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Model QP 17ec331

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Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi

3rd Semester, B.E (CBCS 2017-18 Scheme) EC/TC
Course: 17EC33- Analog Electronics, Set no. 2

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100

Note: (i) AnswerFive full questions selecting any one full question from each Module.
(ii) Question on a topic of a Module may appear in either its 1st or/and 2nd question.

Module-1 Marks
1 a) Define h parameters and hence derive h parameters model of a CE BJT 5

b) Derive the expressions for AI, AV, Zi and ZO for a voltage divider bias circuit of 10
BJT, Using re equivalent model of BJT. Show the phase relationship between input
and output wave form.

c) What is Darlington Connection? 5

Calculate the DC bias voltage and currents in the Darlington emitter follower circuit
having VCC=18V, RE=390Ω, RB=3.3MΩ, VBE=1.6V βD=8000



2 a) Give the relation between re parameters and h parameters. What are the advantages 5
of h parameters.

b) Derive the Expressions for current gain, voltage gain, input impendence and output 10
impendence for anemitter follower circuit.
c) For the fixed bias network with VCC=15V, RB=470KΩ, RC=4.7KΩ, CC1=Cc2=10µF, 5
a) Determine re, Zi,ZO, AV (with ro=∞Ω), Av with ro=50KΩ


3 a) Explain the construction of N channel JFET. Also explain the drain and transfer 6
characteristics of the JFET.

b) With Equivalent circuit obtain the expression for ZO and AV for JFET Self bias with 8
unbypassed RS.

c) The fixed bias configuration shown in has VGSQ=-2V, IDQ=5.625mAwith 6

IDSS=10mA,VP=-8V and YoS=40µs, VGG = -2V, VDD=20V,RD=2KΩ, RG=2MΩ.
Determine gm, rd, ZO and AV


4 a) Differentiate between Enhancement and Depletion MOSFET. 6

b) With necessary equivalent circuit obtain the expression for Zi and AV for a JFET
Common Gate configuration. 8
Calculate the DC bias, overall voltage gain. For the cascaded identical common 6
c) source amplifier with IDSS=10mA VP= -4V, VDD=20V, RD1=RD2=2.4KΩ,
RG1=RG2=3.3MΩ, RS1=RS2=680Ω,CS1=CS2=100µF, CC1=CC2=CC3=0.05µF.


5 a) The input power to a device is 10000W at a voltage of 1000V. The output power is 5
500W and the output impedance is 20Ω.
i) Find the power gain in decibels.
ii) Find voltage gain in decibels.
b) Discuss the low frequency response of BJT amplifier and give expression for lower
cutoff frequency due to CC,CE and CS.
c) Calculate the overall lower 3db and upper 3db frequencies for a 3 stage amplifier
having an individual f1=40HZ and f2=2MHZ
6 a) Discuss the effect of various capacitors in frequency response of an amplifier. 5

b) Determine the high cutoff frequencies for the common source amplifier, 10
CG =0.01µF, CC=0.5µF, CS=2µF, Rsig=10KΩ, RG=1MΩ ,RD=4.7KΩ, RS=1KΩ,
RL= 2.2KΩ IDSS=8mA, VP=-4V, rd=∞Ω , VDD=20V

c) Describe miller effect and derive an equation for miller input capacitance. 5
7 a) With block diagram explain the concept of feedback amplifier. 5

b) Derive the expression for Zif and Zof voltage series feedback amplifier. 5

c) For a practical current series feedback circuit derive expression for AF and Zif. 10
8 a) What is an Oscillator? Discuss the concept of generating oscillations with the help 5
of Barkhausen criteria.

b) Explain the operation of UJT Relaxation oscillator. 5

c) With a neat diagram and necessary expressions explain Hartley oscillator. 10

9 a) Give the definition of power amplifier and list the types of power amplifier based on 5
the location of Q point.

b) Explain the working of class B. Push pull amplifier.

Obtain an expression for maximum conversion efficiency of this amplifier. 10

c) Calculate the harmonic distortion components for an output signal having

fundamental amplitude of 2.5V, Second harmonic amplitude of 0.25V, third 5
harmonic amplitude of 0.1 V and fourth harmonic amplitude of 0.05 V and also
calculate the total harmonic distortion for the amplitude components given above.

10 a) With necessary circuit diagram and characteristics curve, show that the maximum 10
efficiency of a series fed class A amplifier is 25%.

b) Describe with block diagram the series and shunt type of voltage regulators. 5

c) Derive the voltage stability factor and output resistance for emitter follower series 5


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