M.tech Structural Engineering Syllabus 2nd Semester
M.tech Structural Engineering Syllabus 2nd Semester
M.tech Structural Engineering Syllabus 2nd Semester
Single Degree of Freedom System: Free and forced vibrations, Linear Viscous
Damper, Coulomb Damper: Response to harmonic excitation, rotating unbalance and
support excitations, Vibration isolation and transmissibility, single degree of freedom
system as vibro-meter and accelerometer, response to periodic and arbitrary
Duhamels integral. Impulse response function, Laplace transform Fourier transform
methods. Frequency response function. Phase-Plane Techniques. Critical Speed of
rotors. Energy methods, Rayleighs method, Equivalent viscous damping.
Two Degree of Freedom System. Matrix Formulation, Free Vibration, Beat
phenomenon. Principle of damped and un-damped vibration absorbers.
Multi Degree of Freedom System: Matrix formulation, stiffness and flexibility influence
coefficients, eigenvalue problem, normal modes and their properties. Matrix iteration
technique for eigenvalue, and eigen vectors, Free and forced vibration by modal
Continuous System: Axial vibration of bar, torsion of shafts, transverse vibration of
strings and bending vibration beams. Forced vibration. Normal mode method.
Lagrangles equation. Approximate methods of Rayleigh-Ritz, Galerkin etc.
Reference Books:
1. RW Clough, J Penzien, Dynamics of structures
2. D G Fertia, Dynamics and vibration of Structures
3. J M Biggs, Introduction to structural dynamic
MVSE - 202 FEM in Structural Engineering
Introduction to Finite Element Method: General Applicability and Description of Finite
Element Method Comparison with other methods.
Solution of Finite Element Method: Solution of Equilibrium Problems, Eigen value
problems, propagation problems, computer implementation of Gaussian eliminations,
Choleskis decomposition, Jocobis and Ranga Kutta Method.
General Procedure of Finite Element Method: Descretization of the domain, Selection
of Shapes, Types and Number of elements, node numbering technique, Interpolation
Polynomials, their selection and derivation in terms of global and local coordinates,
Convergence requirements. Formulation of Element Characteristic matrices and
vectors, Variational approach. Assembly of Element matrices and Vectors and
Derivation system equations, computation of element resultants.
Iso-parametric Formulation: Lagrange and Hermite interpolation functions, Isoparametric
Elements, Numerical Integration.
Static Analysis: Formulation of equilibrium equation, Analysis of truss, Frames, Plane
Stress and Plane Strain Problems Plates and Shells.
Reference Books:
1. Weaver, Johnson, Finite element and structural analysis
2. HC Martin, Matrix structural analysis
3. CF Abel, CS Desai, Finite element methods
4. Buchanan, Finite element Analysis (schaum Outline S), TMH
5. Krishnamurthy, Finite element analysis, TMH)
MVSE - 203 Advance Concrete Technology
Cement & its properties, properties of fresh concrete compaction of concrete, curing
of concrete.
Properties of hardened concrete, strength characteristic, shrinkage, creep, durability,
Permeability & durability of concrete is detail. Special concrete and their properties.
Concrete at low & high temp. Air entrained concrete, high performance concrete.
Mix Design, Non destructive Testing of Concrete.
Reference Books:
1. A.M. Nobille, Concrete Technology , ELBS, London
2. M.L. Gambir, Concrete Technology, Tata Mc Graw Hill Book Co.
3. Peurifoy R.L., Construction Planning Equipment & Methods, TMH
4. Verma Mahesh, Construction Equipments and its Planning & Application,Metropoliton
Book Company
MVSE - 204 Experimental Stress Analysis
Unit I
Introduction to stress analysis by strain measurement, mechanical strain gages,
Moire fringe method, Brittle coatings for stress indication, circuitry for resistance
strain gages, calibrating strain gages, temperature compensation of circuitry,
indication and recording equipments, unbalance of bridge systems, balanced bridge
systems, reference bridge systems, constant current strain indicators, multichannel
recording systems.
Unit II
Introduction to stress analysis by photo elasticity, optical theory, stress optical
relationship, equipment and models, static stress analysis (2-D, 3-D techniques),
stress analysis by photo elastic strain gages
Unit III
Conditions for crack growth, fracture mechanics and strength of solids, stress and
displacement fields in the vicinity of crack tip, the Griffith Orowan-Irwin concept,
stable and unstable crack growth, the integral variation principle in crack theory,
some more model representations, cracks in linearly elastic bodies, stress intensity
factor, basic numerical methods for calculating the stress intensity factor, calculation
of stress intensity factor for double cantilever beam specimen by FEM, the method of
section for an approximate calculation of stress intensity factor, some material
characteristics used for evaluation of crack propagation resistance.
Unit IV
Solution of some plane and three dimensional problems, constructional crack arrest,
system of cracks, stress intensity factors for some practical important cases, shell
with a crack trajectory.
Reference Books:
1. Dove, Adams, Experimental stress analysis and motion
2. Heteny, Experimental stress analysis
3. Dally, Rilay, Experimental stress analysis
4. VZ Panon, M Morozove, Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics
MVSE - 205 Theory of Plates and Shells
Theory of Plates: Bearing of long rectangular plates to the cylindrical surface with
different edge conditions. Pure bending of plates-Differential equations of equilibrium.
Theory of small deflections of laterally loads plates. Boundary conditions,
momentcurvature relationship.
Analysis of rectangular plates, Naviers and levy solutions, exact theory of plates,
symmetrical bending of circular plates, continuous rectangular plates
Special and approximate methods of theory of plates, singularities, use of influence
surfaces, use of infinite integrals and transforms, strain energy methods,
experimental methods.
Theory of Shells: Classification of shells, Gaussian curvature, General theory of
cylindrical shells, membrane theory and bending theory for cylindrical shells, long and
short shells, shells, shells with and without edge beams, Fourier loading.
Equation of equilibrium for shells of surface of revolution, Reduction to two differential
equations of second order. Spherical shells, membrane theory for shells of double
curvature-syn-elastic and anti-elastic. Cylindrical shells, Hyperbolic-parabolic shells,
funicular shells.
Reference Books:
1. S Timoshenko, S Woinowasky K, Theory of Plates and Shells