Fibreoptic Intubation in Airway Management: A Review Article
Fibreoptic Intubation in Airway Management: A Review Article
Fibreoptic Intubation in Airway Management: A Review Article
Review Article
Since the first use of the flexible fibreoptic bronchoscope, a plethora of new airway equipment has become available. It
is essential for clinicians to understand the role and limitations of the available equipment to make appropriate choices.
The recent 4th National Audit Project conducted in the United Kingdom found that poor judgement with inappropriate
choice of equipment was a contributory factor in airway morbidity and mortality. Given the many modern airway adjuncts
that are available, we aimed to define the role of flexible fibreoptic intubation in decision-making and management of
anticipated and unanticipated difficult airways. We also reviewed the recent literature regarding the role of flexible
fibreoptic intubation in specific patient groups who may present with difficult intubation, and concluded that the flexible
fibrescope maintains its important role in difficult airway management.
Department of Anaesthesiology, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore, 2Department of Anaesthesia, St George’s Hospital, London, United Kingdom
C o r r e s p o n d e n c e : Dr Jolin Wong, Consultant, Department of Anaesthesiology, Singapore General Hospital, Outram Road, Singapore 169608.
[email protected]
Review Article
Review Article
facilitate awake intubation, while maintaining vigilant monitoring Box 3. Advantages and disadvantages of awake and asleep
for symptoms of lignocaine toxicity.(23) fibreoptic intubation:
Awake fibreoptic intubation
FOB in failed intubation guidelines • Airway muscle tone and spontaneous ventilation (and hence
The updated 2015 Difficult Airway Society (DAS) difficult intubation oxygenation) are maintained:
guidelines provide a strategy to manage the unanticipated difficult − Allows consideration of alternatives if technique fails
airway.(21) The emphasis of Plan ABC has changed to ‘face mask − Secretions may be swallowed, allowing a better view
ventilation and intubation, maintain oxygenation and supraglottic −P
resence of air bubbles (exiting a distorted or unrecognisable
airway devices insertion, and face mask ventilation’.(25) In these glottis) may help direct the endoscopist to the glottic opening
guidelines, FOI via a supraglottic airway device remains as an • May be performed either in a sitting (easier in an awake,
option in Plan B after failed initial intubation. cooperative patient) or supine position
The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) difficult − S itting position (operator standing in front and face‑to‑face
airway algorithm caters for both anticipated and unanticipated with the patient):
difficult airways.(4) The final airway strategy (Plan ABC) is (a) More pleasant for the patient
dependent on the clinical merits and feasibility of four basic (b) Accommodates patients who are unable to lie flat
management choices,(4) namely, whether to: keep the patient (e.g. those with severe rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing
awake (e.g. awake FOI) or asleep; preserve or ablate spontaneous spondylosis, wearing a halo traction device, or dyspnoea
on lying flat secondary to cardiorespiratory disease)
ventilation; use noninvasive or invasive airway devices; and use
(c) Effects of gravity may be beneficial (more patent airway,
direct or indirect laryngoscopy (e.g. FOB) to facilitate tracheal
better respiratory function, decreased risk of gastric
− S upine position (operator behind the patient): operator and
Awake and asleep techniques
fibreoptic bronchoscope are in line with airway
Difficult airways exist in 5.8% of the population,(26) but most
• Neurological assessment after intubation and positioning of the
can be managed by conventional means (including the use of patient.
a bougie). High-risk patients should have their airway secured Disadvantages
before induction of anaesthesia (i.e. awake intubation) to avoid • Patient distress: railroading of nasal tubes can be uncomfortable
potential morbidity and mortality associated with difficult or failed
• Operator may be less confident and skilful, as procedure is
face mask ventilation, or difficult, repeated or failed attempts at performed infrequently
tracheal intubation.(7,27) Awake FOI and awake tracheostomy are Asleep fibreoptic intubation
the most common methods depending on the site and nature of Advantages
the lesion.(28) Performing FOI in asleep patients, in the presence of
• Patient comfort
indicators that awake FOI would have been preferred, can lead to
• For operator:
serious morbidity, including ‘cannot intubate, cannot oxygenate’
− Easy to change to other airway devices if necessary
scenarios necessitating emergency surgical airways, and death.(7)
− Cooperative patient
18 such cases were reported in the NAP4. The advantages and
disadvantages of awake FOI are listed in Box 3.
• Benefits of being awake are lost
Unanticipated difficult airways may occur due to the poor
• Intubation is made more difficult due to airway collapse
predictive value of airway tests or failure of adequate assessment.(7)
(secondary to loss of airway tone and supine positioning)
Again, most cases can be managed with standard equipment and
• Respiratory function is depressed, with reduced functional
techniques. However, the need to create an air space and the capacity and oxygen reserves
complexity of obtaining or setting up the FOB may limit the use
of FOI in such cases. In the 2015 DAS guidelines, after an initial
failed Plan A intubation by laryngoscopy, Plan B is ‘maintaining clinical judgement and experience in dealing with such cases.
oxygenation: supraglottic airway device insertion’ with A multidisciplinary discussion is often warranted.
subsequent consideration of various options, including intubating
via the supraglottic airway device.(21) This allows ventilation Awake intubation with spontaneous ventilation
and creation of an air space for FOI. The latter technique is also The NAP4 recommended that anaesthetists “need to decrease our
termed low-skill FOI.(29) threshold for considering awake FOI as a first choice for difficult
Difficult airway algorithms from various countries differ airway management” and that “when patient factors make FOI the
considerably in their Plan ABC approaches.(30) Cook et al preferred option in patients… consideration should first be made
showed that even with one specific difficult airway scenario to performing it awake. The airway strategy should accept it may
(large retrosternal goitre), nine international airway experts had fail, particularly when performed in an unconscious patient”.(7)
conflicting intubation strategies, including whether to use FOI Awake FOI may be performed using airway topicalisation
as Plan A.(31) Ultimately, decisions should be based on good and/or sedation. Awake FOI with spontaneous ventilation and
Review Article
airway topicalisation alone allows the maintenance of airway reversal agent).(40) The likelihood of a successful exit strategy
muscle tone (Box 3). This is typically reserved for patients who must be weighed when using suxamethonium or sugammadex.
have potentially difficult airways with respiratory compromise. Careful patient selection is essential, and there should be a low
Although airway topicalisation may be the most prudent way threshold for awake intubation in patients who run the risk of
of preparing the airway for awake FOI, there have been case difficult/impossible face mask ventilation or failed oxygenation.
reports of secondary acute loss of airway due to decreased muscle In cases of unanticipated difficult or failed intubation when
tone or laryngospasm.(32-34) In cases of upper airway obstruction, (immediately irreversible) intermediate or long-acting muscle
mild cases may be managed by awake FOI in skilled hands.(35,36) relaxants have been used, the use of the FOB is dependent on
However, in severe cases, awake FOI is contraindicated (see Page its availability and on whether ventilation can be maintained. In
116, ‘Acute airway obstruction’).(37) an emergency, obtaining and preparing the FOB is more labour-
The addition of sedation allows for a more cooperative intensive and time-consuming than for videolaryngoscopy (VL)
patient. Options include small intravenous boluses of opioids or devices; hence, VL is more likely to be chosen than the FOB
benzodiazepines, and intravenous infusions of sedatives using (90% vs. 4%, respectively).(41) An alternative is to employ the
total intravenous anaesthesia or target-controlled infusions.(38) use of low-skill FOI.
There are advantages and disadvantages to common sedatives
used in awake FOI: propofol (good amnesic vs. poor antitussive Flexible fibreoptic endoscopy vs. indirect laryngoscopy
and greater sedative effects); remifentanil (good analgesic and devices
antitussive vs. poor amnesic effects); and dexmedetomidine In VL devices, cameras are recessed proximal to the tip (‘leading
(cardiovascular stability, preserves airway patency and avoids edge’) of the blade, which can traumatise soft tissue or airway
respiratory depression vs. poor intubating conditions and slower tumours before the operator can see and avoid them. (42) In
recovery).(38) The difficulty with sedation is in achieving an contrast, optical stylets (flexible FOB and rigid devices, e.g. Bonfils
appropriate level of sedation without compromising the airway.(38) fibrescope) have their field of view at their tips. The rigid optical
stylet, however, has a number of distinct advantages over the
Asleep intubation with spontaneous ventilation flexible FOB for orotracheal intubations. It is operated with one
Asleep FOI while maintaining spontaneous ventilation typically hand, leaving the other hand to create oropharyngeal space to
involves an inhaled volatile induction, although titrated optimise glottic view. The endotracheal tube (ETT) is preloaded
intravenous anaesthetic is possible.(39) Maintaining bridges is with its distal tip slightly overhanging the tip of the rigid scope,
achieved in two ways. Firstly, by ensuring a deep enough level of partially protecting the tip from obstructed views and allowing
anaesthesia to allow airway examination and instrumentation, the easier and directed railroading of the ETT. The stylet and ETT
risk of laryngospasm is minimised. Secondly, when using volatiles, can function as a solid unit to bypass (or even gently push aside)
there is cessation of drug delivery if spontaneous ventilation is lost tumours, thereby avoiding shearing that may lead to distal airway
or complete airway obstruction occurs. This theoretically allows obstruction.
the patient to ‘lighten up’ and regain airway muscle tone and/ Tracheal intubation may be performed with the FOB or VL
or spontaneous ventilation. However, there are case reports of devices in an anaesthetised or awake patient. Decision-making is
failure of this exit strategy.(7) The advantages and disadvantages based on previously described principles of airway management.
of asleep and awake FOI are listed in Box 3. Asleep VL, as an initial approach for intubation, was added as
During asleep FOI, spontaneous ventilation can be augmented a fourth basic management choice in the revised ASA difficult
by pressure support using an endoscopy mask. Bourgain et al airway algorithm.(4) However, cases of awake VL have recently
studied asleep FOI using this method in 32 ear, nose and throat been described.(43-47) The advantages of VL devices over the
cancer patients with anticipated difficult airways.(39) Patients flexible FOB (Box 4) are likely to contribute to their future
with pressure support of 10 cm H2O had lower end-tidal carbon increased use in airway management.(2)
dioxide and larger tidal volumes than in spontaneously breathing Comparative studies between awake FOI and awake direct
patients (38.1 ± 4.2 mmHg vs. 42.3 ± 4.7 mmHg and 371 ± laryngoscopy have favoured the use of VL devices in the
139 mL vs. 165 ± 98 mL, respectively). management of difficult airways. Silverton et al compared the
use of the GlideScope® (Verathon, Bothell, WA, USA) against
Asleep intubation and use of muscle relaxants the FOB for awake intubation in healthy volunteers.(46) The
Asleep FOI can be performed after the administration of GlideScope had fewer Cormack-Lehane Grade I and II(48) results
neuromuscular blocking drugs. However, a dilemma exists than the FOB (95.6% vs. 100%, respectively), but shorter median
if there is an inability to ventilate by face mask even prior to intubation times (16 seconds vs. 51 seconds, respectively).
administration of neuromuscular blockers: should one wake Rosenstock et al found that in anticipated difficult airways,
the patient up or give neuromuscular blockers to potentially there were no statistical differences in awake orotracheal
facilitate face mask ventilation, risking the possibility of a ‘cannot intubation performed by experienced anaesthetists whether the
intubate, cannot oxygenate’ scenario? One option to maintain FOB or the McGrath® VL device (Aircraft Medical, Edinburgh,
bridges is to use short-acting drugs (e.g. succinylcholine) or easily Scotland, UK) was used.(45) Kramer et al investigated awake nasal
reversible ones (e.g. rocuronium with pre-made sugammadex intubation in the supine position in 100 patients with anticipated
Review Article
Box 4. Advantages and disadvantages of awake intubation using 71.8 seconds and an intubation difficulty score of ‘no difficulty’
videolaryngoscopy (VL) vs. awake fibreoptic intubation (FOI): for 100% versus 55% of patients, respectively.(49)
Advantages A re-evaluation of both VL and FOB is underway.(2,50) VL
• For operator: devices now feature in updated difficult airway algorithms,
− Familiarity (most similar to the Macintosh laryngoscope blade) including recommendations that all anaesthetists should be
erceived to be an easier (i.e. supraglottic) technique as it is less trained and have access to a VL device.(21) Moreover, a recent
invasive journal editorial stated that awake FOI is becoming obsolete
− Less steep learning curve and is no longer the gold standard for managing the difficult
• Device and technique: airway.(51) However, acquiring and maintaining FOI skills are
− Quicker setup time important, as attempts at tracheal intubation by VL devices are
− Devices are cheaper, portable and more robust not always successful or VL techniques may not be appropriate
− Disposable blades are standard for some devices (e.g. in patients with limited mouth opening).
L blades help create space during laryngoscopy and may offer
an improved glottic view Skills acquisition
verall success rate of VL devices is 94%–100% in unselected Although FOI is an essential airway management skill for all
patients, comparable with direct laryngoscopy devices anaesthetists, there are substantial variations to the number of
− Growing evidence of use in special patient groups times one has to perform it before achieving competence.(52)
escue intubation following failed attempts using direct Opportunities to perform FOI are becoming increasingly limited
laryngoscopy because of a proliferation of alternative airway equipment
− Shorter intubation times such as supraglottic airways(7) and VLs.(2) Skills acquisition can
• Patient factors: still be achieved through lectures on the principles of airway
− Good patient acceptance management as well as hands-on practice in a controlled
Disadvantages environment (e.g. bench models, airway workshops with cadavers
• For patient: and specialised bronchoscopic simulators) before proceeding to
ag reflex may be difficult to suppress (whereas nasal FOI perform awake or asleep FOI on appropriate patients.(53)
bypasses the back of the tongue)
ssociated with oropharyngeal trauma, FOI IN SPECIFIC PATIENT GROUPS
e.g. palatopharyngeal arch perforation Cervical spine injury
• Device and technique: Airway management in patients with unstable cervical spine
good, or improved, glottis view using a VL device does remains controversial. During direct laryngoscopy, cervical
not necessarily lead to easy intubation and may require the spine movement takes place largely in the occipito-atlantal and
use of intubating adjuncts (e.g. bougie, stylet or fibreoptic atlanto-axial joints, with minimal displacement at the C2–C5
bronchoscope) to guide tracheal tube placement level.(54) Nasal FOI has been shown to produce the least cervical
nable to enter and inspect the nasal cavity for nasotracheal spine displacement in a cadaveric study comparing multiple
intubation (although it may assist in the latter after oral airway techniques, including face mask ventilation, laryngeal
mask airway insertion and direct laryngoscopy.(55) Wong et al
evices are relatively bulky and lack manoeuvrability,
also demonstrated reduced cervical spine extension with asleep
making them unsuitable for patients with severe trismus or
space‑occupying lesions in the oropharynx
FOI compared with the LoPro GlideScope.(56)
Awake FOI for patients undergoing cervical spine surgery
seems to be a favoured choice. In one referral centre, it was
difficult airways, comparing the C-MAC® VL device (Karl Storz, performed awake in 39% and asleep in 32% of such patients;
Tuttlingen, Germany) with a standard FOB.(43) Both techniques furthermore, awake FOI was the preferred method in cases of
achieved a 96% success rate for intubation, but the C-MAC group unstable or fractured spine (73%), spinal stenosis (55%) and
had significantly shorter median intubation times (38 seconds vs. myelopathy (45%).(57) Awake FOI allows the patient to remain
94 seconds). Xue et al studied the combined use of the GlideScope in control of his own airway reflexes and to cooperate with a
and FOB (one operator manipulating one device each) to perform neurological assessment immediately following intubation and
awake FOI in 13 patients, some of whom had predictors of difficult positioning,(58,59) but it is not always successful. FOI can fail in
airway, and all cases were successful on the first attempt.(47) The patients with unstable upper cervical spine pathology, partly due
GlideScope was used to clear the airway and guide the FOB, to a displaced or difficult-to-access larynx secondary to spinal
and therefore helped to diagnose and resolve any tracheal tube deformity or traction. Maktabi et al described five such cases of
impingement during advancement. A recent study compared failed FOI despite clear visualisation of the vocal cords. Success
awake nasotracheal intubation using FOI and the Trachway® was achieved when the FOB (without a preloaded tracheal tube)
in patients with limited mouth opening. Intubation using the was placed orally to obtain a bird’s eye view of the larynx, and a
Trachway, a video intubating stylet, was quicker and easier than styletted tracheal tube was inserted orally and between the vocal
using the FOB, with a mean intubation time of 35.4 seconds versus cords under FOB guidance, thereby avoiding impingement and
Review Article
laryngeal trauma.(60) In a study by Malcharek et al, awake FOI include: alternative options;(70) lack of confidence and skill;(71)
with mild sedation was performed successfully in 14 patients with and airway changes in the parturient that make awake FOI
cervical instability who were scheduled for cervical surgery in more difficult.(72) In emergency cases of unanticipated difficult
the prone position.(59) 11 patients positioned themselves into the intubation in the parturient, it would not be feasible to obtain
prone position, but three failed due to gagging, coughing and and set up the FOB. In contrast, VL devices are available in 90%
feeling uncomfortable about moving into the position. Coughing of UK obstetric units and have been used in elective Caesarean
during awake FOI resulting in secondary cervical spine injury is a section, either as a first-line technique or after failed conventional
theoretical concern in these patients, although there is no strong direct laryngoscopy.(64,73)
evidence to support this. The recent joint OAA and DAS guidelines recommend that
in the event of a failed intubation, a decision should be made
Patients at risk for aspiration whether to proceed with surgery (without tracheal intubation) or
To minimise the risk of aspiration, which has a mortality of 4%,(61) to wake the patient.(74) This decision is based on the assessment
the airway can be secured while awake or by rapid sequence of multiple factors: maternal and fetal condition; obesity;
induction (RSI). An observational study by Ovassapian et al aspiration risk; surgical factors; and the ability to maintain
studied 129 awake FOI cases, of which 125 were considered to airway patency and ventilation. If the patient is awakened,
be at high risk for aspiration of gastric contents.(17) Most were given then the preferred options are regional anaesthesia or awake
intravenous sedation. A spray-as-you-go technique of airway intubation. However, there is no specific guidance on the use
topicalisation was applied on 85 occasions and translaryngeal of FOI in these updated guidelines. Awake intubation may be
anaesthesia on 29 occasions. One patient had haematemesis, via either the FOB or VL device. The oral route is preferred to
but no other patient had evidence of regurgitation or aspiration. avoid epistaxis.
Although having a difficult airway and being at risk of gastric
content aspiration are cited as an indication for awake FOI, there Obese patients
is no data in the literature regarding incidence and complications Obesity prevalence is forecast to increase by 33% over the
from awake FOI in such patients. next two decades,(75) which has grave implications for airway
Asleep RSI using FOI was simulated by Pandit et al in management. In the NAP4 report, there was a twofold and
anaesthetised patients, including the application of cricoid fourfold increase in major airway events for obese and morbidly
pressure and rocuronium.(62) They achieved a 93% success rate obese patients, respectively.(7)
on the first attempt at FOI, with a mean intubation time of 111 ± In the obese population, heterogeneous data gives rise to
46 seconds. However, 43% of patients had one or more (mostly conflicting results and therefore to a lack of firm recommendations
avoidable) difficulties, with 20% having difficulty in railroading for the management of difficult airways. The incidence of difficult
the tracheal tube into the trachea. Another study on RSI using oral intubation is dependent on which definition is used: 1.9%–44.4%
asleep FOI showed worse performances in patients with cricoid in the super-obese (BMI > 45 kg/m2) and 3.2%–20.4% in obese
pressure than without it, the former resulting in more failures (BMI 30–45 kg/m2) patients.(76,77) The 2014 Cochrane review
(13 vs. 3), and longer mean intubating times (75 [range 43–179] comparing the use of VL and FOI for tracheal intubation in
seconds vs. 59 [range 34–144] seconds).(63) obese patients only had three eligible studies with a total of
Awake rather than asleep FOI is the preferred option in 131 participants.(78) Two of the studies involving asleep FOI
difficult airway patients at risk of aspiration due to the patient showed that it compared unfavourably with other airway
maintaining his airway reflexes. The use of VL devices for RSI devices for first-intubation success (86.5% vs. 94.7% and 0%
has the advantage of faster intubation and a reduced likelihood vs. 40%, respectively). The review stated that, due to the lack
of tube impingement compared to FOI. of evidence, it was “unable to draw any conclusion on safety
and effectiveness”.(78) Recent guidelines by the Association of
Obstetric patients Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland on the perioperative
The DAS difficult airway algorithm excludes obstetric patients, management of the obese patient did not specify details on the
and there are no specific guidelines on this group in the ASA role of awake FOI.(79) However, in the NAP4 report, there were
algorithm.(4,21) New guidelines for the management of difficult and several cases of obese patients in which awake FOI was indicated
failed intubation in obstetrics were recently published by a joint but not performed.(7) Failure of awake FOI in this subgroup was
Obstetric Anaesthetists’ Association (OAA) and DAS working due to a lack of cooperation, airway obstruction or hypoxia.
party.(64) Difficult and failed intubation occurs in 0.7%–4.7% The current evidence is inconclusive regarding airway
and 0%–0.4% of the obstetric population, respectively.(65-68) management in obese patients. However, we recommend that if
For parturients with anticipated difficult intubation, awake FOI a difficult airway is identified in an obese patient, anaesthetists
remains an option for securing the airway for surgery.(69) Djabatey should not hesitate to perform awake rather than asleep FOI.
and Barclay reported nine patients(66) and McDonnell et al had
64 patients(67) with anticipated difficult intubation. However, Major facial trauma and basal skull fractures
awake FOI was only performed in 3 (33%) and 1 (2%) of such Major trauma is associated with difficult airways due to: time
cases, respectively. Reasons for the low rate of awake FOI pressure; presence of blood, secretions, vomitus and foreign
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