’s spouse?
a) C b) The one who likes Mulberry c) The one who likes Vanilla d) F e) The one who likes Black current

Puzzles Set-13:

Eight friends having different hobbies as Painting, Gardening, Cooking, Reading, Singing, Pottery,
Dancing and Poetry writing are sitting around a circular table, not necessarily in the same order. Some of them
are facing outside and some of them are facing towards the center. Each of them has birthday in different year.
Only two people sit between the one who likes Singing and the one who likes Cooking. The friends who likes
Gardening and Painting are not neighbours. The one who likes Painting is sitting just right of one who likes
Singing. The one who likes Dancing sits second to the right of one who likes Cooking. The person who likes
Singing faces outside and he is the oldest guy having birthdays in 1987. Only one person sits in between friends
who like Poetry writing and Painting. The one liking Gardening is 8 years older than the one liking Pottery who
was born in 1996. The one who likes Poetry writing sits third to the left of one who likes Gardening and he is
the youngest among all having birthday in 2001. The person who likes Pottery faces towards the direction
opposite to the one who likes Dancing, but same to the one who likes Cooking. Person liking Pottery is not a
neighbor of either who likes Painting or Dancing. The one who likes Painting was born in 1995 and the one
who likes Dancing is 4 years younger than him. Immediate neighbors of one who likes Reading face in the
same direction. The one who likes Painting faces towards the center. The one who likes Gardening and the one
who likes Cooking face the direction just opposite to the one who likes Reading. The person facing the one who
likes Painting was born in 1991. The immediate neighbors of the one who likes Painting have faces opposite to
each other and they have the age gap of 6 years.

61) What is the position of Poetry with respect to reading?

a) Immediate left b) Immediate right c) Second to the left d) Second to the right e) Third to the right

62) Which one is correct?

a) Poetry-1995 b) Dancing-1988 c) Singing-1995 d) Cooking-1991 e) All correct

63) Which one does not belongs to the group?

a) Pottery b) Cooking c) Dancing d) Singing e) Gardening

64) Who all are facing towards the centre?

a) Reading, Pottery, Gardening b) Singing, Painting, Reading c) Reading, Poetry, Dancing, Painting
d) Singing, gardening, reading e) None of this

65). Who is sitting between the person who born in 1987 and the person who likes Reading?
a) The person who likes Dancing b) The person who born in 1995 c) The person who likes Cooking
d) The person who born in 2001 e) None of the above

Puzzles Set-14:

There are eight people namely P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W who sit around a circular table facing towards
or away from the centre. They like to buy different kitchen products. One of the kitchen products is Coffee
Makers. The following information is known about them.
W’s neighbours face in same direction but opposite to that of W. V sits third to the left of T who faces towards
the centre. S’s spouse who likes to buy Juicers sits third to the left of S. R sits third to the right of a male and
they face in the same direction. Q’s immediate neighbours face in same direction but opposite to that of Q. The
female who likes to buy Kettles sits opposite to the male who buys Toaster. P who wants Sandwich Makers sits
second to the left of S and they face in the same direction. The immediate neighbours of R like to have Kettles
and Hand Blenders. Q and U sit together and none of them sits with P and S. V’s spouse who likes to buy Stand
mixers sits second to the left of V. The immediate neighbours of W’s only sister who are neither R nor T are P
and S. Q who buys Air Fryers is the only one whose both the immediate neighbours are of opposite gender to
66). Who among the following is an immediate neighbour of the one who likes to buy Juicers?
a) The one who buys Kettles b) The one who buys Toaster. c) T d) R e) None of these

67). How many males are there?

a) Three b) Four c) Five d) Six e) None of these

68). Who likes to buy Coffee Makers?

a) V b) T c) U d) W e) None of these

69). How many people face away from the centre?

a) One b) Five c) Two d) Three e) None of these

70). Who sits second to the left of R?

a) a female b) V c) The one who buys Stand mixers d) None of these e) Both options a) and b)

Puzzles Set- 15:

Sixteen persons of a same colony are going to a marriage function of one of the person of their colony.
They are A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O and P. They are going to the marriage function of Mr.
Gupta’s son. The function is going in the Flora lawn and there are arrangements of chairs in circular and square
manner .Some persons are sitting in two circular arrangement in such a way that each member of the inner
circular arrangement sits exactly opposite to the member of the outer circular arrangement. The members sitting
around the outer circle are facing towards the centre while the members around the inner circle are facing away
from the centre. Eight Friends who are sitting in the square arrangement in such a way that four of them sit at
the four corners of square, while other four sit in the middle of each of the four sides. The ones who sit at the
four corners faces outside while those who sit in the middle of the sides face the centre of the table. Each of
them likes different snacks items in the function. Each of them who sit in circular arrangement like different
snacks viz; Dosa, Pav bhaji, Ice cream, Chowmeen, Veg roll, Dhokla, Rasmalai, Fruit chaat but-not necessarily
in the same order. Each of them who sit in square arrangement like diifferent snacks viz; Sweet corn, Popcorn,
Pizza, Pastry, Panipuri, Momos, Macroni and cold-drink but-not necessarily in the same order. Among 16
persons, some 10 persons belong to the same family. C likes neither Pav bhaji nor Veg roll and faces M, who
likes neither Dhokla nor Fruit chaat .O likes Sweet corn. K is the father-in-law of G.The person who likes
Rasmalai faces the person who likes Dosa. A, who likes Chowmeen, faces the immediate neighbour of the
person who likes Ice cream. K and N are a couple. Both the immediate neighbours of O face away from the
centre and like Pizza or Pastry.D does not like macroni. M sits second to the left of E. The persons who like
Veg roll and Dosa are sitting around the separate circular arrangement. B faces away from the centre. Both the
immediate neighbours of B do not face away from the centre. O sits third to the right of N, who is her mother &
likes Panipuri and faces away from the centre. I is the daughter of B. The person who likes Dhokla sits on the
immediate left of E. D, who does not like Ice cream, does not face A.
The persons who like Dhokla and Fruit chaat are immediate neighbours, and one of them faces H, who likes
Pav bhaji. The persons who like Rasmalai and Chowmeen sit around the same inner circular arrangement but
they are not immediate neighbours. C likes Rasmalai. P sits third to the left of N and P is a grandchild of K and
a child of O.N has three grandchildren. The one who likes Pizza sits diagonally opposite to N. The one who
likes Popcorn is not the immediate neighbour of N and faces away from the centre. G sits second to the left of P
and does not like Macroni or Colddrink. The one who likes Macroni sits between J and N and is the son of J
who is the son of K. K faces away from the centre and does not like Popcorn. B is the daughter-in-law of K.N’s
granddaughter likes veg roll. J’s daughter does not face D.G is the son of F.

71) Who likes Panipuri?

a) G b) L c) P d) N e) J
72) How is K related to N?
a) Sister b) Brother c) Husband d) Wife e) Uncle

73) Which snacks like D?

a) Chowmeen b) Fruit chaat c) Dhokla d) Dosa e) Rasmalai

74) Who sits third to the left of the person who like pastry?
a) Macroni b) Momos c) Panipuri d) Popcorn e) Pizza

75) How is L related to N?

a) Grand daughter b) Uncle c) Sister d) Grand son e) Brother

Puzzle Set- 16:

8 people sit around a circular table facing the center. They belong to Rajasthan, Kerala, Bengal,
Agartala, UP, MP, Delhi and Agra. They belong to different ages youngest being 13 and oldest being 60 years
 One from Agra is as much older than C, who is from Agartala, as the age of A. Difference of ages of D
and B is 33.
 One who belongs to MP sits 2nd right to one from Rajasthan. One from Agartala sits 2nd left to one
from Agra.
 Age of E is 32 years. A is 3rd youngest among all the people. Two people sit between F and the one
whose age is 27.
 One who belongs to Delhi and one who belongs to Agra sit adjacent to each other and D is not from
 H is the youngest of them and D is not the oldest. One who belongs to Bengal is opposite to one whose
age is 37...
 One person sits between B, who is from UP, and E. F sits 3rd left of the from MP who is the oldest
person them.
 A is sitting 3rd left from the one who is from Bengal. Sum of ages of B and H is equal to the age of C.
One whose age is 27 sits 3rd right of the one whose age is 14.
 The age of F is average of ages of C and D. One from UP and MP are sitting adjacent to each other. One
person sits between F and one who is from Delhi.
76) Who belongs to Bengal?
a) G b) B c) E d) C e) H

77) Whose age is 14?

a) A b) E c) F D) B e) G

78) Who sits in between person from Rajasthan and the person from MP?
a) F b) D c) B c) G e) A

79 Who among the following is the youngest?

a) F b) H c) G d) C e) E

80) C belongs to which place?

a) Agra b) Rajasthan c) UP d) MP e) Agartala

Puzzle Set: 17:

Eight members A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H of family are seating around a circular table. Four among
them are facing the center of a table whereas rest four members are facing outward. There are three married
couple among them. Each family member is born in different year.
Among A and B one is facing center and other is facing outward. D is facing opposite side of that of A and is
sitting beside A.G is the oldest member and is beside one who is facing A. A’s husband is facing inward. B is
brother of G and they have 8 years of gap between them. C is son of F who is the only sister-in-law of B. C was
born when his mother was 20 years old. G’s wife is born in 1964 and is younger to G by 3 years. D is younger
to his sister by 5 years. C is second to left of B’s wife and is to the immediate right of C’s father. C is nephew
of A’s husband. F is three places from C and is seating beside C’s wife who is 3 years younger to C.D is
maternal uncle of H and is third to left of his Brother-in-law. H is the youngest among them and is born in
2010. He is third to left of his Grandfather.

81). The niece of B is born in which of the following year?

a) 1964 b) 1984 c) 1992 d) 1987 e) 1961

82). As per the given arrangement, E is related to A and B is related to F in a certain way. To which of
the following is D related to the same way?
a) C b) H c) E d) B e) G

83). Who among the following is brother of E?

a) The one who born in 1992 b) B c) The one who born in 1961 d) H e) The one who born in 1984

84). How many persons are between the sister – in – Law of the one who born in 1961 and the Nephew of
D when counting in anti – clockwise direction?
a) None b) 2 c) 6 d) 5 e) 3

85). What is the position of H with respect to the one who was born in 1964?
a) Immediate right b) Immediate left c) Third to the left d) Second to the right e) None of these

Puzzle Set- 18:

Eight family members A, C, E, G, L, N, P and R are sitting around a circular table but not necessarily in
the same order. Some of them are females and some of them are males. All of them are related to each other in
same way or the other. Some of them are facing the center while some of them are facing outside (i.e. Opposite
to the center).
No female is an immediate neighbour of C. L faces the center. Only two people sit between E and C. E sits
second to the right of the L. C is the daughter of A. R is the wife of P. R is not an immediate neighbour of L. N
is neither an immediate neighbour of R nor E. C’s brother sits to her immediate right. Neither L nor P is the
brother of C. A’s wife sits to the immediate right of E. Only three people sit between A and his brother. Both
the immediate neighbours of C face opposite directions (i.e if one neighbour faces the center then the other
neighbour faces outside and vice-versa). C’s husband sits to the immediate right of G. E and P face a direction
opposite to that of A (i.e. if A faces the center then E and P face outside and vice-versa).A sits second to the left
of his wife. P sits third to the right of R.

86). What is the position of the N with respect to his brother – in – law when seeing in clock – wise
a) Third to the left b) Fourth to the left c) Immediate right c) Third to the right e) None of the above

87). Which of the following combination represents the persons who are facing towards the centre?
a) R, N, A b) R, A, L, C, G c) A, R, G, E d) C, R, N, A e) P, L, E

88) Who among the following is the nephew of P?

a) N b) L c) A d) C e) Cannot be determined

89). How many persons are between the Son – in – law of G and the sister – in – law of N’s father while
counting in anti – clock wise direction?
a) 5 b) 3 c) 1 d) 6 e) None

90). In which of the following way L is related to A?

a) Brother b) Father c) Grandson d) Cannot be determined e) None of these

Puzzle Set-19:

Eight CEOs – Aadhya, Chakesh, Daeej, Jabirl, Jagati, Padmaj, Pahel and Saatvika - of a global bank
have come together to discuss a strategy for the development of the bank They are sitting around a round table
such that exactly half of them are facing the centre. Each CEO heads a different country viz, Canada, Kuwait,
Jamaica, Portugal, Austria, Djibouti, Bangladesh and Madagascar. Of these, Portugal and Madagascar fall in
the same zone. Daeej, Chakesh. Jabirl and Padmaj are the male CEOs.
Chakesh, from Canada and facing the centre, sits opposite to the CEO from Austria. Saatvika, an immediate
neighbour of Chakesh, is fourth to the right of the CEO from Djibouti, who is facing the centre. Daeej, from
Bangladesh, sits second to the right of Padmaj and both are facing outside. The CEO from Jamaica is also the
person whose name starts with the same letter as his country and is facing the centre. He is also to the
immediate right of Saatvika. To the immediate left of Jabirl is Jagati, who is facing outside and is opposite to
Pahel, who is the CEO from Madagascar and faces the centre. The CEOs from the same zone are sitting
opposite each other. Only two males face the centre. No two people of the same gender sit next to each other.
91). The CEO Saatvika is from which country?
a) Jamaica b) Canada c) Austria d) Kuwait e) Portugal

92). Who is sitting third to the left of Aadhya?

a) Chakesh b) Jabirl c) Jagati d) Daeej e) Pahel

93). Four of the five are alike in certain way, who is not belong to the group?
a) Chakesh b) Jagati c) Aadhya d) Pahel e) Jabirl

94). Padmaj and Jagati are from which countries respectively?

a) Protugal, Austria b) Austria, Bangladesh c) Kuwait, Canada d) Austria, Portugal e) Portugal, Canada

95). The CEO from Djibouti seated in which position to the CEO from Canada?
a) Second to the right b) Fourth of the left c) Third to the right d) Immediate right e) None of these

Puzzles Set-20:

Eight Bollywood actors met each other in an Award function and seated on the round table. Since four
of them are interested to talk with each other, they are all facing the centre while the others are facing away
from the centre. Each Bollywood actors came to receive awards for acting in different movies. One of the
movie is Sultan. No two Bollywood actors of the same gender sit together. A, B, C and D are the males while
E, F, G and H are the females.
 Actors who got awards for Bajirao Mastani and PK sits opposite to each other but not necessary to
facing in same direction.
 A, faces the centre and he won award for the movie Dangal, sits exactly opposite to the Bollywood actor
who won award for Ghazi.
 G, an immediate neighbour of A, sits fourth to the right of the Bollywood actors who awarded for Chak
de India, who faces the centre.
 B, who won award for Kahaani, sits second to the right of D and both are facing outside.
 The Bollywood actor who won award for 3 Idiots faces the centre and sits to the immediate right of G.
 E, facing away from the centre, sits to the immediate left of C and exactly opposite to F, who belongs to
Bajirao Mastani and faces the centre.
 Exactly two male Bollywood actors faces the centre.
96). Who sits second to the left to the one who got award for Ghazi?
a) G b) A c) C d) E e) B

97). E got an award for which movie?

a) Ghazi b) PK c) Chak De India d) Dangal e) Sultan

98). According to D which is/are correct?

a) Got award for Kahaani b) Sitting third to left of B c) Immediate left of H d) Facing away from centre
e) None of these

99). Who among the following is not belong to the group?

a) 3 Idiots b) Chak De India c) Kahaani d) Dangal e) Bajiro Mastani

100). How many person facing away from centre?

a) One b) Three c) Four d) Five e) None of these

Puzzles Set-21:

Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are seated around a circular table not necessarily in the same order.
They are facing the centre. Each of them having different favourite languages such as; French, Russian, Korean,
Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese and English not necessarily in the same order. They are from different
countries, Portugal, China, Russia, Spain, Korea, Japan, France and England. The arrangement is based on the
following rules:
• One who likes Japanese is 3rd to the right of the person from Japan
• One who likes French is seated opposite to the one who likes a Korean
• G is from Russia and the people who likes Portuguese and Spanish are his neighbours
• One who likes Korean is neither a neighbour of the person from Japan nor the person who likes
• Person from Portugal is seated opposite to the person from Korea and his favourite language is English
• H likes Russian and is opposite to the one from England
• H is not a neighbour of the one who likes French
• A likes Chinese
• C does not like Japanese and is 3rd to the left of the person who likes Portuguese
• E is from Spain and is seated opposite to the person from France
• B is 2nd to the right of the person who likes Portuguese.
• F is not from Portugal
101) Who belongs to japan?
a) D b) H c) B d) G e) None of this

102) Who among the following sits opposite to each other?

a) Russia-portugal b) E-G c) Chinese-spanish d) C-G e) None of this

103) Who likes French language?

a) D b) E c) C d) H e) B

104) Who sits second to the right of the person from france?
a) G b) A c) E d) H e) D

105) Which language is liked by the person who is immediate right of the person from korean?
a) Portuguese b) Korean c) Spanish d) French e) English

Puzzles Set- 22:

Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are seated around a circular table such that four faces the centre
and four are facing opposite to the centre. They like different deodorants: Dove, Nivea, Temptation, Jovan,
Spinz, Eva, Nike and Playboy not necessarily in the same order. The arrangement is based on the following
• One who likes Playboy is seated opposite to B
• A is 3rd to the right of the one who likes Eva who is seated between C and the one who likes
• G is 3rd to the left of D who likes Nike
• H is to the immediate left of the one who likes Spinz
• One who likes Playboy is a neighbour of A
• B does not like Eva and G does not like Playboy
• B is 2nd to the left of E who is not a neighbour of A
• Either B or G likes Spinz
• A and C are seated facing the same direction.
• The one who likes Temptation is 2nd to the right of the one who likes Nivea
• A and H do not like Nivea G faces outside the centre
• One who likes Jovan is facing the opposite direction faced by D.
• Not more than two persons who sits on consecutive seats face the same direction.
106) Who among the following are sitting away from the centre?
a) Spinz-Eva b) Jovan-Nivea c) Temptation-Dove d) Nike-Playboy e) None of this

107) Who sits third to the right of the person who likes Dove?
a) C B) E c) G d) B e) H

108) H likes which deodorant?

a) Nike b) Eva c) playboy d) Jovan e) Nivea

109) Who among the following are like the deodorant playboy, Nivea deodorant?
a) F, E b) C, F c) G, B d) F, C e) A, F

110) How many persons sits between A and G?

a) Three b) Two c) Four d) One e) None

Puzzles Set-23:

Eight cricket players- Rajat, Rachit, Ramu, Ram, Rana, Ranjeet, Ramandeep and Raman - are sitting
around a circular table. Three of them are facing outside the centre. Rajat, Ramandeep, Raman and Ramu are
the captains of the four Indian Domestic cricket tournaments while the others are part of the players of IPL
teams. List of Indian Domestic tournaments are Ranji Trophy, Irani Trophy, Duleep Trophy and Vijay Hazare
Trophy while that the list of IPL teams are Gujarat Lions, Mumbai Indians, Delhi Dare Devils and Sunrises
• Raman, a captain of Duleep Trophy is opposite to Ram, a player of Sunrises Hyderabad and exactly
one of them is facing the centre.
• Rajat is the captain of Vijay Hazare Trophy and sits third to the right of the Mumbai Indians team
player. Both face the same direction (in/out).
• The Delhi Dare Devils player is second to the left of Ramu, a Irani Trophy captain, who is facing the
• There is only Rajat between the Sunrises Hyderabad player and Ranjeet, who is the Gujarat Lions
• Ranjeet is third to the left of Ramandeep, who is the Ranji Trophy captain and to the immediate right
of the Vijay Hazare Trophy captain, who is facing outside.
• The neighbours of the Delhi Dare Devils player are facing the same direction. Rachit is neither the
Delhi Dare Devils player nor the Duleep Trophy captain.
111) Who is the Delhi Dare Devils player?
a) Raman b) Rachit c) Ramandeep d) Ramu e) Rana

112) Who sits second to the left of Ranji trophy captain?

a) Ranjeet b) Ram c) Rachit d) Rajat e) Ramu

113) Who is seated between Duleep trophy captain and Ranji Trophy captain?
a) Ram b) Rajat c) Rachit d) Ranjeet e) Ramu

114) Who is Vijay Hazare trophy captain?

a) Ranjeet b) Rajat c) Rachit d) Ramu e) None

115) Which among the following is not belongs to the group?

a) Irani b) Sunrises hyd c) Delhi dare devils d) Vijay Hazare e) Gujarat Lions

Puzzle Set- 24:

There are nine people M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T and U who sits around a circular table. Some are facing
towards and some are facing away from the centre. They like different fruits among Apple, Orange, Banana,
Grapes and Guava. Not more than 2 people like the same fruits. The following information is known about
them. O and S form the only pair that is sitting together and like the same fruits. They are facing in opposite
directions to each other. The one who likes Banana fruit sits third to the left of N but is neither O nor R. M sits
second to the left of R, who likes Orange. The one who likes Apple is an immediate neighbour of T and Q but
none of them sits adjacent to O or S. M, U and T face in same direction as that of Q. U sits third to the right of
P, who is facing away from centre and likes Grapes. Q sits second to the left of O and likes Orange. The people
who like Orange face towards the centre. M neither likes Banana or Grapes fruit.

116). Who sits second to the right of Q?

a) M b) T c) P d) I e) S

117). Who among the following like Apple?

a) O and U b) R and S c) U and M d) Q and U e) A and S

118). Which fruit is liked by N?

a) Orange b) Banana c) Grapes d) Guava e) Either Grapes or Banana

119). How many people face towards the centre?

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 e) 6

120). In which direction S and M are facing?

a) Both of them face away from the centre.
b) Both of them face towards the centre.
c) S faces away from the centre and M faces towards the centre.
d) S faces away from the centre and M faces away from the centre.
e) None of these
Circular Sitting Arrangements (Solution Key)
Puzzle Set- 1
Direction (1-5):

1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (e) 4. (c) 5. (d)

Puzzle Set- 2
Direction (6-10):

6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (c) 9. (c) 10. (a)

Puzzle Set- 3
Direction (11-15):


11. (c) 12. (e) 13. (d) 14. (a) 15. (e)

Puzzle Set- 4
Direction (16-20):

16) A 17) C 18) C 19) A 20) C

Puzzle Set- 5
Direction (21-25):


21) C 22) D 23) B 24) A 25) A

Puzzle Set- 6
Direction (26-30):

26) E 27) B 28) A 29) D 30) A

Puzzle Set- 7
Direction (31-35):

31) B 32) A 33) D 34) E 35) D

Puzzle Set- 8
Direction (36-40):

36) D 37) A 38) C 39) E 40) E

Puzzle Set- 9
Direction (41-45):

41) B 42) A 43) E 44) B 45) B

Puzzle Set- 10
Direction (46-50):

46). E 47). C 48). A 49). A 50). B

Puzzle Set- 11
Direction (51-55):

51). D) 52). C) A, C, H, F – are females where E alone is a male.

53). A) 54). A) 55). E)

Puzzle Set- 12
Direction (56-60):

56). c) 57). d) 58). a) 59). e) 60). b)

Puzzle Set- 13
Direction (61-65):

61) A 62) D 63) C 64) C 65) B

Puzzle Set- 14
Direction (66-70):

66) B 67) C 68) A 69) D 70) E

Puzzle Set- 15
Direction (71-75):


71) D 72) C 73) C 74) B 75) D

Puzzle Set- 16
Direction (76-80):

76) C 77) D 78) C 79) B 80) E

Puzzle Set- 17
Direction (81-85):


81) D 82) E 83) A 84) D 85) B

Puzzle Set- 18
Direction (86-90):

86) B 87) E 88) A 89) C 90) D


Puzzle Set- 19
Direction (91-95):

91). D 92). A 93). B 94). D 95). C

Puzzle Set- 20
Direction (96-100):

96). C 97). B 98). D 99). C 100). C

Puzzle Set-21
Direction (101-105):

101) B 102) D 103) C 104) E 105) B

Puzzle Set-22
Direction (106-110):

106) C 107) B 108) D 109) D 110) A

Puzzle Set-23
Direction (111-115):

111) E 112) D 113) C 114) B 115) D

Puzzle Set-24
Direction (116 to 120):

116. B) 117. C) 118. E) 119. E) 120. B)

Linear Sitting Arrangements

Puzzles Set- 25:

Ten persons from different countries viz. Russia, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Germany, Iran, South Africa,
Zimbabwe, Singapore, Chile and Indonesia are sitting in two parallel rows containing five people each, in such
a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row-1 A, B, C, D and E are seated and all of
them are facing south. In row-2 P, Q, R, S and T are seated and all of them are facing north. Therefore in the
given seating arrangement, each member seated in a row faces another member of the other row. (All the
information given above does not necessarily represent the order of seating in the final arrangement.)
 P faces one of the immediate neighbours of the person from Saudi Arabia. P does not face A. The
person from Russia sits second to the right of the person from Singapore.
 D faces one of the immediate neighbours of the person from Argentina. S is not from Argentina. D is
not from Iran. R sits second to the left of the persons from Indonesia. A sits third to the right of person
from South Africa.
 Only one person sits between the person from Chile and Q. The person from Germany sits to the
immediate right of Q. C sits to the immediate left of the person who faces Q. Only two people sit
between B and E.
 The person from Iran sits second to the right of the one who faces S. S does not sit at an extreme end of
the line. One of the immediate neighbours of the person from Iran faces Chile.

121). How many persons seated in between Saudi Arabia and E?

a)One b)Two c)Three d)Four e)None

122). P belongs to which of the following countries?

a) Chile b) Argentina c) Iran d) Russia e) Singapore

123). If Q faces South Africa and S faces Singapore then R faces which country men?
a) Chile b) Argentina c) Australia d) Russia e) Iran

124). Who sits Second to the right of the South Africa?

a) Chile b) Argentina c) Iran d) Russia e) Singapore

125). who are the following do not sit in the extreme ends?
a)A b)E c)R d)T e)S

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Puzzle Set-26:

Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows. In row 1, Amirkhan, Bill gates, Catrine, Darwin, Esha
and Fathima are sitting facing towards south. In row 2, Priyanga, Qurveshi, Rithika, Sharma, Tapsee and Virat
are sitting facing towards north. They are sitting in a manner that each person sitting in row 1 faces exactly one
person sitting in row 2. Each of these twelve persons except two has a different favorite colour.
 Qurveshi likes pink and is sitting opposite to the one who is second to the left of Catrine who likes
 Neither Qurveshi nor Catrine sits at any of the extreme end.
 Sharma and the one who likes Green sit at extreme end of the row, but they do not face each other.
 Only three people sit between Rithika and the person who likes Blue.
 Rithika faces Esha, who likes Red.
 Fathima sits second to the right of Darwin, who likes Brown.
 Four people sitting at extreme end like white, green, blue and purple color.
 Priyanga likes black and is sitting third to the left of Rithika
 Bill gates does not face Qurveshi while Tapsee faces Darwin
 Sharma is a neighbour of Priyanga while Virat is not
 There are three people between the two who like green and grey
 The one who likes yellow is sitting immediate left of the person who likes purple

126). Who is sitting second to the right of the one who faces Darwin?
a) Priyanga b) Qurveshi c) Rithika d) Sharma e) Tapsee

127). Find the odd one out?

a) Fathima b) Bill gates c) Sharma d) Virat e) Darwin

128). Who is sitting between Darwin and the person who likes Red color?
a) Amirkhan b) Bill gates c) Catrine Darwin d) Esha e) None

129). What is the favourite color of Tapsee?

a) Blue b) Black c) White d) Grey e) None

130). Which of the following combination between person and color is incorrect?
a) Priyanga-Black b) Darwin –Brown c) Catrine –Grey d) Esha-Red e) All are correct

Puzzles Set-27:

10 students A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J are standing in a straight line for the school annual photograph.
All of them are facing the north direction. They have been arranged from left to right according to their ranks in
the class with leftmost being the first ranker. It is further known that:
 B had a prime numbered rank.
 G is immediate left of A, who is not at any corner
 More than three peoples sits between A and C
 The sum of J and B's rank is equal to D's rank.
 E's rank is a multiple of A's rank.
 C is sits third to the right of B
 C and H are immediate neibhours.
 I is third to the left of H and sixth to the right of G. F is not an immediate of A, B and C
 Only one persons sits between B and J, who is not an immediate neibhour of A.
 H has an odd numbered rank.
 I secured 3 ranks better than H.

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 C has a rank better than F. Also, C secured better rank than E but not by more than four ranks.
131). Who among the following are standing at the 2 corners?
a) G and H b) E and D c) D and H d) G and D e) C and J

132). How many students will be standing between C and E in the photograph?
a) None b) Two c) Three d) Four e) Five

133). What is the position of B with respect to D?

a) Immediate right b) Immediate left c) Second to the right d) Third to the right e) Either 1st or 4th to the left

134). What was J’s rank

a) 1st b) 2nd c) 3rd d) 4th e) 5th

135). In which of the following groups is the third person standing exactly in between the first and the
second person?
a) JIB b) AFJ c) CEI d) JBI e) None of these

Puzzles Set-28:

Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are seated across 3 tables; 1, 2 and 3. There are 3 married couples
and one unmarried male and one unmarried female. They are seated around the tables such that atleast two and
a maximum of three persons are on each table. The arrangement is based on the following rules:
 No couple is seated on a single table.
 Atleast one male and one female should be there on each table
 A is seated across table 1 with Es husband
 E is seated with only one other person.
 A and B are seated across different tables
 C is married to G. F and C are seated across the same table
 G is sitting with D who is an unmarried male.
 H is an unmarried female
 F's spouse is sitting across table 2
 Atleast 2 males are seated across table 3
136). Four of the following bear a certain relationship hence form a group, which of the following deos
not belongs to that group?
a) B b) G c) F d) D e) A

137). Who is F’s spouse and on which table is the person seated?
a) A, Table 1 b) B, Table 2 c) E, Table 2 d) G, Table 3 e) C, Table 1

138). Which of the following is the correct combination of Name: Table: Gender?
a) A: Table 1: Male b) B: Table 2: Male c) C: Table 2: Female d) D: Table 1: Male e) G: Table 3: Female

139). Which of the following pair is seated together?

a) AG b) BD c) DE d) GH e) BF

140). Who is A’s Spouse?

a) E b) C c) B d) G e) F

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Puzzles Set- 29:

For a seminar, a row that contained eight chairs facing towards north were arranged for eight different
students namely Prashant, Apurva, Mike, Ali, Neil, Ajay, Sonu and Megha, not necessarily in the same order.
But, one of the students among them did not attend the seminar and hence one seat remained vacant for the
whole seminar.
 Sonu sat somewhere between Prashant and Mike.
 Apurva was not sitting on the immediate seats of Ajay.
 Neil sat two seats to the left of Megha and the student who did not attend the seminar was supposed to
sit either to the left or right of Megha.
 Sonu sat second to the left of Ajay.
 Sonu was not sitting on the immediate seats of either Megha or Neil.
 Mike sat fourth to the right of Prashant.
 There was no seat vacant between Apurva and Megha.
141). What is the position of the vacant seat from the left end of the row?
a) Fourth b) Fifth c) Sixth d) Can't be determined e) None of these

142). What is the position of Sonu from the right end of the row?
a) First b) Third c) Sixth d) Second e) None of these

143). If Prashant changes his seat with Mike after one hour, who will be the immediate neighbour of
Mike after the rearrangement?
a) Sonu, Ajay b) Neil, Apurva c) Megha, Neil d) Sonu, Megha e) None of these

144). Who was supposed to sit second to the right of Prashant?

a) Sonu b) Mike c) Ali d) Can’t be determined e) None of these

145). How many person(s) are sitting between Prashant and Ajay?
a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four e) Five

Puzzles Set- 30:

Ten people are sitting in two parallel lines having five people each, such that there is an equal distance
between adjacent persons. Each studies one subject from among Physics, Chemistry, Accountancy, Philosophy,
Computers, Taxation, Advertising, Mathematics, Psychology and Economics. Each person sits opposite to
exactly one other person.
• X sits exactly opposite to the person who is to the immediate left of T.
• S does not sit at the extreme end of the row.
• The person who studies Mathematics is third to the left of V.
• W, who studies Physics, sits exactly between Y and X.
• The person who studies Psychology is to the immediate left of R.
• The person who studies Taxation does not sit at the extreme end of the row.
• R is diagonally opposite to the person who studies Philosophy.
• U sits exactly opposite to the person who studies Advertising.
• T is to the immediate right of P, who studies Chemistry.
• The person who studies Accountancy is to the immediate right of the person who studies Economics.
• P, Q, R, S and T are in the same row.
146). Who sits exactly opposite to the person who studies Taxation?
a) Q b) V c) X d) T e) Y

147). The person who is second to the left of U studies which of the following subjests?
a) Computers b) Advertising c) Mathematics d) Economics e) Accountancy

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148). Which of the following pairs sits diagonally opposite each other?
a) RY b) YQ c) XR d) TY e) UQ

149). What is the position of the person who studies Computers with respect to the person who studies
a) Immediate right b) Third to the right c) Second to the left d) Second to the right e) Immediate left

150). How many people are there between the person who studies Physics and the person who studies
a) Either One or Two b) Three c) One d) Two e) None of these

Puzzles Set- 31:

Eight friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H participate in a golgappa eating competition. There are 2 stalls
one facing the north and one facing the south direction. The friends are standing in a single row and the places
are numbered 1-8 from left to right with respect to the stall facing the north direction. Four of them are facing
the south direction and four are facing the north direction. They ate 1, 5, 12, 13, 18, 21, 25 and 26 golgappas
not necessarily in the same order. Nobody ate golgappas equal to their position number.
• The difference between the number of golgappas eaten by the persons on 2nd and 5th numbered place
is 8.
• One who ate 12 golgappas had only 2 persons to his right.
• A and C together ate equal to H
• H ate more than atleast 5 persons.
• D ate 21 golgappas
• D was a neighbour of F and A
• E was standing at either of the ends and H was to his immediate left
• D is 4th to the right of H
• H did not eat the maximum number of golgappas
• B was standing 3rd to the right of A
• Persons at the two ends face the same direction.
• A and B together ate equal to G.
• F and D face the same direction.
• The person who ate the maximum number of golgappas was not at either end.
151). Who ate the least number of golgappas?
a) E b) B c) C d) A e) Either E or B

152). What is the position of G with respect to the one who ate 12 golgappas?
a) Immediate left b) Immediate right c) Second left d) Second to the right e) G himself ate 12 golgappas

153). Four of the following bear a similar relationship hence form a group, who among the following is
not a part of that group?
a) F b) D c) H d) G e) A

154). How many golgappas did D and H eat together?

a) 37 b) 39 c) 43 d) 46 e) 51

155). What is the difference between the number of golgappas eaten by B and C?
a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 7 e) 8

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Puzzles Set-32:
Ten persons Praba, Prabhu, Prema, Pradeesh, Pradeep, Prakash, Prasanth, Prasath, Prem and Pooja are
sitting in two rows with five persons in each row. The persons in row one are facing south and the persons in
row two are facing north. Each person in row one faces a person from the other row. All of them have a laptop
of different companies, viz L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7, L8, L9 and L10, but not necessarily in the same order.
The persons who like L5 and L6 sit opposite each other. Prakash sits opposite Praba, who likes L1. The one
who likes L2 sits opposite the one who likes L8. Pooja is not facing north but sits third to the left of Prasanth,
who likes L2. The one who likes L4 sits opposite the one who is second to the right of Prabhu. There is only
one person between Prabhu and Prema. Pradeep sits at one of the ends of the row and likes L6. The one who
likes L8 is on the immediate right of Pradeesh, who does not like L10.
The persons who like L3 and L4 respectively are not facing north. Prema likes L7. Prem does not like L10.
Pradeep sits opposite the one who sits second to the left of the one who likes L3.
156). Who sits second to the left of Prema?
a) Pradeesh b) Pradeep c) Prabhu d) Prasanth e) Prem
157). The one who likes L1 sits at which position respective to Pradeep?
a) Second to the right b) Third to the left c) Second to the left d) Immediate Right
e) None of these
158). Who among the following not sits at the extreme ends?
a) Pradeesh b) Pooja c) Predeep d) Prakash e) Prasath
159). If Prasath is related to Pradeep in a certain manner, in the same way Pradeesh is related to whom.
a) Prem b) Pooja c) Prabhu d) Prakash e) Prema
160). Who among the following does not belong to the group?
a) Prasath-Prakash b) Prakash-Pooja c) Prema-Prabhu d) Praba-Pradeesh e) Prabhu-Pradeep
Puzzles Set-33:

Twelve friends are sitting in two parallel rows of chairs containing six people each, in such a way that
there is equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1: A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of them are
facing south. In row 2: P, Q, R, S, T and U are seated and all of them are facing north. Each of them likes
different color such as, Red, Pink, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, White, Black, Brown, Indigo, Cream and
Purple but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them like different cars: BMW, Audi, Mercedes, Ferrari,
Jaguar, Hyundai, Honda, Volkswagen, Maruti, Toyota, Tata and Bentley. In the given seating arrangement,
each member seated in a row faces another member of the other row.
E, whose favorite car is Hyundai sits third to the left of the person who likes Pink and not sitting at the extreme
end. D, who likes Green, does not sit at an extreme end of the row. If E sits at an extreme end then D doesn’t sit
to the immediate right of the one who likes Pink. T and R face the persons whose favorite cars are Hyundai and
Jaguar respectively. There are two persons sitting on the right side of S, who sits second to the right of the
person, whose favorite car is Toyota. S, who likes Yellow, faces the immediate neighbor of C. C likes Blue. R
sits with the persons who like Yellow and Purple. F faces the person who likes Cream color and Bentley car but
F does not like Pink. The one who likes purple color doesn’t sit with the one who likes cream color. The person,
who likes Indigo color, sits second to the right of the person who likes Orange. P does not like Cream and faces
the person, who likes Red. The person who likes Maruti is an immediate neighbor of the person who likes
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Black. A’s favorite car is Ferrari and he doesn’t sit with C. T does not like Audi car. The person, whose favorite
car is BMW, faces the person, who sits second to the right of the person, whose favorite car is Jaguar. The
person whose favorite car is Volkswagen does not sit in row 2 and faces the person who likes Tata. Q faces the
person who likes Honda. A doesn’t face the person who likes orange color. The one who likes white sits in Row
161) How many persons are there in between D and A?
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 1 e) Either A or B

162) T likes which car?

a) Jaguar b) Maruthi c) Mercedes d) Audi e) Bently

163) Who likes BMW?

a) Q b) R c) S d) T e) P

164) Who likes orange colour?

a) S b) R c) T d) U e) P

165) Which one is does not belong to the group?

a) Q-Purple b) R-Orange c) T-Bently d) E-Hyundai e) C-Jaguar

Puzzle Set- 34:

Each person among the ten people – Shantanu, Jai, Raghav, Dhiraj, Anurup, Farukh, Ankit, Neeraj,
Mrudula and Nutan – are staying in a colony in different houses arranged in two rows which face each other.
Each of the house is coloured with different colors among Maroon, Violet, Pink, Blue, Yellow, Black, Orange,
Green, White and Indigo. Each one of the houses which are in a row is exactly opposite to one house in the
other row.
Jai and Dhiraj live in the same row as that of Ankit and Mrudula. Neeraj’s house is opposite to Mrudula’s house
but not in the same row as that of Shantanu. Green coloured building is opposite to the White coloured
building. Farukh is the only person residing in between Anurup and Nutan. Jai is residing in the Green coloured
house which is at one of the ends and has Mrudula’s house to its immediate right. Yellow coloured building is
in between Shantanu and Ankit’s buildings. Raghav’s house is diagonally opposite to Shantanu’s house, which
is the Pink coloured building. Nutan, who is staying in the Black coloured buildings, is in between Maroon and
Violet coloured buildings. Orange and Indigo coloured buildings are adjacent to each other and the Orange
coloured building is not opposite to the Black coloured building.
166) What is the colour of Shantanu’s house?
a) Violet b) Black c) Pink d) Green e) Yellow

167) Which of the following is incorrect?

a) Raghav b) Anurup c) Nutan d) Jai e) Shantanu

168) How many persons sits between Nutan and Farukh?

a) One b) Two c) Three d) None e) Five

169) Which of the following is correctly matched?

a) Ankit-Violet b) Jai-green c) Nutan-Yellow d) Dhiraj-Pink e) All Correct

170) In which of the following groups is the first person seated exactly in between the second and the
third person?
a) Raghav, Neeraj, Farukh b) Jai, Ankit, Shantanu c) Anurup, Nutan, Raghav d) Dhiraj, Shantanu, Ankit
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e) None of these

Puzzle Set- 35:

Ten persons from different countries viz. China, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Jordan,
Malaysia, Mexico and India are sitting in two parallel rows containing five people each, in such a way that
there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row-1 A, B, C, D and E are seated and all of them are
facing south. In row-2 P, Q, R, S and T are seated and all of them are facing north. Therefore in the given
seating arrangement, each member seated in a row faces another member of the other row. (All the information
given above does not necessarily represent the order of seating in the final arrangement.)
1) P faces one of the immediate neighbours of the person from Australia. P does not face A. The person from
China sits immediate right of the person from Malaysia.
2) D faces one of the immediate neighbours of the person from Brazil. S is not from Brazil. D is not from
France. R sits second to the left of the persons from India. A sits third to the right of person from Germany.
3) Only one person sits between the person from Mexico and Q. The person from Canada sits to the immediate
right of Q. C sits to the immediate left of the person who faces Q. Only two people sit between B and E.
4) The person from France sits second to the right of the one who faces S. S does not sit at an extreme end of
the line. One of the immediate neighbours of the person from France faces Mexico.
171) How many persons sits between A and C?
a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3 e) Can’t be determined

172) Who is sitting second to the right of the one who faces A?
a) Q b) B/E c) S d) P e) D

173) Which of the following combination between person and country is incorrect?
a) A-China b) D-Malaysia c) Q-India d) P-Canada e) T-Mexico

174) Find the odd one out?

a) C b) B/E c) R d) P e) D

175) Who is sitting immediate right C?

a) A b) D c) either B or E d) S e) P

Puzzle Set- 36:

Ten people are sitting in two parallel lines containing five in each. In row 1 L, M, N, O and P are seated
and all of them are facing south while in row 2 V, W, X, Y and Z are seated all of them facing north. Each
person from row 1 faces the person from row 2. All of them likes different sweets namely, Petha, Ghevar,
Jalebi, Kheer, Imarti, Rasgulla, Rabri, Sandesh, Burfi and Halva but not necessarily in same order.
Z does not face P. Only two persons sit between W and the person who likes Halva. P is third to left of the
person who likes Rasgulla. L and N are immediate neighbours but neither L nor N likes Rasgulla. The person
who likes Rabri faces the person who is third to right of V. P does not like Rabri. Y is second to left of Z, who
likes Imarti. Y does not face the person who likes Rasgulla. The person who likes Ghevar and Jalebi faces each
other, but the person who likes Jalebi is not an immediate neighbour of the person who likes Halva. Also the
person likes Jalebi is facing North. Only one person sits between the person who likes Burfi and the person who
likes Sandesh. Person who likes Sandesh does not face the person who likes Rasgulla. O does not like Rabri but
is an immediate neighbour of N. L does not like Petha.
176) How many persons sits between N and Kheer?
a) One b) Two c) None d) Four e) Five

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177) Which one is opposite to O?

a) Y b) V c) X d) W e) None

178) Which of the following pairs sits diagonally opposite each other?
a) WO b) ZM c) LY d) ZO e) PX

179) The person who is second to the left of X likes which of the following sweets?
a) Ghevar b) jalebi c) Halva d) Imarti e) Petha

180) What is the position of the person who likes Imarti with respect to the person who likes Sandesh?
a) Immediate right b) Third to the right c) Second to the left d) Second to the right
e) Immediate left

Puzzle Set-37:

12 people are sitting in two rows, Aadarsh, Calvin, Aadinath, Carlyle, Aadi, Chandan are facing North
and Aakarshan, Chanakya, Aaditya, Chakresh, Aarif, Chakradev are facing South. All of them are born in
different month of the same year.
The one who was born on August is sitting third to the left of the one who is the youngest among them all.
 In row 2. only one person is there who was born on the month having 30 days but neither on November
nor on September and that person is not the immediate neighbor of either Aadi or Calvin.
 Aaditya, who was born on June. is facing the one, who sits second to the left of the person, who was
born on October.
 Chakradev, who was born on May. sits at the extreme right end of the row and he is facing the one, who
was born on July
 Only two people sit between Aarif and Chanakya. and Chanakya is facing Aadi. who is not the
Immediate neighbor of Calvin.
 Chakresh is the only person who is sitting at the extreme end of the row and was born on the month
having less than 30 days. Chakresh faces one born in a month having 31 days.
 Aakarshan is facing Aadinath. who was born on a month having 30 days.
 Calvin was not born on July
 Aarif was born on November and he is the immediate neighbor of the one who is the oldest among them
 Chandan neither faces Aaditya nor does he sit at the extreme right end of the row.
 Carlyle is not sitting at the extreme end and he was born on October Aadarsh is not the youngest
181). Who is sitting second to the left of Aadi?
a) Chandan b) Aadarsh c) Aakarshan d) None e) Calvin

182). Aadi was born in which month?

a) March b) February c) April d) December e) None of these

183). How many persons are seated in between the persons who are born in the month of November and
a) One b) Two c) Four d) Three e) Cannot be determined

184). Who was born on the month January?

a) Chandan b) Aadinath c) Chanakya d) Aakarshan e) None of these

185). Who among the following has born in the month which is having less than 31 days?
a) Chandan b) Aadarsh c) Aaditya d) Chakradev e) Carlyle

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Puzzles Set- 38:

Anbu, Babu, Chandu, Dena, Elango, Ferros, Gnanam, Hari, Ibrahim, John, Karthi and Latha are 12
sports persons sitting in two rows, among them Anbu, Chandu, Dena, Ferros, Ibrahim and Karthi are facing
north while the remaining are facing south. Each person faces exactly one person in the other row. Each one of
them plays a specific sport from among Cricket, Hockey, Rugby, Tennis, Football, Basketball, Swimming,
Wrestling, Boxing, Archery, Athletics and Chess (not necessarily in the same order) and belongs to one city
each from among Bangalore, Indore, Coimbatore, Gwalior, Darjeeling, Nagpur, Thane, Mangalore,
Vijayawada, Kozhikode, Jaipur and Surat (again not necessarily in the same order).
• The football player is from Nagpur and is facing Ferros. None of Babu, Latha and Elango play football
or cricket. The players from Coimbatore and Surat are the immediate neighbours of John.
• Babu is second to the right of Gnanam, who is from Thane. Babu is a swimmer and faces the player
from Kozhikode, who is third to the right of Dena Neither Anbu nor Dena are hockey players or from
• Karthi, the rugby player, sits second to the right of the archery player, who faces the player from Surat
None of them sits at an extreme end.
• The hockey player, who is from Jaipur, sits as far as possible from Dena.
• Latha, the basketball player, sits opposite the athlete, who is an immediate neighbor of the person sitting
at an extreme end.
• The swimmer and tennis player are from Coimbatore and Bangalore respectively. The basketball player
and tennis player face the same direction.
• Ferros, the wrestler from Gwalior, sits equidistant in the same row from the boxer and the player from
• The player from Vijayawada is opposite the player from Bangalore and second to the left of the player
from Gwalior. Anbu, who is not the athlete, is third to the left of Ibrahim; and neither of them is a
hockey player.
• Hari is the chess player and is third to the right of basketball player from Darjeeling.
186). How many persons are there in between the wrestler and the person from Jaipur?
a) Three b) Two c) Four d) Either a) or 2) e) None of these

187). The archer is belongs to which city?

a) Gwalior b) Indore c) Mangalore d) Jaipur e) Nagpur

188). Who is boxer?

a) Anbu b) Karthi c) Chandu d) Dena e) Babu

189). Who among the following is not sitting opposite to each other?
a) Dena, Elango b) John, Ferros c) Latha, Ibrahim d) Gnanam, Chandu e) John, Karthi

190). Who among the following is not seated at the end of the row?
a) Elango b) Karthi c) Gnanam d) Dena e) None of these

Puzzles Set- 39:

10 friends sitting in a restaurant , five of them i.e. Amar, Vimal, Diwan, Raj and Renu are sitting in a
row facing North and the other five friends Seetha, Padma, Manu, Ramu and Tilak are sitting in row facing
south. Each friend in row is facing exactly one from the other row. One of them likes grapes.
Seetha sits opposite the friend who likes a banana and sits at one of the extremes. The friend who likes kiwi
who is not Manu sits second to the right of Seetha. Tilak sits exactly in the middle of Manu and the friend who
likes a cherry who is not Seetha. Vimal who does not sit at extreme end and likes an orange and sits opposite
the friend who likes an apple. The one who likes pineapple sits opposite the friend who is to the immediate left
of Vimal. The friend who likes a strawberry who is not Diwan sits opposite Ramu. Padma does not sit at any of
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the extremes but sits opposite the friend who likes a guava, who is adjacent to Amar and the friend who likes a
mango. Raj neither likes a guava nor likes a strawberry.
191). Who likes mango?
a) Tilak b) Diwan c) Raj d) Amar e) Renu

192). Vimal is how many places away from the one who likes Banana?
a) One b) Three c) Four d) Two e) None of these

193). If Tilak likes Guava, Padma likes Banana then, who will like orange?
a) Manu b) Renu c)Ramu d) Seetha e) Raj

194). Who sits third to the left of the one who likes Guava?
a) Diwan b) Renu c) Amar d) Raj e) Padma

195). Which one is not belong to the group?

a) Pine apple b) Grapes c) Strawberry d) Mango e) Banana

Puzzles Set- 40:

In restaurant eight friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H were sitting in a table and they belongs to different
directions of the country: North, South, East, West, North East, North West, South East and South West not
necessarily in the same order. Also they are seated in a linear fashion with four of them facing South and the
other four facing north. The arrangement is based on the following rules:
• One who belongs to South-East and D are at the two ends of the line. They face the opposite directions.
• There is a gap of 3 people between the one who belongs to South and the one who belongs to East.
• F belongs to South-West and is fourth to the right of D. Neighbours of F face the same direction.
• One who belongs to North is a neighbour of both C and the one belongs to South-East.
• B is second to the left of the one who belongs to South.
• B did not belongs to South-East.
• H and G are neighbours and they face the same direction.
• G neither belongs to South nor North.
• One who belongs to North-West is 2nd to the right of the one who belongs to North-East.
• One who belongs to West is 2nd to the left of G.
• E faces south and did not belongs to South-East.
• F and H face the same direction.
196) B belongs to which direction of the country?
a) North b) South c) west d) East e) North-west

197) Who is seated second to the right of the one who is from south-east?
a) F b) C c) E d) A e) G

198) D belongs to which direction of the corner?

a) South-west b) South-east c) North-west d) North-east e) Either 3 or 4

199) F facing which direction?

a) South b) North c) North-east d) South-east e) None of this

200) Who among the following is not belongs to the group?

a) A b) F c) H d) D e) G

Linear Sitting Arrangements (Solution Key)

Puzzle Set-25
Direction (121-125):

121)C 122)B 123)E 124)C 125)E

Puzzle Set-26
Direction (126-130):

126) C 127) E 128) A 129) E 130) E

Puzzle Set-27
Direction (131-135):

131) A 132) A 133) D 134) E 135) A

Puzzle Set-28
Direction (136-140):

136) E 137) C 138) B 139) D 140) C

Puzzle Set-29
Direction (141-145):

141) B 142) B 143) C 144) C 145) C

Puzzle Set-30
Direction (146-150):

146) B 147) D 148) B 149) A 150) D

Puzzle Set-31
Direction (151-155):

151) A 152) A 153) D 154) D 155) D

Puzzle Set-32
Direction (156-160):

156). c) 157). c) 158). d) 159). b) 160). e)

Puzzle Set-33
Direction (161-165):

161) A 162) C 163) E 164) B 165) C

Puzzle Set-34
Direction (166-170):

166) C 167) C 168) D 169) B 170) D

Puzzle Set-35
Direction (171-175):

171) C 172) A 173) C 174) E 175) C

Puzzle Set-36
Direction (176-180):

176) C 177) D 178) D 179) B 180) D

Puzzle Set-37
Direction (181-185):

181). D 182). A 183). B 184). D 185). C

Puzzle Set-38
Direction (186-190):

186). B 187). C 188). D 189). E 190). B

Puzzle Set-39
Direction (191-195):

191). C 192). B 193). C 194). B 195). D

Puzzle Set-40
Direction (196-200):

196) C 197) B 198) E 199) B 200) D

Rectangular Sitting Arrangement

Puzzles Set- 41:

Eight people namely, Aditya, Birbal, Catherine, Dinesh, Elena, Feroz, Harry and Gyandeep having
bikes of different companies sit around a rectangular table. Four of them face towards the centre and four face
away from the centre. Two people can sit on longer sides and one can sit on shorter sides. They can also sit on
corners. Nobody sits on one of the shorter sides. The following information is known about them.
The one whose bike is BMW sits 2nd to the left of Dinesh whose bike is Suzuki. The one whose bike is TVS
sits opposite to the one whose bike is hero facing toward each other and they don’t sit in the corners. Birbal sits
3rd to the left of Gyandeep facing in opposite directions and none of them sits with Harry. Gyandeep sits at one
of the corner facing away from the centre. And has a Bajaj bike. Catherine and Feroz are immediate neighbors
facing in opposite directions and one of them sits on a corner. Birbal’s bike is either Honda or Ducati.
Catherine’s bike is royal Enfield and Aditya’s bike is not TVS. Gyandeep and Birbal neither have TVS nor
Hero. Elena sits to the right of Harry. The one whose bike is Ducati sits third to the right of Gyandeep and faces
in the direction opposite to Gyandeep. Nobody sits opposite to Dinesh and he does not sit on the corner seat and
faces away from the center.
201. Whose bike is BMW?
(a) Elena (b) Feroz (c) Harry (d) Aditya (e) Catherine

202. How many persons seat between Dinesh and Feroz when counted from clockwise direction from
(a) 5 (b) 1 (c) none (d) 3 (e) Either (a) or (b)

203. Which of the following pair is wrong?

(a) Gyandeep-BMW (b) Birbal-Honda (c) Feroz-TVS (d) All of the above (e) None of the above

204. Who sits third to the left of the one having Bajaj as bike?
(a) Birbal (b) Harry (c) Gyandeep (d) Catherine (e) None of these

205. Who among the following sits at the corner?

(a) Birbal and Gyandeep (b) Catherine and Elena (c) Dinesh and Catherine (d) Aditya and Elena
(e) None of these

Puzzles Set- 42:

12 companies from 12 different cities have sent one representative (A to L) each for an exhibition. They
meet in a rectangular exhibition hall where four representatives occupy the four corners and two representatives
each occupy places on each of the four sides. All of them face the center of the hall. The following information
is also given:
 F, from Pune, sits second to the left of G, from Delhi.
 L, the representative from Ahmedabad is diagonally opposite to F, who sits second to the right of D.
 D, the representative from Hyderabad occupies the third place to the left of B, who is the representative
from Kochi.
 A, from Mumbai, faces G while I sits between H and D.
 The representatives from Bangalore and Jaipur are diagonally opposite to each other and C from
Bangalore is fourth to the left of A.
 J, from Kolkata, is sixth to the right of K, who represents Chennai.
 E sits third to the right of B. There are representatives from companies in Patna and Chandigarh as well.
206). Which city is E from?
a) Patna b) Jaipur c) Kolkata d) Chandigarh e) Cannot be determined

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207). The representative from which city is opposite to the representative from Kochi?
a) Chennai b) Kolkata c) Delhi d) Chandigarh e) Either Patna or Chandigarh

208). Four of the five are alike and hence form a group. Which of these does not belong to the group?
a) A b) G c) J d) K e) I

209). The person sitting second to the left of the representative from Jaipur represents which city?
a) Mumbai b) Delhi c) Hyderabad d) Pune e) Kochi

210). What is the position of the person sitting to the immediate right of the person from Hyderabad,
with respect to the person from Bangalore?
a) Seventh to the right b) Fifth to the left c) Fourth to the left d) Immediate left e) Sixth to the left

Puzzle Set-43:

Four males and four females namely Ram, Ranch, Ramu, Raj, Raji, Ranjani, Ranjith and Raja are sitting
around a square table in such a way that four of them sit at four corners of the square while four sit in the
middle of each of the four sides. The ones who sit at the four corners face the centre while those who sit in the
middle of the sides face outside. Two female sit in the middle of the sides and two at the corners, Ram sits
second to the left of Ranjith. Ranjith sits in the middle of one of the sides. Ramu sits fourth to the right of his
wife and his wife is not an immediate neighbour of Ram or Ranjith. Ranch sits third to right of her husband.
Ranch does not sit at any of the corners. Only Raj sits between Ranch and Raja. Raja is the husband of Ram.
Both Ranjith and Raji are males.

211). Who amongst the following is Ranch’s husband?

a) Ramu b) Ranjith c) Raji d) Ranjani e) None of these

212). How many people sit between Ranch and Ramu when counted in anti clockwise direction from
a) None b) One c) Two d) Three e) Four

213). Which of the following is true with respect to the given seating arrangement?
a) No two males are immediate neighbour of each other
b) Ranjani and Raja face each other in the seating arrangement
c) Raj and Raji are immediate neighbour of each other
d) Ranjani is a male and sits diagonally opposite to Raji
e) Ram sits in the centre of one of the sides of the square table

214). Who amongst the following is the wife of Ramu?

a) Raj b) Ranjani c) Ranch d) Ranjith e) None of these

215). What is the position of Raji with respect to Ramu?

a) Immediately to the left b) Second to the left c) Third to the right d) Immediately to the right
e) Second to the right
Rectangular Sitting Arrangement (Solution Key)

Puzzle Set-41
Direction (201-205):

201. (c) 202. (b) 203. (a) 204. (e) 205. (b)

Puzzle Set-42
Direction (206-210):

206) E 207 E 208) E 209) A 210) C

Puzzle Set-43
Direction (211-215):

211). C 212). C 213). E 214). A 215). E

Mixed Complex Puzzles (Floor, Days, Month, Etc.,)

Puzzles Set-44:

Seven friends A, B, C, D, E, F and G go to seven different cities, viz. Mumbai, Pune, Lucknow,
Kanpur, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Chennai in seven different months from January to July of a year, also this
seven friends have their birthdays in different month from January to July in the same year, but no one visit the
city in the month in which they have their birthday. D goes to Pune in April. E goes to Kanpur in a month
having 31 day but before C. the one who goes to Mumbai does not have birthday in July nor in January, but like
to visit in month of February or May. B goes in June and he does not go to Hyderabad but his birthday comes in
the month of March. F and G don’t go to Mumbai, but F has birthday in a month after the month in which G
have. Two friends go to Kanpur and Bangalore having their visit of month and birthday exchanged where. E
has birthday in month of July and F has birthday in the month of April. C visit Hyderabad in the month of
March. D has birthday before A and C.
216. In which month E went to which place?
(a) January-Kanpur (b) May-Chennai (c) Mumbai-February (d) July-Bangalore
(e) None of these

217. If the one who visit Chennai has birthday in the month of March then which of the following
statement is true?
(a) A has birthday in June (b) F visit Lucknow (c) C visit Hyderabad in may (d) Either (b) or (c)
(e) None of these

218. Which of the following statement is definitely false with respect to the passage?
(a) A-Mumbai (b) F-Chennai (c) F-Lucknow (d) B-Pune (e) Cannot be determined

219. Which of the following statement does not fit in the group?
(a) C (b) G (c) F (d) E (e) A

220. If A and G exchange their month of visit then what is the difference in number of months of visit
between A and B?
(a) Two (b) Three (c) Five (d) Zero (e) One

Puzzles Set-45:

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Eight family members (A-H) who somehow related to A are of distinct height, weight and age in each
category. They are ranked in descending order in each category with highest-1 and lowest-8. It is also known
 D who is son in law of A’s wife is heavier than B but D’s height and age is lesser than E and B who is
grandfather of H.
 There are two mothers and two fathers in the family and also B is eldest of all.
 E, mother of H and C is taller than both H and C, but E is lighter than both H and C.
 A, D and G do not occupy the same position in any of the three categories.
 B has same rank in any of the two given category.
 A is the heaviest among all but not the shortest which is F.
 C who is one rank below the rank she has in weight is the elder daughter of A and is heavier then both
her mother and grandmother but she is younger than both G and B.
 G who is female is 2nd from bottom in weight category and shorter than D but immediate younger than
B. F is grandson of G and has same rank in all categories.
 Equal numbers of male and female are there in the family.
221). What are relation between A and E’s daughter?
(a) A’s mother in law is E’s daughter (b) A is father of E’s daughter (c) A is mother of E’s daughter
(d) A is grandfather of E’s daughter (e) None of these

222). Which of the following statement is true as per the passage?

(a) G is taller than C but lighter than E. (b) H is younger than F.
(c) C is one rank below than E in each category (d) Both (a) and (b) (e) None of these

223). After 5 years if height of F increase to 50% of its present height then whose place he will take over?
(a) G (b) A (c) D (d) Cannot be determined (e) None of these

224). Who among the following has same rank in any of the two category but not all?
(a) H (b) B (c) E (d) Both (a) and (c) (e) Both (a) and (b)

225). If all family members were made to stand in alphabetical order in height from highest to lowest
category then who retain its position?
(a) D (b) H (c) E (d) F (e) None of these

Puzzles Set-46:

Ten friends are sitting on twelve seats in two parallel rows containing five people each, in such a way that
there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1: A, B, C, D and E are seated and all of them are
facing south, in row 2: Z, Y, X, W and V are sitting and all of them facing north. One seat is vacant in each
row. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member of the
other row. All of them are from different countries i.e. India, China, South Korea, Japan, Nepal, USA, Pakistan,
Sri Lanka, Turkey, and Afghanistan. Three seats away from Y is vacant. X does not belong to Nepal, India and
Sri Lanka. E is not an immediate neighbor of C. B is from Afghanistan. Vacant seat of row 1 is not opposite to
W and is also not at any of the extreme ends of Row 1. The one who is from China sits opposite to the one, who
sits third to the right of the seat, which is opposite to W. C is not an immediate neighbor of D. V who is neither
from Nepal nor USA, does not face vacant seat. D faces X. the vacant seats are not opposite to each other. Two
seats are there between C and B, who sits third right of the seat, on which the person who is from Pakistan is
sitting. W sits third to the right of seat on which X sits and hails from Japan. The person from Turkey faces the
one who is from Japan. The person who comes from Indian and Sri Lanka are adjacent to each other. The
vacant seat in row 1 is not adjacent to D. Y sits at one of the extreme ends. E neither comes from Turkey nor
faces the seat which is adjacent to the one who is from USA. The one who is from Nepal is not to the

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immediate right of the one who hails from Japan. The person who is from South Korea doesn’t face the person
who is from Sri Lanka.
226. Which of the following persons group sit at the extreme ends?
(a) A, B, Z, Y (b) D, E, X, W (c) E, C, V, Y (d) V, W, B, E (e) None of these

227. Which of the following does not fit in the group?

(a) V-Sri Lanka (b) A-USA (c) W-Pakistan (d) E-Nepal (e) None of these

228. What is the position of vacant space in row 1 with respect to the person who hails from India?
(a) 3rd to the left (b) Immediate right (c) Immediate left (d) 2nd to the right (e) None of these

229. What is the position of Z with respect to V?

(a) 3rd to the left (b) 2nd to the left (c) 3rd to the right (d) Immediate right (e) None of these

230. Which of the following statement is definitely false?

(a) A and E are immediate neighbors (b) Y sit at the extreme end
(c) Z and X are immediate neighbors of vacant space (d) Z faces the vacant space
(e) None of these

Puzzles Set-47:

Eight friends Amit, Bejoy, Chandra, Deepak, Ellen, Farad, Gagan and Harish married within a year in
the month of February, April, July and November two in the cities of Ahmadabad, Goa, Kolkata, Bangalore,
Chennai, Delhi, Lucknow and Mumbai but not necessarily following the above order. The bride’s names are
Latika, Neha, Monika, Priya, Ruhi, Sheena, Tyra, and Vanshika not necessarily in the same order. Two
wedding takes place in one month (first half or second half).
The following are the facts about their weddings:
 Deepak wedding takes place in Ahmadabad with Neha but not in second half of month.
 Harish wed Tyra at the last of all but not in Delhi or Mumbai.
 Bejoy marriage took place in second half while Chandra marriage took place in first half of month
 Amit and Gagan’s marriage take place in same month with Vanshika and Monika not necessarily in
same order at Chennai and Bangalore respectively.
 Farad married in April at Lucknow while Chandra married Latika but not in July.
 In Delhi Priya get married in July but her husband is neither Ellen nor Harish.
 Amit married after Gagan and Monika married on valentine day.
 Tyra marriage took place in Goa while Ruhi’s marriage took place in Kolkata.
 Chandra marriage was before Ellen and Deepak.
231. Which of the following statement is definitely correct?
(a) Vanshika-chennai-february-2nd half (b) Ruhi-mumbai-april-1st half
(c) Harish-goa-november-1st half (d) Monika-delhi-february-1st half (e) None of these

232. In April the friends whose marriage took place and in which cities?
(a) Chandra-Mumbai (b) Bejoy-Bangalore (c) Farad-Lucknow (d) Both (a) and (c)
(e) Both (b) and (c)

233. Who is Sheena’s husband and in which month she get married?
(a) Gagan-February (b) Amit-February (c) Deepak-November (d) Farad-April
(e) None of these

234. Which of the following does not fit in the group?

(a) Amit-Monika (b) Harish-Neha (c) Harish-Ruhi (d) Deepak-Tyra (e) Cannot be determined

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235. Which of the following friends married in first half of the month?
(a) Bejoy, Chandra, Deepak, Ellen (b) Deepak, Ellen, Farad, Gagan (c) Chandra, Deepak, Ellen, Gagan
(d) Either (a) or (c) (e) None of these

Puzzles Set-48:

Eight people namely P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, work in different companies A, B, C, at a different position

namely, software developer, software engineer, technical writer, auditor and analyst. They have different
brands of watches viz. Ressence, Tommy Bahama, Stowa, Casio and Alpina watches. Not more than three
people work in the same company. Not more than two persons have same watches and work in the same
position. P and R are in the same company and are the only two working in that company. They have different
watches from each other and similar watches other than them. The only one person having Alpina watches
works as a technical writer and no other person works as a technical writer and is not U. S has Tommy Bahama
but doesn’t work in B. Q and W has same watches. The persons having Ressence work as a software developer.
No person having Casio or Stowa is an analyst. U doesn’t have Casio. Two persons out of three working in B
work at same position and no persons other than them work in the same company and on the same position as
well and in any case is not T. they have different watches. W works in C. the persons who are auditors have
Casio and Stowa watches and one of them is R. p is not an auditor. R and V don’t have same watches.
236. Who among them has Stowa watches?
(a) W (b) Q (c) U (d) R (e) Both (c) and (d)

237. If T has Ressence watch then V works as?

(a) Auditor (b) Technical writer (c) Software developer (d) Software engineer (e) None of the these

238. Which of the following watches is owned by W?

(a) Casio (b) Stowa (c) Tommy Bahama (d) Alpina (e) None of these

239. Who among the following is a software engineer?

(a) The one who works in company B. (b) The one who has Stowa (c) The one who has Casio
(d) All of the above (e) None of these

240. Who among the following work in company B?

(a) P, R (b) V, T (c) P, Q,V (d) Q,U,V (e) Data inadequate

Puzzle Set-49:

Seven people namely P, Q, R, S, T, U and V buy different phones viz. Gionee, Xioami, Samsung,
Lenovo, Motorola and Micromax and different earphones viz. JBL, Philips, Sony and Bose from different
websites say Patym, Snapdeal, Amazon and Flipkart. Not more than two people shop from same website. It is
known that each person buys both the items from the same website. The people who buy Xioami phones order
from the same website and they don’t buy the same earphones and is neither P or V. U buys from Flipkart. S
and U buy same earphones which are bought by no one apart from them and they order from different websites.
The only person who orders Bose earphone from Amazon and is neither Q nor R. S doesn’t shop on Patym.
Micromax phones are ordered from Patym but not by P. R buy Samsung phones. One who buys JBL earphone
buys from Patym and is not Q and also buys either Gionee or Motorola phones. The persons who buy Philips
earphone order on different websites but not on Snapdeal. Only one person buys JBL earphone. R doesn’t order
Sony earphone. U neither orders Gionee or Lenovo phones.
241. Who among the following buys from Snapdeal?
(a) S (b) T (c) U (d) Q (e) R

242. Who buys Philips earphone?

(a) T, U, V (b) U, V, Q (c) Q, R, V (d) Either (a) or (c) (e) None of these

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243. Which phone does the one having Bose earphone have?
(a) Gionee (b) Micromax (c) Motorola (d) Xioami (e) None of these

244. Which earphone does the one having Micromax phones have?
(a) Philips (b) Bose (c) Sony (d) JBL (e) Cannot be determined

245. Who buy Lenovo phone?

(a) R (b) U (c) V (d) S (e) None of these

Puzzle Set-50:

Eight persons from different countries such as South Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Australia, Japan,
India, China and Singapore growing 8 different terrace gardening plants such as Brinjal, Carrot, Cucumber,
lime, onion, chillies ,French beans and Tomato . And Each of them having a car in the brand names of
Bentley,BMW,Bugatti and Chrysler.
The person who is from Malaysia growing Tomato as a terrace gardening plant. The person who is
growing French beans having Chrysler car. The third floor stayed person growing Carrot and having a car in the
brand name of Bentley. Cucumber is grown by the person who is having BMW car. Minimum of three persons
stayed below of Singapore country man. And the person who belongs to Australia not stayed in the odd
numbered floor. The car’s brand name BMW and Chrysler having same number of country-men. Myanmar
country man stayed two floor below from the person who is belongs to Malaysia. The top floor is not occupied
by the person from china. The Bugatti owned person growing Brinjal. The persons from Australia and Malaysia
having same car brand and both of them not having BMW car and also three persons stayed in between them.
The persons who are growing Lime plant and Carrot are having same car brand with the one who is growing
Onion. The Bugatti owned person stayed in fourth floor. There are four persons stayed in between of China and
Australia . The lowest floor is occupied by the Japan country man. Only three persons having one kind of car
brand name and the person from china who is growing Onion is one of them. The country man from India and
the person who growing Onion are not stayed in the even numbered floor. Only one person having Bugatti car.
The south Korean who likes to plant Chillies stayed in even numbered floor and is having same car brand name
with the person , who is growing Cucumber also stayed in first floor. Chrysler car owned by Australian. The
person who growing Tomato stayed above the floor of the person who is growing French beans. The Indian
who is growing Carrot having same car brand with the country man from Singapore.

246). Four of the five are alike in certain way. Which one does not belong to the group?
a) Malaysia b)Myanmar c)Australia d) South Korea e) Singapore

247). If the Cucumber is grown by Myanmer, Carrot grown by Malaysia then the person from China will
grown which plant?
a)lime b)onion c)Brinjal d)French beans e)Tomato

248). Who among the one stayed in between Tomato and Carrot grown from the following persons?
a)Myanmar b) Singapore c)Japan d)India e)Both a and b

249). If the third floor Singapore stayed and second floor Brinjal growing then in the first floor which
terrace plant will grow?
a)Carrot b)Cucumber c)lime d)onion e)chillies

250). Who among the following have BMW and Chrysler car respectively?
a)Malaysia, Myanmar b)Australia, Japan c)India, Myanmar
d) Australia, Malaysia e)Japan, Malaysia

Puzzles Set- 51:

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In a Museum the photos of seven scientists namely, Newton, Galileo, Graham Bell, Edison, Einstein,
Curie and Faraday were placed in four rows. All the fours are occupied by the photos, each of the photos are
having watermarked in different geometrical shapes such as, square, circle, oval, star, rectangle, hexagon and
triangle and not necessary in the same order. And they also have different background colours such as yellow,
blue, violet, red, green, brown and magenta not necessary in the same order. All the photos are facing north
 The scientist photo which is rectangle watermarked is placed in one of the four rows alone.
 Only two photos are placed in one row, in which the brown background coloured scientist photo is laid.
 Edison which is oval watermarked is near to square watermarked scientist photo.
 Only two rows having one scientist photo, either in right or left end of those rows.
 The star watermarked photo is right to the scientist photo which has red background and in front of that
none of the photo is placed.
 The magenta coloured photo and the scientist Curie photos are in same row.
 In front of the square watermarked scientist photo which has yellow background is, blue back grounded
scientist photo is placed at one of the left end of the four rows.
 Faraday’s photo is hexagon watermarked and is next to the brown coloured photo.
 In between Galileo’s photo and Star watermarked photo is oval watermarked.
 In the third row, green background scientist photo is placed behind of the violet coloured photo.
 Hexagon watermarked scientist photo is right to the triangle watermarked photo.
 There are two rows in between the circle watermarked which is a blue background photo and Curie’s
photo which is not to the right of the hexagon watermarked photo.
 The row in which Einstein’s photo is located is in between the rows where violet back ground photo and
Faraday’s photo is placed.
251). Einstein photo is placed in which position?
a)Third row-Left end b)First row-Left end c) Third row-Right end
d) Fourth row-Left end e)Second row-Middle

252). Find out which of the photos not placed in the their respective rows?
a)Edison- Second row b)Faradey-First row c)Curie-Fourth row d)Grahambell-Second row e)None of these

253). which one is correctly matched?

a)Faradey-Triangle b)Edison-Star c)Newton-Square d)Einstein-Rectangle e)Curie-Hexagon

254). Meganta photo related with which of the one?

a)Faradey b)Hexagon Watermarked c)Star watermark d)Either a or b
e)Both a & b

255). Totally how many photos were placed in both second and fourth rows?
a) Five b)Four c)Three d)Six e)None of these

Puzzles Set- 52:

In BASE Institute the students Predeesh, Ramesh, Prabhu, Jaga, Ramya, Prasanth, Kavi Priya, Soumya are
studying and they come to the institute by different bikes such as Hero CBZ, Fazer, Platina, Shine, Royal
Enfield, CBF Stunner, TVS Star City, Discover not in the respective order. And they are selected in IBPS
Clerical exam. They planned to give a treat individually for other aspirants in different Restaurants such as
Annapoorna, Peppers, New Classic, Nala Hotels, Junior Kuppanna, Vangili, Adyar Ananda Bhavan, Leaves in
a week starting from Sunday to Saturday.
 Pradeesh going to give treat before Ramesh and after Soumya who did not come by Platina.
 The student who is going to give treat in New Classic Restaurant, come to institute by CBF Stunner.
 Prabhu likes Fazer and he did not give treat on week’s starting day.

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 The student who giving treat in Leaves attended treat in Vangili and Junior Kuppanna in the previous
 Soumya likes to give treat in Annapoorna and she did not come by TVS Star City.
 Only two persons giving their treat on same day due to other commitments.
 The person who is coming to institute by Royal Enfield likes to give treat on Thursday.
 Ramesh likes to give treat in Adyar Ananda Bhavan and the day in between the persons who give treat
in Nala Hotels and Leaves.
 Kavi Priya come by TVS Star City and she did not give treat on Saturday.
 The persons who come by Shine and Fazer likes to give treat on same day.
 The person who gives treat in Adyar Ananda Bhavan come by Hero CBZ, attended Ramya’s treat who
come to institute by Royal Enfield in the next day.
 Pradeesh who did not come by Discover giving treat on the next day of Jaga’s treat. Jaga who making
arrangement with another student for giving treat on same day and he did not give treat in Vangili.
256). Who is coming to institute by CBF Stunner?
a) Prabhu b)Prasanth c)Pradeesh d)Kavi Priya e)None

257). Who will give treat in Peppers and at which date?

a)Kavi Priya, Friday b)Pradeesh, Monday c)KaviPriya, Monday d)Prabhu, Saturday e)None of these

258). Who is going to give treat in Nala Hotels?

a)Pradeesh b)Jaga c)Prasanth d)Ramya e)Ramesh

259). The treat given on Monday and Wednesday respectively by whom?

a) Prabhu, Prasanth b)Jaga, Ramyac)Soumya, KaviPriya d)Jaga,Ramesh e) None of these

260). Who likes to come by Hero CBZ to institute?

a) Ramesh b)Prasanth c)Pradeesh d)Prabhu e)Soumya

Puzzles Set- 53:

In an Interview seven candidates such as Praveen, Kaviarasan, Indumathi, Padma priya, Gowtham, Boobesh
and Anusiya are attending interview in three different panels at different sessions in a day.
 Only three candidates going to attend in a panel at certain session of the day.
 Praveeen and Kaviarasan not going to attend the interview at evening. The candidate Padma priya
interviewed by the H.R. Dhinesh at 10.00 A.M.
 One of the three panels has two H.R’s for recruiting the people in afternoon session.
 Every candidates should be interviewed in their respective allocated interview panels and only two
panels going to interview the same no.of people.
 Anusiya going to attend interview after 12.15 P.M.
 Gowtham and Praveen going to get interviewed at the same panels.
 Stephen Jorge is the H.R. who is not going to interview the people at panel III.
 All the H.R. will be present at their allocated interview panels and the session will start as per
 Dhinesh is the H.R. going to interview Boobesh and one other candidate in different sessions.
 Two panels will have only one H.R. to interview the people.
 In the Evening session Indumathi and Boobesh going to interviewed and both of them not interviewed at
panel I.
 Anusiya going to be interviewed at the same session with Gowtham and not in the panel III.
 Kaviarasan’s interview time is 10.00 A.M. and He is not interviewed by Abdul and Kalaiarasan.
 Indumathi Interviewed at Panel II.
261). Which panel will have to interview three candidates?

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a)I b)II c)III d)Either I or II e) Cannot be Determined

262). Stephen Jorge will interview which of these candidates?

a)Indumathi,Gowtham b)Anusiya, Padma priya c)Indumathi,Kaviarasan d)Praveen, Boobesh e)None of

263). The H.R kalaiarasan will be taken interview in which panel?

a)I b)II c)III d)Either I or II e)Cannot be Determined

264). Praveen might be interview at which time?

a)10.30 A.M b)1.00 P.M c)5.30 P.M d)Cannot be Determined e)10.00 A.M

265). The H.Rs who handling the Interview panel I,II respectively?
a) Abdul, Dhinesh b)Kalaiarasan, Abdul c)Abdul,Stephen Jorge d)Dhinesh, Stephen Jorge
e)None of these

Puzzles Set- 54:

In a function, eight different ice cream flavours such as Blue Moon, Tutti Frutti, Butter Pecan, Grape,
Halva, Oyster, Lemon Custard, Tiger Tail are placed at four square tables in a Hall. The six persons namely
Nithya, Arun, Meganathan, Raja, Gowsika and Livya are attending the function. Each table has two ice cream
flavours. Each person should take two flavours and the maximum, minimum scoop limit for a person 5 and 4
respectively. There are two entrance for the delegates to reach out the Hall.
 The one who took two scoop of Grape ice cream, will have Lemon Custard flavor and not in the
minimum scoop limit. The flavours Oyster and Lemon Custard are placed adjacently in a table.
 Two entrances are in a straight line. Four tables are placed at an equal distance in a square shaped Hall.
The Entrance will intersect the mid-point of side of the Hall. And along the side of Entrance No flavour
is placed.
 The left end of the first entrance Tiger Tail is placed. The one who has taken Tiger tail for one scoop
will take Butter Pecan.
 Arun has tasted the flavours Lemon Custard for three scoop. Halva and Grapes flavours are placed in a
table adjacently. And Nithya tasted Tutti Frutti for three scoops.
 In the Second entrance left and Right end side the flavours Grape and Butter Pecan placed respectively.
No ice cream flavour is placed opposite to each other.
 The ice cream at minimum scoop level taken only by Arun, Raja and Nithya. Tutti Frutti is not placed in
the table at which Butter Pecon is placed.
 Livya and Gowsika has taken the flavour Oyster with Blue Moon and Butter Pecon respectively.
 The Halva flavour is not taken by Meganathan and Raja.
 Raja does not take combination of Grape and Lemon Custard flavour.The combination of Tutti Frutti
and Butter Pecan are not taken by a same person.
 Tiger Tail is taken for one scoop by the persons Arun and Raja.
266). Which of the combination is placed First entrance Left end?
a) Tutti Frutti, Butter Pecan b)Grape, Halva, c)Oyster, Lemon Custard, d)Halva ,Tiger Tail
e) Tutti Frutti, Tiger Tail

267). Who has taken both Lemon Custard and Tiger Tail ice cream flavours?
a)Nithya b)Arun c)Meganathan d)Raja e)Gowsika

268). The Scoop of BlueMoon ice cream taken by Livya is ?

a)2 b)3 c)4 d) either 2 or 3 e)Cannot be Determined

269). Meganathan will take which of these combination of ice-cream flavour?

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a) Grape, Halva b)Oyster, Lemon Custard c)Tiger Tail, Lemon Custard d) Grape, Lemon Custard

270). How many persons have taken Lemon Custard ice-cream flavour?
a)One b)Two c)Three d)Four e)None of these

Puzzles Set- 55:

Six cricketers Sachin, Dravid, Lara, Kallis, Gavaskar and Kapil Dev are going to play for IPL Teams
namely Hyderabad, Chennai and Delhi. They are coming in three different Airways such as, Jet Airways, Spice
Jet and Indigo. The Cricketers are making presence in advertisements such as, Horlicks, LED bulbs, Bikes, Sun
Glass, Wrest watch and Mobile Phones not necessary in the same order. And they like to have refreshing drinks
Lemon juice, coffee, Bovonto, Tea, Grape Juice not necessary in the same order.
The players from Delhi and Hyderabad teams coming through same airways. Sachin who belongs to the
Chennai team comes with Dravid by Indigo.
The one who presenting ad in LED bulb and likes to have coffee going to play with the cricketer who like to
have tea. One of the player from Hyderabad presenting ad in Sun glass.
Each airways carries same number of cricketers and one of the cricketers comes by Indigo, playing for
Hyderabad with his team mate Lara. Sachin not making presents in Sun Glass and Mobile phone.
Kapil Dev and Kallis not comes by same Airways but plays in same team. And one of them, makes presence in
Bike ad and also like to have Bovonto.
Dravid and Gavaskar did not play for the same team but they comes by same airways. The two players who
comes by Spice jet having refreshing drink tea and both of them not play for Chennai.
Kapil Dev does not plays for Hyderabad And Dravid do not like lemon juice and tea. Sachin and Kallis do not
come by Spice Jet airways.
271). The Lemon juice Refreshing drink taken by whom?
a)Sachin b)Dravid c)Lara d)Kallis e)Gavaskar

272). Who are play for Hyderabad?

a)Sachin, Dravid, b)Dravid, Lara c) Kallis, Gavaskar d) Lara, Gavaskar e)None of these

273). Kallis going to present in which of the following Ad?

a)LED bulbs b)Bikes c)Sun Glass d) Wrest watch e)None of these

274). Sachin and Kapildev come by which of the airways respectively?

a)Jet Airways, Indigo b) Spice Jet , Indigo c) Jet Airways, Spice Jet d)Either a or b
e)Cannot be Determined

275). Lara will have which refreshing drink?

a) Coffee b)Bovonto c)Tea d)Grape Juice e)None of these

Puzzles Set- 56:

The seven cement manufacturing companies Ambuja, Burnpur, Ramco, JSW, Wonder, UltraTech,
Kesovam are having their plant in places namely Ranchi, Jaipur, Gandhi Nagar, Patna, Chennai, Gurnool and
Hyderabad not in the respective order. And the companies making contract with Retail stores such as VSURE,
APW, THL, NMA, NSK, VPAR and PRS. The Retail stores are located in different places such as Bilaspur,
Vayanadu, Bangalore, Kohima, Mumbai, Ambathur and Mysore not in the respective order.
 PRS and NMA are not contact with Jaipur and Gurnool based companies respectively. Either Ambuja or
Kesovam likes to contract with THL which is not located in Ambathur and Vayanadu
 The retail store which located in Mumbai contract with the company that is located in Patna.
 UltraTech contract with Vayanadu based Retail store and is not located Chennai and Jaipur.
 VPAR is Bangalore based. And Ambathur based retail store not deals with Kesovam and Ambuja.

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 Ranchi and Gandhi Nagar based companies making contract with Kohima and Mysore based Retail
stores respectively.
 Ambuja is not serving to the kohima and Mumbai based Retail stores. Ramco is having plant in
 JSW do not dealing with Retail stores of Bilaspur, Mumbai and also VPAR company.
 The Mumbai based APW does not contract with Wonder and Burnpur. Kesovam which is located in
Patna doesn’t deal with Chennai based VSURE retail store. VPAR will contract with Hyderabad based
 Bilaspur based company making deal with Wonder which is not located in Jaipur and Kurnool
 NSK is not from Mysore and Ambathur and makes deal with Burnpur company.
276). which of the following is the Ambathur based Retail Store?

277). Which combination is correct?

a)Wonder-VSURE b)JSW-PRS c)UltraTech-NSK d)Ramco-NSK e)None

278). UltraTech located in which place?

a) Jaipur b)Gandhi Nagar c)Patna d)Chennai e)Kurnool

279). The Retail Store NMA contract with which company?

a) Burnpur b)Ramco c)JSW d)Wonder e)UltraTech

280). The companies from Ranchi and Jaipur respectively are?

a) Burnpur, JSW b)Ramco, UltraTech c)JSW, Wonder d) Burnpur, Wonder
e) Ramco, UltraTech

Puzzles Set- 57:

In one apartment there are seven persons A,C,E,P,R,T and W are living and their professions are
Accountant, Technician, Physician, Journalist, Fire-Fighter, Architect and Radiographer not in the respective
order. In that there are four females and three males. The Apartment is grouped into with names of Precious
stones such as Garnets, Sapphire, Lolite, Tourmaline Apatite, Amber and Peridot. Each one belongs to different
kind of groups.
 The Journalist and the Accountant belong to same gender. They are not in the group Apatite and
 One of the three males is in the Tourmaline group and In the Peridot, C is the member.
 T is the Architect and he is not belongs to Lolite. The Radiographer and Physician are not in the Garnets
and Amber group respectively.
 The Technician is in the Peridot group and he is not R and E.W is not a Journalist.
 Sapphire and Lolite having female Gender persons And A and C are not in that group.
 W is not the physician and she is not belong to Lolite and Apatite. Not only the Accountant is does not P
and R but also she is neither belong to Amber nor Lolite.
 The one who is Physician is A and she does not like Apatite and Lolite and then R is a Male. The
Radiographer is not a male but likes Amber.
281). Who are the male persons?
a)A,C,E b)P,R,T c) A,C,T d) R,T,C e) )P,R, C

282). The profession of W is?

a)Accountant b)Technician c)Physician d)Journalist e)Radiographer

283). R is belong to which of the groups?

a) Lolite b)Tourmaline c)Apatite d)Amber e)None of these
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284). Who is belong to lolite group?

a) A b)C c)E d)P e)R

285). The Fire-Fighter and Accountant Respectively are?

a) C,E b)P,R c)T, R d) R,E e)None of these

Puzzles Set-58:

There are seven hospitals namely A, B, C, D, E, F, G who specialize in one of the following treatment
namely Cardiology, ENT, Dental, Dermatology, Neurology, Nephrology and Ophthalmology (not necessarily
in the same order). Each of them is owned by one of the seven persons namely Aabheer, Aacharya, Aadesh,
Aadarsh, Aadinath, Aakash, and Aahlaad. Each of them remains closed on one of the seven days starting from
 D is a Dental hospital and does not remain closed on Wednesday.
 Aacharya owns a ENT hospital and it is closed on Monday.
 F is a Dermatology hospital and remains closed on Saturday.
 The Ophthalmology and the ENT hospital remain closed on consecutive days
 Aadinath owns a Neurology hospital
 C is a Nephrology hospital and remains closed on Tuesday.
 Aadarsh owns an Cardiology hospital and it is neither B nor E.
 Aahlaad's hospital remains closed the day after Aakash's hospital.
 A is owned by Aabheer and it remains closed on Sunday
 E does not remain closed on Monday.
Aadarsh, Aadinath and Aakash's hospital remain closed on consecutive days respectively (in the same order)
286) Who owns the dental hospital?
a) Aadesh b) Askash c) Aahlaad d) Aabeer e) None of this

287) Which speciality hospital is Saturday closed?

a) Neurology b) Cardiology c) Dental d) Dermatology e) ENT

288) Aacharya own which hospital?

a) A b) C c) D d) B e) G

289) Which hospital is closed on Wednesday?

a) C b) E c) G d) F e) B

290) the hospital is E specialised in which treatment?

a) ENT b) Cardiology c) Ophthalmology d) Neurology e) None of this

Puzzles Set- 59:

Seven flights - Jet Airways, Air India, IndiGo, SpiceJet, Kingfisher, Sahara and GoAir - depart from
Delhi Airport every Wednesday.
 IndiGo is the earliest to depart. Its departure time is not after 9 a.m. and its travel time is two hours less
than the travel time of Sahara.
 Since Jet Airways has to cover the least distance, it leaves last, but before 9 p.m. and still completes its
journey at 11 p.m.
 SpiceJet leaves Delhi Airport at Wednesday midday and takes 19 hours to reach its destination.
 There is a four hour gap between the departure times of Kingfisher, leaving at 10 a.m. and IndiGo.
Kingfisher takes one hour more than the travel time of IndiGo to reach its destination.
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 Jet Airways leaves five hours after Air India departs but takes only three hours to reach its destination.
 Sahara and GoAir take 10 hours and 8 hours to reach their respective destinations.
 Sahara leaves at 5 p.m. and there is gap of 8 hours between the departure times of these two flights.
 One flight reaches its destination at 8 p.m.
291) What is the departure time of Air India?
a) 8 am b) 6 am c) 12 Pm d) 3 am e) 9 am

292) What is the least travelling of the flight?

a) 4 hrs b) 3 hrs c) 2 hrs d) 5 hrs e) None

293) What is the arrival time of indigo flight?

a) 1 pm b) 7 am c) 2 am d) 2 pm e) 3 pm

294) Which flight has the departure time 9 am?

a) Air India b) Indigo c) Sahara d) Go Air e) None of this

295) What is the arrival time of Spice jet?

a) 2 pm b) 11 pm c) 7 am d) Can’t be determined e) None

Puzzles Set- 60:

Ferrari, Red Bull Racing, Toro Rosso, Williams, Force India, MClaren and Mercedes are seven cars
which are running on tracks and travelling and covering different distance but not necessarily in the same order.
Each car has different colours i.e. Red, Orange, Green, Black, Yellow, White and Blue but not necessarily in
the same order.
Car Ferrari is in odd number ranking and is not 3rd lowest in covering distance. Car which is of yellow colour
is immediate more than in covering distance than Car Ferrari. There are only two cars between car Ferrari and
the one which is of green colour in covering distance. The Car which is of orange colour is in odd number
ranking but greater than Car Williams in travelling. Williams is covering third lowest distance. Third lowest car
in travelling covers a distance of 1218km. Only three cars are between car Toro Rosso and the one which is of
orange colour. The one which is of green colour is immediate more than in covering distance than car Toro
Rosso. Force India covers a distance of 1456 km. The car which is of red colour is immediate more than in
covering distance than car which is of blue colour. Car Mercedes is in odd number ranking. Only one car is in
between car Red Bull Racing and Force India. Car Red Bull Racing covers more distance than car Force India.
Neither car Toro Rosso nor Ferrari is of black colour. Car Force India is not of green colour.
296). Which car comes at last in the Race?
a) Ferrari b) Toro Rosso c) MClaren d) Mercedes e)

297). Which among the following car is green colored?

a) Ferrari b) Toro Rosso c) Red Bull Racing d) Mercedes e) MClaren

298).What is the rank secured by Mclaren Car?

a)One b)Three c)Sixth d)Seventh e)Fourth

299). Which car is not in the Top Four positions?

a) Ferrari b) Toro Rosso c) Red Bull Racing d) Mercedes e) Force India

300). How many cars in between Yellow coloured and White coloured cars?
a)One b)Three c)Two d)Five e)Four

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Puzzles Set- 61:

There are seven different dress shops – Marc Ray, Indy Pindy, Grey Tree, Fashion Farmers, Fashion
Passion, Indian Eagle and Fashionista sold dresses starting from Monday to Sunday (of the same week) not
necessarily in same order. The number of dresses sold by the seven dress shops in seven different days are 4, 6,
9, 12, 18, 15 and 27 (not necessarily in same order).
The Shop Marc Ray sold dresses in one of the days after Friday. On Wednesday, the number of dresses sold are
12. The difference between the number of dresses sold in Monday and Friday is the multiple of the number 7.
There are two shops between the shop Indian Eagle and the shop which one sold 4 dresses. Shop Indy Pindy
sold dresses on one of the days immediately before the shop that sold 9 dresses. There are two shops between
Indy Pindy and Fashionista. There are three shops between the shop Indian Eagle and Fashion Farmers. Grey
Tree not sold the least number of dresses. The sum of dresses sold in Wednesday and Saturday is more than ten
and the sum equals to the number of dresses sold on Friday. The difference between the number of dresses sold
by Shop Indy Pindy and Fashionista is less than five. The Shop which sold 9 dresses not in Friday. The shop
Indian Eagle sold the dresses in one of the days after the shop which sold 4 dresses. The shop which sold more
than 12 dresses (not an odd number) is immediately after the one which one sold 12 dresses. Shop Indian Eagle
sold more number of dresses than Shop Fashion Farmers.
301). Indian Eagle Sold how many dresses in a week?
a) 4 b)6 c)9 d)12 e)27

302). Which of the following dress shops sold dresses in Friday?

a) Indy Pindy b) Indian Eagle c)Fashion Farmers d)Fashion Passion e) Marc Ray

303). Which among the following dress shops sold the dress before Fashionista?
a) Fashion Passion b)Indian Eagle c)Marc Ray d)Indy Pindy e)Grey Tree

304). On which day four dresses were sold?

a)Friday b)Saturday c)Tuesday d)Sunday e)Thursday

305). How many days are there in between the dress shops Fashion Passion and Indy Pindy?
a)One b)Three c)Sixth d)Seventh e)Fourth

Puzzles Set- 62:

Eight friends Jaya, James, Jadhav, Jayanth, Jaya Prabha, John, Jayam and Jayandhan live on eight
different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor of the building is
numbered 1 and the topmost floor of the building is numbered 8. Each of them likes different brands of mobile
phones viz, Samsung, Nokia, Apple, Sony, Intex, Jio, Oppo and Lava but not necessarily in the same order.
The one who likes Nokia lives on an even-numbered floor but not on the topmost floor. Only one person lives
between John and the one who likes Intex. Only two persons live between John and the one who likes Nokia.
Neither Jaya Prabha nor Jadhav lives on the first floor. Only one person lives between Jadhav and the one who
likes Apple. Jaya lives just above John. Only two persons live between Jaya Prabha and Jaya. The one who
likes Intex does not live on floor number one, James lives on an even-numbered floor and just above Jadhav.
The one who likes Sony lives on an even numbered floor and lives just above the person who likes Lava.
Jadhav does not like Intex or Lava. Only two persons live between the one who likes Jio and the one who likes
Samsung. Jayanth does not like Oppo. The one who likes Jio does not live on an odd-numbered floor.
Jayandhan lives just below the one who likes Lava.
306). Jayandhan lives on which floor?
a)One b)Three c)Six d)Seven e)Four

307). How many floors are there in between the Samsung liking person and Jaya?
a)One b)Three c)Six d) Five e)Four

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308). Who stays in the third floor?
a)Jadhav b)Jayanth c)Jaya Prabha d)John e)None of these

309). Which floor is occupied by the person who likes Apple mobile phone?
a)One b)Three c)Six d)Seven e)Four

310). If Jayam stays in fourth floor and Jadhav likes Intex then who will like Lava mobile phone?
a) Jayanth b)Jaya Prabha c)John d)Jayam e)None of these

Puzzles Set- 63:

There are seven boys, A, B, C, D, E, F and G who participated in a game competition which started on
Monday and ended on Sunday. In the first round of the competition, each of them played different games,
Archery, Tennis, Throw ball, River boarding, Rock climbing, Cycling and Boxing, but not necessarily in the
same order. They like different colors, Almond, Aqua, Amber, Baby pink, Lavender, Canary and Cherry, but
not necessarily in the same order.
B did not play on the day either immediately before or immediately after the game of D, who does not like
either Lavender or Almond or Baby pink color. Two games were held between the game of G and F, neither of
whom played on Monday. There was one game between the games of D and C. But C’s game did not happen
either on Monday or on Wednesday. C likes Aqua color and played Archery. The one, who played Throw ball
on the last day of competition, likes Amber color. E played immediately after C and he likes Almond color. A
does not like Lavender color and played River boarding. D did not play either Boxing or Cycling. The one who
played Rock climbing was scheduled immediately after the game of Archery. G, who likes Canary, played on
the fourth day of the competition but played neither Archery nor Tennis.

311). Who likes Amber colour?

a) B b)F c)C d)D e)E

312). How many days are there in between the games Archery and River boarding?
a)One b)Three c)Six d)Two e)Four

313). G likes to play which of the following games?

a) River boarding b)Rock climbing c)Cycling d)Boxing e) Cannot be determined

314). Who participated in the game On Tuesday?

a) B b)F c)C d)A e)E

315). Which game will be played in between Archery and Throwball?

a)River boarding b)Rock climbing c)Cycling d)Boxing e)None of these

Puzzles Set- 64:

Nine people are present in a family gathering.

Members from 3 generation were present in the gathering.
There are 3 married couples. No one is married in the 3rd generation.
In the family there are 2 Teachers, 1 Actor, 1 Fashion designer, 1 Doctor, 1 Social worker, 1 Engineer, 1 Police
Director and 1 Student.
A is a Fashion designer is the sister-in-law of the Teacher which has only 1 child B.
The Engineer is the niece of C who is an Actor.
The Student has the only one cousin and is in police.
One of the Teachers has 2 children and 3 grandchildren.
D is a Social worker and is grandfather of the Police Director.
C is mother of B. The Doctor is the son-in-law of the Social worker.
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The Fashion designer has 2 daughters.
F is an Engineer.
G is a non-earning member of the family.
E and H are the Teachers and the name of one more member of the family is J.

316). How is the Social Worker related to the Fashion Designer?

a)Father b)Uncle c)Mother d)Father-in-law e) Son-in-law

317). Who is the Doctor?

a)A b)F c)B d)J e)H

318). How is H related to D?

a)Sisters b)Brothers c)Son-in-law d)Uncle e)Wife

319). Who is the Police Director?

a)A b)F c)B d)J e)H

320). How is A related to C?

a) Sisters b)Brothers c)Son-in-law d)Uncle e)Cannot be Determined

Puzzle Set- 65:

Six lecturers - Adhira, Aloka, Aashi, Aashriya, Adhika, and Adhita will go to six different colleges
namely CCET, PEC, DCE, UIET, Thapar University and NIT Jalandhar (not necessarily in the same order) to
give guest lectures. They take lectures on Business management, Biotechnology, Bio-informatics, Visual
basics, Zeo Science and Environmental Science. They take lectures from Monday to Saturday (not necessarily
in the same order).
 Adhira gives guest lecture in UIET either in Business management or Environmental Science.
 Adhika did not give lecture on Environmental Science
 Aashi takes lecture on Tuesday and she is not an expert in Business management or Bio-informatics.
 The lecturer who takes guest lecture on Visual basics went on Saturday and neither in CCET nor in
 Adhita delivers her lecture on Biotechnology in NIT Jalandhar but not on Wednesday.
 Adhika delivers a guest lecture at DCE and takes lecture one day before Adhita
 On first day of the week, Aloka gives guest lecture in PEC.
 The lecturer who delivers the lecture on Thursday is not an expert in Bio-informatics or Business
 The lecturer who delivers the lecture on Thursday is not Adhita.

321). Where did Aashriya gave her lecture?

a) Thapar b) CCET c) PEC d) Either a or b e) None of these

322). Bio-informatics was taught on which day?

a) Monday b) Wednesday c) Thursday d) None of the above e) Can’t be determined

323). Which of the following combination is correct?

a) Adhika-Friday b) CCET-Tuesday c) NIT Jalandar-Thursday d) Aashi-Thapar e) All are incorrect

324). Who gave the lecture between Tuesday and Thursday?

a) Aashriya b) Adhika c) Adhira d) Adhita e) None of these

325). Which subject’s lecture was given between that of Bio-informatics and Business management?
a) Biotechnology b) Materials Design c) Visual basics d) Environmental Science e) Can’t be determined

Puzzle Set-66:

There are 7 pairs of husband- wife among the following V, D, C, S, B, K, M, F, Z, A, X, G, N, H. They

work in one of the seven companies namely AMAZON, CTS, TCS, WIPRO, GOOGLE, EBAY, and IBM. The
husband and wife together will speak in same language. The following information is known about them:
 F is a female who speaks in Tamil and her husband works in WIPRO
 There's only one pair who work in the same company and they speak in English.
 M is a male whose wife works in GOOGLE.
 N is the husband of the one working in AMAZON and speaks Hindi
 C & X are males who speak in Urdu & Telugu respectively and are married to S & A. but not
necessarily in the same order.
 Z, a male works with the AMAZON, speaks Malayalam and the female with the GOOGLE, speaks in
 D & H are females and B is the husband of G
 Z's wife and X work in CTS
 K's husband works in IBM
 X's wife and H's husband work in EBay
 A works in WIPRO.

326). N is working in which of the following company?

a) IBM b) EBAY c) CTS d) WIPRO e) Can’t be determined

327). Which of the following is correctly framed?

a) Telugu – X – A (WIPRO) b) C (GOOGLE) – Urdu – A c) Oriya – M (IBM) – S (EBay)
d) Malayalam – S (EBay) – C (GOOGLE) e) None of these

328). D speaks in which of the following Languages?

a) Malayalam b) Oriya c) Hindi d) English e) Can’t be determined

329).Who among the following works in AMAZON?

a) F b) H c) K d) Either b) or c) e) Either a) or b)

330). Z and A are working in which of the companies respectively?

e) None

Puzzle Set-67:

Tony, Margaret, Michelle, John, Rafi, Mark and Monica lives in a seven storey building. The lower-most floor
is numbered 1; floor above it is numbered 2 and so on. There are four males and three females among them.
 Miss Monica lives in floor no. 2.
 No female lives above the floor in which Miss Margaret lives.
 John lives in an odd numbered floor and he doesn't live either on the top-most or lower-most floor.
 Rafi has to use most no. of stairs to reach to his flat. More than anyone else in the building.
 None of the female lives at the lower-most or top-most floor.
 Mark lives just a floor below his sister Michelle's floor.
 No two male or female live immediately above or below each other.

331). Who lives in floor no.5?

a) Tony b) Monica c) John d) Mark e) None of these

332). Find the odd one out?

a) Rafi b) Margaret c) John d) Tony e) Mark

333). Who lives exactly between the floor in which Margaret and Monica lives?
a) Tony b) Michelle c) John d) Mark e) None of these

334). Tony lives in which floor?

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) None of these

335). Who lives in the floor immediately below Mark’s floor?

a) Tony b) Monica c) John d) Michelle e) None of these

Puzzles Set-68:

There are nine persons Ram, Raghu, Raju, Ravi, Ramu, Ranjan, Rahul, Ratheesh and Raja stay on a
nine floors building, but not necessarily in the same order. Only one person stays on each floor. All of them
have either Watch or Coolers of different colours i.e. maroon, golden, red, orange, Pink, Blue, Green, silver and
grey, but not necessarily in the same order. Only five of them have Coolers. The ground floor is numbered 1
and the topmost floor is numbered 9. There are two floors between the floors on which the persons having a
Blue Watch and silver Coolers stay. Raju owns a red Watch. Ranjan does not own a grey Watch. Ram stays on
even numbered floor below the even numbered floor on which Ratheesh stays. The one who own a Pink
Coolers stays on the fourth floor. Ravi stays on the second floor and owns the orange Coolers. The one who
owns the golden Coolers stays on the topmost floor. Ram does not own a Green Coolers. Ranjan owns a Blue
Watch and stays on an odd-numbered floor. There is only one floor between the floors on which Ranjan and
Rahul stay. Ramu stays immediate above the floor on which Raja stay. Rahul does not stay on the ground floor.
Raghu stays immediate above the floor on which Ratheesh stay. There are three floors between the floors on
which Raju and Ranjan stay. The one who owns the silver Coolers stays immediate above Rahul .Ramu stays
on the fourth floor. The one who owns the grey Watch stays on the third floor.

336). Who lives on the 7th floor?

a) Rahul b) Raghu c) The one who has Golden Coolers d) Ranjan
e) The one who has silver Coolers

337). What is the Colour of the Coolers of the person who stays on the 4th floor?
a) Red b) Green c) Orange d) Pink e) Maroon

338). Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence they form a group. Which one of the
following does not belong to that group?
a) Red b) Silver c) Golden d) Green e) Grey

339). How many persons are between the one who has golden Coolers and the one who stays on 4th
a) Five b) Three c) Four d) Seven e) None of these

340). Which of the following Coloured Coolers does Ranjan has?

a) Maroon b) Red c) Pink d) Grey e) Blue
Puzzles Set- 69:

14 persons A B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M and N stay in an eight stored building. Each floor has 2

flats numbered as 1 or 2 such that all same numbered flats are in the same column. The floors are numbered 1-8
from bottom to top. There are 2 vacant flats in the building. It is also known that:
 H and G live on the same floor.
 Only one person stays above A.
 Only 3 persons stay above H.
 F and I live on the floor that is just below a floor which has a vacant flat.
 I and L live on the same floors as their flat numbers.
 There is a gap of 3 floors between K and E.
 None of the flats above D's floor is vacant.
 I and G have same flat numbers.
 Sum of B and Is floor number is equal to Ms floor number.
 Not more than 4 persons stay above M.
 K does not live below B.
 C and A do not have the same flat number as Es.
 Only 4 persons stay below J.
 D, M and J have the same flat numbers.
 N has the same flat number as B.

341). How many persons live below B?

a) 4 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8 e) More than 8

342). Which among the following floors have the vacant flats?
a) 8th , 4th b) 8th , 3rd c) 7th , 4th d) 7th , 3rd e) 8th , 2nd

343). How many floors are there between the floors on which B and L live?
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 e) 6

344). Who among the following live on the floors which have the vacant flats?
a) D, K b) K, J c) D, J d) A, D e) A, J

345). How many persons live above M?

a) None b) One c) Two d) Three e) More than three

Puzzle Set- 70:

Babu, Arul, Venkat, Mathan, Hari and Ramu are six children of Mrs. Susila. Each of the children was
born on different days of the week except Sunday. Mrs. Susila gave birth to a child every alternate year but not
necessarily in the same order as the names of the children are given. Each child teaches a different topic. The
topics are Matrix, Algebra, Differentiation, Trigonometry, Geometry and Integration. Mathan was born on
Tuesday but not before 2000 and he teaches Matrix whereas Venkat teaches Geometry. The child who was born
on Wednesday teaches Algebra. The fourth eldest child teaches Trigonometry while Arul teaches Integration.
Babu, who was born in 1995, teaches Differentiation. Geometry is studied by the third eldest child who was
born on Friday. Arul was born on Thursday and Ramu on Saturday. Babu is eldest child while Hari is youngest.
346). In which year was Arul born?
a) 1995 b) 1999 c) 2001 d) 1997 e) 2003

347). On which day was Babu born?

a) Monday b) Wednesday c) Friday d) Thursday e) Tuesday

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348). In which year was Mathan born?
a) 1995 b) 1997 c) 1999 d) 1991 e) 2003

349). If Hari was the only daughter of Mrs Susila then after the birth of how many sons did Mrs Susila
give birth to a daughter?
a) One b) Two c) Four d) Three e) None of these

350). What is Venkat’s rank (in terms of ascending order of age) among the children?
a) Second b) Fourth c) Fifth d) Third e) None of these

Puzzles Sets-71:

P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are eight employees of an organization who attends a meeting in the four
months (March, April, June, July) of the same year. The meetings are held in each month on either 13" or 22nd.
Only two meetings are held in a month. It is further known that:
 P attends meeting in a month with 30 days.
 Only two people attend meetings after R
 P and S attend their meeting on consecutive turns.
 S and T attend meetings on alternate turns.
 T attends meeting in a month with 31 days.
 W attends meeting before U and V
 Q or W are not the first to go for a meeting
 Neither V nor Q has a meeting on 22nd.
 V and U do not have meetings in the same month.
351).Who among the following attends the meeting in April?
a) V, Q b) V, R c) R, Q d) P, Q e) S, P

352). How many people attend their meetings after Q?

a) None b) One c) Two d) Three e) Four

353). Who among the following have meetings in the same month?
a) U, R b) W, S c) V, R d) R, Q e) T, S

354). Who is the first to attend the meeting?

a) S b) T c) U d) V e) Q

355). Who attends the meeting on 13th July?

a) P b) Q c) S d) T e) U

Puzzles Set- 72:

There are seven employees in a company named Praveen, Pradeep, Pradeesh, Prasanth, Pranesh,
Pravesh and Prakash. They are born in a different month of the same year from January to July, but not
necessarily in the same order. No two people are born in the same month. They also have different hobbies
among dancing, singing, writing, playing, travelling, fishing and painting.
The following information is known about them:-
 Pradeep has his birthday in a month which has 30 days.
 The ones who have their birthday in the month immediately preceding & succeeding that of Pradeep's
like travelling and fishing respectively.
 Pradeesh has his birthday in the month just before that of Pradeep.
 Pravesh has his birthday in a month that has more than 30 days.
 Writing is not preferred by Pravesh or Prasanth.
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 Pranesh likes singing. There is only one person's birthday between hers and the one who likes dancing.
 The persons who like playing or painting do not have birthdays in successive months. Pradeep does not
like playing or painting.
 There are three persons' birthday between Praveen and the one who likes writing. Praveen is not born in
 The one who likes painting has his birthday before the one who likes playing.

356). In which month was Prasanth born?

a) March b) April c) January d) February e) May

357). Who amongst the following likes playing?

a) Prasanth b) Pravesh c) Prakash d) Pradeep e) Praveen

358). How many people have birthdays in the months between that of Praveen’s and the one who likes
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) 5

359). Which of the following is correctly matched?

a) April-Dancing b) January-Painting c) July-writing d) March-fishing e) June-playing

360). Pradeesh is related to dancing in the same way as Pranesh is related to playing, how is Prakash
related in the same way?
a) Singing b) Travelling c) Playing d) Painting e) Writing

Puzzle Set-73:

There are seven persons –Megan, Prabha, Cryster, Raja, Sambath, Thangamani and Usha – who
participated in a dancing competition which started on 25th October and ended on 31st October. In the first
round of competition, each of them performed regional Dances, viz Bharatanatyam, Kathakali, Kathak,
Kuchipudi, Odissi, Sattriya and Mohiniyattam, but not necessarily in same order. They like different cars, viz
Nissan, Toyota, Honda, Buick, Chevrolet, Dodge and Mercedes, but not necessarily in same order. Usha, who
likes Dodge, performed on fourth day of competition but performed neither Bharatanatyam nor Kathakali
Dance. Two performances were held between the performance of Usha and Thangamani, neither of whom
performed on 1st day of week. There was one performance between performance of Raja and Cryster. But
Cryster’s performance did not happen either on 1st or on 3rd day of competition. Cryster likes Toyota car and
performed Bharatanatyam Dance. The one who performed Kathak Dance on the last day of competition, likes
Honda car. P did not perform on day either immediately before or immediately after performance of Raja, who
does not like either Chevrolet or Nissan or Buick car. Sambath performed immediately after Cryster and he
likes Nissan car. Megan does not like Chevrolet car and performed a Kuchipudi Dance. Raja did not perform
either Mohiniyattam or Sattriya Dance. One who performed in Odissi was scheduled immediately after
performance of Bharatanatyam dancer.

361). Who performs Sattriya Dance?

a) Usha b) Raja c) Prabha d) Either Prabha or Usha e) None of these

362). Which of the following combinations is definitely false regarding their schedule?
a) Usha -Dodge-Kathak b) Raja -Mercedes-Kathakali c) Megan-Buick-Kuchipudi
d) Cryster -Toyota-Bharatanatyam e) None of these

363). Which of the following combinations is true?

a) Megan’s performance was held on the fifth day of the week.
b) Sambath likes Dodge car.
c) Raja performs Bharatanatyam Dance.
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d) Sambath’s performance was scheduled before Cryster but after Thangamani.
e) None of these

364). Who among the following performed on the fifth day of the competition?
a) Sambath b) Thangamani c) Cryster d) Megan e) None of these

365). If ‘Usha’ is related to ‘Toyota’, ‘Sambath’ is related to ‘Honda’, then which following is ‘Raja’
related to?
a) Chevrolet b) Dodge c) Buick d) Mercedes e) None of these

Puzzles Set-74:

There are seven boys, A, B, C, D, E, F and G who participated in a game competition which started on
Monday and ended on Sunday. In the first round of the competition, each of them played different games, P, Q,
R, S, T, U and V, but not necessarily in the same order. They like different colors, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 and
C7, but not necessarily in the same order.
B did not play on the day either immediately before or immediately after the game of D, who does not like
either C5 or C1 or C4 color. Two games were held between the game of G and F, neither of whom played on
Monday. There was one game between the game of D and C. But C’s game did not happen either on Monday or
on Wednesday. C likes C2 color and played P. The one, who played R on the last day of competition, likes C3
color. E played immediately after C and he likes C1 color. A does not like C5 color and played S. D did not
play either V or U. The one who played T was scheduled immediately after the game of P. G, who likes C6,
played on the fourth day of the competition but played neither P nor Q.
366) The game R is played by whom?
a) B b) G c) E d) F e) A

367) How many days between A and E?

a) 1 b) 3 c) 5 d) 4 e) None

368) Which game played on Monday?

a) U b) V c) Q d) Either 1 or 2 e) Either 2 or 3

369) Which day is Q played?

a) Thursday b) Wednesday c) Friday d) Saturday e) Monday

370) E likes which colour?

a) C1 b) C3 c) C2 d) C5 e) C7

Puzzle Set- 75:

There are 7 pairs of husband- wife among the following V, D, C, S, B, K, M, F, Z, A, X, G, N, H. They

work in one of the seven banks namely IOB, KVB, IDBI, ING VYSYA, LVB, DENA BANK, and YES
BANK. The husband and wife live together in the same city. The following information is known about them:
 F is a female who lives in Nagpur and her husband works in ING VYSYA
 There's only one pair who work in the same bank and they live in Agra.
 M is a male whose wife works in LVB bank.
 N is the husband of the one working in IOB in Indore
 C& X are males who live in Coimbatore & Surat respectively and are married to S & A. but not
necessarily in the same order.
 Z, a male works with the IOB in Ahmedabad and the female with the LVB works in Hyderabad.
 D& H are females and B is the husband of G
 Z's wife and X work in KVB

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 K's husband works in YES BANK
 X's wife and H's husband work in Dena Bank
 A works in ING VYSYA.

371). N is working in which of the following banks?

a) YES BANK b) DENA BANK c) KVB d) ING VYSYA e) Can’t be determined

372). Which of the following is correctly framed?

a) Surat – X – A(ING VYSYA)
b) C (LVB) – Coimbatore – A
c) Hyderabad – M (YES BANK) – S (Dena Bank)
d) Ahmedabad – S (Dena Bank) – C (LVB)
e) None of these

373). D lives in which of the following cities?

a) Ahmedabad b) Hyderabad c) Indore d) Agra e) Can’t be determined

374).Who among the following works in IOB?

a) F b) H c) K d) Either b) or c) e) Either a) or b)

375). Z and A are working in which of the banks respectively?

a) ING VYSYA & IOB b) IDBI& LVB c) IOB& ING VYSYA d) Dena Bank & KVB
e) None

Puzzles Set-76:

Study the information given below and answer the following questions:
Six friends Anith, Nikith, Sumith, Sahith, Vinith and Pranith participated in the cultural fest held in their
college. Each of them participate in different activities: Dancing, Singing, Speech, Debate, Painting and
Mimicry, not in same order starting from Monday upto Sunday. There is a holiday in between when no event is
 Holiday is not on Monday or Saturday
 Sahith performs on Sunday and Dancing is scheduled on Wednesday
 There is two days gap between Holiday and Vinith's performance,
 Anith performs after Vinith and Nikith performs before Holiday
 There is two days gap between Debate and Speech competitions
 Mimicry is scheduled on the next day of Sumith's performance
 Sahith is not a singer
 Painting is not done by Vinith But it is scheduled before Singing Competition.
 Debate is scheduled before holiday and Vinith did not perform on Monday

376). Who performed on Tuesday?

a) Vinith b) Nikith c) Anith d) Either a or b e) None of the above

377). Which of the following combination is correct?

a) Saturday-Pranith-Dancing b) Friday-Anith-Singing c) Thursday-Holiday d) Monday-Sumith-Painting
e) Wednesday-Nikith-Dancing

378). Painting competition is scheduled on which day?

a) Thursday b) Monday c) Tuesday d) Friday e) Saturday

379). Who participates in the Debate competition?

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a) Pranith b) Nikith c) Sumith d) Anith e) Either 2 or 4

380). When is Holiday?

a) The day after Nikith’s performance b) The day before Sahith’s performance c) Tuesday
d) The day before Pranith’s performance e) Thursday

Puzzles Set-77:

Eight boxes namely P, R, S, T, U, V, W and X are placed from top to bottom not in the same order.
They contain different flavours of cake among Pineapple, Butter White, Cappuccino, Cherry Marble, Black
Forest, Milk Chocolate, Chocolate Almond and Raspberry. Boxes are made up of different materials among
steel, plastic, wood and card box. Exactly two boxes are made of same material. Consider top as 1st position.
The following information is known about them.
 There is one box between Box R and Box T and Box T is made up of plastic and both are in the top 4
positions when boxes are arranged from top to bottom.
 The box containing Cherry Marble is kept immediately below wooden box and is made up of same
material as T.
 Box S is kept somewhere between W and X and X being below S.
 The two cardboard boxes are kept vertically adjacent to each other and one of the cardboard boxes is
immediately under the plastic box.
 Cappuccino cake is kept exactly between V and the box containing Milk Chocolate.
 X doesn’t contain Pineapple cake.
 There is one box between Box U and Box W, and W is kept immediately below the box containing
Cherry Marble cake.
 The box containing Raspberry cake is placed at even numbered place but is not placed at the bottom.
 The steel box which is kept at top either contains Pineapple or chocolate almond cake.
 Box U is not made up of cardboard.
 V which contains Black Forest cake is made up of wood and among top five.
 The box containing Butter White cake is made up of wood.
 S doesn’t contain any of Pineapple or Raspberry cake.
381) Which box contains Butter White Flavour?
a) U b) X c) R d) W e) S

382) Which boxes are made up of card board?

a) R, V b) W, U c) S, X d) W, S e) V, X

383) The box U is Placed at which position?

a) 6 b) 5 c) 4 d) 7 e) 3

384) Which flavour is made by plastic?

a) Raspberry b) Butter white c) Milk Chocolate d) Black forest e) None of this

385) How many boxes between R and Milk chocolate?

a) 1 b) 3 c) 2 d) 4 e) None of this

Puzzles Set- 78:

Eight books namely Chemistry, Maths, Economics, History, Physics, Geography, Accounts and Biology are
kept one over the other, but not necessarily in the same order. Two books belong to classes 9th to 12th each. The
color of the cover of the books are blue, brown, red, orange, green, grey, black and purple.
The two books in the middle belong to class 12th. The book with black cover is 3 places below the one with
Green color. Geography and Economics book are adjacent to each other and neither of it are on top nor on
| |
bottom. The book with red cover is just above the Accounts books. One of the class 10th book is brown in color
which is not kept on top. Cover of Chemistry is of purple color and it is 3rd position from the top. The two class
11th books are Physics and Maths. Economics book is kept 3rd place from the bottom and belongs to class 9th.
The Physics book which is not Grey is kept just below the Accounts book. One of the class 11 th book is kept
between class 9th and 10th books. The cover of History and Biology books is not grey. There are three books
between the red and the orange colored book.
386). Which of the following are class 10th books?
a) Biology & Chemistry b) Chemistry & Accounts c) Accounts & History d) History & Biology
e) None of these

387). The color of the Accounts book is

a) Blue b) Orange c) Brown d) Black e) Can’t be determined

388). Which of the following pair is correct?

a) 12th – Black – Biology b) 9th – Purple – Chemistry c) 9th – Red – Economics d) 10th – Brown –
e) Both C & D

389). If all the books are arranged according to their classes from lowest to highest, then for how many
books the position remains unchanged?
a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3 e) None of the above

390). The color of the bottom most books is

a) Green b) Black c) Blue d) None of the above e) Can’t be determined

Puzzles Set-79:

Eight boxes are arranged in a stack from bottom to top numbered from 1-8 each having a different colour;
green, black, blue, white, yellow, orange, red and pink not necessarily in the same order. They contain a
different food item; Milky bar, Lollypop, Ice cream, Pizza, Butter chicken, Curd rice, Grill chicken and
Bovonto not necessarily in the same order. The arrangement is based on the following rules:
 The yellow box is kept at an even numbered position
 There are 3 boxes between the yellow box and the box with Bovonto
 White box is either at the top or at the bottom of the stack
 Box number 2 has Milky bar and it is not yellow in colour
 Box with the Butter chicken is kept between the box having red colour and the box having Pizza
 The Green coloured box is kept 2 boxes above the blue box
 There are 4 boxes between the box with Lollypop and the red coloured box
 There are 3 boxes between the box with Butter chicken and the box with Ice cream
 Pink box is between the box with Grill chicken and the orange coloured box
 The red box does not have Grill chicken.
391). Which of the following is the correct combination of number: colour: food item?
a) 8: yellow: Butter chicken b) 6: red: Curd rice c) 5: green: Grill chicken d) 4: blue: Pizza e) 3: orange:

392). Four of the following bear a certain relationship hence form a group, which of the following does
not belong not belong to that group?
a) Pizza b) Curd rice c) Bovonto d) Ice cream e) Milky bar

393). If green is related to Pizza and red is related to Butter chicken then which of the following food
items is related to blue?
a) Curd rice b) Grill chicken c) Bovonto d) Ice cream e) Lollypop

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394). Which of the following food items does the black and orange box contains?
a) Milky bar, Lollypop b) Milky bar, Ice cream c) Ice cream, Bovonto d) Bovonto, Pizza e) Curd rice, Grill

395). How many boxes are kept between the green box and the box having Curd rice?
a) None b) One c) Two d) Three e) Four

Puzzles Set-80:

In Delhi Olympic, eight participants won different number of medals from 1 to 8 in no particular order.
The eight participants are from three different countries– Brazil, Russia and China. The eight participants are
Rahul, Yogesh, Virat, Sania, Nadal, Sindhu, Karun and Ussain, in no particular order. Three of them are from
Russia, three are from Brazil and two are from China. The following information is known about them:
 The participant who won only one medal does not belong to Brazil.
 Nadal won lesser number of medals than Yogesh and Ussain.
 The participant who won eight medals is not from Russia.
 Sania is from Brazil.
 Sindhu won lesser number of medals than both Rahul and Sania, but more number of medals when
compared to both Ussain and Yogesh.
 Karun is not from Russia.
 Nadal who does not belong to Russia, didn’t win the least number of medals.
 Rahul won more number of medals than Sania. Also, there is only one person who won the number of
medals, which is between the number of medals won by Rahul and Sania.
 Ussain, who is from Brazil didn’t win three medals.
 If Karun belongs to China then the person winning 2 medals must be from Russia.
396) Who owns 8 medals?
a) Karun b) Sania c) Rahul d) Virat e) Ussain

397) How many won by yogesh?

a) 2 b) 4 c) 5 d) 3 e) 1

398) Who are all belongs to Russia?

a) Sindhu, Sania b) Karun, Virat c) Nadal, Yogesh d) Yogesh, Sindhu e) Virat, Nadal

399) Two medal own by Which Country?

a) Brazil b) China c) Russia d) Either a or b e) Both a and b

400) Sindhu is from which country?

a) Brazil b) China c) Russia d) Either a or b e) Either b or c

Puzzles Set- 81:

Each of the five students - A, B, C, D and E - studies 5 subjects -HR, Marketing, Production, Computer
and Finance - in a week starting on Monday and ending on Friday. Exactly five subjects were studied on each
of the five days, no two of which were same. No student studied more than one subject on any of the five days.
C studied Production on Tuesday. D studied Finance on Wednesday. He didn't study HR on Thursday. E
studied Computer on Monday.
A studied the same subject on Monday which D studied on Friday. The subject was not Production. B studied
HR, Marketing and Computer on Monday, Wednesday and Friday respectively. C studied the same subject on
Monday which A studied on Friday.
401). Which subject did A study on Tuesday?

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a) Computer b) Finance c) Production d) HR e) Marketing

402). Who studied HR on Wednesday?

a) B b) E c) A d) C e) D

403). What did E study on Friday?

a) HR b) Finance c) Production d) Marketing e) Computer

404). Who studied Computer on Wednesday?

a) A b) B c) D d) C e) E

405). What did C study on Thursday?

a) Computer b) Finance c) Production d) HR e) Marketing

Puzzles Set-82:

Nine people A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I stay in a building. The building has nine floors and only one
person stays on one floor. Each of them likes different actors namely- Ajay Devgan, Anil Kapoor, Arjun
Kapoor, Akshay Kumar, Amitabh Bachchan, Aamir Khan, Arjun Rampal, Abhay Deol and Abhishek
Bachchan. Each person belongs to different cities, i.e. Mumbai, Delhi, Agra, Kolkata, Chennai, Lucknow,
Nagpur, Baroda and Jaipur, but not necessarily in the same order. The ground floor is numbered 1, the floor
above it is numbered 2, and so on, and the topmost floor is numbered 9.
The one who belongs to Baroda stays on the fourth floor. A does not belong to Lucknow and does not like
Aamir Khan and Abhay Deol. There are three floors between the floors on which C and G stay.
D stays on a floor immediately above the I’s floor. The one who likes Arjun Rampal stays on an even numbered
floor. F does not belong to Jaipur .The one who belongs to Mumbai stays on the topmost floor.
The one who likes Akshay Kumar stays immediate below to the one who likes Ajay Devgan. F likes Aamir
Khan and does not stay on the ground floor. H belongs to Kolkata and stays on an even-numbered floor and he
likes Akshay Kumar.
E stays on the second floor and belongs to Agra. There are three people between the one who likes Anil
Kapoor and the one who likes Abhay Deol.
The person who likes Anil Kapoor stays below the person who likes Abhay Deol.
The one who belongs to Jaipur stays on the third floor. The one who likes Amitabh Bachchan does not stay on
sixth floor. There are two floors between the floors on which the people who are from Nagpur and Kolkata stay.
The person who likes Abhay Deol is from Nagpur. C belongs to Delhi. The one who likes Abhishek Bachchan
stays immediate above to C.
There is one floor between the floors on which F and G stay. There is one floor between the floors in which the
one who likes Arjun Kapoor and the one who likes Abhishek Bachchan stay.
A stays on an even-numbered floor below the floor on which H stays.
406) The person from Baroda stays in which floor?
a) 5 b) 3 c) 4 d) 1 e) 7

407) Who likes Abhay Deol?

a) S b) D c) F d) G e) C

408) Which city person stays in 7th floor?

a) Delhi b) Jaipur c) Baroda d) Nagpur e) Lucknow

409) The person who likes Arjun Rambal from which city?
a) Jaipur b) Delhi c) Chennai d) Nagpur e) Kolkata

410) The person who is from Agra likes which actor?

a) Abhishek Bachan b) Arjoon kapoor c) Aamir khan d) Akshay kumar e) Ajay Devgan
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Puzzles Set- 83:

10 persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J live in a 4 storeyed building with lowest floor numbered as 1,

immediately above it as 2, and so on. Each floor has 3 flats and all 12 of them form a grid pattern having flats
directly above and /or below and/or beside them. Each flat is numbered 1, 2 and 3 in each floor from left to
right. 2 flats in the building are vacant. The two vacant flats are not in the same row (floor) or column. It is
further known that:
 Flat number 2 on the 2nd floor is vacant.
 B lives in an even numbered flat.
 One of the flats neighbouring B is empty.
 I lives to the immediate left of G.
 There is a gap of one floor in between G and F.
 None of the flats that is in the same row or same column as F is empty.
 G lives directly below a vacant flat.
 A and G live on the same floor.
 E lives directly above C.
 H lives on a floor with 2 other persons.
 D lives above J.
 H and E do not live on the same floor.
411). Which of the following flats is vacant?
a) Flat 1 of floor number 4 b) Flat 3 of floor number 4 c) Flat 1 of floor number 1
d) Flat 3 of floor number 3 e) Flat 3 of floor number 1

412). In which of the following flats does C lives?

a) Flat 2 of floor number 1 b) Flat 2 of floor number 3 c) Flat 3 of floor number 1
d) Flat 3 of floor number 2 e) Flat 1 of floor number 2

413). Who among the following live on the same floor?

a) B and I b) J and C c) F and C d) H and A e) A and B

414). Which of the following is the correct combination of name: flat number: floor number?
a) D: 1: 4 b) B: 2: 1 c) A: 2: 3 d) F: 3: 1 e) C: 1: 3

415). Who are the ones occupying the same floor as H?

a) F, G b) A, I c) B, D d) A, G e) F, C

Puzzle Set- 84:

N, P, R, S, T, V, W and Z are eight people who live on eight different floors of a building but not
necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor is numbered one, the one above it is numbered two and so
on till the topmost floor is numbered eight. They work in eight different banks viz, UCO Bank, SBI, ICICI
Bank, PNB, Union Bank, Indian Bank, Dena Bank and Andhra Bank but not necessarily in the same order.
They work at three different posts such that at least two persons work on the same post but not more than three
persons. These posts are PO, Clerk and Manager but not necessarily in the same order.
The one who works at PNB lives on an even- numbered floor.
Only three people live between the one who works at PNB and R. Those who are clerks live at odd - numbered
floor - but not at the ground floor.
Only one person lives between the persons who work at Dena Bank and at Andhra Bank. There is a Clerk,
between Dena Bank's employees and Andhra Bank's employee Andhra Bank's employees lives at second floor.

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Only two people live between R and S. S does not live on the lowersmost floor. One manager lives on the
topmost floor. There is an equal gap of floors between two pairs of floors at which the managers live. The gap
is of two floors.
Only three people live between S and the one who works at Union Bank and only two people live between N
and the one who works ad Dena Bank.
T lives immediately above N. T lives on an even- numbered floor. N does not work at Union Bank. N does not
live either at floor number 3 or 5.
P lives immediately above W. Only one person lives between W and one who works at ICICI Bank. The one
who works at Indian Bank lives immediately above the one who works at UCO Bank.
V does not work at PNB and N does not work at SBI. V does live on ground floor and the one who work at SBI
live immediately below Dena Bank.
416) The person who Works in SBI lives in which floor?
a) 1 b) 3 c) 5 d) 7 e) 8

417) The person Andhra bank works in which post?

a) Clerk b) PO c) Manager d) Either a or b e) Either b or c

418) In the 7th floor, which bank employee working?

a) Indian b) PNB c) Andhra d) UCO e) SBI

419) Who works in ICICI?

a) P b) Z c) R d) N e) S

420) V working in which post?

a) Po b) Clerk c) Manager d) Either a or b e) Either b and c

Puzzles Set- 85:

Eleven friends Abhishek, Ankita, Bharti, Deepika, Karthik, Nikita, Pranav, Rajkumar, Ratnesh, Satish
and Vinay work in the company xyz private limited. They decided to play the Secret Santa game. Everyone had
to pick a single chit which had the name of one of her/his friends. If Abhishek picks up the chit with name of
Ankita, Abhishek will be the Secret Santa of Ankita. One who picks up the chit will be the Secret Santa for the
person whose chit she/he picked and then will have to gift something to her/his friend. If one picks her/his own
name, she/he will have to pick again till everyone gets the chit of the person other than themselves. Eleven chits
were prepared but due to some chemical reactions, the names could not be read properly. Following is the only
information that could be derived from the chits.
 Abhishek could only read the letters 'R' and ‘H’in his chit.
 Ankita could read only ‘K’ and 'H.
 Bharti's chit had only 3 vowels (not necessarily distinct).
 Deepika picked up the chit which did not have the letters H, R or S.
 Karthik's chit had a name that had only 2 distinct common alphabets as his own name, while the each
distinct common alphabet may/may not have repetitions in either name.
 Nikita could only read A, H and B.
 Pranav could read only S and H in his chit.
 Satish picked Vinay's name.
 Vinay picked that person's name who picked up Nikita's name.
 Ratnesh picked that person's name who picked up Karthik's name.
 Ratnesh did not pick Nikita's name.
 Rajkumar did not pick Satish's or Bharti's name.
 Ankita's name was picked up by that person whose name was picked up by Abhishek.
421). Who was the Karthik’s Secret Santa?
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a) Abhishek b) Ankita c) Rajkumar d) Vinay e) Ratnesh

422). Whose name did Rajkumar pick?

a) Karthik b) Abhishek c) Pranav d) Nikita e) Deepika

423). If the persons picking up the chits, picked them in the alphabetical order of their names, then at
what number was Ratnesh’s name picked up?
a) First b) Second c) Third d) Fourth e) Fifth

424). Which of the following is the correct combination of Name: Secret Santa?
a) Rajkumar: Vinay b) Ankita: Deepika c) Ratnesh: Pranav d) Pranav: Karthik e) Bharti: Rajkumar

425). If the persons picking up the chits, picked them in the alphabetical order of their names, then
whose name would be picked up last?
a) Vinay b) Ankita c) Abhishek d) Satish e) Deepika

Puzzles Set- 86:

Seven friends Bharti, Ratnesh, Dipika, Ankita, Pranav, Karthik and Vaishali went to watch the movie
Dangal together. The seats were numbered 1-7 from left to right and the screen was towards the North
direction. They ordered 1-7 number of food items during the interval not necessarily in the same order. Nobody
ordered same number of food items as his seat number. It is further known that:
 One who ordered 7 items is to the immediate left of Pranav
 Pranav and Ankita together ordered as much as Vaishali ordered alone.
 3 persons are seated between Karthik and Dipika and neither Karthik nor Dipika is at any of the
corner seats.
 One who ordered 6 items sat at the rightmost corner.
 Bharti ordered 3 items and Karthik ordered 2 items.
 Dipika ordered even number of items.
 Bharti is 2nd to the left of Ratnesh.
 Ratnesh and Vaishali did not sit together.
426). Which of the following pair was seated at the 2 corner seats?
a) Bharti, Ratnesh b) Pranav, Ratnesh c) Vaishali, Ratnesh d) Bharti, Vaishali e) Vaishali, Ankita

427). Who among the following is seated exactly in the middle?

a) Pranav b) Dipika c) Ratnesh d) Bharti e) Ankita

428). Which of the following is the correct combination of seat number: name: items ordered?
a) 4: Bharti: 3 b) 3: Ratnesh: 7 c) 5: Pranav: 6 d) 4: Ankita: 1 e) 7: Vaishali: 5

429). Who are the immediate neighbours of Ankita?

a) Karthik, Vaishali b) Vaishali, Bharti c) Bharti, Pranav d) Ratnesh, Vaishali e) Pranav, Karthik

430). Who among the following ordered the least number of food items?
a) Ankita b) Pranav c) Ratnesh d) Dipika e) Either Pranav or Ankita

Puzzles Set- 87:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J have some red and green balls. Both kind of balls are 1-10 in number. No
2 persons have the same number of same coloured ball. It is also known that:
 B has 6 red balls more than G.
 B has 10 balls in total.

| |
 J has 3 green balls.
 The total number of green balls owned by C and I is equal to the number of green balls that H has. C
has less number of green balls than I.
 Only H has 18 balls in total such that the number of green balls he has is more than his red balls.
 Only C has equal number of red and green balls.
 Only G has green balls twice than the red balls.
 A has 9 balls in total. He has more green balls than red balls.
 The number of red balls owned by D is equal to the number of green balls owned by E.
 E has 8 balls in total.
 E and F have 16 green balls in total.
 I and J have 16 red balls in total.
431). How many persons have odd number of total balls?
a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four e) Five

432). Who has the 2nd highest number of total balls?

a) E b) F c) I d) J e) Both F and I

433). What is the difference between the green balls owned by B and the red balls owned by D?
a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 7 e) 8

434). What is the sum of red balls owned by F and I?

a) 9 b) 10 c) 11 d) 12 e) 13

435). What is the difference between the red balls owned by B and E?
a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8 e) 9

Puzzle Set- 88:

There are seven boys, A, B, C, D, E, F and G who participated in a game competition which started on
Monday and ended on Sunday. In the first round of the competition, each of them played different games, P, Q,
R, S, T, U and V, but not necessarily in the same order. They like different colors, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 and
C7, but not necessarily in the same order.
B did not play on the day either immediately before or immediately after the game of D, who does not like
either C5 or C1 or C4 color. Two games were held between the game of G and F, neither of whom played on
Monday. There was one game between the game of D and C. But C’s game did not happen either on Monday or
on Wednesday. C likes C2 color and played P. The one, who played R on the last day of competition, likes C3
color. E played immediately after C and he likes C1 color. A does not like C5 color and played S. D did not
play either V or U. The one who played T was scheduled immediately after the game of P. G, who likes C6,
played on the fourth day of the competition but played neither P nor Q.
436) How many people sits between S and R?
a) Two b) Four c) Three d) One e) None

437) Which of the following combination is incorrect?

a) B-C5-U/V-Monday b) G-C6-U/V-Thursday c) E-C3-R-Saturday d) C-C2-P-Friday e) None

438) Find the odd one out?

a) B b) D c) C d) E e) None of this

439) Who is immediate neibhour of D?

a) B b) G c) E d) F e) None

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440) A is related to C7 and D is related C6 in the same way how C is related to which among the
a) C4 b) C6 c) C1 d) C2 e) None

Puzzles Set-89:

Raaghav, Elayaraja, Sandeep, Santhosh, Madhavi, Eeshwar, Madhuri and Rahul were among those
athletes who qualified for the Asian Games 2014. There were three Cycling players, two Weightlifting players
and one each player playing Boxing, Swimming and Wrestling among them. Three of them received no medal
while two won gold medal, two won silver medal and one of them won a bronze medal
 The one who won bronze medal does not play Boxing.
 Sandeep does not play Weightlifting
 One of the Cycling players won a silver medal but that person is not Rahul.
 Elayaraja won a medal in Boxing event but not gold.
 Santhosh has won a gold medal but not in Wrestling or Weightlifting
 Rahul has won a medal but not silver.
 Eeshwar is among those three players who have to settle with no medal and he plays Cycling.
 One of the Weightlifting players won no medal while the other Weightlifting player won a gold medal.
 Madhavi won a medal in the Swimmings event and Madhuri won a silver medal.
441). Who among the following is not a cycling player?
a) Santhosh b) Eeshwar c) Madhuri d) Rahul e) Cannot be determined

442). Boxer won which medal?

a) Gold b) Silver c) Bronze d) Either b) or c) e) None

443). Santhosh won gold medal in which event?

a) Weightlifting b) Swimming c) Cycling d) Wrestling e) None of these

444). Which sport event won more number of medals compared to other event?
a) Cycling b) Weightlifting c) Wrestling d) Boxing e) Swimming

445). Who are won silver medal?

a) Madhuri, Rahul b) Sandeep, Madhuri c) Madhuri, Madhavi d) Madhuri, Elayaraja e) Santhosh, Rahul

Puzzles Set- 90:

Nine people X, Y, Z, Q, P, T, U, R, V stay in a building. The building has nine floors and only one
person stays on one floor. Each of them likes different movies namely- Dangal, Ghazi, Sultan, Kick, Raees,
Kaabil, Baahubali, Kahaani and Sholay. Each person belongs to different cities, i.e. Chennai, Coimbatore,
Kolkata, Bhopal, Madurai, Mumbai, Rajkot, Allahabad and Hyderabad but not necessarily in the same order.
The ground floor is numbered 1, the floor above it is numbered 2, and so on, and the topmost floor is numbered
The one who belongs to Allahabad stays on the 4th floor. There are 4 floors between the floors on which Q & U
stay with Q living above U. Z stays on the floor immediately above R's floor. The one who likes Dangal stays
on an even numbered floor and is a neighbor of the one who likes Ghazi. V does not belong to Coimbatore. The
one who belongs to Chennai stays on the topmost floor. The one who likes Baahubali stays immediately below
the one who likes Raees. P likes Kahaani. T belongs to Madurai and stays on 8th floor. There are 3 persons
between the one who likes Kick and the one who like Kahaani. There are two floors between the floors on
which people from Hyderabad and Allahabad stay. P stays immediately below the floor on which the person
from Bhopal lives. The person who likes Kaabil belongs to Coimbatore and stays on an odd numbered floor. V
stays on the bottommost floor. The person who likes Sultan is from Bhopal and stays on 6th floor. The person
from Rajkot stays on 2nd floor. The persons from Mumbai and Coimbatore are not the neighbors of the person
from Bhopal. Q likes Ghazi and U does not like Dangal. Y does not live below the floor of X.
446). The person who likes Raees movie belongs to which city?
a) Coimbatore b) Bhopal c) Rajkot d) Allahabad e) None of these

447). Z stays on which floor?

a) First b) Fourth c) Fifth d) Third e) None of these

448). The person from Kolkata likes which movie?

a) Sultan b) Baahubali c) Ghazi d) Kahaani e) Sholay

449). How many floors are these in between P and V?

a) Two b) Three c) Four d) Six e) None of these

450). Who belongs to Hyderabad?

a) T b) X c) U d) Q e) R

Puzzle Set- 91:

Six awarded functions – Stardust, Utsav, Filmfare, Indian Star, Super Star and Movie Ride were hosted
by three males – Karan, John and Akshay and three females – Lara, Mallika and Deepika. Three of these award
functions were held in Mumbai and the rest in Delhi. Each of these functions was organized by a different
magazine publisher – Bandhan, Joy ride, Star, Filmy, Batein and Mr & Mrs (may not be in the same order).
Each function was hosted by a male and a female.
 None of the hosts performed in a city twice and no two award functions was hosted by the same pair of
male and female.
 The females who hosted Stardust and Utsav did not host the function organized by Batein and Mr & Ms.
The male host was same for the functions – Stardust and Utsav.
 John hosted Film fare but did not host the function organized by Batein or Bandhan.
 Mallika did not host any function with Karan, but hosted Indian Star with Akshay. Lara hosted a
function with Akshay.
 Mr. & Ms. organized the function in Mumbai and Filmy organized the function in Delhi which was
hosted by Karan and Star organized Utsav.
 Super Star was organized by Bandhan.
 Batein and Joy ride organized the functions in the same city. Utsav and Filmfare among function were
hosted by the same female.
451) Which among the following Publishers are from Delhi?
a) Filmy, Filmfare, Batein b) Star, Bandhan, Filmy c) Batein, Bandhan, Filmy
d) Mrs and Mrs, Filmy e) None of this

452) Which of the follwing Awards hosted by Lara?

a) Filmy, Filmfare b) Bandhan, Superstar c) Filmy, Bhandan d) Super star e) None of this

453) Which of the following Award Functions held in Mumbai?

a) Super Star, Stardust, Utsav b) Utsav, Super Star, Movie Ride c) Filmfare, Utsav
d) Can’t be determined e) None of this

454) Which one is correct?

a) Delhi-Filmy-Stardust-Karan and Lara b) Delhi-Star-Ustav-Karan and Lara
c) Delhi-Bandhan-Super Star-Akshay and Lara d) Can’t be determined e) None of this

455) Which is Incorrect?

a) Filmy-Delhi b) Star-Mumbai c) Bandhan-Delhi d) Mr & Mrs-Mumbai e) None of this

Puzzles Set- 92:

Amar, Ajay, Arif, Akar & Alex are five persons who have different height, weight and age. One of the
persons belong to Uttar Pradesh Following information is known about them
 The one with the lowest weight belongs to Maharashtra.
 Arif is neither the lowest nor the highest in any category and belongs to Haryana
 Amar is shorter than Ajay but older than Arif.
 Alex is the heaviest person and Akar is the oldest person.
 The height and weight of Arif is less than only 1 person.
 The ranking of Amar is below Ajay in each category.
 The one from Gujarat is tallest.
 Akar is the shortest among all
 Alex belongs to Punjab.
 The weight of Akar is greater than only 1 person.

456). Ajay belongs to which state?

a) Maharashtra b) Haryana c) Gujarat d) Punjab e) Uttar Pradesh

457). Who is the Heaviest person?

a) Akbar b) Ajay c) Alex d) Amar e) Arif

458). According to akbar which is correct?

a) Oldest person b) Heaviest person c) Belongs to Haryana d) BShortest person e) Both a) and d)

459). The person who is tallest belongs to which state?

a) Gujarat b) Maharashtra c) Haryana d) Punjab e) Uttar Pradesh

460). The person who is youngest belongs to which state?

a) Haryana b) Gujarat c) Punjab d) Uttar Pradesh e) Maharashtra

Puzzles Set- 93:

Eight books namely Tamil, English, Hindi, Commerce, Social, Botany, Zoology and Civics are kept one
over the other, but not necessarily in the same order. Among then each two books belong to classes from 9 th to
12th. The colours of the cover of the books are blue, brown, red, orange, green, grey, black and purple.
The two books in the middle belong to class 12th. The book with black cover is 3 places below the one with
Green color. Botany and Hindi book are adjacent to each other and neither of it are on top nor on bottom. The
book with red cover is just above the Zoology books. One of the class 10th book is brown in color which is not
kept on top. Cover of Tamil is of purple color and it is 3rd position from the top. The two class 11th books are
Social and English. Hindi book is kept 3rd place from the bottom and belongs to class 9th. The Social book
which is not Grey is kept just below the Zoology book. One of the class 11th book is kept between class 9th and
10th books. The cover of Commerce and Civics books is not grey. There are three books between the red and
the orange colored book.
461). Which book is having orange coloured cover?
a) Civics b) Hindi c) Zoology d) English e) Social

462). The social book is related to which standard?

a) 9th b) 10th c) 12th d) 11th e) Either c) or d)

| |

463). Which of the following is does not belong to the group?

a) Green b) Purple c) Grey d) Red e) Brown

464). Which one is correct according brown covered box?

a) It is in the odd numbered position b) Hindi book c) 3rd position d) 10th book e) Both a) and d)

465). Botany book is placed in which position?

a) First b) Fifth c) Sixth d) Third e) Second

Puzzle Set- 94:

Eight People – L, M, N, O, P, Q, R and S live in eight different floors of building (but not necessarily in
the same order). The lowermost floor of the building is numbered one, the one above that is numbered two, and
so on till the topmost floor is numbered eight. Each one of them also owns a different brands of mobile, namely
Lenovo, Moto, Micromax, Nokia, Mi, Swipe, Apple and LG (but not necessarily in the same order).
Only one person lives between M and the one who owns Mi. Q lives an odd numbered floor above the floor
numbered four. Only three people live between O and the one who owns Swipe. N lives on one of the odd
numbered floors above the one who owns Swipe. The one who owns Apple lives immediately above R, R owns
neither Swipe nor Lenovo. P does not own Apple. Only three people live between R and L. The one who owns
LG lives immediately above the one who owns Moto, but not on the topmost floor. Only one person lives
between Q and the one who owns Micromax. The number of people living above Q is same as the number of
people living between Q and O. Only one person lives between the one who owns LG and S. Only two people
live between N and the one who owns Lenovo.

466) Who lives in the floor immediately below M floor?

a) N b) Q c) R d) L e) O

467) S lives in which floor?

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) None of these

468) Who lives exactly between the floor in which Apple and Micromax lives?
a) Lenovo b) Swipe c) Mi d) Moto e) Nokia

469) Find the odd one out?

a) M b) N c) R d) Q e) P

470) Who lives in floor no.5?

a) N b) Q c) R d) L e) O

Puzzles Set-95:

7 Rivers namely Ganga, Cauvery, Narmadha, Amaravathi, Krishna, Godhavari and Sutlaj flows in
different states such as Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh & Uttar
Pradesh, not necessarily in the same order. Different colours of boats such as, Red, Blue, Green and Yellow
were sailing over the rivers. Depends on the length of the rivers it was listed from 1 to 7 positions. The
following information is known about them.
 Not more than 3 rivers has same coloured boats.
 There's only one river has yellow boat which belongs to Maharashtra and listed in bottom 3 positions
and is not Narmadha.
 The one belongs to Tamil Nadu listed just ahead of Cauvery, who does not belong to Maharashtra.
 The river in which blue coloured boat sailing is listed 1st.

| |
 The rivers who listed in 3rd and 4th have same coloured boats and it is not red.
 The river from Kerala listed in last and from Madhya Pradesh listed as 4th and none of them are has blue
coloured boat.
 Godhavari has red boat and is not in bottom 3.
 Amaravathi belongs to Andhra Pradesh and Sutlaj belongs to Tamil Nadu, both are not having red boats
and in the list there are two rivers b/w them.
 The rivers from Uttar Pradesh and Kerala are having same colored boats.
 Krishna does not belong to Karnataka, Kerala or Maharashtra.

471). According to length which river got 5th position?

a) Krishna b) Cauvery c) Amaravathi d) Ganga e) Sutlej

472). Which of the following two river have the same coloured boats sailing over?
a) Sutlej, Ganga b) Ganga, Krishna c) Cauvery, Gothavari d) Amaravathi, Krishna e) Both c) and d)

473). Krishna river flows in which state?

a) Uttar Pradesh b) Karnataka c) Andhra Pradesh d) Madhya Pradesh e) None of these

474). Which river has the blue coloured boat sailing over?
a) Godhavari b) Narmadha c) Sutlej d) Krishna e) Cauvery

475). Which combination is correct?

a) Ganga-Yellow boat b) Godhavari – 3rd position c) Cauvery – Maharashtra d) Krishna – Green Boat
e) Both a) and d)

Puzzles – 96:

Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F stay on a 6 storeyed building with the ground floor numbered as floor number
1 and so on. All the persons have different hobbies such as; Singing, Cooking, Watching TV, Drawing, Reading
Books and Hearing Songs not necessarily in the same order. They also like different cool drinks via; Coke,
Pepsi, Jigarthanda, Lemon Juice, Lassi and Bovanto not necessarily in the same order. The arrangement is
based on the following rules:
 The person on the top floor having hobbies either Hearing Songs or Watching TV
 The one who likes Pepsi lives 2 floors below the one who has hobby as Watching TV
 E likes Bovanto and lives on an even numbered floor
 One who have hobby as Watching TV likes either Lemon Juice or Jigarthanda
 C lives 4 floors below B
 One who lives on 2nd floor has the hobby of Drawing and likes neither Bovanto nor Pepsi
 D’s hobby is Reading Books and he lives 2 floors above C
 C does not like Drawing
 One who has the hobby of Singing likes Lassi
 One who likes Lemon Juice lives on an odd numbered floor
 A likes Jigarthanda and stays just above the person who likes Lemon Juice
 One who likes Reading Books does not like Lemon Juice.
476) Who likes coke?
a) D b) E c) F d) A e) None of this

477) Bovanto liked person stays in which floor?

a) First b) Second c) Fourth d) Sixth e) Third

478) The one whose hobby drawing is how many floors away from the one who likes jigarthanda?
a) Five b) Two c) Three d) Six e) Four
| |

479) Which combination is incorrect?

a) Cooking-Bovanto b) Drawing-coke c) Singing-Lassi d) Reading books-Jigarthanda
e) Watching TV-Lemon juice

480) Which one does not following the group?

a) Singing b) Reading books c) Watching TV d) Coke e) Lemon juice

Puzzle Set- 97:

Seven people, namely P, Q, R, S, T, U and V like seven different movies namely Rustom, Airlift, Udta
Punjab, Fan, Wazir, Neerja and Madaari but not necessarily in the same order. Each people also work in the
same office but at a different department on the basis of experience namely Administration, Sales, Accounts,
Production, Quality Management, Human Resources, and Public Relations, but not necessarily in the same
Note: Each person has been allocated to a department as per increasing order of experience with the one in
Administration being the least experienced whilst the one in Public Relations being the most experienced.
Only one person has less experience than U. The one who has less experience than U likes Fan. Only one
person has more experience than P. The one in Human Resources likes Wazir. Only two people have more
experience than the one who likes Rustom. V likes Madaari and has more experience than the one who likes
Rustom. S has less experience than the one in Production, but more experience than the one who likes Udta
Punjab. T neither has the least experience nor he works in Quality Management. Q does not work in Quality
Management. The one who likes Airlift does not work in Production.

481). As per the given arrangement, Administration is related to Fan and Public Relations is related to
Madaari in a certain way. To which of the following is Accounts related to the same way?
a) Airlift b) Neerja c) Wazir d) Udta Punjab e) Rustom

482). Which of the following combination will be definitely true?

a) U – Sales – Fan b) S – HR – Airlift c) V – Public relations – Madaari d) T – Production – Rustom
e) None of the above

483). How many Persons are more experienced than the one who likes Neerja?
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 e) 1

484). Who of the following has less experience than the one who works in Quality management?
a) The one who likes Wazir b) V c) The one who likes Airlift d) Both a) & b) e) Both a) & c)

485). The film Udta Punjab is liked by whom among the following?
a) Q b) The one who works in Accounts c) R d) The one who works in HR e) U

Puzzles Set-98:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J are ten students studying in the same class. In an examination they were secured
rank’s from 1 to 10 not necessarily in the same order. And also everyone has different favourite subjects and
they got first marks in that subject such as: Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Social Science,
History, Tamil, English and Geography not necessarily in the same order. The combination is based on the
following rules:
 The one who got first mark in Botany secured 1st rank
 B has an even numbered rank and likes Geography
 There is a gap of 5 ranks between B and the one who got first mark in Social Science
 F got 10th rank and he does not like Social Science
| |
 H secured 4 ranks less than J and J got first mark in Maths
 Sum of H's and D's rank is equal to G's rank
 D is not ranked 3rd and does not like Social Science
 I got 4 ranks above E
 A likes Chemistry and is even numbered rank
 C is 3 ranks above than the one who got first mark in Tamil
 One who likes English is ranked lower than the one who likes Tamil
 One who likes Geography is 5 ranks higher than the one who likes History
 I does not like Zoology
486) Who got 8th rank?
a) H b) F c) E d) G e) C

487) Whose Favourite subject is tamil?

a) A b) G c) F d) H e) E

488)What is the Rank of H?

a) 5th b) 6th c) 8th d) 7th e) 4th

489) If A’s favourite subject is physics, C’s favourite subject is history then J’s subject is what?
a) Maths b) Chemistry c) Social science d) Tamil e) English

490) who among the following got the lowest rank?

a) E b) F c) H d) G e) I

Puzzles Set-99:

Eight friends - Chaitanya, Chakor, Chakradhar, Chakrapani, Chakshu, Chandru, Champak and Chandak likes to
wear different brands viz, Raymond, Peter England, Allen Solly, Louis Philippe, Arrow, John Players, Van
Heusen and Park Avenue, not necessarily in the same order. Each of them also owns a bike from among
Unicorn, Fazer, Shine, Star City, Apache, Splender, Glamour and Pulsar, not necessarily in the same order. It is
also known that:
 Chaitanya likes Raymond and does not own the Fazer while Chakrapani does not wear Allen Solly
and owns the Star City.
 Chakshu neither wear Allen Solly nor John Players but owns either the Apache or Shine.
 The Fazer is not owned by Chakradhar or Chandru while Chandak owns the Pulsar.
 The person who wears John Players owns the Splender but is not Chakradhar. The person who likes
Allen Solly owns neither the Glamour nor the Pulsar.
 John Players is not the brand of which Champak, who owns the Glamour.
 Chakradhar does not wear Peter England and does not own the Unicorn.
 The person who owns the Fazer wears neither Allen Solly nor Arrow and the person who likes Park
Avenue owns neither the Glamour nor the Fazer.
 Chakrapani wears Louis Philippe while Champak likes neither Arrow nor Peter England.
491) Who owns the splender Bike?
a) Chandru b) Chakshu c) Chakor d) Champak e) Chandak

492) Which shirt brand wear person own pulsar bike?

a) Van heusen b) Park Avenue c) Arrow d) Either b. or c. e) None of this

493) Chakor own which bike?

a) Unicorn b) Star city c) Fazer d) Shine e) Apache

494) Chandru wear which shirt brand?

| |
a) John Players b) Van heusen c) Allen solly d) Raymond e) Louis philippe

495) Which is correct?

a) Van heusen-splender b) Louise philippe-fazer c) Pulsar-arrow d) Raymond-unicorn e) None of this

Puzzle Set- 100:

There are seven different dress shops – L, M, N, N, P, Q and R sold dresses starting from Monday to
Sunday (of the same week) not necessarily in same order. The number of dresses sold by the seven dress shops
in seven different days are 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 15 and 27 (not necessarily in same order).
The Shop L sold dresses in one of the days after Friday. On Wednesday, the number of dresses sold are 12. The
difference between the number of dresses sold in Monday and Friday is the multiple of the number 7.There are
two shops between the shop Q and the shop which one sold 4 dresses. Shop M sold dresses on one of the days
immediately before the shop that sold 9 dresses. There are two shops between M and R. There are three shops
between the shop Q and O. N not sold the least number of dresses. The sum of dresses sold in Wednesday and
Saturday is more than ten and the sum equals to the number of dresses sold on Friday. The difference between
the number of dresses sold by Shop M and R is less than five. The Shop which sold 9 dresses not in Friday. The
shop Q sold the dresses in one of the days after the shop which sold 4 dresses. The shop which sold more than
12 dresses (not an odd number) is immediately after the one which one sold 12 dresses. Shop Q sold more
number of dresses than Shop O.
496) How many dress sold in shop R?
a) 12 b) 6 c) 27 d) 15 e) None

497) On Which day M sold the dress?

a) Monday b) Tuesday c) Saturday d) Wednesday e) None of this

498) Find the odd one out?

a) P b) N c) M d) L e) None

499) How many dress sold in Shop N?

a) 12 b) 27 c) 18 d) 6 e) None

500) Which one is incorrect?

a) Monday-O b) Wednesday-R c) Saturday-M d) Thursday-N e) All Correct

Mixed Complex Puzzles (Floor, Days, Month, Etc.,) Solution Key

Puzzle Set-44
Direction (216-220):

216. (a) 217. (b) 218. (d) 219. (e) – With respect to the month of visit 220. (d)

Puzzle Set-45
Direction (221-225):

221. (b) 222. (a) 223. (d) 224. (e) 225. (a)

Puzzle Set-46
Direction (226-230):

226. (c) 227. (d) 228. (a) 229. (c) 230. (a)

Puzzle Set-47
Direction (231-235):

231. (a) 232. (d) 233. (d) 234. (e) 235. (c)

Puzzle Set-48
Direction (236-240):

236. (e) 237. (b) 238. (a) 239. (d) 240. (d)

Puzzle Set-49
Direction (241-245):

241. (a) 242. (c) 243. (d) 244. (a) 245. (d)

Puzzle Set-50
Direction (246-250):

246)E 247)C 248)E 249)A 250)E

Puzzle Set-51
Direction (251-255):

251)C 252)B 253)D 254)E 255)A

Puzzle Set-52
Direction (256-260):

256)B 257)A 258)D 259)D 260)A

Puzzle Set-53
Direction (261-265):

261)A 262)C 263)A 264)B 265)C

Puzzle Set-54
Direction (266-270):

266)E 267)B 268)A 269)D 270)B

Puzzle Set-55
Direction (271-275):

271)A 272)B 273)B 274)C 275)C

Puzzle Set-56
Direction (276-280):

276)D 277)A 278)E 279)C 280)A

Puzzle Set-57
Direction (281-285):

281)D 282)E 283)B 284)D 285)D

Puzzle Set-58
Direction (286-290):

286) B 287) D 288) D 289) C 290) D


Puzzle Set-59
Direction (291-295):

291) D 292) B 293) D 294) D 295) C

Puzzle Set-60
Direction (296-300):

296)B 297)E 298)C 299)B 300)E

Puzzle Set-61
Direction (301-305):

301)E 302)B 303)A 304)C 305)B

Puzzle Set-62
Direction (306-310):
306)C 307)E 308)A 309)A 310)B

Puzzle Set-63
Direction (311-315):

311)B 312)D 313)E 314)D 315)B

Puzzle Set-64
Direction (316-320):

316)A 317)D 318)E 319)C 320)A

Puzzle Set-65
Direction (321-325):

321) A 322) A 323) B 324) C 325) D

Puzzle Set-66
Direction (326 - 330):

326). E 327). B 328). A 329). D 330). C

Puzzle Set-67
Direction (331-335):

331) C 332) D 333) B 334) A 335) B

Puzzle Set-68
Direction (336-340):

336). A 337). D 338). B 339). C 340). E

Puzzle Set-69
Direction (341-345):

341) A 342) B 343) B 344) C 345) B

Puzzle Set-70
Direction (346-350):

346). D 347). A 348). E 349). E 350). D

Puzzle Set-71
Direction (351-355):

351) E 352) B 353) C 354) B 355) B

Puzzle Set-72
Direction (356-360):
356) D 357) B 358) B 359) A 360) D

Puzzle Set-73
Direction (361-365):

361). D 362). A 363). E 364). C 365). B

Puzzle Set-74
Direction (366-370):

366) D 367) B 368) D 369) B 370) A

Puzzle Set-75
Direction (371 - 375):

371. E) 372. B) 373. A) 374. D) 375. C)

Puzzle Set-76
Direction (376-380):

376) A 377) D 378) B 379) E 380) D

Puzzle Set-77
Direction (381-385):

381) B 382) D 383) D 384) A 385) C

Puzzle Set-78
Direction (386-390):

386) B 387) C 388) C 389) B 390) C

Puzzle Set-79
Direction (391-395):

391) B 392) D 393) A 394) B 395) A

Puzzle Set-80
Direction (396-400):

396) C 397) D 398) D 399) B 400) C

Puzzle Set-81
Direction (401-405):

401) A 402) B 403) C 404) D 405) E

Puzzle Set-82
Direction (406-410):

406) C 407) D 408) E 409) C 410) A

Puzzle Set-83
Direction (411-415):

411) B 412) C 413) C 414) A 415) E

Puzzle Set-84
Direction (416-420):

416) B 417) C 418) D 419) E 420) A

Puzzle Set-85
Direction (421-425):

421) B 422) B 423) C 424) D 425) A

Puzzle Set-86
Direction (426-430):

426) D 427) B 428) B 429) E 430) A

Puzzle Set-87
Direction (431-435):

431) D 432) E 433) C 434) C 435) D

Puzzle Set-88
Direction (436-440):

436) B 437) D 438) D 439) B 440) C

Puzzle Set-89
Direction (441-445):

441). D 442). B 443). C 444). A 445). D

Puzzle Set-90
Direction (446-450):

446). C 447). B 448). D 449). B 450). D

Puzzle Set-91
Direction (451-455):

451) A 452) C 453) B 454) A 455) C

Puzzle Set-92
Direction (456-460):

456). C 457). C 458). E 459). A 460). C

Puzzle Set-93
Direction (461-465):

461). D 462). D 463). D 464). C 465). B

Puzzle Set-94
Direction (466-470):
466) A 467) D 468) B 469) E 470) B
Puzzle Set-95
Direction (471-475):

471). D 472). E 473). D 474). B 475). E

Puzzle Set-96
Direction (476-480):

476) C 477) C 478) E 479) D 480) D

Puzzle Set-97
Direction (481-485):

481) A 482) C 483) B 484) C 485) E

Puzzle Set-98
Direction (486-490):

486) D 487) E 488) D 489) B 490) B

Puzzle Set-99
Direction (491-495):

491) A 492) D 493) C 494) A 495) D

Puzzle Set-100
Direction (496-500):

496) A 497) C 498) D 499) C 500) E


200+ New Pattern

Puzzle PDF




– – E –
– –
– E
Directions (1 – 3): Answer the questions on the
Only 1st possibility is possible. And now Two
basis of the information given below.
boxes are placed between C and G.
8 boxes – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are placed one So from top to bottom – F > D > E > A > C/G >
above the another but not necessarily in the same B > H > C/G
order. 2. If C is placed above G, which box is at bottom
most position?
Three boxes are placed between D and B. Two boxes
A) B
are placed between E and B. Two boxes are placed
B) C
between A and H. H is placed immediately below
C) H
B. Two boxes are placed between C and G. Two D) G
boxes are placed between A and F.
E) Cannot be determined
1. How many boxes are placed between D and C?
A) Two Option D
B) None
C) Three
D) Five 3. Which box is placed just above box H?
E) One A) A
B) D
C) G
Option A D) B
Arrangement: E) C
Three boxes are placed between D and B. Two
boxes are placed between E and B. H is placed
immediately below B. 4 possibilities: Option D
– – – E
– – – – Directions (4 – 6): Answer the questions on the
– – – – basis of the information given below.
E – H H 8 boxes – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are placed one
– – – – above the another but not necessarily in the same
– – E – order.
Two boxes are placed between F and E. F is placed
above E. One box is placed between F and G. Three
– –
boxes are placed between A and H. A is placed
– E
immediately below F. Two boxes are placed between
Two boxes are placed between A and H. Two
C and H. B is placed somewhere above D.
boxes are placed between A and F.
– – – E
4. How many boxes are placed between F and H?
– – A A
A) Four
F – – –
B) None
C) Three
E – H H
A A – –

D) Five 8 boxes – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are placed one

E) One above the another but not necessarily in the same
Option A
Arrangement: There are four boxes placed between D and G. Two
Two boxes are placed between F and E. F is boxes are placed between B and G. Number of boxes
placed above E. One box is placed between F and between A and G is same as between H and B. A is
G. A is placed immediately below F. placed above G. Two boxes are placed between A and
– G H. C is placed just above G. There are at least 2 boxes
– – between E and B.
A A 7. Which box is at top most position?
G – A) C
E E B) A
Three boxes are placed between A and H. Two C) E
boxes are placed between C and H. 1st possibility D) H
cancels out E) None of these
. H H
. – G G
. – – – Option D
F F F F Arrangement:
A A A A 4 between D and G. and 2 between B and G.C
G G C – just above G. So 2 possibilities as:
E E E E – C
– – D G
H H – –
1st, 2nd, 4th possibility cancels out. B –
B is placed somewhere above D.. So from top to – B
bottom – G > B > F > A > C > E > D > H C –
5. Which box is placed at top? Now — Number of boxes between A and G is
A) B same as between H and B. A is placed above
B) C G. Two boxes are placed between A and
C) H H. Gives
D) G H A
E) Cannot be determined – C
Option D A H
6. Which box is placed just below box A? B –
A) E – B
B) D C –
C) G G D
D) B Now: There are at least 2 boxes between E and
E) C B.. So 2nd possibility cancels out
From top to bottom – H > W > D > A > B > F >
Option E C>G

Directions (7 – 10): Answer the questions on the 8. How many boxes are between boxes E and A?
basis of the information given below. A) None



B) Three immediately above an empty flat. Two of A, B and F

C) One share same flat number.
D) Five
E) Four 6. Who lives on flat number 2 of floor number 4?
A) Empty
B) D
Option C C) B
D) Cannot be determined
E) E
9. Which box is placed just above box B?
A) A
B) C Option C
C) E Arrangement:
D) H
E) D

Option A

10. How many boxes are below box F?

A) Three
B) Four
C) None
D) Two
E) Six
7. H shares floor with which of the following?
A) D
Option D B) F
C) G
Directions: Answer the questions on the basis of D) No one
the information given below. E) Cannot be determined
There are 8 people – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H who
stay on 5 floors (numbered 1 to 5) of a building. There Option C
are two flats on each of the five floors out of which
two flats are vacant.
8. If flat number 2 of floor number 3 is empty, then
The flats are numbered 1 and 2 on each of the floors who shares same floor with F?
and are left to right on the floor respectively. Flat no. A) D
1 of floor no. 2 is exactly above the flat no. 1 of floor B) C
no. 1 and so on. So when it is said that A lives above C) H
B means they share same flat number. Flats which are D) No one
empty do not have same flat number. E) Cannot be determined

H lives on flat number 1 of floor number 1. There is

one floor between floors of H and C. C lives above H. Option A
B lives on floor which is immediately above C’s. E
lives immediately above G. A and E share same floor. 9. Four of the following are similar in a certain way,
There are 2 floors between A and D and they live in and so form a group. Find the odd one out.
same flat number. D lives on one of the flats which is

A) A – E Option C
B) D-B
C) G-C
D) C-D
E) B-H

Option D
All others live on different flat numbers. C and D
on same flat number

10. How many floors are there between the floors of 2. A was born in which year?
B and E? A) 1965
A) None B) 1993
B) One C) 1997
C) Two D) 1986
D) Three E) 1984
E) Cannot be determined
Option B
Option B
All others live on different flat numbers. C and D
on same flat number 3. Find the odd one out from the following pairs?
A) B – 1984
Directions (1 – 3): Answer the questions on the B) E – 2002
basis of the information given below. C) G – 1978
D) D – 1972
There are eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H. E) C – 1997
They are born in different years – 1965, 1972, 1978,
1984, 1986, 1993, 1997, and 2002. There ages are
with respect to the year 2017. Option D

There is a difference of 6 years between F and G. G is

Directions (4 – 6): Answer the questions on the
younger than F. D was born before 1984. E is 15 years
basis of the information given below.
old. C is not 24 years old and he was born after H. The
age difference between H and D is a multiple of 3. A There are eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H.
is younger than B. B was born after F. They are born in different years – 1953, 1958, 1968,
1974, 1980, 1985, 1993, and 1999. There ages are
1. Who is 33 years old?
with respect to the year 2017.
A) G
B) C Only 2 people were born before H. One person was
C) B born between H and D. There is a difference of 5
D) A years between D and G. B is not 18 years old.
E) D Two people were born between A and B. Neither A
nor B is the oldest among all. A was born before
B. There is a difference of 21 years between C and A.
E is younger than F.

4. Who is born is year 1980?

A) A

B) D G and B have seminar in same month. K’s seminar is

C) C just before G’s. There is one seminar between that of
D) F H and C. D’s seminar is after L’s seminar. L’s
E) None of these seminar is on 22nd of any month.

7. Who has seminar on 22 May?

Option B A) A
Arrangement: B) G
C) B
D) K
E) D

Option A

5. What is the age of F?

A) 64 years
B) 53 years
C) 59 years
D) 49 years
E) 32 years

Option C
8. How many people have seminars between G and
6. How many persons are born after A? A) One
A) Four B) Four
B) One C) None
C) None D) Two
D) Three E) Three
E) Two
Option A Option D

Directions (7 – 10): Answer the questions on the

basis of the information given below. 9. E has seminar on?
A) 22 July
Ten persons – A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K and L have B) 28 May
seminars in January, April, May, July and September C) 22 April
with two seminars in each month. The seminar is D) 28 July
scheduled either on 22 or 28th of the month. E) None of these

There are 2 seminars after E’s seminar. There is one

seminar between that of E and F. A’s seminar is just Option D
before F’s. H has seminar in a month having 30 days.

10. How many seminars are scheduled before B’s Option B

A) One
B) Four
C) None
D) Two
E) Three

Option E

Directions (1 – 5): Answer the questions on the

basis of the information given below.

Eight children – A, B, C, D, E, F G and H live on 2. How many children live between A and H?
seven different floors (numbered 1 to 8) of a building A) Three
but not necessarily in same order. Each one of them B) Four
has got different marks in a test – 9, 14, 16, 23, 35, 41, C) One
48 and 57. D) None
E) Five
E lives on an even numbered floor below floor
numbered 6. Two children live between E and one Option A
who got 41 marks. Same number of children live
above E as below the floor of A. The one who got 23 3. Who got the highest marks?
marks lives on a floor immediately above A. One A) D
child lives between the ones who got 23 and 16 marks B) B
respectively. Two children lives between the floors of C) G
G and one who got 35 marks such that G is above the D) E
one who got 35 marks. Neither A nor E got 35 marks. E) None of these
One child lives between the ones who got 35 and 9 Option A
marks respectively. D lives on one of the floors below
the one who got 35 marks. H got 9 marks and lives on 4. Which of the following combination of floor no –
an odd numbered floor. Difference between the marks child – marks is true as per given arrangement?
of F and C is 21. F lives above C. A did not get A) 7 – B – 16
highest marks. B) 8 – F – 41
C) 4 – E – 23
1. Who got 35 marks? D) 5 – A – 48
A) D E) 3 – D – 57
B) C
C) B Option D
D) E
E) F 5. Who among the following lives on the floor
numbered 4?
A) B
B) The one who got 48 marks
C) The one who got 16 marks
D) D
E) F
Option C



Directions (6 – 10): Answer the questions on the Option D

basis of the information given below. Arrangement:

Seven persons – A, B, C, D, E, F and G live on seven

different floors (numbered 1 to 7) of a building but not
necessarily in same order. Each one of them
like different colors, namely Red, Blue, Green, Black,
Yellow, Orange and White (but not necessarily in
same order). All of them decided to visit a particular
place with their family on seven different days of a
week starting from Monday to Sunday.

A lives on an odd numbered floor but not on floor

numbered 3. Only two persons live between the one
who likes yellow color and D. The one who likes
green color lives immediately above C. The one who
likes Yellow visited the place on one of the days 7. Which of the following combination of color –
before Thursday. The one who likes blue color lives person is true with respect to the given
on an odd numbered floors on one of the floors above arrangement?
D. B lives on one of the floors above E. Only three A) Orange – C
persons live between C and the one who likes blue B) Blue – F
color. The person who visited the place on Friday C) White – G
likes red Color. The one who likes red color lives on D) Red – D
floor immediately above the one who likes white E) Orange – B
color. G lives on an odd numbered floor. E does not
like green color. D visited the place on Sunday. Only Answer
one person lives between the floors of B and E. The
one who likes yellow color lives on floor immediately Option A
above A. Neither of A or C likes black color. The one
who visited the place on Wednesday visited the place 8. Who likes white color?
immediately after the one who likes blue color. The A) D
one who likes green color visited the place B) B
immediately before the one who lives on floor no 3. C) G
Two persons live between the floor no 4 and the D) E
person who visited the place on Wednesday. The one E) None of these
who visited the place on Wednesday is not C. Option A
6. A likes which of the following colors? 9. Which of the following statements is true with
A) Black respect to the given arrangement?
B) Yellow A) Only four persons live between D and G
C) Red B) F likes red color
D) Blue C) The one who likes yellow color visited the
E) Orange place on Tuesday.
D) The one who likes green color visited the
place on the day immediately after E.
E) G lives immediately below E.
Option D



10. Who among the following lives on the floor Option C

numbered 2? Arrangement:
A) B
B) The one who likes red color
C) The one who likes blue color
D) D
E) F
Option E

Directions (6 – 10): Answer the questions on the

basis of the information given below.

10 friends – A, B, C, D, E, P, Q, R, S, and T have

birthdays in different months – January, March, April,
June and September but not necessarily in the same 7. Who has birthday in April?
order. There birthdays in on 2 different dates -22 and A) D
28. So in each month there are 2 birthdays. B) C
C) Q
There are 2 birthdays after the birthdays of B. There D) P
are 2 birthdays between the birthdays of B and D. A E) B
and T have birthdays in March. There is one birthday
between the birthdays of A and P. P’s birthday is not
in same month as D. There are same number of Option A
birthdays between T and C as between B and Q. C’s
birthday is not in April. Q’s birthday is in a month
having 30 days. No birthday is there between the 8. How many birthdays are there in between the
birthdays of R and E. Also their birthdays are in birthdays of E and Q?
different months. E’s birthday is exactly between the A) Four
birthday of A and S. B) Two
C) Three
6. R’s birthday is on ? D) One
A) 22 April E) Six
B) 28 March
C) 22 June Option C
D) 28 April
E) None of these

9. Which of the following combination of Month-

Person-Date is correct as per the given
A) June – B – 22
B) April – R – 22
C) March – A – 22
D) January – C- 22
E) January – P – 28

Option C



10. Which of the following pair has birthday on 22nd Option B

of a month? Arrangement:
A) P, B
B) P, D
C) C, E
D) R, T
E) S, E

Option B

Directions (1 – 5): Answer the questions on the

basis of the information given below.

There are 8 children – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H who

live on different floors of a 8-floor building numbered
1 to 8 not necessarily in the same order. They have
different chocolates – 11, 16, 19, 25, 34, 41, 46 and 50
again not necessarily in the same order.

The one who lives on 6th floor has 25 chocolates. One

children lives between F and the one having 25 2. Who has 41 chocolates?
chocolates. G lives below F on an even numbered A)C
floor. G does not have 25 chocolates. The one having B) E
46 chocolates lives just above G. Two children Live C) F
between F and H. H lives below F. The total of D) H
number of chocolates with D and H is a multiple of 4. E) B
Two children live between A and the one having 41
chocolates. A lives above G. The one having 41
chocolates live above A. B has 34 chocolates. The one Option A
having 11 chocolates lives just above the one having
16 chocolates. 1 child lives between C and E. The
difference between the number of chocolates with E 3. Who lives on third floor?
and G is 6 A)A
B) B
1. How many children live above E? C) C
A) 1 D) D
B) 2 E) E
C) 4
D) None
Option D
E) 5
4. Which of the following is correct with respect to
the arrangement?
A) 2 children live between B and one having 25
B) F lives on floor above A.
C) A lives just below D
D) H has maximum chocolates



E) None of these is correct Option B

Option D

5. What is the sum of chocolates with B and D?

A) 80
B) 83
C) 76
D) 96
E) 84

Option A

Directions (6 – 10): Answer the questions on the

basis of the information given below.

There are 8 children – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H who

live on different floors of a 8-floor building numbered
1 to 8 not necessarily in the same order. They are in
different class – 3, 5, 6 and 10 such that 2 children in
same class. Children who are in same class live on
even-odd floors. Example: If B is in class 10 with H, 7. Who lives on 8th floor?
then if B lives on 6th floor then H lives on any odd A) E
floors – 1/3/5/7 and not 2/4/8. B) One of the children in class 6
C) One of the children in class 10
B and G are in same class. One of the children in class D) H
3 lives on 5th floor. The one who lives on 3rd floor is E) One of the children in class 3
in even numbered class. The one who lives on 7th
floor and C are in same class. A is in class 6 and lives
on 4th floor. 2 children live between E and A. D is in Option E
10th class. One child lives between E and G, both of
which are in odd numbered classes. 2 children live
between one of the children in class 10 and F. F lives 8. How many children live between D and F?
below this child. Both children in class 10 live above A) 2
C. B) 1
C) None
6. Which of the following pair is in same class? D) 4
A) B, F E) Cannot be determined
B) D, F
C) E, H
D) A, D Option A
E) None of these

9. Who lives just above G?

A) C
B) A

C) D Option E
D) H
E) B

Option C

10. Which of the following combination of floor

number – child – class is correct?
A) 1 – C – 5
B) 6 – B – 10
C) 5 – D – 3 2. Which of the following statements is/are true
D) 3 – F – 10 according to the given information?
E) 2 – C – 6 A) Amit has birthday immediately after Bhavya.
B) Bhavya has birthday on 14th of June
Option D C) Kavya has birthday immediately after Amit.
D) Only one person has birthday between Kavya
Directions (1 – 5): Answer the questions on the and Meena.
basis of the information given below. E) All the statements are true

Eight persons Bhavya, Ravi, Kavya, Meena, Amit,

Rohit, Sahil, and Medha have their birthdays on either Option C
12th or 14th of four different months i.e March, April,
May, June not necessarily in the same order. Bhavya
3. Who among the following has birthday on 14th
has birthday on 12th of a month having 31 days. Only
one person has birthday before Ravi. Number of
A) Ravi
persons between Bhavya and Ravi is one less than the
B) Rohit
number of persons between Ravi and Megha. Kavya
C) Amit
and Meena have their birthdays in the same month
D) Kavya
having 30 days, but not in April. Rohit’s birthday is
E) No one
after Sahil’s. Only three persons have birthday
between Ravi and Amit. Kavya has the birthday
before Meena. Option C
1. How many persons have birthday between Sahil
and Megha? 4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain
A) Three way and so form a group. Which one does not
B) Two belong to that group?
C) Four A) Kavya
D) Five B) Rohit
E) No one C) Bhavya
D) Amit
E) Sahil

Option D



5. Who among the following has birthday on 12th

A) Rohit
B) Meena
C) Ravi
D) Amit
E) Bhavya

Option E

Directions (6 – 10): Answer the questions on the

basis of the information given below.

Seven boxes – A, B, C, D, E, F and G are arranged

vertically from top to bottom. They all have different
colors – blue, pink, green, orange, red, yellow and
white but not necessarily in the same order. Also they 7. Which box contains Laddu?
contain different items – Rasgulla, Laddu, Peda, A) A
Nankhatai, Jalebi, Petha and Burfi but not necessarily B) D
in the same order. C) Yellow box
D) Orange box
The box which has rasgulla is at the even numbered E) None of these
place from top to bottom. E has laddu and F doesn’t
have nankhatai. G is kept at the bottom. Rasgulla is in
either a blue or red box. A has Jalebi but not in the Option D
orange-colored box and is not kept vertically adjacent
8. White box contains which item?
to B. There are 2 boxes between F which is a yellow A) Laddu
colored box and the green colored box. D is neither a
B) Peda
green nor red colored box. The orange colored box is
C) Other than the given options
kept at the third place from the bottom. B is a white
D) Burfi
colored box containing Burfi but is not kept with F
E) Jalebi
which is at an odd numbered place. Neither petha nor
nankhatai is kept in a blue box. B and D boxes are
kept vertically adjacent to each other and none of Option D
them is an orange colored box. The box which has
petha is kept at second place from the top.
9. Color of box G is
6. How many boxes are there between boxes F and A) Red
the one which is orange in color? B) Yellow
A) None C) Blue
B) 3 D) White
C) 2 E) None of these
D) 5
E) 1
Option A

Option E 10. How many boxes are below blue box?

Arrangement: A) 2
B) 3



C) 1 6. Who stays on 8th floor?

D) 5 A) Charu
E) None of these B) The one studying BCom
C) The one who likes Purple color
D) The one who likes White color
Option B E) The one from Haryana
Directions (6 – 10): Answer the questions on the
basis of the information given below. Option C
Nine people Ankul, Priyal, Seema, Abhi, Rajat,
Charu, Reema, Anjali and Gaurav stay in a building
(floors numbered 1 to 9). They are studying different
courses – BSc and BCom. Four of them are studying
BCom and remaining persons are studying BSc. All of
them belong to a different state viz – Haryana, Punjab,
Assam, Nagaland, Telangana, Kerala, Jharkhand,
Maharashtra and Bihar, but not necessarily in the
same order.. Each of them also likes a different color
– Orange, Grey, Pink, Purple, White, Blue, Green,
Red and Yellow, again but not necessarily in the same

There is one floor between the floors on which Charu,

who likes Grey color and Reema stay. Abhi, who likes
Blue, stays on a floor immediately above Gaurav’s
floor, who likes Green color. Neither Ankul nor 7. How many floors are there between the ones who
Seema belongs to Telangana. Seema does not belong like green color and who is from Maharashtra?
to Haryana and likes Red color. The one who belongs A) None
to Jharkhand stays on the fourth floor but is not B) Two
studying BSc. There are two floors between the floors C) Four
on which the people who belong to Kerala and D) One
Nagaland stay. Rajat stays on the second floor and E) None of these
belongs to Assam. There are three floors between the
floor on which Seema, who is studying BCom and
Option B
Reema stay, who does not belong to Bihar and likes
Pink color. The person who belongs to Telangana and
Haryana are studying same course. Ankul is studying 8. Who is staying 4 floors above the one from
BSc and lives on an even numbered floor which is Assam?
below the floor on which Anjali stays, who likes A) The one from Kerala
purple color. The one who belongs to Bihar stays on B) The one who likes purple color
the third floor and is not studying BCom. The one C) The one from Telangana
who belongs to Haryana stays on the topmost floor D) Ankul
and likes Orange color. The person belongs to Kerala E) The one who likes grey color
and Nagaland are studying same course. Anjali
belongs to Nagaland and is studying BSc and lives on
an even numbered floor. The person belongs to Option D
Maharashtra does not live below the person who
belongs to Punjab. Ankul does not like Yellow color.



9. Four of the following five are alike in a certain Option C

way and forms a group. Find the one who does
not belong to the group?
A) Priyal 7. How many persons have seminars before
B) The one from Telangana Ananya?
C) The who likes red color A) Two
D) The one from Nagaland B) Three
E) Gaurav C) Five
D) None
E) One
Option D
All others stay on odd numbered floor
Option B
10. Which of the following is correct combination as
per given arrangement?
A) Anjali – Nagaland – Grey – BSc 8. How many seminars are between seminars of
B) Ankul – Telangana – Grey – BCom Ankur and Rohit?
C) Reema – Kerala – Pink – BSc A) Five
D) Seema – Assam – Red – BCom B) Three
E) Priyal – Haryana – Orange – BSc C) Two
D) One
E) None
Option C

Directions (6 – 10): Answer the questions on the Option D

basis of the information given below.

Eight persons – Adiya, Sahil, Ananya, Anshika, 9. Who has seminar on 22nd December?
Ankur, Tiya, Rohit, Kavya have seminars in January, A) Tiya
April, September and December with two seminars in B) Aditya
each month. The seminar is scheduled either on 22 or C) Anshika
28th of the month. D) Kavya
Aditya’s seminar is scheduled in a month having 30 E) Sahil
days. Seminar of Kavya is somewhere after Tiya’s
seminar. Ankur’s seminar is on 22nd April. There are
Option D
two seminars scheduled between Sahil’s and
Ananya’s seminars. One of seminars of Sahil and
Ananya is somewhere before Ankur’s seminar. 10. Find the odd one out.
Rohit’s seminar is immediately after Ananya’s A) Rohit – 22
seminar. There is only one seminar after Kavya’s B) Ananya – September
seminar. Ananya and Tiya have seminars on same C) Ankur – April
date but not in September. D) Aditya – 28
E) Anshika – 28
6. Who has seminar on 28th September?
A) Sahil
B) Ananya Option B
C) Aditya
D) Rohit Directions (1 – 5): Answer the questions on the
E) Cannot be determined basis of the information given below.



Eight people – Sheetal, Seema, Sakshi, Swati, Saina, E) Sanya – 1982

Sanya, Sheena, Shrishti are born in different years –
1962, 1965, 1973, 1978, 1982, 1989, 1996, and 2005.
There ages are with respect to the current year, same Option C
month and same date.
There is 9 years difference between Shrishti and 5. What is the sum of ages of Sheetal and Sanya?
Sanya. Sheetal was born before 1973. Sheena is not 12 A) 81
years old. Sakshi is 28 years old. Saina is 16 years B) 84
older than Seema. Seema is younger than Shrishti. C) 79
D) 87
1. Who was born in the year 1989?
E) 90
A) Swati
B) Sakshi
C) Sheetal Option D
D) Saina Sheetal is 52 years old and Sanya is 35 years old.
E) Seema So total = 52+35

Option B
Directions (6 – 10): Answer the questions on the
basis of the information given below.
2. Sheetal was born in which year?
A) 1962 Eight persons – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H have
B) 1965 seminars in March, April, September and December
C) 1973 with two seminars in each month. The seminar is
D) 1978 scheduled either on 22 or 28th of the month.
E) 1989 There is one seminar before the seminar of B. There
are at least 2 seminars after D’s seminar. E and F have
Option B seminars on same date. A’s seminar is just before E’s.
There is only one seminar between H and A and
similarly between A and G. A’s seminar is on 22nd
3. What is the age difference between Seema and April. H’s seminar is before G’s seminar.
A) 14 6. Who has seminar on 28th September?
B) 17 A) D
C) 12 B) H
D) 18 C) G
E) 20 D) C
E) B

Option D

4. Find the odd one out from the following pairs?

A) Saina – 1962
B) Seema – 1978
C) Swati – 1996
D) Sakshi – 1989



Option A D) E – April
E) G – September

Option C

Directions (1 – 5): Answer the questions on the

basis of the information given below.

Eight people – P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are born in

different years – 1942, 1948, 1963, 1969, 1972, 1978,
1991, and 2003. There ages are with respect to the
current year (2017), same month and same date.
7. How many persons have seminars before E? T was born before 1963. Difference between the ages
A) Two of T and W is 21 years. P’s is older than W but not the
B) Three oldest. Q’s birth year is an odd-numbered year.
C) Five Neither Q nor R is 14 years old. Difference between
D) None the ages of Q and U is less than 5 years. The sum of
E) One ages of R and S is 53 years.

1. Who was born in the year 1991?

Option B A) U
B) R
C) S
8. How many seminars are between seminars of B D) V
and D? E) Cannot be determined
A) Five
B) Three
C) Two Option D
D) One
E) None
2. What is the age difference between P and Q?
A) 22
Option B B) 21
C) 23
D) 24
9. Who has seminar on 22nd March? E) 20
A) B
B) E
C) H Option B
D) D
E) A
3. U is born in which year?
A) 1963
Option C B) 1978
C) 1972
D) 1991
10. Find the odd one out. E) None from above is facing same direction
A) H – 22
B) C – 22
C) D – April

Option C E) B

4. Find the odd one out from the following pairs? Option C
A) T – 1942
B) W – 1963
C) Q – 1972
D) V – 1991
E) R – 1978

Option C

7. How many persons have seminars before E?

5. What is the sum of ages of P and R? A) Two
A) 108 B) Three
B) 114 C) Five
C) 99 D) None
D) 102 E) One
E) 110

Option B
Option A
P is 69 years old and R is 39 years old. So total =
69+39 8. How many seminars are between seminars of B
and D?
A) Five
B) Three
Directions (6 – 10): Answer the questions on the C) Two
basis of the information given below. D) One
E) None
Eight persons – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H have
seminars in January, March June and September with
two seminars in each month. The seminar is scheduled Option D
either on 22 or 28th of the month.
B’s seminar is in March. There is one seminar
scheduled between A and B’s. D and C have seminars 9. Who has seminar on 22md March?
in same month. G has seminar on 28th of one of the A) B
month. A’s seminar is in month having 31 days. B) E
Seminar of H is immediately after the seminar of C. C) F
The number of seminars between A and E is same as D) D
number of seminars between D and G. Seminar of F is E) A
somewhere before G.
Option A
6. Who has seminar on 28th September?
A) D
B) H 10. Find the odd one out.
C) G A) H – 22
D) C B) C – 28
C) D – June



D) E – 22
E) G – September

Option D



I. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

Seven different boxes A, B, C, D, E, F and G of different colours viz., Green, Red, Blue, Yellow, Purple, Pink and Orange
are arranged one above the other. The box at the bottom of arrangement is numbered 1, the above box is numbered 2
and so on. B is immediately above E. More than two boxes are above the Green box. The Yellow box is immediately
below A. Only one box is between the Green box and F. G is immediately above the Pink box. Only one box is between
B and the Red box. Only two boxes are between the Red and the Orange box. Only two boxes are between the
Yellow box and the Green box. The blue box is neither at the top nor at the bottom of the arrangement.B is above
Red box. C is immediately above F. Neither C nor G is a Yellow box. G is not a Green box.


Position Box Colour

7 C Purple
6 F Orange
5 B Blue
4 E Green
3 G Red
2 A Pink
1 D Yellow

1. As per the given arrangement, G is related to F and A is related to E in a certain way. To which of the
following is D related to the same way?
A. D
B. B
C. A
E. None of the Above


Answer – C. A

2. Which of the following pairs of people occupy the top and botttom positions of the arrangement?
A. G, A



B. D, C
C. C, B
D. B, D
E. A, D


Answer – B. D, C

3. Which combination represents the position of C and its colour?

A. 5 – Purple
B. 4 – Pink
C. 1 – Yellow
D. 4 – Green
E. 7 – Purple


Answer – E. 7 – Purple

4. Which amongst the following arranged exactly in the middle?

A. A
B. D
C. B
D. E
E. Other than those given as options


Answer – D. E

5. Which of the following is the colour of Box “A”?

A. Red
B. Purple
C. Pink



D. Green
E. None of the Above


Answer – C. Pink

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

Seven students namely A, B, C, D, E, F and G are studying in three different standards- IV, V, VI. At-least one and not
more than three among them in any of these standards. Each of them went to tour in a week starting from Monday to
Sunday. B is studying only with E in standard V and he went to tour immediately on the next day of A’s tour. D went to
tour on Sunday and he is not in the same class with either C or B. C went to tour immediately after B and immediately
before E. The boy went to tour on Friday studying in Standard VI. The one who went to tour on Saturday did not study
with E. G did not study either in standard V or in Standard VI. A is studying in standard IV with C. F went to tour
immediately after E but not on Saturday.


Day Person Standard

Monday A IV
Tuesday B V
Wednesday C IV
Thursday E V
Friday F VI
Saturday G IV
Sunday D VI

6. Which of the following studing in standard IV ?

A. A, C, G
B. D, B, G
C. B, E, G
D. F, G, D
E. None of the Above




Answer – A. A, C, G

7. Which of the following combinations of Day-Person-Standard is correct ?

A. Saturday – G -VI
B. Tuesday – B – III
C. Thursday – F – III
D. Monday – A – V
E. Sunday – D – VI


Answer – E. Sunday – D – VI

8. Which of the following statements is true with respect to the given arrangement?
A. B went to tour on Tuesday
B. E is studying in IV standard
C. One who are studying in V went to tour on neither Tuesday nor Thursday
D. G went to tour on Sunday
E. All of the given statements are true


Answer – A. B went to tour on Tuesday

9. Who among the following went to tour in Thursday?

A. B
B. E
C. G
D. F
E. A


Answer – B. E



10. Who among the following went to tour immediately after F ?

A. B
B. E
C. G
D. F
E. A


Answer – C. G

I. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

Seven persons – A, B, C, D, E, F and G live on seven different floors of a building but not necessarily in same order.
Lowermost floor of building is numbered 1, one above that is numbered 2 and so on till top most floor is numbered 7.
Each one of them also likes a different food recipe, namely Egg roll, Pizza, Burger, Noodles, Briyani, Fried Rice and
Masala Dosa.(but not necessarily in same order).

 A lives an odd numbered floor but not on floor numbered Three. Only two persons live between D and the
one who likes Briyani. The One who likes Burger lives immediately above C.
 The one who likes Pizza lives on odd numbered floors above D. B lives on the floors above E. Only three
persons live between C and the one who likes Pizza.
 The one who likes Egg roll lives immediately above the one who likes Masala Dosa. G lives on an odd
numbered floor. E does not like Burger.
 Only one person lives between B and E. The one who likes Briyani lives immediately above A. Neither C nor A
likes Noodles.


Floor No Person Food Recipe

7 G Noodles
6 B Briyani
5 A Pizza
4 E Egg roll
3 D Masala dosa
2 F Burger



1 C Fried Rice

1. Which of the following food recipe does A like?

A. Fried Rice
B. Masala Dosa
C. Burger
D. Pizza
E. Egg roll


Answer – D. Pizza

2. Which of the following combinations is True with respect to the given arrangement?
A. Fried Rice – C
B. Pizza – F
C. Masala Dosa – G
D. Briyani – D
E. Noodles – B


Answer – A. Fried Rice – C

3. If all the persons are made to sit in alphabetical order from top to bottom, positions of how many persons
will remain unchanged?
A. Four
B. None
C. Two
D. One
E. Three


Answer – C. Two



4. Which of the following statements is True with respect to the given arrangement?
A. The one who likes Masala Dosa immediately below A.
B. F likes Pizza
C. None of the given options is true.
D. Only four persons live between D and G
E. G lives immediately below E.


Answer – C. None of the given options is true.

5. Who among the following lives on the floor numbered 2?

A. B
B. The one who likes Egg roll
C. The one who likes Masala Dosa
D. D
E. F


Answer – E. F

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

Seven Friends, namely A, B, C, D, E, F and G visit seven different Countries namely US Germany China, UAE, Netherlands,
UK and Russia,(but not necessarily in same order). starting from Monday to Sunday(of the same week).

C visits on Thursday. Only two people visit between C and the one who visits Germany. Only four people visit between
the one who visits Germany and G. The one who visits Russia visits immediately before G. Only two people visit between
the one who visits Russia and A. D visits one of the days after the one who visit Russia. F visits immediately after the one
who visit US. F does not visit Russia. Only three people visit between the one who visits US and the one who visits
Netherlands. The one who visits UK visits immediately before the one who visits China. B does not visit on Monday.


Day Person Country



Monday E Germany
Tuesday A US
Wednesday F UK
Thursday C China
Friday B Russia
Saturday G Netherlands
Sunday D UAE

6. Which of the following countries does B visit?

A. China
B. Russia
D. Netherlands


Answer – B. Russia

7. On which of the following days does F visit a country?

A. Friday
B. Saturday
C. Sunday
D. Wednesday
E. Tuesday


Answer – D. Wednesday

8. Which of the following is true about E?

A. All the options are true
B. E visits on Friday
C. E visits China
D. Only three people visit between E and C
E. E visits immediately before A.




Answer – E. E visits immediately before A.

9. Who amongst the following visits UAE?

A. D
B. E
C. A
D. G
E. C


Answer – A. D

10. As per the given arrangement, A is related to the one who visits US in a certain way and G is related to the
one who visits Netherlands in the same way. To which of the following is C related to in the same way.
A. The one who visits UK
B. The one who visits China
C. The one who visits UAE
D. The one who visits Russia
E. The one who visits Germany


Answer – B. The one who visits China

I. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

Seven people, namely P,Q,R,S,T,U and V like seven different e-commerce websites namely Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal,
E-bay, Jabong, Myntra and Paytm but not necessarily in the same order. Each people also works in the same office but at
a different department on the basis of experience namely Administration (ADMIN), Marketing & Sales, (M&S), Accounts
(ACC), Production (PO), Quality Management (QM), Human Resources (HR), and Public Relations (PR), but not
necessarily in the same order. Each person also like different cars namely viz – Audi, BMW, Ford, Fiat, Hyundai,
Chevrolet and Ferrari.



Note: Each person has been allocated to a department as per increasing order of experience with the one in ADMIN
being the least experienced whilst the one in PR Being the most experienced.

T neither has the least experience than the one who likes Snapdeal. T neither has the least experience nor he works in
QM. Q does not work in QM. The one who likes Flipkart does not work in PO. The person who likes Myntra has more
experience than the one who likes Fiat. The one in Quality Management likes Chevrolet. The person who likes Jabong
also likes the Hyundai car. Persons who have the least experience and most experience like BMW and Ferrari car
respectively. Only one person has less experience than U. V likes Paytm and has more experience than the one who likes
Amazon. S has less experience than the one in PO, but more experience than the one who likes Snapdeal. The one who
has less experience than U likes E-bay. Only one person has more experience than P. P does not like Audi. The one in
Marketing and Sales like Ford. The one in HR likes Jabong. Only two people have more experience than the one who
likes Amazon


Person Job E-Commerce Car

V PR Paytm Ferrari
P HR Jabong Hyundai
R QM Amazon Chevrolet
T PO Myntra Audi
S ACC Flipkart Fiat
U M&S Snapdeal Ford

1. As per the given arrangement, ADMIN is related to Ferrari and PR is related to Hyundai in a certain way. To
which of the following is ACC related to the same way?
A. Ferrari
C. Ford
D. Fiat
E. Chevrolet


Answer –E. Chevrolet



2. Which of the following pairs of people who have more experience than P less experience than S?
A. V, P
B. V, U
C. R, V
D. T, Q
E. R, P


Answer – B. V, U

3. Which combination represents the department that T works in and the movie he likes?
A. QM – Amazon
B. PO – Snapdeal
C. PO – Myntra
D. ACC – E-bay
E. ADMIN – E-bay


Answer – C. PO – Myntra

4. Who amongst the following likes Fiat?

A. S
B. R
C. P
D. Q
E. Other than those given as options


Answer – A. S

5. Which of the following e-commerce websites does Q like?

A. Snapdeal
B. Myntra



C. Amazon
D. E-bay
E. Flipkart


Answer – D. E-bay

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

Seven persons – A, B, C, D, E, F and G – went to tour in the months of February, March, April May, July, October and
December but not necessarily in the same order. Each one of them likes different brand of cycle viz., Firefox, Hercules,
Atlas, BSA, Hero, Montra and Kross but not necessarily in the same order. Each person also like seven different brand of
bikes namely viz – Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Harley Davidson, TVS, Royal Enfield and Vespa.

There are two persons went to tour between the one who likes Honda and the one who likes Vespa. E does not like
Atlas. The person who likes Montra went to tour in the month having less than 31 days. The person who likes Honda
went to tour on one of the months after March which has less than 31 days. The one who likes Hero went to tour in the
month having less than 31 days. There is only one person between A and the person who likes Hero. The person who
likes Vespa went to tour immediately before the one who likes Suzuki. G went to tour in that month which has less than
31 days. F went to tour immediately after G. Only one person went to tour between A and the who likes BSA. F does not
like Harley Davidson. A does not like Montra. The one who likes Firefox went to tour immediately before the one who
likes Kross. The person who likes Yamaha went to tour immediately before the one who likes Royal Enfield and
immediately after the one who likes Honda. The one who likes Atlas went to tour immediately before A. C went to tour
immediately after A. Only two persons went to tour between C and B.


Month Person Cycles Bike

February G Montra Harley Davidson
March F Hercules Kit-Kat
April B Hero Honda
May D Atlas Yamaha
July A Firefox Royal Enfield
October C Kross Vespa
December E BSA Suzuki

6. Which of the following brand of cycles is liked by C?

A. Firefox
C. Montra
D. Hercules
E. Kross


Answer – E. Kross

7. Which of the following combinations of Month-Person-Cycle-Bike is correct?

A. March – G – Firefox – Harley Davidson
B. July – A – Firefox – Royal Enfield
C. October – E – Montra – Yamaha
D. May – C – Atlas – TVS
E. April – F – Hero – Vespa


Answer – B. July – A – Firefox – Royal Enfield

8. Which of the following statements is true with respect to the given arrangement?
A. C went to tour in October
B. A likes Kross
C. D went to tour immediately before E.
D. E went to tour in July
E. None of the given statements is true


Answer – A. C went to tour in October

9. Who among the following went to tour in May?

A. F
B. A



C. C
D. D
E. B


Answer – D. D

10. Who among the following likes Royal Enfield?

A. E
B. C
C. A
D. G
E. B


Answer – C. A

1. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

Seven people namely B, C, D, E, F, G and H have to attend a workshop but not necessarily in the same order, in seven
different months of the same year namely January, March, April, July, August, September and December. Each of them
also likes a different bank namely CANARA, SBI, ICICI, HDFC, AXIS, PNB and Yes but not necessarily in the same order.
The one who likes AXIS will attend a workshop in the month which has less than 31 days. Only one person will attend a
workshop between the one who likes AXIS and B. The one who likes CANARA will attend a workshop immediately before
B. Only three people will attend a workshop between one who likes AXIS and the one who likes SBI. H will attend a
workshop immediately after B. Only three people will attend a workshop between H and G. The one who likes PNB will
attend a workshop immediately before G. The one who likes ICICI will attend a Workshop immediately before the one
who likes Yes. E will attend a Workshop immediately after the one who likes Yes. C will attend a workshop in a month
which has only 30 days. F does not like CANARA.


Month Person Banks

January F PNB



March G HDFC
April C AXIS
August B ICICI
September H Yes
December E SBI

1. How many people will attend a workshop between the months in which G and D will attend a Workshop?
A. Two
B. One
C. Three
D. More than three
E. None


Answer – B. One

2. As per the given arrangement, G is related to CANARA and B is related to SBI following a certain pattern,
which of the following is D related to following the same pattern?
C. Axis
E. Yes


Answer – E. Yes

3. Which of the following represents the month in which F will attend a workshop?
A. March
B. January
C. December
D. April
E. Cannot be determined




Answer – B. January

4. Which of the following represents the people who will attend a workshop in March and December
A. G, H
B. F, B
C. F, E
D. F, H
E. G, E


Answer – E. G, E

5. Which of the following banks does G like?



Answer – D. HDFC

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions
Seven People namely M, N, O, P, Q, R and S have an anniversary but not necessarily in the same order, in seven different
months of the same year namely February, March, April, June, September, October and November. Each of them also
likes a different book namely One Indian Girl, The God of Small Things, Everyone Has a Story, The Ministry of utmost
Happiness, Half Girl Friend, Bahubali: The Battle of Bold and The Small Town Sea but not necessarily in the same order.
R has an anniversary in the month which has more than 30 days. Only one person has an anniversary between R and the
one who likes One Indian Girl. Both S and O have an anniversary in one of the months after the one who likes One Indian
Girl. S has an anniversary immediately before O. The one who likes Everyone Has a Story has an anniversary in the
month which has less than 30 days. Only three people have an anniversary between the one who likes Everyone Has a



Story and the one who likes The Small Town Sea. Only two people have an anniversary between S and the one who likes
The Ministry of utmost Happiness. P has an anniversary immediately after the one who likes The Ministry of utmost
Happiness. Only two people have an anniversary between P and Q. M has an anniversary immediately before the one
who likes The God of Small Things. O does not like Bahubali: The Battle of Bold.


Month Person Book

February Q Everyone Has a Story
March R Bahubali: The Battle of Bold
April N The Ministry of utmost Happiness
June P One Indian Girl
September M The Small Town Sea
October S The God of Small Things
November O Half Girl Friend

6. Which of the following represents the month in which S has an anniversary?

A. October
B. March
C. April
D. September
E. Can not be determined


Answer – A. October

7. Which of the following does O like?

A. One Indian Girl
B. The God of Small Things
C. The Ministry of utmost Happiness
D. Half Girl Friend
E. The Small Town Sea


Answer – D. Half Girl Friend



8. As per the given arrangement, Everyone Has a Story is related to April and The Ministry of utmost
Happiness is related to September following a certain pattern, which of the following is The Small Town
Sea related to following the same pattern?
A. February
B. June
C. October
D. November
E. March


Answer – D. November

9. Which of the following represents the people who have an anniversary in April and November
A. N,M
B. Q,M
C. Q,O
D. N,O
E. N,S


Answer – D. N,O

10. How many people have an anniversary between the months in which Q and M have an anniversary?
A. None
B. One
C. Three
D. Two
E. More than three


Answer – C. Three



I. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

Seven Lecturers – A, B, C, D, E, F and G will go to Seven different Universities namely Indian Institute of Science,
University of Delhi, Banaras Hindu University, Osmania university, IIT Madras, Shivaji University and University of
Mumbai but not in necessarily same order to give guest lectures.
They take lectures on the subjects like Economics, History, Electronics, Computer, Agriculture, Bio Technology and
Chemistry but not necessarily in the same order.
They delivers lectures on Monday to Sunday(of the same week) not necessarily in same order.

 A gives guest lecture in Indian Institute of Science either in Economics or Bio Technology.
The person who give guest lecture on the seventh day of the week went to University of Mumbai and He is
expert in Chemistry. C does not give lecture in Bio Technology
 B takes the lecture on Wednesday only and He is not expert in computer and Economics
The lecturer who takes guest lecture in agriculture went on Thursday and neither in University of Delhi nor in
Shivaji University.
 D delivers lecture on Electronics in Osmania Univeresity except on Monday and Tuesday.
C delivers a guest lecture at Banaras Hindu University and takes lecture one day before D.
 G does not went to Thursday.On the second day of the week F gives the guest lecture in Shivaji
University.The lecturer who delivers lecture on Friday is not expert in Computer, Bio Technology and


Persons Subjects Universities Days

A Economics Indian Institute of Science Monday

F Computer Shivaji University Tuesday

B Bio Technology University of Delhi Wednesday

E Agriculture IIT Madras Thursday

C History Banaras Hindu University Friday



D Electronics Osmania university Saturday

G Chemistry University of Mumbai Sunday

1. Which of the following subject is handled by A?

A. Computer
B. Electronics
C. Chemistry
D. History
E. Economics


Answer – E. Economics

2. Which of the following combinations of “University – Day” is True with respect to the given arrangement?
A. Osmania University – Friday
B. University of Mumbai -Saturday
C. IIT Madras – Thursday
D. University of Mumbai – Friday
E. Osmania University – Thursday


Answer – C. IIT Madras – Thursday

3. According to the arrangement, B is related to?

A. Computer
B. Electronics
C. Chemistry
D. Bio Technology
E. Economics


Answer – D. Bio Technology


4. In this arrangement, A is related to Monday, F is related to Tuesday then C is related to?

A. Thursday
B. Friday
C. None of the given options is true.
D. Saturday
E. Sunday


Answer – B. Friday

5. Who among the following went to Banaras Hindu University?

A. B
B. C
C. A
D. D
E. F


Answer – B. C

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

Eight people P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W were born in three different months(of the same year) but not necessarily in the
same order, namely March June and December such that not less than two people and not more than three people
were born in a month. Each of them also likes a different fruit namely Guava, Peach, Banana, Cherry, Mango, Orange,
Kiwi and apple but not necessarily in the same order.

 Only Q and W were born in March. R likes Apple and was born in the same month as T.
R was not born in December. The one who likes Mango was born in the month which has 30 days only.
 U was not born in the same month as T. S likes Cherry and born in the same month as U. V does not like
 The one who likes Kiwi and the one who likes Banana were born in the same month, The one who likes Kiwi
was not born in the same month as W.



 U does not like Kiwi. The one who likes Guava was born in the same month as P. Q does not like Peach. T
does not like Mango.


Persons Months Fruits

Q March Orange
W March Peach
R June Apple
T June Guava
P June Mango
S December Cherry
U December Banana
V December Kiwi

6. As per the given arrangement which of the following combination represents only the people who were
born in December?.
A. T, V
B. U, P, T
C. V, U
D. P, T
E. U, V, S


Answer – E. U, V, S

7. As per the given arrangement which of the following person represent the one who was born in the same
month as the one who likes Orange?
A. U
B. P
C. R
D. T
E. W




Answer – E. W

8. Which of the following fruits does T like as per the given arrangement?
A. Orange
B. Peach
C. Guava
D. Banana
E. Other than those given as options


Answer – C. Guava

9. Which of the following combinations is correct as per the given arrangement?

A. December – Peach
B. June – Orange
C. June – Banana
D. March – Guava
E. December – Banana


Answer – E. December – Banana

10. Who amongst the following likes Peach as per the given arrangement?
A. P
B. V
C. U
D. W
E. T


Answer – D. W

I. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.



There are Seven different TV Shops – A, B, C, D, E, F and G sold TVs starting from Monday to Sunday (of the same week)
not necessarily in same order. The number of TVs sold by the Seven TV shops in seven different days are 4, 6, 9, 12, 18,
15 and 27 (not necessarily in same order).

 The Shop ‘A’ sold TVs on one of the days after Friday. On Wednesday, the number of TVs sold are 12. The
difference between the number of TVs sold on Monday and Friday is the multiple of the number 7
 There are two shops between the shop F and the shop which one sold 4TVs. Shop B sold TVs on one of the
days immediately before the shop that sold 9 TVs. There are two shops between B and G.
 There are three shops between the shop F and D. C not sold the least number of TVs. The sum of TVs sold on
Wednesday and Saturday is more than ten and the sum equals to the number of TVs sold on Friday.
 The difference between the number of TVs sold by Shop B and G is less than five. The Shop which sold 9 TVs
not on Friday.The shop F sold the TVs on one of the days after the shop which sold 4TVs.
 The shop which sold more than 12 TVs(not an odd number) is immediately after the one which one sold 12
TVs. Shop F sold more number of TVs than Shop D.


Days Shops Number of TVs

Monday D 6
Tuesday E 4
Wednesday G 12
Thursday C 18
Friday F 27
Saturday B 15
Sunday A 9

1. Which of the following is sold by Shop A?

A. 12
B. 15
C. 27
D. 6
E. 9


Answer – E. 9



2. Which of the following combinations of “Shop – Day” is True with respect to the given arrangement?
A. E – Friday
B. A – Saturday
C. C – Thursday
D. B – Friday
E. E – Thursday


Answer – C. C – Thursday

3. Which of the following shop sold TV’s immediately after A?

A. D
B. E
C. F
D. G
E. None


Answer – E. None

4. In this arrangement, A is related to Monday, F is related to Wednesday then B is related to?

A. Tuesday
B. Friday
C. None of the given options is true.
D. Saturday
E. Sunday


Answer – A. Tuesday

5. Which among the following shop sold TVs in Monday?

A. B
B. C



C. A
D. D
E. F


Answer – D. D

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

Seven cricket players viz. P, Q, R, S, T, V and W played in seven different matches in a week starting from Monday and
ending on Sunday. Some of them are bowlers and some of them are batsman. Their Run/Wickets in the seven matches
are – 50, 5, 4, 16, 8, 4 and 25.

 V plays on Thursday. Two matches are played between the matches played by player V and player P. On the
first day of the week, the batsman scored half century played in the match.
 The sum of Runs/Wickets of the player W and Q is equalled to the Runs/Wickets of S. All the bowlers should
be preceded and succeeded by batsman and T is the only bowler which can not be succeeded by any one. P
is the only batsman which is followed by another batsman.
 Only one match is played between the matches played by the player T and S. The score of the batsman who
played the match on Thursday is the perfect square of the score of the player who played on Saturday.
 The match played by T is not played on the day immediately before or immediately after the day when the
match of player V is played.
 The match played by R is played on the day immediately before the day when the match of player W is
played. Match played by S is not played after the match of player Q.


Days Player Role Runs/Wickets

Monday P Batsman 50
Tuesday R Batsman 25
Wednesday W Bowler 4
Thursday V Batsman 16
Friday S Bowler 8
Saturday Q Batsman 4
Sunday T Bowler 5



6. As per the given arrangement which of the following combination represents only the people who are
A. T, V
B. Q, P, T
C. V, W, R
D. P, T
E. W, T, S


Answer – E. W, T, S

7. As per the given arrangement which of the following person represent the one who was played in
between the W and S?
A. U
B. P
C. R
D. V
E. W


Answer – D. V

8. Who among the following is a bowler?

A. P
B. R
C. S
D. All of the Above
E. Other than those given as options


Answer – C. S



9. Which of the following combinations is correct as per the given arrangement?

A. Monday – P
B. Tuesday – W
C. Wednesday – Q
D. Thursday – S
E. Friday – T


Answer – A. Monday – P

10. Who amongst the following scored half century?

A. P
B. V
C. U
D. W
E. T


Answer – A. P

I. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

There are Seven Lecturers – A, B, C, D, E, F and G taught seven subjects,viz., Maths, Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, Physics,
English and Statistics on one day in a week starting from Monday and ending on Sunday (of the same week). There will
be separate timings for each lecture.

Note: Total hours taken by all the lecturers = 18 hours. The minimum and maximum timing of any lecture will be one
hour and five hour respectively. There are two pairs of timings that can be followed by four lecturers.

 Chemistry is taught on Thursday. English is neither taught on Tuesday nor on Saturday.

The Botany professor gave lecture immediately after the lecturer A. B is not a Chemistry Professor.



 Maths is taught for one hour. The Professor B gave his lecture on one of the days before Friday. Either the
professor E or the professor F not gave his lecture on Sunday. Professor F gave his lecture immediately after
E. Lecturer A spent more time than Lecturer C.
 Time taken by lecturer C is the sum of time taken by the lecturers B and F. Subjects Maths & Zoology are
taught for same duration. The lecturer who took maximum time is immediately preceded by the person who
took less than one hour of maximum time.
 The difference between the subjects taught on Friday and Sunday is equalled to the time taken by the
lecturer A. Professor who gave maths lecture immediately preceded and followed by C and G respectively.
 Professor who gave lecture on Sunday spent less than three hours. Only one lecture is held between
Chemistry and Botany. Zoology is taught after two days of maths lecture. Statistics is neither taught on
Monday nor Sunday.
 Botany is not taught on the immediate next day on which Zoology is taught.
Physics is taught on Monday.


Days Subjects Lecturers Hours

Monday Physics A 3
Tuesday Botany C 2
Wednesday Maths B 1
Thursday Chemistry G 4
Friday Statistics E 5
Saturday Zoology F 1
Sunday English D 2

1. Which of the following Subject is taught by A ?

A. Statistics
B. Chemistry
C. Zoology
D. Physics
E. English


Answer – D. Physics



2. Which of the following combinations is True with respect to the given arrangement?
A. Maths – Wednesday
B. Chemistry – Friday
C. Zoology – Wednesday
D. Physics – Friday
E. English – Sunday


Answer – E. English – Sunday

3. If all the persons are made to arrange in alphabetical order from Monday to Sunday, positions of how
many persons will remain unchanged?
A. Four
B. None
C. Two
D. One
E. Three


Answer – E. Three

4. Professor D gave lecture for how many hours?

A. One hour
B. Two hours
C. None of the given options is true.
D. Three hours
E. Four hours


Answer – B. Two hours

5. Who among the following gave lecture immediately after F?

A. B



B. E
C. A
D. D
E. F


Answer – D. D

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

Seven persons – A, B, C, D, E, F and G live on seven different floors of a building but not necessarily in same order.
Lowermost floor of building is numbered 1, one above that is numbered 2 and so on till top most floor is numbered 7.
Each one of them also own different brands of Car, namely Fiat, Hyundai, Honda, Skoda, Toyoto, Ford and Chevrolet.(but
not necessarily in same order). All of them went to tour on seven different days starting from Monday to Sunday(of the
same week)

 A lives an odd numbered floor but not on floor numbered Three. Only two persons live between D and the
one who owns Toyoto. The one who owns Honda lives immediately above C. The one who owns Toyoto went
to tour on one of the days before Thursday.
 The one who owns Hyundai lives on odd numbered floors above D. B lives on the floors above E. Only three
persons live between C and the one who owns Hyundai. The person who went to tour on Friday owns Fiat
 The one who owns Fiat lives immediately above the one who owns Chevrolet. G lives on an odd numbered
floor. E does not own Honda. D went to tour on Sunday
 Only one person lives between B and E. The one who owns Toyoto lives immediately above A. Neither C nor
A owns Skoda. The one who went to tour on Wednesday immediately after the one who owns Hyundai.
 The one who owns Honda went to tour immediately before the one who lives in floor no 3. There are two
persons live between the floor no 4 and the person who went to tour on Wednesday. The one who went to
tour on Wednesday is not C.


Floor No Person Car Days

7 G Skoda Wednesday



6 B Toyoto Monday
5 A Hyundai Tuesday
4 E Fiat Friday
3 D Chevrolet Sunday
2 F Honda Saturday
1 C Ford Thursday

6. Which of the following car does A own?

A. Skoda
B. Toyoto
C. Fiat
D. Hyundai
E. Ford


Answer – D. Hyundai

7. Which of the following combinations is True with respect to the given arrangement?
A. Ford – C
B. Hyundai – F
C. Chevrolet – G
D. Fiat – D
E. Ford – B


Answer – A. Ford – C

8. If all the persons are made to sit in alphabetical order from top to bottom, positions of how many persons
will remain unchanged?
A. Four
B. None
C. Two
D. One
E. Three




Answer – C. Two

9. Which of the following statements is True with respect to the given arrangement?
A. The one who owns Honda went to tour on the day immediately after E.
B. F likes Fiat
C. None of the given options is true.
D. Only four persons live between D and G
E. G lives immediately below E.


Answer – A. The one who owns Honda went to tour on the day immediately after E.

10. Who among the following lives on the floor numbered 2?

A. B
B. The one who owns Fiat
C. The one who owns Hyundai
D. D
E. F


Answer – E. F

I. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

Eight friends namely P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W live on eight different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same
order. The ground floor is numbered 1 and the one above that is numbered 2 and so on till the topmost floor is
numbered 8. Each one of them owns a different car, namely Santro, Brio, Amaze, Civic, Etios, Celerio, Micra and Fabia
(but not necessarily in the same order). They went to tour on eight different months viz, February, April, June, July,
August, September, October, December.

 S lives on an even numbered floor. Only three people live between S and T. Only one person lives between T
and V. V lives on one of the floors below T. Only two persons live between V and U.



 W lives on a floor that is immediately below U. Only two persons live between T and Q. P does not live on the
lowermost floor. The person who owns civic car lives on the floor numbered 7. W owns Amaze. The person
who owns Brio lived on the topmost floor went to tour after August.
 The persons who lived on odd numbered floors went to tour on the months which has less than 31 days. The
person who went to tour on February lived on one of the floors above the 4th floor.
 The person who lived on the 5th floor went to tour on one of the months after April. The person who lived
on the lowermost floor went to tour on one of the months after June and he owns Santro.
 The person who owns Celerio car lived immediately above the 4th floor. The person who went to tour on
July owns Amaze. U owns Fabia went to tour on the month before June. The person who owns Micra went to
tour on the month after July. V owns Etios went to tour after October


Floor No Person Car Months

8 T Brio October
7 P Civic February
6 V Etios December
5 Q Celerio June
4 S Micra August
3 U Fabia April
2 W Amaze July
1 R Santro September

1. Which of the following Statements is true with respect to the given information?
1. T lives immediately above the one who owns Civic
2. U lives immediately above R
3. Only three people live between U and the one who owns Brio.
4. W owns Etios
5. All the given statements are true.


Answer – 1. T lives immediately above the one who owns Civic

2. Who amongst the following lives exactly between V and the one who owns Brio?
1. T



2. P
3. W
4. U
5. R


Answer – 2. P

3. Four of the following cars does W own?

1. Civic
2. Celerio
3. Brio
4. Amaze
5. Fabia


Answer – 4. Amaze

4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which
one of the following does not belong to the group?
1. T – Civic
2. V – Celerio
3. V – Etios
4. S – Fabia
5. U – Amaze


Answer – 3. V – Etios

5. How many people live between P and the one who owns Amaze?
1. Four
2. Three
3. Two



4. Five
5. None


Answer – 1. Four

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

Seven different food boxes P, Q, R, S, T, U and V contain seven different dishes namely viz., Mutton Briyani, Sandwich,
Veg Fried Rice, Pizza, Burger, Egg Noodles and Chicken Fried Rice are arranged one above the other. The box at the
bottom of arrangement is numbered 1, the above box is numbered 2 and so on. Box V does not contain Mutton
Briyani. Q is immediately above T. The box which contains the Pizza is immediately below P. Only one box is between the
box that contain Mutton Briyani and U. V is immediately above the box that contain Egg Noodles. More than two boxes
are above the box that contains Mutton Briyani. Only two boxes are between the box that contain sandwich and the box
that contains Chicken Fried Rice. Only two boxes are between the box which contains Pizza and the box which contains
Mutton Briyani. The box filled with Veg Fried Rice is neither at the top nor at the bottom of the arrangement. Only one
box is between Q and the box which contain Sandwich. Q is placed above the Sandwich box. R is placed immediately
above U. Neither R nor V contains Pizza.


Position Box Fruit

7 R Burger
6 U Chicken Fried Rice
5 Q Veg Fried Rice
4 T Mutton Briyani
3 V Sandwich
2 P Egg Noodles
1 S Pizza

6. As per the given arrangement, S is related to Burger and U is related to Egg Noodles in a certain way. To
which of the following is V related to the same way?
A. Sandwich
B. Egg Noodles
C. Pizza



D. Veg Fried Rice

E. None of the Above


Answer – D. Veg Fried Rice

7. Which of the following pairs of people occupy the top, middle and bottom positions of the arrangement?
A. R, P, T
B. R, T, U
C. P, T, V
D.Q, U, S
E. R, T, S


Answer – E. R, T, S

8. Which combination represents the position of R and the receipe?

A. 5 – Sandwich
B. 4 – Egg Noodles
C. 1 – Mutton Briyani
D. 4 – Pizza
E. 7 – Burger


Answer – E. 7 – Burger

9. Which amongst the following arranged exactly in between U and T?

A. P
B. S
C. Q
D. T
E. Other than those given as options


Answer – C. Q

10. Which of the following receipe is contained in Box “P”?

A. Sandwich
B. Egg Noodles
C. Pizza
D. Veg Fried Rice
E. None of the Above


Answer – B. Egg Noodles

Seven People namely A, B, C, D, E, F and G went to tour on seven different months of the same year namely February,
March, April, June, September, October and November. Each of them also likes a different Chocolate namely 5Star, Dairy
Milk, Munch, Kit-kat, Milky Bar, Luv it and Perk but not necessarily in the same order.
F went to tour on the month which has more than 30 days. A went to tour immediately before the one who likes Dairy
Milk. Only one person went to tour between F and the one who likes 5Star. Both G and C went to tour on one of the
months after the one who likes 5Star. G went to tour immediately before C. The one who likes Munch went to tour on
the month which has less than 30 days. Only three people went to tour between the one who likes Munch and the one
who likes Perk. Only two people went to tour between G and the one who likes Kit-kat. D went to tour immediately after
the one who likes Kit-kat. Only two people went to tour between D and E. C does not like Luv it.


Month Person Chocolate

February E Munch
March F Luv it
April B Kit-kat
June D 5Star
September A Perk
October G Dairy Milk
November C Milky Bar

1. Which of the following represents the month in which G went to tour?

A. October



B. March
C. April
D. September
E. Can not be determined


Answer – A. October

2. Which of the following does C like?

A. 5Star
B. Kit-kat
C. Dairy Milk
D. Munch
E. Milky bar


Answer – E. Milky bar

3. As per the given arrangement, Munch is related to April and Kit-kat is related to September following a
certain pattern, which of the following is Perk related to following the same pattern?
A. February
B. June
C. October
D. November
E. March


Answer – D. November

4. Which of the following represents the people who went to tour April and November respectively?
A. A,B
B. C,D
C. E,F



D. B,C
E. B,G


Answer – D. B,C

5. How many people went to tour between E and A ?

A. None
B. One
C. Three
D. Two
E. More than three


Answer – C. Three

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

I. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

Seven people, namely A,B,C,D,E,F and G like seven different flowers namely Rose, Jasmine, Lily, Sun flower, Orchid,
Marigold and Daffodil but not necessarily in the same order. Each people also works in the same office but at a different
department on the basis of experience namely Administration (ADMIN), Marketing & Sales, (M&S), Accounts (ACC),
Production (PO), Quality Management (QM), Human Resources (HR), and Public Relations (PR), but not necessarily in the
same order.

Note : Each person has been allocated to a department as per increasing order of experience with the one in ADMIN
being the least experienced whilst the one in PR Being the most experienced.

G likes Daffodil and has more experience than the one who likes Rose. Only one person has more experience than A.
Only one person has less experience than F. B does not work in QM. The one who has less experience than F likes Sun
flower. The one in HR likes Orchid. D has less experience than the one in PO, but more experience than the one who



likes Lily. E neither has the least experience than the one who likes Lily nor he works in QM. The one who likes
Jasmine does not work in PO. Only two people have more experience than the one who likes Rose.


Person Job Flower

G PR Daffodil
A HR Orchid
C QM Rose
E PO Mari gold
D ACC Jasmine
F M&S Lily
B ADMIN Sun flower

6. As per the given arrangement, ADMIN is related to Lily and PO is related to Rose in a certain way. To which
of the following is ACC related to the same way?
A. Jasmine
B. Lily
C. Sun flower
D. Orchid
E. Marigold


Answer – E. Marigold

7. Which of the following pairs of people who have more experience than C less experience than E?
A. F, G
B. F, B
C. G, A
D. A, D
E. None of the Above


Answer – D. A, D



8. Which combination represents the department that C works in and the flower he likes?
A. QM – Rose
B. PO – Lily
C. PO – Marigold
D. ACC – Sunflower
E. ADMIN – Sunflower


Answer – A. QM – Rose

9. Who amongst the following works in ADMIN?

A. A
B. E
C. G
D. B
E. Other than those given as options


Answer – D. B

10. Which of the following flowers does D like?

A. Lily
B. Marigold
C. Rose
D. Sunflower
E. Jasmine


Answer – E. Jasmine

I. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.



Seven different Mobile shops – A, B, C, D, E, F and G sold Mobiles starting from Monday to Sunday (of the same week)
not necessarily in same order. The number of “Apple Phones” sold by the Seven shops in seven different days are 6, 13,
10, 12, 20, 15 and 27 (not necessarily in same order).

The shop F sold Mobiles on one of the days after the shop which sold 6 Mobiles. The Shop ‘A’ sold on one of the days
after Friday. On Wednesday, the number of Mobiles sold are 12. The difference between the number of Mobiles sold on
Monday and Friday is the multiple of the number 7. There are two shops sold mobiles between the shop F and the shop
which one sold 6 Mobiles. Shop B sold Mobiles on one of the days immediately before the shop that sold 10 Mobiles.
There are two shops sold mobiles between B and G. There are three shops sold mobiles between the shop F and D. C not
sold the least number of Mobiles. The sum of Mobiles sold on Wednesday and Saturday is more than ten and the sum
equals to the number of Mobiles sold on Friday. The difference between the number of Mobiles sold by Shop B and G is
less than five. The Shop which sold 10 Mobiles not on Friday. The shop which sold more than 12 Mobiles(not an odd
number) is immediately after the one which sold 12 Mobiles. Shop F sold more number of Mobiles than Shop D.


Days Shops Number of Mobiles

Monday D 13
Tuesday E 6
Wednesday G 12
Thursday C 20
Friday F 27
Saturday B 15
Sunday A 10

1. Which of the following is sold by Shop A?

A. 20
B. 15
C. 27
D. 10
E. 13


Answer – D. 10



2. Which of the following combinations of “Shop – Day – Number of Mobiles” is True with respect to the
given arrangement?
A. E – Friday – 15
B. A – Saturday – 6
C. C – Thursday – 20
D. B – Friday – 13
E. E – Thursday – 10


Answer – C. C – Thursday – 20

3. Which of the following shop sold Mobiles immediately after B?

A. D
B. E
C. F
D. A
E. None


Answer – D. A

4. In this arrangement, A is related to Monday, B is related to Tuesday then F is related to?

A. Tuesday
B. Wednesday
C. None of the given options is true.
D. Saturday
E. Sunday


Answer – B. Wednesday

5. Which among the following shop sold “Apple Phones” on Tuesday?

A. B



B. C
C. A
D. E
E. F


Answer – D. E

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

Seven Persons – A, B, C, D, E, F, and G – live on separate floors of a seven storey-ed building, but not in the same order.
The ground floor of the building is numbered 1, the floor above it 2 and so on until the topmost floor is numbered 7.
Each person likes different fruits – Apple, Banana, Orange, Guava, Pomegranate, Grapes and Pineapple, but not
necessarily in the same order.

The person who likes Guava lives on floor numbered four. A does not live on the lowermost floor. A lives on any odd
numbered floor below the one who likes Guava. Only two persons live between A and the person who likes Pineapple.
Only one person lives between B and F. F lives on an even numbered floor and does not like Guava. Only three persons
live between the persons who like Apple and Orange respectively. The person who likes Apple live on any floor above
the B’s floor. The person who likes Apple does not live on the topmost floor. G lives on an even numbered floor but
neither immediately above nor immediately below the floor of A. C does not like Apple or Orange. Only two persons live
between D and the one who likes Guava. The person who likes Pomegranate lives on the floor immediately above the
floor of the person who likes Grapes.


Floor No Person Fruits

7 C Banana
6 G Pineapple
5 E Apple
4 B Guava
3 A Pomegranate
2 F Grapes
1 D Orange



6. How many persons live between the floors on which G and D live?
A. Three
B. Two
C. Four
D. Five
E. No one


Answer – C. Four

7. Which of the following statements is/are true according to the given information?
A. E lives on floor numbered 5 and he does not like Guava
B. A likes Pomegranate and he does not live on floor numbered 4
C. C likes Banana and he lives on the topmost floor
D. Only two persons live between the floors of E and F
E. All the statements are true.


Answer – E. All the statements are true.

8. Who among the following lives on the floor immediately above the floor of A?
A. B
B. F
C. G
D. C
E. No one


Answer – A. B

9. Who among the following lives exactly between the floors on which G and B live?
A. F
B. E



C. D
D. C
E. No one


Answer – B. E

10. Who among the following does like Orange?

A. A
B. D
C. B
D. C
E. No one


Answer – B. D

I. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

Eight People – L, M, N, O, P, Q, R and S live in eight different floors of building (but not necessarily in the same
order). The lowermost floor of the building is numbered one, the one above that is numbered two, and so on till the
topmost floor is numbered eight. Each one of them also owns a different brands of bikes, namely Hero, Honda, TVS,
Yamaha, Royal Enfield, Bajaj, Harley Davidson and KTM (but not necessarily in the same order).

Only one person lives between M and the one who owns Royal Enfield. Q lives an odd numbered floor above the floor
numbered four. Only three people live between O and the one who owns Bajaj. N lives an one of the odd numbered
floors above the one who owns Bajaj. The one who owns Harley Davidson lives immediately above R, R owns neither
Bajaj nor Hero. P does not own Harley Davidson. Only three people live between R and L. The one who owns KTM lives
immediately above the one who owns Honda, but not on the topmost floor. Only one person lives between Q and the
one who owns TVS. The number of people leaving above Q is same as the number of people living between Q and
O. Only one person lives between the one who owns KTM and S. Only two people live between N and the one who owns




Floor No Person Bike

8 M Yamaha
7 N Harley Davidson
6 R Royal Enfield
5 Q Bajaj
4 S Hero
1 O Honda

1. Which of the following Statements is true with respect to the given information?
A. R lives immediately above the one who owns Bajaj
B. P lives immediately above N
C. Only three people live between Q and the one who owns KTM.
D. O owns Royal Enfield bike.
E. All the given statements are true.


Answer – 1. R lives immediately above the one who owns Bajaj

2. Who amongst the following lives exactly between S and the one who owns Honda bike?
A. M, N
B. R, O
C. Q, R
D. L, M
E. P, L


Answer – E. P, L

3. Which of the following bikes does P own?

B. Honda



D. Royal Enfield
E. Harley Davidson


Answer – C. TVS

4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which
one of the following does not belong to the group?
A. R – Yamaha
B. N – Bajaj
C. Q – Royal Enfield
D. S – KTM
E. O – TVS


Answer – C. Q – Royal Enfield

5. How many people live between N and the one who owns TVS?
A. Four
B. Three
C. Two
D. Five
E. None


Answer – B. Three

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W live on eight different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same order. The ground floor
is numbered one and the floor above it is numbered two and so on. The top most floor is numbered eight. Each of them
likes a different colour viz Green, Yellow, Black, Blue, Pink, White, Brown and Orange but not necessarily in the same



The one who likes pink does not live on first floor. The one who likes Yellow lives on an even numbered floor but not on
floor number 8. Only two persons live between U and the one who likes Yellow. Only one person live between U and the
one who likes Pink. Neither T nor R lives on first floor. Only one person lives between R and S, who likes Black. P lives
immediately above U, who lives on an odd numbered floor. Only two persons live between T and P. Q lives on an even
numbered floor and immediately above R. The one who likes blue lives on an even numbered floor and live immediately
above the person who likes orange. R does not like Pink or Orange. Only two persons live between W and the one who
likes Green. Q lives on floor number four. The one who likes White does not live on odd numbered floor. W does not like


Floor Person Colour

8 P Blue
7 U Orange
6 W White
5 T Pink
4 Q Yellow
3 R Green
2 V Brown
1 S Black

6. Who among the following live on floor 5 ?

A. S
B. R
C. V
D. T
E. None of these


Answer – D. T

7. Which of the following colours does P like ?

A. Blue
B. Orange
C. Yellow



D. Brown
E. None of these


Answer – A. Blue

8. Who among the following likes White?

A. Q
B. R
C. W
D. S
E.None of these


Answer – C. W

9. Who among the following lives between P and W ?

A. P
B. R
C. S
D. U
E.None of these


Answer – D. U

10. Which of the following is correct ?

A. 4-R-Green
B. 7-W-Blue
C. 5-T-Orange
D. 3-Q-Yellow
E. None of these


Answer – E. None of these

I. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

Seven Persons – A, B, C, D, E, F, and G – live on separate floors of a seven storey-ed building, but not in the same order.
The ground floor of the building is numbered 1, the floor above it 2 and so on until the topmost floor is numbered 7.
Each person likes different vegetables – Cabbage, Potato, Tomato, Onion, Carrot, Radish and Bean, but not necessarily in
the same order. Each person has 7 different weight of their favorite vegetables starting from 1kg to 10 kg. The weight of
Onion is more than 2 kg. The total weight of Carrot and Radish is 10 kg. The person who likes Onion lives on floor
numbered four. A does not live on the lowermost floor. A lives on any odd numbered floor below the one who likes
Onion. Only two persons live between A and the person who likes Bean. Only one person lives between B and F. The
total weight of Cabbage is square of the total weight of Carrot while The total weight of Bean is square of the total
weight of Onion. F lives on an even numbered floor and does not like Onion. Only three persons live between the
persons who like Cabbage and Tomato respectively. The person who likes Cabbage live on any floor above the B’s floor.
The person who likes Cabbage does not live on the topmost floor. G lives on an even numbered floor but neither
immediately above nor immediately below the floor of A. C does not like Cabbage or Tomato. Only two persons live
between D and the one who likes Onion. The person who likes Carrot lives on the floor immediately above the floor of
the person who likes Raddish. The difference between the weight of the Tomato and Radish is 2 kg. The floor number
and the weight of favorite vegetable is same for the person C.


Floor No Person Vegetables weight

7 C Potato 7 kg
6 G Bean 9 kg
5 E Cabbage 4 kg
4 B Onion 3 kg
3 A Carrot 2 kg
2 F Raddish 8 kg
1 D Tomato 6 kg

1. D has how many kg of favourite vegetable?

A. 2 kg
B. 8 kg
C. 6 kg



D. 4 kg
E. No one


Answer – C. 6 kg

2. Which of the following statements is/are true according to the given information?
A. E lives on floor numbered 5 and he does not like Onion
B. A likes Carrot and he does not live on floor numbered 4
C. C likes Potato and he does not have 6 kg.
D. Only two persons live between the floors of E and F
E. All the statements are true.


Answer – E. All the statements are true.

3. Who among the following lives on the floor immediately above the floor of A?
A. B
B. F
C. G
D. C
E. No one


Answer – A. B

4. Who among the following lives exactly between the floors on which B and F live?
A. F
B. A
C. D
D. C
E. No one


Answer – B. A

5. Who among the following does like Carrot?

A. A
B. D
C. B
D. C
E. No one


Answer – A. A

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W live on eight different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same order. The ground floor
is numbered one and the floor above it is numbered two and so on. The top most floor is numbered eight. Each of them
likes a different news paper viz The Times of India, The Economic Times, Business Standard, THE HINDU, The Indian
Express, The Financial Express, Deccan Chronicle and THE TRIBUNE but not necessarily in the same order.

P lives immediately above U, who lives on an odd numbered floor. The one who likes The Indian Express does not live on
first floor. The one who likes The Economic Times lives on an even numbered floor but not on floor number 8. Only two
persons live between U and the one who likes The Economic Times. Only one person lives between U and the one who
likes The Indian Express. Neither T nor R lives on first floor. Only one person lives between R and S, who likes Business
Standard. Only two persons live between T and P. Q lives on an even numbered floor and immediately above R. The one
who likes THE HINDU lives on an even numbered floor and live immediately above the person who likes THE TRIBUNE.
R does not like The Indian Express or THE TRIBUNE. Only two persons live between W and the one who likes The Times
of India. Q lives on floor number four. The one who likes The Financial Express does not live on odd numbered floor.
W does not like Deccan Chronicle.


Floor Person News paper




6 W The Financial Express

5 T The Indian Express
4 Q The Economic Times
3 R The Times of India
2 V Deccan Chronicle
1 S Business Standard

6. Who among the following lives on floor 5?

A. S
B. R
C. V
D. T
E. None of these


Answer –D. T

7. Which of the following News papers does P like?

C. The Economic Times
D. Deccan Chronicle
E. None of these


Answer – A. THE HINDU

8. Who among the following likes The Financial Express News paper?
A. Q
B. R
C. W
D. S
E.None of these




Answer –C. W

9. Who among the following lives between P and W?

A. P
B. R
C. S
D. U
E.None of these


Answer –D. U

10. Which of the following is true as per the arrangement?

A. 4-R-The Times of India
D. 3-Q-The Economic Times
E. None of these


Answer – E. None of these

I. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

Ten students namely viz A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J of ten different colleges but not necessarily in the same order
have exam on five different days starting from Monday to Friday of the same week. Each student have exam at two
different time slots, i.e 08.00 AM or 11.00 A.M
Only two people have exam between F and J. Neither E nor G does not have exam on Friday. I has exam on Tuesday at
08.00 A.M. H does not have exam at 11.00 AM. The number of people who have exam between G and D is same as
the number of people who have exam between C and H. D does not have exam on any one of the days after E. F does
not have exam on any of the days after H. B has exam immediately before I. I does not have exam on any of the days



before G. The one who has exam at 08.00 A.M. immediately before J. D has exam immediately after the day of one
who has exam on Monday. F does not have exam at 11.00 A.M. Only three people have exam between G and E.


Person Day Time Slot

G Mon 08.00 AM
B Mon 11.00 AM
I Tue 08.00 AM
D Tue 11.00 AM
E Wed 08.00 AM
C Wed 11.00 AM
F Thu 08.00 AM
A Thu 11.00 AM
H Fri 08.00 AM
J Fri 11.00 AM

1. How many persons have exam at 11’0 clock between E and H?

A. 5
B. 6
C. 2
D. 4
E. None of these.


Answer – C. 2

2. Who among the following person has exam at 8 A.M?

A. J
B. H
C. A
D. C
E. D




Answer – B. H

3. Four among the following form a group in a certain way. Which of the following does not belong to Group?
A. B – Tuesday
B. D – Wednesday
C. G – Tuesday
D. A – Friday
E. H – Friday


Answer – E. H – Friday

4. Which of the following is correctly matched?

A. I – Monday
B. D – Tuesday
C. B – Friday
D. G – Tuesday
E. I – Wednesday


Answer – B. D – Tuesday

5. Who among the following have exam on Friday?

A. A, B
B. C, D
C. E, G
D. H, J
E. G, I


Answer – D. H, J

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.



Eight boxes namely A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are placed from top to bottom not in the same order. They contain
different types of flowers namely viz Jasmine, Rose, Lily, Lotus, Sunflower, Tulip, Orchid and Chrysanthemum. Boxes
are made up of different materials among steel, plastic, wood and Aluminum box. Exactly two boxes are made of
same material. Consider the box kept at top as 1st position.

Box D which is made up of plastic kept two places above B and both are in the top 4 positions when boxes are
arranged from top to bottom. The box containing Lotus is kept immediately below wooden box and made up
of same material as D. Box C is kept somewhere between G and H and H being below C. The two Aluminum boxes are
kept vertically adjacent to each other. Lily is kept exactly middle between F and the box containing Tulip. H doesn’t
contain Jasmine. Box E kept two places below box G which is kept immediately below the box containing Lotus. The
box containing Chrysanthemum is placed at even numbered place but is not placed at the bottom. The steel box
which kept at the top either contains Jasmine or Orchid. Box E, not made up of Aluminum. F which contains Sunflower
is made up of wood. The box containing Rose is made up of wood. C doesn’t contain Jasmine or Chrysanthemum.


Position Box Flower Box Type

1 A Jasmine Steel
2 D Chrysanthemum Plastic
3 F Sunflower Wood
4 B Lotus Plastic
5 G Lily Aluminium
6 C Orchid Aluminium
7 E Tulip Steel
8 H Rose Wood

6. Which of the following box contains Rose?

A. A
B. D
C. F
D. H
E. None of these.


D. H

7. Which of the following box is made up of wood?

A. A, B
B. E, F
C. B, E
D. D, G
E. H, F


E. H, F

8. Which of the following statements is true?

A. B which contains Lotus is made up of wood
B. G which is placed at 5th position is made up of plastic material
C. E which contains Tulip is not made up of steel
D. H is placed at bottom and is made up of steel.
E. None of these


E. None of these

9. Which of the following is correctly matched?

A. G – Lily – Plastic
B. F – Sunflower – Wood
C. H – Rose – Steel
D. E – Tulip – Plastic
E. D – Chrysanthemum – Wood


B. F – Sunflower – Wood

10. What does box G contain?




D.Sand Wich



I. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seven people live on seven different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same order.
The lowermost floor of the building is numbered 1, the one above that is numbered 2 and so on till the topmost floor is
numbered 7. Each person likes different vegetables namely Potato, Brinjal, Carrot, Tomato, Drumstick, Cabbage, and
Cauli flower.

Three persons live between the one who likes Potato and the one who likes Brinjal. The one who likes Potato lives one
of the floors above the floor numbered 4. Three persons live between the one who likes Drumstick and the one who
likes Cauli flower. The person who lives on the ground floor like neither Carrot nor Brinjal. The one who likes Carrot lives
on one of the floors below the floor numbered 4. The person who likes Cabbage does not live on one of the floors below
the floor numbered 4. The person who likes Potato and Drumstick live on one of the floors above the floor numbered 4.
The person who lives on the top most floor does not like Potato. Three persons live between the one who likes Cabbage
and the one who likes Carrot. A lives between B and E. B lives on one of the floors above E. A lives on an odd numbered
floor but not on the floor numbered three. Only one person lives between A and G. F lives immediately below the one
who likes Carrot. Only two persons live between E and C. C does not live on the top most floor. G does not like Carrot.


Floor Persons Vegetables

7 G Cabbage
6 B Potato
5 A Drumstick
4 E Tomato
3 D Carrot
2 F Brinjal
1 C Cauli flower



1. Which among the following is liked by B?

A. Tomato
B. Carrot
C. Potato
D. Cauli Flower
E. None of these


C. Potato

2. Which of the following combination is true as per the given arrangement?

A. A – 5 – Drumstick
B. C – 3 – Tomato
C. B – 5 – Carrot
D. F – 2 – Cauli flower
E. None of these.


A. A – 5 – Drumstick

3. Who among the following lives in floor no 3?

A. A
B. C
C. D
D. F
E. None of these.


C. D

4. Four among the following form a group in a certain way. Which of the following does not belong to Group?
A. G – Cauli Flower
B. A – Carrot



C. B – Brinjal
D. F – Potato
E. D – Tomato


E. D – Tomato

5. Who among the following likes Cauli flower?

A. A
B. C
C. D
D. F
E. None of these.


B. C

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

Eight people P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W were born in three different months(of the same year) but not necessarily in the
same order, namely March, June and December such that not less than two people and not more than three people
were born in a month. Each of them also likes different watches namely Fastrack, Titan, Fossil, Giordano, Timex, Casio,
Maxima and Steve Madden but not necessarily in the same order. Each goes to eight different places namely Agra, Delhi,
Mysuru, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bengaluru, Kochi and Mumbai but not in necessarily same order

R likes Steve Madden and was born in the same month as T. Only Q and W were born in March. R was not born in
December. The one who likes Timex was born in the month which has 30 days only. U was not born in the same month
as T. S likes Giordano and born in the same month as U. V does not like Timex. The one who likes Maxima and the one
who likes Fossil were born in the same month, The one who likes Maxima was not born in the same month as W. U does
not like Maxima. The one who likes Fastrack was born in the same month as P. Q does not like Titan. T does not like
Timex. Three people are there between the one who goes to Chennai on one of the months which has more than 30
days and the one who goes to Bengaluru on one of the months which has less than 31 days. Three people are there
between the one who goes to Kochi on one of the months which has more than 30 days and the one who goes to Delhi



on one of the months which has more than 30 days. Three people are there between the one who goes to Hyderabad on
one of the months which has less than 31 days and the one who goes to Mysuru on one of the months which has more
than 30 days. V goes to neither Mumbai nor Chennai. W does not go to Delhi.


Persons Months Watches University

Q March Casio Chennai
W March Titan Kochi
R June Steve Madden Hyderabad
T June Fastrack Mumbai
P June Timex Bengaluru
S December Giordano Delhi
U December Fossil Mysuru
V December Maxima Agra

6. As per the given arrangement which of the following combination represents only the people who were
born in December?.
A. T, V
B. U, P, T
C. V, U
D. P, T
E. U, V, S


Answer – E. U, V, S

7. As per the given arrangement which of the following person represent the one who was born in the same
month as the one who likes Casio?
A. U
B. P
C. R
D. T
E. W




Answer – E. W

8. Which of the following Watches does T like as per the given arrangement?
A. Casio
B. Titan
C. Fastrack
D. Fossil
E. Other than those given as options


Answer – C. Fastrack

9. Which of the following combinations is correct as per the given arrangement?

A. December – Titan – Bengaluru
B. June – Casio – Chennai
C. June – Fossil – Agra
D. March – Fastrack – Hyderabad
E. December – Fossil – Mysuru


Answer – E. December – Fossil – Mysuru

10. Who amongst the following goes to Kochi as per the given arrangement?
A. P
B. V
C. U
D. W
E. T


Answer – D. W



I. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seven people live on seven different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same order.
The lowermost floor of the building is numbered 1, the one above that is numbered 2 and so on till the topmost floor is
numbered 7. Each one of them earns different amount per month. i.e. 20000, 15000, 10000, 25000,30000, 35000 and
40000. (But not necessarily in the same order.). Each person likes different e-commerce websites namely Myntra,
Shopclues, Jabong, Snapdeal, Flipkart, Amazon, and E-bay.

Three persons live between the one who likes Myntra and the one who likes Shopclues. The one who likes Myntra lives
one of the floors above the floor numbered 4. Three persons live between the one who likes Flipkart and the one who
likes Ebay. The person who lives on the ground floor does not like neither Jabong nor Shopclues. The one who likes
Jabong lives on one of the floors below the floor numbered 4. The person who likes Amazon does not live on one of the
floors below the floor numbered 4. The person who likes Myntra and Flipkart live on one of the floors above the floor
numbered 4. The person who lives on the top most floor does not like Myntra. The one who earns Rs.20000 lives
immediately above the one who earns Rs.40000. The one who earns Rs.15000 lives on one of the odd numbered floors
above D. Only three people live between C and the one who earns 15000. The one who earns Rs.10000 lives
immediately above C. F earns 10000. Three persons live between the one who likes Amazon and the one who likes
Jabong. Only one person lives between B and E. B lives on one of the floors above E. Neither C nor A earns Rs.25000.
E does not earn Rs. 10000. A lives on an odd numbered floor but not on the floor numbered three. The one who
earns Rs.30000 lives immediately above A. Only two people live between A and the one who earns Rs.10000.


Floor Persons Salary E-Commerce

7 G 25000 Amazon
6 B 30000 Myntra
5 A 15000 Flipkart
4 E 20000 Snapdeal
3 D 40000 Jabong
2 F 10000 Shopclues
1 C 35000 Ebay

1. Which among the following is the salary of B?

A. Rs. 20000
B. Rs. 40000

C. Rs. 35000
D. Rs. 30000
E. None of these


D. Rs. 30000

2. Which of the following combination is true as per the given arrangement?

A. A – 15000 – Flipkart
B. C – 30000 – Snapdeal
C. B – 35000 – Jabong
D. F – 20000 – Ebay
E. None of these.


A. A – 15000 – Flipkart

3. Who among the following lives in floor no 3?

A. A
B. C
C. D
D. F
E. None of these.


C. D

4. Four among the following form a group in a certain way.Which of the following does not belong to Group?
A. G – 15000
B. A – 40000
C. B – 20000
D. F – 40000
E. E – 10000




D. F – 40000

5. Who among the following likes E-bay?

A. A
B. C
C. D
D. F
E. None of these.


B. C

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

Eight people P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W were born in three different months(of the same year) but not necessarily in the
same order, namely March, June and December such that not less than two people and not more than three people
were born in a month. Each of them also likes a different fruit namely Guava, Peach, Banana, Cherry, Mango, Orange,
Kiwi and apple but not necessarily in the same order. Each goes to Eight different Universities namely Indian Institute of
Science, University of Delhi, Banaras Hindu University, Osmania University, IIT Madras, Shivaji University, Dr. APJ Abdul
Kalam Technical University and University of Mumbai but not in necessarily same order

Only Q and W were born in March. R likes Apple and was born in the same month as T.
R was not born in December. The one who likes Mango was born in the month which has 30 days only. U was not born in
the same month as T. S likes Cherry and born in the same month as U. V does not like Mango. The one who likes Kiwi
and the one who likes Banana were born in the same month, The one who likes Kiwi was not born in the same month as
W. U does not like Kiwi. The one who likes Guava was born in the same month as P. Q does not like Peach. T does not
like Mango. Three people are there between the one who goes to IIT Madras on one of the months which has more than
30 days and the one who goes to Shivaji University on one of the months which has less than 31 days. Three people are
there between the one who goes to Dr. APJ Technical University on one of the months which has more than 30 days and
the one who goes to University of Delhi on one of the months which has more than 30 days. Three people are there
between the one who goes to Osmania University on one of the months which has less than 30 days and the one who



goes to Banaras Hindu University on one of the months which has more than 30 days. V does not go to
Neither University of Mumbai nor IIT Madras. W does not go to University of Delhi.


Persons Months Fruits University

Q March Orange IIT Madras
W March Peach Dr.APJ Technical
R June Apple Osmania
T June Guava University of Mumbai
P June Mango Shivaji
S December Cherry University of Delhi
U December Banana Banaras Hindu Univ
V December Kiwi Indian Institute of Science

6. As per the given arrangement which of the following combination represents only the people who were
born in December?.
A. T, V
B. U, P, T
C. V, U
D. P, T
E. U, V, S


Answer – E. U, V, S

7. As per the given arrangement which of the following person represent the one who was born in the same
month as the one who likes Orange?
A. U
B. P
C. R
D. T
E. W




Answer – E. W

8. Which of the following fruits does T like as per the given arrangement?
A. Orange
B. Peach
C. Guava
D. Banana
E. Other than those given as options


Answer – C. Guava

9. Which of the following combinations is correct as per the given arrangement?

A. December – Peach – Shivaji
B. June – Orange – IIT Madras
C. June – Banana – Indian Institute of Science
D. March – Guava – Osmania
E. December – Banana – Banaras Hindu University


Answer – E. December – Banana – Banaras Hindu University

10. Who amongst the following goes to APJ Technical University as per the given arrangement?
A. P
B. V
C. U
D. W
E. T


Answer – D. W

I. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions



Seven People – A, B, C, D, E, F, and G live in eight different floors of the building (but not necessarily in the same
order). One of the floors in the building is vacant. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered one, the one above
that is numbered two, and so on till the topmost floor is numbered eight. Each one of them also owns different brands
of laptops, namely Lenovo, Dell, HP, Samsung, Apple, Asus and TOSHIBA (but not necessarily in the same order).

The number of people leaving above F is same as the number of floors between F and D. F lives an odd numbered floor
above the floor numbered four. Only one person lives between B and the one who owns Samsung. Only three floors
between D and the one who owns Apple. The one who owns Asus lives immediately above G, G owns neither Apple nor
HP. E does not own Asus. Only three floors between G and A. The one who owns TOSHIBA lives immediately above the
one who owns Lenovo, but not on the topmost floor. C lives one of the odd numbered floors above the one who owns
Apple. The number of floors between F and the one who owns DELL is only one. Only one person lives between the one
who owns TOSHIBA and the vacant floor. Only two people live between C and vacant floor. Two persons live between
the one who likes Black colour and the one who likes Yellow Colour. Only one person lives between the one who likes
Yellow and the one who likes White. There are two floors between the one who likes Orange and Brown. Four persons
live between the one who likes Red and Blue. The one who likes Yellow colour lives on one of the floors above the floor
numbered four. The person who lives on the sixth floor does not like white. The one who likes Red colour lives
immediately above the one who likes Orange.


Floor No Person Laptop Colour

8 B HP Black
7 C Asus Red
6 G Samsung Orange
5 F Apple Yellow
4 _ _ _
3 E DELL Brown
1 D Lenovo Blue

1. Which of the following Statements is true with respect to the given information?
A. G lives immediately above the one who likes Yellow.
B. E lives immediately above C
C. Only three people live between F and the one who owns TOSHIBA.



D. D owns Samsung.
E. All the given statements are true.


Answer – A. G lives immediately above the one who likes Yellow.

2. Who amongst the following lives exactly between the vacant floor and the one who owns Lenovo Laptop?
A. B, C
B. G, D
C. F, G
D. A, B
E. E, A


Answer – E. E, A

3. Which of the following floor is vacant?

A. 5
B. 7
C. 4
D. 3
E. 6


Answer – C. 4

4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which one of the following does
not belong to the group?
A. G – HP
B. C – Apple
C. F – Samsung
D. E – Lenovo




Answer – C. F – Samsung

5. How many people live between C and the one who likes Brown colour?
A. Four
B. Three
C. None
D. Five
E. Two


Answer – E. Two

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

Seven students namely viz A, B, C, D, E, F and G of seven different colleges have the seminar on seven different days,
namely viz Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the same week but necessarily in
the same order. Each student stays in a hostel in different floor. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered 1, the
one above that is numbered 2 and so on till the topmost floor is numbered 7.
G stayed on the second floor and has a seminar on Wednesday. The one who stayed on the first floor has a seminar on
Saturday. B has a seminar immediately before E. B does not have the seminar on any of the days after G. The one who
stayed on the seventh floor does not have a seminar on any of the days on or before Friday. The one who stayed on the
third floor has a seminar immediately after C. E does not stay on the fifth floor. The one who stays on the sixth floor
does not have a seminar immediately before or after G. F does not have any seminar on Sunday and does not live on the
third floor. D does not have the seminar on any one of the days before A. Two persons live between the one who likes
5Star and the one who likes Kitkat. Only one person lives between the one who likes Kitkat and the one who likes
Munch. Two persons live between the one who likes Munch and Snickers. Four persons live between the one who likes
Dairy Milk and Bournville. The one who likes 5star lives on one of the floors above the floor numbered three. The
persons who live on the fourth and fifth floor don’t like Snickers. The one who likes Munch lives immediately below the
one who likes Dairy Milk.




Floor Person Day Chocolate

7 D Sunday Kitkat
6 B Monday Dairy Milk
5 C Thursday Munch
4 E Tuesday 5star
3 A Friday Perk
2 G Wednesday Snickers
1 F Saturday Bournville

6. F stays on which of the following floor?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. None of these.


A. 1

7. Who among the following person likes Munch?

A. A
B. C
C. B
D. F
E. E


B. C

8. Four among the following form a group in a certain way. Which of the following does not belong to Group?
A. D – Monday
B. C – Tuesday
C. A – Wednesday



D. G – Saturday
E. E – Sunday


E. E – Sunday

9. Which of the following is correctly matched?

A. D – Monday – Kitkat
B. C – Tuesday – Munch
C. A – Friday – Perk
D. G – Saturday – Snickers
E. E – Sunday – Kitkat


C. A – Friday – Perk

10. Who among the following has the seminar on Sunday?

A. A
B. C
C. B
D. D
E. E


D. D

I. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

Eight People – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H live in ten different floors of a building (but not necessarily in the same
order). Two of the floors in the building is vacant. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered one, the one above
that is numbered two, and so on till the topmost floor is numbered ten. Each one of them also likes different mobiles,
namely Lenovo, Apple, ONE PLUS, HTC, Samsung, Oppo, ASUS and Sony(but not necessarily in the same order). Each one
of them also participates in different number of events starting from 1 to 10.



The one who likes SONY and APPLE not live on the floors numbered 8 and 7 respectively. The one who likes HTC lives
immediately below the floor on which C lives. The number of people living below F is same as the number of people
living between F and H. Only three floors between D and the one who likes Samsung. The number of floors between the
one who likes ASUS and the one who likes HTC is two. The one who likes Oppo lives immediately above G. F lives an odd
numbered floor above the floor numbered four. The top most floor is vacant. Only one person lives between B and the
one who likes HTC. Only three floors between G and A. The one who likes SONY lives immediately above the one who
likes Lenovo. C lives one of the odd numbered floors above the one who likes Samsung. The number of floors between
F and the one who likes APPLE is only one. Only one person lives between the one who likes SONY and the vacant floor.
Only two people live between C and vacant floor. The number of floors between two vacant floors is five. Total number
of events participated by B is one less than that of the total number of events participated by H. Total number of events
participated by the person who lives on ground floor is the square of the total number of events participated by B. Total
number of events participated by A is the difference of number of events participated by D and H. Total number of
events participated by C is one less than that of B. Total number of events participated by F is one more than that of G.
Total number of events participated by E is one more than that of F. Total number of events participated by G is the
multiple of number of events participated by B and C. Total number of events participated by the one who likes Asus is


Floor No Person Mobile Number of events

10 _ _ _
9 H ASUS 4
7 C Oppo 2
6 G HTC 6
5 F Samsung 7
4 _ _ _
3 E Apple 8
2 A Sony 5
1 D Lenovo 9

1. Which of the following Statements is true with respect to the given information?
A. G lives immediately above the one who likes Samsung
B. E lives immediately above C
C. Only three people live between F and the one who likes SONY.



D. D likes HTC.
E. All the given statements are true


Answer – A. G lives immediately above the one who likes Samsung

2. Who amongst the following participates in 5 events?

A. B
B. G
C. F
D. A
E. C


Answer – D. A

3. Which of the following floor is immediately above the vacant floor?

A. 5
B. 7
C. 4
D. 3
E. 6


Answer -A. 5

4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which one of the following does
not belong to the group?
B. C – Samsung
C. F – HTC
D. E – Lenovo




Answer – C. F – HTC

5. How many people live between C and D?

A. Four
B. Three
C. None
D. Five
E. Two


Answer –A. Four

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

Twelve students namely viz A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K of twelve different colleges have Conference in six different
months namely viz January, February, June, July, September and October on twelve different days i.e., (all persons have
different dates) from 9th to 20th of any month but not necessarily in the same order. Two students must have
Conference in the same month. Each student stays in a hostel in different floor. The ground floor of the building is
numbered 1, the one above that is numbered 2 and so on till the topmost floor is numbered 12.
There are five floors between the person who have Conference in June. The persons who have Conference in June does
not occupy the floor above the floor numbered 10 and also not occupy the floor below the floor numbered 4. G
stayed on the second floor and has a Conference on 19th. The one who stayed on the first floor has a Conference in
September. E has a Conference on the date immediately after the date on which K has Conference. There are two
persons live between G and H. The floor number and the Conference date is same for the person B. The person who has
Conference on 15th lives immediately below E. K has Conference on one of the dates after 12 and before 16. There are
four persons live between K and E. K has Conference in the month of June. B and I have Conference in the same month
which has 31 days. D who lived in floor numbered 11, has the Conference in the month which has less than 30 days. Only
one person lives between two persons who have Conference in the month of October. The persons who have
Conference in the month of October live two of the floors above the floor numbered 6. There are five floors between B
and I. There are six floors between the person J and the person who has Conference in the month of September. The
person F stays in a middle between the person E and C. L does not have Conference in the month of June. The person
who has Conference on 17th lives immediately above the person who has Conference on 20. H does not have

Conference on 20th. L does not have Conference on 16th. There is only one person lives between the persons who have
Conference in the month of July. There are four floors between the persons who have Conference on 19th and 10th. The
person who has Conference on 17th lives immediately above the person who has Conference on 20th. H does not have
Conference on 20th. A does not have Conference on 11th. The person who has Conference on 18th lives immediately
above the person who has Conference on 11.


Floor Person Month Date

12 B January 12
11 D February 17
10 A June 20
9 E October 14
8 F September 15
7 C October 10
6 I January 18
5 H July 11
4 K June 13
3 L July 9
2 G February 19
1 J September 16

6. F stays on which of the following floor?

A. 12
B. 8
C. 7
D. 4
E. None of these.


B. 8

7. Who among the following has Conference in September?

A. A, B
B. J, F



C. B, E
D. D, G
E. E, G


B. J, F

8. Four among the following form a group in a certain way. Which of the following does not belong to Group?
A. C – October
B. J – September
C. F – September
D. B – January
E. E – October


C. F – September. Except F, others have Conference on even numbered dates.

9. Which of the following is correctly matched?

A. 12 – B – June – 17
B. 12 – F – June – 17
C. 2 – G – February – 19
D. 2 – G – September – 19
E. E – Sunday – July


C. 2 – G – February – 19

10. Who among the following has Conference on 20th?

A. A
B. C
C. B
D. D
E. J




A. A

I.Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

Seven Members Sania, Kamal, Pankaj, Anand, Arjun, Shewag and Sreejesh represents seven different states Madhya
Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Kerala, Haryana, Odisha and Maharashtra in seven different games Hockey, Chess,
Cricket, Badminton, Table Tennis, Golf and Billiards. The order of persons, states and games is not nescessarily in the
same order.

 Anand represents Kerala in chess. Arjun represents golf team but not from Maharashtra or Uttar Pradesh.
 Sania represents Madhya Pradesh for either badminton or table tennis. Pankaj represents Odisha but not for
cricket or Table tennis.
 The one who represents Bihar represent in Table tennis. The one who represents Hockey represents Uttar
 Shewag represents Cricket and from Neither Bihar nor Uttar Pradesh.Sreejesh does not represent Bihar.


Members Sates Games

Sania Madhya Pradesh Badminton
Kamal Bihar Table tennis
Pankaj Odisha Billiards
Anand Kerala Chess
Arjun Haryana Golf
Shewag Maharashtra Cricket
Sreejesh Uttar Pradesh Hockey

1. Who among the following represent Bihar ?

5.None of these

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2. Which of the following combination is correct ?

1.Pankaj – Kerala
2.Kamal – Cricket
3.Shewag – Maharashtra
4.Anand – Golf
5.None of these


3.Shewag – Maharashtra

3. Who represents Badminton ?

5.None of these



4. Four among the following form a group in a certain way.Which of the following does not belong to Group
1.Sania-Table Tennis – Bihar
2.Anand –Kerala – Billiards
3.Arjun –Haryana – Golf
4.Pankaj-Uttar Pradesh – Hockey
5.Sreejesh – Chess – Madhya Pradesh


3.Arjun –Haryana – Golf

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5. Who among the following represents Uttar Pradesh ?

5.None of these



II.Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

Eight people R, Q, P , O, N and M work in three different companies TCS, CTS and WIPRO. Out of these, two are female
who work in different companies and have different specialisations.

 Two of them are specialist in Finance, two in HR, two in Marketing and One in Research Department and
analysing department.
 Q working in a company TCS has specialized in HR and her friend N, a finance specialist is working in Wipro.
 M is Specialized in HR, and working with S, a marketing specialist. No two people with the same
specialisation work together.
 O is a specialist in marketing , working in CTS and his friend T has specialized in finance and working in TCS
with only one another specialist.
 No more than three of them work in Wipro. No female is a researcher or an analyser.


Person Company Specialization

T(M) TCS Finance
S(M/F) Wipro Marketing
R(M) CTS Research Analysing
P(M) CTS Analysing/ Research
O(M) CTS Marketing
N(M/F) Wipro Finance
M(M) Wipro HR

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6. R is specialized in which of the following ?

4.Can’t be determined
5.None of these


4.Can’t be determined

7. Which of the following pair represents female ?

4.Either 1 or 2
5.Either 1 or 3


4.Either 1 or 2

8. Who among the following is working in TCS ?

5.None of these



9. Which of the following is correctly matched ?

1.P – CTS – Marketing
2.Q – Wipro – HR

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3.S – TCS – Fiance

4.M – Wipro – HR
5.None of these


4.M – Wipro – HR

10. Who among the following specialised in HR ?

4.Both 1 and 2
5.All of these


4.Both 1 and 2

I. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seven people live on seven different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same order.
The lower most floor of the building is numbered 1, the one above that is numbered 2 and so on till the topmost floor is
numbered 7. Each one of them earn different amount per month. i.e. 20000, 15000, 10000, 25000,30000, 35000 and
40000. (But not necessarily in the same order.)

The one who earn Rs.20000 lives immediately above the one who earns Rs.40000. Only one person lives between B and
E. B lives on one of the floors above E. Neither C nor A earns Rs.25000. E does not earn Rs. 10000. A lives on an odd
numbered floor but not on the floor numbered three. The one who earns Rs.30000 lives immediately above A. Only two
people live between A and the one who earns Rs.10000. The one who earns Rs.15000 lives on one of the odd numbered
floors above D. Only three people live between C and the one who earns 15000. The one who earn Rs.10000 lives
immediately above C. F earns 10000.


Floor Persons Salary

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7 G 25000
6 B 30000
5 A 15000
4 E 20000
3 D 40000
2 F 10000
1 C 35000

1. Which among the following is the salary of B?

A. Rs. 20000
B. Rs. 40000
C. Rs. 35000
D. Rs. 30000
E. None of these


D. Rs. 30000

2. Which of the following combination is true as per the given arrangement?

A. A – 15000
B. C – 30000
C. B – 35000
D. F – 20000
E. None of these.


A. A – 15000

3. Who among the following lives in floor no 3 ?

A. A
B. C
C. D
D. F
E. None of these.

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C. D

4. Four among the following form a group in a certain way.Which of the following does not belong to Group ?
A. G – 15000
B. A – 40000
C. B – 20000
D. F – 40000
E. E – 10000


D. F – 40000

5. Who among the following earns Rs. 35000 ?

A. A
B. C
C. D
D. F
E. None of these.


B. C

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

Seven students namely viz A, B, C, D, E, F and G of seven different colleges have seminar on seven different days, namely
viz Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the same week but necessarily in the same
order. Each student stays in a hostel in different floor. The lower most floor of the building is numbered 1, the one
above that is numbered 2 and so on till the topmost floor is numbered 7.
G stayed in the second floor and has a seminar on Wednesday. The one who stayed in the first floor has a seminar on
Saturday. B has a seminar immediately before E. B does not have seminar on any of the days after G. The one who
stayed in the seventh floor does not have a seminar on any of the days on or before Friday. The one who stayed in the
third floor has a seminar immediately after C. E does not stay in the fifth floor. The one who stays in sixth floor does not

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have a seminar immediately before or after G. F does not have any seminar on Sunday and does not live in third floor. D
does not have seminar on any one of the days before A.


Floor Person Day

7 D Sunday
6 B Monday
5 C Thursday
4 E Tuesday
3 A Friday
2 G Wednesday
1 F Saturday

6. F stays in which of the following floor?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. None of these.


A. 1

7. Who among the following person stays in 5th floor ?

A. A
B. C
C. B
D. F
E. E


B. C

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8. Four among the following form a group in a certain way. Which of the following does not belong to Group
A. D – Monday
B. C – Tuesday
C. A – Wednesday
D. G – Saturday
E. E – Sunday


E. E – Sunday

9. Which of the following is correctly matched?

A. D – Monday
B. C – Tuesday
C. A – Friday
D. G – Saturday
E. E – Sunday


C. A – Friday

10. Who among the following have seminar on Sunday?

A. A
B. C
C. B
D. D
E. E


D. D

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Box Puzzle Questions

with solutions

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Question 1-5

Eight boxes – P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are placed one above the another but not necessarily in
the same order.
Three boxes are placed between S and Q. Two boxes are placed between T and Q. Two boxes are
placed between P and W. W is placed immediately below Q. Two boxes are placed between R
and V. Two boxes are placed between P and U. Box V is not placed at the bottom.

1. How many boxes are placed between S and R?

 two
 none
 three
 five
 one

2. Which box is at bottom most position?

 R
 Q
 W
 V
 Can't be determined

3. Which box is placed just above box W?

 S
 P
 R
 V
 Q

4. How many boxes are there between P and R ?

 2
 1
 4
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 5
 3

5. Who is the immediate neighbour of box T ?

 S
 Q
 R
 V
 W

Question 6-10
A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seven different boxes of different colours i.e. Black, Orange, Red,
Pink, Yellow,
White and Green but not necessarily in the same order.
Box B is not placed below D. Box which is of Black colour is immediately above A. There are
Only two box between D and the box which is of Black colour and Box D is above the Black
colour box. Box which is of Red colour is above D but not immediately above D. Only three box
are between C and the box which is of Red colour. The box which is of Green colour is
immediately above C. The box which is of Pink colour is immediately above box G. Only one box
is there between B and E. Neither box B nor A is of Yellow colour. A is not of Orange colour.

6. How many boxes are placed between green colored box and F?

 none
 one
 two
 three
 four

7. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which one of the
following does not belong to the group?

 Black box – G
 Orange box - D
 Green box – C
 Red box – B

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 Yellow box – E

8. Which of the following box is of yellow colour?

 A
 E
 B
 D
 None of these

9. Which box is placed exactly between Black colored box and E?

 green colored box

 orange colored box
 yellow colored box
 pink colored box
 None of these.

10. Which of the following Statements is true with respect to the given information?

 Yellow colored box is placed immediately above Red box

 Black box is the top.
 Orange colored box is placed immediately above D
 Three boxes are placed between red colored box and E.
 None of these.

Solution of Question 1-10

Ans 1-5

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Ans 1 d
Ans 2 a
Ans 3 e
Ans 4 e
Ans 5 a
Ans 6-10

Ans 6 c
Ans 7 a
Ans 8 d
Ans 9 d
Ans 10 c

Direction (Q.1-5): Study the following carefully and answer the question given below:
Eight boxes A, B, C, E, F, G, M and N are placed one above the another but not necessarily in
the same order. Each of them has different colours i.e. Black, Orange, Red, Green, Yellow,
Purple, Blue and Brown.
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1. There are only three boxes between B and M.

2. Yellow and black coloured boxes are not on the consecutive places.
3. A box which is immediate above yellow coloured box is neither blue nor purple coloured box.
4. G is an orange coloured box but not on the top.
5. There are only two boxes below red coloured box.
6. Blue coloured box is above purple coloured box.
7. Neither M nor F is a purple coloured box.
8. There are only two boxes between orange and black coloured box.
9. Number of boxes between A and F is same as the number of boxes between A and N.
10. Yellow coloured box is one place above box C.
11. Box B and box G are on the consecutive places.
12. Green coloured box is immediate below box M.
13. Orange and Black coloured boxes are above Red coloured box.

Q.1 Which of the following box has blue colour?

(A) B
(B) C
(C) M
(D) G
(E) E

Q.2 If all the boxes arranged in alphabetically order from the top, how many boxes will
remain their original position?
(A) None
(B) 1
(C) 4
(D) 3
(E) 2

Q.3 Which of the following pair is correct?

(A) F - Brown
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(B) E - Orange
(C) B - Yellow
(D) A - Black
(E) None of these

Q.4 Box M has which of the following colour?

(A) Blue
(B) Purple
(C) Black
(D) Red
(E) None of these

Q.5 Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which of
them does not belong to the group?
(A) E - B
(B) C - M
(C) N - A
(D) B - N
(E) G - N

Answer 1. (E) E
Answer 2. (B) 1
Answer 3. (C) B - Yellow
Answer 4. (E) None of these
Answer 5. (D) B - N

Detailed Explanation:
8 E Blue
7 G Orange
6 B Yellow
5 N Purple
4 C Black
3 A Red

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2 M Brown
1 F Green
Step Wise Solution:
1. There are only three boxes between B and M.
12. Green coloured box is immediate below box M.
11. Box B and box G are on the consecutive places.
4. G is an orange coloured box but not on the top.
8. There are only two boxes between orange and black coloured box.
13. Orange and Black coloured boxes are above Red coloured box.
5. There are only two boxes below red coloured box.
2. Yellow and black coloured boxes are not on the consecutive places.
3. A box which is immediate above yellow coloured box is neither blue nor purple coloured box.
10. Yellow coloured box is one place above box C.
9. Number of boxes between A and F is same as the number of boxes between A and N.
6. Blue coloured box is above purple coloured box.
7. Neither M nor F is a purple coloured box.

Directions (1-5)Read the given information carefully and answer the given questions.

There are five units i.e 1,2,3,4 and 5 .Each unit has a different height. Also each unit contains
books and boxes. Unit 2 is above Unit 1 and unit 3 is above Unit 2 and so on. Every unit belongs
to different city i.e Beijing, Paris, London, Sydney and Zurich. The total height of all five units is
equal to 252 ft.
• Total height of unit is equal to the total height of books plus total height of boxes in each unit.
• Height of books is not equal to the height of boxes, unless specified.
The books belongs to London is an even unit. The total height of Unit 1 is 75 ft. Sydney is not a
Unit 1.The total height of unit, which belongs to Sydney, is 55 ft. There is only one gap between
London and Paris. The height of books and height of boxes in unit 3 are equal. The height of
books in Unit 2 is not less than 30 ft. The books is Unit 4 are four more than books, which is in
Unit 3.The total height of London is not 37 ft. The total height of unit, which contains 37 ft is not
taking the place which is immediately above a unit, which contains 20 ft more than the unit,
which belongs to Sydney. The height of boxes in Unit 2 is 23 ft. Unit belongs to Zurich does not
contain the equal height of books and boxes. The total height of Unit 2 is an odd number and
height is more than 50 ft and less than 55 ft. Unit 1 contains 23 ft height of boxes more than Unit
4 contains height of boxes and Unit 5 contains 7 ft height of boxes less than Unit 1 contains.

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1)What is the total height in Unit 3 ?

A)37 ft
B)32 ft
C)53 ft
D)75 ft
E)80 ft

2)Unit 3 belongs to which city ?


3)If’Sydney’ is related to 37 ft in the same way as Bejing is elated to 53 ft. Which of the following
is ‘Paris’ related to, following the same pattern ?
A)53 ft
B)37 ft
C)75 ft
D)32 ft
E)30 ft

4)Four of the following five are alike in a certain way ad hence they form a group . Which one of
the following does not belong to that group ?
B)32 ft
C)75 ft
E)37 ft

5)What is the eight of box in Unit 4 ?

A)23 ft
B)17 ft
C)27 ft
D)40 ft
E)20 ft

6)Which unit contains 30 ft book ?

A)Unit 2
B)Unit 3
C)Unit 1

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D)Unit 5
E)Unit 4

New pattern Box Puzzle Questions : Answers with Explanations


Unit Total height(252) Box Book City

5 55 27 28 Sydney
4 37 17 20 Paris
3 32 16 16 Beijing
2 53 23 30 London
1 75 40 35 Zurich

Directions (1-5)Read the given information carefully and answer the given questions.

Seven boxes-A,B,C,D,E,F and G are kept one above the other, but not necessarily in the same
order. Each Box has a different number Viz. 11,14,15,17,18,19 and 22 but not necessarily in the
same order.
Only. three boxes are kept between G and box number 19. Only two boxes are kept between G
and B . B is kept at one of the positions below box number 19. Only one box is kept between B
and box number 14. E is kept immediately below box number 22.E is kept at one of the places
above box number 19. There is only one box between E and the box having number less than E .
E’s box number is neither 17 or 18 .Only two boxes are kept between box number 15 and F .
Thee difference between F and the box immediately below it is less than four .C is not the
topmost box. C’s box number is not 4 . Only two boxes are kept between C and A.

• 1)What is the number of box C ?


• 2)How many boxes are kept between E and box number 14 ?


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D)More than 4

• 3)What is the position of D in the given stack of boxes ?

A)Third form the top
B)Fifth from the top
C)First from the top
D)Third from the bottom
E)Fourth from the bottom

• 4)Which of the following boxes is kept immediately above A ?

B)Box number 5
C)Box number 7
E)Box number 4

• 5)Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group . Which of the
following does not belong to the group ?

• 6)Which of the following boxes is numbered 8 ?


Box Type Reasoning Puzzle Questions : Answers


Box Number
D 22
E 15
C 19
B 11

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F 17
A 14
G 18

Directions (Q. 1-5): Study the given information carefully to answer the given question.
P, Q, R, S, T, U, and V are seven different boxes of different colors i.e. Black, Orange, Red,
Pink, Yellow, White, and Green but not necessarily in the same order.
Box Q is not placed below S. Box which is of Black color is immediately above P. There are only
two boxes between S and the box which is of Black color and Box S is above the Black color box.
The box which is of Red color is above S but not immediately above S. Only three boxes are
between R and the box which is of Red color. The box which is of Green color is immediately
above R. The box which is of Pink color is immediately above box V. Only one box is there
between Q and T. Neither box Q nor P is of Yellow color. P is not of Orange color.

Q: 1 How many boxes are placed between the green colored box and U?
(a) One (b) Two (c) Three
(d) Four (e) None

Q: 2 Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which one of
the following does not belong to the group?
(a) Black box – V (b) Orange box – S (c) Green box – R
(d)Red box – Q (e) Yellow box – T

Q: 3 Which of the following box is of yellow color?

(a) P (b) Q (c) R
(d) S (e) T

Q: 4 Which box is placed exactly between the Black colored box and T?
(a) Yellow box (b) Orange box (c) Green box
(d) Pink box (e) None of these

Q: 5 Which of the following Statements is true with respect to the given information?
(a) Yellow colored box is placed immediately above Red box

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(b) Black box is the top

(c) Orange colored box is placed immediately above S
(d) Three boxes are placed between red colored box and T
(e) None of these
Sol: 1-5:
Box Colour
U Red
Q Orange
S Yellow
T Green
R Pink
V Black
P White

1. (b)
2. (a)
3. (d)
4. (d)
5. (c)

Directions (1-5): Study the information and answer the given questions:
There are eight boxes viz. A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H. All the box are arranged from top to
There are four box between C and H. There are two box between H and A. There are three box
between A and F. There are two box between F and B. There is only one box between B and D.
The box D is not placed immediately above or immediately below the F. There are gap of two
box between E and G. The box E is placed one of the above on H but not on the top.

Q1. Which of the following box is at the bottom?

(a) G
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E

Q2. Which of the following box is immediately above the D?

(a) B
(b) E
(c) H
(d) C
(e) A

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Q3. How many boxes are placed between the box D and H ?
(a) Four
(b) Three
(c) Two
(d) One
(e) None of these

Q4. How many boxes are placed below the box E?

(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) No one.
(e) Four

Q5. If C is related to B and A is related to H in certain way, then D is related to ?

(a) B
(b) E
(c) H
(d) C
(e) A

Solution (1-5):

S1. Ans.(a)

S2. Ans.(d)

S3. Ans.(b)

S4. Ans.(c)

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S5. Ans.(b)

Directions (1 – 5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
There are 8 boxes which are colored with different colors – white, pink, green, blue, yellow, red,
orange and brown. Each of them contains a number written on them from 1 to 8 according to
which they are placed one above the other. The box containing number 1 is at the lowest place.
Each box has different sweets namely – Rasgulla, Laddu, Peda, Nankhatai, Jalebi, Gulab Jamun,
Petha and Burfi but not necessarily in the same order.
Only one box is there between pink box and the one which contains Jalebi. Number 4 is written
on the brown box. The number on red colored box is odd and is placed somewhere above the box
numbered four.
There are three boxes between blue box and the one which contains Gulab Jamun. The number
written on Green box is odd and is placed above the box which contains Gulab Jamun.The box
which contains Petha is placed immediately above orange colored box, which contains neither
Gulab jamun nor Rasgulla. The yellow box does not contain Petha. There are three boxes placed
between orange and white boxes. The box which contains Burfi is placed immediately above the
one which contains Laddu, but not at the topmost position. Only one box is there between red
colored box and the one which contains Peda. The number of boxes placed above red colored
box is same as the number of boxes placed between blue and red colored boxes. Only one box is
there between the one which contains Burfi and brown colored box. Two boxes are placed
between green colored box and the one which contains Rasgulla.

Which of the following Statements is true with respect to the given information?
A) Orange colored box is placed immediately above the one which contains Rasgula
B) Yellow colored box is placed immediately above green box
C) Three boxes are placed between red colored box and the one which contains Burfi.
D) Blue box contains Jalebi.
E) Number 7 is written on green colored box

Option E

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Which box is placed exactly between brown colored box and the one which contains Laddu?
A) yellow and red colored boxes
B) orange and blue colored boxes
C) pink and white colored boxes
D) green and red colored boxes
E) yellow and white colored boxes
Option E

Which of the following sweets does yellow box contain?

A) Burfi
B) Laddu
C) Peda
D) Jalebi
E) Petha

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Option C

Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which
one of the following does not belong to the group?
A. orange box – Nankhatai
B. green box – Gulab jamun
C. red box – Jalebi
D. brown box – Burfi
E. blue box – Peda
Option C

How many boxes are placed between green colored box and the one which contains Peda?
A) None
B) One
C) Two
D) Three
E) More than three
Option D

Directions (6 – 10): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
There are 7 boxes which are colored with different colors – White, Blue, Yellow, Green, Red,
Brown and Pink. They are placed one above the other. And contain different flavored cupcakes –
Mint Oreo, Chocolate, Blueberry, Mango, Lemon, Apple Pie and Cranberry, but not necessarily
in the same order.
Further information is as follows:
(i) Boxes containing Either Mango or Cranberry cupcake is on the top or first place respectively.

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(ii) The brown box is placed on 5th place from bottom.

(iii) The boxes containing Chocolate and Apple Pie cupcakes are placed consecutively.
(iv) White and Red colored boxes contain Mint Oreo and Lemon cupcakes respectively.
(v) Yellow and Brown boxes are placed at consecutive places.
(vi) Blue box, which contains Chocolate cupcake, and White box have one box in between them.
(vii) Yellow box, which contains Blueberry cupcake is placed just above the box containing
Apple Pie cupcake.

Box containing which cupcake is immediate next to box containing Lemon cupcake?
A) Chocolate
B) Mint Oreo
C) Either (A) or (B)
D) Blueberry
E) Mango
Option C

Brown colored box contains which flavored cupcake?

A) Apple Pie
B) Lemon
C) Chocolate
D) Either (A) or (B)
E) Cranberry
Option A

If the box at the lowest place is colored Green, then which colored box contains Mango

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A) Green
B) White
C) Red
D) Cannot be determined
E) None of these
Option D

The box containing Blueberry cupcake is at which position from below?

A) Second
B) Third
C) Sixth
D) Fourth
E) Fifth
Option C

If the topmost box contains Cranberry cupcake, then how many boxes are placed between
Chocolate and Cranberry cupcakes?
A) Two
B) Four
C) One
D) Three
E) None of these
Option A

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Directions (1 – 3): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
8 boxes – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are placed one above the another but not necessarily in the
same order.
Three boxes are placed between D and B. Two boxes are placed between E and B. Two boxes
are placed between A and H. H is placed immediately below B. Two boxes are placed between C
and G. Two boxes are placed between A and F.
How many boxes are placed between D and C?
A) Two
B) None
C) Three
D) Five
E) One
Option A
Three boxes are placed between D and B. Two boxes are placed between E and B. H is placed
immediately below B. 4 possibilities:
– – – E
– – – –
– – – –
E – H H
– – – –
– – E –
– –
– E

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Two boxes are placed between A and H. Two boxes are placed between A and F.
– – – E
– – A A
F – – –
E – H H
A A – –
– – E –
– –
– E
Only 1st possibility is possible. And now Two boxes are placed between C and G.
So from top to bottom – F > D > E > A > C/G > B > H > C/G

If C is placed above G, which box is at bottom most position?

A) B
B) C
C) H
D) G
E) Cannot be determined
Option D

Which box is placed just above box H?

A) A
B) D

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C) G
D) B
E) C
Option D

Directions (4 – 6): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
8 boxes – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are placed one above the another but not necessarily in the
same order.
Two boxes are placed between F and E. F is placed above E. One box is placed between F and
G. Three boxes are placed between A and H. A is placed immediately below F. Two boxes are
placed between C and H. B is placed somewhere above D.
How many boxes are placed between F and H?
A) Four
B) None
C) Three
D) Five
E) One
Option A
Two boxes are placed between F and E. F is placed above E. One box is placed between F and
G. A is placed immediately below F.
– G
– –
G –

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Three boxes are placed between A and H. Two boxes are placed between C and H. 1st possibility
cancels out
. H H
. – G G
. – – –
G G C –
– –
1st, 2nd, 4th possibility cancels out.
B is placed somewhere above D.. So from top to bottom – G > B > F > A > C > E > D > H

Which box is placed at top?

A) B
B) C
C) H
D) G
E) Cannot be determined
Option D

Which box is placed just below box A?

A) E
B) D
C) G
D) B
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E) C
Option E

Directions (7 – 10): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
8 boxes – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are placed one above the another but not necessarily in the
same order.
There are four boxes placed between D and G. Two boxes are placed between B and G. Number
of boxes between A and G is same as between H and B. A is placed above G. Two boxes are
placed between A and H. C is placed just above G. There are at least 2 boxes between E and B.
Which box is at top most position?
A) C
B) A
C) E
D) H
E) None of these
Option D
4 between D and G. and 2 between B and G.C just above G. So 2 possibilities as:
– C
– –
B –
– B
C –
Now — Number of boxes between A and G is same as between H and B. A is placed above G.
Two boxes are placed between A and H. Gives

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– C
B –
– B
C –
Now: There are at least 2 boxes between E and B.. So 2nd possibility cancels out
From top to bottom – H > W > D > A > B > F > C > G

How many boxes are between boxes E and A?

A) None
B) Three
C) One
D) Five
E) Four
Option C

Which box is placed just above box B?

A) A
B) C
C) E
D) H
E) D

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Option A

How many boxes are below box F?

A) Three
B) Four
C) None
D) Two
E) Six
Option D

Eight boxes are arranged in a stack from bottom to top numbered from 1-8 each having a
different colour; green, black, blue, white, yellow, orange, red and pink not necessarily in the
same order. They contain a different food item; Milky bar, Lollypop, Ice cream, Pizza, Butter
chicken, Curd rice, Grill chicken and Bovonto not necessarily in the same order. The
arrangement is based on the following rules:
• The yellow box is kept at an even numbered position
• There are 3 boxes between the yellow box and the box with Bovonto
• White box is either at the top or at the bottom of the stack
• Box number 2 has Milky bar and it is not yellow in colour
• Box with the Butter chicken is kept between the box having red colour and the box having Pizza
• The Green coloured box is kept 2 boxes above the blue box
• There are 4 boxes between the box with Lollypop and the red coloured box
• There are 3 boxes between the box with Butter chicken and the box with Ice cream
• Pink box is between the box with Grill chicken and the orange coloured box
• The red box does not have Grill chicken.

(1). Which of the following is the correct combination of number: colour: food item?
a) 8: yellow: Butter chicken b) 6: red: Curd rice c) 5: green: Grill chicken d) 4: blue: Pizza e) 3:
orange: Lollypop

(2). Four of the following bear a certain relationship hence form a group, which of the following
does not belong not belong to that group?
a) Pizza b) Curd rice c) Bovonto d) Ice cream e) Milky bar

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(3). If green is related to Pizza and red is related to Butter chicken then which of the following
food items is related to blue?
a) Curd rice b) Grill chicken c) Bovonto d) Ice cream e) Lollypop

(4). Which of the following food items does the black and orange box contains?
a) Milky bar, Lollypop b) Milky bar, Ice cream c) Ice cream, Bovonto d) Bovonto, Pizza e) Curd
rice, Grill chicken
(5). How many boxes are kept between the green box and the box having Curd rice?
a) None b) One c) Two d) Three e) Four

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