Nutrition Month Quiz Bee Reviewer
Nutrition Month Quiz Bee Reviewer
Nutrition Month Quiz Bee Reviewer
free radicals. A diet rich in antioxidants has Celery is the best vegetable
been linked to a host of health-promoting, source of naturally occurring
disease-fighting activities in the body. sodium.
Kale contains lutein and
Antioxidant-rich foods include: zeaxanthin, which protect the
eyes from macular degeneration.
Vitamin A and beta-carotene: To increase the protein in peanut
butter, Brewer’s yeast can be
Pumpkin, squash, carrots, spinach,
mixed in - a useful tip for
sweet potatoes, cantaloupes, dark vegetarians.
leafy greens, and mangoes Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc,
which is good for the prostate and
Vitamin C: Citrus fruits, strawberries, building the immune system.
bell peppers, cauliflower, broccoli, Lemons are considered one of
tomatoes, sweet potatoes, asparagus the world's healthiest foods - one
lemon contains your daily dose of
Vitamin E: Vegetable oil, almonds, vitamin C, it cleanses the liver,
whole grains, wheat germ, sweet boosts your immunity and aids in
weight loss. Try adding it to a
potatoes, yams
mug of warm water to kick start
Selenium: Salmon, haddock your day!
Vitamin D has been in the news lately as Eggs contain the highest quality
food protein known. All parts of
studies have shown that people living in an egg are edible, including the
northern latitudes (such as much of the shell which has a high calcium
northern U.S.) may not get enough of this
The mushroom is the only non-
nutrient. Without adequate vitamin D, your animal natural source of vitamin
body can't properly absorb calcium, leading D.
Canadians spend about 60 minutes a
to a higher risk of broken bones --
day on eating, while the French
especially in the elderly. A recent Swiss spend about 133 minutes a day.
study suggests that elderly folks may be Milk is the #1 source of riboflavin in
able to reduce their risk of injury from falls the Canadian diet. Riboflavin keeps
skin, eyes and nerves healthy and
with vitamin D supplementation.
releases energy in cells.
The best source of this nutrient is sunshine.
Milk is 87% water. The nutrients,
Other good sources include: like protein, carbohydrate, vitamins
and minerals are all found in the
Fortified milk and some orange other 13%.
juices. Juice manufacturers are now Vitamin D helps our bodies absorb
adding both calcium and vitamin D calcium from foods. At our latitude
in Canada, we cannot make vitamin
for better absorption. D from the sun for about half the
Salmon and mackerel year (October to March). As a result,
a daily dietary source of vitamin D is
important. There are only a few
Liver commonly consumed foods naturally
Asparagus is a good source of rich in vitamin D. These include cod
vitamins A, C and E, B-complex liver oil, salmon, mackerel and tuna.
vitamins, potassium and zinc. You can also get smaller amounts of
vitamin D from egg yolks, liver and
An avocado has more than twice margarine. Milk in Canada is
as much potassium as a banana. fortified with vitamin D so that 1 cup
Broccoli contains twice the (250 mL) provides 100 IU.
vitamin C of an orange and Fluid needs vary depending on your
almost as much calcium as whole age and gender. Teens and adults
need anywhere between 8 and 13
cups of fluid each day. Water is great, 11. What is the cheapest source of Vitamin D?
but milk, juice, soup and anything Answer: Sunlight/Morning Sunshine
else you drink also count as fluid. 12. What is the scientific name of guava?
Answer: Psidium guajava
Carbohydrate is stored as glycogen 13. The package of simple ready-to-cook foods
in muscles, where it is used as a designed as a supplement to the usual diet of the
source of quick energy. If you child is called what? Answer: Nutri-Pak
deplete your glycogen stores during 14. What severe form of child malnutrition is
long steady intense activity like caused by inadequate intake of protein? Answer:
marathon running, you will become Kwashiorkor
15. It refers to the food that a person usually
fatigued and exhausted. The only
consumes. Answer: Diet
way to refill muscle glycogen stores 16. This vitamin is extracted from liver which is
is by eating carbohydrate-rich foods. essential for red blood cell formation. Answer:
The best carbohydrate food choices Vitamin B12/Cyanocobalamin
are nutritious high carbohydrate 17. It is a relapse or recurrence of an illness or
foods from the four food groups such disease. Answer: Palindromia
as fruit, potatoes, bread, pasta, rice, 18. It is the scientific regulation of diet in
cereal, legumes, milk and fruit- treating disease. Answer: Dietotherapy
flavoured yogurt. 19. Any substance that nourishes a person to
enable him to live and grow. Answer: Food
The carbohydrate, protein, fluid and 20. It is a condition characterized by sleepiness,
electrolytes (like potassium) in indifference, and lack of energy. Answer:
chocolate milk make it a great sports Lethargy
recovery beverage. The 21. ____________ is a metabolism of fat.
carbohydrates refuel muscles, the Answer: Lipometabolism
protein helps muscle repair and the 22. _____________ is caused by lack of calories
or inadequate amount of food. Answer:
fluids and electrolytes help with
rehydration. To learn more about 23. It is a type of cancer of
how athletes are using chocolate the blood characterized by an abnormal increase
milk as part of their training, visit of immature white blood cells called “blasts“. Answer: Leukemia or Leukaemia
24. The slowness of heart rate is referred to as
Broccoli is a source of calcium. You
what? Answer: Bradycardia
can get 50 mg of calcium from a 3/4 25. The first secretion from the mother’s breast
cup (175 mL) portion. Adults aged is rich in antibodies and minerals. This is
19–50 need 1000 mg of calcium produced after giving birth and before the
every day. production of true milk. It provides newborns
with immunity to infections. Answer:
26. These are the “building blocks” of protein
1. It makes up most of your blood and help carry
which is an integral part of all body tissues
oxygen and food to the cells in your body. It
especially muscle. Answer: Amino Acids
helps your body get rid of wastes through urine
27. It is the enlargement of the thyroid gland
and sweat. Answer: Water
appearing as a swelling of the front of the neck.
2. What food nutrient is our body’s main source
Answer: Goiter
of energy? Answer: Carbohydrates
28. It helps prevent goiter. Answer: Iodine
3. They are very important for building strong
29. This refers to the ease with which nutrients,
bones. Answer: Calcium
particularly minerals, can be absorbed from the
4. It is a degenerative brain disorder that causes
digestive tract and utilized by the body. Answer:
a gradual and irreversible decline in memory and
eventually, the ability to care for oneself.
30. ___________ is a term to describe minerals
Answer: Alzheimer’s disease
that are attached to other molecules such as
5. It is a dietary-deficiency disease resulting
proteins or carbohydrates and used to improve
from inadequate intake of niacin. Answer:
the bio-availability of minerals. Answer:
6. An irregularity in the rhythm of the heartbeat
31. These are the building blocks of fats and oils.
is referred to as what? Answer: Arrhythmia
Answer: Fatty Acids
7. It is a water-soluble vitamin found in fruits
32. It refers to the study of measurement of the
and leafy vegetables and is also called as
physical characteristics of the body such as
ascorbic acid. Answer: Vitamin C
height and weight. Answer: Anthropometry
8. A prolonged deficiency of Vitamin C in the
33. It is the pressure of the blood on the walls of
diet causes what disease? Answer: Scurvy
the arteries. Answer: Blood Pressure
9. What is the theme for this year’s Nutrition
34. _________ is the rate of energy used for
Month Celebration? Answer:
metabolism when the body is at complete rest.
10. What is the protein food found in milk?
Answer: Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
Answer: Casein
35. It is an eating disorder characterized by 59. It is the only sugar manufactured my
binge eating, sometimes followed by vomiting mammals. Answer: Lactose
or purging. Answer: Bulimia 60. Axerophthol is the same as what vitamin?
36. What is the natural stimulant found in coffee, Answer: Vitamin A
tea, and chocolate? Answer: Caffeine 61. It is a malignant growth of cells. Answer:
37. It is the unit of heat and the measurement of Cancer
energy. Answer: Calorie 62. Cardiopathy is known to be as what sort of
38. ___________ is a monosaccharide, disease? Answer: Heart Disease
sometimes known as blood sugar. Answer: 63. It is a disease caused by a deficiency of
Glucose Vitamin D. Answer: Rickets
39. It is the main carbohydrate in milk. Answer: 64. What vitamin is a viosterol? Answer:
Lactose Vitamin D2
40. These refers to the substances obtained from 65. What nutrient is needed as the main
food and used in the body to provide energy and structural component of the body? Answer:
structural materials and to regulate growth, Protein
maintenance and repair of the body’s tissue. 66. What vitamin helps in blood clotting and is
Answer: Nutrients known as naphthoquinone? Answer: Vitamin K
41. __________ is a chronic disease 67. What vitamin is needed for a healthy
characterized by excessively high body fat in immune system and strong connective tissue?
relation to lean body tissue. Answer: Obesity Answer: Vitamin C/Ascorbic Acid
42. It is an excess of body weight that includes 68. It is also known as tocopherol and is
fat, bone, and muscle. Answer: Overweight necessary for normal reproduction. Answer:
43. What is the general term for the people who Vitamin E
exclude meat, poultry, fish, or other animal- 69. What is the cheapest source of iodine in our
derived foods from their diets? Answer: household? Answer: Iodized salt
Vegetarians 70. What fruit is an alligator pear? Answer:
44. These are organic, essential nutrients Avocado
required only in small amounts. Answer: 71. Who was the Philippine President who
Vitamins declared July as a month of nutrition? Answer:
45. ________ is a guideline for the amount of Ferdinand Marcos
energy and selected nutrients considered 72. This is often marketed as “superfruits” being
adequate to meet the nutrient needs of rich in vitamins A and C. Answer: Guava
practically all healthy people. Answer: 73. It is an agency of the Philippine government
Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) under the Department of Health responsible for
46. It is the breaking down of foodstuffs in the creating a conducive policy environment for
body into a form that can be absorbed and used national and local nutrition planning,
or excreted. Answer: Digestion implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and
47. It is the state of being healthy and fit, gaining surveillance using state-of the art technology and
all nutrients. Answer: Wellness approaches. Answer: National Nutrition
48. It is a lack of adequate fluids in the body. Council (NNC)
Answer: Dehydration 74. It is a medical condition in which the eye
49. It is a deficiency in blood where iron level fails to produce tears caused by a deficiency in
intake is too low. Answer: Anemia or Anaemia vitamin A. Answer: Xerophthalmia
50. These are foods that are supplemented with 75. He is referred to as the “Father of Medicine”.
essential nutrients in quantities greater than Answer: Hippocrates
already present. Answer: Fortified Foods 76. _______ is a thiamine-deficiency disease.
51. How do you call a healthcare professional Answer: Beriberi
with training in nutrition and diet planning? 77. What Presidential Decree, known as the
Answer: Dietician/Dietitian “Nutrition Act of the Philippines” which created
52. _______ is the science that deals with foods the National Nutrition Council (NNC) as the
and their effects on health. Answer: Nutrition highest policy-making on nutrition, was
53. ________ is a drug or remedy used for promulgated on 1974? Answer: P.D. 491
treating illness. Answer: Medicine 78. What Executive Order, which named the
54. It is a lack of healthy foods in the diet, or an Department of Health as the chair of the NNC?
excessive intake of unhealthy foods, leading to Answer: Executive Order No. 472
physical harm. Answer: Malnutrition 79. What is the process of removing harmful
55. What is the best way to determine the pathogens from various types of food. Answer:
nutritional status of an individual? Answer: Pasteurization/Pasteurisation
Weighing 80. It protects the child from measles and is
56. What substance are nails made of? Answer: given only once as early as nine months.
Keratin Answer: Measles Vaccine
57. Dairy products are generally made from 81. It protects the unborn child from the tetanus
what common liquid? Answer: Milk and is given to the mother twice. Answer:
58. He is a Polish-American chemist considered Tetanus Toxoid
as the “Father of Vitamin Therapy” and was the 82. It is the current vaccine for tuberculosis.
first to coin the term “vitamin” as vital factors in Answer: Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG)
the diet. Answer: Casimir Funk 83. What is the substance found in colostrum
that fights against infection and creates
antibodies that stimulates immunity? Answer: 103. What is the act establishing the Philippine
Immunoglobulin Food Fortification Program? Answer: R.A.
84. ________ is a hidden hunger. Answer: 8976
Malnutrition 104. This results from a disproportion among
85. It is also called “Night Blindness” and is a essential nutrients with or without the absolute
poor vision in relatively low light. Answer: deficiency of any nutrients. Answer: Imbalance
Nyctalopia 105. What is the other name for vetsin, which
86. Malunggay have different parts. One of these we usually used in cooking that give flavor to
is the fruit/seed. For what is the use of this the foods we eat? Answer: Monosodium
fruit/seed? Answer: a. Arthritis glutamate / Sodium glutamate
87. _________ is slowness in eating. Answer: 106. ________ is a substance formed by protein
Bradyphagia in the blood that is used by the immune system
88. A person who stores too much sugar in the to identify and neutralize foreign objects such as
body may suffer from ___________. Answer: bacteria and viruses. Answer: Antibody
Diabetes 107. It is the removal of mineral or calcium ions
89. Who discovered the vitamin D and the role from the bone or other calcified tissue to make
of the vitamin in preventing rickets? Answer: them flexible and easy for pathological
Edward Mellanby investigation. Answer: Decalcification
90. What is the medical term for the 108. These are smaller amounts of vitamins or
inflammation of the protective membranes minerals consumed. Answer: Micronutrients
covering the brain and spinal cord, known 109. What hormone is produced in the pancreas
collectively as the meninges? Answer: that regulates the metabolism of glucose? [The
Meningitis lack of this hormone causes diabetes.] Answer:
91. ____________ is a great toe displacement Insulin
toward other toes. Answer: Hallux varus 110. __________ are portions and types of foods
92. This disease happens when the flow of and beverages consumed on a regular basis.
oxygen-rich blood to a section of heart muscle Answer: Diet
suddenly becomes blocked and the heart can’t 111. It is a standardized ratio of weight to height.
get oxygen. Answer: Heart Attack Answer: Body Mass Index (BMI)
93. It is a part of the vitamin B complex, which 112. In what part of the body does digestion
is vital for red blood cells, and thus used in the begin? Answer: Mouth
treatment of pernicious and macrocytic anemia 113. What group of foods builds and repairs
and gastrointestinal disorders. Answer: Folic worn-out tissues? Answer: Grow Foods
Acid / Folacin / Folate / vitamin M / vitamin 114. In what year was it discovered that citrus
B9 / vitamin Bc fruit juices aided in the treatment of scurvy, now
94. _________ means hernia of the stomach. known as vitamin C deficiency disease? Answer:
Answer: Gastrocele 1720
95. _________ is any illness resulting from the 115. What basic food group provides the body
consumption of contaminated food or foods with heat and energy? Answer: Energy-Giving
which contain poisonous substances. Answer: Foods (Go Foods)
Foodborne Illness / Foodborne Disease / Food 116. It is a deficiency of calcium in elderly.
Poisoning Answer: Osteoporosis
96. What is the stable food of Filipinos that is 117. What is the poor man’s meat? Answer:
served every meal? Answer: Rice Monggo (English Terms: Mung Bean /
97. When protein reaches the intestines for it to Moong Bean / Lentil / Legume / Mung Pea)
be digested, in what unit is it broken? Answer: 118. What vitamin do we get from yellow foods?
Amino Acid Answer: Vitamin A
98. It is a statement or information on food 119. What mineral makes our teeth harder?
labels indicating the nutrient(s) and the quantity Answer: Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus
of said nutrient found or added in the processed 120. What are the water-soluble vitamins?
foods or food products. Answer: Nutrition Answer: Vitamin C and Vitamins B complex
Facts 121. What vitamin helps in preventing
99. ________ is the addition of nutrients to hemorrhage and known as bandage vitamin?
processed foods or food products at levels above Answer: Vitamin K
the natural state. Answer: Fortification / Food 122. What do you call the thrombocytes that are
Fortification tiny colorless disk-shaped and plays an
100. This is a strategy to encourage food important part in the clotting process? Answer:
manufacturers to fortify processed foods or food Platelets
products with essential nutrients at levels 123. What do you call the cholesterol that comes
approved by the Department of Health (DOH). from food? Answer: Dietary Cholesterol
Answer: Sangkap Pinoy Seal Program 124. What do you call the cholesterol that
101. It is the process of introducing vaccine into circulates in your blood? Answer: Serum
the body to stimulate the formation of antibodies Cholesterol/Blood Cholesterol
which fight germs that cause diseases. Answer: 125. What is the body’s most essential nutrient?
Immunization Answer: Water
102. What do you call the medical condition in 126. What are the fat-soluble vitamins? Answer:
which a person’s spine is curved from side to Vitamins A, D, E, and K
side? Answer: Scoliosis
127. It must accompany smart eating for weight 1. Fruits, vegetables and cereals are potent
control. Answer: Regular Exercise
128. _______ is a guideline for helping people sources of: Antioxidants
choose a varied, balanced, and moderate diet.
Answer: Daily Food Guide 2. The leading source of antioxidants in
129. It is a fatlike substance found only in
the U.S. diet is: Coffee
animal sources of food. Answer: Cholesterol
130. What is the governmental agency 3. The essential fatty acids that must be
responsible for food labels? Answer: Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) derived from the diet are: Linoleic and
131. These are the substances added for a
specific effect. Answer: Additives alpha-linoleic acid
132. ___________ is an excess body fat. 4. All of the following statements about
Answer: Obesity
133. How many calories are there in a pound? omega-3 fatty acids are true except: They
Answer: 3,500 calories
134. It is an eating disorder characterized by an have significantly contributed to the
irrational fear of becoming obese. Answer:
Anorexia nervosa obesity epidemic
135. It refers to the eating of large amounts of 5. All of the following may be associated
starches on days leading up to athletic
competition. Answer: Carbohydrate Loading with scurvy except: First symptom is
136. It is when the body’s immune system
overreacts to food substances. Answer: Food altered mental status
6. The only fat-soluble antioxidant
137. ___________ is using a medicine in a way
that is not intended. Answer: Medicine misuse synthesized in the body is? CoQ10
138. It is the ability to be physically active.
Answer: Physical Fitness 7. Good source of vitamin D include all
139. Of the existing 22 amino acids, how many
are considered to be essential in the diet? except: Blueberries
Answer: 9 amino acids 8. One of the fat-soluble vitamins involved
140. What are the complex carbohydrates?
Answer: Starches in coagulation is: Vitamin K
141. What mineral helps build red blood cells?
9. Products that contain live
Answer: Iron
142. It is a fat-soluble vitamin that enhances the microorganisms in sufficient numbers to
absorption of calcium and therefore aids in the
alter intestinal microflora and promote
formation and maintenance of bones and teeth.
Answer: Vitamin D intestinal microbial balance are known as:
143. What are the simple carbohydrates?
Answer: Sugars
144. What is the primary role of carbohydrates 10. Nondigestible food ingredients that
in the body? Answer: To provide energy
stimulate the growth and activity of
145. ____________ is the sole source of energy
used by the brain. Answer: Glucose certain bacteria in the colon are called:
146. It is a B vitamin that is a factor in energy
metabolism and supports normal vision and skin
health. Answer: Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin 11. A deficiency of thiamine (vitamin B1) in
147. ___________ is an excessively rapid
heartbeat. Answer: Tachycardia the diet causes: Beri-beri\
148. It is a bad breath. Answer: Halitosis
12. Symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia may
149. ____________ is a condition in which a
person can no longer control his or her need or include all of the following except:
desire for a drug. Answer: Drug Addiction
Inability to swallow
150. It is any chemical or agent that causes
cancer. Answer: Carcinogen 13. All of the following are true about
Tourette syndrome except: Drug
treatment completely eliminates
14. The USDA Dietary Guidelines for
Americans advise: Limiting total fat
intake to 20 to 35 percent of calories
15. All of the following statements about
vitamin B3 (niacin) are true except:
Deficiency causes beriberi
16. The average American consumes
approximately how much sodium per day?
3,400 mg
17. All of the following are potentially
modifiable risk factors for osteoporosis
except: Chronically low intake of
vitamins C and B6
18. Consuming fewer than 130 grams of
carbohydrate per day may lead to: Ketosis
19. Characteristics of successful dieters
include all of the following except:
Eliminating all carbohydrates from their
20. Iron supplements are frequently
recommended for all of the following
except: Post-menopausal women