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Experiential Landscape As A Tool To Enhance Behavioral Response of Users in Urban Parks - Case Study of Al-Azhar Park

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Experiential Landscape as a Tool to Enhance Behavioral Response of users in

Urban Parks - Case Study of Al-Azhar Park
Article · September 2010

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Usama A. Nassar
Suez Canal University


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Experiential Landscape as a Tool to Enhance
Behavioral Response of users in Urban Parks
Case Study of Al-Azhar Park
AbdelHafeez M.1, Badran E.2, Nassar U.3

Abstract: Numerous studies have demonstrated the ability of natural places to positively influence
individual well-being. Even brief views of nature have been found to speed recovery from surgery, and
enhance one’s ability to function effectively. And designing the landscape is an endless process of movement
and change, which respond to environmental conditions and human activities. Therefore, the purpose of this
paper is to analysis the relation between the historical landscape of open parks in old districts within the city
and activities and behaviour that occur inside it, and how we can develop it by the comprehensive use of
landscape elements in the space. The paper vehicle is to present the idea of experiential landscape as a tool to
evaluate the user’s perception in the park. Alazhar Park in Cairo (Egypt) is used as a case study to explore
the social patterns within the local area, and existing social and anti-social behavior in the park, the results
are based on the observation and recording the people’s response towards historic landscape elements, beside
applying a questionnaire to selected sample of park users to investigate their opinion.

Key words: behaviour and activities, experiential landscape, urban parks, landscape perception

review their approach which being used and

examined in open spaces, in order to apply it on
The idea of experiential landscape was discussed urban parks.
by Kevin Thwaites and Ian Simkins4. They believe Few years ago, the environmental physiologists
that it is very important to look at the human- Steven and Rachel Kaplan5 highlighted the
environment relation in more depth, setting out its problem. They saw it was that although enlightened
philosophical and theoretical context and then design practitioners recognized value and relevance
describing some of the methodological components in the research findings of environmental
that help us to understand it more. The research will physiology, they simply couldn’t translate the
research literature into usable recommendations. Table 1 Table of CDTA symbols and themes
The solution to this was to appeal to the structure of 7
(adapted by Researcher)
Alexander’s pattern language6 as a framework with
operational potential, and they proposed their own
Experiential type symbol description
matrix of patterns and themes to present solutions place
for the design and management.
Red open
circle or
The benefits of the research topic is very helpful
orange open
to the field of landscape, it introduce the concept of Social
circle or
Center interaction
experiential landscape and how it can be applied on polygon
urban parks to predict the human perception based
on their current attitude. Restorative
green open
circle or
The paper tries to investigate behavioral polygon
response in urban parks towards landscape design Green
through the tool of experiential landscape. dashed line,
with a star
Blue asterix
and blue
The research assume that by the effective using target with
dashed line
of landscape elements in urban parks we can direct
Two thick
and enhance human behaviour for users Threshold and parallel
The focus of the research on innovative practices
and landscape design techniques, drawn from the Transition Red
Corridor – polygon
case study of Alazhar Park in Cairo Egypt, and will segment - hatched in
suggest revisions to practice in better way to human ephemeral one
responses . This will be achieved through:- direction

 Site visit’s at different use periods, with Area

Purple open
monitoring and evaluation of behavioral
patterns, with documentation by
photographs and diagrams.. A. Center
 Structured interviews with a selected sample Some of the environmental attributes that
of the users, an analyze it to understand seemed to induce the predominant sensation of
patterns of uses. location it called Center. Hiller and Hanson8 have
associated convex spaces with social potential in
residential settings, and they use an adaptation of
Table 1 provides the fundamental basis from this to explore the spatial characteristics of the
which the experiential landscape concept can begin sensation of Center.
to be explored in the field. Another of the principal attributes of settings
The paper will look more closely at the that seemed to deliver prominent Center experience
components as an emergent vocabulary potentially was that settings that appeared locationally
capable of describing the characteristics of significant, as opposed to isolating, tended to be
experiential landscape. close to routes that encouraged passer-by.
Fig. 1 shows the different types represent B. Direction
different ways in which people come to attach The discussion about the development of Center
significance and value to locations. characteristics highlighted that centers don’t exist in
isolation to other kinds of spatial experience.
Subjectively significant location engendering a sense of Gordon Cullen9 understood this relationship when
here-ness and proximity he said in his exploration of the structure of
townscape that:
Being mainly convex in shape and
contained “No sooner do we postulate a here than
Being made up of smaller centres automatically we must create a there,
Having views beyond for you can’t have one without the
Having transitional features other“
Being on a route that encourages
The explorations of Kevin Thwaites and Ian
Simkins10 showed that sensation of direction can be
conceptualized by three interconnecting categories
Types of Center
of experience which link together the here and
there, which is:
Social Imageability  Linear containment, this refers to a general
sense of containment that draws attention to
Social Interaction a spatial continuity, and this is influenced
most by attributes of the enclosing surfaces.

Restorative Benefit
 Route, it extends beyond the awareness of a
potential continuity to the actual act of
going from here to there. In this category,
Fig. 1 Conceptual model for Center environmental attributes that predominate
The environmental characteristics of centers are those that relate to ease of movement.
significant for restorative benefits can be 
 Anticipation, it provides the motivation for
summarized into:
moving from here to there. Environmental
 Separation from distraction. attributes that seem most to stimulate the
 Comfort and shelter. sense of anticipation include what we see
 Provisions for rest. and hear, and what we can imagine. Fig. 2
 Presence of nature (trees – water – natural
materials). Linear
Finally, the environmental attributes that is There
especially associated with centers significant in
people’s lives because of social interaction include
the following:
 Significant convergence of routes.
 Presence of features for waiting.
 Seating in social groupings.
 Presence of features encouraging comments. Anticipation
 Revealingness (low garden boundaries. Etc).

Places of arrival, departure. Fig. 2 The three categories of experience in

Fig. 3 shows the conceptual model for direction,  Segment, more complex kind than threshold and
which summarize all the components of it. corridor. A segment recognizes that sometimes
a strong sense of transition might be
DIRECTION accompanied by a sensation that there are also
Subjectively significant continuity engendering a sense of locational qualities present as well; segments
three-ness and future possibility
are usually formed from the overlapping of two
 adjacent spaces.
Stimulated by the perception of:  Ephemeral, it recognizes qualities of the
environment that can generate strong
Linear containment transitional sensations but are not permanent
(Awareness of the possibility of
continuity and how to realize it) features. These include in particular the
Route transient effects of sun and shade patterns,
(The actual act of going from here to variations in temperature, and wet to dry in
there) rainy weather.
(The incentive or motivation for going)
Subjectively significant point or area of change
Constituent of Direction engendering a sense of transformation in mood,
atmosphere or function

Kinetic Sensory
Spatially concentrated or
spatially extended
- Enclosure. - Exploration and mystery. Change in material, colour, form
- Rhythm. - View, smell and sound. and direction
- Non engaging facades. - Detective facades. Framing and gateway features
- Ease of movement. - Linearity of floorscape. Choice of onward movement
- Clear primary route.

Fig. 3 Conceptual model for Direction Types of transition

C. Transition
Threshold (sudden change) Corridor (gradual change)
The sensation of transition is what allows us to
experience difference between adjacent places. This
appears to be the view was taken by Norberg- Segment (soft linking spaces) Ephemeral (Transient effects)

Schulz 11 when he describes transitions as the glue

that binds together other spatial components to form Fig. 4 Conceptual model for Transition
a coherent whole. Fig. 4 shows the conceptual model for direction,
From Kevin Thwaites and Ian Simkins which summarize all the components of it.
investigations12, they have identified four
distinguishable types, which are: Fig. 5
 Threshold, the simplest form of transition
because it occurs in an instant defined usually
 by quite an abrupt contrast on either side of it.
 Corridor is spatially more expansive than a
threshold in that it delivers its transition
experience gradually rather than abruptly, it Threshold Corridor Ephemeral
usually takes the form of a restricted and Fig. 5 Different types of transitions
directed passage.
D. Area In order to answer the question of how we can
The last component in the experiential landscape reveal and read the experiential landscape, there is
concept is perhaps more general and less tangible an approach developed by Kevin Thwaites and Ian
than the other three, and it has a different role. Area Simkins16 on the idea or layering information
has a similar characteristic to Center in that areas drawn from individuals and given a graphical
can be experienced within areas. As just as the representation.
sense of location can be strengthened is there is a
range of locational experiences in roughly the same A. Non participant observation
place13. Fig. 6 shows the relation between Area and According to Flick17, This technique involves
other experiential landscape elements. the passive observation for the activities of groups
or individuals with the intention to understand
practices, interactions and events which occur in a
specific context. It provides access to the cultural
mechanisms of a space as well as the spatial
relationship that the site users have with their
surroundings, and can give detailed insights into the
social life and relationships of people.
B. Conversation
This technique is usually possible in public
places, through, to ask some one of the users about
some detailed information about the space not
Fig. 6 Holistic relationship of CDTA always possible by observation of the place18. In
Fig. 7 shows the conceptual model for direction, this method, usually it is unstructured interviews
which summarize all the components of it. and casual conversations, more friendly discussions
about the space to understand the reasons for the
AREA existing behavioral patterns.
Subjectively significant realm engendering a sense of
coherence and containment C. Semi structured interviewing
This particular technique is a method frequently
Thematic continuity used in qualitative research when it is necessary to
Rhythm, pattern, co-ordination in texture-space and form- detail and allow participants to range as naturally and freely as
symbol- building type- use and activity- degree of maintenance-
topography possible in their response to questions.
Degree of privacy The way this usually works is to have
Private, semi private, semi public, public predetermined topics that guide conversation
allowing new questions or insights to evolve as the
Fig. 7 Conceptual model for Area
discussion develops19.
Perception of landscape is not an objective clear The information gathering stage yields voice
in the sense that is already exists out there to be recordings and transcribed text, along with
discovered, revealing and then interpreting it is a supplementary notes, diagrams, that record details
primarily qualitative pursuit14. If 10 trained and of the place perception according to the theoretical
experienced landscape or urban design principles of the experiential landscape.
professionals were asked to record their space This raw material need to be interpreted to term
perceptions of a particular settings they will give of CDTA, and this is achieved by coding parts of
ten different answers, even if instructions given to the transcript in relation to their correspondence
them about how they should interpret the concept of
with how CDTA are defined20.
space perception is very precise15.
READING THE EXPERIENTIAL LANDSCAPE IN questionnaire to apply on the park users. In order to
AL-AZHAR PARK calculate the size of the samples to work on, it was
a must to analysis the number of visitors to the park
The main purpose of producing a composite since it was opened late 2004 to 2007, and to
experiential landscape map is to reveal in predict the number in 2009 based on the available
diagrammatic form the spatial distribution of data and expectations from the park administrators.
certain kinds of human experiences across the
space. To draw these maps, the study will start to
investigate user’s behaviour an interaction with 1,400
historic landscape features through some steps, 1,300
which are: 1,100

Non-participant observation.


 Conversation. 600


 Semi structures interviewing. 300

 200

 Questionnaire results. 0

 2004 2005 2006 2007

 Questionnaire results correlation. VISITORS IN '000' 145 803 1,073 1,529

A. Non-participant observation
It is one of the effective ways to record people’s Fig. 9 Visitors Number in Al-Azhar Park from 2004
behaviour in a space, for the purpose of evaluative to 2007 22
methodology in the research, many visits were
organized to observe users attitude and reactions in Fig 9 shows the visitors till 2007, which is 1.529
the park spaces, these visits were during all the day million people, expected to reach 2,500 million by
times and distributed within normal days and the end of 2009. Based on this assumption the daily
weekends. Fig 8 visitors number enter the park is almost 7000
persons, taking in consideration the huge number of
visitors in special days like EID and summer
Table 2 Calculating sample size for users survey in
Al-Azhar Park
Average Chosen
Confidence level (90-99) % 95 %
Population size 7000 7000
Fig. 8 Examples for observation visits to the park
(Researcher) Margin of error 5-10 9
Sample size 120
B. Non-participant observation
The performance of park facilities were Table 2 is the result of using the special software
evaluated through meeting with people and discuss designed to calculate sample size, after choosing
the other variables in the table the number of
their opinions about it21, these interviews were
unstructured and all around park zones. sample will be out, these variables are:
 Confidence level23.
C. Semi structures interviewing 
To investigate the user behaviour and  Margin of error24.
preferences in the park, the research will conduct a
The sample size will be distributed the local user 2) Park accessibility to the community
and non local user, also according to the time of
Regarding the question (Your overall evaluation
visiting either in the morning or night, and the
for the park with its diversity of activities and
sample designed to be all around the park layout
cultural events?) as a sample, the user’s answers are
(lake side – main entrance – north side).
in Fig. 11.
D. Questionnaire results
The users survey was divided into five main 60
parts to examine the previous discussed points in 50
this chapter, these parts are:

 General questions about the park.

 30

 Park accessibility to the community. 20

 Comparative analysis of park design. 10

Evaluation of designed historic landscape. Excellent Good Average Poor Others
 Non Local 9 33 18 0 0
 Types of activities inside the park. Local 16 21 11 3 9

The paper will present some samples of user’s Fig. 11 Users answers to the survey - part 2
answers from all the questionnaire five parts,
45% sees the park is good, 24.17% thinks it is
followed by the correlations for it.
average, while 20.83% of the sample rank the park
1) General questions about the park as excellent. Only 2.5% choose poor, and 7.5%
Regarding the question (At what time in the day don’t know how to evaluate it, all of them are from
you like to visit the park?) as a sample, the users local users.
answers are in Fig. 10. 3) Comparative analysis of park design
Regarding the question (What is most important
60 from the following features to the historic character
of the Park?) as a sample, the user’s answers are in
Fig. 12.

20 30


0 15
morning afternoon at night it depends others
Non Local 4 27 15 14 0 5
Local 12 24 14 10 0
Restaurants Water Using
M ore Don't know
buildings features stones

Non Local 26 14 17 0 3
Fig. 10 Users answers to the survey - part 1 Local 6 13 21 2 18

42.5% of all sample prefer to visit the park at Fig. 12 Users answers to the survey - part 3
afternoon, it is distributed among local and non
31.67 % believe that using stones what gave the
local equally, then 24.17% like to visit the park at
historic theme to the park, and 26.67 % answered it
night. The research will try to investigate the reason
is the architectural character for the restaurants
later in analyzing the questionnaire.
buildings, while 22.50 % choose water features. Yet
17.50 % don’t know what the answer.
4) Evaluation of designed historic landscape choose the main restaurants, only 5 % choose
western edge.
Regarding the question (what is the most area
inside the park you feel safe in it?) as a sample, the Regarding the question (Why is this place your
user’s answers are in Fig. 13. favorite?) as a sample, the user’s answers are in Fig.
Local Non Local

Western edge 5 5

M ain spine 8 21

Viewing platform 7 19
Green open area 8 10

Children's play area 12 19

M ain entrance 15 15
Beside the lake 21 35 P eace Kids enjoy Don't
View Crowded
and quite it know
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Non Local 47 12 18 20 1
Fig. 13 Users answers to the survey - part 4 Local 21 14 12 16 2

28 % feels safer beside the lake, 15.50 % choose Fig. 15 Users answers to the survey - part 6
children’s play area, and 15 % pick the main E. Questionnaire results correlation
entrance, 14.50 % choose main spine. 13 % feels
safe in viewing platform point, while 9 % choose After displaying the results of the questionnaire
green open area. Only 5 % pick the western edge. which was distributed to the users of Al-Azhar
Park, the research will analysis the results more
5) Types of activities inside the park deeply to understand the correlations between some
Regarding the question (Within the park, do you selected questions and each of:
have a favorite location you like to visit?) as a (Age groups – local and non local users – time
sample, the user’s answers are in Fig. 14. for visiting the park), by using SPSS program, as
Local Non Local shown in Fig. 16.
Western edge 6 5
M ain spine 8 21

Viewing platform 11 20 Zero -1

Green open area 10 12

Variable 1 Variable 2
Children's play area 14 19
Zero -1
M ain Restaurant 2 11 Inverse
The lake 29 45
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Fig. 14 Users answers to the survey - part 5 Fig. 16 Diagram to show the correlation between
About 35 % from the answers goes to the lake, two variables in the questionnaire
15 % of people choose children’s play area and Table 3 shows the strength of relation between
viewing platform, while 14 % likes the main spine. evaluation the park with its diversity of activities
10 % enjoy visiting green open area, and 6 % and each of age groups, local or non local users and
the time of visiting.
Table 3 Correlation for evaluation for the park and  Non local users were the most willing to share
its diversity of activities in park development and redesign,
generally more than 60 % shows the
Excellent Good Average Poor Others willingness and proposed some ways to be
15-25 -0.049 0.145 -0.059 -0.111 0.005 a part of the park redesign.
25-45 0.150 -0.141 -0.037 -0.003 0.062 
45-65 -0.102 0.000 0.096 0.113 -0.067  Both local and non local users agreed that there
are not enough shelters in the park,
local 0.109 -0.134 -0.184 0.138 0.245
especially among who come in the
non local -0.117 0.114 0.185 -0.128 -0.228

-0.080 0.081 0.008 -0.063 -0.019
 The most place people feel safe in it within the
0.099 -0.110 -0.092 0.186 0.139
n park is beside the lake, which affect their
at night -0.098 -0.055 0.182 -0.090 -0.013 choice for the best place they like.
0.051 0.124 -0.088 -0.080 -0.142

depends  Almost 60% from the user’s answers choose the
mosque as the main thing they miss in the
Table 4 shows the strength of relation between park.
the historic landscape features used in the park and
each of age groups, local or non local users. After conducting deeper analyzing for the
questionnaire results using SPSS programs to
Table 4 Correlation for most important from the understand the correlations between questions
following features to the historic character of the variables, the results can be listed as followed:
 Non local users and people who come in the
Water Using Don't afternoon were attracted more to the
nts More
features stones know vegetation of the park, and it could
encourage them to visit the park again.
15-25 0.185 0.095 -0.243 -0.090 0.008 
25-45 -0.156 0.033 0.152 0.043 -0.054  Most of the age group (15-25) chooses that
developing sport areas will attract them
45-65 -0.027 -0.127 0.089 0.046 0.047
more to visit the park, while non local
local -0.435 -0.102 0.150 0.112 0.396
users choose more information signs, and
last for people who come at night choose
0.365 0.140 -0.143 -0.104 -0.370
local restaurant.

 Most of the age group (15-25) shows
From the initial readings of the questionnaire acceptance to share in a plan to develop
results, some results can be addressed: the park, also the majority was from non
 Group’s and families are the main type that local users.

visits the park more than individuals,  Confirming the results that afternoon is the best
which confirm the idea that the park could times to visit the park, most of the people
attract families with all social classes who visit the park in the afternoon
again to open spaces. evaluate the park as excellent with its

 The best time to visit the park according to most social and historic context.

of people’s answers (42.5%) was  Local users didn’t agree on the main reason
afternoon. that gave the historic character to the

 Social and cultural events were the major item park, while most of non local users choose
could attract people more to visit the park the historic architectural style of buildings
many times. and landscape features.
 Most of the non local users find it difficult to Main restaurant, (visiting restaurant –
explore landscape facilities in the park.
 observing people).
 Most of the age group (15-25) feels safer in the
Children’s play area, (cultural events –
western edge of the park, while the group
(45-65) choose children play area. playing with kids).

 After correlating the user’s choices for the most Green open areas, (enjoying the green area).
places they feel safe in it and their best
Viewing platform, enjoying the historic
place among the park, there is a strong
relation between both. scenery).

 Most of the age group (15-25) choose the Main spine, (observing people – walking).
western edge as their favorite place
Western edge, (relaxing – walking).
because of peace and quite, which confirm
the idea that some parts of the park holds
negative activities, while the group(45-65)
choose the kids play area mainly because
kids enjoy it.

 After correlating the time of visiting the park
with the reason for choosing the best
place, the results were very significant to
people evaluation for the park, most of the
visitors in the morning choose their place
because it is peace and quite, and visitors
in the afternoon choose it because of the
view, at last for people visiting at night
they choose their best place in the park
because it is crowded.

 Most of the age group (15-25) likes to walk,
while the group (45-65) chooses playing Fig. 17 The historic scenery from the viewing
with kids. platform in Al-Azhar Park

 The answer of local users varied between all VII. DRAWING EXPERIENTIAL LANDSCAPE MAP
kinds of activities, while non local users (CDTA) FOR AL-AZHAR PARK
choose visiting restaurants and enjoying
the historic scenery. After investigating all the first steps to explore
 experiential landscape in Al-Azhar park, the final
 Visitors who come in the morning mainly step in the evaluative proposed methodology for the
choose playing with kids, who come in the thesis is to draw the CDTA25 maps for the park to
afternoon choose relaxing and reading. clarify how the design of landscape affect the
Last, visitors at night choose visiting behaviour patterns in the park. Each of components
restaurants and attend festivals and will be drawn separately.
cultural events.

 After correlating the most likable place to users
with their activities, the result were:
The lake, (enjoying historic scenery – social
A. Centers (Al-Azhar Park) Kinetic direction (enclosure – clear route –
In this map, all kinds of people gathering centers
will be shown with all each type, most of the Sensory direction (exploration and mystery –
centers varied between: smell and sound)

Social imageability (ceremony – presence of

facilities – physical features)
Social interaction (social group seating – arrival
places – low boundaries)
Restorative benefits (presence of nature – rest –
rest and shelters)

Fig. 19 Directions for experiential landscape map

of Al-Azhar Park (Researcher)

C. Transitions (Al-Azhar Park)

In this map, all kinds of people transition places
Fig. 18 Centers for experiential landscape map of will be shown with all each type, most of it varied
Al-Azhar Park (Researcher) between:
B. Directions (Al-Azhar Park) Threshold (frames and gateways –change in
In this map, all kinds of people main paths will color and material)
be shown with all each type, the main two kinds of
Direction are:
Corridor / segment / ephemeral (short distance
and framed views – choice of direction and
central vocal point – sun to shade, light to dark).

Fig. 21 Areas for experiential landscape map of Al-

Azhar Park (Researcher)
E. Conclusions of CDTA maps (Al-Azhar Park)
Fig. 20 Transitions for experiential landscape map After drawing the experiential landscape maps
of Al-Azhar Park (Researcher) for Al-Azhar Park in Cairo, some points can be
D. Areas (Al-Azhar Park) concluded as shown in Fig. 22.
In this map, all kinds of clear areas n the park No social activities and clear areas, lake of
transition zones
will be shown with all each type, most of the
centers varied between:
Physical boundaries (clear walls – landscape
No social activities
Hidden boundaries (social group gathering – No social
and clear areas,
The most social and successful lacking of directions
topography) lacking of place in the park, it hold all the
directions experiential landscape elements

Fig. 22 Conclusions of CDTA maps

8 Hillier, B, & Hanson, J. (1984). The social logic of space. Cambridge,
 To pay more attention to the local users living Cambridge University press.
around the park, and starting to organize more
9 Cullen, G. (1971) The Concise Townscape, the Architectural Press, London.
events to interact with both local and non local
users as the park started when it started in 2004. 10 Thwaites, Kevin & Simkins, Ian. (2008). Experiential Landscape – an
 approach to people, place and space. Routledge Press. New York.
 Allocate a temporary place for praying, as it
was mentioned from most of the users it is the 11 Norberg Schulz, C. (1971). Existence, Space and Architecture. Preager
main thing they miss in the park. Press. New York.

 More lighting elements in the park could 12 Thwaites, Kevin & Simkins, Ian. (2008). Experiential Landscape – an
encourage more visitors to explore a lot of approach to people, place and space. Routledge Press. New York.
hidden spaces in the park especially at night.
 13 Thwaites, Kevin & Simkins, Ian. (2008). Experiential Landscape – an

 Increase the number of direction and approach to people, place and space. Routledge Press. New York.

information maps within the park paths, to 14 Baljon, Lodewijk. (1995). Designing Parks – an Examination of
make it easier for the visitors to explore.
 Contemporary Approaches to Design in Landscape Architecture.

 Upgrading the children play area with more Publishers for Architectures, Germany.

interacting and educational games for the 15 Alamo, J. (1994). Landscape perception. Naturopa. Amsterdam: Council
children to attract educational trips especially in of Europe.
the morning when the park is normally empty.
 16 Thwaites, Kevin & Simkins, Ian. (2008). Experiential Landscape – an
 Create more gathering places and landmark approach to people, place and space. Routledge Press. New York.
nodes on the western edge, which might change
17 Flick, U. (1998). An Introduction to Qualitative Research. Sage press.
the user’s perception for this place as it is a
place for negative activities and the least area in
the park they feel safe in the park layout. 18 Whyte, W. H. (1980). The Social life of Small Urban Spaces. Washington
D.C.: The Conservation Foundation.
1 Dr. Mustafa AbdelHafeez, Professor and Head of Architecture Department
19 Thwaites, Kevin & Simkins, Ian. (2008). Experiential Landscape – an
– Faculty of Engineering, Port Said – Suez Canal University approach to people, place and space. Routledge Press. New York.
2 Dr. Essam Badran, Professor and Vice Dean - Faculty of Engineering,
20 This point will be discussed in more details in chapter 7.
Ismailia – Suez Canal University . 21 Key Performance Indicator Handbook. World Bank (2000). Washington,
3 Usama Nassar, Assistant Lecturer – Architecture Department-Faculty of
Engineering, Ismailia -Suez Canal University . 22 Al-Azhar park administration office.
4 Kaplan, Rachel & Stephen. (1992). "The Restorative Environment: Nature
and Human Experience." The Role of Horticulture in Human Well-Being 23 The confidence level is the amount of uncertainty you can tolerate.
and Social Development, Portland, OR: Timber Press. Suppose that you have 20 yes-no questions in your survey. With a
confidence level of 95%, you would expect that for one of the questions
5 Kaplan, Rachel & Stephen. (1992). "The Restorative Environment: Nature
(1 in 20), the percentage of people who answer yes would be more than
and Human Experience." The Role of Horticulture in Human Well-Being
the margin of error away from the true answer. The true answer is the
and Social Development, Portland, OR: Timber Press.
percentage you would get if you exhaustively interviewed everyone..
6 Alexander, C., Sara, I., & Murray, S. (1977). A Pattern Language. New
24 The margin of error is the amount of error that you can tolerate. If 90% of
York: Oxford University Press.
respondents answer yes, while 10% answer no, you may be able to
7 Thwaites, Kevin & Simkins, Ian. (2008). Experiential Landscape – an tolerate a larger amount of error than if the respondents are split 50 -50 or
approach to people, place and space. Routledge Press. New York. 45-55. Lower margin of error requires a larger sample size.

25 CDTA stands for Center, Direction, Transition and Area maps for the park.
For more information regarding this topic, all the detailed analysis and maps could be found within
the published book named:

Landscape as a Tool to Enhance

Behavioural Response and Activities
An Evaluative Methodology to Historic Urban Parks – Al-Azhar Park


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