SRS Format With Ieee Standard

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The format of the Summer/Industrial Training Report should be as per the given guidelines. The
order of the contents is as follows:
1. Title page
2. Certificate (student)
3. Certificate(From the organization where internship is completed)
4. Acknowledgement
5. Abstract
6. Table of contents with page numbers
7. Main Text-
Chapter 1- Introduction-Need & Objective, Methodology, Software Used, About
Chapter 2- Project Design
Chapter 3- Implementation
Chapter 4-Result & Discussion
Chapter 5-Future Scope & Conclusion
8. References
9. Appendix-optional

Size: International standard paper size A4 (297x210mm) should be used.

Page number: Page should be numbered consecutively and clearly. (Page No. Alignment-
Page No format on title page, certificates and acknowledgement ,abstract and table of content-
Page No. format from Chapter 1------1,2,3…..
Margin: Top 1.0”, Bottom 1.0” Left 1.5” Right 1.0”
Line spacing: 1.5
Font: Times new roman,
Regular text font size 12,Justified
Headings font size -14 (bold),Alignment-Left
Chapter Name Font size -16 (bold),Alignment -Middle.
Figure & Table -Every Figure or table should have caption-
Figure caption font size -10(bold),Alignment-Middle, figure caption should be below the figure.
Table caption should be above the table (Alignment-left,Bold,10)
Total no of pages in report -35-50 and project CD should be attached at the end.
Project report should be spiral binding. (front page of spiral-transparent and last page-

The title Page (Colored printout) should be of the format as follows and

Title of the Report

Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science & Engineering

Faculty Name,Designation,department

College logo

Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology

Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
Janakpuri, New Delhi-58


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