Lesson Plan

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School 7
Teacher ng Mathematics 7
Grade 7 (T-1)
g Date FEBRUARY 1, 2019; 1:00- Quarte THIRD (Week
and 2:00 PM r 7)

I. Objectives
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of
Standard geometry of shapes and sizes, and geometric relationships.
The learner is able to create models of plane figures and
B. Performance
formulate and accurately authentic problems involving sides and
angles of a polygon.
The learner illustrates a circle and terms related to it: radius,
C. Learning
diameter chord, center, arc, chord, central angle, and inscribed
angle. (M7GE-IIIg-1)
II. Content Circles
III. Learning Resources
Mathematics 7, Teacher’s Guide pp. 286-289
1. References Mathematics 7, Learner’s Material pp. 233-236
Mathematics Curriculum Guide p. 84
2. Other Chalkboard, Books, ruler, compass, protractor, laptop and
Learning projector
IV. Procedures
Say: “We will have a puzzle
game. I will divide you into
three groups. The first group
will be the column to my
right, the second group will be
the column to my left and the
A. Drill third group will be the last
two rows at the back.”

“What you are going to do is

to complete the puzzle and
then post it on the board. The first group to finish the game
will be the winner.”
B. Establishing a
Play “Circle Song | Circle Shapes | I'm A Circle | Circles |
purpose for the
Educational Songs | Jack Hartmann“ using a projector.
Have the students do the activity:

C. Presenting Draw a point somewhere in the middle of a sheet of paper.
Examples/instanc Now, using a ruler, mark 20 other points that are 5 cm from
es of new lesson the first point. Compare your work with that of your

Ask: “What shape do you recognize?”

D. Discussing Show a picture of a circle, discuss the definition, and show
new concepts and the illustration and how it is named.
practicing new

Answer the following questions:
1. Why do all radii (plural of radius) of a circle have the
same length?
2. Which of the following figures are circles?

a. b. c.
3. Your grandfather told you that when he was young, he
and his playmates buried some old coins under the
ground, thinking that that these coins will be valuable
after several years. He also remembered that these
coins were buried exactly 4 kilometers from Tree A (see
map) and 5 kilometers from Tree B. Where could the
coins possibly be located?

E. Discussing new
Discuss the terms related to circles (diameter chord, center, arc,
concepts and
chord, central angle, and inscribed angle). Let the students try to
practicing new
illustrate every term on the board based on the given definition.
skills #2
F. Developing Let the pupils answer the following:
Mastery (Leads to
Formative 1. Determine whether each statement is true or false.
Assessment) a. Two radii always have the same length.
b. Two chords always have the same length.
c. All chords are diameters.
d. All diameters are chords.
e. All chords intersect at one
f. A radius is not a chord.
g. All diameters intersect at one
2. On circle O,
a. Name each radius.
b. Name each diameter.
c. Name each chord.
d. Name each central angle.
e. Name the arcs subtended by the central angles in
Ask: “What is a circle? What are the terms related to it?”

A circle is the set of all points that are the same distance
from a fixed point. The fixed point is called the center of the
circle. A segment drawn from any point on the circle to the
G. Making center is called a radius.
and abstractions A chord is a segment that connects any two points of a circle.
about the lesson A diameter is a chord that passes through the center of a
circle. It is the longest chord of a circle and it is twice the
length of a circle’s radius.
A central angle is an angle whose vertex is on the circle’s
center, and whose sides intersect the circle at two points.
An arc is a portion of a circle determined by a central angle.
Using a compass, draw a circle whose radius is 5 cm. Then
draw the following objects. Write “impossible” if the object
cannot be drawn.
a. One chord measuring 2 cm.
b. One chord measuring 10 cm.
H. Evaluating
c. One chord measuring 12 cm.
d. Three radii measuring 5 cm.
e. One central angle measuring 90o.
f. One central angle measuring 135o.
g. One arc subtended by an angle that measures 35o.
h. Three adjacent central angles, each measuring 100.
V. Remarks
VI. Reflection
A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the
remedial lessons
work? No. of
learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

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