Legal Research Notes Ko
Legal Research Notes Ko
Legal Research Notes Ko
- Court of Appeals
the substantive law. The goal is to classify or now deciding it. Include those facts that are relevant
categorize the problem into general, and to the issue the court must decide and to the
increasingly specific, subject areas and to begin to reasons for it decision. You will not know which facts
hypothesize legal issues. are relevant until you know what the issue or issues
- Consult general secondary sources for an overview are.
of all relevant subject areas, this can be used to State the plaintiff ad defendant
provide background information to help formulate Basis for plaintiff’s suit
issues; they are tools NOT the objects of research Plaintiff’s relief
- Statement of the issues should be arranged in a Include the ruling of the Lower Court and Court of
logical pattern to form an outline Appeals
3. Research the Issues Presented – begin to 2. Issue(s) – question that the court must decide to
research the issue resolve the dispute between the parties in the case
a. Organize and Plan – write down all sources to be before it.
searched under each issue to be researched, even if Identify the rule of law that governs the dispute
sources and ask how it should apply to those facts
are repeated 3. Ruling – court’s decision on the question that is
b. Identify, Read and Update All Relevant actually before it, but if they do not relate to the
Constitutional Provisions, Statutes and question actually before it, they are dicta or dictum
Administrative Regulations – these primary sources (expression of opinion or a point other than the
can be identified in several ways: precise issue involved in
- Statutory Compilations – tables of contents and determining a case).
indexes that list the subject and topics covered by * provides the answer to the question asked in the
thestatutes issues
- Computer-Assisted Legal Research * supported by court’s reasoning explaining and
- PHILJURIS and LEX LIBRIS supporting the court’s decision
- Secondary Sources – treaties and commentaries
and law review articles, commonly cite relevant B. Synthesizing Cases – process of relating the cases
constitutional provisions, statues, and to each other. By this process, we can understand
administrative regulations the applicable area of law and then use the synthesis
c. Identify, Read and Update All Relevant Case Law – to analyze the problem
note its full citation, the ponente, date of decision, 1. Understand the applicable area of law
relevant facts, the holding, summary of the court’s 2. Use the synthesis to analyze the problem
reasoning, and the sources cited by the Court 3. Synthesizing is the step between your research
d. Refine the Search – expand your arguments and your writing
leading to the litigation and tell how the case before - Ponce, Efemerides Filipinas
- Constitutional Convention Records (11 vols.) - Principles, Comments and Cases in Constitutional
Department of Labor and Employment of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials
Bureau of Internal Revenue and Employees. Includes the full text of RA 6713.
Revised Omnibus Rules on Appointment and Other precluded from setting higher standards that will
Personnel Actions – consolidated general rules and suit their needs.
policies on appointments and other personnel and CSC Memo Circulars Index (1988-1998) – contains
other personnel actions in the civil service. This a listing of all memo circulars issued by the CSC
manual also lays down the responsibilities of the covering the period 1988-1998, classified according
human resources management officer/personnel to subject. It also indicates the newspaper and date
officer, certain modes of separation from the service of publication for circulars which were published to
and prohibitions. ascertain their respective dates of effectivity.
Omnibus Rules on Leave – a handbook containing Manual on Definitions of Administrative Offenses
pertinent policies and implementing rules and in the Civil Service – a handbook of definitions to
regulations governing leave administration. Also serve as aid for legal practitioners as well as
includes a listing of leave privileges/benefits and government workers involved in handling
their corresponding entitlement and availment; administrative cases and other legal matters.
illustration of how to compute leave credits and b. Securities and Exchange Commission
monetization. a. SEC POLIO, 1946 -1976
Personnel Officers Manual – outlines the b. SEC BULLETIN
responsibilities of the personnel officer in the c. SEC WEEKLY BULLETIN
different areas of human resource management and c. Central Bank
development such as recruitment and examination, a. Financial journal
promotion, performance evaluation, appointments b. Central bank annual reports and compilations
preparation, leave administration, retirement, d. Department of Labor and Employment
personnel relations, discipline, benefits, rewards, a. Rules and regulations implementing the labor
incentives and career development. It also discusses code
the legal authority and objectives of the Council of e. Department of Agrarian Reform
Personnel Officers. a. Comprehensive agrarian reform program and
Revised Policies on Performance Evaluation System presidential issuances
– presents a comprehensive discussion of the f. Department of Justice
revised policies on performance evaluation in the a. Department of justice, revised circulars 1963
civil service adopted by the CSC to install and g. Dangerous Drugs Board
implement performance-based security of tenure. a. Dangerous drugs board regulations 1988
The PES aims to draw up an objective assessment of h. Board of Investments
employee performance. a. Omnibus Investments code and implementing
Agency Performance Evaluation System (A Model) Regulations 1989
– a model for the development of PES designed by i. Office of The Insurance Commission
the CSC. The pES Model will help or guide agencies a. Insurance Reporter
in preparing their respective PES based on 5. ORDINANCES ENACTED BY THE AUTONOMOUS
corresponding policies and its proper application. REGION – the 1987 Constitution created the
Compliance with the revised PES by agencies is Autonomous Regions in Muslim Mindanao and in
crucial as it will serve as the basis for all agency the Cordillera. The legislative assemblies of these
personnel actions such as promotion and grant of autonomous regions enact ordinances to govern the
productivity incentive bonus. region and may create administrative agencies to
Memorandum Circulars 1992-2000 – an annual operate in the regions.
compilation of all memorandum circulars issued by 6. ORDINANCES ENACTED BY LOCAL GOVERNMENT
the CSC in book form. Memorandum Circulars are UNITS – the basic local government units are the
complied per year. provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays. Each
Qualification Standards Manual – contains an of these units have lawmaking powers to pass what
alphabetical listing of roughly 4,000 positions in is commonly called ordinances” (to distinguish them
government service with corresponding from statutes enacted by Congress) which are
educational, experience, training and eligibility usually of local interest only. A local ordinance is
requirements. It also includes the positions’ legally ineffective if inconsistent with statutes
respective salary grade level, and sector enacted by Congress.
classification. The qualifications listed in this level, COMPUTERIZED LEGAL RESEARCH SERVICES – the
and sector classification. The qualifications listed in text of the Constitutions and statutes above
this manual are the minimum requirement set by mentioned may be sourced from two computerized
the CSC for each position; agencies are not legal research services.
1. Lex Libris – produced by CD Asia, Inc., with the arguments. The disputant with more witnesses to
following databases: his side was adjudged as winner. In this case, the
a. Laws (Philippine Edition), Vol. I; chieftain, acting as Judge and executive, enforced
b. Taxation (Phil. Edition), Vol. II; his judgment by siding openly with the winner and
c. Jurisprudence (The Phil. Supreme Court Reports), compelling the defeated party to respect the
Vol. III judgment of the honorable court. Under such
d. Department of Justice (Opinions of the Secretary), circumstances, the defeated party had no other
Vol. IV recourse than to bow to the inevitable.
e. Local Autonomy and Local Government, Vol. V B. SPANISH PERIOD – Magellan’s arrival in the
f. Environment and Natural Resources, Vol. VI Philippines in 1521 became the basis for Spain to
g. Labor and Social Legislation, Vol. VII claim and colonize the islands. Three Spanish
h. Elections, Vol. VIII expeditions were sent to the islands which all ended
i. Trade, Commerce and Industry, Vol. IX in failure. Finally on November 21, 1564, Miguel
j. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, Vol. X Lopez de Legaspi sailed from Navidad, Mexico to the
k. Securities and Exchange Commission, Vol. XI “islands of the West towards the Moluccas” and
subsequently landed in the Visayan islands and
2. Philjuris – produced by Gigabytes Research founded the City of Cebu in 1565. Manila was later
Systems, Inc. also has a database on all laws of the founded as a capital city in 1571. The foundation of
Philippines. Spanish sovereignty over the Philippines had been
Chapter 5 a. In General
CASE LAW Five components:
While statute law is derived from the lawmaking a. The law – to govern the conduct of the people and
agencies of the government, case law comes from regulate the relations among individuals and
the judicial authorities of the State. between the individual and the sovereign.
Case law may be divided into: b. The judiciary – which provided the mechanism for
1. Decision Proper the adjudication of disputes among individuals and
a. Decisions of the Supreme Court between the individual and the government of
b. Decision of the Court of Appeals state.
c. Decisions of the Sandiganbayan c. The law enforcement agencies – to uphold the
d. Decisions of the Court of Tax appeal law and enforce the decisions rendered by judiciary.
e. Decisions of the Regional Traila courts - Cuerpo de Cuadrilleros – the municipal police
f. Decisions of the Municipal, Municipal Circuit and under the local government officials
Metropolittan trial courts - Guardia Civil – the national constabulary, the
2. Subordinate Decisions forces of which were assigned to particular
a. Decisions of the Senate electoral tribunal and provinces under the provincial commanders who
house of representative electoral tribunal reported directly to the governor and captain
b. Decisions of administrative agencies exercising general
qausi judicial powers, such as: d. The prison system – for public punishment of
i. Commission on Elections those who violated the law.
ii. Civil Service Commission - Municipal jails
iii. Commission on Audit - Provincial jails
iv. National Labor relation commission - Major penitentiaries such as the Bilibid Prison and
v. Insurance commission those in Cavite, Zamboanga and Marianas
vi. Housing and land Use regulatory board - Penal farms or colonies in Palawan, Davao,
vii. Department of Agrarian Adjudication board Cotabato and Zamboanga
THE PHILIPPINE JUDICIAL SYSTEM e. Legal profession – group of persons with legal
A. PRE-SPANISH PERIOD – trials were held publicly training manned the judicial posts and acted as
and decisions were rendered promptly. The accuser advocates of individuals in protecting their rights.
and the accused faced each other with their - Lawyers who were either appointed to the
respective witnesses. The latter, to show their judiciary and public prosecution or were the
honesty and sincerity, took an oath to this effect…. practicing lawyers
The disputants then began presenting their - Those who had some legal training who were
arguments, buttressed by the testimonies of their either notaries or clerks appointed to assist the
SEPARATE OPINION ii. Court of Tax appeals Digest of Cutoms and Real
authored by Alvir & Associates. However, only the or persuasive authority. They are only means for
first volume containing a textual treatment of the locating primary sources. It is then necessary to read