Session Guide On Senior High School Competency

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No. of Participants: 50
Participants’ Profile: Senior High School Teachers
Duration of the Session: 40 Minutes

I. OBJECTIVES: The 40-minute session should enable the participants to:

1. Discuss the meaning of Competency-Based Learning as a system of instruction;
2. Enumerate and explain the unifying concepts of Competency-Based Learning;
3. Explain the advantages of Competency-Based Learning;
4. Describe the role of teachers in Competency-Based Learning;
5. Prepare a Competency-Based Learning instructional plan.
EXPECTED OUTPUT: Group Output - Evaluated CBL Instructional Plan

 Competency-based learning is focused on learning outcomes and what the learner can do rather than on what they must
 There are 5 unifying concepts of Competency-based learning.
 The teacher becomes a mentor or a coach in Competency-based learning.

Klein-Collins, R. (2013). Sharpening Our Focus on Learning: The Rise of Competency-

Based Approaches to Degree Comple@on. Na6onal Ins6tute for Learning Outcomes
Assessment. Retrieved fromhEp://

Butova, Y. (2015). The History of Development of Competency-Based Education. European Scien@fic journal, 250-255.



1. Discuss Understanding INTRODUCTION
Competency-Based Competency-Based
Learning as a system Learning as a system of Do: Greet the participants and make them 1 minute
of instruction instruction will help SHS comfortable. Give a brief introduction of
teachers to guide oneself.
2. Enumerate and learners to master the
explain the unifying knowledge and skills Say: Good morning everyone. How are you
concepts of acquire values and today? Hope you had enjoyed your travel
Competency-Based attitudes expected of going to our training venue. Please greet the
Learning them by incorporating person on your right and say
approaches, “Congratulations you are here today!” then
3. Explain the pedagogies and tell this to the person on your left, “Smile
advantages of appropriate assessment always and be happy.”
Competency-Based strategies for more
Learning effective delivery of the I will be your facilitator today. I am DARWIN
lesson. A. TAGUIAM.
4. Describe the role of
teachers in For our session today, we will be talking Slides 1 - 2 1 minute
Competency-Based about Competency-Based Learning. The
Learning whole session will run for forty minutes.
5. Prepare a In this session, we are expected to:
Learning instructional 1. Discuss the meaning of
plan. Competency-Based Learning as a
system of instruction;
2. Enumerate and explain the
unifying concepts of Competency-
Based Learning;
3. Explain the advantages of
Competency-Based Learning;
4. Describe the role of teachers in
Competency-Based Learning;
5. Prepare a Competency-Based
Learning instructional plan.


Say: To start with, let us divide the class into

five groups with at least 10 members each.

Do: Group the class into 10 members per manila paper 3 minutes
group. Assign a group leader and a
rapporteur. Provide each group with manila pentel pen
paper for their answers.
meta cards
Say: Given the chance to become an
employer, what are the qualities that will masking tape
stand out from an applicant for him to be
become part of your company?

Do: Discuss your answers with your group

mates. Write your answers on the meta
cards. After the time, presentation follows.
Say: You have very good outputs! And you
posted the qualities of graduates that
employers are looking for. To further discuss
these qualities, let us enjoy another activity.
This time, we will focus on our SHS learners.

1. Setting the Ground (Brainstorming Slides 3 – 5 5 minutes

Activity Title: A Learner for a Curriculum Exit Manila paper
Do: Make use of existing groups and
distribute the meta-cards to every group. Meta cards

Say: Remember that there are four Markers/pentel pen

curriculum exits in SHS namely:
1. College; Masking tape
2. Middle-level Skills Development;
3. Employment; and
4. Entrepreneurship

Each group will be assigned in each

curriculum exit for brainstorming.

The following are the topics for discussion:

1 and 5 – College
2 – Middle-Level Skills Development
3 – Employment
4 – Entrepreneurship

Using the meta cards given to you, write as

many qualities as you can. From the array of
qualities listed, choose your top five
qualities. Paste the top 5 qualities on the
manila paper and present your output to the
class. You are given 3 minutes to do this

Do: After 3 minutes, let the 5 groups present

their output.

After the presentations, Slides 6 – 8 3 minutes

 What observations did you get out of
the activity?
 Why did choose those qualities?
 Do you think that these qualities are
learned to prepare them for the SHS

Do: Let the participants share their answers

freely carefully taking note of some CBL-
related facts they already learned and ideas
that need to be clarified.

Say: Your responses are telling everyone

that knowledge and skills of students are
very important in the different exits of SHS.
In a survey conducted among employers,
the following qualities are sought for:
Communication skills
Technical Competence
Work ethics
Problem-solving skills
Determination and persistence
Works collaboratively with co-
Eager and willing to learn

Looking at the results of the survey, the

basic question now is: Are the SHS
graduates competent enough to meet the
requirements of the industry or the HEIs?

Do: Define Competency-based Learning Slides 9 – 10 2 minutes

(CBL) and explain the five unifying concepts
of CBL

 In the discussion put emphasis on Slides 11 – 16 5 minutes

the alignment of the unifying
 There must be alignment of
the competencies with the
objectives, activities,
strategies, and the kind of

 Elaboration of the unifying concepts

must be done.

Do: Use the same grouping. Distribute meta

cards to each group.

Say: Ask the following: Slide 17

 What are the advantages of using Manila paper 2 minutes

CBL in SHS? Meta cards
 What is the role of the teacher in Markers/pentel pen
CBL? Masking tape
Write your answers on the meta cards. Post
your answers on the designated wall. You
are given 3 minutes for this activity.

Do: Process the answers giving on ideas Slides 18 - 27 5 minutes

that raise the value of CBL as a system of

Say: Public Senior High School are Slides 28 - 32 3 minutes

generally using the nationally prescribed
curriculum guides containing the two
learning standards namely content
standards and performance standards. Most
important, these curriculum guides have an
array of competencies under each learning
outcome. Obviously, these competencies
are the exact springboard for our
competency-based learning or CBL. While
CBL greatly improves the chances that
students will learn the most critically
important knowledge, concepts, skills, and
attitudes they will need throughout their
lives, it can also help eliminate persistent
learning gaps, achievement gaps, and
opportunity gaps by constantly tracking
students learning progress.

Title: Critique and Learn Slide 33 7 minutes

Say: I will give each group a sample Manila paper

instructional plan. You evaluate the Markers
instructional plan if the different unifying Yarn
concepts of CBL are present. Write your Elmer’s glue
comment on the manila paper. This activity Masking tape
is good for 3 minutes. DLL/Instructional
After your discussion, presentation of output

Do: After the sharing of insights, give a short Slides 34 – 38 3 minutes

assessment through the game FACT or

Say: Let us see how ell we have

comprehended Competency-Based
Learning. Let us play the game FACT or

I will be flashing statements and say whether

it is a FACT or Bluff.


Say: let me close this session with this quote Slides 39 - 40

from John Dewey. Truly higher retention of
knowledge occurs if our eyes, ears, and
hands are involved in the learning process.
Best results are also achieved when we
ENGAGE our learners in the learning
Thank you and once again “Great

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