Validity and Reliability in Assessment
Validity and Reliability in Assessment
Validity and Reliability in Assessment
in Assessment
Old concept
Sources of validity in assessment
Statistical e vide nce o f the hypo the size d re latio nship be twe e n
te st sco re s and the co nstruct
�Criterion-related validity studies
�Correlations between test scores/subscores
and other measures
�Convergent-Divergent studies
Keys of reliability assessment
(Co o k and Be ckman Validity and Re liability o f Psycho me tric Instrume nts (20 0 7
Keys of reliability assessment
Keys of reliability assessment
Validity = Meaning
Evidence to aid interpretation of assessment data
Higher the test stakes, more evidence needed
Multiple sources or methods
Ongoing research studies
Consistency of the measurement
One aspect of validity evidence
Higher reliability always better than lower
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For an excellent resource on item analysis:
For a more extensive list of item-writing tips:
For a discussion about writing higher-level multiple choice items: