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Tribology in Industry: M. Belahcene, R. Mazouzi, M. Lounis

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Vol. 40, No. 4 (2018) 643-653, DOI: 10.24874/ti.2018.40.04.


Tribology in Industry


Numerical Study of Thermal Effect on the Friction

of Piston-cylinder Contact in an Internal
Combustion Engine

M. Belahcene a, R. Mazouzi a, M. Lounis a,b

a FIMA Laboratory, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Djilali Bounaama Khemis Miliana, Khemis
Miliana, 44225, Algeria,
b LAAR, University of Science and technology of Oran, El M’Naouer 31000 Oran, Algeria.

Keywords: ABSTRACT
For the different operating regime of an internal combustion engine, the
compartment ‘Piston-Ring-Liner’ represents the largest share of frictional
power loss. This study presents a numerical analysis of
Thermohydrodynamic model
ThermoHydroDynamic (THD) lubrication of an internal combustion
engine piston to evaluate the thermal effect on the friction of piston-
cylinder contact by considering three thermal models: isothermal, Global
Corresponding author: Thermal (GT) and THD. The results show that the choice of the thermal
model has a great influence on the tribological characteristics of the
Maamar Belahcene
piston-cylinder contact. The transition from the isothermal model to the
FIMA Laboratory,
THD model will lead to a decrease of approximately 6% of the minimum
Faculty of Science and Technology,
oil film thickness and an increase of 4% of the hydrodynamic pressure, and
University of Djilali Bounaama
the transition from the GT model to the THD model will decrease 30% of
Khemis Miliana, Khemis Miliana,
the friction force in the piston-cylinder contact during an engine cycle.
44225, Algeria.
E-mail: [email protected] © 2018 Published by Faculty of Engineering

1. INTRODUCTION 15-20 % of all engine losses. This includes

pumping losses as well. 40-50 % of these losses
Lubrication is essential in most of the are due to piston-cylinder sub-system. Several
mechanisms such as internal combustion engines. research studies have been conducted on the
The lubricants must ensure the proper lubrication of the piston-cylinder contact. The
functioning of these mechanisms by inserting details of the skirt-liner interaction depend on
itself between the surfaces in relative motion. various parameters. In order to determine the
They ensure the mechanical behaviour, reduce influence of these parameters, both experimental
the resistance due to friction and limit the wear of and numerical studies have been conducted on
moving parts. Moreover, an optimized lubrication the lubrication of the piston skirt and on the
increases the efficiency by reducing mechanical secondary motion of the piston. Various
losses due to friction. Fitzsimons [1] states that numerical models are developed [2-3], including
the frictional power loss for a typical IC engine is in some cases the role of the lubrication and the

M. Belahcene et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 40, No. 4 (2018) 643-653

elasticity of the skirt, without taking into account with a new analytical thermal model. The
the thermal effects on the tribological generated contact temperatures, particularly at
characteristics of the contact. Gradually, some the inlet result in thinner films than the idealised
researchers recognized the importance of analyses. In 2011, Syed and Malik [15] present a
including thermal effects in hydrodynamic ThermoElastoHydroDynamic (TEHD) model
lubrication analysis. Two approaches have been which determines the effect of the variation of the
proposed to account for the thermal effect in lubricant viscosity and the piston displacement
lubrication. These are the GT study and THD velocity on the tribological characteristics of
study. The first is to assess, from isothermal piston-liner contacting. An increase in engine
theory, the energy dissipated in the film, which is velocity reduces the transverse displacements of
used to calculate an average operating piston and minimizes the risk of a physical
temperature. The second is to simultaneously contact between the skirt and the liner. Thermal
solve the energy equation and Reynolds equation effects play an important role in the functioning
that takes into account the variation of the of lubricated contacts.
viscosity through the film thickness.
In order to compare the different thermal
The variation of lubricant viscosity with approaches used in the tribological study of a
temperature is crucial insofar as it affects piston-cylinder contact. A mathematical model of
engine’s performance. Unfortunately, these a piston skirt of mixed lubrication is presented. It
effects are typically ignored in the models that are considers the thermal effects on the tribological
used to design engine components. Here the characteristics of contact as the hydrodynamic
viscosity of the oil film is generally assumed to be pressure, the oil film thickness and the frictional
constant over the cycle [2,4,5]. In recent years, to force. The hydrodynamic pressure field is
achieve the higher lubrication and cooling calculated by the finite difference method. The
demands of engineering design, research on resolution of the energy equation by the method
thermal effects has become meaningful and of Gauss Siedel with relaxation used to determine
important because of its great influence on the temperature field.
lubrication performance [6-9]. Richardson [10]
carried out a theoretical investigation into the
effects of viscosity variation and the effect of 2. THEORY
temperature gradient on lubrication. He
concluded that temperature of the oil film is In Fig. 1a, the piston position and velocity are
equivalent to the temperature of cylinder surface related to the crank angle ψ.
with the experimental results corresponding to
the theoretical results. On this basis, other
researchers have made tests with variable
viscosity depending on the skirt surface
temperature. Dowson et al. [11] and some other
researchers [12,13] found that the steady-state
THD condition includes three forms of thermal
effects: viscous dissipation produced by the
shear-rate within the oil film, conduction from or
to the metal surfaces, and convection within the
lubricant. In 2013, N. Morris [14] shows that the
power loss due to viscous friction under
isothermal condition throughout the engine cycle
a) b)
is actually larger than the losses of a thinner film
with quite similar effective viscosity due to the Fig. 1. Piston/cylinder system. a) Field of piston
lubrication, b) Forces and moments acting on the piston.
small rise in lubricant temperature in the short
contact transition time. Analyses are often
For a constant crankshaft speed, the piston
idealised, such as isothermal condition and
position and velocity are given by [16,17]:
smooth surfaces, the former being particularly
contrary to practice. An analytic solution to the
average flow model is presented for this contact

s  l  r 2  Cp 2 

 r cos   2  B 2 
0.5 

M. Belahcene et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 40, No. 4 (2018) 643-653

B = Cp + r sin ψ (2) hydrodynamic pressure on the lubricated area

Br cos (3)  L
U  r sin  
l 2
B 
2 0.5 Fh  2 R   Ph cosddy
0 0

The movement of the piston is defined by the

The hydrodynamic moment is given by:
resolution of the equations system below,  L
considering the piston inertia, the hydrodynamic M h  2R   Ph (a  y) cosddy
force, the friction force and the hydrodynamic 0 0

moment. The equations of motion are derived The hydrodynamic friction force and its moment
based on the dynamic equilibrium of all the forces about the wrist pin may be calculated from the
and moments applied to the piston. The system shear stress:
equation can be expressed as the following:  L
  b a 
F fh  2 R  ddy
 a b 0 0
m p 1    ma 1   m p  ma 
  L  L L L  eh  F  FS  F tan  (4)  L
  
 b  Ip b  eb  M  M S  M f  (15)
 Ip
L  m p ( a  b ) 1
 L
    m p ( a  b )
L 
M fh  2 R    ( R cos  C p )ddy
 L 00
For the contact pressure, we used the
approximate solution given by Zhu [2] for an
FS  ( FG  FIa _ y  FIP _ y )tg (5) aluminum piston:
M S  Fg CP  FIP _ xCg (6) Pc  5.464 1013  1.0552 (16)

The hydrodynamic pressure is governed by the with δ is the deformation of the wall.
Reynolds equation, which is written with the
assumption of an incompressible thin film and a The total contact force acting on the piston skirt
laminar flow [16,17]: and its moment about the wrist pin may be
calculated by:
  h 3 ph    h 3 ph
 

  6U dh  12 h (7)  L
x   x  y   y  t (17)
   dy Fc  2 R   Pc cosddy
In our case the forces and moments, Fh and M h
are due to the hydrodynamic pressure developed (18)
M c  2R  Pc (a  y) cosddy
in the oil film for the portions of surfaces limited 00

by arcs (   1 , 1 ) and (  2 , 2   2 ). The pressure

The force and the moment of contact friction of
condition in the non-lubricated areas is given by: the asperities in a potential solid-solid contact
ph  y,  *  0 1   *   2 (8) between the piston skirt and the cylinder bore
are calculated by the following equations:
In the border   0 and    the pressure is  L
maximum and it is expressed by a zero pressure U (19)
F fc  2c f R
U   Pc ddy
gradient. 0 0

ph ph
 Pc R cos  C p ddy
 0 (9) M fc  2c f R
U (20)
  0    U

Symmetry condition of pressure in the film is c f is the coefficient of solid friction, it is

given by:
determined experimentally [16].
ph ( y, )  ph ( y, ) (10)
The oil film being secured to the piston in its
The pressure is zero at the top and the bottom of
movement, its thickness will be closely linked to
the skirt:
the secondary piston movement, neglecting the
ph (0, )  ph ( L, )  0 (11) elastic deformation, the lubricant film thickness
The force and the hydrodynamic moment fh, mh is given by:
due to the hydrodynamic pressure ph of oil film y
h( y, , t )  c  et (t ) cos( )  (eb (t )  eh (t )) cos( ) (21)
are determined by the integration of the L

M. Belahcene et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 40, No. 4 (2018) 643-653

2.1. Equation of the viscosity with where  is the viscous dissipation, it is expressed by:
U 2 U Ph (25)
  
h2 2 y
In the isothermal study, lubricant viscosity is
constant throughout the procedure The energy equation is discretized by the finite
hydrodynamic calculation. To determine the difference method and solved by Gauss Siedel
lubricant viscosity in the engine cycle of the GT method with relaxation coefficient. This
and THD study, we used the Vogel equation [18] resolution allows obtaining the temperature
which is most suited in the case studied: field in the oil film. The boundary conditions
𝑩 used to solving the energy equation are:
𝝁(𝑻) = 𝝆𝒂𝟎 𝐞𝐱𝐩⁡[𝑪+𝑻] (22)
y  0 T  T0
where a0, B and C are Vogel correlation  (26)
 T
parameters. For SAE-20 oil, ρ= 832 kg/m3, y  L y

a0=0.058 cst, B=1028 °C and C=108 °C.
2.2. Temperature equations T for   0 and    (27)
In the GT study, the oil temperature varies
The discretization of the energy equation by the
slightly between the top and bottom of the
finite difference method gives as:
piston skirt, and it varies quite substantially
between the position of Top Dead Centre (TDC)  c pU K c   2K c 2K c c pU   K 
   Ti , j   c Ti 1, j
 y  y 2 Ti 1, j   y 2  R 2  2  y   y 2 
and the position of Bottom Dead Centre (BDC)      
on the liner. To set this variation, we use the  K   K  U 2 U Ph
  2 c 2 Ti , j 1   2 c 2 Ti , j 1   2 
Woschni correlation [19].  R    R   h 2 y

x (23)
T(x)  TTDC  (TTDC  TBDC ) 2.3. Resolution method

where T(x) is the liner temperature, presumed In order to approximate the lubricating
to be the same as the lubricant temperature [20, pressure field, we employ the finite difference
21], x is the liner location (measured downward method with a uniform grid, rectangular mesh
from TDC), TTDC and TBDC are the temperatures at elements is used for the film, with m elements
the TDC and BDC. The temperature profile is in the axial direction (y) and n elements in the
shown in Fig. 2. circumferential direction (θ). Only the area
where there is the lubricant film is considered.
The symmetrical nature of the piston in the
circumferential direction was adopted (Fig. 3).
Equation (4) and equation (7) are nonlinear in
P, et and eb, and are solved by the iterative
Newton-Raphson method after discretization
by finite differences.

Wx, Wy and E are the respective residues of

equations (4) and (7) obtained for the et, eb and
P solutions of the system at the step s. The
Fig. 2. Liner temperature as a function of distance on corrections to the step s+1 are obtained after
the liner from the TDC. solving the linear system.
 E E E 
According to the mechanics theory of viscous  
 P et eb 
(s) ( s 1)
thin films and taking into account that the film E  P 
   W Wx Wx   
thickness is very small compared to its extent, Wx   x  et  0 (28)
the simplified energy equation [22] is given by: W   P et eb  e 
 y  W y W y W y   b
 T    2T 1  2T   
c p U   K c     (24)  P et eb 
y  y 2 R 2  2 
   

M. Belahcene et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 40, No. 4 (2018) 643-653

This can be written in matrix form:  K c c pU 

 
 Kc 
 
 y 2  y   y 2 
C1     
C2 
R + [J] Δ=0  2Kc

2Kc c pU 
  2K c 2K c c pU 
 y 2  R 2  2  y   
 y 2 R 2  2
 
  y 
where [J] is the jacobian matrix of the 
 Kc 
hydrodynamic problem. With a time step that  2 2 
 R   C4 

C3 
corresponds to 5 degrees of crankshaft angle,  2K c
 
2K c

c p U 

 2K c
 
2K c

c pU 

 y 2 R 2  2   y 2 R 2  2 y 
convergence is reached after four to five  y   

engine cycles.
The calculation procedure is presented in fig. 4.
At each time step (or crankshaft angle), the
Reynolds equation (7) and the equations of
piston motion (4) are resolved. We start by
introducing all geometry and simulation data of
this mechanism as shown in table 1 and all
values of combustion gas pressure which
presented in Fig. 5.

Table 1. Geometry and simulation data.

Fig. 3. Mesh of developed lubricant film. Parameters Values
diameter of piston (mm) 83
radius of crankshaft (mm) 41.8
connecting rod length (mm) 133
piston skirt length (mm) 33.8
piston skirt angle (degrees) 37.5
radial clearance (μm) 13
cp (mm) 1
cg (mm) 2
a (mm) 12.5
b (mm) 1.5
mass of wrist-pin (kg) 0.09
mass of piston (kg) 0.295
young’s modulus (Gpa) 200
wave height (μm) 3.5
engine speed (rpm) 1000
coefficient of friction for solid-to-solid

Fig. 4. Flowchart resolution.

Fig. 5. Variation of combustion gas pressure with
For obtain the temperature field in the oil film, crank angle.
we use the Gauss Sidel method with relaxation.

Ti, j n  1  Ti, j n1   C1 Ti 1, j n1  C2 Ti 1, j n  C3 (Ti, j 1n1  Ti, j 1n )  C4  For the first time step, we initialize et, eb, ph at
zero and the initial temperature T = Ti and we
With Ω is relaxation coefficient equal to 1.3-1.9 take the values of the previous time step for the

M. Belahcene et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 40, No. 4 (2018) 643-653

rest of cycle. Once the oil film thickness h is slightly because of the temperature stability
calculated as given in equation (21), Reynolds against in the GT model, we can see the wide
equation (7) is resolved using a new value of Ph variation in viscosity caused by the large change
based on the available values of eh, eb, et and eb . of the lubricant temperature.
After, we calculate all forces and moments which
are located on the right side of equation (4). If
residues of equations (4) and (7) less than 10-5,
the convergence criterion is satisfied for Ph, et
and eb and we pass to the next time step. The
temperature field is calculated by equation (24).
The convergence criterion is satisfied for T when
δT/T<10-7 at each successive time step for the all
engine cycle. After that, the oil viscosity is
calculated after the determination of lubricant
temperature as written in equation (22).
Execution with one time step which
Fig. 6. Variation of lubricant temperature with crank angle.
corresponding to 5 degrees of crankshaft angle,
requires 20 to 80 iterations for the solution
convergence. For a four-stroke engine, with two
towers of crankshaft (720 degree crankshaft
angle) for each cycle, it is noted that during the
execution test, convergence of the periodic
solution is obtained from 3 to 4 engine cycles.


The results presented in this section focus on the Fig. 7. Variation of dynamic viscosity during the
engine cycle.
tribological characteristics of the contact
(viscosity, temperature, film thickness ...). The
The Fig. 8 shows the temperature distribution in
different operation models of the contact
the oil film at crank angle ψ = 285° of the THD
between the piston skirt and cylinder
model. In this figure, the temperature is uniform
(isothermal, GT and THD) has been considered.
and equal to 48 °C over the entire film, except for
an increase of temperature at the top side of the
The Fig. 6 shows the temperature variation as
skirt caused by a heat transfer by convection in
function of crank angle in the engine cycle. It is
right side of the combustion chamber from 59 to
observed that, the temperature ranges from 89
150 °C. However, at the bottom of the piston, the
°C to 115 °C during the engine cycle. In the THD
temperature is about 37 °C.
model, the variation is of around 1 °C, from 93 °C
to 94 °C. This difference is explained by the
model used, in the GT model, the average
temperature of the lubricant is determined from
the temperature of the solid (liner) shown in Fig.
2, which varies between the TDC and the BDC
positions but, in the THD model, these values are
obtained from the numerical solution of the
energy equation which is defined by the
boundary and initial conditions of real model of
Fig. 8. Temperature distribution in oil film at ψ = 285°.
heat transfer in the piston operation. The
temperature changes affect directly the lubricant
viscosity as shown in Fig. 7. In the isothermal Hydrodynamic pressure distribution in oil film
model, the values of viscosity are constant at a crank angle of 395° (just after the gas
during the engine cycle with a value that is 0,016 combustion) for the three models is presented
Pa.s. In the THD model, oil viscosity varies in Fig. 9.

M. Belahcene et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 40, No. 4 (2018) 643-653

Fig 10. Variation of the minimum oil film thickness

with crank angle.
Fig. 9. Hydrodynamic pressure distribution in oil film
at ψ = 395°. The Fig. 10 shows the minimum oil film thickness
as a function of the crank angle. Over the cycle,
We note that, the hydrodynamic pressure profile the oil film thickness increases in the middle of
is different in the three models. The maximum each race and the skirt-liner contact is predicted
pressure is 6.3 MPa, this pressure is located at the to operate in the hydrodynamic regime of
maximum thrust side THD model. A pressure lubrication with the exception in the power
field is practically zero at the minimum thrust stroke in the three models, where the lubrication
side in isothermal and TG models. However, a regime remains mixed during the power stroke.
moderate hydrodynamic pressure is observed at However, this film thickness falls during the
the minimum thrust side. The extent of this intake phase and then increases during the
pressure is wider in the in the Isothermal and GT compression phase in the GT and the THD model.
than in the THD model. Table 2 shows a This film thickness is 3 µm throughout the
comparison of results obtained with a rigid skirt expansion process. Generally in the isotherm case
in the different lubrication models especially, the the regime of lubrication remains hydrodynamic
maximum hydrodynamic pressure, the minimum because of the higher lubricant viscosity at a
oil film thickness and the average contact friction lower liner temperature. Trajectories of the
force in an engine cycle. It is found that, the upper and lower side of the piston are shown in
values of tribological contact parameters are Fig. 11, where the positive sign means a shift to
variable with the variation of the study models the minimum thrust side. The lateral
isothermal, GT and THD of piston lubrication. displacement of piston is limited by the radial
Comparing the results obtained with the three clearance (13 μm). It is noted that, bottom of the
models, a slight increase of the maximum piston skirt is closer to the cylinder wall on the
hydrodynamic pressure through the engine cycle maximum thrust side during the power stroke
is observed in the THD case with respect to the and at the end of admission stroke.
isothermal model. The increase would be around
4 %. The transition from the isothermal model to
the THD model will lead to a decrease of 6 % of
the minimum oil film thickness in all engine cycle
and the passage of a GT model to THD model will
decrease 30 % of the average contact friction
force in an engine cycle. The THD analysis
provides the tribological characteristics of the
contact and gets including better fuel efficiency
by reducing the contact friction.
Fig. 11. Piston secondary motion.
Table 2. Tribological characteristics of piston -
cylinder contact. The contact friction force is shown in Fig. 12.
characteristics isothermal GT THD Throughout the cycle, the contact friction is
Ph (MPa) at 395° 5.897 5.878 6.146 generated just after combustion in the expansion
hmin (µm) at 430° 3.319 3.146 3.127 phase for the three models studied. This is
Ffc (N) average value 4.18 21.73 15.05 because of the higher applied pressure in this

M. Belahcene et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 40, No. 4 (2018) 643-653

region. The position of maximum friction differs It note that, the hydrodynamic friction force
according to the liner working temperature, reached a maximum value in the middle of each
which also affects the film thickness and the race because of the elevation of the piston sliding
lubricant viscosity. speed shown in Fig. 15 for the engine speeds of
1000 rpm, which generates a high shear rate in the
oil film and therefore a high hydrodynamic friction
force, against it vanishes with the change of piston
displacement direction with zero speed at TDC and
BDC. Throughout the engine cycle, the
hydrodynamic friction force is higher in the GT and
THD models comparing with the isothermal model
as can be seen in Fig. 16 due to the lubricant
viscosity that shown in Fig. 7, which is generally
higher in the model GT compared to isotherm and
THD models throughout the engine cycle.

Fig. 12. Contact friction force in an engine cycle of the

three models isothermal, GT and THD.

The Fig. 13 shows that the contact friction force

of the GT model is higher than other models.
This can be explained that during the power
stroke, the minimum film thickness of this model
is lower to other models as shown in Fig. 10.
Hydrodynamic friction forces in an engine cycle Fig. 15. Axial velocity of the piston as a function of
are shown in Fig. 14. crank angle for the engine speeds of 1000 rpm.

Fig. 16. Average hydrodynamic friction forces in an

Fig. 13. Average contact friction force in an engine engine cycle of the three models isothermal, GT and THD.
cycle of the three models isothermal, GT and THD.

Fig. 14. Hydrodynamic friction force in an engine Fig. 17. Average Total friction forces in an engine
cycle of the three models isothermal, GT and THD. cycle of the three models isothermal, GT and THD.

M. Belahcene et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 40, No. 4 (2018) 643-653

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M. Belahcene et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 40, No. 4 (2018) 643-653

ma : Wrist-pin mass (kg) x : Position on the cylinder measured from

the top dead center (m)
mp : Piston mass (kg) Y : Axial position of the piston (m)
Pc : Solid-solid contact pressure (Pa) y : Coordinate originated from the top of
skirt (m)
Ph : Hydrodynamic pressure (Pa)
δ : Solid-solid contact deformation (m)
R : Radius of piston (m)
θ : Angular coordinate (rd)
r : Crank radius (m)
 : Lubricant viscosity (Pa.s)
T : Lubricant temperature (k)
TTDC, TBDC : Temperatures at the top and bottom dead ρ : Lubricant density (kg.m-3)
centre respectively (k) Ф : Connecting rod angle (rd)
t : Time (s)  : Crack angle (rd)
U : Piston sliding velocity (m.s-1)


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