Music 1
Music 1
Music 1
Music of Cordillera
Hudhud (chanted epic poetry)
Tongatong (Bamboo Stamping Tubes)
Saggeypo (Bamboo Pipes in a Row)
Bungkaka (Bamboo Buzzers)
Kubing (Bamboo Jew’s Harp)
Patteteg (Bamboo Leg Xylophones)
Gangsa Palook(Gongs played with sticks)
Gangsa Topayya (Gongs played with hands)
Music of the Lowlands of Luzon : Philippine Music during the American and Japanese periods
sarswela – adapted from the zarzuela of Spain, this is a musical theatre form incorporating
singing and dancing, usually about love and/or longing for freedom
danza – a dance in duple time of Cuban origin
balse – waltz; a dance in triple time
symphonic band – an ensemble composed mostly of brass and woodwind instruments and
sometimes, include percussion instruments
Philippine Constabulary Band – symphonic band founded by Col. Walter H. Loving in October
15, 1902 and is famous for playing in the St. Louis Exposition in 1904
musiko bumbong – an improvised brass band ensemble whose instruments are made out of
Music of Palawan
Vocal Music: Bagit, Kulial (Songs), Tultul (Epic chant), Ulit (Shamanic chant)
Instrumental Music: aruding (Jew’s harp), babarak (ring flute), suling (banded flute), basal
(gong), kusyapiq (lute), pagang (bamboo zither)
Performance Styles / Techniques: Onomatopeia, Bagit Bird Scale (no half steps) and Kulial Scale
(with half steps), Magibut (playing together), Karang (Sung-Spoken dialogue), Lumbaga
(Shamanic chant about the voyage of the soul)