50a Service Manual PDF
50a Service Manual PDF
50a Service Manual PDF
Originally had a 2009 schematic that did not match the parts list.
Transcribed and updated by Robert W. Meister WA1MIK August 2015.
Edited/corrected July 2016.
IRVINE, CA 92618
PH: (949) 458-7277, FAX: (949) 458-0826
The ASTRON "50" series are heavy-duty power supplies capable of
supplying 37 amps continuous at 13.8 VDC from 115 VAC line voltage. The
output voltage is adjustable from approximately 11-15 VDC.
These supplies are protected against overload and short circuits by fold-
back current limiting. The load is protected against over-voltage by a
"crowbar" circuit, which initiates latched current limiting upon over-voltage,
dropping the output voltage to a safe level.
The RS-50A and RM-50A are identical to the RS-50M and RM-50M except
the "A" models do not have meters.
Two meters on the RM-50M and RS-50M front panel provide measurement
of voltage and current being supplied to the load. The current meter is
calibrated for 0-50 amps and the voltmeter reads 0-15 VDC. The power
switch on the front panel controls AC power to the supply and indicates the
presence of AC power when in the ON position. AC line surge protection is
provided internally and a 10 amp AC line fuse is accessible at the rear
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Input: 105-125 VAC, 60 Hz
Voltage (factory adjust): 13.8 VDC +/- 0.05 volts
Current: 37 amps continuous, 50 amps ICS
Ripple: 5 mv maximum (full load, low line)
Overload Protection:
Current limit: 55 amps
Fold-back current: 4 amps
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Do not operate this power supply in a concealed cabinet.
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Refer to RM-50M/RS-50M Schematic on page 14.
The 115 VAC line voltage is supplied to transformer 8401 via the 10 amp
back panel mounted fuse F1 and front mounted switch SW1. When the
switch is on the indicator lamp indicates the presence or absence of 115
VAC. VR1 (MOV) provides protection against short duration high voltage
line transients.
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The uA723/LM723 IC (A1) in conjunction with associated circuitry, performs
the function of voltage regulator, fold-back current limiting and provides
drive current for the series pass circuit. See IC manufacturer's data book
for details on the internal operation of the uA723/LM723.
If the power supply output voltage attempts to change, the IC output at pin
10 changes in the opposite direction, thus maintaining the output voltage
constant for a given setting of R5.
The IC internal op amp maintains null between its two inputs, i.e. the
inverting input through negative feedback, is maintained equal to the 7.2
volt reference. Therefore the output supply voltage will go up or down to
accommodate a change in the setting of R5. This allows the output voltage
to be adjusted to any value between 11 and 15 volts with the voltage
division ratio provided by the combination of R5, R6 and R7.
The current from the 723 IC is amplified by Q2 and applied to the base of
the 2N3771 series pass drive transistor. As noted in the voltage chart on
the schematic, the regulator IC output voltage increases as power supply
loading increases to compensate for the increased voltage drop across R1,
R1X and the series pass circuit.
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At full load, the voltage at the current limit input of the IC (pin 2) is around
14 volts as determined by the ratio of R4 and R3, R3X which sets the point
at which current limiting begins. As the load is increase above full load, the
differential between pins 2 and 3 (current sense input) increases until the
internal current sense transistor begins to conduct (at 52 amps, factory set
by R3X). Fold-back current limiting then occurs and the load current and
output voltage decrease with decreasing load resistance until the short
circuit current of 4 amps is reached. The short circuit current is factory set
by selecting the value of resistor R1X. Diodes CR3 and CR6 prevent
damage to the circuits by capacitive discharge or an external battery when
power is turned off. CR4 stabilizes current in the limiting mode, preventing
overheating due to current drift.
Capacitors C6 and C102 in the gate circuit of SCR1 prevent false triggering
from voltage transients.
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The current meter uses R102 as a meter shunt for measuring relative
current. Although only one eighth of the current is measured, the meter is
calibrated at full load by adjustment of R103 and therefore accurately
indicates the full load current. The voltmeter is calibrated by R104 after
setting the supply output voltage to 13.8 VDC with a calibrated external
The RM-50A/RM-50M is supplied in a rack mount configuration and may be
mounted in any standard 19" rack mount cabinet with suitable ventilation.
The power supply generates appreciable heat when operated at full load
and requires an adequate airflow for cooling. It should always be mounted
with adequate clearance above and below to provide convective cooling.
Forced-air cooling may be required if other equipment generating relatively
high levels of heat is enclosed in the came cabinet. DC output wiring
should be of sufficient gauge to carry the current without excessive voltage
If a battery is used for standby operation and is connected directly across
the power supply output, always connect a fuse and a blocking diode
between the power supply and the battery. Failure to follow this practice
could result in battery destruction and/or damage to the power supply
should the crowbar circuit trigger, which will place a virtual short circuit
across the battery. The battery should be disconnected when servicing the
power supply to prevent accidental shorting of the battery voltage.
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See Section 1.3.
Access to the inside of the power supply for servicing may be obtained by
removing the six screws holding the top lid in place.
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Output current at rated load may be checked by connecting the ammeter in
series with the load and adjusting the load for 37 amps. If the panel
mounted current meter does not read 37 amps, it may be recalibrated by
adjusting R103.
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Refer to RM-50M/RS-50M Schematic on page 14.
Remove the top cover to gain access to the inside of the power supply and
check for proper operation of the transformer primary and secondary
circuits including the power rectifier circuit CR101, CR102 and capacitor C5
(large chassis-mounted electrolytic capacitors). A check of voltage present
at the I/O pins of IC A1 (uA723/LM723 voltage regulator) as compared to
the A1 voltage chart shown on the schematic should provide an indication
of the nature of the problem. If the voltage regulator is suspect, it can be
replaced by removing the two PC board mounting screws and replacing the
IC in the socket provided.
Since the heat sink mounted series pass power transistors operate at high
junction temperatures, a failure in this area is most probable. Junctions
may be checked for shorts or opens by disconnecting one end of the 0.05
ohm balancing resistors (R101, R102, ...) in their emitter circuits.
Note that due to the use of R102 as a meter shunt to measure relative
current rather than absolute current, a failure of Q102 will cause false
current readings. An open series pass transistor may not be apparent in
terms of the current reading but may be detected by a significant drop in its
case temperature. A shorted transistor will cause either current limiting or
crowbar triggering.
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Designation Description
A1 LM723CN voltage regulator, TI, Motorola
C1 2,200 uF 35V radial electrolytic capacitor
C101 2,200 uF 16V electrolytic capacitor
C102 0.33 uF 50V ceramic capacitor
C2 0.1 uF 50V capacitor
C3 0.001uF 100V capacitor
C4 100 uF 25V electrolytic capacitor
C5 (2) 50,000 uF 25V computer grade electrolytic cap.
CR1, CR2 1N5404 rectifier diode
CR101, CR102 1N1184A rectifier diode, 40 amp, 100 volt
CR3 1N4148 small signal diode
CR4 1N5232B zener diode
CR5, CR8 1N4002 diode, 1 amp, 100 volt
CR6 P6KE39A 39 volt 600 watt transient suppressor
CR7 MR751 rectifier diode, 6 amp, 100 volt
F1 10 amp 250 volt MDL fuse (should be 12 amp)
IM Panel meter, 0-50, Astron model 1-50 (1mADC)
Q1 2N3906 PNP transistor
Q101-Q109 2N3771 NPN transistor, 30 amp, 40 volt
Q2 TIP29 NPN transistor, TI, Motorola
R101-R108 0.05 ohm 5W wire-wound
R113 4.7 ohm 2W
R114 500 ohm 0.5W pot, 1T
R115 20k 0.5W pot, 1T
R5 1k 0.5W pot, 1T
RXXX All other resistors, 0.5W 5% CF
SCR1 SO565J 50 amp, 50 volt SCR
SW1 LRA211RSB/125N illuminated AC rocker switch
T1 Transformer, Astron 8401
VM Panel meter, 0-15, Astron model 1-15 (1mADC)
VR1 V130LA10A MOV, 10 amp, 130 volt, GE
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Two units may be set up in parallel to double the current capacity by using
the following procedure.
Connect the positive output terminals using the same gauge and same
length wire.
The output voltage of each unit must be set to the same voltage.
Connect the negative load to the negative output terminal of power supply
"A" and connect the positive load to the positive output terminal of power
supply "B".
This will allow the power supplies to track and share the load equally.
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