The Essence of Inherent Rights
The Essence of Inherent Rights
The Essence of Inherent Rights
No person shall be deprived of life liberty and property without due process of law –Article III,
Section 1 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution stressed out that every Filipino sojourned in our
country must uphold its laws regarding these inviolable rights.
The constitutional protection guarantees the right to be alive, to be secured of one’s limb against
physical harm, to have life with dignity, and to have a descent standard of living.
This due process clause warrants every individual to secure full protection from unduly
oppressed-ill-mannered individual and such treats shall be dealt to the extent.
However, these rights granted in our Constitutions are not absolute. Everyone must inculcate in
their minds that in the exercise thereof, correspond responsibilities and ensure that no human
rights shall be infringed.
Thus, in the exercise of these inherent rights, the interest of public safety generally shall be of
paramount consideration - public health, public welfare and public morals.
Everyone must adhere to be bound by principles and standards embodied by laws and that,
there must be valid exercise in claiming such rights- it is neither arbitrary nor discriminating or
Hence, every person, in the exercise of his rights and in the performance of his duties must act
with justice, give everyone his due and in good faith, and in contrary shall be dealt with the
consequence as a result.
Are teachers nowadays stopped teaching the value of respect? Do they really tolerate students
who have displayed unpleasant behavior?
Do millennial students give importance to the unending advices of their teachers? Instead it
would become a source of fun by copying an action of the teachers, their looks, and their
manner of speaking.
What a disappointment could it be when your students behave the way you don’t want them to
be. Are you brave enough to face the challenges that every teacher encountered every day of
their lives?
It seems like gone are the days were learners valued respect. Is this how youngsters raised to
be for the future?
Students must lie where they are assigned to sit, assignment should be done at home, project
and written output must be handed in before the deadline, listen attentively to somebody who is
talking, participate during discussions, and respect the opinion of others. Do these make any
Students were informed that written output and project do not affect grades. What kind of
advice? What a slap to teachers’ face! What kind of respect to instill the mind of the students
wherein it was already corrupted?
The teachers called the attention of the parents or guardian every time their minors misbehaved
in the class. The reaction would be,” We are already exhausted by our sons/ daughters’
behavior. We want you to take the responsibility since they are already here in school. ”
What a painful and tragic moment of the teacher who wanted assurance from the mouth of the
parents as partners in molding the learners to become useful citizen instead, pass the burden of
responsibility that is supposed to be with them.
Teachers do not stop reminding students the value of respect. In fact, they often reprimand
students who have showed unbearable attitude that tends to create conflict in and outside the
school campus.
However, how would they fully implement the concept of respect when all the persons involved
do not want to partake?
The pressure to be well-liked and accepted by peers and the daily anxiety are too much to bear.
How could a famous Juan someone in school who tried to be cool deals with all force that keep
on pushing his head of which nothing left but emptiness ?
A student who goes to school with an empty stomach hoping that someone could spare a snack
for him, or waiting for a feeding of whom the adviser had prepared.
Are you that Juan who used to pray not to be called by the teacher to recite or answer the
question of which the teachers only understand?
Unfortunately your name has been called and the whole world stopped. Suddenly, it collapsed
and you could only say, ‘’I don’t know the answer, ma’am.”
Have been bullied because of your crisis? Have you been mocked of your weaknesses?
Many people who are successful in life have many stories to tell, that is they are defined by a
powerful words.
A person can be defined by a powerful word. A farmer boy who become a doctor who
remember his teacher who would not believe he would be. Fortunately, he is now a licensed
doctor or an engineering student who graduated magna even though sumusuka (vomit due to
liquors) received a mock from his peers.
Is there a need to be sad or a life to celebrate despite the sarcasm that you receive?
The growth of the internet and social media has added a disturbing factor of which victims are
attacked online and through instant messaging.
How can anyone stand against the abuse and mistreatment of someone who is easily hurt
physically, mentally and emotionally?
Who would dare to fight in the battle behind the pleasure people take bullying? Is anybody in
school resilient enough to conquer all the meanness that made every victim’s life miserable?
Bullying affects the lives of the students since victims would surely suffer emotional distress,
fear or damage to his property and disrupt their performance in school.
The anti-bullying policies have been implemented in school. Incidents of bullying have been
promptly acted. Parents or guardians have been notified so that both may take appropriate
action and that further acts would be prevented.
The law enforcement agency has conducted anti-bullying campaign every year to raise
awareness of bullying.
The teachers provide interventions such as counseling, reconciliation, settling disputes and
arguments, find ways to help them deal with problems.
What if all these interventions are already exhausted and still perpetrators continuously do the
same? Do we need to tolerate the act?
The school principal or any person who holds a comparable role shall be responsible for the
implementation and oversight of policies intended to address bullying (Section 4, RA. 10627).
What if the principal decided to suspend the perpetrators for a week as a sort of example to
others? Can’t it be possible?
There must be a punishment that would serve as example to ensure not to replicate the act. If
not, we will always have bullying to contend with.
Who’s to Blame?
Reading expands the minds as it develops ones vocabulary as well as his speaking and writing
skills which are indispensable in the professional world.
The genuine concern was for the poor who always get left behind. They need immediate
attention to bridge the intellectual and literary goal.
Everybody says we can move forward if our citizens are educated so let us educate ourselves
and each other through reading.
The attitude toward language learning between Filpinos who read and to those who do not
Nurturing the reading habit in students by giving them engaging and good quality of books to
Reading can open up whole new vocabulary of words exposure to a wide range of words can
boost confidence more articulate and promote writing fluency you are putting your brain at
“Death Penalty”
Our country has been through
with a character trait I am unable to change singled out for a minor aesthetic 'flaw' made me
question my worth as a human being.
Life seems meaningless until we experience a vast amount of tears and joy that would shape us
as a better person.
The Guise of Protecting Public Interest