Benefit-Cost Analysis: Non-Profit Motive in Public Economy
Benefit-Cost Analysis: Non-Profit Motive in Public Economy
Benefit-Cost Analysis: Non-Profit Motive in Public Economy
is the maximizing of profits. Analysis of several alternatives is made
to determine which one will contribute the maximum net profit. No
expenditure is justified unless it can be considered as an acceptable
investment. On the other hand, government or public organizations
spend money to create an advantage for the public or a segment of
it. For example, the benefits to be derived from the construction of
Enmar T. Tuazon, ECE, ECT a highway may consist of savings in time consumed because of
higher speeds, in reduction of accidents because the highway is
built in accordance with highway standards, in lesser maintenance
and repair costs of vehicles because the surface is smooth, and in
shorter distances because the route is direct. Likewise,
expenditures for other projects like bridges, waterworks, dams,
airports, libraries, schools, flood controls, and all other public works
projects cause benefits to the people. The basic purpose of
government organizations is to provide a benefit needed by people.
Sample Problem 3
• A nonprofit educational research organization, is con-
templating an investment of P1,500,000 in grants to
develop new ways to teach people the rudiments of
profession. The grants would extend over a ten-year
period and would achieve an estimated benefit of
P500,000 per year in professors` salaries, student
tuition, and other expenses. The program would be an
addition to ongoing and planned activities, thus an
estimated P100,000 a year would have to be released
from other program to support the educational
research as disbenefit. Interest of 15% is expected. Is
this a good program?
a. B/C method
b. B – C Criterion